Agent J:
[after knocking out the four-armed alien] Still keep the key under the ashtray.
Young Agent K:
Lucky guess. Now, where were we?
Bowling Ball Head:
I was just about to tell you to screw off.
Young Agent K:
[to Agent J] Hey, slick, you bowl in the future?
Agent J:
Absolutely, MIB league champ, three years running.
Young Agent K:
Well, let's see it. [walks up to the alien and pulls his head off; Agent J is slightly horrified by this as Young Agent K hands the head to him]
Bowling Ball Head:
Unh! You did not just walk into my establishment and rip my head off!
Agent J:
My man, look. We don't have a lot of time for this. You really need to tell him something.
Bowling Ball Head:
I'll tell him this! [gestures rudely and glares at Young Agent K]
Agent J:
Alright, your head. [Bowling Ball Head's face fills with fear as Agent J carries him to a lane; Young Agent K inhales with exasperation]
Bowling Ball Head:
Wait... Hey, if you do this, I am gonna hunt you down, and I will make sure that you walk funny for the– [J rolls him down the aisle, knocking over 8 pins, leaving pins 7 and 10 still standing] rest of your miserable last days on Earth! Unh!
Young Agent K:
Tough spare, slick. [Agent J groans; the Bowling Ball Head rolls into the ball return]
Bowling Ball Head:
You messed with the wrong head!
Agent J:
His head is a little... [walks up to the ball return and humorously peers inside]
Young Agent K:
You gonna tell us where Dom is?
Bowling Ball Head:
[angrily speaking unintelligibly] I'll kill you both. I swear I'll kill both of youse!
Agent J:
[as he prepares to roll the alien's head down the aisle again, he accidentally drops it, and it hits the floor] Ooh!
Bowling Ball Head:
Ow! Jesus! [Young Agent K grabs a bag for cleaning bowling balls]
Young Agent K:
Your hook's a little off. You want me to clean her?
Agent J:
[figuring it might make him talk] Oh, yeah, sure thing. [throws the head to Young Agent K, who immediately starts rubbing him with the bag]
Bowling Ball Head:
Oh, no, no, no! Aw, come on! I just cleaned the bathroom with this thing! Please, no cleaning! No cleaning! Stop cleaning! Okay! Okay, alright! [Young Agent K stops and removes the head from the bag] Alright, he's in the back. But he's not gonna talk to any Men in Black scum like you! [while talking, the headless body points at Young Agent K] Now give me back my head! [Young Agent K ignores his demand and throws the head back to Agent J]
Agent J:
K, I call this one...
Bowling Ball Head:
[as Agent J puts his fingers in his nose] Oh!
Agent J:
Bowling Ball Head:
That ain't a finger hole, you sick bastard! [Agent J turns and approaches the aisle and rolls the head between his legs; it bounces slightly towards the pins] Ow! How about I pop your head off and see how you like it?! [Agent J humorously makes it look like he's directing the ball; the Bowling Ball Head rolls right into Pin 7, knocking it into Pin 10] Ow! [the Bowling Ball Head, upside down, seethes with anger at the agents]
Agent J:
[satisfied] Ooh! Mmm! [gestures to Young Agent K to go to the back room]
Bowling Ball Head:
I'm gonna kill both of you! I'm gonna kill the both of youse! I'll kill you both!