Timothyj.29104's Quotes Page #197

Here's the list of quotes submitted by timothyj.29104  —  There are currently 6,896 quotes total — keep up the great work!

Lunch Lady:
[gasps] Oh, my god. Are you Joey Fatone from N'Sync?

Gary Bunda (as Joey Fatone):
[laughs] Yeah, you're goddamn right I am. That's right. Joey Fatone. [shows a old boy band picture] Right here in this picture. That's me. Purple tips. And I know Justin Timberlake, too.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

[Gary gets summoned by Amy into her room using the OMGOuija board]

Gary Bunda:
Greetings! [laughs evilly then realizes she's a high schooler girl] Oh, man. You're supposed to be 21 years old. You said were 21 years old.

Okay, well, you were supposed to be a hunk with chiseled good looks.

Gary Bunda:
I am, and I do have that. But one of these lies puts one of us in jail. Where are your friends? I thought there was goin to be like a party in here. The box says for fours to six players, not just one.

I don't really have any friends, I guess.

Gary Bunda:
Well, what about that boyfriend, Cody, that you kept throwing in my face?

He thinks I'm a...weirdo, like everyone else does.

Gary Bunda:
No, you're not weird. You're just...incredibly unpopular. If you listen to me, I can make you the most popular girl in the school.

Wait, really?

Gary Bunda:


[cuts to the next scene where in a bar, Gary uses a hammer to smash the glass inside the Joey's jacket to disguise into a singer Joey Fatone]

Gary Bunda:
Excuse me. I won that on eBay. [smashes the glass] Sorry if I got glass in your chili there. I will fill up them bowls courtesy of...[disguises as Joey Fatone] ...The Fatone.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

[as Amy plays the OMGOuija board game, she uses the planchette piece which also transports the real planchette piece of the board game in Hell by making it move on its own to communicate with the demons]

Gary Bunda:
Guys. Guys, it's moving! Somebody is talking to me. I'm not doing that.

[the piece sends a fart emoji]

What kind of polluted mind would communicate a face on excrement?

[moves the planchette] R...U...dead?

Gary Bunda:
Oh dip! Okay. Okay. [moves the piece to smiley face] Yes. Smiley face with his tongue out. LOL.

[surprised] Damn.

[Amy moves the piece to kiss emoji]

Gary Bunda:
[gasps] It's a lady. She's at a big party. What do I do? Dude, she sent me a kissy face.

Damn, son, she wants you. Tell her to send a pic.

Send her the angry Chinamen. Let her know you mean business. Which fruit denotes wealth?

Gary Bunda:
Grapes. I'm gonna send her a kissy face.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Why do they call it texting when it's a bunch of faces and fruits? What they ought to call it is fruiting!

Yeah, well, times have changed.

They sure have. Chinamen used to work on the railroad. They weren't laughing then. [looks at the "laughing while crying" emoji] Look at 'em now, running the world.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

It's Saturday night. Listen up. We've got slumber parties -- A lot of teenage girls calling in. Oh, and the church lock-ins -- Always gonna get a lot of Ouija out of that.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

[after the demons we're done watching OMGOuija commercial]

Great, right? It's great? Eggplant means penis. [laughs] I can't believe that got through.

Gary Bunda:
Old people having a sex life is funny.

Yeah, we're not talking about old people, Gary. We are talking about today's youth. Kids today like to communicate using "emojis," IMHO.

Yes, sir. You know, there is nothing cooler than taking an old board game and cynically slapping on a bunch of trendy sh*t.

Glad you feel that way, Troy, because starting tonight, you are all on OMGOuija duty.


Oh, and I'm not J.K.! I am serious as...A.F.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

TV Girl:
I don't want to play a boring old board game. I'd rather text my friends.

Now you can do both with OMGOuija! Text with actual dead people.

Woman Announcers:
[singing] Smiley face, smiley poo. The dead are BFFs with you.

TV Girl:
Ghosts are so cool. LOL.

[Grandma moves board into an eggplant]

TV Girl:
Grandma! TMI.

TV Grandma:
I didn't do it! [laughs]

OMGOuija. By Beezel Brothers.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

[Eye gets his leg cut off by a severed hand]

I hurt. I hurt.

12 oz. Mouse  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

[Skillet sees a secret hatch inside the bookcases and start to hit it several times]

Whoa, down little buddy, down. I don't want to have to tell you again. I will, but I don't want to.

12 oz. Mouse  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

That's a good show. How does it end?

It never ends.

But everything ends. Somehow.

You are becoming a real problem.

I'm sorry.

Rectangular Businessman:
Shark, I think he should prove his sorryness with these. [pulls up a bloody shear]

Wow. Yeah, that's -- That's menacing. We are going to hire the hand next to, uh, operate those?

[Eye slowly walks back from Shark's lair]

[to Rectangular Businessman] Hey, are you listening to me?

Rectangular Businessman:
Shh, I'm making it happen.

12 oz. Mouse  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

And that's where we cut. The Circle Effect is effective.

12 oz. Mouse  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Golden Joe:
Man, I got to do the trickle. You got to open this up so I can go.

Peanut Cop:
Me, too, dude. Up top.

Driving with you guys is like driving with a bunch of damn babies.

[a circle effect closes up on Roostre face looking like a funny ending quote from a tv sitcom]

12 oz. Mouse  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Don't even think about it, Fitz.

Mouse 'Fitz' Fitzgerald:
What? Don't think about it -- What?

Trust me you don't want to go in there.

Mouse 'Fitz' Fitzgerald:
What did you call me?

I didn't call you anything.

Peanut Cop:
This is awesome. You're a mouse.

Mouse 'Fitz' Fitzgerald:
No, no, no, you...you called me Fitz. Liquor called me Fitz once.

It's just a name like Butch. It doesn't mean nothing.

Mouse 'Fitz' Fitzgerald:
Shark called me Butch.

Butch is nothing, too. It's like when you wake up and tell your son's friend, hey, man, are you going to sleep all day, Butch, or you gonna mow the lawn? That's it. That's what it is. That's all it is.

Mouse 'Fitz' Fitzgerald:
It's so much more than that.

12 oz. Mouse  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Dammit, Joe, I'm the pilot around here, not you. I told you to let me drive and leave these controls alone.

Golden Joe:
We did.

Peanut Cop:
We have been driving, driven? [wheezing] Because Jesus saves.

Shut up.

Peanut Cop:
What am I? What am I talking about?

12 oz. Mouse  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

I'm going to deal with that Otnip once and for all!

Dad, no!

Clancy's Wife:
Clancy, it's too dangerous!

If I don't go, we shall all perish!

Hey, if the guy wants to go, let him go. [laughs] Look. He's eager.

Saul of the Mole Men  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

You're a true hero, Nathaniel.

Saul Malone:
It's Saul... [looks at camera] Saul Malone.

[Jim dies]

Nathaniel Baltimore:
He was talking to me. [gunshot] Hello, Saul.

Saul Malone:
Nathaniel Baltimore? [spits] What are you doing here?

Nathaniel Baltimore:
[gunshot] I came down here to disprove your insane Mother Rock theory.

Saul Malone:
Uh, I can't really talk right now.

Nathaniel Baltimore:
[gunshot] What I have since discovered is nothing short of earth-shattering. There is far more to the Mother Rock than your feeble mind could ever dare grasp. But more about that later. Come, Saul.

[Nathaniel kisses Saul]

Saul of the Mole Men  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Saul Malone:

Saul of the Mole Men  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

[begging] Oh, please, brother! I beg of you! Don't leave me here to die!

You betrayed us all! Give me one good reason why I should spare you.


[Bertrum has no explanation of why he wants to get saved, so instead he just go through the spaceship anyways]

AAAAH! [screaming while running on the spaceship floorboard]

Saul of the Mole Men  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

[Luas in the mirror shows a paper that show a pyramid in a spaceship]

Saul Malone:
This pyramid is a spaceship?

[cuts to the next scene where there's actually a pyramid spaceship]

Saul Malone:

Saul of the Mole Men  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

We need to stop Otnip's diabolical plan.

Stromulous Guandor:
We look to you, Saul Malone, Master of Rock.

[Saul has no response]

Johnny Tambourine:
[chuckles] He doesn't have an answer.

Saul Malone:
[belches] I do. It's just...

Johnny Tambourine:
[happily] He's doesn't know!

Saul Malone:
[runs somewhere while belching]

What the...?

Saul of the Mole Men  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Stromulous Guandor:
[to Otnip] You fornicated me. Now I fornicate you!

Saul of the Mole Men  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Saul Malone:
It's a heart of friendship...and love...and muscle tissue.

Saul of the Mole Men  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

[Saul memorize his ancestors who helped him along the way to end his rock transformation]

John Henry:

Saul Malone:
John Henry!

John Henry:
Look inside!

You are large.

Saul Malone:

You contain multitudes.

Saul Malone:
My geology professor!

Saul's Geology Professor:
[randomly screaming and cheering]

Saul of the Mole Men  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Saul Malone:
You bastard! You turned my beloved Mother rock into a whore -- A whore of evil!

Saul of the Mole Men  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

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