Wikidude's Quotes Page #5,493

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

William Parrish:
Hello? Is anyone here? [Louder] I said is anyone here?

[Bill's voice] Quiet down

William Parrish:
Where are you?

I'm here

William Parrish:
What is this a joke, right? Some kind of elaborate practical joke? Heh, at my fortieth reunion we delivered a casket to the class presidents hotel room and uh--


William Parrish:
[Backing out of library]

Where are you going, Bill?

William Parrish:
I uh...

The great Bill Parrish at a loss of words? The man from whose lips fall "rapture" and "passion" and "obsession"? All those admonitions about being "deliriously happy, that there is no sense in living your life without" all the sparks and energy you give off, the rosy advice you dispense in round pear shaped tones.

William Parrish:
What the hell is this? [Creaking, a shape appears in faded window] Who are you?

Just think of millenniums, multiplied by eons, compounded by time without end. I've been around that long. But it's only recently your affairs here have piqued my interest. Call it boredom. The natural curiosity of me, the most lasting and significant element in existence has come to see you.

William Parrish:
About what?

I want to have a look around before I take you.

William Parrish:
Take me where?

It requires competence wisdom and experience, all those things they say about you in testimonials. And you’re the one.

William Parrish:
The one to do what?

Show me around, be my guide. And in return you get...

William Parrish:
I get what?

Time. Minutes, days, weeks, let's not get encumbered by detail, what matters is that I stay interested. [Pause] Yes...

William Parrish:
'Yes' what?

'Yes' is the answer to your question.

William Parrish:
What question?

Oh Bill, come on. The question. The question you've been asking yourself with increased regularity, at odd moments, panting through the extra game of handball, when you ran for the plane in Delhi, when you sat up in bed last night and hit the floor in the office this morning. The question that is in the back of your throat, choking the blood to your brain, ringing in your ears over and over as you put it to yourself.

William Parrish:
'The question'...

Yes Bill. The question. [Moves from behind the glass into shadowy area] The question.

William Parrish:
...'Am I going to die?'

Joe Black:
[Steps out of the shadows, appearing as Joe Black for the first time] Yes.

Meet Joe Black  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Joe Black:
I want to be friends.

Susan Parrish:
I have many friends.

Joe Black:
I have none.

Meet Joe Black  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

William Parrish:
[Walking along a crowded sidewalk] You know, I got to thinking. With you here and seemingly occupied, how's your work going, I mean, elsewhere?

Joe Black:
While you were shaving this morning, you weren't just shaving.

William Parrish:
What do you mean?

Joe Black:
You were hatching ideas, making plans, arriving at decisions, right?

William Parrish:
Yeah, I guess so

Joe Black:
So you get the concept. While part of you is doing one thing, another part of you is doing another, perhaps even attending to the problems of your work. Correct?

William Parrish:
Of course

Joe Black:
So you understand the idea. Congratulations, Bill. Now multiply that by infinity, take that to the depth of forever, and you still will barely have a glimpse of what I'm talking about. [Bill stops, Joe keeps walking, Bill takes Joes arm and stops him from getting hit by a car...again]

Meet Joe Black  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

...the truth is, joining John Bontecou is every bit as certain as death and taxes.

Joe Black:
Death and taxes?


Joe Black:
Death and taxes?


Joe Black:
What an odd pairing.

Meet Joe Black  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Jamaican woman:

Joe Black:
[Jamaican accent] Rahtid. Obeah evil. I not evil, woman.

Jamaican woman:
And what you is then?

Joe Black:
I from that next place.

Jamaican woman:
You waitin' here to take us? Like you is the bus driver to there?

Joe Black:
No, man, I on 'oliday.

Jamaican woman:
Some spot you pick. [Groans faintly] The pain. Pain is bad, bad.

Joe Black:
I don't have nothin' to do with these things, you know.

Jamaican woman:
Make it go away.

Joe Black:
Doctor Lady make it alright.

Jamaican woman:
Uh-uh. Not this pain. This pain go through and through me. Make it go away.

Joe Black:
I can't, sister.

Jamaican woman:
You can, mister. Take me to that next place.

Joe Black:
It's not your time now.

Jamaican woman:
Make it time!

Joe Black:
You can't fool with the way things got to be.

Jamaican woman:
[Whimpering] Please...

Joe Black:
[Pauses] Close your eyes. Go on, sister. [Puts his hands on her, woman smiles and opens her eyes slowly] Soon.

Meet Joe Black  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Susan Parrish:
What will we do now?

The Man from the Coffee Shop:
It'll come to us.

Meet Joe Black  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

William Parrish:
Should I be afraid?

Joe Black:
Not a man like you.

Meet Joe Black  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Hey, stop worryin', Colonel, fifty bucks ain't gonna ruin me.

The Colonel:
I've seen plenty of fellas start out with fifty bucks and wind up with a bank account!

Hey, what's wrong with a bank account, anyway?

The Colonel:
And let me tell you, Long John, when you become a guy with a bank account, they gotcha! Yes sir, they gotcha! When they got ya, you've got no more chance than a road rabbit.

Who's got him?

The Colonel:
The helots!

What's a helot?

The Colonel:
You've ever been broke, sonny?

Sure, mostly often.

The Colonel:
All right. You're walking along, not a nickel in your jeans, your free as the wind, nobody bothers ya. Hundreds of people pass you by in every line of business: shoes, hats, automobiles, radios, everything, and there all nice lovable people and they lets you alone, is that right? Then you get a hold of some dough and what happens, all those nice sweet lovable people become helots, a lotta heels. They begin to creep up on ya, trying to sell ya something: they get long claws and they get a stranglehold on ya, and you squirm and you duck and you holler and you try to push them away but you haven't got the chance. They gots ya. First thing ya know you own things, a car for instance, now your whole life is messed up with alot more stuff: you get license fees and number plates and gas and oil and taxes and insurance and identification cards and letters and bills and flat tires and dents and traffic tickets and motorcycle cops and tickets and courtrooms and lawers and fines and... a million and one other things. What happens? You're not the free and happy guy you used to be. You need to have money to pay for all those things, so you go after what the other fellas got. There you are, you're a helot yourself.

Meet John Doe  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

She may be loathe to say the things a girl's compelled to say to get a proposal out of a man.

Personally, I wouldn't marry a man who proposed to me over an invention.

Meet Me in St. Louis  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[about her doll] I expect she won't live through the night. She has four fatal diseases.

Mr. Neely:
And it only takes one.

But she's gonna have a beautiful funeral in a cigar box my Papa gave me, all wrapped in silver paper.

Mr. Neely:
That's the way to go if you have to go.

Oh, she has to go.

Meet Me in St. Louis  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Mr. Neely:
[about St. Louis] It's a grand old town.

It isn't a town, Mr. Neely. It's a city. It's the only city that has a world's fair. My favorite. Wasn't I lucky to be born in my favorite city?

Meet Me in St. Louis  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[after tossing flour in Mr. Braukoff's face] I killed him.

She killed him all alone. Hey, wait a minute. Listen, listen. Quiet. Quiet. Tootie killed the Braukoffs single-handed. She's the bravest of them all!

Another child:
Yeah, Tootie's the most horrible!

I'm the most horrible. I'm the most horrible.

Meet Me in St. Louis  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[after Esther apologizes] If you're not busy tomorrow night, could you beat me up again?

[John kisses Esther]

You've got a mighty strong grip for a boy.

Meet Me in St. Louis  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Mr. Smith:
I've got the future to think about. A future for all of us. I've got to worry about where's the money coming from. Lon in Princeton, and Rose going to college...

Money! I hate, loathe, despise, and abominate money!

Mr. Smith:
You also spend it.

Meet Me in St. Louis  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

If there ever was a time we definitely needed every ounce of allure, it's tonight. If we're going to wreck Lucille Ballard's evening, we've simply got to be a sensation.

Rose, don't you think I could be a sensation without the corset?

You're competing with an Eastern girl. I'll wager Lucille Ballard doesn't make a move without a corset.

Well, I certainly don't relish wearing this thing. But pride has come to the rescue. For tonight, I'll do anything.

It'll be worth it. If we can create a breathtaking effect, it'll be simple to monopolize all the worthwhile men.

Exactly. There are only going to be about twenty boys worth looking at anyway. We can certainly handle twenty men. I should hope! Can you handle ten?

Seven or eight.

If you'll guarantee eight, I can handle the rest of them.

What about John Truett?

Oh, I'll devote myself to John. But in between times, I'm going to make my presence felt amongst the others.

Meet Me in St. Louis  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[after proposing to Esther] I wouldn't have said it, Esther, if I'd thought it would make you cry.

[crying] I've imagined you saying it thousands of times. And I always planned exactly how I'd act. I never planned to cry.

Well, at least you didn't laugh...I never asked a girl to marry me before...

John, nobody could have done it more beautifully. I'm very proud.

Esther, will you? Will you, Esther?

Of course I will, John.

Meet Me in St. Louis  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

I kept telling myself that even if I did go away, we'd find some way to be together. Well, I never really believed it.

When you go to New York, it will be with your husband. Your folks can show us the town, meet us at the station. Let's go in and tell them now.

Oh no, not tonight. I mean, I'd rather that just the two of us knew about it tonight. Even if I did go to New York, we could still work something out somehow, couldn't we?

Meet Me in St. Louis  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Mr. Smith:
We're not moving to New York and I don't want to hear a word about it. We're going to stay right here. We're going to stay here till we rot.

Mrs. Smith:
We haven't rotted yet, Lonnie.

Meet Me in St. Louis  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Warren Sheffield:
[rushes in] Rose Smith. We can't go on like this any longer. I've positively decided we're going to get married at the earliest opportunity. And I don't want to hear any arguments. That's final. I love you. [rushes out]

Mr. Smith:
I'd like to meet that boy sometime.

Meet Me in St. Louis  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[about the Palace of Electricity at the World's Fair] Oh, isn't it breathtaking, John! I never dreamed anything could be so beautiful.

Mrs. Smith:
There's never been anything like it in the whole world.

We don't have to come here on a train or stay in a hotel. It's right in our own home town.

Grandpa? They'll never tear it down, will they?

Well, they'd better not.

I can't believe it. Right here where we live. Right here in St. Louis.

Meet Me in St. Louis  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Judge Ira:
Bingo, bango, bongo!

Meet the Fockers  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Jack Byrnes:
[After Bernie wrecks Jack's toilet to save his dog Moses] So much for the protection of our rolling safe house.

Dina Byrnes:
Oh, honey, he was trying to save his pet. I mean, what if it was Jinxy who got flushed into a toilet?

Jack Byrnes:
Mr. Jinx has had extensive aquatic training. He would have known exactly what to do in the event of a submersion.

[Mr. Jinx purrs]

Meet the Fockers  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Jack Byrnes:
[After Greg fails to understand L.J.] That's not the sign for poop, that's the sign for milk! This is the sign for poop! [Does "poop" gesture]

Well, what's the sign for sour milk, because this, uh, tastes a little funky.

Jack Byrnes:
That's because that's from Debbie's left breast, Greg.

[Greg spits it out. L.J. giggles.]

Meet the Fockers  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Jack Byrnes:
I don't care if they did call you Larry Poppins. You are completely unfit to handle a child.

Greg Focker:
It was Barry Poppins.

Jack Byrnes:
What kind of a sick cocktail were you going to make my grandson?

Roz Focker:
Jack, the baby's teething. I told Greg to give him some rum to ease the pain.

Jack Byrnes:
It was your idea?

Roz Focker:

Jack Byrnes:
What is wrong with you people?!

Bernie Focker:
You people?

Dina Byrnes:
I used to rub bourbon on Denny's gums.

Jack Byrnes:
Yeah! Look what happened to him. Greg, you couldn't follow a simple set of instructions?

Greg Focker:
Jack, he was screaming. So I went in and I gave him a little attention. Okay?

Jack Byrnes:
He's learning to self-soothe. These setbacks are disastrous for his development.

Roz Focker:
The child is adorable, but you're not raising Little Buddha over here.

Greg Focker:

Jack Byrnes:
What are you saying?

Roz Focker:
I'm saying that I have seen that kid eat at least 15 boogers since he's been here. And I've got news for you, Jack,. Prodigies don't eat their own boogers.

Jack Byrnes:
And I have news for you. Prodigies don't come in 10th place every time either.

Pam Byrnes:
Okay, Dad. That's my fiancee.

Jack Byrnes:
I'm sorry. It's just that I've never seen people celebrate mediocrity the way you do.

Roz Focker:
Why? Because we love our son? We hug our son? Let's get down to it. The truth is, you're so concerned about that Little Jack, but I think that it's the Little Jack in you that is crying out for a hug.

Jack Byrnes:
The Little Jack in me? [Greg is getting extremely frustrated]

Roz Focker:
Jack, you have issues. I'm trying to understand why you run around with a rubber boob strapped to your chest. I mean, were you ever breastfed?

Greg Focker:
Mom, stop.

Bernie Focker:
Key question!

Roz Focker:
My guess is no.

Jack Byrnes:
Would you spare my the drugstore psychology?

Greg Focker:
[everyone starts arguing] Everybody! All right. Everybody just... Everybody just STOP! Okay?! [the arguing stops] Jack, I'm not going to make any excuses. Yes, Little Jack wouldn't stop crying, so I gave him some hugs and I let him watch TV. I went to answer the phone, I was gone a second, I came back in, he let himself out of the playpen, he put on Scarface, and he glued his hands to the rum bottle. Okay? That's it.

Meet the Fockers  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

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What TV series is this quote from: "Everybody lies."?
A House
B Grey's Anatomy
C Fargo
D The West Wing