Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell is an American sitcom on Adult Swim, Cartoon Network's late night programming block. The series made its official debut on April 18, 2013, on Adult Swim. The show is a live-action workplace comedy about Gary, an associate demon, as he attempts to capture souls on earth in order to climb the corporate ladder of the underworld. Gary hopes to advance in Hell, but he may be too stupid, lazy and kind-hearted to realize his dreams of promotion. The show was renewed for a fourth season, which began production on June 5, 2017. The fourth season premiered on May 3, 2019.

Genre: Comedy

[Gary plays the new orientation tape video]

Gary Bunda (as Satan):
[rapping] Straight Outta Hades. Crazy motherf***er named Satan. Hit your knees and start to felatin'. When you meet me, you best greet me. Or I'll put my horse hoof up your cheap seat.

Gary Bunda (as Satan):
[rapping] Paid time off, there is none. Health benefits, you get one. Everyone here gets to live forever. And I'm grating your brain like a block of cheddar.

[painfully shredded] Yeah, boyyy.

Gary Bunda (as Satan):
Or Gouda!

I had nothing to do with this.

You're in it.


You're in it.


[the demons sees Benji on the music video]

[rapping] Straight Outta Hades, dawg. You see any ladies? William and VC's the only ones twerkin'. So the masturbating spider is jerkin' HARD. He's the head of HR.

Gary Bunda:
[to Benji] This guy is the dopest motherf***er I've ever met in my life.

I'm a -- I'm a team player.

Gary Bunda (as Satan):
The commode. That's where your face goes. When Satan is waiting to explode with a load. No one can save you, not even Bruce Wayne. And if you don't believe me why don't you ask Bane.

Ted (as Bane):
[muffled rapping]

Gary Bunda (as Satan):
We got Bane!

Who is this? Who's this guy with the tubes coming out of his face?

Gary Bunda:
That's Bane. That's Batman's bisexual nemesis. Yeah, and he may be a little difficult to understand, but what he's saying is, [deep voice] He'll be bringing the thunder down on Boy Wonder. And then you have permission to die."

[Darren tries to do a speech about planning Radical Islam]

Satan (Darren):
How are we going to deal with the recent influx of radical jihadists? I have a multi-pronged -- Uh, t-- At least two prongs to the problem, hopefully. W-When I speak, I'm -- I'm --

[Gary and Troy shows up for the Circle]

Satan (Darren):
[pretends] How...dare you interrupt my presentation, you lowly imps! But since you did, you should plug in the USB cord into that computer.

[Gary gives the computer to Satan for the presentation of Radical Islam]

Satan (Darren):
Here we go. First slide, here we go. Behold.

[the slide shows a presentation of a gay married picture of Radical Islam]

Satan (Darren):
The f*** am I looking at?

Gary Bunda:
[whispering] We're gonna gay marry them. We're gonna put them all in burqas so they don't know who they're gay married to.

Satan (Darren):
We are gonna gay marry them. We're gonna dress them up in burqas --

Gary Bunda:
So they don't know who they're gay married --

Satan (Darren):
...they don't know who they've gay married then.

Real Satan:
I-I don't -- Do we really want to incite them, Darren?

Darren? Who's Darren?

Satan (Darren):
It's a nickname.

They are well organized and highly motivated, Darren. They dug a tunnel into purgatory, stoned a bunch of dudes.

Yeah, and one of them hid a knife under his own leg bone. They are hard core, Darren.

Gary Bunda:
[to Satan] But they won't be doing that when they're too busy having gay sex with each other.

Satan (Darren):
Next slide. Just go to the next slide.

[Gary clicks the next slide]

Satan (Darren):
So, as you can see, we are going to contain these jihadists in a canyon surrounded by brown spikes.

Gary Bunda:
Pork. It's pulled pork.

Satan (Darren):
[tired] Pulled pork.

Satan (Darren):
And -- And it's covered, as you can see, with blood.

Gary Bunda:
Barbecue sauce.

Satan (Darren):
Barbecue sau-- Barbecue blood sau-- Bloody barbecue sauce.

Gary Bunda:
No, it's regular barbecue.

Satan (Darren):
No, it's regular barbecue sauce.

Muslims don't eat pork. And...they don't drink.

Gary Bunda:
Which is why what we're gonna do that is put a stream of vodka throughout the whole valley. They'll hate that.

[to Gary] Hit the next slide.

Gary Bunda:
There are no more slides.

That's our last slide.

This isn't a Belgian waffle. You need batter. This is amateur hour.

Gary Bunda:
You're the batter.


Gary Bunda:
You're the batter. You got to lie down in the thing and close the lid, your guts come out in the tiny squares, and that makes the waffle.

No, I'm the flavoring. You still need batter. This should have been buttered or some type of non-stick, 'cause I'm -- You're never gonna get out of here. I'm just thinking of you.

Gary Bunda:
No, you're supposed to stick so then when I pull up the lid, parts of you get stuck to both sides of it.

You don't wanna get sticked. Cleanup is a b*tch with these things. If you wanted to squish me and press me and burn me in a waffle iron, that's one thing. But if you want to make what you were told, Belgian waffles a la Troy, you need some batter.

He's stalling! Just close the lid. By the way, I should have been buried hours ago.

Just go bury Eddie. I'll cook myself. I got this.

You're not supposed to do that. You are now a tortured, okay? Stop putting on airs.

It's just a little slap on the wrist. I'm gonna be red and running the show before you know it. And when you see me walking around in my pleated khakis again, Eddie boy, you are gonna be at the top of my ass-kicking list.

Gary Bunda:
Okay, here, help me bury him, and then we'll come back here, and we can do the waffle thing together.

[scoffs] You can't handle two tortures at once, can you?

Hey, he's talking back. He's not supposed to do that.

Gary Bunda:
Yeah, don't you talk back, Troy! 'Cause you talk back, I'm gonna start kicking back, and then you got to --

Nice burial, Gar.

[to Satan] Two tortures at once! [coughs] Talk about multitasking!

[sarcastic] Oh, no, Eddie's suffocating. Hurry, Gary. Save his life. Give him mouth-to-mouth.

Gary Bunda:
But he's still making noise. I don't think you need to -- Alright.

[Satan gets a call from Claude]

My man.

Gary Bunda:
Hey, hey, hey, where did you stop Paul from going to?

This is Gary, isn't it? Using Claude's phone?

Gary Bunda:
[imitating Claude] It's me, Claude. Shalom.


Gary Bunda:
[normal voice] Alright, this is Gary, okay?

Okay, I got to go. See you, Gar.

Gary Bunda:
No, no, no!

I got to go.

Gary Bunda:
[muffled] Where did you stop Paul from going to?

Is your jaw locking up? Told you those spikes would give you tetanus.

Gary Bunda:
[muffled] Okay, yeah. Where did you stop Paul from going to? Paul from The Bible.

Paul-ra-bu-bible? I don't know who this is man. What are we doing?

Gary Bunda:
[muffled] Where did you stop Paul? Paul.


Gary Bunda:
[muffled] Paul.

Paul who? Paul Simon?

Gary Bunda:
[muffled] No, not Paul Simon. Who are you, Lorne Michaels?

Paul McCartney?

Gary Bunda:
[muffled] No, who did you stop Paul from going to?

I don't -- I don't know. Paul? You're Paul.

Gary Bunda:
[muffled] Paul from The Bible. Where did you stop Paul from The Bible from going to?

The apostle Paul.

Gary Bunda:
[muffled] Yeah! The -- Yes, yes. The apostle Paul.

This is in, uh, Thessalonians, right?

Gary Bunda:
[muffled] The song is about to end. I need you to give me the answer.

Yes. Thessalonica. Yes, it is a very funny story, actually. [Gary hangs up] Hello?

Gary Bunda:
[drawing the final answer] Thessalonica. [laughs] Funilingus back on top.

I just turned in Bethlehem.

I'm just looking over your new contract proposal, here, guys. Umm, it says here that you want to add more horsemen. Uhh, fellas, the Bible specifically states that there are Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. Um -- I...I can't change the Bible.

More horsemen would certainly help the workload.

Yeah, see, I'm thinking, what workload, because there hasn't been an apocalypse.

Yeah, but we're always on call.

Yeah, listen, Famine, are you the reason for the mac and cheese and frozen "lustard"?

It's frozen custard for the lactose-intolerance.

Yeah, but it's listed under "horse food."

Our animals crave a diverse diet.

Yeah, they seem to crave crabs and frozen desserts. Listen, "so hungry I can eat a horse" is just an expression. You don't have to literally do it.

We love those horses! We'd never eat those horses! You son a b*tch! [pulls up his firesword]

Hey, hey, hey, hey, just settle down. You know what's good for stress, War? Exercise.

That's why we put in for a horseman gym, and modest spa --

Who the hell would get in a hot tub with you? You're going to turn it into a boiling pot of gumbo.

Dude, I'm Pestilence. That's what I do.

And FYI, leprosy is a pre-existing, and you're in a high-risk pool, so upgrading your health insurance policy is not gonna happen.

Listen, I know there's more to your proposal. I just don't have those pages in front of me...because I wiped my ass with them.

That's it! We're out of here. You've got 48 hours to meet our demands, or we walk.

[the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse leaves]

Well, this one's not walking. He's riding a f***ing scooter. [referring to Pestilence]

Gary Bunda:
[loudly clears throat] Bagged and tagged her. Another soul for Satan's army if it does please thee? Hail him. [chuckles]

Great, Gary. I'm sure you got her parents' permission?

Gary Bunda:

Gary, in order for a minor to, uh, sell their soul, they need written parental permission but I'm sure you knew that.


It's okay because I owe Gary a debt of gratitude, because he has brought me some new demons that are masters at psychological torture. Come on in, girls!

[ironically Satan brought the same bratty girls who messed up Amy just to tease the demons for fun]

God, this office is so outdated. You can't afford new furniture?


[to Troy] Did your Mom get those from the trash can that you were born in?


[to Benji] Serial killer.

[to a Bald Guy Demon] Did you eat your hair?

[to Ben] Hey, Gollum, you ever find the ring?

[to Demon Worker #1] Look, it's Edward Stupidhands. Johnny Derp.

[to William] Wow, you must be Grumpy Cat's grandfather.

[to Demon Worker #2] You're not even worth insulting.

[Demon Worker #2 took no offense from it]

[to Gary] You're like an unfunny Jim Gaffigan.

Gary Bunda:
Okay, that's not -- That's not funny.

[to Gary] You're like unfamous poor man's Seth Rogen.

Gary Bunda:
I don't, I -- That is not funny. That is below the belt. And that's inappropriate.

[to Gary] Zach Gala-fatass.

Gary Bunda:
[tired] I feel like this should stop.

Gary Bunda:
T-shirts are I, Chief. You're really gonna like this. Okay, "Keep Calm and Party Hole On." And then you got this. "It's a Party Hole Thang. You wouldn't understand." Could make it exclusive. And, oh, look, we got this here. Team-building exercise at one of these, uh, "Get Me the Heck Out Of Here" rooms. This is Auschwitz-themed. You're invited, and I think it would mean a lot to all the team to see you there. We're gonna do a bunch of puzzles, we're gonna eat nachos, we're gonna fight off a bunch of kids and --

[Satan crumbles the paper and throws it at Gary to shut him up]

You're not going anywhere. This whole Party Hole thing was a dumb idea. I'm shutting it down.

Gary Bunda:
Well, ye-- Hold it. Hold on a second! Please let me do this. My whole team -- They've worked so hard --

Gary, this wack-a-pack group of left-behinds is not a "team", and you're not a manager. This entire operation had netted me to the sum total of zero souls.

Gary Bunda:
Oh, yeah? Well, what do you call this? [shows him a ghost sock]

I don't know.

Gary Bunda:
It's a ghost sock. This is like 1/20 of a soul. We're getting very close.

Listen, guys, burn all the T-shirts, alright? I am shutting it down.

Gary Bunda:
Can not do this to me. Look, alright, like, just give me a shot.

I'm gonna give you one week, understand? That's it. And then I'm gonna start plugging all your party holes. You understand?

Gary Bunda:

The party hole that's in the back.

Gary Bunda:
Oh. You're gonna f*** me in the ass.

Gary Bunda:
[southern accent] I'd like to submit this next video as evidence to the court. Footage of Goody at the back of his restaurant. Now, would you walk me through this?

Goody Goody:
I'd spent the day serving food to the homeless.

Gary Bunda:
[southern accent] And something like that's gotta make a man hungry. Mm, just looking at that 'cue like a big, wet, brown butt. Just want to put your face in it.

Gary Bunda:
[southern accent] Now, why don't you just walk over there and just take a hunk off of that beef and put it in your mouth?

Goody Goody:
Because it was 10 minutes after midnight, Friday morning.

Gary Bunda:
[southern accent] So what did you do with the meat?

Goody Goody:
Well, I loaded it up in my truck, and I drove west.

Gary Bunda:
[southern accent] You were tired, you were hungry, and you were distracted by the waves of odor coming off the flesh, just steaming that windshield, weren't you?

Goody Goody:
Yes, sir. The meat looked so good, I guess I just took my eyes off the road.

Gary Bunda:
[imitating tires squealing] Ooh.

Gary Bunda:
[southern accent] Well, why don't -- Why don't you just reach over, and you could have had the barbecue then.

Goody Goody:

Gary Bunda:
[southern accent] I'm sure that Jesus would have forgiven you.

Goody Goody:
No, sir. No sir! I would never do that. I grabbed as much of it as I could hold, and I tried to run west.

Gary Bunda:
[southern accent] And if it pleases the court, I've got two fistfuls of pork from pork circle. Mr. Goody Goody, would you say you ran something like this?

[Gary imitates Goody acting like a running maniac holding two porks up in the air]

OBJECTION! No one is questioning his ability to run with meat in his hands!

Gary Bunda:
[southern accent] I've got pork! Oh, I got pork, I got pork!

I will allow it. It is highly entertaining.

Stan. You know who I am? I'm Hillary's bottom b*tch.

Gary Bunda:

Or am I the guy gay-married to Obama?

Well, you know, this is a private bathroom. No fans.

Well... [chuckles] You know, listen. I think it's funny what you're doing, but I'm gonna need you to tone down that satanic stuff.

Oh, I'm sure you'd like me to tone it down, but you can't hide the truth, Mrs. Obama. [chuckles]

Well, the truth is, Stan, I'm gonna turn your ass inside out if you don't stop talking about me.

Ooh, I'd like to see you try that. [takes his shirt off] I got 30 pounds of muscle mass right here that I got from my patented vitality insta-shake. So let's bring it. Come on.

Gary Bunda:
I don't want to fight you. 'Cause you look good.

I don't really...

[Satan steps back from Gary and Claude to use his demon powers to literally turn Stan inside out of his body while staying alive]

Gary & Claude:

I told him I was gonna do it. I just -- I --

Gary Bunda:
We ju-- Okay! [to Stan] Sir? Sir, I know I have to yell because your eardrums are inside of you, okay? I can feel your panic. Okay? Just calm down.

Hurry. I need a, uh, a piece of his clothing.

Gary Bunda:
[to Stan] Sir, I'm about to put my hand inside of your a**hole. Is that okay? Give me an indication that that's okay.

[to Gary] Would his shirt work? The one he just took off?

Thank you, Claude.

Gary Bunda:
[disgust] Pulling his slacks through his a**hole is a lot harder than it sounds.

[Satan use Stan's America state pin to disguise as Stan the Man]

Satan (as Stan):
This'll work.

Gary Bunda:
I got a whole handful of his slacks. You don't want these?

[Satan does the podcast as Stan in disguise]

Satan (as Stan):
Hello! I know, uh, I -- I have said on this -- This show that, uh, uh, Obama is gay-married to me, but -- Uh, Satan -- But, uh, that's not true. You hear that, Johnny Harville? Neither Obummer not Shillary are involved with Satan in any way, shape, or form.

[Johnny immediately grabs the phone to call Satan (Stan) about the presidents opinion]

Satan (as Stan):
Now, I've heard through the grapevine, Johnny Harville, that you believe that Obummer and Shillary, they are sexually involved with me...

Gary Bunda:
Johnny on line one.

Satan (as Stan):
Hey, Johnny.

I got to take an issue with what you just said, man.

Satan (as Stan):
No, Johnny -- Johnny listen to me. Satan is strong. He's no one's bottom b*tch.

That's not what you said in your book, "Satan is Hillary's Bottom B*tch". You said that Hillary impregnated Satan and gave birth to Liam Dunham, man.

Satan (as Stan):
No, that's -- That's Lena Dunham. Lena Dunham is a -- A well-respected, talented actor and director.

Well, what you said is very boring, Stan. I guess I'm gonna have to get my straight talk somewheres else.

Satan (as Stan):
No, Johnny, Johnny, hold --

Gary Bunda:
We are losing him!

Satan (as Stan):
Uh, hold on. Uh, Lena Dunham is...

Gary Bunda:
[to Satan] Is a werewolf.

Satan (as Stan): a werewolf.

I'm listening.

Satan (as Stan):
Okay. Good. Because she has three assistants whose sole job it is to follow her around and -- And to shave her and shield her from the moon. [laughs softly] Um...Susan Sarandon is a werewolf, too. That's why she adopted that illegal -- To shave her. And -- And Sarah Silverman! All of them! They're all a bunch of feminazi, lesbian werewolves coming for us!

I'll be sure to boycott their movies, then.

Satan (as Stan):
Yes, Johnny! Stay with us! We are standing up for America! We are back after this with more calls! WAAAHOOO! [ends the podcast]

[to Satan] How does any of what you just said further the initial plan?


Well, we got another hours of calls.

Yeah, we're gonna take calls.

[Satan gets in the fun with many calls while disguising as Stan]

Satan (as Stan):
[to Caller #1] The Fiberal girly men and soy boys of Washington, DC, want to convert the Jefferson Memorial into a mosque, and they want to paint his statue brown and put breasts on it.

Satan (as Stan):
[to Fake Obama] Is it true you were born in Kenya, and are you a radical Muslim cleric?

Fake Obama:
Yes, on most counts.

Satan (as Stan):
That's what I thought.

Satan (as Stan):
[to Caller #1] They are gonna put Double-D breasts on Thomas Jefferson. Thomas Jeffers-- Tonya Jefferson?

Satan (as Stan):
[to Caller #2] We are calling it "Hoagiegate." Uh, we broke the story here first.

Fake Obama:
You know, I-- I'm lovers with George Soros. We make sweet love.

Satan (as Stan):
[to Caller #2] You go into a Hoagie Hutch and order a "Hillary Special," what you will get is a three-foot party sub stuffed with real human baby meat.

Fake Obama:
Pardon me for a second. I feel like I'm transforming into a werewolf.

Satan (as Stan):

Fake Obama:

Satan (as Stan):

Fake Obama:
Now, give me your jugular vein.

Satan (as Stan):
[to Caller #2] A liberal BLT -- Baby, lettuce, and tomato. And it's only white baby meat so they can continue the white genocide --

Gary Bunda:
Hey! Hey! Hey! That's our sponsors!

Satan (as Stan):
Oh, uh, it says Wednesday's the half-price day at Hoagie Hutch, uh, so you might...might want to swing by and, uh, g-get a hoagie. But don't eat baby meat. 'Cause it's -- It's all through their -- Their subs. 'Cause it's -- Listen, I've had it with these people. Hoagie Hutch is a sham. They are -- They're -- They're putting young children -- Young, fat, plump children...

[Claude leaves the station room instantly while Satan keep yapping about the baby meat situation]

Gary Bunda:
[to Satan] You see him walk? You see how he'd just walk off?

Gary Bunda:
Why are you like God's lackey? You rebelled from heaven and then God said, "Someone needs to go and make hell and punish all the sinners", and you were like "Yes, Massa".

No, you are wrong...Gary. This is all by choice.

Gary bunda:
So you choose to live by a lake of diarrhea. If you wanted to really get back at God, you should make hell better than heaven.

[Satan thinks about it, and made it official]

Today is a new day. Ladies and gentlemen, from this day forward, there will be no more fire, lava, and sulfur.


No more whips and ball clamps and suffering!

Oh, yeah!

And it's all because this one little demon had the courage to show me the light. Gary!

[while Gary was playing his ukulele singing Paradise, turns out this was all just in Gary's head imagining what Hell would look like as Heaven, while still having milk and honey in the process]

Just open your legs. Open your legs!

[on phone with Sophia] We're doing the boat torture, but he doesn't really seem to be suffering.

Are insects eating him? And is his belly fully distended?

Yes, except he seems to really enjoy septic shock hallucinations.

[to Gary] Stop, stop, STOP! We're gonna tip!

In that case, you may want to add an additional torture. Have you tried ball clamps?

If I needed ball clamps, lady, why the hell did I buy your boats? You know what? No, thank you very much. I'm gonna be contesting these charges with the bank.

[to Gary] Stop splashing your sh*t up on me, man!

Troy. She says to use a ball clamp.

We don't have any ball clamps, sir!

Yeah, well, whose fault is that? Just use your fingernails on his nut sack.

[Troy and Gary wakes up from their room after all of the partying at the casino]

Hey, it's 11:30. What times does the poker thing start? You got the contract?

Gary Bunda:
What -- What -- What do you mean? I thought you had it.

Oh, where the... [sees the contract] Okay, I got it right here.

Gary Bunda:
[sees the same contract the Troy got] I got it right here.

Gary Bunda:
Oh, good, we got two, we're covered then.

What do you mean we got two? Why do we have two? [grabs the contract from Gary] Gary, who the hell is Gail Dougan?

Gary Bunda:

[knock on door]

Gary Bunda:
Who is it?

Carl Dougan:
It's Carl and Gail Dougan -- From last night!

[Gary flashbacks to what happened to Carl's girlfriend when they meet yesterday]

Gary Bunda:
[drunk] I can make you the best poker player in the world. Yeah. Yeah, I did it for a guy. I did it for a guy.

Gail Dougan:
This would be great! What...what do we do? What do I have to do? I'' do anything.

Gary Bunda:
[drunk] You just sign on the dotted line.

Gail Dougan:
It's that easy.

Gary Bunda:
[drunk] Who else wants to be a poker player?

[Gary's flashback ends]

I can't believe you gave them the same deal. Two people can't win the same poker tournament.

Gary Bunda:
Listen, you're making a big deal out of this, okay? We can just tear up the contract.

Carl Dougan:
Uh, hold on here, fellas. Gail already gave you her soul.

No, no, no, we're not idiots. We know not to take the soul from a living person, right Gary?

[Gary flashbacks again of how he screwed up from taking a soul from a living person]

Gary Bunda:
Okay, now, here's the thing. According to this, what I'm really gonna need from you is I'm gonna need your soul as a deposit.

Gail Dougan:
That's good enough for me.

Gary Bunda:
Let me just do the incantation and we'll be ready to go.

Gail Dougan:

[Gary starts to do the incantation on Gail]

Gail Dougan:
[screams] OH, NO! I'VE MADE A HORRIBLE MISTAKE! IT'S HOT! IT'S HOT! [gets sent to hell]

Gary Bunda:
[to Carl] She's gonna be -- She's gonna be okay. You just get her some orange juice and cookies.

Carl Dougan:
[to Gail] Yoou want to go up to the room, maybe lay down?

[drunk] You know what you need is a shot, just a little to power through it, and then get some hair of the dogs. RUFF! RUFF!

[Gary's flashback ends]

What did I tell you?! We don't take the souls from living people!

Gary Bunda:
You were wasted. Okay, it was a YOLO kind of night.

Carl Dougan:
Listen, if you guys want to just undo this whole thing, I wouldn't be opposed, okay, because, honestly, Gail has been real moody, bitey.

Gary Bunda:
That's normal for someone's who's hung over. The light hasn't left here all.

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