Wikidude's Quotes Page #5,682

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

Poopy! What do you need a gun for? Where are we going?

Captain Spaulding:
You ain't going nowhere, bitch.

Oh, Poopy! Where are you going?

Captain Spaulding:
Get out of my fucking way!

Poopy, no!

Sheriff John Wydell:
If you're out there listening to this, I got a message for ya. I'm coming to get ya. You can't run forever. You're gonna have to stop somewhere, sometime, and when you do I'm gonna be there to put the wrath of the Lord up your ass.

Poopy, don't go!

Captain Spaulding:
God damn it, stop calling me Poopy! Leave me alone, woman!

I want my Poopy!

Captain Spaulding:
Leave me alone!

Poopy, no!

The Devil's Rejects  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

DeWitt Albright:
These big companies, don't give a damn, do they? [writes on a business card] If you need a job, drop by this address at seven tonight.

Easy Rawlins:
What kind of work you do?

DeWitt Albright:
I do favors... I do favors for friends. Drop by. [leaves]

Easy Rawlins:
Who the hell is that, Joppy?

Just somebody I know... A bidnessman.

Easy Rawlins:
What kinda business?

Oh, I don't ask him all that. He comes in here every so often looking for somebody to do a little job for him... He pays good.

Easy Rawlins:
In other words, he's a gangster.

I didn't say that... But if there's a dollar laying in the street I don't think he'll let a little dirt stop him from picking it up. If you worried about making that house note this month, maybe you wanna pay him a call. All them pretty girls you be with ain't gonna buy you a house. Sound like he just wants you to keep your eyes open for somebody...He'll pay you whether you see anything or not. If it was me I'd take that man's money and go on about my bidness... Ain't nothin' to worry about.

Easy Rawlins:
[voiceover] When somebody tells me "Don't worry," I usually look down to see if my fly is open... I noticed Albright didn't bother to pay for his drink. DeWitt Albright reminded me of somebody I knew back in Houston. His name was Raymond Alexander but we called him Mouse... Mouse called hisself a businessman too. And I found out that I shouldn't be nowhere around when Mouse got down to his business... I learned that the hard way.

Devil in a Blue Dress  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

DeWitt Albright:
One thing I like about working for myself...I always have a bottle on the table. You wanna drink with me? Fine. You don't? Door's right behind you. Joppy tells me you're a war hero. Said you went in with Patton.

[Easy nods]

DeWitt Albright:
So, you want the job?

Easy Rawlins:
Depends on what kind of job. I don't want to get mixed up in nothing.

DeWitt Albright:
Walk out the door in the morning, Easy, and you're mixed up in something. Only thing that matters is if you're mixed up to the top or not.

Easy Rawlins:
I mean I don't wanna get mixed up with the law...

DeWitt Albright:
Neither one of us wants to get mixed up in that. That's just rich people trying to keep me and you in our place. [he laughs] I'm looking for somebody for a friend.

Devil in a Blue Dress  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

DeWitt Albright:
[to group of kids threatening Easy] Excuse me.

What do you want?

[Albright draws his gun]

DeWitt Albright:
I want to see brains. I want you to die for me.

I'm sorry, sir.

DeWitt Albright:
The question is: "Are you sorry enough?"


DeWitt Albright:
Then prove it. Show him. Get down on your knees and suck his peter.

[The kid starts crying]

Easy Rawlins:
I think he got the point--

DeWitt Albright:
[to the kid] You heard me.

[He presses the barrel to the boy's forehead and he goes down to his knees. The other young men look on in horror.]

DeWitt Albright:
Son of a gun. You were gonna do it, weren't you?

[He hits the kid on the head with his gun]

DeWitt Albright:
Sick bastard.

[He hits him again; blood flies]

DeWitt Albright:
Get out of here. You call the cops, I'll kill ya!

[The kid stumbles off]

DeWitt Albright:
I don't think they'd dare call the cops. [giggles] But it'll cost me a few bucks if they do.

Devil in a Blue Dress  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Easy Rawlins:
What you doin' in my house, man?

DeWitt Albright:
I expected you to be home, so Manny used a screwdriver on the door. What happened to your face?

Easy Rawlins:
You got no excuse to be breakin' into my house -- What if I broke into your place?

DeWitt Albright:
[still smiling] I'd tear your nigger head out by its root.

Easy Rawlins:
So what do you want?

DeWitt Albright:
Where have you been this time of morning, Easy?

Easy Rawlins:
I went to see a girl. Don't you get none, Mr. Albright?

DeWitt Albright:
I didn't come here to play, boy. You got my money in your pocket and we've been over at that address waitin' all night for Frank Green and now we've found out that he moved from there over a year ago.

Easy Rawlins:
So what do you want me to do about it? You don't think I did my job. Shit, I give you the money back.

[He reaches for his pocket, but Albright reaches too -- Albright presses the barrel of the .45 against Easy's forehead.]

DeWitt Albright:
Do you believe in God, Easy? 'Cause I'm curious to see if death is any different for a religious man.

Devil in a Blue Dress  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

DeWitt Albright:
Get me some whiskey, Easy.

Easy Rawlins:
Get it yourself. Bottle's in the cabinet.

[Slowly Albright smiles]

DeWitt Albright:
Well, I'll be damned. Get us a drink, Manny. Easy, you're a brave man. I need a brave man working for me. But you gotta find Frank Green, so he can lead us to her.

Easy Rawlins:
No, thanks, Mr. Albright. People are gettin' killed all around me. You never said anything about all this.

DeWitt Albright:
Easy, you're connectable to two murders. You'll do whatever I tell you to do. Now you got three days to find him. And you make sure you count 'em right.

Devil in a Blue Dress  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Degan Odell:
Ain't thinkin' 'bout no job? How you gonna live?

Easy Rawlins:
I'm gonna go to work for myself. Take a little money I got saved up and go into real estate. Start fixin' up folks' gardens again...and do a few favors on the side. Favors for friends.

Degan Odell:
What you talkin' 'bout, 'favors'?

Easy Rawlins:
Well, like a woman offered me thirty dollars to go track down her husband for her.

Degan Odell:
You talkin' about private investigatin' or somethin'. You could get in trouble doin' that.

Easy Rawlins:
Like a man once said to me, Odell: 'Walk out your door in the morning and you're already in trouble'. It's just how you're mixed up in that trouble that counts. Odell?

Degan Odell:
Yeah, Easy?

Easy Rawlins:
If you got a friend that does bad and you still keep him as your friend, even though you know what he's like... Do you think that's right?

Degan Odell:
All you got is your friends, Easy.

Devil in a Blue Dress  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Who are you?

I'm Andy Sachs, I just graduated from Northwestern University-

And what are you doing here?

Well, I think I could do a good job as your assistant, and, um... I came to New York to be a journalist, and I sent out letters everywhere, and I finally got a call from Elias Clark and met with Sherry up at Human Resources and- basically, it's this or Auto Universe.

So you don't read Runway.


And before today you had never heard of me?


You have no style or sense of fashion.

I think that depends on –

No, no- that wasn't a question.

The Devil Wears Prada  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

So, first of all, we need to move Snoop Dogg to my table.

But your table's full.

Stephen isn't coming.

Oh, Stephen isn't... so I don't need to fetch Stephen from the airport tomorrow?

Well, if you speak to him and he decides to rethink the divorce, then, yes, fetch away. You're very fetching, so, go fetch. And then, when we get back to New York, we need to contact Leslie, and see what she can do to minimize the press on all this. Another divorce. Splashed across "Page Six". Just imagine what they're going to write about me. "The Dragon Lady. Career-obsessed. Snow Queen drives away another Mr. Priestly." Rupert Murdoch should cut me a check for all the papers I sell for him. Anyway, I don't... I don't really care what anybody writes about me. But my... my girls, I just... It's just so unfair to the girls. And it's just... Another disappointment. Another letdown. Another father. Figure. Gone. Anyway, the point is... the point is... the point is, we really need to figure out where to place Donatella, because she's barely speaking to anyone.

I'm so sorry, Miranda. If you want me to cancel your evening, I can.

Don't be ridiculous. Why would we do that?

Is there anything else I can do to help?

[Nods] Your job. That's all.

The Devil Wears Prada  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Tony Wendice:
How do you go about writing a detective story?

Mark Halliday:
Well, you forget detection and concentrate on crime. Crime's the thing. And then you imagine you're going to steal something or murder somebody.

Tony Wendice:
Oh, is that how you do it? It's interesting.

Mark Halliday:
Yes, I usually put myself in the criminal's shoes and then I keep asking myself, uh, what do I do next?

Margot Mary Wendice:
Do you really believe in the perfect murder?

Mark Halliday:
Mmm, yes, absolutely. On paper, that is. And I think I could, uh, plan one better than most people; but I doubt if I could carry it out.

Tony Wendice:
Oh? Why not?

Mark Halliday:
Well, because in stories things usually turn out the way the author wants them to; and in real life they don't... always. Hmm. I'm afraid my murders would be something like my bridge: I'd make some stupid mistake and never realize it until I found everybody was looking at me.

Dial M for Murder  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

C.A. Swan:
Smart, aren't you?

Tony Wendice:
No, not really. I've just had time to think things out. Put myself in your position. That's why I know you're going to agree.

C.A. Swan:
What makes you think I'll agree?

Tony Wendice:
For the same reason that a donkey with a stick behind him and a carrot in front always goes forwards and not backwards.

C.A. Swan:
Tell me about the carrot.

Tony Wendice:
One thousand pounds, cash, to be placed in an account under your name. That ought to appeal to you — you've been skating on some very thin ice.

C.A. Swan:
[evasive] I don't know what you mean...

Tony Wendice:
You should. It's been in all the papers. A middle-aged woman found dead in her London flat of a drug overdose. Apparently, she'd been taking the stuff for quite some time, but no-one seems to know where she got it. [smiles] But we know, don't we? Poor Miss Wallace.

Dial M for Murder  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

C.A. Swan:
When would this take place?

Tony Wendice:
Tomorrow night.

C.A. Swan:
Tomorrow! Not a chance! I've got to think this over.

Tony Wendice:
It has to be tomorrow. I've arranged things that way.

C.A. Swan:

Tony Wendice:
Approximately where you're standing now.

Dial M for Murder  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Chief Insp. Hubbard:
Sooner or later, he'll come back here. As I've pinched his latch key, he'll try the one in the handbag. When that doesn't fit, he'll realize his mistake, put two and two together, and look under the stair carpet.

Mark Halliday:
If he doesn't do that, all of this is pure guess work. We can't prove a thing.

Chief Insp. Hubbard:
That's perfectly true. But once he opens that door, we shall know everything.

Dial M for Murder  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Tony has just been caught]

Tony Wendice:
As you said Mark, it might work out on paper, but... Congratulations, Inspector. Oh, by the way... [makes himself a drink] How about you, Margot?

Margot Mary Wendice:
Yes, I could do with something.

Tony Wendice:

Mark Halliday:
So could I.

Tony Wendice:
I suppose you're still on duty, Inspector.

Dial M for Murder  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Greg Heffley:
OK, first of all, let me get something straight, this is a journal, not a diary. Yeah, I know what it says on the cover, but when my mom went out to buy this thing, I specifically told her not to buy the thing that says "diary" on it. This just proves that Mom doesn't understand anything about kids my age.

Sissy! [punches Greg]

The only reason why I agreed to write in this thing, is because one day, when I'm rich and famous, I'll have better things to do than answer people's stupid questions all day long.

Reporter #1:
Gregory! Tell us about your childhood!

Reporter #2:
Were you always so smart and handsome?

Here's my journal. Now shoo, shoo.

Susan Heffley:
That's our boy up there.

Frank Heffley:
Why did I ever say no to him?

Diary of a Wimpy Kid  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Rowley, if you had to say what you were ranked in terms of popularity from 1 to 200, where would you put yourself?

Rowley Jefferson:
Is 200 good or bad?

I'd say you're somewhere around the 154 mark. I'd put myself around number 19 or 20. I might even have a shot at the top spot by the end of the year. If things will go the way I think they will.

Well, who's at the bottom?

Hey, guys! You wanna see my secret freckle? [lifts up his shirt]

Greg & Rowley:

[narrating] Fregley, sent home for hygiene issues at least once a month.

Check it out. It's got a hair in it!

Diary of a Wimpy Kid  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Angie Steadman:
It all starts in middle school, y'know. You're not a kid anymore, the coddling's stopped. Kids aren't separated by intelligence. The weak are picked on. The girls you've known since kindergarten won't even talk to you anymore.

Okay, well it sounds like you've got it all figured out, so go back to your book.

Diary of a Wimpy Kid  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Chirag Gupta:
STOP! Good God, man! You almost got the Cheese Touch!

The what?

The Cheese Touch.

Diary of a Wimpy Kid  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Y'know, I like your point of view. You should sign up for the school paper. We are the voice of the people. Well, the people are mostly idiots so I guess technically speaking we're the voice of the people making fun of the people.

Diary of a Wimpy Kid  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Hey, reflector dude, nice costume!

Thanks! My mom made it...

[Suddenly, the teenager in the back of the truck sprays a fire extinguister in Greg and Rowley's face]

Diary of a Wimpy Kid  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Remember that secret language we made up last week?


[to Rowley, through walkie-talkie] Your-pa dad-pa smells-pa like-pa a woman-pa. [Greg and Rowley laugh, as Rowley's dad glares at them appalled]


I think he cracked our code.

Diary of a Wimpy Kid  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Holly Hills:
Excuse me.


Holly Hills:
I said, "Excuse me". You're blocking the exit.

Oh, uh, [laughing] sorry.

Holly Hills:
That's okay.

Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Hey, Greg. Can you break a leg or something so we can leave?

[Greg laughs and sighs. Rodrick realizes Greg is staring at Holly Hills]

Oh. [laughs] That'll never happen. Not a chance. There's no way that girl will EVER talk to you.

Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[notices that it is almost 10:00] I'm going in. [to Rowley] Cover me!

[Greg scooches toward Holly. Just then, the lights dim, and "Always" by Atlantic Starr begins playing]

[over P.A.] All rockers and hardcore skaters off the rink, unless you're lookin' for love. It's time for Couples Skate!

I'm making my move. [prepares to tap Holly on the shoulder]

[over P.A.] STOP!!!! [The music stops. Greg turns around] Enough of that total lameness! Who's ready to ROCK?! Yeah! [plays the intro to "Cut Throat" by Kittie]

[makes the "Double Horns" sign with both hands] Whoo!

[Greg stares at Rodrick in disbelief. Rodrick smiles evilly]

Come on, let's get outta here. Come on. [she and her friends exit the rink]

[A crowd of violent teenagers enter the rink. They brutally bump into others knocking them over]

[panicking] What're we gonna do?!

Stay calm. All we have to do is just stay here.

[Two teenagers grab Rowley and start dragging him along. Rowley screams]

Rowley! Hang on!

[screaming] WHOOOOOOOA!!!

[Greg tries to rescue Rowley, but another teenager knocks him flat on his face. As Greg picks himself up, the sound of a record scratching is heard and the music comes to an abrupt stop]

[over P.A.] GREG HEFFLEY!!! This is your mother. Everything is going to be okay. Stay where you are, and your father is going to come rescue you. I repeat, everything is going to be okay. Okay, here he comes. Here comes Frank. I see him. He's on his way. Okay.

[Dad struts out into the middle of the rink and picks Greg up, carrying him off]


I know, I know.

[Holly's friends giggle, but Holly isn't amused]

[over P.A.] Okay. Alright. Everyone, go back to skating!

[As Dad sets Greg back on his feet, everyone resumes skating]

You all right?


[Rodrick approaches]

Hey, Romeo. How'd it go with the new girl?

[grunts and lunges at Rodrick, screaming] WHOOOA!!!!

[Greg lands onto Taylor's birthday cake. Rodrick laughs. Greg picks himself up off the smashed cake, his face covered in frosting]

[lividly; to Greg] You ruined my birthday, you...JERK!!!!

Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

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