Wikidude's Quotes Page #367

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

Stimpy: (reading his Christmas list to the Lincoln Memorial) And I want a bike, and a Betsy-Wets-Herself doll, and a CHEE-Z Bake Oven, and a Pulpy the Pup doll, and a jillion army men, and a... (Ren throws a sponge at him) Ooh! Ren: Get down from there! That's not Santy Claus! It's a memorial. Stimpy: A memorial? (gasps, then starts tearing up) I didn't know Santy Claus was... DEAD...! [starts crying hysterically] AAAAAAAA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-AAAA!! Ren: You are so stupid. Stimpy: Am I? Ren: IDIOT! Don't you recognize President Willard P. Fillmore when you see him?!

The Ren & Stimpy Show, Season 3  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Ren :
What's on TV tonight?

I don't care.

Commander Hoek and Cadet Stimpy!

I don't care.

Hey look. It's time for Muddy Mudskipper!

I don't care.

[Ren looks concerned for a moment, then has an idea]

Look what I got for you! A new catnip mouse!

[turning it away] Ah....

Mr. Catnip Mouse!

[Ren tries to get Stimpy to play with the mouse, but Stimpy doesn't respond, then Ren has another idea]

It's Mr. Litter Box! Come on! Take a stinky one! [scratches steps] Nice and stinky!

Stinky... [loud, violent crying]

[annoyed] So THAT's it! YOU'RE still crying about your imaginary BUTT stinkyness!

I'm not listening to this anymore! He's real. He's REAL! He's REAL!

Look, man! It's time to get over this fantasy of yours. Let the wound heal. Come on, man, I'll help you. Together, we'll get through this, okay, buddy?

I don't care.

[At this point, Ren has finally lost his patience]

FINE! Sit here and wallow! You FAT, You -you STUPID... WHO NEEDS YA?! [storms off]

The Ren & Stimpy Show, Season 2  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Shaven Yak:
SHUT UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUP!!!!!!!!! I can't STAND IT ANYMORE!!! All the time, singing! SINGING! Why won't he STOP?! Listen! You hear that? [Starts laughing maniacally]

The Ren & Stimpy Show, Season 2  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[Anthony's dad is confronting Ren and Stimpy in the den.]

Anthony's dad:
Oh... You guys are big shots. [chuckles] Big shots from Hollywood. Is that what makes you feel big? Huh?! Pushing little boys around? Ya feel like big men, playing with little boys' feelings, huh?! You Hollywood types make me SICK! You think because you come from HOLLYWOOD, you can push decent people around. People who work for a living! I work my fingers to the bone, to feed my wife, and... [chokes up] my boy, Anthony. [crying] Oh, Anthony, you've got to pull through! [becomes angry again] I bet you wussies never worked a stinkin' day, in your stinkin' little lives! Show me your hands!

[Ren and Stimpy present their hands to Anthony's dad.]

Anthony's dad:
Just as I thought. Soft as a baby's head. Well, look at these hands! [shows Ren and Stimpy his hands, which have rocks growing out of them] These are the hands of a working man! What'd you ever do for society anyway, just what do you do to earn your keep?

Eh... Well, we make people laugh.

Anthony's dad:
Real hard work, making people laugh. Did you go to school to make people laugh? Listen. I make people laugh, too. But nobody gives ME money! You wanna hear a joke?

Well, I...

Anthony's dad:
I'll tell ya a joke. And you're gonna laugh! Alright. Here's the joke. Ya ready? Why did they bury the fireman... behind the hill? Come on, funny guys, huh? Huh, huh? Why?

Ren and Stimpy:
[trembling with fear; in unison] We don't know why they buried the fireman behind the hill...

Anthony's dad:
I'll tell ya why. Because he was DEAD!

[laughs] That's pretty good, huh, Ren? Maybe we could use that.

[Ren smacks Stimpy.]

Anthony's dad:
Alright, funny guys. I wanna know something. [increasing with anger] I just wanna know one thing... JUST ONE THING FROM YOU... [suddenly casual] So what makes you guys move, anyway?

The Ren & Stimpy Show, Season 2  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[Victor has knocked Anthony unconscious and Ren is trying to wake him up. Just then, Anthony's dad comes outside and sees what is happening; he mistakes Ren's attempts to save his son as an attack.]

Anthony's dad:
[devastated] No... No...!

[desperate] Snap out of it, I tell you!

Anthony's dad:
[approaches Ren] Get off. Get off my son.

[Ren complies.]

Anthony's dad:
[crying] Oh... Oh, Anthony... My beloved child.

[Anthony's dad picks Anthony up and starts praying to God.]

Anthony's dad:
I know I've strayed from Your path. And, maybe I don't go to church often enough. But, You know I'm a good man. I don't ask for much. But I'm asking... for this one thing. Please... don't take my boy from me. Give him a couple more good weeks.

[crying] I didn't do it, man!

Anthony's dad:
[angrily] Alright, you two. You march into the house. Meet me in the DEN.

The Ren & Stimpy Show, Season 2  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Anthony's dad:
[to Ren and Stimpy] Let's get something straight here. I don't like you. I don't like cartoons. You're here for one reason. My son, Anthony, likes you, and as long as you're good to my boy, you can stay. But if you do anything... to destroy his beliefs, or harm him... in any way... [gets choked up] so help me... [crying] Excuse me. Don't you even put that picture in my head. Do we understand each other?

Ren and Stimpy:
[in unison] We understand, very well.

The Ren & Stimpy Show, Season 2  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Dear Stimpy, I have a... secret. I know I can tell you, because you are nice, and would not tell anybody. I'm afraid to tell my friends, because they'll laugh.


I know you would never laugh at me.


So... here's my secret. Every night... I wet the bed.

[Ren is aghast.]

I can't help it! Please tell me what to do. Your friend, Johnny.

[Ren thinks for a while, then starts writing a response.]

Dear Johnny... You make me SICK!!! You probably wet the bed on purpose! I have written letters to everybody at your school warning them never to sleep over with you. Your friend...

[shocked] REN!!!

The Ren & Stimpy Show, Season 2  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Hey Ren, he reminds me of your uncle Eddie.

Why's that?

'Cause he's big and stinky!

[slaps him] Hey! You shouldn't say mean things like that. Did you ever consider that this horse might have feelings?

The Ren & Stimpy Show, Season 2  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[Ren returns home from work on a rainy day. He is shocked when he see's the house is a mess]

[angrily] I knew it! Cat dirt... everywhere! [starts to get more angry, but suddenly calms down] Well, at least I'm home. I can continue my intellectual pursuits!

[A mellow Ren walks away, but then stops and is appalled at the sight of his opera records stuck to the wall]

My opera records! COVERED IN BUBBLE GUM! AAAAAAAAHHHHHH! [sniffles a little, then turns around and notices several germs exiting open jars and squirming down the drain] My collection of rare, incurable diseases! Violated! NOOO-OOO-OOOOO! [then see's his dinosaur droppings colored like easter eggs] My dinosaur droppings! Painted... like EASTER EGGS!

[Stimpy and Svën cease playing when they hear Ren's outburst]

AAAHHHH!!!!!!! You... EEDIOTS!!! [Ren angrily stomps toward Stimpy and Svën, who back away several times until they hit a wall] YOOOOOUU... BOTH OF YOU!!! [He starts shaking angrily, but then transitions to a kind of sadistic calmness] Oh, what I'm gonna do to you. [He starts shaking his fists, thinking of ways to hurt Stimpy and Svën, who are cowering together; slowly] I'm so angry! First... I'm gonna tear your lips out. Yeah, that's what I'm gonna do. And then, I'm gonna... gouge your eyes out! Yeah... that's what I'm gonna do.

We don't like this, Ren!

Ja, you scary us!

Yeah. You're scared, huh? Next, I'm gonna... [mimes ripping their arms out and the dislocated arm dangling] TEAR your arms out of the sockets! [Stimpy and Svën whimper while rubbing their arms] And you wanna know what else? I'm gonna hit ya, and you're gonna fall... and I'm gonna look down... and I'm gonna laugh. [Stimpy and Sven both cry] But first... [Stimpy and Svën gasp] FIRST... [suddenly calm] I gotta take a whiz! Don't you go anywhere. [Points to the ground they're standing on] You stay right here... Right on this spot... I'll be back! [Ren stomps away, and over the "Don't Whiz on the Electric Fence game before turing around and noticing it] What's this stupid thing?!

[cheerfully] It's a game, Ren!

Ja, it's really fun!

[Ren takes a look at the game, then turns to Stimpy and Svën, then smiles evilly, coming up with an idea]

Oh, ya like this game?

Oh yeah, Ren!

We love it!

Oh, ya like the game, huh? Do you really like it?

Stimpy and Svën:
It's our favorite game in the whole world!

Oh, ya like the game, huh? Then how do you like this?!

[Ren produces a fly on his crotch and unzips it. Stimpy and Svën only look in horror as Ren whizzes all over the game. Ren looks at Stimpy and Svën giggling manically. Then the whole house explodes, sending the trio to Hell. The Devil appears.]

The Devil:
So, you whizzed on the electric fence, did ya?

Commercial Jingle:
Don't Whiz on the Electric Fence!

The Ren & Stimpy Show, Season 2  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[Lynn Sr. and the Loud sisters are preparing a Mother's Day breakfast in the kitchen for Rita with Lincoln and Clyde filming the whole thing]

And we're rolling.

This is gonna be the greatest Mother's Day ever.

Lynn Sr.:
And now for the star of the show: Mom's favorite breakfast fajitas. [carefully removes the fajitas from the oven] Sorry, dads everywhere. Here we go. This was a great idea, Lynn.

This was my idea.

You said Mexican food. I had the idea for the smokin' fajitas.

I had the idea to burn the toast.

Okay, well, it was my idea to use the plate.

Lynn Sr.:
[stopping the arguing] Hey, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! It is Mother's Day. I get half the credit, and you divide the rest by 11.

The Really Loud House, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Order! Order! Order!

Lynn Sr.:
Is he allowed to call family meetings now?

This better be important. [sighs as Lily suddenly starts bawling off-screen] Lily's on a sleep strike. We only slept 28 minutes last night. Oh, we should do the stroller trick.

Lynn Sr.:

I've called this family meeting to address the constant infringement on my personal space, A.K.A. my bedroom. Which isn't very big to begin with.

Your room's not that small.

Lana, I have to step outside to change my mind.

Lynn Sr.:
[chuckles] You know, I should tell more jokes in my family meetings. [Rita gives him a stern look] I'll get the stroller.

Lincoln, you're the only one without a roommate.

I beg to differ. I'm here quite often, and this morning, my cubby had an engine block in it.

That's a carburetor, dude.

Great. That's much more normal.

The Really Loud House, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

You guys didn't let us into your club.

Well, Leni and Luna didn't let us into their club.

Well, Clyde and Lincoln didn't let us into their club.

Hey, we had a very good reason for that. Lincoln, what was the reason?

I don't know. But I'm getting some of those chicken wings.

You cross that line, you're gonna get decked by one of those wings.

You wouldn't.

[throws a chicken wing at Lincoln as he crosses the line] No, but I would. Oh, and by the way… [eats one] They're delicious.

Well, then maybe you should try them with some… [grabs some tortilla chips and dips them in guacamole and sauce] Nachos. [throws them at Lana]

[Clyde laughs at her as she wipes the nachos off herself]

Oh, is that funny, Clyde? Because the potato skins… are hilarious! [throws some potato skins at him]

[Leni throws a meatball in Luna's left eye]

Leni… why'd you do that?

I don't know. Seemed fun.

[grabs another meatball and throws it at Leni's dress] It is fun.

Nothing's more fun than guacamole! [grabs a fistful of guacamole and throws it at Lynn]

[as Lynn throws some stuffing at her in retaliation] That was a mistake.

The Really Loud House, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[as the twins pour themselves some cereal with plates of broccoli behind them] Uh-uh. You're not eating another thing until you finish this broccoli.

Broccoli's gross.

And cold.

Well, it was warm when I served it to you last night.

But we don't wanna waste all this delicious cereal when there's so many hungry people in the world.

Well, Lisa and Mr. Nibbles can eat it. [takes the cereal bowls away as the twins groan]

Mr. Nibbles loves his cereal.

Mr. Nibbles won't be receiving any tasty rewards until he successfully completes this week's mouse maze.

[enters the kitchen] If he did complete it, it would be "a-maze-ing." [laughs; no response] "A-maze-ing?" Because the mouse goes through the maze?

I love you, sweetheart.

That joke would've been funny if Mr. Coconuts was here. Has anyone seen him? He's been lost for three days.

The Really Loud House, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[terrified as he and Clyde are being watched by Boris in a cloak and holding a scythe] Clyde, I think we've bored ourselves to death.

[Haiku and Dante enter next to Boris]

Where is the entrance to the underworld? [Lincoln and Clyde slowly look at each other in confusion] The basement?

[appearing near the basement] Welcome, fellow Morticians' Club members. Darkness and snacks await you. [escorts her mortician friends down to the basement] This meeting will commence by acknowledging those members who are sadly not with us. Bertrand and Morpheus are at their callback for "Guys and Dolls"-- congrats to them both-- and Persephone is at Kumon.

[raises his hand] Is today show-and-tell?

Dante, for the last time, it's not called show-and-tell. It's called share-and-scare.

The Really Loud House, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Bobby? Can we focus on our date, please?

Oh, sorry. I-I feel like I've done this all before.

You literally have.

The Really Loud House, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Principal Ramirez:
[over PA] Will Clyde McBride please report to the principal's office?


Mr. Bolhofner:

[Clyde arrives at Principal Ramirez's office and is shocked to see his dads there]

Young man, you have got some explaining to do.

You can start by explaining why… you are so fabulous!

Principal Ramirez:
Congratulations! You made it into the BETR program!

[stunned] Really?!

The Really Loud House, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Principal Ramirez:
[over PA] Will Lincoln Loud please report to the principal's office? Lincoln Loud to the principal's office.

That's the call! It's been real. It's been fun. But it hasn't been real fun. As the French say, hasta luego! [exits the classroom and heads to Principal Ramirez's office, while walking backwards]

I didn't know Lincoln spoke French.

The Really Loud House, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Muddy Mudskipper: (chasing Stimpy) Get yer hand outta dat pic-a-nic basket, you dusty old cat! Pssst, hey kid, say yer line! Stimpy: O-oh yeah! Jaaaane, stop this crazy thing! Well, blow me down! I'm huntin' for a wabbit! I hate meeces to pieces!

The Ren & Stimpy Show, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[after the "Happy Happy Joy Joy" song]

Ren. You're... you're angry?

YOU'RE DARN TOOTIN' I'M ANGRY! I HAVE NEVER BEEN THIS ANGRY IN MY ENTIRE LIFE! [suddenly happy] Hey! I feel great! I love being angry! Thank you, Stimpy.

[confused] Happy to be of service?

[Ren stares at Stimpy with a wild look in his eye, while his laughter echoes across the room]

The Ren & Stimpy Show, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[Ren is trying out Stimpy's Stay-Put Socks]

Why, it's amazing! How do they work?

They're full of glue. [glue oozes out of the top of the socks; Ren starts to lose it] I'm so glad you like them, Ren! Wait here. I'll get the Stay-Put hat and raincoat.

You filthy swine! I will kill you!

The Ren & Stimpy Show, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Muddy Mudskipper:
Hey kid, you did all right! [He gives Stimpy an "O.K" hand gesture] Ya lousy bum. [Stimpy sits on a stool looking depressed] Well, what's the matter? [Stimpy whimpers] Hey kid, I don't get it. You got it made! You got forty-seven million dollars. You got my TV contract. What more could you possibly want?


The Ren & Stimpy Show, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

Stimpy [after waking up in the hospital after their second accident]:
Where's Ren?

Here, you idiot! [We see what's left of Ren stitched together on Stimpy's behind] My face is killing me!

The important thing is, you are alive, and you have each other. Have some lunch.

My favorite! Barbecued Boston baked beans!

[Iris out as Ren quivers with fear, then we hear a farting noise.]

The Ren & Stimpy Show, Season 4  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[referring to Rita] She is literally the most patient person I know.

The Really Loud House, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

[Lynn Sr. holds a meeting in Lisa and Lily's room after the breakfast fajitas accidentally burned Rita's legs]

Lynn Sr.:
That is not the face of a Happy Mother's Day.

That definitely stung.

Lynn Sr.:
Now while I bear a quarter of the blame, the rest is yours divided by eleven.

Loud kids:

I mean, it was Lynn's idea to do the fajitas.

Yeah, because you said Mexican food.

That was after the fact that you said…

[Everyone starts arguing]

Lynn Sr.:
Okay, okay, alright, alright, alright! Let's not play the blame game! We all had a hand in this.

Not me and Clyde. We didn't mess up.


We just captured it on film.

With excellent framing and crisp sound.

Lynn Sr.:
Look, the point is, the greatest mom ever deserves the greatest Mother's Day ever.

She's the best.

Yeah, you're right, Pops.

Lynn Sr.:
And now that her burns are healed, it's the perfect time for a redo. So you guys get busy with some fresh ideas, and I'm gonna go give Mom the good news.

The Really Loud House, Season 1  Show Quote

added 9 months ago

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