Timothyj.29104's Quotes Page #165

Here's the list of quotes submitted by timothyj.29104  —  There are currently 6,280 quotes total — keep up the great work!

[the demons try to cut the baby in a hoagie]

Gary Bunda:
[to the baby] You want to be a sandwich? Oh, I know you don't want to be a sandwich. Nobody does.

Satan wanted baby meat -- Thinly sliced or in chunks like a tuna salad sandwich.

Gary Bunda:
I will kidnap Kyle, and I will put Kyle on this sandwich, but I will not thinly slice Kyle.

So, you just -- You're just gonna put fabric, and people are gonna be eating a whole baby like that?

Gary Bunda:
I'm not talking its clothes off. I'm not Woody Allen.

Well, then, do you want to glue fur and sew a dick on Lena Dunham?

Gary Bunda:
I would love to meet her.

Guys, I'll sew a dick. I'll slice a baby.

Gary Bunda:
[to Benji] Don't even think about touching it, okay?

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 7 months ago

John Oliver did a big story last night. It was comical, but it was harsh, saying that the baby meat was just smoked turkey.

Here's what we're gonna do. We're gonna put real baby meat in the hoagies and see what John Oliver says about that. And I want to do the immigrant sex tunnel to Bernie Sanders' house. Let's do that. And I want Lena Dunham to be a wolf man.

Gary Bunda:
You -- You mean a werewolf.

Wolf man. She has a wolf penis. Do you not listen to my show? God!

[Satan leaves]

Gary Bunda:
No, I don't. I do not.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 7 months ago

[Satan gets in the fun with many calls while disguising as Stan]

Satan (as Stan):
[to Caller #1] The Fiberal girly men and soy boys of Washington, DC, want to convert the Jefferson Memorial into a mosque, and they want to paint his statue brown and put breasts on it.

Satan (as Stan):
[to Fake Obama] Is it true you were born in Kenya, and are you a radical Muslim cleric?

Fake Obama:
Yes, on most counts.

Satan (as Stan):
That's what I thought.

Satan (as Stan):
[to Caller #1] They are gonna put Double-D breasts on Thomas Jefferson. Thomas Jeffers-- Tonya Jefferson?

Satan (as Stan):
[to Caller #2] We are calling it "Hoagiegate." Uh, we broke the story here first.

Fake Obama:
You know, I-- I'm lovers with George Soros. We make sweet love.

Satan (as Stan):
[to Caller #2] You go into a Hoagie Hutch and order a "Hillary Special," what you will get is a three-foot party sub stuffed with real human baby meat.

Fake Obama:
Pardon me for a second. I feel like I'm transforming into a werewolf.

Satan (as Stan):

Fake Obama:

Satan (as Stan):

Fake Obama:
Now, give me your jugular vein.

Satan (as Stan):
[to Caller #2] A liberal BLT -- Baby, lettuce, and tomato. And it's only white baby meat so they can continue the white genocide --

Gary Bunda:
Hey! Hey! Hey! That's our sponsors!

Satan (as Stan):
Oh, uh, it says Wednesday's the half-price day at Hoagie Hutch, uh, so you might...might want to swing by and, uh, g-get a hoagie. But don't eat baby meat. 'Cause it's -- It's all through their -- Their subs. 'Cause it's -- Listen, I've had it with these people. Hoagie Hutch is a sham. They are -- They're -- They're putting young children -- Young, fat, plump children...

[Claude leaves the station room instantly while Satan keep yapping about the baby meat situation]

Gary Bunda:
[to Satan] You see him walk? You see how he'd just walk off?

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 7 months ago

[Satan does the podcast as Stan in disguise]

Satan (as Stan):
Hello! I know, uh, I -- I have said on this -- This show that, uh, uh, Obama is gay-married to me, but -- Uh, Satan -- But, uh, that's not true. You hear that, Johnny Harville? Neither Obummer not Shillary are involved with Satan in any way, shape, or form.

[Johnny immediately grabs the phone to call Satan (Stan) about the presidents opinion]

Satan (as Stan):
Now, I've heard through the grapevine, Johnny Harville, that you believe that Obummer and Shillary, they are sexually involved with me...

Gary Bunda:
Johnny on line one.

Satan (as Stan):
Hey, Johnny.

I got to take an issue with what you just said, man.

Satan (as Stan):
No, Johnny -- Johnny listen to me. Satan is strong. He's no one's bottom bitch.

That's not what you said in your book, "Satan is Hillary's Bottom Bitch". You said that Hillary impregnated Satan and gave birth to Liam Dunham, man.

Satan (as Stan):
No, that's -- That's Lena Dunham. Lena Dunham is a -- A well-respected, talented actor and director.

Well, what you said is very boring, Stan. I guess I'm gonna have to get my straight talk somewheres else.

Satan (as Stan):
No, Johnny, Johnny, hold --

Gary Bunda:
We are losing him!

Satan (as Stan):
Uh, hold on. Uh, Lena Dunham is...

Gary Bunda:
[to Satan] Is a werewolf.

Satan (as Stan):
...is a werewolf.

I'm listening.

Satan (as Stan):
Okay. Good. Because she has three assistants whose sole job it is to follow her around and -- And to shave her and shield her from the moon. [laughs softly] Um...Susan Sarandon is a werewolf, too. That's why she adopted that illegal -- To shave her. And -- And Sarah Silverman! All of them! They're all a bunch of feminazi, lesbian werewolves coming for us!

I'll be sure to boycott their movies, then.

Satan (as Stan):
Yes, Johnny! Stay with us! We are standing up for America! We are back after this with more calls! WAAAHOOO! [ends the podcast]

[to Satan] How does any of what you just said further the initial plan?


Well, we got another hours of calls.

Yeah, we're gonna take calls.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 7 months ago

Stan. You know who I am? I'm Hillary's bottom bitch.

Gary Bunda:

Or am I the guy gay-married to Obama?

Well, you know, this is a private bathroom. No fans.

Well... [chuckles] You know, listen. I think it's funny what you're doing, but I'm gonna need you to tone down that satanic stuff.

Oh, I'm sure you'd like me to tone it down, but you can't hide the truth, Mrs. Obama. [chuckles]

Well, the truth is, Stan, I'm gonna turn your ass inside out if you don't stop talking about me.

Ooh, I'd like to see you try that. [takes his shirt off] I got 30 pounds of muscle mass right here that I got from my patented vitality insta-shake. So let's bring it. Come on.

Gary Bunda:
I don't want to fight you. 'Cause you look good.

I don't really...

[Satan steps back from Gary and Claude to use his demon powers to literally turn Stan inside out of his body while staying alive]

Gary & Claude:

I told him I was gonna do it. I just -- I --

Gary Bunda:
We ju-- Okay! [to Stan] Sir? Sir, I know I have to yell because your eardrums are inside of you, okay? I can feel your panic. Okay? Just calm down.

Hurry. I need a, uh, a piece of his clothing.

Gary Bunda:
[to Stan] Sir, I'm about to put my hand inside of your asshole. Is that okay? Give me an indication that that's okay.

[to Gary] Would his shirt work? The one he just took off?

Thank you, Claude.

Gary Bunda:
[disgust] Pulling his slacks through his asshole is a lot harder than it sounds.

[Satan use Stan's America state pin to disguise as Stan the Man]

Satan (as Stan):
This'll work.

Gary Bunda:
I got a whole handful of his slacks. You don't want these?

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 7 months ago

The Russian have nuclear bombs. We don't. The Russians can obliterate us, annihilate us. We can't do the same to them. Why? Because Hilary Clinton sold the uranium to the Russians so she could start a string of liquor lounges, pornographic book stores, and strip bars. I'm Stan the Man. I'll break it down for you after the break.

[Stan gets off on air]

[to Snowflake] I'm gonna drop a Clinton in the toilet. Be back in three.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 7 months ago

[to Satan] I told you the Obama impersonator was a bad idea. You're just feeding right into Johnny's paranoid narrative.

Gary Bunda:
[to Satan] I don't understand why you even care about this. Just turn him inside out like you do me.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 7 months ago

Fake Obama:
Well, it is just so great to meet you, Satan. For the very first time ever.

You see that, Johnny? We're, uh, we're not married. We're not gay lovers.

Fake Obama:
I can see that Johnny here has been through some tough times.

I don't see any Secret Service here.

Fake Obama:
They -- They didn't fit on, uh, Air Force One.

That's right.

Air Force One is a big jet. Or didn't you know that?

Fake Obama:
I know that. I just took the smaller one. It was just Air Force Three. I just remembered.

[Johnny whips Obama]

Fake Obama:

You're a fake Obama, and you two are lovers! Everybody's a Muslim!


[Johnny leaves]

[to Fake Obama] Air Force Three?

Fake Obama:
What do you expect for a hundred bucks, dude?

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 7 months ago

Hey, buddy, we missed you at the meeting. What's going on?

I ain't your buddy. I may work for you, but I'm not rubbing elbows with a guy that caresses Obama's butt cheeks.

[chuckles] I don't know what you heard. I've never touched his butt cheeks.

Save your lies for the liberal snowflakes. I know you're evil.


But I don't like you and Obama putting soy sauce in the water.

I-- I'm not with Obama. It's --

Stan the Man says that soy has got estrogen. That's why the vegetarians like it because they're making themselves into women. But it gets in the water table, make the bees gay, and now we're paying for all these sex change operations for these guys in the military.

I ain't gonna let no bee make me gay. I take the supplements. [shows Satan a protein jar product of Stan's Freedom Whey Insta-Shake]

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 7 months ago

[Johnny taking a break through whipping tortures while listening to Stan on radio about truths of America]

The Hollywood globalists are adding food coloring to all of the white foods. White mayonnaise is illegal in Los Angeles. It has to be brown by law. Brown coleslaw -- They're calling it "Sharia Slaw." Can you believe this? People, it's not racist to say we should eat white foods in America. And that's Stan's Stance. Back after the break. [music plays]

[to Johnny] Hey, I -- I -- I -- I -- I bet Sharia Slaw tastes just as good as the --

[Johnny whips Eddie]


Hey, Johnny? Does this thing get music?

[Johnny whips Dizzay]

Damn, Johnny! It's my radio, man!


Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 7 months ago

Where's the, uh, the creepy guy?



He ain't here because of you making the bees gay.

[pauses] ...What?

He said, uh, you're working for Obama on his gay bee agenda and -- And you and him are lovers and -- And you got married in a secret ceremony.

[happy] You didn't tell us.

Okay, first of all, I am not married to Obama.

He also said you're a Muslim.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 7 months ago

Rectangular Businessman:
Oh, look, I'm back.

Did you buy a harmonica?

Rectangular Businessman:
Did you get the car started?

Did you get your harmonica started?

12 oz. Mouse  Movie Quote

added 7 months ago

Ok, I'm just gonna barely touch the key. No, no, not yet. Now we'll just ease into it, to lightly rubbing the key with my fin. I'm just gonna barely touch the key. You won't even know I'm doing it. Just lightly caressing the key -- And START.

[engine sputtering]

Come on, why are you not doing it? Come on. Come on.

[Shark's car suddenly runs out of gas]

Perfect. That's great.

12 oz. Mouse  Movie Quote

added 7 months ago

Rectangular Businessman:
I don't even know how to play a harmonica.

Rectangular Businessman:
But I want one.

12 oz. Mouse  Movie Quote

added 7 months ago

[to his car] Please start.

[engine sputtering]

You're making a fool of me.

[engine sputtering]

I don't even know what I'm hearing.

12 oz. Mouse  Movie Quote

added 7 months ago

Rectangular Businessman:
I could afford to buy all these, but I just want one. The best one.

12 oz. Mouse  Movie Quote

added 7 months ago

[to his car] Come on. Come on. I know you want to. For the love of me, turn on.

[Shark's car starts to feel a bit of power]

Alright, now -- Ok. Now we're close, I can feel that. This is it. This is the one.

[Shark's car starts to lose power again]

[pissed] You barely piece of suck-ass car.

12 oz. Mouse  Movie Quote

added 7 months ago

Rectangular Businessman:
I equate harmonicas with the blues, and -- The blues to the poor.

Rectangular Businessman:
But I still want one.

12 oz. Mouse  Movie Quote

added 7 months ago

[to his car] Come on. I know you want to. Start for me. I'm touching your little button.

[engine revving]

12 oz. Mouse  Movie Quote

added 7 months ago

Alright. Ok. This is the one. This is the one. 50th time's a charm.

[engine sputtering]

Would you please start, car?

12 oz. Mouse  Movie Quote

added 7 months ago

[continuing Shark revving up his car]

Rectangular Businessman:
I should have expected this from your poor ass.

I'm trying to start the car.

[engine sputtering]

Where are you going?

Rectangular Businessman:
To buy a harmonica. A very rich harmonica.

Oh, so you're just gonna leave. Not cool.

Rectangular Businessman:
I just feel ever so inclined to buy a harmonica...made of gold, encrusted in diamonds, then dipped in gold, and rolled around in more diamonds. It's deadly to vampires, you know. Or is it werewolves? I forget which. They're both poor.

You are not helping the situation.

12 oz. Mouse  Movie Quote

added 7 months ago

[Shark tries rev up his car to get it going again]

Come on, baby. Come on, baby.

[engine sputtering]

Yeah. Come on, baby. Crank it up.

[engine sputtering]

Now, come on, baby. Why are you not doing it?

Rectangular Businessman:
I think this piece overheated.

I think you should shut up.

Rectangular Businessman:
Keep trying. Maybe you'll get it this time.

[to his car] Come on, sweetheart.

[engine sputtering]

Rectangular Businessman:
[wheezes] Oh, look, it didn't start again.

[to his car] Come on, baby.

[engine sputtering]

Rectangular Businessman:
Your car sucks. Maybe if I, uh, throw money at it, it'll start.

Yeah, uh, are you a mechanic? Because I'm not. But still, shut up.

12 oz. Mouse  Movie Quote

added 7 months ago

[Fitz heard some banging above the door bunker]

Mouse 'Fitz' Fitzgerald:
The music knows we're down here.

12 oz. Mouse  Movie Quote

added 7 months ago

Mouse 'Fitz' Fitzgerald:
There's enough guns down here to take out a town about -- Well, about this size.

12 oz. Mouse  Movie Quote

added 7 months ago

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