Well, it's happened again. That damned hermaphrodite has waltzed into the courts and blown away another judge -- Third time this week.
Chris Monsanto:
Ugh. Disgusting these he/shes. [spits]
Brett Mobley:
Yeah. [spits]
Chris Monsanto:
Brett, clean that up.
Chris Monsanto:
Well, I say we bullet this boychick.
Easy, Monsanto. It's our own fault for not patting him/her down. The only legal way to catch it is for onw of you to get an injection of hormones that'll temporarily turn you into a shim. Then you'll run a third security line, and we'll finally stop this ungodly thing from killing another [sighs] judge.
Chris Monsanto:
Well, that sounds like a lot of fun, Captain, but, uh, unfortunately, Chris Monsanto doesn't do things halfway. If you're gonna hook me up with a coffee bean, there's no way I'm keeping my tea leaf. Sue! [leaves]
Brett Mobley:
Yeah, I'm probably gonna be tied up with work stuff for a while. [referring to his spit]
Susie Wagner:
No. It's always me.
Congrats, young lady. You just earned yourself a bonus.
Susie Wagner:
Money bonus?
Oh, no. I was referring to the bonus genitals you'll be sprouting.