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[The Dirty Bubble goes to the Goo Lagoon]

Dirty Bubble:
I think, for dessert, I'll eat more dirt! [laughs evilly]

Not Goo Lagoon! [The Dirty Bubble sucks up Goo Lagoon. SpongeBob grabs out paper and pencil to write quickly his last words] Thank you, my beloved pet Gary, thank you, my big pineapple, and my toolshed, and my mailbox, and Patrick! [Sobs as the dirt level increasingly gets higher and higher. Starts absorbing all the dirt.] Uh, what? Wow. Sometimes I just forget how absorbent I am. [proceeds to spin around inside like clothes in a side-loader washing machine]

Dirty Bubble:
Wait, what? Ow, just... stop spinning, you sponge! You're stealing my grunge! [slowly shrinks, stammering] Stop that rhyme! [screams as he is absorbed by SpongeBob] [SpongeBob falls into Goo Lagoon's seabed. Burps out an shrunken version of the Dirty Bubble.] [high pitched] I may be a squirt, but I'm still full of dirt! [evil laughs]

Aww, little mini DB is so cute! [Dirty Bubble spits dirt onto SpongeBob's eyelid. Officer Johnson catches Dirty Bubble and puts him into a jar held by lady officer]

Lady officer:
We got him!

Every time I wash dishes, I will think of you.

Dirty Bubble:
Hmph. Every time I have nightmares, I'll think of you, too! [complaining noises]

Lady officer:
Thank you, citizen. We'll take it from here.

[Pretends to be the Dirty Bubble] It was a dirty job, but somebody had to do it. [evil laugh] [Police officers gasp] Just kidding! [laughs] [Police officers laugh with him. SpongeBob suddenly feels the urge to sneeze, splattering goo all over the place.]

Police officers:
[angrily] Gesundheit.

Thank you! [looks at lady officer] You got some schmutz under there. [Wipes off goo from her face. Grabs out a tissue and laughs.]

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SpongeBob SquarePants, Season 12

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SpongeBob SquarePants, Season one

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SpongeBob SquarePants, Season 11

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SpongeBob SquarePants, Season 9

[The episode opens with a wide shot of Avocondo Acres.]

French Narrator:
Ah, Avocondo Acres, Bikini Bottom's premier retirement community. This is where we find Harold and Margaret, the parents of the ocean's most exceptional multicellular organism, SpongeBob SquarePants.

[sniffs] Harold, do you smell that? It smells like something...rotting. [The avocado mush from the home lands on Harold.]

It's begun! We better run! [Harold takes Margaret in his arms and they run out of their rotting avocado home.]

Elderly Fish:
I tell people to rub their homes with lemon juice and wrap it in plastic! But do they listen?

Oh, Harold, what will we do?

Well, we'll just have to grow a new home. And in the meantime, we can stay with our son.

[Harold and Margaret drive off in their boat, while their avocado sits in a giant cup full of water. The scene transitions to SpongeBob's house.]

Take cover, Gary! Watch this! I jump up and down, the soda bottles pop their corks, and send me dangerously around the room! I may not survive. [he laughs, then his phone rings] Hello? Hi Mom, hi Dad! Your house? Oh no! Stay with me? Why of course you can! Guess what, Gary? Mom and Dad are coming over to stay at our place for the very first time! [gary meows] I just thought of something. My parents haven't seen me in a while. They'll be expecting their son to be a little more, well, adult. Grown-up. Mature. And look at me! [A close-up of SpongeBob is seen with a bandage on his forehead and his helmet is squished on the side] And look at this place! It's a filthy mess!

"[The room is shining, and the scene transitions to SpongeBob cleaning his wall. Patrick appears where SpongeBob has cleaned.]"


French Narrator:
Clean! "[transitions to SpongeBob vacuuming.]"

[SpongeBob vacuums up the floor, revealing Patrick again under the floor.]

I see you!

French Narrator:
So clean! [transitions to SpongeBob cleaning his toilet]

[SpongeBob pulls Patrick out of the toilet]

We've gotta stop meeting like this.

"[appears behind SpongeBob]" You almost done?

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SpongeBob SquarePants, Season 13

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SpongeBob SquarePants, Season 13

[The episode starts with Patchy the Pirate struggling to start his boat on someone's driveway.]

Oh, hi, kids! Patchy The Pirate here on a glorious day. I'm going to deliver this here very special present to SpongeBob on his birthday. That is, if I can get this blasted boat to start. [turns :the ignition with his key] And start! [chuckles]

[Patchy's boat wouldn't start and Potty comes out of the trunk.]

Maybe if you remembered to fill the tank with gas...

Oh, Potty, you're full of gas! Get outta here!

[flies onto the hood] I see the problem! [bangs on the hood with the hammer]

[The hood sent Patchy flying backwards and smashing into the garage door via airbag.]

[groaning] Walking is better than driving anyway. I've been meaning to work on me land legs. [pulls up his pants and reveals his wavy legs]

Squawk, squawk!

[takes the present from the trunk and happily laughs] Now to see which way the wind is blowing. [sticks his finger in his mouth, holds out his hand with a sail on it and the with blows the other direction] This way! [the wind blows Patchy down the street] Whoa!

[follows Patchy while squawking] Hard to port!

[Meanwhile, at the brink of dawn, SpongeBob is sleeping in his bed. Gary is holding a birthday present for SpongeBob while sleeping. Moments later, the alarm clock goes off.]

SpongeBob's alarm clock:
Wake up!

[meows "Happy Birthday"]

What? Today? My birthday? Oh, Gary, you know I never pay attention to those sorts of things.

[SpongeBob hops out of his bed and streamers and confetti fly out. He blows the noise maker a couple times and laughs. He opens Gary's present, which reveals to be a jellyfish net made out of slime.]

[gasps] Oh, wow, Gary! Did you make me this jellyfishing net yourself?

[gives SpongeBob a thumb's up with his slime] Meow!

[SpongeBob swings the slime jellyfish net around, but splashes slime all over his bedroom. Some slime flew out his window and landed in Squidward's coffee as he's getting the newspaper. Squidward sips some of his coffee, unaware of the slime being in it. SpongeBob swings the net until it is gone.]

Best present ever! [hugs Gary and laughs]

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SpongeBob SquarePants, Season 12

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SpongeBob SquarePants, Season 12

[The Goofy Manager is in front of Goofy Goober's, looking through some keys on a ring.]

[leaning in] Good morning!

Goofy Manager:
[screams, scared] I don't carry cash! [freezes, then opens his eyes] Huh?[SpongeBob and Patrick are wearing peanut sleeping bags, in front of a tent and burnt-out campfire.]

Goofy Manager:
[disappointed] It's you two.

We camped out all night to see the Gooey Sneakers.

Goofy Scoopers. [steps out of sleeping bag]

Yeah, them! [pokes head, making a hollow sound] They're gonna write on my head!

Goofy Manager:
[sneaky] Well... about that... [SpongeBob and the manager go inside. Patrick doesn't move, and SpongeBob drags him and his sleeping bag inside.] The Goofy Scoopers are over. Too old fashioned. The kids want a new sound.

SpongeBob and Patrick:
A new sound!?

Goofy Manager:
[gestures to stage] That's right, I brought in an act you're going to flip over![The curtains open, revealing a robot of an ice cream cone wearing sunglasses, headphones, and a backwards cap. He stands at a stereo with a laptop on it and an insignia with two ice cream cones, labeled "2" and "S", on the side.] Say hello to... DJ 2 Sc00pz! [DJ 2 Sc00pz presses a button on his laptop. The background behind the stage shows a techno tunnel as EDM music plays. Kids run up and start dancing.]

[covering his ears] Sorry, but the Goofy Scoopers are the only ice cream themed musical robot act [folds his arms] we'll ever love.[SpongeBob opens his eyes to see Patrick dancing to DJ 2 Sc00pz's music.

[rhythmic grunting]

Patrick, don't give in to its seductive [imitates a robot] womp-womps and wub-wubs. Please, Mr. Manager, you have to tell us where the Scoopers are! [a thought bubble appears, growing and changing with each location listed] Are they playing at a coffee house? Are they playing the Bikini Bottom Bowl? Or on a world tour?

Goofy Manager:
No! [waves the thought bubble away] Oh, my, no. [points behind him] I threw those old robots in the garbage. They're never playing anywhere again.

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SpongeBob SquarePants, Season 13

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SpongeBob SquarePants, Season 11

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SpongeBob SquarePants, Season 13

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SpongeBob SquarePants, Season 1

[The pen is hurling towards Simmy. SpongeBob, in slow motion, runs to Simmy.]

[in slow motion] Simmy! Look out! There's a candied pen heading straight for your eye due to my act of swatting it away without first considering the trajectory! Oh, I wish I could give my words out faster, but everything's in slow motion! [The pen is about to hit Simmy.] NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

[However, instead of hitting Simmy, it went through the robot. The pen lands on the ground and rolls to a projector. SpongeBob bangs on the projector, revealing that Simmy and Tally was just a trash can and a ball wash post.]

Simmy and Tally are holograms? Then that means... [The projector reveals that the world's most exciting roller coaster was actually a rotting corpse of a sea monster.]

I was riding that? What about those delicacies I was eating?

[The projector reveals that the food Squidward ate was just rotten chum. The projector also revealed that the pen he was sucking on was a caterpillar. Squidward freaks out and rubs his tongue in disgust. The projector reveals that the van Plankton drove on was an old broken down van. Mr. Krabs gasps in wonder what the stuffed walruses were. But nothing happens.]

Mr. Krabs:
Whew! That was a clo... [The projector reveals that the stuffed walruses were actually fish skeletons. Mr. Krabs screams in terror and the skeletons crumble to dust.] You saved me, boy. How did you do it?

I guess my mind was all sharp from the relaxing fun I had at your company picnic, Mr. Krabs.

[Plankton walks up to them.]

Unbelievable! [Mr. Krabs picks up Plankton.] Uh oh. [Mr. Krabs puts Plankton on the disk-shaped paper with mustard and throws him out in the distance. Once it landed, there was an explosion.]

[jumps up as a rainbow appears and jellyfish fly around] The greatest company picnic ever!

Mr. Krabs:
Alright, enough relaxing. Back to work! [laughs as he leaves]

[The episode ends with SpongeBob still being in the air and an angry Squidward gets stung in the head by a jellyfish.]

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SpongeBob SquarePants, Season 9

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SpongeBob SquarePants, Season 2

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SpongeBob SquarePants, Season 11

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SpongeBob SquarePants, Season 10

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SpongeBob SquarePants, Season 9

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SpongeBob SquarePants, Season 12

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SpongeBob SquarePants, Season 8

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SpongeBob SquarePants, Season 10

[The scene switches to the Krusty Krab and it has a sign that reads “out of business” because it went bankrupt. Inside the restaurant, repo men are seen hauling away the fancy furniture. We then see Mr. Krabs crying in his office]

Mr. Krabs:
I'm ruined! Busted! [phone then rings and Mr. Krabs answers it] Hello?

[on phone] Daddy, the house is full of burglars.

Mr. Krabs:
[laughs] No, those aren't burglars, Pearl. Those are just friendly repo men. [Mr. Krabs hangs up and notices Squidward being held on to by his arms by two other repo men]

Mr. Krabs, tell these guys to let go of me!

Mr. Krabs:
Uh, well, you know, until I come up with the money I owe, I'm afraid you'll be staying with these nice gents.

You sold me?!?

Mr. Krabs:
No! Bartered is more like it. They keep you, I keep my kneecaps.

Man who's holding Squidward:
Come on, mac! [takes him away]

You're pathetic! [Le Schnook then walks in]

Mr. Krabs:
Oh, Mr. Le Schnook... I lost everything! I'm bankrupt! You and your fancy eats are all I got left now.

Le Schnook:
Not quite. My time in the chef's exchange program has expired. So my "eats" and I are leaving. [hands Mr. Krabs a bill] This is for you.

Mr. Krabs:
Is it money?

Le Schnook:
It is the bill for my services.

[Mr. Krabs unfolds the bill. His eyes become bloodshot, and he is unable to move as Le Schnook leaves]

Repo Man:
One side, please.

[The repo men take Mr. Krabs’ desk and chair away while he is sitting in it, a repo man brings Mr. Krabs back into the restaurant lobby. He is set down on the floor. Mr. Krabs starts crying]

Mr. Krabs:
Oh, I've been such a fool! I turned away SpongeBob, the best fry cook I ever had, and it cost me everything!

[offscreen] Mr. Krabs?

Mr. Krabs:
Oh, I can still hear his sweet little voice.

[offscreen, high pitched] Mr. Kra-a-abs?!

Mr. Krabs:
Okay, now I'm scared.

[offscreen] MR. KRABS!!!

Mr. Krabs:
Darn his cursed mocking voice! I... [notices SpongeBob] SpongeBob?

Ahoy, Mr. Krabs!

Mr. Krabs:
SpongeBob, me boy. [hugs SpongeBob] You came back! [notices the customers on SpongeBob's leg] And you brought customers!

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SpongeBob SquarePants, Season 5

[The sea bunnies crawl into Squidward's house. Squidward zips the door shut as sea bunnies crawl under the wallpaper. Squidward hides under the table and dials the shellphone.]

Hello, Animal Control? Save me!

[The sea bunnies emerge from the wallpaper and from one of Squidward's paintings. More sea bunnies emerge from the cabinets while others emerge from the electric outlet. Squidward blubbers in panic as sea bunnies invade his house. One sea bunny emerges from his nose. His entire house is flooded with sea bunnies. Squidward escapes from the upper window of his house. He gets up and groans like an old man. He shakes the sea bunnies off him and growls in anger. He grabs a mallet from the shed and spits on his hand.]

GET OUT OF MY HOUSE! GAH! [hits his house with the mallet] That'll get them out.

[Squidward's house cracks and breaks into two halves. The sea bunnies form into his own house from underneath the wallpaper, much to Squidward's horror.]

Sorry about your house, Squidward.

Yeah. We just heard.

[Squidward is overwhelmed with what he did and whacked himself on the head with the mallet. His head opens and his brain flies out. Squidward goes mentally insane and grows bunny ears, whiskers, a pair of buckteeth, and a fluffy tail. He then begins to hop like a sea bunny.]

[maniacal laugh] I'm a bunny now! [crazy laugh] I'm a bunny now! I'm a bunny now!

Animal Control Officer:
Okay, Mr. Tentacles, easy does it. [puts a straitjacket on Squidward]

[Squidward kicks the animal control officer in the face and runs away. The animal control officer gets up and goes after the mentally-crazed Squidward with the net.]

[maniacal laugh] I'm a bunny now! [crazy laugh] I'm a bunny now!

[As the animal control officer chase after the crazy squid into the sunset, one sea bunny makes a face to look like Squidward. He mumbles like Squidward and plays "Shave and a Haircut" on the clarinet before closing the sea bunny window, ending the episode.]

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SpongeBob SquarePants, Season 11

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SpongeBob SquarePants, Season 3

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SpongeBob SquarePants, Season 4

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