Wikidude's Quotes Page #5,501

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

[In the car with Babe] All right, things are starting to come together. Keep your head down before you get it blown off. Those two guys I just wasted work for a man named Christian Szell. Does that name mean anything to you?


He ran the experimental camp in Auchswitz, where they called him "The White Angel", the Vicea, because he has this incredible head of white hair. He's probably the wealthiest and most wanted Nazi left alive. And he's hiding out somewhere in Uruguay. In 1945, Szell let it be known around Auchswitz that he could provide escape for any Jew who was willing to pay the price. He started with gold naturally, but very quickly worked his way up to diamonds. Have you heard any of this before?


Szell saw the end early. And he snuck his brother into America with his diamonds. They're right here in New York in a safe deposit box. Szell's brother had the key. The only other key was kept by Szell in Uruguay. And now, if he has to come out of hiding to use it, he's gonna expose himself to incredible risk. Well, everything worked out fine until his brother got killed in a head-on collision with an oil truck.

Why did you say "naturally" when you said he'd started with gold?

Because he knocked it out of the Jews' teeth before he burned them. Szell was a dentist.

He's not coming to America, Mr. Janeway. He's here.

He can't be here. We'd already know of it.

He's here. He was the dentist that almost killed me. He kept saying, "Is it safe?, is it safe?" over and over.

Did he have white hair? Keep your head down! Did he have white hair?

He was bald.

Bald? The son of a bitch has shaved his head! He's here! And he's panicked!

Marathon Man  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Referring to his dead brother] What did he do?

He was in the oil business.

Wrong. I know exactly how Doc made his living, and the closest he ever came to the oil business was when he filled up at the friendly neighborhood gas station.

Marathon Man  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

I don't think he knows anything. And I think he knows too much.

You can afford to think what you wish. I can't.


[to Babe] Oh please don't worry. I'm not going into that cavity. That nerve's already dying. A live, freshly-cut nerve is infinitely more sensitive. So I'll just drill into a healthy tooth until I reach the pulp... unless of course you can tell me that it's safe.

Marathon Man  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Listen, I want you to rob my apartment.

[laughs] Why?

There are some guys out there after me, I got a gun in my desk drawer, and I want you to get me some clothes.

What's in there for me, man?

I got a TV set, I got a hi-fi, you can take it all. Do it.

What's the catch?

The catch is it's dangerous. Please do it.

That ain't the catch. It's the fun.

Marathon Man  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

I was in a state of hysteria, you know. [referring to the open suitcase filled with diamonds] Don't you want to take a closer look than that?


You see, uh, in a sense, one becomes more emotional with age. First, after a lifetime of being taken by friends and enemies alike, and then just when you think you have your possessions sure, your health begins to go. [laughs] That is, of course, the ultimate theft!

Marathon Man  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Sarah Robertson:
But is this your draft?

Peter Sullivan:
Yes. Again, expanded on the original work by Mr. Dale. But, yes.

Sarah Robertson:
What's your background?

Peter Sullivan:
My background?

Sarah Robertson:
Your CV?

Peter Sullivan:
I've been with the firm for two and a half years, working with Eric that whole time. But I hold a doctorate in engineering, specialty in propulsion, from MIT with a bachelor's from Penn.

Jared Cohen:
What is a specialty in propulsion, exactly?

Peter Sullivan:
My thesis was studying the ways that friction ratios affect steering outcomes in aeronautical use under reduced gravity loads.

Jared Cohen:
So, you're a rocket scientist?

Peter Sullivan:
I was. Yeah.

Jared Cohen:
Interesting. How did you end up here?

Peter Sullivan:
Well, it's all just numbers really. Just changing what you're adding up, and, to speak freely, the money here is considerably more attractive.

Margin Call  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Peter Sullivan:
Will? Did you really make two and a half million last year?

Will Emerson:
Yeah, sure.

Peter Sullivan:
How did you spend it all?

Will Emerson:
It goes quite quickly. You know, you learn to spend what's in your pocket.

Seth Bregman:
Two and a half million goes quickly?

Will Emerson:
All right, let's see. So the taxman takes half up front, so you're left with one and a quarter. My mortgage takes another 300 grand. I send 150 home for my parents, you know, keep them going. So what's that?

Peter Sullivan:

Will Emerson:
All right, 800. Spent 150 on a car. About 75 on restaurants. Probably 50 on clothes. I put 400 away for a rainy day.

Seth Bregman:
That's smart.

Will Emerson:
Yeah, as it turns out, 'cause it looks like the storm's coming.

Peter Sullivan:
You still got 125.

Will Emerson:
Yeah, well, I did spend $76,520 on hookers, booze, and dancers. But mainly hookers.

Peter Sullivan:

Will Emerson:
I was a little shocked initially, but then I realized that I could claim most of it back as entertainment. it's true.

Margin Call  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

John Tuld:
Since when you have you gotten so soft?

Sam Rogers:
Fuck you, soft. You're panicking.

John Tuld:
If you're first out the door, that's not called panicking.

Margin Call  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

John Tuld:
Sam, I don't think you seem to understand what your boy here has just said.

John Tuld:
If I made you do it, how would you do this?

Sam Rogers:
You call the traders in for their normal meet, because they're going to know it's the end either way.

Sam Rogers:
You're going to have to throw them a bone, and a pretty big one.

Sam Rogers:
And then you've got to come out of the gates storming. No swaps. No nothing.

John Tuld:
So, you're telling me that all your trades have to be gone because by lunchtime, huh?

Margin Call  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

John Tuld:
So, what you're telling me is that the music is about to stop and we're going to be left holding the biggest bag of odorous excrement ever assembled in the history of capitalism.

Peter Sullivan:
Sir, I'm not sure that I would put it that way. But let me clarify.

Peter Sullivan:
Using your analogy, what this model shows is the music, so to speak, just slowing.

Peter Sullivan:
If the music were to stop, as you put it, then this model wouldn't be even close to that scenario.

Margin Call  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Marnie Edgar:
You don't love me. I'm just something you've caught! You think I'm some sort of animal you've trapped!

Mark Rutland:
That's right - you are. And I've caught something really wild this time, haven't I? I've tracked you and caught you and by God I'm going to keep you.

Marnie  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Bernice Edgar:
Oh, Marnie. You shouldn't spend all your money on me like you do.

Marnie Edgar:
But that's what money's for: to spend. Like the Bible says, "Money answereth all things."

Marnie  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Annie Montrose:
What the hell is "Project Elrond?"

Vincent Kapoor:
I had to make something up.

Annie Montrose:
But "Elrond?"

Mitch Henderson:
Because it's a secret meeting.

Annie Montrose:
How do you know that; why does Elrond mean secret meeting?

Bruce Ng:
The Council of Elrond. It's the... it's... it's... from The Lord of the Rings. It's the meeting where they decide to destroy the One Ring.

Teddy Sanders:
If we are going to call something Project Elrond, I would like my code name to be Glorfindel.

Annie Montrose:
Okay, I hate every one of you.

The Martian  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Mitch Henderson:
He's not even got to the bad parts yet.

Vincent Kapoor:
Well, let's get to the bad parts.

Bruce Ng:
We need to remove the nose LR, the windows, and the whole of panel 19.

Vincent Kapoor:
You want to take the front of the ship off?

Bruce Ng:
Sure. The nose alone is 400 kilograms.

Vincent Kapoor:
You want to send a man into space without the front of his ship?

Bruce Ng:
Well, no. We are going to have him cover it with HAB canvas. The hull is mostly there to keep air in. Mars' atmosphere is so thin, you do not need a lot of streamlining. By the time the ship is going fast enough for air resistance to matter, it'll be high enough that there will be practically no air.

Vincent Kapoor:
You want to send him into space under a tarp?

Bruce Ng:
Yes. Can I go on?

Vincent Kapoor:

The Martian  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Teddy Sanders:
I just had to explain to the President of the United States what a bureaucratic felcher is.

Mitch Henderson:
I made the mistake of typing it into Google. Don't.

The Martian  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Annie Montrose:
But if something goes wrong?

Vincent Kapoor:
Then we lose the crew.

Bruce Ng:
So what, we either have a high chance of killing one person, or a low chance of killing six people. How do we make that decision?

Vincent Kapoor:
We don't. [pointing to Teddy] He does.

Mitch Henderson:
Yeah, bullshit. It should be Commander Lewis' call.

Teddy Sanders:
We still have a chance to bring five astronauts home safe and sound. I'm not risking their lives.

Mitch Henderson:
Let them make that decision.

Teddy Sanders:
Mitch, we are going with option one.

Mitch Henderson:
You goddamn coward.

The Martian  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Melissa Lewis:
You're in Martinez's hands now.

Mark Watney:
Well... tell that asshole no barrel rolls.

The Martian  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[opening lines]

Jerry Lewis:
You gotta do better than this for me, Abby.

Abby Greshler:
I'm an agent, Jerry. I'm not the amazing Randi.

Jerry Lewis:
I can kill. I know I can. I don't want anymore strip clubs, very hard to follow nipple tassels.

Abby Greshler:
Well, you gotta start some..look, at least no one threw up on you.

Jerry Lewis:
See to me, that doesn't make it a successful gig.

Abby Greshler:
Yeah, well its hard to sell a record act, Jerry. You're gonna have to actually start talking on stage. Can you MC? I mean, can you talk normal long enough to introduce other acts?

Jerry Lewis:
I can talk good anywhere... Except in front of people.

Abby Greshler:
Your a very funny kid, Jerry. You got a lot of potential. Wanna be an MC along with your act. I think I can book you at the Havana-Madrid, very respectable place.

Jerry Lewis:
People throw up there?

Abby Greshler:
Only in the bathroom.

Jerry Lewis:
That is respectable.

Martin and Lewis  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Abby Greshler:
[sarcastically] Goodbye, Jerry.

Jerry Lewis:
Hey, Abby?

Abby Greshler:

Jerry Lewis:
Try stay out of the sun.

Abby Greshler:
Get the hell outta here.

Martin and Lewis  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Jerry Lewis:
[to Patti] They'll hate me. Why can't I just get up on stage and be funny and then get famous and then get rich? Or the rich part first. I don't care. Is that too much to ask?

Patti Lewis:
You should do it.

Jerry Lewis:
But I'm scared.

Patti Lewis:
[kisses him on his forehead] Do it anyway.

Jerry Lewis:
[looks around the house] What? And take a chance on losing all this?

Patti Lewis:
Come on, lets eat.

Martin and Lewis  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Jeanne Biegger:
I just wish they could see what I see.

Dean Martin:
I want you to stay here, in LA. My band leader has a guest house.

Jeanne Biegger:
What's gonna change?

Dean Martin:
You know how it is. What it is.

Jeanne Biegger:
I do now, although it would have been nice of you to let me know you were married when you first took me out.

Dean Martin:
Don't you read the gossip columns?

Jeanne Biegger:
I wouldn't let you be alone, you know that. Aren't you tired of being alone?

Dean Martin:
Its complicated.

Jeanne Biegger:
No, its simple. You need somebody who's always gonna be there. Who knows the truth and is never gonna lie to you. I'm just like you, Dean. I don't care about anything in this world except what's in front of me, and that's you. You've never been loved that way before, I know it.

Martin and Lewis  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Ernie Glucksman:

Dean Martin:
Yeah. [noticing the strap on his shoulder] is that Jerry's?

Ernie Glucksman:
Yeah, well he only got the one though. Listen, I'm sorry about what happened back there.

Dean Martin:
Not your fault.

Ernie Glucksman:
How do you put up with it?

Dean Martin:
Hey, it doesn't bother me. I get paid the same whether I'm funny or whether the boy's funny.

Ernie Glucksman:
Yeah, but I mean the stomach aches. I've never seen anyone so desperate for attention. We all think it stinks.

Martin and Lewis  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Ernie Glucksman:
Yeah, I'd love to have a drink with you some night or maybe dinner? I'd like to get to know you more so I can tell the writers how to work for you better.

Dean Martin:
Nobody gets to know me better. Not even my wife.

[walks away]

Martin and Lewis  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Jerry Lewis:
Don't forget, we got dinner with Dean and Jeanne on Friday.

Patti Lewis:
Speaking of something I don't wanna do.

Jerry Lewis:
Well, get over it, cause were going. We never do anything with them anymore.

Patti Lewis:
I'm still friends with Betty. Do you have any idea how awkward this is?

Jerry Lewis:
I don't care. Dean's my best friend.

Patti Lewis:
Dean is nobody's best friend, Jerry!

Jerry Lewis:
Who stayed with me all night at the hospital, huh? My father? Lew Wasserman? No, Dean did. You don't understand these things.

Patti Lewis:
I understand better then you do. He's not gonna give you what you want. He can't. When are you gonna see that?

Jerry Lewis:
Alright, just stay out of it.

Patti Lewis:
The invitation's never gonna come...

Jerry Lewis:
Alright, that's enough! You will go to dinner with us! Dean is my friend and you will go!

Martin and Lewis  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

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A Freddie Mercury
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D Paul Simon