Timothyj.29104's Quotes Page #22

Here's the list of quotes submitted by timothyj.29104  —  There are currently 6,336 quotes total — keep up the great work!

Elizabeth Frankenstein:
Victor says the bodies are prepared and ready to be revived.

Frankenstein's Creation:
Very nervous here.

Elizabeth Frankenstein:
Do you know what I do when I'm nervous? I go... [speaking gibberish]

Frankenstein's Creation:
[speaking gibberish]

Elizabeth Frankenstein:

Frankenstein's Creation:

Mary Shelley's Frankenhole  Movie Quote

added 1 month ago

[in the cemetery, Victor shows his creation where his parts originally came from]

Victor Frankenstein:
Torso, left leg, right leg, left arm, most of face, right arm, rest of face and brain. There! Happy?

Frankenstein's Creation:
No, for now I see that it is my lot to have been orphaned by so many loved ones.

Victor Frankenstein:
Loved ones? [chuckles] Are you nuts? These people did not exactly volunteer. their parts, you know.

Frankenstein's Creation:
You mean, you murdered what was left of my FAMILY?! [while ripping his father's head off]

Victor Frankenstein:
...You are really something. Yes, I murdered some of them -- To give you life from the dead, nitwit!

Frankenstein's Creation:
Then you can give them their lives back. Bring them to life so that we can reunite.

Victor Frankenstein:
[grunting] Okay. I will make you a deal. if I bring them back to life, do you promise to shut up -- And I mean a-shuuuuuuuuuuuut up -- About your identity crisis for all eternity?!

Frankenstein's Creation:
Oh, yes! Yes, I do promise! Deep in my soul, I always --

Victor Frankenstein:
Starting NOW! Ygor, start digging!

[laughing] You got it!

Mary Shelley's Frankenhole  Movie Quote

added 1 month ago

Elizabeth Frankenstein:
Now, then, blow out the candles.

[Creation sees the candles as a big flame]

Frankenstein's Creation:

Elizabeth Frankenstein:
But it's your birthday party.

Victor Frankenstein:
"Created by a man day" party.

[Frankenstein's Creation blows out the candles]

Elizabeth Frankenstein:
Yay! What did you wish for?

Victor Frankenstein:
No! Don't ask him that!

Frankenstein's Creation:
I beseeched the birthday gods to grant me the only thing I ever wanted, yet have never possessed.

Victor Frankenstein:
Here we go! Every year!

Frankenstein's Creation:
My only wish is to know from whence I came. For then, I will come to know my place in the universe. All I want is...

Victor & Creation:
An identity.

Victor Frankenstein:
It's not officially his birthday until he ruins it!

Frankenstein's Creation:
You cannot fathom pain such as mine.

Victor Frankenstein:
Look, we all want something we can't have. Take me, for instance. I've always wanted to manage a band.

Elizabeth Frankenstein:
You have?

Victor Frankenstein:
Yee, kind of.

Frankenstein's Creation:

Elizabeth Frankenstein:
You know, we consider ourselves your family.

Frankenstein's Creation:
Yes, and I value that, but thou are not of my blood, my genetics.

Mary Shelley's Frankenhole  Movie Quote

added 1 month ago

[Victor brings Chris Farley as his assistant to win the eating the contest against Count Dracula's partner, Dom Deluise]

Former Howard Cosell:
Look at those little monkeys chew and swallow! Unbelievable! Chris is actually ordering more food. Eat, monkey, eat!

Former Howard Cosell:
And The Fly has just come in and vomited on his own food. And Farley mimics The Fly! And Farley eats The Fly and takes the lead.

Victor Frankenstein:
Look at me go! I'm winning the rally!

Count Dracula:
Come on, Deluise! Vomit, like the other guy!

Dom Deluise:
[gags] It's no use. I could never throw up. My dumb, fat body just refuses to let food go bye-bye. I can't even make a poopy.

Mary Shelley's Frankenhole  Movie Quote

added 1 month ago

[after Victor wins the race]

Victor Frankenstein:
Thank you! Oh! And look who is too sheepish to congratulate me!

[Victor sees Count Dracula carrying Dom Deluise while running]

Victor Frankenstein:
Fleeing from me in shame! [laughs]

Larry Bird:
He's not fleeing from you in shame, Victor. He's running in the Foot Race.

Victor Frankenstein:
Foot..race? FOOT RACE!

[seconds later, Victor wons the foot race]

Victor Frankenstein:
Well, Howard, it was a tough race, but --

Former Howard Cosell:
You're supposed to be eating, you fool!

Victor Frankenstein:
Ha ha, yes. Well, it's a beautiful victory feast, but after all those hot dogs --

Larry Bird:
But this is the final leg of the rally -- The Eating Contest.

Victor Frankenstein:
Eating contest? [sadly tearing up] Oh, my god.

Mary Shelley's Frankenhole  Movie Quote

added 1 month ago

[Dom Deluise tries to throw hot dogs at Victor to make him lose the race]

Victor Frankenstein:
Oh ho! Trying to trip me up with these [nom] hot dogs, eh, Dracula? Well [nom] little do you know that hot dogs [nom] are [nom] my [nom] FAVORITE FOOD!

Mary Shelley's Frankenhole  Movie Quote

added 1 month ago

Elizabeth Frankenstein:
Why are you stopping?

Count Dracula:
Ah, we're so far ahead, I thought maybe we stop here in 13th Century Manhattan and see some sights. Oh, look -- Is Empire State building when was just a little baby! That's so adorable!

Dom Deluise:
Oh, look! There's an itsy-bitsy King Kong on top!

Baby King Kong:
Bee boo bop boo beep!

[suddenly Victor arrives, speeding through 13th Century Manhattan to win the race]

Victor Frankenstein:

Elizabeth Frankenstein:

Count Dracula:

Mary Shelley's Frankenhole  Movie Quote

added 1 month ago

[after Victor got gas for his car]

Count Dracula:
I knew it must have been Elizabeth in the driver's seat when I noticed the driving became manlier! [laughs]

Victor Frankenstein:
I don't need HER to win this race!

Elizabeth Frankenstein:
Oh, is that right?

Count Dracula:
How about hopping in here with us, sweetcakes? [engine revs]

[as Elizabeth moans for Count Dracula's engine, Victor uses the metal pole to poke Elizabeth's private area again]

Victor Frankenstein:

Mary Shelley's Frankenhole  Movie Quote

added 1 month ago

Victor Frankenstein:
Do you see where your energy-guzzling hot-rodding has gotten us? Out of gas.

Elizabeth Frankenstein:
We're in a race!

Victor Frankenstein:
Oh, will you shut up with that? Your whining has cast a black cloud over this entire trip. How about some appreciation for a husband who can get you some gas there isn't a service station for the next hundred million years?!

Elizabeth Frankenstein:
[folds her arms]

Victor Frankenstein:
Don't just fold your arms. I want you to get turned on -- The way you do with Dracula.

Elizabeth Frankenstein:
Oh, you know I'm always...turned on by you.

Victor Frankenstein:
Well, let's check.

[Victor uses a metal pole to poke Elizabeth's private area]

Victor Frankenstein:
Aha! I knew it! Dry as a... [sad] bone.

Mary Shelley's Frankenhole  Movie Quote

added 1 month ago

[Ronald Reagan uses Baby Cakes' head inside a diamond hole to stop the Diamond Castle from crashing down]

Frank Smith:
You okay? Baby Cakes? Morgan Freeman?

Baby Cakes:
Yeah, I can't really breathe but I think I'm cool.

Frank Smith:
Okay, maybe we should look around and find something that...is egg-shaped.

Ronald Reagan:
What the hell are you talking about? I sized that kid's noggin up the moment we lost Benjamin Franklin's kidney stone.

China, Il  Movie Quote

added 1 month ago

[meanwhile with Victor and Elizabeth racing in the Monster Rally Run]

Elizabeth Frankenstein:
Speed it up! Faster! Look -- Even the animals are evolving faster than you're driving!

Victor Frankenstein:
Since when did you know so much about racing, Tommy?

Elizabeth Frankenstein:
Why are you calling me Tommy?

Victor Frankenstein:
Well, y-you know -- Racer -- Andretti.

Elizabeth Frankenstein:
It's Mario Andretti.

Victor Frankenstein:
Oh, is that right? Well, since you know so much about racing, Mrs. Mr. Mario Andretti, maybe you should just take the wheel and show me how it's done.

Elizabeth Frankenstein:
I think that's a great idea. I'll show you how a man races.

[Elizabeth drives Victor's vehicle]

Victor Frankenstein:
Isn't it sexy how I'm letting you win the race for me?

Mary Shelley's Frankenhole  Movie Quote

added 1 month ago

The Wolfman:
Ha ha! I've got you all kicked! Dear lord, no! A full moon! [turns into a werewolf]

Howard Cosell:
And The Wolfman has transformed into a wolf. And the Wolfmobile has transformed into a washing machine for some reason.

Mary Shelley's Frankenhole  Movie Quote

added 1 month ago

[before the Monster Rally starts]

Victor Frankenstein:
Elizabeth, get off the track!

Elizabeth Frankenstein:
Oh, you silly goose. I'm coming with you.

Victor Frankenstein:
This isn't a Beverly Hills shopping spree, you know.

Elizabeth Frankenstein:

Victor Frankenstein:
Don't backseat-drive!

Mary Shelley's Frankenhole  Movie Quote

added 1 month ago

Larry Bird:
Drivers, start your engines!

[title card intensifies] Vroom, vroom!

Mary Shelley's Frankenhole  Movie Quote

added 1 month ago

Count Dracula:
Oh, Victor! You showed! Now my triumph will taste doubly sweet paired with your defeat. Right, Dom Deluise?

Dom Deluise:
You defeat? You should see the de-feet at the end of my de-legs -- Especially after a pedophile!

Count Dracula:
[sadly puts his head down in his hands]

Dom Deluise:

Count Dracula:
It's not -- It's pedicure.

Dom Deluise:
Don't hit me! I swear to god I can get it right. Are we still rolling?

[then the whole scene turned into a blooper moment]

Dom Deluise:
Your defeat? You should see de-feet at the end of de-longs! I don't -- What's a de-long? [laughing]

Count Dracula:
If I could die, I would kill myself.

[Take 2]

Dom Deluise:
Your defeat? You should see the de-feet at the end of my de-legs -- Especially after a [laughing] pedicure.

Nice pun! I'm also really "Wrapped up" in the whole pun thing, too. Nyuk! Nyuk!

[laughs] You honor Ra again!

Victor Frankenstein:
[tired] This race can't start fast enough.

Mary Shelley's Frankenhole  Movie Quote

added 1 month ago

Hey, what do you think of my Sacropha-bus? I'd tell you a little bit more about it, but I'm "All wrapped up" right now. Nyuk! Nyuk! Nyuk!

[laughs] Ra is pleased by this!

Victor Frankenstein:
[tired] Oh, boy.

Victor, this is my sun god, Ra. He's my co-pilot. See? I'd tell you a little bit more about Ra, but I'm "All wrapped up" right now. Nyuk! Nyuk! Nyuk!

[laughs] You honor Ra!

Mary Shelley's Frankenhole  Movie Quote

added 1 month ago

[while the camera shows every racer's car, Death has a regular 1983 Ford Country Squire LTD with his children in it]

I-It's my weekend with the kids.

Mary Shelley's Frankenhole  Movie Quote

added 1 month ago

Larry Bird:
Men, you know me from my prowess on the basketball court. But, ladies, you probably know me better from my famous pickup line, "Hi. I'm Larry Bird. You wanna do me"?

Mary Shelley's Frankenhole  Movie Quote

added 1 month ago

Count Dracula:
[to Elizabeth] Hey, baby, why don't you come take a ride in a man's car sometime? [engine revs]

Elizabeth Frankenstein:

Victor Frankenstein:
Oh, puh-lease.

Count Dracula:
Yeah, I just tuned this baby up for the big monster rally.

Victor Frankenstein:
Hmph! That stupid race.

Elizabeth Frankenstein:
I don't know. I think racers are kind of...sexy.

Victor Frankenstein:
WHAT?! Everyone knows there's nothing sexier than a scientist!

Count Dracula:
Hey, little chicky chicken. Want some food here? I give you a little corn, you little chicken.

Victor Frankenstein:
[confused] Um...no, thank you? Is this a chicken thing? I -- ARE YOU CALLING ME A CHICKEN?! I-I SERIOUSLY CAN'T TELL!

Elizabeth Frankenstein:
[to Dracula] You're right, actually. He is a chicken.

[Elizabeth visions Victor as a chicken]

Victor Frankenstein:
That guy really roasts my ass!

Elizabeth Frankenstein:
Mmm. [smacks lips] Roast chicken.

[Elizabeth then visions Victor as roast chicken]

Victor Frankenstein:
Why are you looking at me that way?

Mary Shelley's Frankenhole  Movie Quote

added 1 month ago

[someone drives pass Victor's car while picking up speed]

Victor Frankenstein:
Careful, you reckless hooligan!

Count Dracula:
[laughs] I had a feeling it was you driving this lame jalopy, Victor Frankenstein. That or my deaf, blind, old grandmama! [laughs] And she's dead! [laughs] Like doorknob.

Mary Shelley's Frankenhole  Movie Quote

added 1 month ago

Victor Frankenstein:
Cars. Confound these modern contraptions.

Elizabeth Frankenstein:
Yes, but, darling, couldn't you speed up just a teensy bit more? I'm hungry.

Victor Frankenstein:
Hungry enough for hospital food? Hmm? [singsong] Because that's what we'll be eating if I try something dangerous -- Like accelerating!

Elizabeth Frankenstein:
But we've been on our way to dinner for weeks now.

Mary Shelley's Frankenhole  Movie Quote

added 1 month ago

Victor Frankenstein:
Where are you going, Joe?

Joe Yunger:
I need some time to think, man. In the meantime, I hear there's a sequel to "Attack of the Monster Killers 5". I think they called it, uh, "Attack of the Monster Killers 5, Part 2".

Victor Frankenstein:
Wait for me, Joe. Now you'll see how infuriating these vampires are firsthand.

[spoiler alert, Joe Yunger was enjoying himself watching the movie with loudmouthed vampires]

Mary Shelley's Frankenhole  Movie Quote

added 1 month ago

[while Victor and Joe are waiting for the vampires to come by to kill the PETU people as a plan]

Victor Frankenstein:
Oh, boy, Joe! This is gonna be the best! Finally, nice quiet movie theaters. Ooh, it's got me all goose-pimply. [iggles]

Joe Yunger:
I don't know, man. There's somethin' about these cunning bastards fallin' for this trick so fast. I'm tellin' you, if I was a jackrabbit, my ears would be strickin' straight up right now.

Victor Frankenstein:
Oh, what could go wrong? Here they come now. Get ready, Joe. [giggling]

Joe Yunger:
Okay, but this still don't feel right.

Joe Yunger:
[reads the note] "Get ready to die, you unholy varmints"!

[as the PETU people showed up]

Victor Frankenstein:
Get them!

[suddenly the founding fathers showed up and have also been turned into vampires, killing the PETU people]

Joe Yunger:
WHY?! You ruthless jockeys! Why, of all people, did you have to curse the blessed american founding fathers?

Vampire Gandhi:
Because we hate you. You're a vampire hunter, idiot.

Joe Yunger:
Gandhi, you son of a b*tch!

Vampire John Hancock:
Oh-ho. It's not so bad, Joe. At least now we got to live forever.

Vampire Founding Father #1:
Yeah, Joe. You want us to live forever, don't you?

Joe Yunger:
You boys always lived forever -- Right here, right smack dab in the middle of my patriotic ticker. You didn't need to be a bunch of vampires. Your immortality was written in the history books, not in the book of the friggin' undead.

Vampire George Washington:
Well, anyway, you wouldn't kill the father of your country, would you, Joe, just because I have wooden fangs?

Joe Yunger:
Well, General Washington, I guess that's what we about to find out.

[Joe shoots Vampire John Adams]

Victor Frankenstein:

Joe Yunger:
John Adams! OHHHH! You're one of the best.

[Joe stabs Vampire Thomas Paine]

Joe Yunger:
I'm sorry, Thomas Paine.

[Joe kills George Washington]

Joe Yunger:
[voice breaking] Oh, what am I doing? I just brunt George Washington with holy water. I'm afraid my vampire-huntin' days is really over now.

Victor Frankenstein:
No, Joe! Y-You can't say that! What about your code of ethics, you knowledge of what is right? How am I ever going to watch a movie in peace and quiet again?

Vampire John Hancock:
You won't. That's how.

Mary Shelley's Frankenhole  Movie Quote

added 1 month ago

[Joe came back with the signature on his flag that John Hancock signed]

Joe Yunger:
Looky that, man. It's lucky I had an old glory on me.

Victor Frankenstein:
Oh, well, yeah. Anyway, Joe, the answer to this whole P.E.T.U. dilemma is to get the vampire to inflict P.E.T.U, with vampirism. Then you'll kill P.E.T.U. so they can't douse you with menstrual blood anymore. Then you can finally kill the regular vampires so I can watch movies in peace!

Joe Yunger:
Are you nuts? Vampires ain't never gonna disable their own protectors!

[switches to the next scene in a movie theater where the vampires will actually disable their own protectors]

Joe Yunger:
You will?

We will?

Count African Americula:
Yes. We'll meet you outside the torch & pitchfork after the movie's over. Then, you pretend to try to kill us. When P.E.T.U. jumps out, we'll make sure they're fanged before you get doused with the blood.

Victor Frankenstein:

[Victor and Joe leaves]

Count Chocolatey:
[to African Americula] Are you nuts?! Why we would we disable our onw protectors? Blaah!

Count African Americula:
Because we're vampires. We love biting humans, remember?

Count Chocolatey:
Oh, yeah. He's right about that.

Count Von Count:
Oh, yeah. We love them.

Mary Shelley's Frankenhole  Movie Quote

added 1 month ago

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In which movie does this quote appear: "Long live the King" ?
A The King and Four Queens
B Arthur the King
C The Lion King
D Four Kings