Timothyj.29104's Quotes Page #179

Here's the list of quotes submitted by timothyj.29104  —  There are currently 6,280 quotes total — keep up the great work!

[Fitz picks up the phone]

Mouse 'Fitz' Fitzgerald:

Hey, it's me -- Your buddy. How are you?

Mouse 'Fitz' Fitzgerald:
I couldn't be busier.

Doing what?

Mouse 'Fitz' Fitzgerald:
I'm...I'm on this phone.

That's fair. I'll call you back when you're not on the phone.

Um, when will you be not on the phone?

Mouse 'Fitz' Fitzgerald:
I'm not on the phone talking...to the phone.

That works.

[Shark hangs up a second later, until he call Fitz back]

Hey, it's, um, it's me again. Are you -- Are you not on the phone...still?

Mouse 'Fitz' Fitzgerald:

Is that a yes?

Mouse 'Fitz' Fitzgerald:
It is? Then, yes.

If I were you, I would not check my icebox. I wouldn't check yours either.

[Fitz goes by his fridge and sees a cold phone ringing]

What's in there in the icebox? Get on your little, tiny mousy tiptoes.

Tell me what's in the icebox.

[Fitz didn't answer]

Hello? Mouse?

12 oz. Mouse  Movie Quote

added 8 months ago

[after Dustin's show was cancelled, they decided to put him in the workplace while being stuck in a high jumping pose for eternity]

Gary Bunda:
Hey, buddy. How's it hanging? [laughs]

Is that your penis on his forehead?

Gary Bunda:
Yeah, to scale.


Gary Bunda:
I'm gonna get some markers. We're gonna add some shit.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Gary Bunda:
Just enough to get us in trouble.

Hey, grab me one!

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 8 months ago

I just wanted to tell you I really, really love the direction the show is going.

Dustin Diamond:
Thank you.

And I've decided to green light it for a thousand seasons.

Dustin Diamond:
A thousand seasons?

Dustin & Satan:

[Dustin & Satan do a jumping up high pose while the credits come along, ironically Satan was just messing with him when he stop posing while Dustin wasn't]

Yeah, I'm kidding. It's cancelled.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 8 months ago

Gary Bunda:
Here are your eyeballs.


Gary Bunda:
I feel terrible about myself. I always wanted to see life through the eyes of a child, but this is ridiculous.

[not amused]

Yeah, sorry, buddy. After this whole child-eye thing, your character's just not testing well with audiences.

Gary Bunda:
I got like, 15 seasons left in me.

[reading the post comments] "He was funnier when he was fatter".

Gary Bunda:
We'll write a scene where I'm handling a puppy! Where I save a puppy from a bunch of snakes!

What is that?

[cuts to the scene where it shows a thermostat in Satan's office that explains why Hell is freezing all over the circle]


Well, I'll be damned. It's a thermostat. Somebody must have nudged it.

[Satan turns up the temperature leaving to it's rightful place]

[laughing] Snow is stopping.


[acting] Boy, is our electrical bill gonna go through the roof.


[to Gary] Take these and go.

[Satan gives Gary back the eyeballs]


[to the Audience] The eyes have it!


Gary Bunda:
That was funny. I guess Eye'll be going.


Gary Bunda:
That was funny.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 8 months ago

[Gary starts to disguise a blind person to rip Levi's eyes out]

Gary Bunda (as Blind Drummer):
Thirsty blind drummer, looking for sour refreshment.

You're a drummer, too?

Gary Bunda (as Blind Drummer):
Who's there? Who's there?

My name's Levi! This is my lemonade stand.

Gary Bunda (as Blind Drummer):
Yeah! I'd love to have some lemonade! Wow!

Business has kind of cooled down.

Gary Bunda (as Blind Drummer):
It's cool to be blind! Because if I wasn't blind, I wouldn't of been the world's best drummer. Want to see?

Oh, yes!

[Gary Bunda does the music by imitating the drums]

Gary Bunda (as Blind Drummer):
Yeah! Yeah, rock and roll, yeah!

I'm a drummer, too.

Gary Bunda:
Are you, now? [sniffles] Do you want to take a look at my magical drumsticks? [pulls up scooping utensils]

Wow, those sure are weird drumsticks, mister!

Gary Bunda (as Blind Drummer):
[voice breaking] You just keep your eyes open real wide so you can get a good look at them, okay?

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 8 months ago

Dustin Diamond:
Can we please do something about the temperature in here?

Gary Bunda:
We actually can, you know. In order to reverse the spell and to keep Hell from freezing over...

Dustin Diamond:

Gary Bunda:
...all you need to do is stab your son's eyes out.


Dustin Diamond:
Wait, what? No. No! I'm sorry, I just don't see Squeak doing that.

Gary Bunda:
Really? This is weird, because from my recollection, you stabbed somebody in real life, Dustin!

Dustin Diamond:
Look, I had a knife, yes, but it was for defense. Some guy tried to choke me and nicked his arm. It was a big to-do. The media just loves to spin that whole "child star gone bad" angle. That's why this show is so important. It gives me a chance to rehabilitate my image.

Gary Bunda:
Wait. So, none of this is a torture for you?

Dustin Diamond:
I'm acting, Gary. Hello, I'm an actor! [laughs] Ta-da!

Gary Bunda:
Fine, I'll stab the boy's eyes out.


Gary Bunda:
[to the Audience] IT'S MY JO-O-OB!

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 8 months ago

In order to reverse the spell and get the snow to stop, I need the eyes of a small child.

Gary Bunda:
[acting] Oh, that's it? I thought you were gonna ask for something ridiculous.


Gary Bunda:
[acting] Where are we gonna find a child in Hell?

This child falsely accused a priest of rape.


That -- That's not even a joke. That...that actually happened.

Gary Bunda:
[acting] I don't think an eyeless child's gonna play very well with our audience. It's a bit of a downer, am I right?

[Satan grabs Gary by the ear]

You know what's even more of a downer? Being frozen in Hell for all eternity. Now, you get out there and you go find this kid and rip his eyes out and bring them back to me! I can't take much more of this.

Gary Bunda:
Alright. Boob farts.

[Satan throws the book at Gary]

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 8 months ago

Hey, Satan! This hot poker ain't hot anymore.


Alright, well then, just stick it on your tongue.

Yeah, but it's already been up my ass.

I know exactly where it's been, Eddie.


[Satan sticks the poker into Eddie's tongue]



[Satan aggressively pulls the poker away making Eddie's tongue skin bleeding]


[Claude then falls into a pit of Diarrhea Lagoon]



Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 8 months ago

Diarrhea Lagoon is a sheet of ice. Hell is literally freezing over.

All because of that one line of dialogue? Seems like a pretty thin B-story, Satan.

It's not a B-story, Claude, okay? What writer would think of something so dumb? The magic I used to create the sitcom is spreading like a virus, and if I can't stop it, Hell could become a frozen tundra.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 8 months ago

Dustin Diamond:
I spent my entire life trying to distance myself from Screech.

Gary Bunda:
Good, that's good, that's good. Because if you enjoy it, it's not a torture and Satan will end it. So you got to hate it, but then you got to like, enjoy it.

Dustin Diamond:
Like life on earth.

Dustin Diamond:
[to Levi] Boy, you're up. Come on. Make your papa proud. Alright, alright, the guys are watching. Just like I showed you, get in there.

[Levi bowls some pins by using his penis that's still stuck into one of the bowling ball holes]

Dustin Diamond:
[acting] Levi, you're killing me! What's going on, son?

Sorry, Dad, I slipped on the ice.

Dustin Diamond:
[acting] Spare me the sob story, you turkey! And don't eat that yellow snow! [laughs]

Gary Bunda:
See you're getting it. Spare and turkey are dumb [bleep] bowling terms.

Dustin Diamond:
And the snow part, right?

Gary Bunda:
That was kind of putting a hat on a hat.

Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell  Movie Quote

added 8 months ago

When we got back stateside, old Murph began the practice of drinking human blood. He'd bludgeon them or curse out the poor son of a bitch, then lap up the whole mess.

Saul of the Mole Men  Movie Quote

added 8 months ago

[Murph kills one of his teammates]

No, Murph! No! He's one of our own, and he's been dead for three hours.

Saul of the Mole Men  Movie Quote

added 8 months ago

John Henry:
I'm John Henry.

STRATA Operator #1:
John Henry, the steel-driving man?

John Henry:
[breaks the 4th wall] Yes, that John Henry!

Saul of the Mole Men  Movie Quote

added 8 months ago

STRATA Operator #2:
That Saul Malone gets into more nonmission-related foolishness than a drunk mormon.

Saul of the Mole Men  Movie Quote

added 8 months ago


[Father gives Saul the STRATA antenna and then shoves it through the Father's head afterwards]

I didn't mean to kill you, but I get nervous in social situations.

Saul of the Mole Men  Movie Quote

added 8 months ago

STRATA Operator #2:
Robot has achieved data linkup. He's uploading his memory banks.

STRATA Operator #1:
Great. Before we all die at the bottom of the ocean, we'll find out what happened with the first mission.

Saul of the Mole Men  Movie Quote

added 8 months ago

[STRATA Operator 1 & 2 say their final wills before sinking into the ocean]

STRATA Operator #2:
We go back quite a ways, me and you. Quite...a...ways.

STRATA Operator #1:
That we do, my friend. That...we...do.

STRATA Operator #2:
And that's why, well, there's something I need to know...something I need you to tell me...about that night.

STRATA Operator #1:
Oh, but that was so long ago. Surely you're --

STRATA Operator #2:
I need to know, Brad.

STRATA Operator #1:
I can't!

STRATA Operator #2:
You must.

STRATA Operator #1:
No, I mustn't! I took an oath.

STRATA Operator #2:
Please...I beg of you.

STRATA Operator #1:
No, I dare not! There's not enough air left. And it hurts too much.

STRATA Operator #2:
More than you will ever know, Brad. More than you could ever...know.

Saul of the Mole Men  Movie Quote

added 8 months ago

[Robot gets stuck in a mountain for days while growing a beard]

Can anybody hear me? Is anybody out there? Why don't you just die, old man?

Saul of the Mole Men  Movie Quote

added 8 months ago

Do you know why you're here?

The fire creatures, they said --

Listen not to the fire creatures.

But they're your followers.

No, they're lost souls, cosmic poseurs intoxicated on their own combustion. Behold.

[Luas does a hand trick on Saul to see who the Children of Embers' Blaze really are]


Beware those who peddle enlightenment, for their ilk is rife with charlatans.

Whoa! Even John Henry?

No, he's cool.

Saul of the Mole Men  Movie Quote

added 8 months ago

You like corn dogs, butch? Don't-- Don't say yes, because I hate corn dogs. It is "Butch", Isn't it?

12 oz. Mouse  Movie Quote

added 8 months ago

Mouse 'Fitz' Fitzgerald:
What are these papers? These are some mysterious papers. I wonder of Skillet's been turned into paper?

12 oz. Mouse  Movie Quote

added 8 months ago

I think that I am ver-eye ti-red of the ti-me. Ver-eye tired of the time. Ver-eye tired of the time. Ver-eye tired of the time. [panicking] Ver-eye tired of the time! VER-EYE TIRED OF THE TIME! VER-EYE TIRED OF THE TIME GAS!

[Clock uses time gas to chill Eye down]

You're what again?

I meant, fruitfully, I'm t--

I don't know what that mean, but yes...you are.

12 oz. Mouse  Movie Quote

added 8 months ago

Arrest this man. [referring to square guy]

Peanut Cop:
[giggling] Who knows who I am...here? Does anybody know...who I am? Because I'm under arrest.

[Peanut shoots himself but only his cop hat]

12 oz. Mouse  Movie Quote

added 8 months ago

Woman power on.

[Man transforms into Woman]

12 oz. Mouse  Movie Quote

added 8 months ago

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