Wikidude's Quotes Page #356

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

Aw, I forgot to bring Porky back!

See, that's the thing... nothings' bringing Porky back.

What?! Porky's dead?!

Ba-deep, ba-deep, ba-deep; That's all, Folks!

Two and a Half Men, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

I have a motto for situations like this. What happens in Jenny, stays in Jenny.

Two and a Half Men, Season 11  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

On you know what I realized this morning? My bedroom window overlooks the Hubbard backyard and it has quite a view!

United States of Tara, Season 2  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Don’t worry, nothing could have happened, I’m gay.

[relieved] Ah, that's right. You're gay. Wait, how gay? Like, 1 being "Yay, it’s college!" Or 10 being "I’m going Subaru shopping with Ellen and Rosie."

I'm closer to a nine. I mean, I make my own soap, but I don’t sell it at the Lilith Fair.

Two and a Half Men, Season 11  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Why in the world do you wear boys' husky underwear?

Okay, you know how some people trim the hedges to make the tree look bigger? Well, I say stuff the tree in a smaller yard.

Well, when the police raid the house and find a drawer full of boys' underwear, that's not gonna be good for any of us.

Neither is a drawer full of pot.

That's why I wrote "Not Pot" on it.

Two and a Half Men, Season 11  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[to Jenny] Mackenzie, you lying bitch!

[running away] Uh-oh.

Congo, my ass! Don't run! You don't want to run!

[Jenny leaps over the railing, and Alyssa follows her]

Yeah, it feels like home again!

Two and a Half Men, Season 11  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Hey, you're welcome to crash here anytime you need a break from Evelyn and 91-and-a-half shades of grey.


Yeah. You know, I was thinking about putting in a home gym, but big deal. I'd rather have a Jenny than a gym.

You and me both.

Two and a Half Men, Season 11  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[As a girl walks up the stairs, Jenny Harper, Charlie's long-lost daughter, stops Walden in his tracks]

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Where are you going?

Up to show her.

Oh, you thought...? Oh, no-no-no-no-no, she's mine. Next time, I'll get two.

[Jenny walks upstairs]

What just happened?

Charlie's back.

Two and a Half Men, Season 11  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

I mean, I did what I did for love. Am I really that bad of a guy?

Chuck Lorre:
You're a douche, you're a douche, you're a big, fizzy douche. You broke that poor girl's heart. You're a douche, you're a douche, you're a big, fizzy douche. You should've told the truth right from the start. But my intentions were good. I was no slave to my wood. I wanted her to love me for me. He does have lots of riches, which attracts a lot of bitches. Thank you, Alan, but you'll never be on "Glee." Aw, crap. If I may throw in my two cents, your love was based on a pretense. Your relationship with mother is to blame. You didn't suckle on her boobies, you self-medicate with doobies, which explains why you used a made-up name. Cue da refrain. You're a douche, you're a douche, you're a big, fizzy douche. Everything you said was a lie. You're a douche, you're a douche, you're a big, fizzy douche. But you're still a really, really handsome guy. Thank you. Then what am I to do? So I don't always live with you. Wow, that hurts my feelings, but since I live there beneath your ceilings, I'll bite the pillow like the prison bitches do. Oooh! If she gives me one more chance, we can have a real romance. If she doesn't, we can party in my pants. 'Scuse me, no disrespect, but I have to interject, what makes you think you can steal the show? 'Cause I'm gay! Oh, you're so clearly from L.A. Yeah, I'm gay. And he will always be that way. I'm gay. Or as his Jersey friends would say: A-yo, badda bing, he's a big ol' 'mo. 'Scuse me, but we seem to be digressing, and I find it to be quite distressing. Can we sing about the problem that's at hand? Can Kate get over Sam and love who I am? You confuse me for someone who gives a damn. So bottom line, you're a douche, you're a douche, you're a big, fizzy douche. And I'll die sad and alone. You're a douche, you're a douche, you're a big, fizzy douche. (Ring!) Hold it, everybody, that's my phone. Hello? Kate? You're a douche. (Click!) Douche, douche, douche, douche, douche-y, douche, douche, douche. Douche, douche, douche, douche, douche-y, douche, douche, oooh, you're a douche... you're a dou- You couldn't say it meaner. I'm a big vagina cleaner. Didn't do what I oughta. I'm vinegar and water. On this we all agree. Oh yes, we all agree. Oh good, you finally see, to shining sea. Gimme a D-O-U-C-H-E, douche! Gimme a D-O-U-C-H-E, douche! Gimme a D-O-U-C-H-E, douche! Drum roll... You're a douche, you're a douche, just a big, fizzy douche. And that's all I'll ever be. You're a douche, you're a douche, you're a big, fizzy douche. And that's all you'll ever be. Douche!

Two and a Half Men, Season 10  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

My doctor has a cow puppet. Also Roll Credits.

[Annoyed] I swear to god i'm going to snap that little shits neck.

Oh. MD or Ph D.?


[Walking away] Dumb little shit.

Go lick a camels hump.

Two and a Half Men, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Lara Lang:
My point is, if Mrs. Harper tries to make an issue out of your lifestyle, we need to be prepared.

What's wrong with my lifestyle?

Oh, no! We are not going down that road at $300 an hour!

Lara Lang:
Relax, Alan. [to Charlie] I'm going to have to know every possible thing they can use against us, every skeleton in your closet.

Oh, boy.

So, what, you want to know about my sex life?

Lara Lang:
Your sex life, your drinking, gambling, partying...

Two and a Half Men, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Lara Lang:
Lara Lang.

Charlie Harper. Hey, didn't you used to date Superman?

Lara Lang:
That's Lana Lang. She was Superboy's girlfriend. And guys have been using that tired old line on me since the fifth-grade.

Did it ever work?

Two and a Half Men, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

And he knows what I like in bed.

He knows what I like in bed!

Two and a Half Men, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

He certainly knows how to treat a woman.

He used to BE a woman!

Two and a Half Men, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Do you realize what this means?

Yes. I slept with a woman who wanted to be a man. Or, I slept with a man in a woman’s body. Or - and this is my new favorite, and the title of my autobiography - my mom and I slept with the same dude.

Two and a Half Men, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Charlie, miscellaneous cash expenses? What exactly is that?

I don't know, go see a movie, buy a hot dog, stuff like that.

It was $80,000 last year!

Oh, that. That's women and gambling.

Gone and gone.

Oh, great! Why don't I just shoot myself?

You can't afford a gun.

Two and a Half Men, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Since you can't live without her [Berta], you big baby, I will go apologize and get her back.


So, where does she live?

I don't know.

Okay, what's her last name? [Charlie starts to think] Your entire life depends on this woman and you know nothing about her!

Wait!.... She took a bus!

I stand corrected.

Oh! Oh! Uh....after she works here in the morning, she cleans some rockstar's house!

Okay. What rockstar? Where?

[knocks on the balcony door & replies] Steven Tyler from Aerosmith, 4456 Malibu Canyon Road.

[to Rose] Thank you.

Two and a Half Men, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

The government does it all the time. People get paid for it, just like us.

Damn right. Two-faced fucks.

So-called "Christian nation". Might as well be "thou shalt kill". Show no mercy, forgive no one, fuck 'em in the ass. It's a nation of killers, killin' all along. Killed damn near all the Indians, didn't they?

Yeah. But my fun's over once we actually kill someone. It's no fun torturing a corpse. I haven't gotten to torture anyone in a fuck of a long time, Hutch.

I know. It just hasn't worked out lately.

It's fucked.

Twin Peaks, Season 3  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Dale Cooper:
You're a fine man, Bushnell Mullins. I will not soon forget your kindness and decency.

[Cooper shakes Bushnell's hand and turns to go]

Bushnell Mullins:
What about the FBI?

Dale Cooper:
I am the FBI.

Twin Peaks, Season 3  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

You are awake.

Dale Cooper:


Twin Peaks, Season 3  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[after watching a shoot-out]

Bradley Mitchum:
What the fuck kind of neighborhood is this?

Rodney Mitchum:
People are under a lot of stress, Bradley.

Twin Peaks, Season 3  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Margaret, what can I do for ya?

Log Lady:
Hawk. I'm dying.

I'm sorry, Margaret.

Log Lady:
You know about death, that it's just a change, not an end. Hawk. It's time. There's some fear, some fear in letting go. Remember what I told you. I can't say more over the phone. But you know what I mean, from our talks, when we were able to speak face to face. Watch for that one, the one I told you about, the one under the moon on Blue Pine Mountain. Hawk. My log is turning gold. The wind is moaning. I'm dying. [pause] Good night, Hawk.

Good night, Margaret.

[he hangs up]

[sadly, to himself] Goodbye, Margaret.

Twin Peaks, Season 3  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

You drinking all alone tonight?

Sarah Palmer:
Mind your own business, please.

That's not very polite.

Sarah Palmer:
It wasn't meant to be polite. Would you sit back where you were, please?

I'll sit wherever I want. It's a free country. It's a free country. [menacing] It's a free cunt-ry. Maybe you're one of them bull dykes. Yeah. Come to think of it, you look kind of like a bull dyke lesbo. You like to eat cunt, huh?

Sarah Palmer:
I'll eat you.

What? Like hell you will, you miserable bitch! I'll fuckin' pull your little lesbo titties off!

[Sarah pulls her own face off to reveal a monstrous creature inside]

Sarah Palmer:

Twin Peaks, Season 3  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Albert Rosenfield:
Tammy. Case number one. This started the whole thing. 1975. Two young field agents investigate a murder in Olympia, Washington. They arrive at a motel to arrest a suspect named Lois Duffy. They hear a gunshot outside her room and kick the door in. They find two women inside, one on the floor dying from a bullet wound to the abdomen. The other holds a gun, which she drops as she backs away when they enter. They recognize the wounded woman as Lois Duffy. She speaks her last words to them: "I'm like the blue rose." She smiles, then dies, then disappears before their eyes. The other woman screaming in the corner, they now notice is also Lois Duffy.

Tammy Preston:

Albert Rosenfield:
By the way, Lois Duffy did not have a twin sister. Then while awaiting trial for a murder she swore she didn't commit, this Lois hangs herself. Those two arresting officers were Gordon Cole and Phillip Jeffries. Now, what's the one question you should ask me?

Tammy Preston:
What's the significance of the blue rose?

Albert Rosenfield:
And the answer?

Tammy Preston:
Hmm. Blue rose does not occur in nature. It's not a natural thing. The dying woman was not natural. Conjured. What's the word? A tulpa.

Albert Rosenfield:

Twin Peaks, Season 3  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

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In which movie does this quote appear: "May the Force be with you."?
A Toy Story
B Star Wars
C E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial
D Rocky