My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic

My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic

My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic is a children's animated fantasy television series created by Lauren Faust for Hasbro. The series is based on Hasbro's My Little Pony line of toys and animated works and is often referred by collectors as the fourth generation ("G4") of the franchise. The series premiered on October 10, 2010, on The Hub cable channel (which was renamed as Discovery Family in late 2014). Hasbro selected animator Lauren Faust as the creative director and executive producer for the show. Faust sought to challenge the established nature of the existing My Little Pony line, creating more in-depth characters and adventurous settings; she left the series during season 2, to be replaced by Meghan McCarthy as showrunner. The show follows a studious anthropomorphic unicorn pony named Twilight Sparkle as her mentor Princess Celestia guides her to learn about friendship in the town of Ponyville. Twilight and her dragon assistant Spike become close friends with five other ponies: Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie. Each of the ponies represent a different facet of friendship, and Twilight discovers herself to be a key part of the magical artifacts known as the "Elements of Harmony". The ponies travel on adventures and help others around Equestria while working out problems that arise in their own friendships. The series has become a major commercial success, becoming the most highly rated original production in the Hub Network's broadcast history and leading to new merchandising opportunities for Hasbro, including books, clothing, collectible trading cards, and comics. Despite the target demographic of young girls, Friendship Is Magic has also gained a large following of older viewers, mainly young and middle-aged men, who call themselves "bronies". Portions of the show have become part of the remix culture, and have formed the basis for a variety of internet memes. As of October 2018, the show ended its eighth season with a ninth currently in production. A feature-length film adaptation directly based on the TV series, titled My Little Pony: The Movie, was theatrically released on October 6, 2017 in the United States. A spin-off franchise, My Little Pony: Equestria Girls, was launched in 2013. The first two films, Equestria Girls and Rainbow Rocks, has been shown in limited theatrical screenings prior to television broadcast and home media release.


Princess Celestia:
[at the wedding rehearsal] Perfect, girls. No need to rush! Then of course, Cadance will enter. [long pause while she does] I'll say a few words, and then we'll begin with the vows. Shining Armor, you'll get the ring from your Best Mare.

[pan to Spike, who instead of holding the ring pillow is playing with the cake topper figures again; deep voice] Do you? [high voice] I do!

Shining Armor:
Hey... has anypony seen Twilight?

Twilight Sparkle:
[bursts into the room] I'm here! I'm not gonna stand next to her. And neither should you!

Shining Armor:
[nervously, to everyone in the room and Cadence] I'm sorry, I don't, I don't know why she's acting like this.

Princess Cadence:
[coldly] Maybe we should just ignore her.

Twilight Sparkle:
You have to listen to me!

Oh goodness! Are you okay?

Twilight Sparkle:
I'm fine.

Ya sure about that?

Twilight Sparkle:
[Twilight pulls Applejack's hat down over her eyes and marches closer to the betrothed couple, pointing an angry hoof at them] I've got something to say! She's *evil*! [concerned chatter from everypony, and the guards at the door make an inaudible comment to each other]

Twilight Sparkle:
She's been horrible to my friends, she's obviously done something to her bridesmaids, and if that wasn't enough, I saw her put a spell on my brother that made his eyes go all _! [she makes a "crazy" head gesture with her eyes rolling around]

Princess Cadence:
[everyone else in the room looks at Twilight expectantly; Twilight gets up in Cadence's face and glares at her in a "Your move" grin. Cadence starts to cry] Why are you doing this to me?

Twilight Sparkle:
[Cadence runs out the door] Because you're evil! [Twilight teleports to the doorway after Cadence has run through it] Evil! And if I don't stop you you're gonna ruin my brother's life! [Rainbow Dash and Rarity share an awkward glance, Twilight turns around smugly with her eyes closed and walks right into her brother]

Shining Armor:
You want to know why my eyes went all _? [makes the "crazy" rolling eyes gesture; gets dizzy] Nuh! Because ever since I started having to perform my protection spell, I've been getting terrible migraines. Cadence hasn't been casting spells on me, she's been using her magic to *heal* me! And she decided to replace her bridesmaids because she found out the only reason they wanted to be in the wedding was so that they could meet Canterlot royalty! And if she hasn't been on her best behavior with your friends, it's because with me being so busy, she's had to make all the decisions about the wedding!

Twilight Sparkle:
I was just trying to...

Shining Armor:
She's been completely stressed out because it's really important to her that her big day be perfect! Something that obviously wasn't important to *you*. [gasps, has another small headache, starts to walk out] Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go and comfort my bride. And you can forget about being my best mare. In fact, if I were you, I wouldn't show up to the wedding at all.

[Twilight sits dejected] C'mon, y'all. Let's go check on the princess. [they all pass her on their way out]

Twilight Sparkle:
[Princess Celestia follows them with a stern look on her face] I was...

Princess Celestia:
[icily] You have a lot to think about. [She leaves with the guards and they slam the doors behind them]

Twilight Sparkle:
[to herself] Maybe I was being overprotective. I could've gained a sister. But instead... I just lost a brother.

Queen of the Changelings:
[singing up in the bridal chambers, the Queen of the Changelings is still disguised as Princess Cadence, and she begins to sing] This day is going to be perfect/The kind of day of which I dreamed since I was small/Everypony will gather 'round/Say I look lovely in my gown/What they don't know is that I have fooled them all!

Princess Cadence:
[down in the caves with Twilight Sparkle, the real Princess Cadence sings her part of the song] This day was going to be perfect/The kind of day of which I dreamed since I was small/But instead of having cake/With all my friends to celebrate/My wedding bells, they may not ring for me at all.

Queen of the Changelings:
[in a spoiled manner, back in the castle] I could care less about the dress/I won't partake in any cake!/Vows, well I'll be lying when I say/That through any kind of weather/I'll want us to be together/The truth is I don't care for him at all!

[singing grandly]

Queen of the Changelings:
No I do not love the groom/In my heart there is no room/But I still want him to be all mine!

Princess Cadence:
[running through the caves with Twilight] We must escape before it's too late/Find a way to save the day/Hope, I'll be lying if I say/"I don't fear that I may lose him/To one who wants to use him/Not care for, love and cherish him each day"

[singing majestically]

Princess Cadence:
For I oh-so love the groom/All my thoughts he does consume/Oh Shining Armor, I'll be there very soon!

[she and Twilight find a mine cart that carries them along a track to a dead end, and when the cart hits the barrier, they fly up and over a chasm. Cadence uses her wings to cross them over safely]

Queen of the Changelings:
[above ground, the wedding has already begun and the Queen is walking down the aisle as Cadence, with nopony suspecting she is false] Finally the moment has arrived/For me to be one lucky bride!

Princess Cadence:
[still frantically searching for an exit in the caves] Oh, the wedding we won't make/He'll end up marrying a fake/Shining Armor will be...

Queen of the Changelings:
Mine, all mine.

[evil chuckle]

[Twilight's friends have had enough of Trixie showing off, and have been hinting that she needs to show up Trixie by saying "a unicorn" should face her] Enough. Enough, all of you. I take your hint, but Rarity is above such nonsense. Rainbow Dash and Applejack may behave like ruffians, but Rarity conducts herself with beauty and grace.

Ooo, what's the matter? Afraid you'll get a hair out of place in that rat's nest you call a mane?

Oh, it. Is. On! You may think you're tough with all of your so-called powers, but there's more to magic than your brutish ways. A unicorn needs to be more than just muscle. [Rarity takes some of the curtains off the stage and instantly turns them into a makeshift dress with a new hairstyle] A unicorn needs to have style.


A unicorn is not a unicorn without grace and beauty. [Trixie's horn begins to glow with magic]

Rarity won't let Trixie get the best of her! She's strong, she's beautiful, she's - [a magical blast sound is heard off screen, and the audience gasps]

Quick! I need a mirror! Get me a mirror! What did she do to my hair? I know she did something terrible to my hair!

Twilight Sparkle:

Rainbow Dash:
It's fine.

It's gorgeous.

It's green. [Twilight, Rainbow, and Applejack glare at him] What?

[Rarity's new hairdo has been ruined to the point where it looks like a tall bird's nest with worms and branches sticking out of it] Ugh, no. Green hair! Not green hair! [cries, runs away] Such an awful, awful color! [she runs past Golden Harvest, who today is wearing her hair green]

Golden Harvest:
Well, I never!

Granny Smith, it's Miss Cheerilee! Apple Bloom said you wanted to speak with me?... Hello? Granny Smi...

Apple Bloom:
[Apple Bloom is imitating Granny Smith's voice while Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle puppeteer her while she naps in a chair] Well hello there! Howdy do!

[from outside, through the window] Hi... uh... Granny Smith... is, ugh, everything okay?

Apple Bloom:
[as Granny] Of course it is! Why wouldn't it be?

Apple Bloom:
[snoring, the glasses that make it appear as if she's awake fall off, and Apple Bloom quickly puts the glasses back on her granny; one foreleg is moved to cover Granny's mouth as if she just burped] Oh, er, excuse me. Uh, pickles always give me the hiccups! I need to tell you that I can't make the presentation on Monday after all!

Oh no, is that so?

Apple Bloom:
[as Granny] No doubts about it! I gotta shear the flowers and water the sheep! I mean, I have to water the flowers and shear the sheep!

Oh, well that's too bad. We can reschedule.

Granny Smith:
[Cheerilee turns to leave, and in celebration, Scootaloo jumps up, causing Granny Smith to hit the ceiling and wake up] E- whut- hai- where am I? [she sticks her head out the door while still attached to the ropes] Well howdy, Miss Cheerilee! You window shopping?

Uh... no? You asked me to come here to tell me that you wouldn't be making it to Family Appreciation Day?

Granny Smith:
Fiddlesticks! I wouldn't miss it for all the tea in Canterlot!

But- didn't you just say...

Granny Smith:
[Granny is lifted up by the ropes] See you Monday!

Granny Smith:
[Granny Smith tells her story to Apple Bloom's class] That's right, my little ponies. Me and my family were pilgrim pony folk, back when I was a little filly. Oh, we ventured far and wide, collecting new seeds and sellin' the old. But my pa was the finest seed collector in all of Equestria. Then, one day, the Smith family found themselves in the most brilliant, most grand, most magnificent of all cities. A place called... Canterlot. Well, I bet your hooves to hindquarters I had never seen anything like it before nor since. And as if the beauty of that city wasn't enough, suddenly, she appeared. Princess Celestia, the most regal of all ponies. When lo and behold, she stopped to look at my pa's seed collection. Then Princess Celestia saw that we were plumb-tuckered, and hankerin' to find our forever home. And bein' a royal Princess and all, she knew exactly the place for us to lay down our stakes. My pa gave the Princess a mighty thanks. We quickly found that land near the Everfree Forest, and we built our first home. Next, we planted our first orchards. But an orchard don't grow overnight, and we were getting mighty short on food. Now mind you, we were cautioned about the forest, and we knew that it was not fit to enter. [timber wolf howling]

Granny Smith:
But I knew there was critters livin' there. There must be somethin' to eat. It was dark and musty, and I won't lie, it was scary. But every inch was covered in plant life, and before I knew it wasn't I standin' in front of the most incredible apple trees! I had never seen anything that bore this kind of colorful fruit! Oh I started picking apples quick as a whip! [timber wolf howling and growling]

Granny Smith:
I turned, and there before me stood the timber wolves! I've never run so fast in my life. I did the only thing I could think of. [young Granny Smith bangs a pot on a kettle to scare the timber wolves away]

Granny Smith:
My pa and I planted those special apple seeds, and before our eyes they grew like wildfire. Well, we had full grown trees faster than you could say lickety split. Then each year, I paid close attention to the signs of the zap apple special harvesting times. How the weather affects the Everfree Forest, how the timber wolves howl when the zap apples first start growing, and how they zapped away if you didn't pick 'em all in one day! And the fruits of our labor were the best fruit we ever tasted. Soon enough I was mixing up batches of zap apple jam. Just like harvestin' the zap apples had its special rules, so did makin' zap apple jam. I learned that you gotta be extra friendly with the bees, otherwise their honey won't taste rightly sweet to mix in with the zap apples. Who'd'a thought that glass jars needed talking to? Or that zap apples like pink polka dots? But magic is as magic does. Just funny that way. Then ponies started comin' to our farm from far and wide just to get a taste of my zap apple jam. Some of them decided to stay, like Stinkin' Rich, Diamond Tiara's great grandfather. Matter of fact, the first thing he ever sold was my zap apple jam. And before we knew it, we had ourselves a nice little town, bustling with all kinds of ponies. And that is how Ponyville was founded.

[offscreen voice] Rainbow... Rainbow...

Rainbow Dash:
[is about to finish fixing the rope bridge for her friends] Who's there? I ain't scared of you! Show yourself!

We've been eagerly awaiting the arrival of the best flyer in Equestria.

Rainbow Dash:

Why, you, of course.

Rainbow Dash:
Really? I mean... Oh yeah, me. Hay, uh, you wouldn't mind telling the Wonderbolts that, would ya? 'cause I've been trying to get into that group for like, *ever*.

No, Rainbow Dash. We want you to join us, The Shadowbolts. [three pegasus ponies gallop up to Rainbow Dash wearing bodysuits and goggles similar to the Wonderbolts; the female speaker in the middle is flanked by two males]

We're the greatest aerial team in the Everfree Forest, and soon we will be the greatest in all Equestria, but first, we need a captain. The most magnificent...

Rainbow Dash:


Rainbow Dash:

Bravest flyer in all the land.

Rainbow Dash:
Yes, [chuckle] it's all true.

We need... *you*.

Rainbow Dash:
WOOHOO! Sign me up. Just let me tie this bridge real quick and then we have a deal.

No! It's *them* or *us*.

Twilight Sparkle:
[from the other side of the bridge] Rainbow, what's taking so long? [sees Rainbow Dash talking to the Shadowbolts] Oh no. Rainbow! Don't listen to them. [the Shadowbolt leader muffles her out by increasing the density of the clouds between them]


Rainbow Dash:
[thinks for a bit] You... [the leader gets excited] Thank you! For the offer, I mean, but I'm afraid I have to say no. [finishes fixing the bridge and flies off]

Fluttershy as Private Pansy:
[the fighting between Princess Platinum, Commander Hurricane, and Chancellor Puddinghead has caused the entrance to the cave to freeze shut and trap the three leaders in ice] What is that... thing?

Twilight Sparkle as Clover the Clever:
They must be... windigos!

Fluttershy as Private Pansy, Applejack as Smart Cookie:

Twilight Sparkle as Clover the Clever:
My mentor Star Swirl the Bearded taught me about them. They're winter spirits that feed off fighting and hatred. The more hate the spirit feels, the colder things become!

Applejack as Smart Cookie:
Then... this is our fault. We three tribes... we brought this blizzard to our home by fightin' and not trustin' each other. Now it's destroyin' this land, too.

Twilight Sparkle as Clover the Clever:
And now our bodies will become as cold as our hearts... all because we were foolish enough to hate.

Fluttershy as Private Pansy:
Well, I don't hate *you*... I actually hate Commander Hurricane a lot more than I hate you guys.

Twilight Sparkle as Clover the Clever, Applejack as Smart Cookie:
[giggling; a windigo snorts]

Fluttershy as Private Pansy:
Actually, I don't really hate her, I just really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really dislike her.

Applejack as Smart Cookie:
[Smart Cookie and Clover laugh] Well, I don't hate you guys either.

Twilight Sparkle as Clover the Clever:
Nor do I.

Applejack as Smart Cookie:
No matter what our differences, we're all ponies. [the ice begins to crack]

Twilight Sparkle:
Oh my gosh, I think I did it! If I can find a way to read The Art of Invisibility Spells, and Thornhoof's Brief History of Canterlot at the same time, that could leave me a half-hour scheduling window! Huh? [magic crackling, wind blowing]

Twilight Sparkle:
What's going on? [another Twilight Sparkle, wearing a damaged black sneaking suit, an eyepatch, a wild hairstlye, and a cut on one cheek, appears; present Twilight yelps]

Future Twilight Sparkle:
Twilight, you've got to listen to me!

Twilight Sparkle:
Who are you? I mean, you're me, but I'm me too. How can there be two 'me's? It's not scientifically possible. *You* are not scientifically possible!

Future Twilight Sparkle:
Twilight, please! I have a very important message for you from the future!

Twilight Sparkle:
You're from the *future*?

Future Twilight Sparkle:
That's right, now listen...

Twilight Sparkle:
What happened to you? The future must be awful.

Future Twilight Sparkle:
Please! I don't have much time!

Twilight Sparkle:
Is there some sort of epic pony war in the distant future or something?

Future Twilight Sparkle:
Actually, I'm from next Tuesday morning, but that's not important right now!

Twilight Sparkle:
I can't believe time travel is really possible! How did you, I mean, *I* figure it out?

Future Twilight Sparkle:
The time spells are in the Canterlot archives. But that's not...

Twilight Sparkle:
Really? Where? I've never seen them.

Future Twilight Sparkle:
They're in the Star Swirl the Bearded wing. Now, you have to listen to...

Twilight Sparkle:
Is time travel fun, or does it hurt? I have so many questions- [muffled voice; Future Twilight sticks her hoof in present Twilight's mouth]

Future Twilight Sparkle:
I have something extremely important to tell you about the future, and I only have a few seconds so you've got to listen! Whatever you do, don't- [magic crackling; she disappears]

Twilight Sparkle:
Future Twilight? Oh no! What was she trying to warn me about? Her clothes, her mane, that scar... oh, what a mess she is!... I mean, I am... or I... will be... [gasps] She must want me to prevent whatever horrible thing happens in the future! [gasps]

Apple Bloom:
If the tonic is a fake, then how come Granny can swim again, and what about all that aquabatic stuff we just did?

I reckon sometimes you can forget what you're capable of, and it just takes a little extra confidence to remember it was inside of you all along. [hugs Granny Smith, then heads over to Flim and Flam] But telling ponies your tonic can do things it can't... is just wrong!

But you just said it boosts confidence!

And that's not all it does, folks!

Silver Shill:
[offscreen] Yes it is! [camera shifts over to show him taking off his glasses and hat] In fact it's not a tonic at all! I know cause I helped make it! [Flim and Flam look nervous] Watching Applejack save Granny Smith, then admit to lying, well, that made me realize I was making ponies believe in a thing that just wasn't so!

Believing in something can make you do amazin' things, but if that belief is based on a lie, eventually it's gonna lead to real trouble. [Flim and Flam nervously slip out of sight through the crowd]

Silver Shill:
Thank you, Applejack. [Holds up a coin] I got this through dishonest means. That was a mistake I won't be making again. [Puts it on her hoof] I'd like you to have it. As a reminder of how you helped me finally see the truth.

I don't know...

Silver Shill:
Oh, don't worry. I'll track down the pony I sold that worthless tonic to and give him another bit to replace this one. Honest.

[She smiles, then turns to Granny Smith] I'm sorry, Granny. I hope this doesn't mean you'll stop swimmin'.

Granny Smith:
Why in tarnation would I do that? I just can't believe those two salesponies had me believe I could near fly! [looks around] Hey, where'd they go?

Pinkie Pie:
Well the tastiest treat of all is sure to be the Cakes' Marzipan Mascarpone Meringue Madness. All that rich *creamy* goodness of the marzipan, combined with the tart tanginess of the mascarpone, blended perfectly with the smooth, silky sweetness of the meringue. That's why I call the Marzipan Mascarpone Meringue Madness the "MMMM".

Main ponies:

Pinkie Pie:
Exactly. It's the *most* delicious delectable delightful de-lovely cake in Equestria, and it's sure to win first prize.

Gustave Le Grand:
[suddenly enters the train, speaking with a French accent] Zis is not so, for I, Gustave Le Grand, do challenge your crude cake to a duel of delectable delicacies, against *my* Exceptionally Exquisite ?clairs! They will undoubtedly strike down all ze competition, winning first prize and crowning me le champion.

Donut Joe:
[the next to enter] Not a chance Le Grand.

Twilight Sparkle:
Donut Joe! What are you doing in Ponyville?

Donut Joe:
Picking up the final all-important ingredient for my contest entry, "Donutopia!" And with these super-sprinkles, my donuts are going to dunk all the other lousy desserts, steal first prize, and make my donut shop famous, forever!

Mulia Mild:
[last to enter, speaking in a high, elderly voice] Oh, Joe... [laughs] Your dippy donuts could never out-rival me. [laughs]

Pinkie Pie:
Hello. What's your name?

Mulia Mild:
I, am Mulia Mild. Behold, my chocolate mousse moose. It will trample all your treats, be given first prize, and make me the greatest chef in Equestria.

Gustave Le Grand:
Madame Mild, you and your mousse moose are mistaken.

Donut Joe:
Your frou-frou ?clairs will never defeat my donuts.

Pinkie Pie:
The Cakes' Marzipan Mascarpone Meringue Madness is going to win!

Mulia Mild:
Your simple cake could never take my moose. [gasp; train whistles]

Twilight Sparkle:
Well it sure looks like we're in for a delicious competition tomorrow. Maybe we should all settle in for a good night's sleep.

"Applejack, asleep on the job!" Can y'all believe this? And this one: "Big Macintosh - what's he hiding?" Who the hay does this Gabby Gums think she is?

Twilight Sparkle:
Listen to this one. "Twilight Sparkle: I was a Canterlot snob. A well-placed scaly source close to the prissy pony says Twilight Sparkle thinks Ponyville is nothing but muddy roads and low-class rubes."

Everypony, please! She's just a harmless schoolpony engaged in a little harmless gossip. You're really making too big a deal out of this.

Twilight Sparkle:
But it's *all* lies! Gabby Gums prints whatever she wants, she doesn't care whose reputation she destroys! "Fluttershy has tail extensions!" "Pinkie Pie is an out-of-control party animal!"

Pinkie Pie:
[shocked] What? [crying] It's true! I *do* have a problem!

Twilight Sparkle:
Oh look! According to this one, the Cakes are breaking up!

Mrs. Cake:
[rushes into the room with Mr. Cake and their babies] We are?

Rainbow Dash:
[crashes in with a pile of newspapers] Well, my life is officially over. Gabby Gums has made it to Cloudsdale.

Twilight Sparkle:
"Rainbow Dash: Speed demon or super softie?"?

Rainbow Dash:
I grabbed as many copies as I could, but it was too late! [crying] I'm a laughing stock!

Twilight Sparkle:
See, Rarity? Your so-called "harmless gossip" can be very hurtful!

Honestly, you ponies have no sense of humor. So she tweaks a few ponies every now and then, maybe they dese- [sees another issue, gasps] I'll *destroy* her! "The Drama-Queen Diaries"... she's reprinted my diary! How could Gabby Gums possibly get access to my private diary?

Fluttershy! What *are* you doing? That's no way to behave!

Didn't you see what he did to new Fluttershy? And he thought new Fluttershy was a pushover!

No sweetie, he didn't. We saw the whole thing. We think that you've taken your assertiveness training a little too far.

*What*? You just want *new* Fluttershy to be a *doormat* like *old* Fluttershy! But old Fluttershy is *gone*!

Pinkie Pie:
New Fluttershy...? Old Fluttershy...?

What happened to *nice* Fluttershy? We want *that* Fluttershy back.

[Fluttershy begins to fly circles around Pinkie Pie and Rarity] No, you want *wimp* Fluttershy. You want *pushover* Fluttershy. You want do-anything-to-her-and-she-won't-complain Fluttershy! [while she circles them, Pinkie twists her neck around to follow her]

Pinkie Pie:
[unwinding her neck and feeling dizzy] Nyaaaaah! Too many Fluttershies to keep track of! Make it stop!

Pinkie Pie:
Things getting too complicated for your simple little brain, Pinkie Pie? [Fluttershy pushes Pinkie by the head and knocks her into Rarity's 'arms']

Now, stop right there! Let's not let things descend into petty insults!

[still hovering above them, stationary] Why not? I thought "petty" was what you're all about, Rarity. With your 'petty' concerns about fashion.


Pinkie Pie:
[zips over] Hey, leave her alone! Fashion is her passion! [she stands up and makes hip-swaying motions]

Oh, and what are you passionate about? Birthday cake? *Party hats*? I can't believe that the two most frivolous ponies in Ponyville are trying to tell *new* Fluttershy how to live her life when they are throwing their own lives away on pointless pursuits that *nopony else gives a flying feather about*! [Pinkie Pie and Rarity are on the verge of tears now]

Pinkie Pie:
Looks like *nasty* Fluttershy is here to stay!

I cannot believe what that monster Iron Will has done to you!

Rarity, Pinkie Pie:
[they run away crying]

Iron Will's not a monster, *HE'S A MINOTAUR*! [she lands on the ground at the base of a puddle, and growls at her reflection. Suddenly, she sees how mean she has become and whimpers]... I'm the monster.

Oh, there are so many things I'm forgetting. I hope Cranky remembers to tell the musicians. Oh, oh, I'll never get my mane done in time!

Spa Pony:
You must relax, my dear. We can handle anything. We once did a pony's hair during the ceremony.

Steven Magnet:
Oh, it's true! It's true! They really are the best! Matilda, I've just got to say, I already feel like we're family. [lowers a big scaly hand to Matilda, who responds by touching it with a hoofshake]

You do?

Steven Magnet:
Of course! I'm Steven Magnet, Cranky's best beast!

You're Steven Magnet?

Steven Magnet:
Well, what'd you expect, a bug bear? I've known Cranky *forever*! Surely he must have told you about the time he saved me from... Flashfreeze Lake.

You're Steven Magnet?

Steven Magnet:
Oh, I know, I know! Typical Cranky to leave out minor details, like the fact that I'm, you know, a sea monster, right? [laughs] I just love that old burro.

I'm sorry, Steven. I guess I assumed you were a pony. And I had no idea you had such adventures together.

Steven Magnet:
Oh, honey! You don't know the half of it, but let me tell you something: in all that we've been through together, the only thing he ever cared about, was finding you. [gives her a light poke on the nose]


Steven Magnet:
Well, that and a baldness cure. [giggles]

He is the sweetest thing, isn't he? All the stress I've put myself through. All the stress I put him through! The only thing that matters is that we're together. The wedding isn't the important thing, the marriage is.

Steven Magnet:
[laughs] Oh, my goodness gracious! If you believe that, I have got a bridge to sell you! All these ponies traveling to Ponyville, putting on uncomfortable clothes, sitting through a long ceremony... you think any of them care about the marriage? Honey, the wedding is *everything*! [Matilda looks very nervous and her teeth chatter]

Twilight Sparkle:
[the ponies follow Pinkie Pie out of town to meet the Princess, Pinkie is leading all of the parasprites away with her one-pony band] Look! [she points to the arriving Princess]

Princess Celestia:
[Celestia's chariot lands, and the five ponies minus Pinkie run to intercept her, they arrive and bow to the Princess] Twilight Sparkle, my prized pupil.

Twilight Sparkle:
Hello, Princess!

Princess Celestia:
So lovely to see you again, as well as your friends. [Pinkie Pie marches past with her music and parasprites, everyone stops talking to gawk at her]

Twilight Sparkle:
[attempting to divert Celestia's attention] So... how was the trip? Get much traffic?

Princess Celestia:
[a parasprite lands on her wing] Ah, what is this? Oh ho ho, these creatures are adorable. [she lifts it up on her wing and it flies off]

Rainbow Dash:
[under breath] They're not *that* adorable...

Princess Celestia:
I'm terribly honored that you and the good citizens of Ponyville have organized a parade in honor of my visit.

Twilight Sparkle:
...Parade? [feigns acknowledgment] Oh, yes! The parade!

Princess Celestia:
Unfortunately, that visit is going to have to wait for another time. I'm afraid an emergency has come up in Fillydelphia. Apparently there's been some sort of "infestation".

Twilight Sparkle:
[feigning innocence] An... infestation?

Princess Celestia:
Yes, a swarm of incredibly bothersome creatures has invaded the poor town. I'm sorry Twilight, to have to put you all through so much trouble.

Twilight Sparkle:
[feigning ignorance] Trouble? What trouble?

Princess Celestia:
Before I have to go, would you care to give me your latest report on the magic of friendship in person?

Twilight Sparkle:
My... report?

Princess Celestia:
Haven't you learned anything about friendship?

Twilight Sparkle:
[Twilight watches Pinkie Pie playing her instruments for a few seconds, then smiles] Actually, I have. I've learned that sometimes the solution to your problems can come from where you least expect it. It's a good idea to stop and listen to your friends' opinions and perspectives, even when they don't always seem to make sense.

Princess Celestia:
I'm so proud of you, Twilight Sparkle, and I'm very impressed with your friends as well. It sounds like you're all learning so much from each other.

Twilight Sparkle:
Thank you, Princess.

Starlight Glimmer:
[to Twilight Sparkle] Perhaps it would be easier to understand if I gave you a tour of the village. [a military drum beat starts as she exits the house] Heads high, ponies! Marching proud! All together now, every one of you! No pony left behind! [the villagers march behind her as she sings] Life is so grand in our town/We're always filled with cheer/We never have to look around/To know that we're all here!

[singing as some of the villagers march in a circular motion around the Mane 6] In our town!/In our town/We don't have to wait/To find out that our destiny/Is just to emulate!

Starlight Glimmer:
Let's see those big happy smiles! [two images of smiles spin around] [singing] Life is a smile in our town/ [the smiles quickly form into an equal sign cutie mark] Our cutie marks the same!/ [Zooms out to show four villagers side by side] Because we do not separate/Ourselves by more than name.

[as two pegasi fly next to Rainbow Dash] In our town!/In our town/We dare not compete/Winning only brings the worst/Ego-filled conceit. [Rainbow Dash lands on the ground with an exasperated look]

Starlight Glimmer:
[from behind Rainbow Dash, startling her] You see, now everypony wins! [singing] Life is a smile in our town/We're all equal here/No-one is superior/And no-one shakes in fear/

In our town, in our town!/We work as a team/You can't have a nightmare/If you never dream.

Starlight Glimmer:
[goes next to Fluttershy, who's the only pony of the Mane 6 amused by this] Other ponies argue/Do you ever wonder why? [moves towards Pinkie Pie and Twilight Sparkle] /When you think your talent's special/You don't see eye to eye/There's just too many differences/That lead to disarray [One of the villagers is dancing out of sync with the others, then quickly corrects herself] /But when you learn to act as one/It's like a holiday!

In our town/In our town/We don't complicate/ [Fluttershy is shown bobbing her head to the song until Pinkie Pie glares at her] When you learn to simplify/Life is oh so great/Join in our utopia/Come out of the dark/Banded by equality/By our cutie mark! [Two pegasi fly above the others, holding a banner with a black equals sign]

Twilight Sparkle:
And you wouldn't just let me stay here in the village with my old cutie mark?

Starlight Glimmer:
Out of the question. A pony with a different cutie mark would destroy our entire philosophy. We are all equal here! [the villagers murmur happily]

[offscreen] Then how do you explain *this*? [camera zooms out as she throws water from a bucket towards Starlight Glimmer, she quickly moves out of the way and it splashes to the ground, a small bit of the water touching her flank]

Starlight Glimmer:
I knew you couldn't be trusted! [the water reveals something blue under her equal sign cutie mark, Party Favor gets a cloth and wipes it] No, get away! [the villagers see her actual cutie mark underneath, they all gasp, she realizes that as well and quickly moves her tail over it] What are you looking at? They're the problem, not me! [Smiles nervously]

Party Favor:
How... could you?

Double Diamond:
You said cutie marks were evil! You said special talents led to pain and heartache!

Starlight Glimmer:
They do! Don't you see? Look at them!

Sugar Belle:
Then why? Why did you take ours and not give up your own?

Starlight Glimmer:
I... I had to, you fools! How could I collect your cutie marks without my magic?

Night Glider:
But the staff has all the magic we need!

Starlight Glimmer:
The staff is a piece of wood I found in the desert, you'd still be living your miserable lives thinking you're better than everypony else, if it weren't for *my* magical abilities! I brought you friendship! I brought you equality! I CREATED HARMONY!

Double Diamond:
You lied to us!

Starlight Glimmer:
So what? Everything else I said is true, the only way to be happy is if we're all equal!

Party Favor:
Except for you!

Twilight Sparkle:
[She grits her teeth and her horn glows] Everypony has unique talents and gifts, and when we share them with each other, that's how we...

Starlight Glimmer:

Sugar Belle:
You can't have that cutie mark, Starlight. Either we're all equal, or none of us are! [the villagers advance on her, she backs up into the Mane 6, then she magically pushes them all away a short distance with a barrier and runs off into her house and locks the door]

Double Diamond:
Come on, let's get our cutie marks back! [All the villagers run for the cutie mark vault]

Rainbow Dash:
Come on, let's go get *our* cutie marks!

Our cutie marks aren't in the vault. [Points to Starlight Glimmer's house] They're in there... with *her*!

Pinkie Pie:
[narrating] My sisters and I were raised on a rock farm outside of Ponyville. We spent our days working the fields. There was no talking. There was no smiling. *sigh* There were only rocks. We were in the south field, preparing to rotate the rocks to the east field when all of a sudden...

[a large rainbow appears in the sky and makes Pinkie's hair poof out, previously being completely straight]

Pinkie Pie:
I never felt joy like that before. It felt so good I just wanted to keep smiling forever. And I wanted everyone I knew to smile too, but rainbows don't come along that often. I wondered, how else could I create some smiles?

[young Pinkie dashes off with an idea]

Pinkie's father:
[the next day] We'd better harvest the rocks from the south field.

Pinkie's mother:
Pinkamina Diane Pie! Is that you?

Young Pinkie Pie:
[pops her head out of the doorway of the silo, where loud polka music is coming from] Mom! I need you and Dad and the sisters to come in. Quick!

[her family walks in]

Young Pinkie Pie:
Surprise! You like it? It's called... a party!

[her family struggles with their facial expressions for a few seconds]

Young Pinkie Pie:
Oh. You don't like it.

[they suddenly burst into smiles]

Young Pinkie Pie:
*GASP* You like it! I'm so happy!

[young Pinkie gets her cutie mark]

Pinkie Pie:
[back on Scootaloo's scooter-pulling-a-wagon] And that's how Equestria was made!

Wha... huh?

Apple Bloom:
Look! We're here!

[Sugarcube Corner]

Pinkie Pie:
Maybe on the way home I can tell you the story of how I got my cutie mark. It's a gem!

Sweetie Belle:
Oh, come on. She's just being Pinkie Pie.

Twilight Sparkle:
Zecora! Apple Bloom has cutie pox! We were just on our way to see if you had a cure!

But magically you're here! Was your zebra sense a-tinglin'?

My "zebra sense" did not bring me round, it was a special flower that I needed found. I thought I picked enough to fix all the potions I had to mix, but after my visit from Apple Bloom, some had mysteriously left my room. Apple Bloom! What do you say? Did this flower just walk away?

Apple Bloom:
I, um...

A cutie pox cure I have forsooth, for healing power is in the seeds of truth.

Well, well then give 'em to her! Quick!

These seeds must be planted in the ground. With the truth, they'll grow, and the cure is found.

Come again?

The seeds of truth do hold the cure, but one must speak words, true and pure.

Well then let's get to it! Alright, they're planted, now somepony tell the truth!

Apple Bloom:
[struggling with the "talents" her false cutie marks are making her perform] Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

Somepony! Anypony!

Pinkie Pie:
Yesterday I told Mrs Cake that I ate two corn cakes, but I really ate three! [tense pause] Okay six! I ate six corn cakes! [cries] Make it stop! Oh, make it stop!

Apple Bloom:
Wah, I can't stand it any more! It's me! I admit it! I didn't earn my cutie mark! They're all fake! I figured the Heart's Desire would help me get what I wanted most! So when Zecora left her hut, I mixed up a special potion and put the rest of the Heart's Desire in it! [she quickly chomps up the flower grown from the seeds of truth]

Rainbow Dash:
[after chasing Mare Do Well throughout Ponyville, she soon manages to tackle her and pins her to the ground] All right, Miss Mysterious. Mystery... [pulls the mask off with her mouth] solved! [looks to see who's under the mask and is shocked] Wha? [Camera cuts to reveal it's Pinkie Pie under the mask, who makes a nervous smile] P-p-p-Pinkie? Whadidya, whadida, whadda, huh? [a second Mare Do Well approaches and unmasks, revealing it's Twilight Sparkle] Twilight? [a third Mare Do Well approaches and unmasks, revealing Applejack] Applejack? There were three of you?

Twilight Sparkle:
Yep, we all played Mare Do Well at different times.

I stopped the carriage bus with these babies, [gestures to her back legs] Bucky McGillicudy and Kicks McGee.

Pinkie Pie:
And I saved the construction workers with my Pinkie Sense. [her tail suddenly twitches then she quickly moves and pushes Rainbow Dash out of the way of a flowerpot that falls off a windowsill]

[Looking down from the window] Sorry!

Pinkie Pie:
It's okay.

Twilight Sparkle:
And I used my magic to fix the dam. [magically levitates her Mare Do Well hat over her head]

[Runs up beside Twilight Sparkle] Ooh! Ooh! And I did that flyby afterwards.

[Approaches Rainbow Dash] And I made the costumes, fabulous if I do say so myself.

Rainbow Dash:
I don't understand... why? Don't you want me to be a hero?

Twilight Sparkle:
Of course we want you to be a hero.

But a real hero doesn't brag! [winks]

Rainbow Dash:
I guess I did start to brag a little...

Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Twilight Sparkle, Fluttershy:
A little?

Rainbow Dash:
Okay... a lot.

Twilight Sparkle:
Pack your things, Spike, we're leaving. [Spike groans] Don't ask where we're going, 'cause I don't know yet. Just not here.

[Spike is surrounded by scrolls of paper] Can't... move. The princess... has been sending these... since I came back upstairs. [belches up a scroll] Make it stop!

Twilight Sparkle:
These are all the letters I've written to the princess since I've lived in Ponyville. But why would she send them back? [Spike groans and belches again]

Twilight Sparkle:
[reading] "Real friends don't care what your cover is. Friendship is a wondrous and powerful thing. And like the path cut through the orchard, there will always be a way through. The best thing to do is stay true to yourself. Everypony has a special magical connection with her friends. Maybe even before she's met them." [Twilight regains her purple color] Spike! Spike, it's all so clear! Can't you see? Discord's trying to distract us from what's important. He knows how powerful our friendships are, and he's trying to keep us from seeing it. Do you remember what I said the first day we arrived in Ponyville? I told you that the future of Equestria didn't rest on me making friends. But the opposite is true! The friendships I've made since I've been here are what saved Equestria from Night Mare Moon. And now they need to save it from Discord! [Spike moans as Twilight spins him around in happiness] You're right, Spike. I've got to fight for my friendships. For them. For me. For Equestria!

Twilight Sparkle:
[Spike moans again] Oh... uh... why don't you just stay here and rest? I'll take care of the whole fighting for friendship thing myself.

Pinkie Pie:
Seems like hardly anypony's been here in ages. I hope I'm remembering the rhymes right from my Nana Pinkie's story. "Where the brambles are thickest, there you will find a pond beyond the most twisted of vines!" [echoes] What was that? Oh, I heard a voice! Oh. Hehe. It was me. [walks past some brambles] Ouch! Ooh! Stop scratching me up, you brambles, and- Whoooaaa! [she falls down a hole into a big cave]

Pinkie Pie:
[gasp] The Mirror Pool! [echoes] Oh, and there's that voice again! Tsk, tsk, tsk. Ah Pinkie, you have got to stop talking to yourself. Starting... now. "And into her own reflection she stared, uh, yearning for one whose reflection she shared, and solemnly sweared not to be scared at the prospect of being doubly mared!"

Pinkie Pie 2:
[a clone of Pinkie Pie walks out of the Mirror Pool] Wheee-heee!

Pinkie Pie:
Wow, the legend is true. It really worked!

Pinkie Pie 2:
[while Pinkie 1 talks] Fun, fun! [continues]

Pinkie Pie:
Okay, wait. I promised not talk to myself anymore. I should say something to her. Or... would that still be talking to myself? Excuse me, me? Can I have a word with you? Uh, I mean, me? Listen, I can see you're having lots of fun, but...

Pinkie Pie 2:
Fun? Did somebody say fun? Where?

Pinkie Pie:
I did, over here!

Pinkie Pie 2:
I thought someone said something about fun! Where is it? Over here? Over here? I don't see it! Where is it? Where is it?

Pinkie Pie:
Whoa, calm yourself, Pinkie, there's loads of fun to be had in Ponyville with my girls! Trot on over back to Ponyville with me and I'll tell you all about 'em.

Twilight Sparkle:
I think I found something! I've been reading our journal, and there's something interesting about the sections that Discord bookmarked. Applejack, do you remember when you had to tell everypony that the tonic Granny bought from the Flim Flam brothers didn't really work?

How could I forget? It was one of the hardest things I ever had to do. But what's that got to do with openin' the chest?

Twilight Sparkle:
I've found that each of you has had to face a situation where living up to the Element of Harmony you represent wasn't easy. Fluttershy, it was when you realized that the way to show kindness to the Breezies was by forcing them to leave your home.

Oh, the looks on their poor little faces! But I knew that, as difficult as it was, pushing them away was the kindest thing I could do.

Twilight Sparkle:
Rarity, even after Suri took advantage of your generosity at Fashion Week in Manehattan, you didn't let it cause you to abandon your generous spirit.

I simply couldn't have lived with myself if I didn't do something special for the friends who have always been so generous to me!

Twilight Sparkle:
Rainbow Dash, you had the chance to fly with the Wonderbolts at the Equestria Games, but instead you chose to compete with your friends.

Rainbow Dash:
Sure! But being loyal to my friends was way...

Pinkie Pie:
Ooh, my turn, my turn!

Twilight Sparkle:
Pinkie Pie, you realized that seeing your friend laugh was more important than proving you were a better party planner than Cheese Sandwich.

Pinkie Pie:
Best party I've ever had.

It's clear we've all had our moments to shine, Twilight, but I'm with Applejack. What does any of this have to do with the opening of the chest?

Twilight Sparkle:
All of you had tough choices to make. But when you made the right one and embraced your element, it helped somepony else make the right choice too. Each of you received something from the pony whose life you helped change. I know it sounds crazy, but maybe there's something special about those objects that could lead us to the location of the keys. The chest is connected to the Tree of Harmony, the Tree is connected to the Elements, and the Elements are connected to all of us. There must be a connection! I hate to admit it, but maybe Discord was trying to be a good friend after all.

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