Timothyj.29104's Quotes Page #159

Here's the list of quotes submitted by timothyj.29104  —  There are currently 6,915 quotes total — keep up the great work!

I've been thinking Snake Hand. I don't just want a hot physical relationship. I want to have your hand babies. [turns inside out]

[to Society] There's a problem-o. They're on to us. They must have someone on the inside. And the guy they've got to catch us -- [pulls up his glasses backwards] He's a cool guy, so, uh, I don't think I can get involved in this.

[gasps] Are you selling out?

NOOOOO! But before I dive into this, I need to know if you are serious enough to commit to being my bromigo.

Of course.

Pull on this.

[Society pulls the bromigo card on top to now that they're officially bromigos]

We'll be totally bro-nogomous.

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 7 months ago

[singing] I've got a best frie--

[suddenly turns back to his normal form again]

Bad news. Your secret got out. A couple of creepy loners -- [flips down his glasses] One of them's actually pretty cool -- Are planning to free your wind. But don't worry. I'll guard your hurri-klan. I mean, if you agree to be my full-on compadre.

Sure. I mean, you've been so nice.

Just initial here, and I'll go stop them. You're ahead so far, but I think I can squeeze some next-level out of this.

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 7 months ago

Friend? Friend?


[gasps] What are you? Oh! Hippies are my creep-tonite. I'm looking for my slimy chum. [beats Xavier]

[Take that! Taste the pain!]

I almost forgot. Snake Hand, I want to shove so deep inside you it comes out my other arm.

[Xavier turns inside out]

Oh, there you are! Look what I scratchit-ed. [shows his whole chest scratched naming "Society"]

You need to come. My other friend yearns to show you the hurricanes he's chained up in his lab.

Society yearns to un-manacle all shackles. Not actual society. I mean me, the guy named "Society", not th-- You know what? This name is not working out. If you help me free those poor hurricanes, I'll be your best friend.

Best Friends? [reads his bromigo card] [whisper] Mm. Pretend I can read. That's two higher than just friends -- Deal! Meet me at the lab in five. Oh, and bring a windbag.

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 7 months ago

[Eric shows Xavier his wind laboratory]

Climatologists have yet to find a way to control weather. You gave me the idea to synthesize weather systems on a human scale. I can create a wind gust, regulate temperature, moisture, and pressure in a controlled environment, until a perfect hurricane forms, bite-size, that takes on its own furious momentum and its perpetual energy can be harnessed.

[thinking] Mr. Lonely crawling back to be my friend. Kind of sad.

I can use it to power my tv.

[thinking] He's so fixated on being friends.

And I have full power over them. [to Wind Wigger] Go make me a grinder lunch.

[the wind wigger makes a hoagie then throw it on Eric's shirt]

Of course, sometimes they get uppity and you've got to keep them in their place. [uses his whip to whip the tornado wiggers] HYAH! I'M PUTTING YOU OUT TO WORK THE FIELDS!

Whippity-whippity WHOA! And what do you call these wind monkeys -- Wiggaboos?

Wiggers. Why, I caught this wigger staring saucy at my mistress.

You've totally broken wind. Environ-yentalists have finally got their final solution.

This will revolutionize the world. I just need to tell Society about it, [talks in Society's voice] and Sheila will come back to me.

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 7 months ago

[Eric sees Xavier inside out]


Just the nose I wanted to rub my win in.

Don't touch me, weirdo! I'm looking for my friend. [went straight kicking Xavier's ass]

[Take that! Taste the pain!]

[scoffs] I've never seen anyone so desperate to find a friend that he'd beat up an enemy. Makes me sick.

[Xavier suddenly returns back to his natural skin by throwing up]

Hey! There you are! You were right! I have to show you a secret, but it's just between us friends.

"FRIENDS"?! Poor guy comes crawling back.

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 7 months ago

What more do you want to disturb and disrupt? Mayhem, pretty please, with blisters on top.

That showboating snake charmer is a faux friendshipping dinghy fairy.

No man should enshackle-basketate serpents in wickerine prisons. Me thinks I will set these snakes free.

Me think these fried yummy cakes should be free.

[cuts to next scene where Xavier and Society (Dark Notion) freeing their favorites]

Slither to your freedom, Satan's sweet scaly succu-bye-bye!

Scamper home, my five fine free fried friends.

I'd love to stay and savor the flavor of your murderous mentalism, but I work at a vegan slaughertorium. It's the Jumbo Joose in Pioneer Square. But we shall be alone together again. Toodle, friend.

"FRIEND"?! Poor loser. I'm probably his only friend. Kid needs me. [singing] I have made a friend. My enemy will be green with enemy-vy.

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 7 months ago

Society, I have you surround-erd. Turn yourselves in. You've been abusing this boy, and it ends here.

Guy with a smoking problem voice:
Who abused him? Who abused the boy?

All of you collectively -- Society. Give up while you still can. I'm giving you one last chance before my next last pre-chance.

Citizen Man:
Can't we have on St. Swithun's day without this crap.

Hands on your heads and lay on the ground. If you have handcuffs, kindly slip them on. If you resist, be a dear and taser yourselves.

Citizen Woman:
By definition, you're part of society, too you prick...thing.

[to Dark Notion] Oh, no. He's right. Okay, we're getting down the ground. Come on. Don't be a hypocrite. We're part of society, too.

[Xavier and Dark Notion gets beat by Society and even Xavier's own pair of fake stick hands]

[Take that! Taste the pain!]

Well, at least some of society got our comeuppance.

Dark Notion:
Oh, the ecstatic anguish of being treated like society. My new nom de gloom shall be known as Baron Society W E I N B E R G!

Whatever flicks your bean, Society.

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 7 months ago

Dark Notion:
Your body shrieks the silent truth all of the pretty people of this pretty people of this world deny.

Yeah, I do haunch squats to power-crunch my guacs.

[shows the title logo on the top of his biceps]

Dark Notion:
Yes, this sad world thrashes my flesh as well. But you -- You've out-undone me.

My god! You've been abused. Who is your abruser? You can tell me.

Dark Notion:
It was [whispers] Society. My body is merely the canvas upon which I paint the punishment for her hideocratic crime.

Society, eh? It's always the quiet ones. But I am going to deliver howls of justice at them through the jowls of my fist [puts up his snake hand] --s.

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 7 months ago

Dark Notion:
'Tis grotesque-utiful. My pants are damp with blood tears of rapturous misery.

You misspelled "Rose". darky. But I'm here to make things white again.

Dark Notion:
What is this grand gift stabbing mine eyes with ocular pleasure? You look outside how I feel inside, for I am [introducing to the viewers] D a r k N o t i o n. And that is my [introduced to the viewers again quickly] D a r k N o t i o n.

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 7 months ago

Snake Hand, where are you going?

[Snake Hand says]

Snake Hand:
I can't help it.

[Snake Hand jerks off the Snake Charmer Guy]

Snake Charmer:
I owe you, my friend.

This is not friendship.

Snake Charmer:
[happily groans]

Snake Hand, I didn't know you were bi. I mean, I have noticed you checkin' me out in the shower. I got to say, I notice you, too, friend.

[Xavier suddenly turns inside out by mistakenly seducing his Snake Hand]

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 7 months ago

[Xavier proves Eric to be his friend by showing an Inidan guy magically playing a flute to a hypnotized snake]

See how he leads the beast, how he ensupplicates nature's base face under the sound thumb of his harmonic hypno-leash, melodizing its slithering will to mulch.

Everything you're saying is total nonsense, but the scale of it turns my theories inside out.

So, now that we're friends, what do you want to do? Chew the spit? Swap some fat? Spit on fat?

I have wind work to do! [leaves]

But chew on swap! Another comrade snatched, sucked off by the wind. [singing] Almost made a friend. But he's an enemy now.

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 7 months ago

[Xavier sees a man working on windmills]

[whisper] Yes, enslave the wind, capturuously enyoke the gutless bloke.

[Eric turns around and sees Xavier then throws up]

Get away from me.

Noble sir, you make the wind succumb, throwing work to the wind like an ox or moron. You're the enemy of my enemy, my friend.

Guy, you obviously have no friends.

With these pinwheels, you grab wind by the scruff of its neck and whip the wicked fiend into suckling at the hot dog of your bidding.

Yeah, one thing I learned from the ex -- You can't control nature.

[Xavier's flashback intensifies]

Chief Master Guru:
Young one, a true master can control nature. I can make these green trees... [closes Young Xavier's eyes]

[3 Months Later]

Chief Master Guru:
[opens up Young Xavier's eyes] Turn brown.

Young Xavier:
Wow! And my beard got so soft! You really are a friend, huh?

Chief Master Guru:
Hmm. There's a thin line between a friendship and a foeboat.

[Young Xavier's flashback intensifies]

Young Xavier:
I wish for a friends. [blows out the candles] Wind is the unanswered wish breath of a lonely boy.

[Xavier's flashback ends with his eyes spinning around like a casino game, and then seeing a donkey]

Stupid donkey.

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 7 months ago

[Xavier makes a buddy out of cat feathers and eagle mud]

Constructed fromst cat feathers 'n' eagle mud. I do believe SUGURA 'n' I shall become the bosomest of brahs.

I love you, Suggy. Are you my mommy?

[close up on Xavier's eye]

Young Xavier:
Hold me, mommy.

[Sugura starts to blow away]

Oh, come on, prude, you know you want it. No one has to know. SUGURA, NO!

[Sugura beats Xavier]

Betrayed yet again. But 'tweren't Sugura who blew me off. 'Twas my new nemesis -- The wind, mine enema numbero un.

Wind, you have fume-miliated me for the last time -- Always putting on airs. You're just rejected breath from the great cosmic yawn of consciousness. Blow me, win-duh. More like "Lose-duh". I declarate war on thine.

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 7 months ago

A friendship is a sacred floater, a kemo-thera-sabe-putic bond twixt two 'N's, like cookies 'n' beans, franks 'n' cream, friends. I've never supped from the meat cup of having even on chum. But my crony-less-ness is aboot to died of loneliness-ness, for today is the day I make my first real friend.

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 7 months ago

Hobo #1:
Veteran? I tried to sign up for war, but they said I was too crazy to kill.

[Hobo's PTSD eyes starts to show a burning american flag and shows the words, "Happy Halloween"]

Hobo #1:
Boo. Boo.

Well, this all started when you separated from your aura. You've got to get back.

Hobo #1:
I smoked too much cement.

[Xavier picks up the hobo which somehow turned into cement all of sudden]

You're hard as a rock. I know where to stick you in.

[Xavier sticks the hobo inside the aura's sore inhaling all of the town's madness turning the hobo into Santa]

Hobo Santa:
Ho ho ho! I feel pure again! And as mayor, I vow to ensure that our spiritual experiences are substantive! Thanks, Xavier, wherever you are!

[Hobo Santa suddenly got exploded from Xavier inside his body]

Yep. Glad I could help, makes me feel so fulfilled, I just could -- OOH! [suddenly starts to fly away by having a souljaculation by fulfilling himself] THE BUTTERFLIES OF SPIRITUAL CHAOS ARE HATCHING!

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 7 months ago

[the Hobo's PTSD eyes of everything he witness starts to become real in real life]

The very stuff of your collective spiritual reality is breaking out! Be careful. A soul is a door through which the source of your suffering can escape.

Your quick-fix, free-range chickens of spiritual chaos are coming home to roost-a-doodle -- Whoa! Frittata! The sore -- It's closing up around the town!

I've got one chance to lance this boil. A real pimp will pop this pimple.

[Xavier goes into the sports store to use a pole vault as a bow and arrow]

If any any ladies see me save this town, I'm going to be knee-deep in...PUS?!

[Xavier shoots the sore turning it into snow]

You people have forgotten the true meaning of Christmas! It's about playing tribute to our proud veterans who fought and died for our right to die in a fight to the death.

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 7 months ago

[Xavier uses the sore as a megaphone to tell the people that they've been infected with a disease]

Your auras are being infected with a spiritually transmitted disease. You have soul sores, chakra chancres, psyche scabs, life-force lesions! [eats the sore] Act now and get some supper goo gu!

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 7 months ago

OH, NO! The infection is already afoot, spreading like a mother's legs on free peanut butter day.

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 7 months ago

Per Se:
[to Aura] Your 2:00 sheep is here.

Okay! Woolsy wants a donkey punch. And no chitchat.

This is unnatural. [to Aura] What's that sore on your side? Are you using protection?

Per Se:
[to Xavier] I'm her protection, n*gga.

[Per Se throws Xavier out through the glass window]

This madness could lead to chaos.

[Xavier's flashback intensifies]

Chief Master Guru:
A yogi must learn to master chaos. A butterfly flapping its wing to the east can cause a tsunami in Japan. If I flap its wings upwards...

[Xavier gets hit in the head by a branch]

Chief Master Guru:
...good things happen. And if I make two of them kiss...

[Xavier gets struck by lightning]

Chief Master Guru:
Of course, some things are totally beyond my control.

[CMG controls the butterflies to throw Young Xavier out through a random glass window ending his flashback sequence]

I am the only thing standing betwixt this town and chaos.

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 7 months ago

[Aura tries to do a souljaculation on Xavier]

[moans] I can't do this! You're just too... [vomits]

Come on. Just finish me off. It's all the way up to my nose, ready to blow. I came in for nuttin', and I got nuttin' -- Like, I never came.

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 7 months ago

How'd you find me?!

[takes off his last mustache disguise] Guess again. I've come to break you out of here. You can't be happy in this religiz bizsniz.

I am a strong, independent aura! I'm in control of my life! And I feel whole when someone's inside of me.

Welp, I gave it it my best shot. [epic twist] And since you're so liberalated, I wouldn't mind feeling that "whole" myself.

But you're, like, my family. You're disgusting.

Oh, so you'll be quitting after all? Miss conceited has conceded to the grander wizard.

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 7 months ago

[on phone] Do you want aural or hand-aural?

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 7 months ago

You her pimp?

Per Se:
I'm not a pimp, Per Se, but I could get you some, Per Se, if you give me that fly-ass coat.

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 7 months ago

[talks about Aura] And I didn't rest, nor did I kill. I shadowed her with all my might, kept her in my sights like rights on whites, biding my time, waiting to strike like a salvationating viper of revival, blanched in the venomous knowledge that you can't un-cat-a-tastrophe before it becomes a crisis any more than you can a heal a wound that isn't there or save a life that is alive.

I watched her get into some bad stuff -- Smack, crim-cram, jimminies, drumbels, and sci-fi. She hit rock bottom when she left strangers enter her for money and gave them her aural pleasures till they had a souljaculation, a spiritgasm in her chasm.

Before long, she was turning tricks in a brothel for a pimp, name of Per Se. I decided to go in undercover -- Deep undercover -- Deeper than the depthiousness of deepiness-ness-ness-ness-ness-ness-ness-ness.

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 7 months ago

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A Conquest of Space
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C Star Trek Generations
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