[Miss Honey decides to visit the Wormwoods to speak with them about Matilda's intelligence; Harry answers the door]
Miss Honey:
We don't give money, we don't like charities, we don't buy raffle tickets. [attempts to shut the door, but Miss Honey stops him]
Miss Honey:
Mr. Wormwood, I'm Jennifer Honey. I'm Matilda's teacher. [Matilda looks up, surprised to see Miss Honey]
What's she done now? [to Matilda] You! Go to your room, right now! Right now! Beat it! [Matilda does so; to Miss Honey] Look, whatever it is, she's your problem now.
Miss Honey:
No, there is no problem.
Then beat it. We're watching TV. [again attempts to shut the door, but Miss Honey again stops him]
Miss Honey:
Mr. Wormwood, if you think watching some rotten TV show is more important than your daughter, then maybe you shouldn't be a parent. Now, why don't you turn that darn thing off and listen to me?
[groans in frustration] All right, come on in, get this over with. Mrs. Wormwood's not gonna like this. Come on, get in. Close the door.
Who is it?
Some teacher. Says she's gotta talk to you about Matilda. [turns off TV]
What'd you do that for?! He had Velasquez on the ropes!
[to Miss Honey] What do you want?
[Matilda stands in the hallway, listening to the conversation]
Miss Honey:
I'm sure you're aware by now that Matilda has a brilliant mind.
[sarcastically] Yeah, right. [to Michael] Mikey, get me a beer. [Michael tosses a can of beer to Harry]
Miss Honey:
Her math skills are simply extraordinary. She's reading material that I...
[interrupting; offers Miss Honey a beer] Want one?
Miss Honey:
Oh, no, thank you, dear. [continues to Harry and Zinnia] Material that I didn't see until my second year of college.
[rolls her eyes] Oh, college!
[snickers] Great, college!
Miss Honey:
I really feel, with private instruction, that she'd be ready for college in just a few short years.
Look, Miss Snit. A girl does not get anywhere by acting intelligent. I mean, take a look at you and me. You chose books, I chose looks. I have a nice house, a wonderful husband, and you are slaving away teaching snot-nosed children their ABCs. You want Matilda to go to college? [laughs]
College? I didn't go to college. I don't know anybody who did. Bunch of hippies and cesspool salesmen! [chuckles]
Miss Honey:
[insulted] Don't sneer at educated people, Mr. Wormwood. If you became ill, heaven forbid, your doctor would be a college graduate.
[less smugly] Yeah.
Miss Honey:
Or say you were sued for selling a faulty car? The lawyer who defended you would have gone to college, too.
[sternly] What car? Sued by who? Who you been talking to?
Miss Honey:
Nobody. [Harry looks at her in disbelief] Oh, dear. I can see we are not going to agree, aren't we? No, I'm sorry I burst in on you like this. Sorry.
We ought to sue her for interrupting our show!
[turns on TV] Tell me about it. [about the wrestling match on TV] Why's he standing in the middle of the ring?
Standing in the middle of the ring? 'Cause it's over.
We missed it?
[Matilda sees Miss Honey place a book on the table near the front door]
[whispers] Thank you.
Miss Honey:
[whispers] Tomorrow. [leaves]
Great, it's over.
Who won?
How do I know? You shut it off!
Was it my fault that she came in the middle of the fight?!