Wikidude's Quotes Page #5,474

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wikidude  —  There are currently 140,397 quotes total — keep up the great work!

I think this may be the Book of the Dead.

The Book of the Dead? Are you sure you wanna be playing around with this thing?

It's just a book. No harm ever came from reading a book.

(wind blows eerily, as it has several times during tense conversations)

...That happens a lot around here.

The Mummy  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Rick and the rest of the group make a toast; drinks their shots, then spits them out in disgust; scene cuts to show others in the bar spitting out their drinks as well]

[wipes lips] Sweet Jesus! It tasted just like—

[drops shot glass in shock; stands up] Blood!

[Camera focuses on water fountain Rick is seeing; water is blood red]

[quoting from Bible] "And the rivers and waters in Egypt ran red, and were as blood..."

[about Imhotep] He's here...

The Mummy  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

You're gonna get yours, Beni! You hear me?! You're gonna get yours!

Oh, like I've never heard that before!

The Mummy  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[in Egyptian] I know you can understand me, little one. So you must listen carefully because [in English] it is you who will guide me. You who will take me to Ahm-Shere.

What if I don't? What if I get a little...lost?

[laughs] You are a strange little one. You are your father's son. But I know something you don't. This bracelet is a gift and a curse. The sands of time have already begun to pour against you.

Yeah, yeah. I already heard this part. From the minute I put the bracelet on, seven days do I have before the Scorpion King wakes up.

Did you also hear that if you do not enter the pyramid before the sun strikes it on that very morning that the bracelet will suck the life out of you?

[shocked] That part I missed. Hey, wait a minute, that means I only have five days left!

And I believe it would be nice trying not to get lost, don’t you?

My dad is going to kick your arse!

Hmm. [takes off his mask, smirking; Alex gasps and steps back] I do not think so.

The Mummy Returns  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Billy Bones:
(opening lines) I was Flint's first mate on that voyage, three days east of Tortuga, in the Caribbean. Flint knew an island. That's where we buried the treasure. Gold and blood – they were Flint's trademarks. He'd leave both behind him, that day.

Muppet Treasure Island  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Blind Pew:
Aha, Billy Bones! It's me, Blind Pew! I know you're here, Billy. Ya sniveling coward!

It's some kind of blind fiend!

[Billy Bones is gesturing frantically for them to be quiet]

I believe they prefer 'visually challenged fiend'.

Blind Pew:
I heard that! There's someone here! No? Over here? Ah, over here! (clutches a moose head) Aha, Billy Bones! I'd know that scurvy mug of yours anywhere.

Jim Hawkins:
Excuse me, sir, but the bar's closed--

Blind Pew:
(grabs Jim) Ah! Mmm. Aha, a pretty little girl is it? Yes. Take me to Billy Bones, my pet.

Jim Hawkins:
(Bones slowly raises his pistol) You've come to the wrong place. There's no Billy Bones here, and I'm not a girl.

Blind Pew:
Oh, I may be visually challenged, but I can see you're lying! (Bones cocks his pistol. Blind Pew promptly turns his head to the sound and then spins quickly to Bones, knocking his arm aside, causing the pistol to fire away from Blind Pew) Good evening, Bill. I know it's you. Yes, you thought you could get away with it, didn't you? Just take it all for yourself, and leave your shipmates with nothing. We're not pleased with that, Bill, not at all. We want you... to have this! (He gives Billy Bones the Black Spot)

Muppet Treasure Island  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Billy Bones:
[grabbing Gonzo by the nose] Jimmy-Jim-Jimmy-Jim-Jim-Jim-Jim! Ya always been a decent sort to old Billy Bones...

But I'm not "Jimmy-Jim-Jimmy-Jim-Jim-Jim-Jim"! He's "Jimmy-Jim-Jimmy-Jim-Jim-Jim-Jim"!

Billy Bones:
[grabbing Jim by the collar] Jim!

Jim Hawkins:
Yes, Captain?

Billy Bones:

Jim Hawkins:
Yes, Captain, what is it?!

Billy Bones:
Take the map!

Jim Hawkins:
What map?

Billy Bones:
The map to old Flint's treasure! Don't ya understand what I've been tellin' ya?! I was Flinty's first mate! We all were, Blind Pew and me! Ah, me old shipmates - they'll gully me for sure, and anybody else to get their mitts on that map!

And gullying hurts, right?

Billy Bones:
Oh, aye! A LOT!

Muppet Treasure Island  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Jim Hawkins:
It is a treasure map!

[with dollar signs in his eyes] We're gonna be rich...

[with crosses in his eyes] We're gonna be dead...

Billy Bones:
Beware lads! Beware!

Jim Hawkins:
What, the one-legged man?

Billy Bones:
Aye. But also, beware runnin' with scissors or any other pointy objects. It's all good fun, 'til somebody loses an-- AAAAAAGH! [dies]

Jim Hawkins:


We're standing in a room with a dead guy!

[Jim, Gonzo and Rizzo all scream and flee the room]

Muppet Treasure Island  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Mr. Arrow:
Roll call! [reads from list] Long John Silver?

Long John Silver:
Aye aye, sir!

Mr. Arrow:
Short Stack Stevens?

Short Stack Stevens:

Mr. Arrow:
One-Eyed Jack?

One-Eyed Jack:

Mr. Arrow:
Black-Eyed Pea?

Black-Eyed Pea:

Mr. Arrow:
Walleyed Pike!

Walleyed Pike:

Mr. Arrow:
Polly Lobster!

[Polly squawks and whistles]

Mr. Arrow:
Mad Monty!

Mad Monte:

Mr. Arrow:

[from behind them] AYE.

[the captain and Mr. Arrow jump]

Mr. Arrow:
...Old Tom.

Old Tom:
Aye aye.

Mr. Arrow:
Real Old Tom.

[puppet controls Real Old Tom]

Real Old Tom:

Mr. Arrow:
Dead Tom.

[same puppet controls a skeleton]

Dead Tom:
Aye aye!!

[Captain Smollett shudders]


Mr. Arrow:
...Clueless Morgan!

Clueless Morgan:

Mr. Arrow:
Headless Bill! ...Headless Bill! [everyone's looking around; they spot a headless puppet saluting; officers stand aghast for a moment] Big Fat Ugly Bug-Faced Baby-Eating O'Brien?

[deep voice] Aye.

[officers jaws drop; they recover]

Mr. Arrow:
Angel Marie.

Angel Marie:
[an ugly creature] Aye. Aye.

Captain Smollett:
Hmm... hmm... Gentlemen, may I see you in my cabin? Immediately?

Muppet Treasure Island  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Captain Smollett:
WHO HIRED THIS CREW?! This is undoubtedly the seediest bunch of cutthroats, villains and scoundrels I've ever seen, SO WHO HIRED 'EM?! [pants] [Jim and officers point at Trelawney, who in turn points at his finger] Your finger hired the crew?

No, that's silly. The man who lives in my finger hired the crew - Mr. Bimble. What? Ah. He relied heavily on the advice of our excellent cook, Long John Silver.

[Smollett slumps back in his chair]

Captain Smollett:
Our cook, and a guy who lives in a bear's finger?


[Mr. Arrow faceplams]

Captain Smollett:
I'm starting to worry about this voyage.

Muppet Treasure Island  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Mudwell the Mudbunny:
[sobbing] Dead Tom's dead. Long John shot him!

Walleyed Pike:
But Dead Tom's always been dead. That's why he's called Dead Tom.

Mudwell the Mudbunny:

[Mudwell tosses the Dead Tom puppet aside. Silver rolls his eyes.]

Muppet Treasure Island  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Benjamina Gunn:
Of all the backwater, no-class piles of sand in the ocean, you had to wash up on mine.

Captain Abraham Smollett:
Benjamina, I just want you to know that I'm sorry.

Benjamina Gunn:
Sorry? No, "sorry" doesn't cut it. You left me standing at the altar!

Captain Abraham Smollett:
I was on a ship headed for Zanzibar. I got cold feet.

Benjamina Gunn:
You're a frog. You're supposed to have cold feet! My mother came all the way from France. I was wearing her white lace dress. The cake was filled with lemon custard!

Captain Abraham Smollett:
Mina? Fate has brought us together again. Well, actually, buried treasure and pirates brought us together--

Benjamina Gunn:
Don't you start with me about pirates! After you jilted me, I took up with this Bernie Flint. The man was totally co-dependent!

Captain Abraham Smollett:
You and Captain Flint...?

Benjamina Gunn:
Well, he was a pirate, I was a lady. You know the story. Smolley? He marooned me! MEEEEEE! (Starts sobbing)

Captain Abraham Smollett:
Oh, this is all my fault! What have I done to you?

Muppet Treasure Island  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Benjamina Gunn:
All right. No More Ms. Nice Guy. No one maroons me and gets away with it!

Muppet Treasure Island  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

(Smollet is sword fighting Silver, and has been able to cut off parts of his clothing during it; Smollet contently swings his sword while casually humming)

Long John Silver:
Excuse me!

Captain Smollet:
Pardon? [Distracted, he loses his sword] Uh...I'm a frog. You know, slippery hands? [Silver gives an evil grin and points his sword at Smollet's throat] Erm... Y'know, I never really believed violence solved anything.

Long John Silver:
Oh, really? Allow me to disagree with you, Captain.

Jim Hawkins:
(appears with sword) Kill Catain Smollet and you'll have to kill me.

(also appears) Kill Jim and you'll have to kill me.

(also appears) Kill Gonzo and you'll have to kill me.

(also appears) Kill Squire Trelawney and Mr. Bimbo and you'll have to... negotiate strenuously.

Muppet Treasure Island  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

(Jim catches Silver escaping in the lifeboat)

Jim Hawkins:

Long John Silver:
I suppose you'll be blowing the whistle on me now, won't you, Jim?

Jim Hawkins:
I suppose I will. You have to return to Bristol to stand trial. (raises his whistle)

Long John Silver:
Oh, I'm sorry, Jim. (aims his pistol at him) I got a terrible fear of hanging. We're shipmates, aren't we,Jim? Gentlemen of fortune, together. Give us one more chance? (Jim does not drop his whistle, Silver lowers his pistol) Oh, hell,Jim. I could never harm you. You're honest and brave and true. You didn't learn that from me.

Jim Hawkins:
I learnt it from my friends, Mr Silver. Now take your oars and row away. I never want to see you again, ever.

Long John Silver:
Oh, Jim! (he throws Jim his compass and rows off) 'Tis a shame, really. We'd have made a great team, Jim.

Muppet Treasure Island  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Kermit the Frog:
I just thought maybe we could raise the money to buy the theater back if we all got together and put on one last show.

Fozzie Bear:
A show? But I've spent years building a solo career! I have a whole new show-biz family that loves me--

Miss Poogy:
[opens the door] Fozzie! What the heck are you doing, hibernating?! Next show starts in 30 seconds! We hired you, and we can fire you, so get your butt in here NOW! [slams the door]

Fozzie Bear:
[to Kermit] They terrify me. Let's go.

The Muppets  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Hosting a political news segment]

Sam the Eagle:
Welcome to this week's edition of "Everything Stinks"! [the other Muppets pull him offscreen with a hooked cane, Vaudeville style]

The Muppets  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Tex Richman:
[Angrily] You artists formerly known as the Muppets are standing on private property--My private property! And I'm telling you to leave, NOW! [The Muppets Gasp]

[Sadly] He's right, everybody. He won. We gotta go. [As The Muppets Slowly Walk Away, Tex Richman Sighs In Disbelief]

The Muppets  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Look, Walter, you're my brother, and I'm always gonna love you, but you belong here, with these guys. You're the one who brought everyone here together. You always believe in other people, but that’s easy. Sooner or later, you gotta believe in yourself, too, because that’s what growing up is. It’s becoming who you want to be. You have to try. Please, Walter. You’re my hero.

The Muppets  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Deleted Scene -- As The Door Closes, Tex Richman Smiles And Laughs Evilly]

Tex Richman:
Tex Richman Is Back In Town, Folks! [The Crowd Boos And Yells At Him] OH, BOO YOURSELF! [The Crowd Stops Booing] You're Lucky I Got On The Act! [The Crowd Continues Booing And Throwing Food At Himself] Hey, I Had These Clothes Washed! [Someone Else Throws Food At Him] Hey! Stop It! [The Crowd Throws Food At Him At Once] STOP IT! [Screams And Runs Away]

The Muppets  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[first lines]

Hey, wait for me! Hold the boat! I'm coming! Noah! Mr. The Ark! I'm here. Barely made it. For a minute, there. I thought you were leaving without... [Noah stops him] Gee, Mr. Noah, sir, I'm gonna come too.

What are you, anyway?

Oh, uh... Good question. Now technically speaking, uh, let's say, put me down as a whatever.

What do you mean? What is your species?

Uh, well, I, I, I... I don't know. I guess there's only one of me.

[Steps back, then points at gonzo] THEN YOU ARE DOOMED! [he walks inside, closing the door on Gonzo]

Wait. Wait! Oh. Huh?

[opens the door] Um...

Yes, sir?

You may need this. [grabs an umbrella to Gonzo, then closing the door on him again]

But, but, but, but... [opens the umbrella, causing to rain] Oh! [screaming in fear] NOOO!!!! NOOOOOO!!!!!! No! No! No! I don't wannna be alone! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! [dissolve to reality]

[muttering] No, no, no, no, no, I don’t want to be alone. No, no. [snaps out of his dream, screams] NOOO!!!! [accidentally knocks his best friend Rizzo the Rat out of the hammock, screaming out the window] I DON'T WANNA BE ALONE!!!!!!

[off-screen] You're not alone.

[notices rizzo] Who-Who Said That?

[As The Scene Shows Gonzo Looking Back And Forth Until He Notices The Window, Off-Screen] Gee. I Don't Know. Maybe It's The Rat Who's HANGING OUT OF THE WINDOW!!!!!!!!!

Muppets From Space  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[Miss Piggy runs past Statler and Waldorf]

Is breakfast over?

No, why?

Because I think the bacon just ran out.

[comes to the table] The raspberry flap overs will be out in a moment.

Hey, Uncle Kermit, what will you do now that you're on vacation?

Well, Robin, once I get those house painters started, l'm gonna kick back and relax.

Kermit? When will you fix the oven, okay?

[confused] What's wrong with the oven? [An explosion is heard in the kitchen. Everyone on the table react to that sound.]


Swedish Chef:
Yurski burski popovers kaboofed!

Yeah... I'll put it on the top of my list...

There is a menu correction, okay? We will now be serving bologna sandwiches. [everyone makes disappointed sounds. Swedish Chef says something to Pepe] But no bread. [Everyone makes a disgusted noise and leaves the table]

[Kermit sees Gonzo coming downstairs looking dejected]

Hey, Gonzo, aren't you performing at that Bar Mitzvah today?

Nah. Electric Mayhem's covering for me.

[concerned] But, Gonzo, you never miss the chance to get shot out of a cannon. Something wrong?

No. [beat] It's just that I'm sick and tired of being a one-of-a-kind freak, that's all.

Gonzo, you are 'not a one-of-a-kind freak! You're a... [falters]

[annoyed] A whatever?

Well... yeah!

You see?! See what I mean? I don't even know where I came from, or who I am!

Yo, Kerm.


You weren't expecting some house painters, were you?

Yeah, why?

They're just driving away.


Animal bit one of them!

Oh no! [The car engine of the house painters truck starts] Wait, guys! Don't let them go! [turns to Gonzo] You know what I think you are, Gonzo?


Distinct. [turns to run to the door to try and stop the painters] Wait, guys! He didn't mean it! He's just a musician!

Musician! Musician! Musician! [Gonzo looks over at photos of the Muppets with their respective family members, before coming to photo of himself, alone]

[depressed] Distinct, huh? More like extinct... [pours the alphabet cereal in the bowl, but spills a little bit on the table] Oops. [looks at the letters spinning around, then making the words, saying, "Watch The Sky"] "Watch the sky"? Hey! Hey! Rizzo, come here. I think my Kap'n Alphabet is sending me a message.

[While holding a plate with bologna] I know what you mean. I had some guacamole and it's still taking to me.

No. No. Really. Look. Look. I'm not kidding. [looking at the letter cereals] It was there just a second ago. I swear, Rizzo. It said, "Watch the sky."

Are you sure it didn't say "You need help?"

But, but...

Maybe you and your cereal would like to be alone. [takes the plate of ] Oh, hey! ? My bologna has a first name, it's O-S-C-A-R...?

[he pours the cereal the bowl with letters, then grabbing a telescope] Cool. Huh? [he looks at the letters, then making the words, saying, "R U There"] "Are you there?" [calling out] RIZZOOOOOOOOOO!!!!

Muppets From Space  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

[excited] Hey, guys! The Cosmic Fish have spoken to me: I'M FROM OUTER SPAAAAAAAACE!

[not listening] Yeah, yeah, that's great - Pepe, are you in or out?

I'm in.

Muppets From Space  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

Remember guys, I built this new Jacuzzi for my alien family, so no eating in the spa.

[guiltily] We gotta tell him the truth, Pepe.

Muppets From Space  Movie Quote

added 5 years ago

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In which movie does this quote appear: "I don't like violence, Tom. I'm a businessman; blood is a big expense"?
A Blade
B Ocean's Eleven
C Rush Hour
D The Godfather