Wikidude's Quotes Page #354

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

Roland West:
Do you like kids generally?

Brett Woodard:
Do I-- What the fuck's the right answer to that?

True Detective, Season 3  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Brett Woodard:
You ever been somewhere you couldn't leave, and you couldn't stay, both at the same time?

True Detective, Season 3  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Tom Purcell:
Are we going to find Julie or what? 'Cause I can't live through this, man. Neither of us can. If we're not going to find her, I just need to know now. I can't go to sleep. And I can't wake up.

True Detective, Season 3  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Henry Hays:
I think Mom would want you to move on, enjoy the family you got around you.

Wayne Hays:
Yeah. She and I always had different ideas. I remember that.

True Detective, Season 3  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[Hays and West have LaGrange handcuffed to a pole]

Ted LaGrange:
You get off on this? You got a hankerin' for cuffing white folks?

Wayne Hays:
[deadpan] Now and then, yeah.

True Detective, Season 3  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Henry Hays:
Do you remember the rest of dinner at my place? Do you remember me driving you home?

Wayne Hays:

Henry Hays:
Heather drove you home.

Wayne Hays:
Now we're playin' "Gotcha"?

Mr. Hays, your son loves you. Our only concern is for your well-being.

Wayne Hays:
[angry] I know my son loves me, doctor, but thanks for walking me through that.

True Detective, Season 3  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Roland West:
Wayne had the idea that those kids were tellin' stories. He was correct. Ya'll fucked a good detective, there. You know that, right?

Alan Jones:
I wouldn't argue with you, but it wasn't me.

Roland West:
Probably didn't even give you shit for it when you saw him, did he?

Alan Jones:
I can't say that he did, no.

Roland West:
"Purple" Hays... my man. Tried to get him transferred over here twice. Blocked both times by Major's office. Told me not to ask again.

Jim Dobkins:
It feels like we should stay on point.

Roland West:
I'm makin' a point, son.

True Detective, Season 3  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Alan Jones:
You see Wayne much anymore?

Roland West:
Not at all, and I don't know why.

Alan Jones:
No hard feelings, though?

Roland West:
Not between him and me. We were good friends, the way I see it. I think it was... once we stopped workin' together, we just stopped. Sometimes it's like that with people.

True Detective, Season 3  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Amelia Reardon:
The boys couldn't stop telling me stuff. I was pretty tremendous. I think I have a future at this. [sees him reading her book] You're reading it! Finally.

Wayne Hays:
Yeah, I read it. Kept seeing my name. [pause] Are you drunk?

Amelia Reardon:
No! I had a drink at dinner. This detective took me out to eat.

Wayne Hays:
Ah. Terrific.

Amelia Reardon:
I got a lot of info from him. Listen, her fingerprints were found just in the cosmetics aisle. Looks like she was probably a customer. They have the prior week's surveillance footage. I think they're going to let me look at it.

Wayne Hays:
[angry but controlled] I didn't get any of the shit you wanted at Wal-Mart.

Amelia Reardon:
[confused] OK... did something happen? Are the kids alright?

Wayne Hays:
The kids are fine.

Amelia Reardon':
Are you alright?

Wayne Hays:
I'm fine. But one thing? One favor? [throws the book across the room] Do not come bouncing in here, half in the bag, all giddy about this shit, alright? Can you do that? Can you summon the mental resolve to shut up about this shit with me?

Amelia Reardon:
If you feel this way, you don't have to talk to me like that. You can just tell me.

Wayne Hays:
You've been told. Now, why don't you check on your kids, since you haven't seen them all day. They're supposed to be in bed.

Amelia Reardon:
Fuck off! I'm with them five times the amount you are for a job that treats you like shit!

Wayne Hays:
I don't really feel like trading curses. I said my piece.

Amelia Reardon:
I'm not gonna stop, Wayne. [leaves]

True Detective, Season 3  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Wayne Hays:
How much do I have to lose?

Amelia Reardon:
Everything. Same as everyone else.

True Detective, Season 3  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Roland West:
I don't like him. The Priest. And I know his alibi's good but... I don't like him. Man signs up to go without fuckin' for life, either he don't know himself for a liar, or he's some tight limited edition psycho, you know? I mean, everybody's fuckin' something.

True Detective, Season 3  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Just little things I do.

Wayne Hays:
Somebody bought 'em. Do you know who?

Well, the last I sold these myself was at the fair in October. I'd only sold a couple and then one man bought ten off me. That was nice.

Wayne Hays:
You know who he was? You remember anything about him?

Didn't recognize him. Negro man, like yourself. Oh, he had a dead eye. Filmy, you know, like a cataracts?

Wayne Hays:
Nothing 'bout his face besides the eye? Handsome, ugly?

Well, like I say, uh, he was black.

True Detective, Season 3  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Wayne Hays:
Do not talk talk shit in my face and walk away!

Amelia Reardon:
I don't wanna be around you right now.

Wayne Hays:
You want me to leave you alone, then stop talkin' shit! Because when you talk shit about me, I'm required to defend myself.

Amelia Reardon:
How can you defend yourself? You can't defend yourself because you don't know what's wrong.

[She tries to leave, but he blocks her way]

Wayne Hays:
Does the wife in your scenario play any part in the conflict? Any role in the last 10 years?

Amelia Reardon:
Let go of me!

Wayne Hays:
Stop talkin' shit about me!

Amelia Reardon:
Or what?

Wayne Hays:
[pause] Or I'm gonna start crying.

Amelia Reardon:
[disdainful] That's a first.

Wayne Hays:
Think we can't understand each other, we're never gonna! [turns to leave]

Amelia Reardon:
Oh, great, Wayne. Walk away. Surprise, surprise.

Wayne Hays:
What do you want me to do, huh? You want to yell some more? You want me to hit you, you want me to fuck you? Just give me my orders, major!

Amelia Reardon:
I wanna finish this!

Wayne Hays:
All on your schedule, I guess! Be happy when you say, fight when you say, talk when you say, fuck every so often.

Amelia Reardon:
[pause] How about right now?

Wayne Hays:

Amelia Reardon:
[removing her panties] How about right now?

Wayne Hays:
[confused but turned on] You got some major cognitive dissonance.

True Detective, Season 3  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Wayne Hays:
Would you have done it? Would you have shot one of them?

Roland West:
If I thought it was between him and me, then no, I could give a fuck what color he was.

Wayne Hays:
You sure about that?

Roland West:
Fact that these were black folks probably gave me more pause. Mob of white people surrounds me, smashes up my ride, there'd be a lot less hesitation about what I'd do.

Wayne Hays:
Can we say this was anonymous vandals?

Roland West:
We're not going with "irate Negroes"?

True Detective, Season 3  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Dr. Jacoby:
And the fucks are at it again! Fuck you who betray the people you were elected to help! We're sheep to these monsters, and they don't give a shit! We grow our wool, and just when we're getting warm, they come along with their electric clippers and shear our wool off, and we're just naked, screaming little fucks! No wool for us! Freezing and hungry! In the night. In the dark. And they don't give a shit! Then when we get sick, the pharmaceutical companies make billions! They own the fucking hospitals. Filled to the brim. They own the morgues! They own the embalming fluids! They own the mortuaries, the graveyards! These fucks! Is it the government's business who we marry? What the fuck do we care what the government thinks about who we marry? Are we gonna invite them to the wedding? Fuck no! Oh, they wouldn't come anyway. They're-they're too busy fucking! Fucking us at the grocery store! At the bank! At the gas pump! They're feeding our children chemical shit coated in sugar! Why don't these monsters bite into those tasty treats themselves? 'Cause they'll die in the streets! Just like us! And then they'll bloat like a big red fucking balloon. Stop! Stop distracting yourself with all this diverting bullshit, and pay attention. Save the children! Every parent wants to save their child. Buy yourself a shovel, dig yourself out of the shit, and get educated!

Nadine Hurley:
[listening to the show] Oh, he's so beautiful.

Twin Peaks, Season 3  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[Diane glares at Albert]

Albert Rosenfield:
I know, I know. "Fuck you, Albert."

Twin Peaks, Season 3  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Detective Dave Macklay:
I'm sorry ma'am, you can't smoke in here.

Diane Evans:
It's a fucking morgue!

Twin Peaks, Season 3  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Jerry Horne's foot:
I am not your foot.

Twin Peaks, Season 3  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Not to mention, marble champion of the sixth grade.

Twin Peaks, Season 3  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

When did he lose his marbles?

Twin Peaks, Season 3  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

When the dog got his cat's-eyes.

Twin Peaks, Season 3  Show Quote

added 9 months ago


Twin Peaks, Season 3  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Lady Slot Addict:
This is the man I told you about. I wanted to see you again. I've thought of you every day, what you did for me. You changed my life. This is my dear son, Denver. He's back in my life again. I have a little dog. I have a house. I have my life back again. How can I ever thank you? [to the Mitchums] I hope you realize what a special person you having dining with you. He saved my life.

Bradley Mitchum:
Sure saved us a lot too.

Lady Slot Addict:
Thank you. Thank you, Mr. Jackpots. I'm so thankful I got a chance to say thank you again.

Dale Cooper/Dougie Jones:
Thank you again.

Twin Peaks, Season 3  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Diane Evans:
Can I smoke in here?

Gordon Cole:

Albert Rosenfield:
Smoking's bad for you. [Diane gives him a withering look] I know. "Fuck you, Albert."

Diane Evans:
That's right. Fuck you, Albert.

Twin Peaks, Season 3  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

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B Batman Begins
C The Green Mile
D The Matrix