

Eagleheart is an American action comedy television series that aired on the programming block Adult Swim. Eagleheart was produced by Conan O'Brien's production company, Conaco, and stars Chris Elliott as Chris Monsanto. The series aired from 2011 to 2014. Eagleheart follows U.S. Marshal Chris Monsanto as he fights crime with his two partners: the slow-witted Brett and by-the-book Susie. They take on drug smugglers, art thieves, kidnappers, and con artists with bloody violence and gruesome deaths ensuing. The Marshals report to The Chief, who gives them their assignments. There is little continuity between episodes in the first two seasons. The third season features an extended season-long storyline titled Paradise Rising.


[as the two nature guys were about to take their clothes off, a mountain lion appears]

[until the mountain lion that was scaring them was dressed up by Chris]

Chris Monsanto:
Alright, alright, alright, alright. Calm down, calm down. It's just me, Chris Monsanto, U.S. Marshal.

Nature Guy:
You really gave us quite a scare, Marshal.

Chris Monsanto:
Well, I hope you learned a lesson, too, fellas. You know this not the Ramrod West, this is Mountain-Lion Country, and that's why we at the U.S. Marshals' office urge you to have your anonymous sex at public urinals and rest stops.

Chris Monsanto:
Remember, fellas. "While you're up here cruising, mountain lions are perusing, looking to give you a bruising at a time of their choosing". You can each take one.

[suddenly another mountain lion appears and attack Chris, but Chris managed to defeat it, revealing to be another mountain lion in costume as Brett]

Chris Monsanto:
Alright. Okay. [groans] Alright, good job, Brett.

Brett Mobley:
You see, fellas, it's so dangerous up here that you shouldn't even hang around and listen to safety lectures from Marshals disguised as mountain lions. So, uh, why don't you hop in your little cloud cars and fly back home.

Nature Guy #2:
Excuse me?

Brett Mobley:
Gay people. You live in clouds and drive cloud cars. Am I talking crazy? I mean, next thing you're gonna tell me is that black people don't shape-shift and jews aren't rock creatures that live underground.

Chris Monsanto:
Brett, those are hurtful stereotypes. They have no place in mountain-lion country. Fellas, seriously, though, why don't you move along, unless you want to end up like that famous British actor Claude Balls.

[Chris and Brett head to a chinese restaurant]

Chris Monsanto:
Well, I don't see any mountain lion on the menu, unless "delight" means "mountain lion", in which case, everything is mountain lion. Uh, Garcon.

Are you waiting to order?

Chris Monsanto:
Uh-huh. Let's start with an order of um, [chinese accent] ban quai dei dan quan quan quan dei ban quai quang dei. And then, um, let's get, for the table, just one big [chinese accent] ban qua gei hey hey ba qua kong quang quang heng wan ah.

I, um -- I go get manager.

Susie Wagner:
Chris, what the hell are you doing?

Chris Monsanto:
Come on. Everybody knows that the Chinese language is just a series of made-up nonsense sounds. And now this guy knows that we're not amateurs right off the banana boat. Believe me -- This is all working according to my plan, okay.

Chinese Restaurant Manager:
Is there a problem with the service?

Susie Wagner:
Uh...we're interested in ordering...off the menu, something cooked to...purrfection.

Brett Mobley:
Mountain lions.

Chinese Restaurant Manager:
We do not serve mountain lions, sir.

Chris Monsanto:
Honey, one of those mountain lions you swiped from that den happens to be a dear old bosom mate of mine. Now, where is he?

Chinese Restaurant Manager:
Enough. For years, people say, "Chinese eat dogs". "Chinese eat cats". Now mountain lions? You know how many years we've fought these ugly stereotypes? Shame on you! [leaves]

Chris Monsanto:
[scoffs] Don't know what that was all about. [chuckles]

Susie Wagner:
You should probably go apologize to her.

Chris Monsanto:
I'm not -- I...oh, fine. I'll go sprinkle a little sugar on her ass.

[after Chris fake his death when someone brings him in]

Brett Mobley:
Hey, Chris, how's it going?

Chris Monsanto:
Brett, what happened...to you?

[Chris sees Brett's legs cut off]

Chris Monsanto:
Uh, where are your legs?

Brett Mobley:
Oh, right. Uh, well, it turns out Lulu need them to make more chili.

Chris Monsanto:

That's right, baby. [laughs] Now you know my secret ingredient.

Chris Monsanto:
Oh, my god. It can't be true.

Remember that night you saved my life? Yeah, that's when I got my first taste. Ooh, I'd been looking a long time for the main ingredient, and I finally found it...courage. You see, courage in the bloodstream -- Ooh, it makes the muscles relax, and that keeps the meat nice and tender. Ooh, yeah.

Chris Monsanto:
Ah. Wow. So you found the secret to tender meat, and now you use beef from courageous cows to make your chili.

No, no, no, no. Not from beef. My chili is made... [laughs] from Marshals.

Chris Monsanto:
Ah! Okay. Gotcha. Uh, well, that's fine, Lulu, but there's only one problem with that. This kitchen here -- It's closed...forever.

[pulls up a cleaver knife] Well, I'm so glad I saved the best for last. Ha ha! AH, BAFOONA!

Chris Monsanto:
Alright, now, Lulu, you can come at me if you want to, but just remember I'm Chris Monsanto, okay. I've killed over 100 bad guys. So what?

I ain't scared of you. Mnh-mnh. I'm gonna chop you up and taste that courage. Ha ha.

Chris Monsanto:
Alright, now, will you listen to yourself? DO you know what you're saying? If you're brave enough to waltz with a guy like me, well, then you're the one who has the courage, Lulu.

[Lulu smells herself]

Chris Monsanto:
Yeah, in fact -- Mmm -- I bet you would taste mighty fine.

Shut up. Ooh.

Chris Monsanto:
Oh, yeah. You would make some really good chili. Smell that brave arm. Ooh, that's good.

Ooh, shut your mouth!

Chris Monsanto:
Yeah, wouldn't that be a good chili with some cayenne peppers. We gonna put in some onions.

Ooh, yes, lots of onions. OH, COOK ME, HONEY! COOK ME!

[Lulu then puts her arm into the meat grinding machine]

Susie Wagner:
We're U.S. Marshals. Where are the diamonds?

Terry Lord:
Diamonds? This is an auto body shop. Speaking of which, I'd like to do some bodywork on you, little lady.

Susie Wagner:
Well, I think you should fix that dent in your side, first.

[Susie kicks Terry in the gut]

Brett Mobley:
And your busted ear-view mirror.

[Brett brutally rips Terry's ear with his mouth]

Chris Monsanto:
Or this hole in your spine. [shoots Terry] Sorry, I don't know much about cars. Now, confess!

Terry Lord:
You ain't getting nothing out of me.

Chris Monsanto:
Alright. If I can't get anything out of you, I'll just have to put something into you.

[Chris puts his hand into Terry's back as a puppet]

Chris Monsanto:
Alright, now. Talk, grease monkey. Talk. [talks as Terry] Okay, okay. I confess. I confess. I'm the head of the diamond ring. You're right. You deserve a raise. [normal voice] Well, thank you very much. [talks as Terry] I'm talking about your I.Q. [normal voice] Hey, I thought you were the dummy. [talks as Terry] No, you're the dummy. [normal voice] Okay, well, just for that, you can go...straight to hell.

[Brett and Susie laughed and clapped]

Susie Wagner:
That's great, Chris, but he's just the middle man.

Chris Monsanto:
What are you talking about? No, he just confessed. The case is closed, sweetheart.

I don't know, Chris. I thought that confession was insincere. It seemed awfully tongue... [rips out Terry's tongue] in cheeks.

[then Bezoar puts Terry's tongue right inside his private area]

Chris Monsanto:
Very nice, Bezoar. Very nice.

[Susie sees the same jacket criminal again where he got beaten up by Chris and Brett]

Susie Wagner:
Why didn't you listen to me, dummy?! I told you Chris would beat you up.

[as Susie was about to wipe the blood off of the criminal]

Jacket Criminal:

Susie Wagner:
Why are you screaming? I'm just trying to be nice.

Jacket Criminal:

Susie Wagner:
I'm trying to help you!

Scatman's Brother:
STAY AWAY FROM ME! I'll talk! I'll talk. Scatman -- He's not my boss. He's my brother. My big brother.

Scatman's Brother:
And my boss.

Scatman's Brother:
Back before he became the monster called Scatman, he was the monster called Scatboy. He used to terrorize my parents. He'd scat the house apart. There was nothing they could do about it.

Scatman's Brother:
They thought maybe he'd be happier if he had a little brother, but he didn't want no little brother. He tried to scat me right out of the womb, but I survived. But because of what he did, I had what's know as fetal scat syndrome. My neurons were flipped. Pleasure was pain, and pain was pleasure.

Scatman's Brother:
When I grew up, he made me join his gang on account of no cop could ever beat a confession out of me -- Till now.

Susie Wagner:
So... [touches Scatman's Brother shoulder]

Scatman's Brother:

Susie Wagner:
Do you want to tell me where Scatman is? [said it calmly]

Scatman's Brother:
Stop it!

Susie Wagner:
I don't want to hurt you. I just want to make you feel better. [hugs Scatman's Brother]

Scatman's Brother:

Susie Wagner:
[on his walkie-talkie] This is Junior Lady Marshal Wagner. I just blew this case wide open.

[after coming back from the Internal Affairs room]

Morning, Chris. Where you been?

Chris Monsanto:
Oh, D'Alessandro. I think the guy's a little sweet on me.

A new case just came in. I, uh -- I --

[Captain sees one of his hand getting absorbed into his desk]

Chris Monsanto:
Geez, Cappy, have you been hitting the syrup? You're starting to stick, there.

Oh, so I am. Uh, that damn changeover.

Susie Wagner:

Yeah, new Marshals are coming. Every few decades, uh, the old guard gets absorbed, and a new crop is spit out.

[sees the walls becoming watery]

I guess my time's up.

Anyway, uh, I got a report that a bunch of sea creatures have been stolen from the aquarium. I want you guys to go check it out.

Susie Wagner:
Um, I have a case that might be a little more pressing. There's been a lot of chatter about a cocaine deal going down at the docks this Thursday night.

Sorry, kid. Drug busts don't make the headlines. Even landlubbers know that. If you want ink -- And I don't mean squid ink -- You better go find those missing squids.

Chris Monsanto:
Well, I think out friend, uh, Brett back there knows a thing or two about docking. Don't ya, Brett? [chuckles]


Chris Monsanto:
Well, somebody mentioned docks earlier in the conversation.

Susie Wagner:

Chris Monsanto:

Susie Wagner:
Brett's dead.

Chris Monsanto:

[Chris gets a flashback realizing he already killed Brett in the chipper at the lumber mill which he completely forgot about it]

Chris Monsanto:

Susie Wagner:

Chris Monsanto:
Um, will you all excuse me? I think I've got to go take a walk around the toilet.

Bernard Moss:
I know what you did.

Chris Monsanto:
[gasps] Really?

Bernard Moss:
Yeah. I know everything.

Chris Monsanto:
[scared] About Brett?

Bernard Moss:
Yeah, and if you don't do what I say, I'm spilling.

Chris Monsanto:
What do you want?

Bernard Moss:
You work for me now.

[later, where Bernard goes to his apartment to see his wife while the scene is in a 70s styled ratio]

Bernard Moss:
Eleanor! Eleanor! Oh. Eleanor! You'll never guess the day I had. Go on. Guess.

Eleanor Moss; Save your serenading for the follies, Bernard. Spit it.

Bernard Moss:
I got one, Eleanor. After all these dry months, one just fell right into my lap -- Right there -- Ka-plop. Bernie Moss lap time for one grade-a chumperoo. Oh, Eleanor, if only you could have seen it. It started like any other day.

[Bernard flashback his scenes where he's been going around to random people's houses and apartments saying his quote "I know what you did"]

Bernard Moss:
[narrating] I went around cold-accusing anyone who'd give me an ear for a half a shake. It was a rousing string of the usual defeats and indignities. I was just about to give up on the whole thing.

Bernard Moss:
Stupid, no-good fool I am. Who was I kidding, thinking this was a good idea? Louse. Imbecile. [mocking] "I know what you did. I know what you did.

[while Bernard was angrily mocking his quote, he then sees Chris at the beginning of the scene where they first met, when Bernard accused him]

Bernard Moss:
I know what you did.

Chris Monsanto:
[gasps] Really.

Bernard Moss:
[gasps for surprise] Yeah. I know everything.

[Bernard's flashback ends]

Bernard Moss:
He bought it, Eleanor. I got him on the hook, right through the curl in his lip.

Eleanor Moss:
What's this mean?

Bernard Moss:
It means the sun's coming out, sweetheart. It means our luck's finally coming 'round. We'll squeeze him for dough, go to the coast. They got good hospitals there. You can get your heart treated. This chumps' gonna give us a future.

Henry Moss:
The only chump's the one I'm looking at. [referring to his father]

Bernard Moss:
Aw, Hank. Don't you see? I'm doing this for you. This goose will pay your way through College, grad school, even.

Henry Moss:
You know I ain't got the brains for College. You just want me to go so you can kid yourself into thinking your life wasn't a total failure. But all the College in the world won't make up for the fact that you let my sister die, and now Mom's in the bedroom shooting dope into her veins on account of it.

Bernard Moss:
[sobbing] Oh, god, Hank. Oh, god!

Henry Moss:
Your dinner's getting cold. [angrily leaves]

What's your favorite passage?

Chris Monsanto:
I'm sorry, what?

From the book.

Chris Monsanto:
Oh, the book. Right. Uh, well, I guess I'd have to say, um...my favorite passage is, um....Jesus 1. You know, where it all started.

Hmm. [to America] And yours?

You know, I sell them so fast, I never get to read them. But I hear great things! Say, what do you call this stuff, corn?

Uh-huh. If you'll excuse me. [suspiciously leaves]

Farmer's Wife:
You boys ain't no bible salesmen. I don't know what you're up to, but you best your scruds on those plates before my husband gets back, or else things gonna turn real bad real quick.

Chris Monsanto:
Scruds? What?

Farmer's Wife:
Quit foolin'! Plate them scruds! Now!

I -- I -- I guess --

[as Chris and America pull their pants down to plate the scruds, Farmer comes back to bring alarming news]

Farmer's Wife:
Excuse me. [leaves]

My sister's gone crazy! She makes pretend to be her husband. If you don't take them scruds off them plates right now, her *real* husband gonna come back, and it ain't gonna be pretty -- Not as pretty as them scruds of yours, I guarantee you that.

Chris Monsanto:
What the hell are you talking about?

Too late!

Real Farmer's Husband:
[gunshot] Who's been putting scruds on my dining table?

[Chris and America take cover]

These hillbillies is nuts! What do we do, Chris?

[Chris grabs a knife and throws it at the Real Farmer's Husband to death]

[to Chris] You killed my brother-in-law, scruds and all!

Oh, uh, heart! [grabs a knife and kills the Farmer in the heart]

Farmer's Wife:
Thank you, boys! My nightmare's over. You're welcome to stay the night.

[Chris and America shrugs it off after what just happened]

Listen up and listen good. There's a lot you don't know about the Marshals. First off, the U.S. Marshal service was actually founded in 1789.

Chris Monsanto:
I know that. We learned that in the academy.

Let me finish. 1789 thousand B.C. It was started by a secret cabal known as The Ancients.

Chris Monsanto:
What the hell are you talking about?

Listen, their mission was onefold -- To scour the earth ins earth of the 5 chosen ones that were foretold in the prophecy. The Ancients needed them to complete "The Project". Maybe your friend Brett was one of the chosen ones.

Chris Monsanto:
Okay, well, none of that helps me and was a total waste of my time, so thank you, old man.

[before Chris was about to leave]

Chris! If your boy's still alive, he's headed for Kartuuk, Ancient City where the Marshal service started. No one knows exactly where it is, but you'll know it when you see it. Head south and don't stop.

Chris Monsanto:
Thank you.

It's a long trip. Here's a copy of Paradise Rising. Get ready for some sick licks.

[Quint gives Chris the tape]

Chris Monsanto:
Okay, can't wait.

Chris, promise me you'll listen to the tape.

Chris Monsanto:
Ooh, okay. I promise.

[as Chris leaves Quint's house, Sugalski shows up]

See? That wasn't so hard.

I just sent my protege to certain death.

And in return, I will pass on your demo on to my cousin at Toptune Records, as promised.


I'm a man of my word. And now I'm afraid you've outlived your usefulness, and I've out-used your live-fulness.

[Sugalski shoots Quint]

[chuckles] Dumb bastard.

[Sugalski then notices Quint has multiple fingers]

20 fingers? What the hell?

[then another Quint shows up]

But I just killed you.

No, Sugalski. You just killed Grint, my dumb bastard clone.

[gun c*cks] You have a few minutes to explain yourself.

See, when I quit my life the Marshals to devote my life to progressive rock, I soon encountered what's known as "Prog Rocker's Dilemma". The music I composed was too dense and complex for any regular human being to play.

No one had the chops, not even Cynthia. So I did some choppin' of my own -- DNA choppin' and slicin' and a-dicin' and a splicin'. I built a lab in my basement, cloned mutant versions of myself, and formed the world's first genetically engineered prog rock supergroup.

First came Grint. His 20 fingers made him ideally suited to play complex guitar chords. Then I made a lead singer, Zint, whose giraffe-like neck gave him a 12-octave vocal range, just like a giraffe. Next came Dint, the drummer that's nothing but arms. Jint, whose dim, ego-less brain made him willing to play bass, and various session mutants.

[Sugalski shoots the real Quint]

Alright, I get it.

I had a hunch you were gonna double-cross me. That's why I had Grint pretend to be me.

I didn't double-cross you, Quint. I said I would get your demo to the record label. I never said I wouldn't kill you.

So you are going to give them the tape?

[nodding his head meaning yes]

Thanks, brother.

[then Sugalski shoots Quint again]

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