[Gary gets summoned by Amy into her room using the OMGOuija board]
Gary Bunda:
Greetings! [laughs evilly then realizes she's a high schooler girl] Oh, man. You're supposed to be 21 years old. You said were 21 years old.
Okay, well, you were supposed to be a hunk with chiseled good looks.
Gary Bunda:
I am, and I do have that. But one of these lies puts one of us in jail. Where are your friends? I thought there was goin to be like a party in here. The box says for fours to six players, not just one.
I don't really have any friends, I guess.
Gary Bunda:
Well, what about that boyfriend, Cody, that you kept throwing in my face?
He thinks I'm a...weirdo, like everyone else does.
Gary Bunda:
No, you're not weird. You're just...incredibly unpopular. If you listen to me, I can make you the most popular girl in the school.
Wait, really?
Gary Bunda:
[cuts to the next scene where in a bar, Gary uses a hammer to smash the glass inside the Joey's jacket to disguise into a singer Joey Fatone]
Gary Bunda:
Excuse me. I won that on eBay. [smashes the glass] Sorry if I got glass in your chili there. I will fill up them bowls courtesy of...[disguises as Joey Fatone] ...The Fatone.