Dustin Diamond:
RAZZLEBERRIES! Why the hell did I just say that? Oh, "Razzleberries" better not be my catch phrase. RAZZLEBERRIES! Oh, come on, I'm being forced to say it! RAZZLEBERRIES! HOW IS THIS FAIR?! RAZZLEBERRIES! I can't even breath!
[back at Satan's office where Satan and Claude are watching Dustin's hilarious quote]
See, that -- That's gonna be the next "Dyno-mite". You know?
What is that?
Well, that's a -- That's a catch phrase, Claude. You know, like, "Hey, sit on it, Potsie." "Nanu nanu"? "Dee plane, dee plane"? "Jane, you ignorant slut, you"? Uh, "Yeah, that's the ticket"? Uh, "No soup for you"?
I don't get any of those references.