Wikidude's Quotes Page #5,680

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

I tell you what. I’ll give you a dollar each if you go into this building here and run around yelling and sceaming.

Homeless guy (Fred Wolf); Ah y’know, that’s very nice, but I think what you probably need are like some psycho, out-of-control homeless guys.

Other homeless guy (Jim Downey):
Yeah, we’re more the broken, spiritless, “I’ve lost the will to live” type homeless guys.

How ’bout for two dollars?

[Cut to the homeless guys running amok in the building.]

Dirty Work  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

I mean we’ve always been like brothers. Now it’s just official. I mean it’s kinda cool.

Yeah, I guess it is cool. But it does change things.

How’s that?

Well, like remember the second grade, when we used those rusty soda can tops to become blood brothers? Well, it was really a bunch of trouble for nothing, because we were already brothers.

Yeah that’s right. Hey, hey! Hey, remember in fifth grade, when I was under the monkey bars and I sneaked a peek at your sister’s underwear? You remember that? Hey, no no: I was sneaking a peek at my own sister’s underwear!

[Laughing.] That’s right. Oh yeah, and remember in the twelfth grade, you had sex with her?

[Both immediately stop laughing.]

Okay, enough reminiscing.

Dirty Work  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

I can’t believe I’m doing this. I don’t even know why I’m here.

Hey, why are you here? Oh wait, I remember: Intense physical attraction to me.

Dirty Work  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Hey, what’s up, fruity?

Travis Cole:
How did you… It doesn’t matter; you’ll be gone in a minute.

Aha! You didn’t count on my loyal army of prostitutes, did you?

Prostitute (Uni Park):
[Growls at him.]

All right, what do you want?

Ah, just relax. Let’s watch your dirty opera, huh?

Dirty Work  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Oh hey, by the way, Travis, do you remember, uh, do you remember when you said this?

Mitch on tape:
Note to self: Making love to blow-up doll not as good as advertised.


Oh, uh, sorry, I… Musta gone too far there.

Dirty Work  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Here’s the check for fifty thousand.

Dr. Farthing:
Oh, that’s great, Mitch. Say, what do you wanna bet I don’t go to my bookie?

No! You’re going straight to your bookie to pay him off so you can live and perform Pop’s heart transplant!

Dirty Work  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Enchanted Princess:
Where am I? What is this enchanting place? [gets hit by a taxi]

Disaster Movie  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Beautiful Assassin:
You can control the bullet to go wherever you want.

Paulie Bleeker:
[singing] Juney, why don't you have... [Calvin shoots him; the crowd gasps]

Disaster Movie  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Amy Winehouse:
You don't want to mess with a girl straight outta rehab!

Disaster Movie  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Is that the best you got, pussy?!

Disaster Movie  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Iron Man:
I am Iron Man! (gets hit by a falling cow)

Disaster Movie  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Carrie Bradshaw:
That your feet?

Yes. And this is my baby's foot.

Disaster Movie  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Aw, hell, no. I'm outta here.

Disaster Movie  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Meredith Johnson:
[about Susan] I guess it can be a bit inhibiting.

Tom Sanders:
What's that?

Meredith Johnson:

Tom Sanders:
Oh, you'd be surprised.

Meredith Johnson:
Oh, I don't imagine you can jump her from behind just because all of sudden you get excited just by the way she bends over to pick up the soap.

Meredith Johnson:
[looks romantically in his eyes] You remember that...don't you?

Tom Sanders:
Yeah, I remember that.

Meredith Johnson:
And you miss it, don't you?

Tom Sanders:
I have my compensations.

Meredith Johnson:
Oh course...that's life. A series of trade-offs.

Disclosure  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Meredith Johnson:
Remember all the things we did?

Tom Sanders:
Yeah, I remember.

Meredith Johnson:
Things nobody knows about you and me.

[They kiss passionately]

Meredith Johnson:
All... our secrets.

Disclosure  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Meredith Johnson:
Put it in.

Tom Sanders:
[Looking at a mirror] Oh God, I can't do this.

Meredith Johnson:
Come on. I want you inside me.

Tom Sanders:
Oh no no no. I can't do this. I'm not gonna do this.

Meredith Johnson:
Now, Now!

Tom Sanders:
No. No. NO! NO!

Meredith Johnson:
You can't stop. You just can't stop!

Disclosure  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Jenny Lerner:
We know everything.

Alan Rittenhouse:
Nobody knows everything.

Jenny Lerner:
Well, we know about the secret phone lines, and the whispered calls to the president, and about a secretary of the Treasury who's kept his entire department in the dark about what he's really doing, about a cover story about his resignation that just fell through. I mean, sir, you want me to go on?

Alan Rittenhouse:
And you're just gonna break it?

Jenny Lerner:
Well, that's what we do for a living.

Alan Rittenhouse:
Well, congratulations, you now have the biggest story in history. Good luck to you. Personally, I think it's a mistake to run the story, but hey, what the hell? Why not? What difference does anything make anymore? Look, I know you're just a reporter, but you used to be a person, right? I wanted to be with my family. Can you understand that?

Deep Impact  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

President Tom Beck:
Give us two days, Miss Lerner, you'll get second row centre, at the White House press conference. Now, from what I know of your career, that's a promotion.

Jenny Lerner:
I want exclusivity.

President Tom Beck:
Now listen, young lady. This is a presidental favour. I'm letting you go because I don't want another headache. And I'm trusting you because I know what this can do for your career. Now, it might seem that we have each other over the same barrel, but it just seems that way.

Jenny Lerner:
I want...

President Tom Beck:
You want?

Jenny Lerner:
May I... May I have the first question?

President Tom Beck:
I'll see you Tuesday, Miss Lerner.

Deep Impact  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Oren Monash:
Sometimes I see flashes of light. You know like colours. I fall asleep and I dream. But there's a part of me that's always awake. And I can see myself dreaming. I'm just seeing things differently, Fish.

Spurgeon Tanner:
Well, that's good.

Oren Monash:
Fish. Why the hell do they call you "Fish"?

Spurgeon Tanner:
Spurgeon, sturgeon, fish. Took me about 15 minutes of my first day at the Naval Academy.

Oren Monash:
Your kids go there?

Spurgeon Tanner:
Yeah, they did. They did. And they're good men, both of them. I don't see as much of them as I used to when Mary was alive.

Oren Monash:
You don't have to talk about it. It's O.K.

Spurgeon Tanner:
No, it's O.K. It's O.K. You're a married man; you know what it's like. Every marriage has its good years and bad years. We ended on a great year. Well, lets get started. Moby Dick, chapter one. "Call me Ishmael. Several years, never mind how long precisely, having little or no money in my purse... grim about the mouth." "Whenever it is a damp, drizzly November in my soul, whenever I find myself knocking people's hats off, then I account it high time to get to sea as soon as I can."

Deep Impact  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Spurgeon Tanner:
Could I bother everyone for a minute? Let's take a look at the big one. Now the outgassing has created a vent a half a mile wide and at least two miles deep. Comet gets closer to to the sun, sun melts the ice, ice turns to steam, we get a big hole, O.K.? So, how many nukes we have left in the back?

Mikhail Tulchinsky:
We have four.

Spurgeon Tanner:
If we get the remaining bombs in that vent, there shouldn't be anything left in that comet bigger than a suitcase. We can't do anything about the little one, but it just might give them a chance. Without the arming codes, we're going to have to wait to set the bomb timers until we get closer to Earth to raise Houston.

Mikhail Tulchinsky:
We may not have enough life support left to get back into the cargo bay for the nukes, much less go down with the comet.

Mark Simon:
We sure as hell don't have enough propellant left in the Messiah to manuever with. How do we set the nukes inside the comet and get out before they blow?

Oren Monash:
We don't.

Andrea Baker:
Look on the bright side. We'll all have high schools named after us.

Deep Impact  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Jenny Lerner:
When I was 11, I stole $32 from your wallet.

Jason Lerner:
When you were a baby, I once dropped you on your head.

Jenny Lerner:
When you came to the studio and brought me those pictures, I lied when I said I didn't remember. I remember everything, I remember that we were right over there, and that's when Mom got that picture of the house. It was a perfect happy day. I came down here to let you know that.

Jason Lerner:
Thank you.

Jenny Lerner:
I've missed you since then.

Jason Lerner:
[embraces her] I missed you too.

Deep Impact  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Andrea Baker:
It's a pleasure serving with you, Commander.

Spurgeon Tanner:
The honor is all mine, Andy.

Deep Impact  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

How would you like it if you had balls in your ears?

Dr. Young:
[pause] I guess I could hear myself cumming!

Deep Throat  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Bob Diamond:
For example, I use forty-eight percent of my brain. Do you know how much you use?

Daniel Miller:
Forty... seven?

Bob Diamond:
[laughs] Three.

Defending Your Life  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

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What TV series is this quote from: "I lost my shoe."?
A Arrow
B Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
C The Office
D Supernatural