Timothyj.29104's Quotes Page #194

Here's the list of quotes submitted by timothyj.29104  —  There are currently 6,896 quotes total — keep up the great work!

[Fitz and Liquor do surgery on the Eye]

Mouse 'Fitz' Fitzgerald:
He's coming to.

Hand me those things.

Mouse 'Fitz' Fitzgerald:
Wha -- What should we do now?

Hand me those things.

Mouse 'Fitz' Fitzgerald:
Those things?

No. No, no.

Mouse 'Fitz' Fitzgerald:
What things? These things?

Give me that cold thing.

Mouse 'Fitz' Fitzgerald:

Give me the thing that makes everything cold.

Mouse 'Fitz' Fitzgerald:
Why don't I...I don't know what these -- Any of these things are. They your things?

Give me those.

Mouse 'Fitz' Fitzgerald:
Oh, tho...those -- The -- The -- These things. [grabs beers]

Mouse 'Fitz' Fitzgerald:
Where does -- Is that your blood?

12 oz. Mouse  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Oh...I'd love me some cookies.

[Woman runs into the cookies club and explodes the building]

Just a -- Just a small taste of my mighty blackness.

12 oz. Mouse  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

[Shark runs over a human citizen]

Rectangular Businessman:
This is just like the poor.

Uh, yeah. Why don't you, um, just sink back into that leather and hush. I would turn the stereo on but it would kill you.

12 oz. Mouse  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

[Shark and Square Guy go for a ride in Shark's fancy car]

How do you like my car?

Rectangular Businessman:
It's...ok...if you're poor.

30,000 horsepower. 30k HP. 30,00--

Rectangular Businessman:
I heard you the first time.

You will hear me EVERY time.

Rectangular Businessman:
Look, just because Liquor's dead doesn't mean you can just roll this bitch all over town with the freedoms.

Yes, it does. I'm black now.

12 oz. Mouse  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

[Liquor shoes Fitz a another eyeball]

Peanut Cop:
What is it?

Twin eyeballs. They match.

Peanut Cop:
I'm starving.

12 oz. Mouse  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Golden Joe:
Yo, Mouse? Remember that drink you done owe me?

Peanut Cop:
I'm so into doing whatever you're doing.

Golden Joe:
Yeah, we both into drinking, man. We drinkers.

Peanut Cop:
What are we drinking?

Man, pour out a little Liquor.

Peanut Cop:
Ok, everybody... [points the gun at Liquor] Gimme the drinks. [wheezes]

12 oz. Mouse  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Ah, Fitz. I see you brought the Eye.

Mouse 'Fitz' Fitzgerald:
I see that you did see I brought the Eye.

12 oz. Mouse  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Mouse 'Fitz' Fitzgerald:
This must be the leg shop.

Why would the hand cut off my leg?

Mouse 'Fitz' Fitzgerald:
Maybe so we would come here? So here we are...here.

12 oz. Mouse  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

This is like Muff, dude. You better ditch that muzzle loader and get a damn A.R. for that thing come scratch of the woods. Yeah, but he wouldn't listen. Son of a bitch ran off with Muff in his damn mouth. Found him 3 days later down by the river.

He seemed ok at first, but he wasn't ok, if you know what I mean. Man, Spider, then he went crazy. Running all around, screaming how he was gonna quit Q109 and all this stuff, how they're were out to get him. Like, they were gonna come and get him in the night or something weird like that.

12 oz. Mouse  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Did you bring the leg?

Peanut Cop:
Do what you...am I -- Was I supposed to? Ha Ha!

[Golden Joe appears with the leg]

Golden Joe:
[singing] I'll be your kruger and you can be my nancy girl.

Peanut Cop:
Oh, he got it.

Golden Joe:
[singing] Oh, I'll be your Fred Sanford.

12 oz. Mouse  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

[Peanut shoots Liquor]

And...he's down.

Rectangular Businessman:
He's...a rather good shot, don't you think?

Yes, he is.

Rectangular Businessman:
He was the highest marksman in the class.

Well, I'll be.

Rectangular Businessman:
I bet you he could probably hit a mite from 1,000 yards out in high wind.

If, uh...the wind is high then it wouldn't disrupt his shot, would it? SO what's the point of adding that kind of wind...to it?

Rectangular Businessman:
I was referring to a poor wind that would be low but...high in speed and...rich money...richness, the kind of money speed that would richly affect a bullet's wealthy trajectory.


12 oz. Mouse  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

[Peanut shows up in Liquor's Liquor]

Peanut Cop:
What's up, dudacon? Ha Ha! Ha Ha!

[Liquor presses the pause button on Peanut several times without noticing he's a real character]

Peanut Cop:
Ok, what's up? I gotta leave. Let's leave. Then we'll start this over, ok? Hold on.

[Peanut goes back to the entrance to try again]

Peanut Cop:
Yo, dudacon! Ha Ha! Was it better that time? Hmm? Did you believe me? Ha Ha Ha. [cocks pistol on Liquor's beer]

12 oz. Mouse  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Oh, good, Square here's. Hi, Square.

Rectangular Businessman:
Lick it, Oval.

What's your Square pleasure?

Rectangular Businessman:
You probably don't have it, but it's Rusianik Chid. It's an old drink of kings of old, kings of old richness old.

I got it, but can you afford it...

Rectangular Businessman:

...you stupid bob quart?

Rectangular Businessman:
I'm sorry, did you just try to call me a bob quart?

You? Did I? I did. I think you look like a purple wafer.

Rectangular Businessman:
Oh, really?

What I'm actually thinking, and please take this the wrong way as far up your hole as you can, is that your Gunko Schlinger is the size of a fort Meizer's Reticulus. Ooh, ka-blam-o!

[Square guy gets emotionally pissed until the whole conversation was all just a test when Liquor press the pause button on him]

Wrong attitude, partner. [to Shark on camera] It doesn't work too well when it's not real.

[Woman rush in to honk on him]

[press the pause button on Woman] You shut up, too!

12 oz. Mouse  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Mouse 'Fitz' Fitzgerald:
Damn, my head. I need some Aspirin.

12 oz. Mouse  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago


Mouse 'Fitz' Fitzgerald:
What are you so excited about? The what?


Mouse 'Fitz' Fitzgerald:
The where?


Mouse 'Fitz' Fitzgerald:
Oh...Star Circle.


Mouse 'Fitz' Fitzgerald:
Circle of Stars.


Mouse 'Fitz' Fitzgerald:
Circle of the...roundness?

12 oz. Mouse  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Mouse 'Fitz' Fitzgerald:
What's up with this night? Why is it so... [drinks] night?

12 oz. Mouse  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

[Gary and all the other cult members went to Toetopia]

Gary Bunda:
I can't believe that the Toetopia bullsh*t you said is real.

Archie Shoemaker:
Yes, it truly is heaven. Now, we can finally have sex with each other's feet without judgement.

Gary Bunda:
Well, that is my least favorite part of it. [weird accent] Wish you had asked my permission.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

[a big lace fallen from the sky of Hell to save the feet cult members]

Steven's Barbara:
The Lacing!

The Lacing is here!

Archie Shoemaker:
[surprised] Holy sh*t. I was right. Gary, I'm sorry. I wish you could come with us, but you -- You filled your holes.

Gary Bunda:

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

[Gary comes back from getting his tiny foot fixed to reveal Archie as a fraud]

Gary Bunda:
You son of a bitch! I know exactly who you are. You tried to trick me, MC Feets of Strength!

Archie Shoemaker:
Shh! Shh!

Gary Bunda:
Your real name!

Archie Shoemaker:
Gary, let's take a walk together, shall we? Just walk this way.

Gary Bunda:
Maybe I'm having a hard time walking, because you drilled holes in my feet so you can f*** them!

Archie Shoemaker:
[drops the act] Alright, I made it all up, okay, man? I started improvising a little bit, next thing I know, I accidently started a religion! I tried the music thing, but people just weren't into feet as they were into giant, gross butts.

Gary Bunda:
Number one, it was a bad rap. Number two, butts are not gross. You are gross. Feet are gross. But why did you have them kill themselves?

Archie Shoemaker:
Three letters -- I.R.S., man. They were after me, up my ass for back taxes.

Gary Bunda:
How did I fall for something so stupid?

Archie Shoemaker:
I do not know that.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Gary Bunda:
[talking about Archie] I gave that man $55,000.

This guy has a foot fetish, and he built a religion around it.

Gary Bunda:
I cut these holes in my feet for nothing!

That's okay. Troy?

I went over to Hot Liquids and got a little alloy that's gonna fix you right up.

Gary Bunda:
I feel like maybe we could, like, talk to a doctor or something or maybe put, like, different kind of shoes on it.

Here we go.

[Troy put hot liquids on Gary's small feet to seal his holes shut]

Gary Bunda:
YOU BITCH! [screams]

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

Do you know what this guy did before he ran a cult? He was a bad '80s rap artist named M.C. Feets of Strength.

[The demons shows Gary a music video tape of who the feet cult leader really is in his late 80s]

Archie Shoemaker:
[rapping] I like cute feet, yeah, I think they're neat. You know I like to smell 'em when I'm rubbin my meat. When I suck on the toe of a fine-ass how, man, it makes me wanna blow! You know, I wish that feet had a hole, so I could give you my love straight to the soul, and I go for length.

[Claude paused the video]

I thought that was pretty good.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

[Gary's friends wrote letters of how much they care about him]

"Dear Gary, I don't even recognize the man you've become. I miss my friend".

[Dizzy turns on the jump starter to shock Gary]

"Gary, I'm pissed off that you and your stupid friends have taken over my cube. I miss my cube Troy". Turn it all the way up!

[Dizzy turns on the jump starter to shock Gary again]

Gary Bunda:
I sh*t my pants!

"Dear Gary...you're my best friend. Even though I always yelled at you and made fun of you, and I always really, truly looked up to you and, um...just never had to the strength to say". [laughs] I'm kidding. I didn't write anything. I think you're a big pile of sh*t.

Gary Bunda:
[normal voice] You don't respect me.


Gary Bunda:
[normal voice] You don't accept my beliefs.

That's because your beliefs are stupid. Let me read from your scripture, "The Toley Footble". [reads] "Adam and Barbara were tempted by the evil sock, so Shoesus cast them from The Garden of Feeten".

Gary Bunda:
Yes, I know it is stupid on page, but you should hear him sell it.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

[Gary's friends help him to get his personality back]

Relax! It's us! We're here to deprogram you.

You really thought you'd be The Chosen One?

Gary Bunda:
[weird accent] I could be chosen.

Nobody would ever choose you.

But that's okay, buddy. We still love you. [puts the jumper cables on Gary's nipples to shock him]

Hey, how -- How do you cut it off, um...?

How did you turn it on? Do the opposite of that.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

[Gary lifts up Steven's Barbara's feet]

Gary Bunda:
Here we go. [Steven's Barbara clutches her feet] Whoa! You're very strong. I don't wanna to have sex with your feet.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 9 months ago

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A Voltaire
B Mahatma Gandhi
C Mark Twain
D S. G. Tallentyre