Monk, Season 7

Monk redirects here. For the religious orders, see Monasticism

[In Dr. Bell's waiting room]

I can't believe you bought a house without telling me!

You would've said no.

Let's see what Dr. Bell has to say.

Why should I care what this clown thinks?

He's a therapist! He's supposed to be brilliant. He's written five books and he teaches at Stanford.

[glances at the analogue clock, which reads 10:59 AM] One minute now. If he's late, we're leaving.

[spotting the doctor's certificate on the wall] Oh, look! His first name is Neven: N-E-V-E-N! It's a palindrome! That's a good sign!

It's not a perfect palindrome. The first N is capitalized.

Dr. Kroger's name was Charles. That wasn't a palindrome.

It was to me!

[At the exact moment that the second hand reaches the top and the analogue clock says 11:
00, Dr. Bell comes out of the office]

Dr. Neven Bell:
Mr. Monk. [shakes hands with Monk] Neven Bell. I've been looking forward to this. [After releasing Monk's hand, Dr. Bell produces a wipe from a package of Wet Ones] Wipe. [Monk turns to Natalie, who gives a thumbs up. Cuts to Monk sitting in Dr. Bell's office]


Dr. Neven Bell:
Why haven't you been sleeping?

Heh, no big mystery. There's this girl across the street who plays the same song. [imitates a section of Prelude in A Major] It doesn't matter, I'm out of there; I just bought a house.

Dr. Neven Bell:
Well congratulations. So when did it start, the piano playing?

I don't know. About a year ago.

Dr. Neven Bell:
Hmmmm, but it's only been bothering you for what, five weeks?

How did you know that?

Dr. Neven Bell:
Well the girl's been practicing for over a year, and it's only been bothering you since Charles Kroger passed.

No. No. No. No. No. [He continues saying "no" as Dr. Bell speaks]

Dr. Neven Bell:
The music she's playing is Chopin. Charles loved Chopin; he played in his waiting room all the time. Maybe the music is reminding you of-of your friend, and it's been affecting you.

[Monk shows Natalie around the house. They come down the stairs and then head down the hall towards the ground bathroom]

Adrian Monk:
And.... here is another bathroom; for a total of [flicks on the light switch] two bathrooms. That is a claw-footed bathtub, which is something I've always wanted.

[laughs] It is?

Yeah. I just didn't know it. [Natalie runs her hand along the wall as they walk back towards the foyer]

Oh, I love all the woodwork!

Hey, don't touch that.

What, wet paint?

No, just don't touch it. Another wall, hallway, more walls, another wall, and we're back in the living room.

I can't believe it! You actually did it!

Uh, that's a new rug. Don't just stand on it. You have to keep moving.


So it doesn't wear out in one place. [Natalie starts stepping from side to side]

Oh, you mean like this?

Maybe wider circles.

Okay I'm just gonna stand over here. [She walks back to the foyer]

So, whaddaya think? [Monk sits down in the other room]

I like it. I do! I think you're gonna be really hap... You're gonna be...



I already am. I should've done this years ago.

And you don't miss your old apartment.

Why should I?

Because Trudy was there! And this house is not the same. And you're not a big fan of "not the same".

Well, maybe I've matured. [pause; Natalie glares at him] I said maybe I've matured.

Mr. Monk, I was raised in an older house. There are going to be problems; there always are. And you can't just call the super! You know, you're it! You're-you're responsible!

That's what I love about it! I have never been responsible for anything. I want to be responsible.

You do?

I want to be part of something. Something real. Something [pounds a fist into the dining room door frame] permanent. Natalie, I'm.... home. [Natalie laughs and joins him in the dining room]

Honest" Ramone:
So, you are a, ah, detective?

No, he's the best detective in the world.

Maybe not the world. Well, who's to say?

[Jake comes out of the other room]

"Honest" Jake Phillips:
So, what's going on, Columbo? [Monk has placed a wheelchair at the foot of the stairs]

This is Joseph Moody's wheelchair. It was still in the garage.

"Honest" Jake Phillips:

The old man who used to live here. He fell down these stairs. He had a private nurse who said he walked up [the stairs] to that landing. But look... [points to three of the steps] Here, here, and here. Tire tracks. They're a perfect match. And this. [Monk pulls out his tweezers and removes a piece of wallpaper from the wheelchair's frame] Wallpaper. [He walks up the stairs to the tiny rip, where he puts the torn piece in to the rip; it matches perfectly] You can see where it was ripped away. No, I think she wheeled him up these stairs.

"Honest" Jake Phillips:
So you just put that together? Just like that? [impressed] Fantastic!

And this. [pulls a prescription out of the back of the wheelchair] Tribiteral. It's a new prescription. This is the stuff she said made him disoriented. [He hands it to Natalie]

It's never been opened. You think she killed him?

She lied about it. There must be a reason.

[Jake briefly raises his eyebrows. Cuts to Cassie Drake bringing groceries into her house. She turns on the lights]

"Honest" Jake Phillips:
Hey Cassie. [Cassie is momentarily startled to see Jake sitting in an armchair, but casts a sigh of relief. She sets her grocery bag down on the floor]

Cassie Drake:
Jake! You scared me to death!

"Honest" Jake Phillips:
Got your work on the night shift again, huh?

Cassie Drake:

"Honest" Jake Phillips:
That sucks; throws off the whole internal clock. Gets it all out of whack, huh. [pause; Cassie sets her keys down on the kitchen counter]

Cassie Drake:
How did you get in?

"Honest" Jake Phillips:
Sliding door. It's broken.

Cassie Drake:
No it's not.

"Honest" Jake Phillips:
No. It is.

Cassie Drake:
[nervous] So, how's it going? When am I gonna see my share?

"Honest" Jake Phillips:
See, buttercup, that's why I'm here: We--we ran into a little, "bump" in the road today. Guess who bought the house? [pause] Adrian Monk. [short pause]

Cassie Drake:
I don't know him.

"Honest" Jake Phillips:
He's on to you, Cassie. [Cassie puts her hands up in a defensive position]

Cassie Drake:
Jake, it wasn't my fault! I didn't wanna kill him! [Jake starts to rise from his chair and pulls an awl from his toolbelt]

"Honest" Jake Phillips:
I know.

Cassie Drake:
He would've told everybody! I really didn't have a choice!

"Honest" Jake Phillips:
I know. [He stabs and kills her]

[Monk and Natalie have been shackled by their legs to the claw-footed bathtub, and are trying to undo the restraints]

You're not gonna believe this. He's still not the worst contractor I've ever seen.

Can you reach that hammer? [points to a spare hammer on Jake's toolbelt]

I'll try. [She barely manages to stretch as far as she can to grab the hammer, which she hands to Monk]

Pull. [Still weighed down by the tub, Monk and Natalie crawl down the hall, dragging the tub with them. Monk takes the hammer, and pounds in a protruding nail, accidentally making a very small hole in the wall]

Now what?

Nothing. That nail was driving me crazy.

[They stop to catch their breath]

Oh God!


[points] He still hasn't fixed that light!

[Monk looks up at the off-centered lamp, then at the inside of the small hole he made while pounding the nail in, and he notices that the framework isn't real]

Oh my God. [he backs away] Oh my God!

[Jake pops his head out from the other side of the wall he is cutting down]

"Honest" Jake Phillips:
"Oh my God" what? Whaddaya see, hmm? [Monk and Natalie stammer] What do you see? [He walks around the destroyed wall to reach them] What do you see, huh?! [He kicks part of the wall down and finds that the framework is not wooden lattice work] Something there? [he realizes what it is] It's a false wall! There's a reason that light wasn't centered: because this is a false wall! [to Ramone] Come on, move the furniture. Move the furniture! [They move a table]

"Honest" Ramone:

"Honest" Jake Phillips:
It's in here! Take it down! [He and Ramone start tearing down the wall with their pickaxes, and uncover sheets of 1960s cash from the depository robbery. They both laugh in triumph]

"Honest" Ramone:
Jake! Jake! Whaddaya wanna do with your share of the money?

"Honest" Jake Phillips:
Same thing I'm gonna do with your share: spend it! [He shoots and kills Ramone]

This way.

[As Jake reveals numerous bundles of money behind the fake wall, Monk and Natalie kick it, causing it to fall on top of him and knocking him out]

Is he dead? [to Jake] Are you dead?!

No, he's not dead! He's still breathing. He's gonna wake up any second now.


[Remembering what Joseph's niece said about the soundproof walls] Forget it, it's no use! Nobody's gonna hear you!

[writing a check] "Payable to... Natalie Teeeee.................ger."

My four favorite words.

[Monk starts to slowly tear the check out of his checkbook. He tears it out so slowly that Natalie is able to go to the kitchen to pour herself a cup of coffee and get back just as he pulls the check out and hands it to her]

Thank you.

Thank you very much. [Natalie stops]

Um, excuse me, where's the rest of this? I worked Tuesday night, remember? That was overtime.

I thought you were just hanging out.

No, Mr. Monk, I wasn't "hanging out". I spent seven hours reorganizing the utensil drawer! That was a work!

But, you said it was fun. I-I distinctly remember. I said, "Isn't this fun?" And you said, "Uh-huh," so...

You mean unless I'm complaining, you're not going to pay me?! Is-is that the new rule?!

Even if I wanted to! I've already torn it out of the checkbook.

[trying to direct Monk's hand to void her bad check] Yeah, so you just void it out. Wr-write "VOID" right here, then you just write another one!

Natalie! I can't do that. If it were up to me...

Of course it's up to you!!

I need you to use your inside voice.

What?! Oh my God!! [screams in frustration] GOD!!!!

I'm a little short on cash right now. But I'm good for it. You know I'm good for it. I'll make up for it. You just keep track-

Yeah I have been keeping track! It's over $1,800, Mr. Monk!

[Linda Kloster enters the room, a finger over her lip. Monk and Natalie stop and turn to face her]

Linda Kloster:
I'm sorry. The door was open. I thought I heard screaming.

Oh, no, that's just me. I scream every payday.

Can I help you?

Linda Kloster:
My name is Linda Kloster, husband is Patrick Kloster.

Patrick Kloster? The chess master?

Yeah I was just reading about him. He's like some kind of supergenius, like, off the charts.

Linda Kloster:
Yes, well, Patrick has an IQ of 180, four points higher than Albert Einstein's.

Well what can I do for you?

Linda Kloster:
Well, it's my husband; he's gonna kill someone.

How do you know?

Linda Kloster:
He talks about it. He talks about it all the time; he says he has a perfect plan and he's never gonna get caught.

Did he say who he's going to kill?

Linda Kloster:
Yes. It's me. [pause] He's gonna kill me.

[Monk, Natalie, Stottlemeyer and Disher question Patrick Kloster at the airport security office]

Lt. Disher:
According to the Vancouver police, they interrupted the match at 1:21 PM to inform you that your wife had died?

Patrick Kloster:
That's right.

Lt. Disher:
And they said you kept playing, that you finished the match?

Patrick Kloster:
Of course I did. That's what Linda would have wanted.

Capt. Stottlemeyer:
It's funny. I would have been too upset to concentrate.

Patrick Kloster:
I was upset, Captain. That's why it took me 44 moves to win.

Your wife came to see me this morning, Mr. Kloster.

Patrick Kloster:
Did she?

She told me that you'd been planning to kill her.

Patrick Kloster:
My wife was an unstable woman.

She didn't seem unstable.

Patrick Kloster:
I'm sure she was. [turning to Stottlemeyer and Disher] What did the medical examiner say?

Capt. Stottlemeyer:
Heart attack.

Yeah, she didn't look sick to me.

Patrick Kloster:
And what medical school did you attend, Miss Teeger? My wife suffered from high blood pressure, and for most of her life, she was an alcoholic and a heavy smoker. She was also quite depressed.

Lt. Randall Disher:
And there was a $10 million life insurance policy.

Patrick Kloster:
Well the policy was Linda's idea. I'm insured for the same amount.

Capt. Stottlemeyer:
What do you know about poison, Mr. Kloster?

Patrick Kloster:
Not much. More than you, but not much. Although I am an expert on the Poison Pawn.

Lt. Randall Disher:
[starts to write in his notebook] "Poison pawn..."

Patrick Kloster:
Uh, that is a chess move, Lt. Disher. I'd be happy to teach it to you.

[Monk and Natalie have parked outside Patrick Kloster's house, and they are reading his books]

"In chess, as in life, creative strategies, executed with daring and precision, will allow you to overwhelm your opponent, and achieve your goal." The end, and may I say, "Thank god." [She closes the book and Monk hands her the next one]

Keep going. Here's the next one.

Oh Mr. Monk, come on! We've been reading his books all day! What good are they doing?

I'm getting into his head. He's in my head. I have to be in his head! So we're... in each other's heads. :[Natalie sighs and opens the next book]

"Chess Domination, by Patrick Kloster." Well this will be the opposite of fun. [flips to the dedication] "For my queen, Tatiana."

You don't have to read the dedication. [Flipping another page, Natalie finds a check]

Fine, sorry. What's this? Linda Kloster's check. You didn't deposit this?

I'll never deposit it.

But Mr. Monk, she wanted you to cash it. Mr. Monk, if you deposit this check, you can pay your staff, and when I say "staff," I mean me. [holds the check up]

[long pause]

She came to me. I didn't protect her.

Mr. Monk, you did everything you could.

What about the promise I made that he wouldn't get away with it?

You--you made a promise to me, too.

[points to the car mirror, and sees Patrick Kloster approaching] Shhh, there he is! [Monk starts to buckle his seatbelt]


Oh my god.

He's coming! What do we do? Uh, we should kiss! No! I didn't say that! I wasn't thinking, I never said that!

[Stottlemeyer notices Randy writing something down in his notebook]

Capt. Stottlemeyer:
What's that? [Randy shows the page to him] "It looks like her number came up."

Lt. Disher:
It's a zinger. She's a lotto girl, her number came up. Get it?

Capt. Stottlemeyer:

Lt. Disher:
You last year? Sergeant Beecham shoved that junkie into a lamppost and he said "I'll keep you posted?"

Capt. Stottlemeyer:
Yeah I heard about that.

Lt. Disher:
Everybody heard about it. People were repeating it; it was famous. This is even better. This is a classic.

Capt. Stottlemeyer:
If you say so.

Lt. Disher:
Yeah I just need to pick the right moment.

[The medical examiner comes over to them]

Medical Examiner:
Captain, if you're ready to release the body, I can take her downtown.

Capt. Stottlemeyer:
OK. [starts to sign the paperwork]

Medical Examiner:
I still don't get it. Who would want to kill the lotto girl?

Officer Kelton:
I guess her number came up!

[Randy throws his notebook at him.]

Officer Kelton:
Hey! What are you doing?

Lt. Disher:
What are you doing? That was my line, man.

Officer Kelton:
What are you talking about?

Lt. Disher I just said the same thing two seconds ago! Ask the Captain!

Capt. Stottlemeyer:
Randy, this is a crime scene. [Randy steps over Marissa Kessler's body to confront Kelton]

Lt. Disher:
You know what, he must have heard me! That's okay, look, it's written in my notebook: "It looks like her number came up." Let's see your notebook!

Officer Kelton:
Look, I didn't write it down. I just thought of it.

Lt. Disher:
[disbelief] Whoa-whoa-whoa! Can you believe this guy? You know, I'm gonna have your badge, Officer...

[Stottlemeyer grabs him and drags him away]

Capt. Stottlemeyer:
Come on, Shecky, let's walk it off.

[Natalie prepares for her first lottery drawing]

Billy Logan:
Excuse me, new girl. New girl, you're off your mark.

My mark?

Billy Logan:
Yeah, the big X on the floor. Look where I'm pointing.

Stage Manager:
90 seconds!

90 seconds? Wait-wait, I never got a script! Excuse me, I never got a script!

Billy Logan:
There is no script. This is the lottery. For the love of God, if there was a script, we'd all be rich. [to himself] Amateurs... [walks away]

[Stan Lawrence approaches Stottlemeyer and Disher]

Stan Lawrence:
Captain, Lieutenant. How's the investigation going?

Capt. Stottlemeyer:
Well, we're just getting started. We've spoken to the staff, the camera crew; everybody said they left the building after the show.

Stan Lawrence:
They usually do.

Capt. Stottlemeyer:
Well somebody was here. The girl didn't stab herself.

Stan Lawrence:
You wanted to know if Marissa received any fan mail. Some of them are very dicey, you know, personal. I put those on top.

Billy Logan:
I need quiet everybody! New girl, you're on, in 5, 4, 3, 2.... [The theme music starts up]

Good evening, people. Welcome to the Big Gold Rush Pick 6. I'm Natalie Teeger. Are you ready to play? [pause. Monk gives her a "get on with it" gesture] Then let's play, the lottery! And the first number is... [long pause. Billy Logan gestures to the button on the drum]

Billy Logan:
[whispering] Turn it on. [pause] Turn it on! [Natalie leans over, and presses the power button. She jumps, startled]

My god! [The numbers are drawn] And the first number is.... 25. My mother's birthday. The next number.... 52. 52... cards in a deck. The next number.... 7. The Seven Dwarves.

Capt. Stottlemeyer:
[tears up some fan mail] Seven dwarves.

[The number 32 is drawn]

The next number.... 32. 32 teeth. [clicks her teeth]

[The number 10 is drawn]

10. My boss's absolute favorite number.

Capt. Stottlemeyer:
Aw crap!

Apparently not everybody's favorite. [the number 17 gets drawn] And the final number is 17, my daughter's age. [little wave] Hi Julie! [pause] Once again the winning numbers for today are 25, 52, 7, 32, 10, and 17. So, that's it for now! Keep playing lotto. [pauses] You'll thank me later! [the music stops]

"You'll thank me later?" That's my line! I say that!

Lt. Disher:
It hurts, doesn't it?

Capt. Stottlemeyer:
[tearing up some fan mail] You know, I might as well flush twenty bucks down the toilet once a week.

[accidentally trips over some cables] Excuse me! Do these cables have to be right here?!

Billy Logan:
Yes they do, because they carry your voice from this microphone to that soundboard.

Well can't you move them somewhere else?! They almost broke my neck!

Billy Logan:
Almost doesn't count.

Fine. I'll do it. [She starts to move the cables. Billy comes over]

Billy Logan:
What are you doing? Are you mental?! Put it down! Put it down.

I'm taking care of it!

Billy Logan:
Let go! [Stan Lawrence comes over]

Stan Lawrence:
Billy, what the hell is the matter here?

Stan, I can't work with this guy!

Billy Logan:
What, YOU can't work with me?! Who do you think you are, lady?! I've been here for eight years, and you're just another untalented face!

Stan Lawrence:
Billy! Calm down!

Untalented, huh? The ratings keep going up every night! How do you explain that?!

Billy Logan:
The ratings go up when the jackpot goes up! It has nothing to do with you, you moron!

Stan Lawrence:
Billy! I've warned you before about your attitude. That's it. You're out of here! You're fired! Somebody call security! [Natalie turns around]

No-no-no, don't fire him!

Billy Logan:
See, look, I'm moving the cable! [Two security guards seize him] Stan, please! Don't do this!

Stan Lawrence:
It's too late, Billy!

Billy Logan:
I'm sorry! I'm apologizing!

Stan Lawrence:
Mr. Logan has been terminated. I don't want him back in the building! You make sure to get his security pass and keys. Get him out of here!

[Monk and Stottlemeyer are examining Malcolm O'Dwyer's body]

Capt. Stottlemeyer:
Hey Monk? Look at this.

[walks over] Hello.

Capt. Stottlemeyer:
It's the other lens. [pause] Looks like you were right: nobody jumps after putting in just one contact lens.

Do you want to put it in this evidence bag? [He holds up the bag, which has a number 32 on it, and then, in an approximation of Natalie's voice, he says] Bag #32. Hey! 32! Thirty two! 3-2. 32! [Natalie, who is signing autographs, stops signing and walks over to confront Monk]

Mr. Monk, are you mocking me?! In public?! I don't make fun of your job!

That's because I have a real job. I'm solving a homicide here.

Well, I have a real job too. I am changing peoples' lives. I'm making them rich.

[with an authoritative tone] Oh, you are not making them rich! You're not giving them financial advice. You're just reading little numbers off little white ping pong balls! And if it wasn't you, they'd just hire some other bim-[stops himself midway through saying "bimbo"]

Some other what? "Bim" what?!

[mulls it over] Bimportant person.

Mr. Monk, do-do you think I'm a bimbo?! Look, I know what I do isn't the most bimportant job on the planet, but what do I do for you?! Hand you wipes all day long? Pick up your laundry? You know people admire me now, and I admit it, I am enjoying the attention! I guess I needed it!

Yeah, uh, I'm sorry, but I can't work like this! So you're gonna have to choose.

[He gestures to himself and Stottlemeyer, and then to Natalie's fans over by the police line]

OK, then I guess I quit.

[relieved] Thank god! Well call the station manager, and tell him to find somebody else.

No I quit you. I quit us.

[Monk's face turns to shock, and Natalie passes under the police tape and runs off, her fans following her]

[Stottlemeyer and Disher are driving to Douglas Thurman's studio to execute a raid]

Lt. Disher:
Do you, uh, have the warrant?

Capt. Stottlemeyer:
What? You've gotta be kidding! You just had it in your hand! Where is it? [Randy opens the glovebox, and the arrest warrant is behind one of Randy's CDs]

Lt. Disher:
Found it. It was right behind this CD. [shows it for the cameraman] I-I'm in a band; the Randy Disher Project; we do a sort of a jazz-fusion-punk, kind of a rap, kind of a folk-

Capt. Stottlemeyer:
Randy, just give him the damn CD!

Lt. Disher:
You guys like music? You're gonna love this. [Randy takes the CD out of the case, and notices something] Whoa. Is that a scratch? You know what, I should probably put it in to see if it works. [He inserts the CD into the car's player, and his song "I Don't Need a Badge" begins to play, much to Stottlemeyer's annoyance] [cuts to a SWAT team - all of them armed with Heckler & Koch MP5A3 assault rifles - along with Stottlemeyer and Disher (both of them wearing Kevlar vests and carrying their own weapons) standing outside the photo studio's front door]

Capt. Stottlemeyer:
Doug Thurman! SFPD! [The first officer breaches the door with a battering ram, and the SWATs enter their room with their guns drawn]

First SWAT Officer:
Clear! [They go into the next room] Clear!

[In the main room of the studio, they find an eerie shrine to Cassandre Rank, Barbara McFarland, and Miranda Terhume, Thurman's three victims. Novak's camera zooms in to show that each victim's respective lipstick has been smeared onto their photo]

Lt. Disher:
Captain! [Stottlemeyer comes in]

Capt. Stottlemeyer:
Is that lipstick? That's good enough.

Lt. Disher:
I guess that clinches it. This guy's definitely the Cosmetic Assassin.

First SWAT Officer:
The what?

Lt. Disher:
Cosmetic Assassin. That's what we're calling him.

Capt. Stottlemeyer' Maybe you'd like to hear what we're calling you. [leaves the room]

[cuts to Stottlemeyer and Disher being interviewed in Stottlemeyer's office]

Lt. Disher:
That was probably the low point, because we had that creep in handcuffs the day before.

Capt. Stottlemeyer:
We never should've let him go. But the law's the law: insufficient evidence.

Lt. Disher:
We put out a statewide APB on him.

Capt. Stottlemeyer:
But we were too late.

[Monk and Natalie are driving along a busy road, with Natalie splitting her focus between the road in front of her and the cameraman riding in the backseat]

There's been a breakthrough in the case, it's pretty exciting.

Don't look back! Why are you looking back?

So it turns out both victims worked at the same restaurant. It's one of those themed restaurants; it's called the Morbid Cafe, and the Captain wants Mr. Monk to go talk to the manager.

Okay, could you just pull over? Please, I'm feeling nauseous.

Did I mention he also doesn't like driving?

[cuts to Monk and Natalie stepping into a restaurant with horror movie decor, followed by Novak's camera crew]

Oh my God, people actually eat here?

Yeah, Julie comes here all the time, she loves it. See all these props? They're from old horror movies.

You should call the Board of Health. [A man wearing vampire makeup steps through one of the curtains]

Vampire Manager:
[staying in character] Welcome! I have been expecting you! You are from the police department, is that correct?

That's right. I'm Adrian Monk and this is Natalie Teeger.

[taking Natalie's right hand] Oh Natalie? What a "delicious" name. [He kisses Natalie's right hand]

Adrian Why are you talking like that?

Vampire Manager:
I don't know what you mean, but I see we go to the same tailor! [makes an "ooh" sound]

Mr. Gleckson, we'd like to talk to you about a woman named Cassandre Rank. I believe she used to work here.

Vampire Manager:
Yeeessss, Cassandre Rank. She was a most delectable young girl. I remember drinking her blood; she had the most exquisite taste-

She was killed two days ago. Somebody strangled her. [The manager breaks character]

Vampire Manager:
What? Are-are you serious? Oh my God, you-you must have thought that, look-look you know that this is just a job, right? And this is not real blood; it's all makeup. Oh hell, and that stuff about drinking her blood? Oh crap-

When did she work here?

Vampire Manager:
Uh, about a year ago. But she only worked her for about a month; 'cause she got a part in a play or something and then she split. Nobody stays here that long.

There was another woman, a Barbara McFarland? She worked here too, didn't she?

Vampire Manager:
[slipping back into character] Yeeeesssss! Barbara McFarland, she had a very delectable neck, I'm sure in fact-

Natalie Teeger:
She was killed too.

Vampire Manager:
[breaking character] Oh come on! Why can't you just say that? Now I look like a monster; a real monster; and I'm not! [stammers] Oh, oh, oh, yeah, I knew her. She was here for three months.

Yeah did they know each other? Barbara and Cassandre?

Vampire Manager:
I don't think so, I don't think they ever met. Cassandre left about a year before Barbara showed up, so-

All right, we're gonna need a list of your employees: everyone who worked here when they did.

[Stottlemeyer and Disher interrogate John Kuramoto's cousin about his whereabouts]

Lt. Disher:
You don't know where he is? Well, you're staying at his house, Vince.

Vince Kuramoto:
Hey, man. I'm just crashing at his place for a few days. He's my cousin. Do you know where all your cousins are?

Lt. Disher:
Where do you think he is, Vince?

Vince Kuramoto:
[loudly and clearly into the microphone, emphasizing every word] I. Don't. Know. [hits the tape recorder's microphone with his hand. Stottlemeyer casually puts it back upright]

Capt. Stottlemeyer:
Ah. Tough guy, ehh? [produces an evidence bag containing the recovered bullet] Look at this. See that? That's a bullet! That's a bullet that got dug out of our very dear friend's leg tonight!

Lt. Disher:
That makes your cousin a former cop shooter.

Vince Kuramoto:
Former what?

Lt. Disher:
Former cop shooter.

Vince Kuramoto:
You mean he used to shoot cops?

Lt. Disher:
No. He shot someone who used to be a cop.

Vince Kuramoto:
Why didn't you say that?

Lt. Disher:
I did, it's the same thing.

Vince Kuramoto:
It's not the same thing at all, it's not even close-

Capt. Stottlemeyer:
Oh for God's sakes!! What are you two, married or what?! Look, it's not complicated, Vince! If you know where your cousin is and you're not telling us, [points an accusing finger at Vince] that makes you an accessory after the fact.

Lt. Disher:
For aiding and abetting!

Capt. Stottlemeyer:
For attempted murder, which is a very very VERY long "goodbye"!! Let me put it this way: your parole officer? He hasn't been born yet.

Roderick Brody changed my life, maybe as much as Trudy did. He ruined everything. It was childhood's end, really.

Dr. Neven Bell:
You know, I had a bully in school too. He would wait for me every morning outside the bicycle rack-

Excuse me, sorry to interrupt. You went to your father for advice, and he told you to face up to the bully, and the bully backed down?

Dr. Neven Bell:
Yes, more or less. Yes.

What a wonderful anecdote. It will give me something to think about at one o'clock, when my head is in the man's toilet.

Dr. Neven Bell:
Why don't you just cancel it? Just say you're busy.

Natalie won't let me! It's the first paying customer we've had in three weeks! Look, what I need is a note.

Dr. Neven Bell:
A note?

Yes, a note from you, something I can show Natalie, to get me out of this!

Dr. Neven Bell:
Adrian, I'm not gonna write you a note!

You don't have to write it. [pulls it out of his jacket] It's already written. All you have to do is sign it.

Dr. Neven Bell:
Adrian, this isn't gym class! Now you've been talking about this Roderick Brody since the first session. And as I recall, you're still having nightmares about him. You know, I think this meeting today is a gift. It's an opportunity.

Maybe you're right. But sign the note!

Dr. Neven Bell:
It's an opportunity to confront your greatest and most troubling fears, to finally resolve them! Put them all behind you! Not many people get this chance!

I see your point. I never looked at it like that. Can I have the note back?

Dr. Neven Bell:
Sure. [He starts to hand the note back, but stops midway, wearily] Wait. You're not planning to forge my signature, are you?

[laughs] No! [He lunges for the note]

[Monk and Natalie are in Douglas Fendle's hotel room]

[to Natalie] You were right about karma. It is fantastic!

No, Mr. Monk- [Captain Stottlemeyer enters the room]

Capt. Stottlemeyer:
Monk, Natalie, thanks for coming.


Capt. Stottlemeyer:
I was downstairs doing a little Dumpster diving. Can't find the murder weapon. There is a steak knife missing from that service tray. I guess he took it with him. So, whaddaya think? [Monk appears to be holding his breath] You okay? [Monk releases a stifled laugh] Are you happy?

I love my work. Is that a crime?

Capt. Stottlemeyer:

Lt. Disher:
[whispers to Stottlemeyer] I think they knew the guy.

Capt. Stottlemeyer:
Know what? What, you know this guy? [Gestures towards the body]

No, not technically...

[overlapping Monk's words] No, [we] don't know him; never met him face to face.

Never formally introduced. Sort of.... [Natalie gestures to indicate "following" with her fingers] We've been following him.


Capt. Stottlemeyer:
You were following him? I wonder why.

Well, he was seeing a woman, a married woman, and we were following her.

Capt. Stottlemeyer:
You were following the woman? I wonder why.

Her husband hired us.

Capt. Stottlemeyer:
Until you hear different, I wonder why. Wh-what are you doing? You, you doing divorce work now?

He was just doing a favor. He was an old friend of Mr. Monk's.

Wouldn't exactly say he was a friend. More of an acquaintance, actually. He beat me up every week for three years.

Capt. Stottlemeyer:
[points an accusing finger at Monk] And that would explain the stupid grin you have on your face. You think you're getting even.

I know I'm getting even.

Capt. Stottlemeyer:
So, your pal - you told him about the affair, and you told him that Fendle was going to be here? [Monk makes a gesture that suggests "yes"] Well, I think your friend just made the top of my "To Do" List. What's his name? [Natalie steps in front of Monk]

Actually we can't tell you that. Technically, he's a client so it's privilaged information. We could contact a lawyer or a third party... [Monk cuts her off]

Roderick Brody. 23 Orchard Circle. [Disher starts to write down a name and address in his book] No that "O" looks like an "A". B-R-O-D-Y. Roderick Brody.

Capt. Stottlemeyer:
Well let's go talk to him.

[They file out, and Monk whispers to Natalie]

Prison swirlies.

[Natalie has found Monk in the park and Monk is trying to do a cartwheel]

You know how I feel? Liberated. I should've confronted that S-O you-know-what years ago! B. I still can't believe I won.

You know, Mr. Monk, I don't think anyone really won anything.

You're right. Except me. I won big-time.

Are you gonna start singing?

You know I almost could. You know what I am gonna do? I'm gonna do a cartwheel. [calls out] I'm gonna do a cartwheel. You might want to step back. It's my first cartwheel. I'm gonna do it right here. [He puts wipes on the ground] What am I doing? A man's been killed, right? A man's been stabbed to death.

Yeah, that's what I've been saying.

This is no time for cartwheels. [starts to pick up his wipes] On the other hand, I have been waiting 40 years for this! I mean, this is a moment to savor, it might never happen again! I'm doing the cartwheel! [puts them back on the ground] My God, it's ghoulish! One man dead, another going to jail. Am I a ghoul?

No, Mr. Monk, you're not a ghoul!

What is a ghoul?

I don't know.

I don't care! The man is my archenemy! One cartwheel, I've gotta do it! [tries again] I can't. Natalie, do the cartwheel!


Come on, it's a good compromise: cartwheel by proxy. And don't forget to say "Whee" while you're doing it. Gotta say "Whee"- [He grabs Natalie by her right arm]

Yeah, no, thank you.

[Monk stops, having been transfixed to a police officer's holstered gun]

Oh no.

What is it? What happened?

Brody. He had a gun.

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