Found 1,017 quotes starting with HE:

He (God) remembers that we are but shadows and dust, therefore what we do in this life echoes in eternity.

– Marcus AureliusRate it:

He (Sanders) said he was unimportant and it was all about the movement, and then it kind of escalated. ‘If you don’t support the movement, I don’t want your vote'... Obviously he’s become more adept at cultivating voters.” - New York Times, 7/3/15

– Greg GumaRate it:

He abused me, he beat me, he defeated me, he robbed me,"--in those who do not harbour such thoughts hatred will cease.

– The BuddhaRate it:

He admits there are two sides to every question: his own and the wrong side.

– Channing PollockRate it:

He alone is poor who does not possess knowledge.

– The TalmudRate it:

He alone is wise who can accommodate himself to all contingencies of life; but the fool contends, and struggling, like a swimmer, against the stream.

– LatinRate it:

He also serves who only stands and waits.

– John MiltonRate it:

He altered the image of the Jew from that of rabbi, merchant, wanderer, to that of scientist, farmer and soldier.

– Shimon PeresRate it:

He and the Gift-giver are the only ones I can truly trust.

– CometanRate it:

He appears to have been weened on a pickle.

– Alice Roosevelt Longfellow, about Calvin CoolidgeRate it:

He asked that beautiful Yogini in his lucid dream. “What is more beautiful between Life and Afterlife?” Yogini smiled at him and spoke. “They both are comprised of the same bitter elixir, yet one of them is over-glorified, romanticized and promoted far better than the other one.”

– Deodatta V. Shenai-KhatkhateRate it:

He asked that beautiful Yogini in his lucid dream. “What is more beautiful between Life and Afterlife?” Yogini smiled at him and spoke. “They both are comprised of the same bitter elixir, yet one of them is over-glorified, romanticized and promoted far better than the other one.”

– Deodatta V. Shenai-KhatkhateRate it:

He asked that beautiful Yogini in his lucid dream. What do my five fingers represent? Yogini smiled at him, and said. Your body, as well as everything in this Universe, is composed of five elements, Deodatta. Your five fingers represent these five elements. Your thumb represents Agni or Fire, Index finger for Vayu or Air, middle finger for Gagan or Space, ring finger for Prithvi or Earth, and little finger for Aap or water.

– Deodatta V. Shenai-KhatkhateRate it:

He asked that beautiful Yogini in his lucid dream. “Can the higher caste people eat the eggs?” Yogini smiled at him, and said. “All humans are born equal. The castes were created by man, not by God. Your caste is defined by your character and what’s in your heart, not by what’s in your stomach. Eat healthy food that Science teaches, not what those ancient traditions dictate.”

– Deodatta V. Shenai-KhatkhateRate it:

He asked that beautiful Yogini in his lucid dream. “How true is the love at first sight?” Yogini smiled at him, and said. “Love seldom happens at first sight. What happens at first sight, in most cases, is an infatuation and a sexual attraction, driven by pure lust and raging hormones. True Love often blossoms slowly. and grows gradually.”

– Deodatta V. Shenai-KhatkhateRate it:

He asked that beautiful Yogini in his lucid dream. “What is the meaning of GOD?” Yogini smiled at him and spoke. “God stands for Generation, Organization and Deactivation. Everything begins as the creation of God, and only God governs its Organization and Deactivation. And thus the circle of life continues. Deodatta, the five elements that you see around you, the Earth, Sky, Fire, Wind, and Water are in fact the manifestation of omnipresent GOD.”

– Deodatta V. Shenai-KhatkhateRate it:

He asked that beautiful Yogini in his lucid dream. “What is the meaning of GOD?” Yogini smiled at him and spoke. “God stands for Generation, Organization and Deactivation. Everything begins as the creation of God, and only God governs its Organization and Deactivation. And thus the circle of life continues. Deodatta, the five elements that you see around you, the Earth, Sky, Fire, Wind, and Water are in fact the manifestation of omnipresent GOD.”

– Deodatta V. Shenai-KhatkhateRate it:

He attacked everything in life with a mix of extrordinary genius and naive incompetence, and it was often difficult to tell which was which.

– Douglas AdamsRate it:

He be the persona of the peoples.

– CometanRate it:

He be, not here for I, but for posterity.

– CometanRate it:

He became the Rose that struggled throughout life that was never meant to make it; but he grew out of difficult times in this unmerciful world like a rose struggling to grow out of the cracks in the rock-hard concrete. He became inspired by the Great Makaveli.... -MillYentei

– Deshawn YeldellRate it:

He becometh poor that dealeth with a slack hand but the hand of the diligent maketh rich.

– Book of ProverbsRate it:

He bestows the world like a colossus, and we petty men walk under his huge legs, to peep about, and find ourselves dishonorable graves. The fault dear Brutus, is not in our stars, but in ourselves, that we are underlings.

– Julius CaesarRate it:

He builds a castle by demolishing a country. #CVirusTruth

– ProverbRate it:

He came for war, but I will return him in peace. Because he still hasn't conquered himself.

– Mwanandeke KindemboRate it:

He can be lethal death.

– Jerry ColemanRate it:

He can compress the most words into the smallest ideas of any man I ever met.

– Abraham LincolnRate it:

He can feel no little wants who is in pursuit of grandeur.

– Johann Kaspar LavaterRate it:

He comes into the world God knows how, walks on the water, gets out of his grave and goes up off the Hill of Howth. What drivel is this?

– James JoyceRate it:

He confided his deepest secret to you; be always wary of his secret.

– Dejan StojanovicRate it:

He conquers who endures.

– PersiusRate it:

He delivered his dissertation about the Founding Fathers with such exactitude.

– TomaRate it:

He deserves Paradise who makes his companions laugh.

– KoranRate it:

He devil is not so ugly as he is painted.

– ProverbRate it:

He did not profess to anybody how to reach others without professing.

– Dejan StojanovicRate it:

He did not waste time in a vain search for a place in history.

– Dejan StojanovicRate it:

He didn't know the right people. That's all a police record means in this rotten crime-ridden country.

– Raymond ChandlerRate it:

He didn't realize that love is as powerful as your mothers for you leaves it's own mark

– Jk RowlingRate it:

He does not believe, that does not live according to his belief.

– Thomas FullerRate it:

He does not live in vain, who employs his wealth, his thought, his speech to advance the good of others.

– Hindoo MaximRate it:

He does not possess wealth it possesses him.

– Benjamin FranklinRate it:

He does not preach what he practices till he has practiced what he preaches.

– ConfuciusRate it:

He doesn’t care about life, he who doesn’t care about Nature.

– Mariana FulgerRate it:

He doubly benefits the needy who gives quickly.

– Publilius SyrusRate it:

He draweth out the thread of his verbosity finer than the staple of his argument.

– William ShakespeareRate it:

He dreamed he was eating shredded wheat and woke up to find the mattress half gone.

– Fred AllenRate it:

He drew a circle that shut me out -- Heretic, rebel, a thing to flout. But Love and I had the wit to win: We drew a circle that took him in.

– Edwin MarkhamRate it:

He enjoys true leisure who has time to improve his soul's estate.

– Henry David ThoreauRate it:

He excels at articulating concepts and educating clients, so they can make empowered and informed business decisions. This highlights Vinay's dedication to not only providing technical solutions but also ensuring that his clients are well-informed and confident in their business strategies​

– vinay jainRate it:

He fell in love with her for what she wasn't, while she hated him for what he was!


He fell in love with himself at first sight, and it is a passion to which he has always remained faithful. Self-love seems so often unrequited.

– Anthony PowellRate it:

He felt about books as doctors feel about medicines, or managers about plays - cynical, but hopeful.

– Dame Rose MacaulayRate it:

He felt that his whole life was some kind of dream and he sometimes wondered whose it was and whether they were enjoying it.

– Douglas AdamsRate it:

He fishes well who uses a golden hook.

– Latin ProverbRate it:

He for himself weaves woe who weaves for others woe, and evil counsel on the counselor recoils.

– HesiodRate it:

he G & A Forum promotes gratitude and appreciation ad infinitum!

– Francis M. Faber Jr.Rate it:

He gave me the strength to see passed all that is trivial in this world and to focus on that which matters most.

– CometanRate it:

He gave more moves than Mae West!

– Mike LangeRate it:

He grounds the warship he walks on.

– John Bracken on Captain Barney Kelly, who ran the USS Enterprise into the mud of San Francisco Bay in May 1983Rate it:

He had a big head and a face so ugly it became almost fascinating.

– Ayn RandRate it:

He had a certain frankness and generosity, qualities indeed which turn to a man's ruin, unless tempered with discretion.

– Cornelius TacitusRate it:

He had a heart that could have held the empire of the world; and, in the end, he had to content himself with a cellar.

– Gaston Leroux, The Phantom of the OperaRate it:

He had an answer to almost everything and he retired at an early age.

– Dejan StojanovicRate it:

He had decided to live forever or die in the attempt.

– Joseph HellerRate it:

He had discovered a great law of human action, without knowing it - namely, that in order to make a man or a boy covet a thing, it is only necessary to make the thing difficult to obtain.

– Mark TwainRate it:

He had heard people speak contemptuously of money he wondered if they had ever tried to do without it.

– W. Somerset MaughamRate it:

He had learned over the years that poor people did not feel so poor when allowed to give occasionally.

– Lawana BlackwellRate it:

He had no individual interest . he was a real hero, our real leader . He was our role model.

– Burhan WaniRate it:

He had not an ounce of superfluous flesh on his bones, and leanness goes a great way towards gentility.

– Elizabeth GaskellRate it:

He had occasional flashes of silence, that made his conversation perfectly delightful.

– Sydney SmithRate it:

He had so many irons in the fire that he was never able to forge any single one into a weapon with which to conquer his world.

– Curtis DahlRate it:

He had the entertainment of thinking that if he had for that moment stopped the clock it was to promote the next minute this still livelier motion.

– Henry James, "The Ambassadors", Book Eighth, Chapter 2Rate it:

He had the sort of face that makes you realize God does have a sense of humor.

– Bill BrysonRate it:

He harms himself who does harm to another, and the evil plan is most harmful to the planner.

– HesiodRate it:

He Harris felt the loyalty we all feel to unhappiness -- the sense that that is where we really belong.

– Henry Graham GreeneRate it:

He has a splendid repertoire of 500 words. Why does he insist on using only 150?

– Abba EbanRate it:

He has achieved success who has lived well, laughed often, and loved much.

– Bessie A. StanleyRate it:

He has all the virtues I dislike and none of the vices I admire.

– Winston ChurchillRate it:

He has an oar in every man's boat, and a finger in every pie.

– Miguel de CervantesRate it:

He has found his style, when he cannot do otherwise.

– Paul KleeRate it:

He has great tranquility of heart who cares neither for the praises nor the fault-finding of men.

– Honore' de BalzacRate it:

He has great tranquillity of heart who cares neither for the praises nor the fault-finding of men.

– Thomas à KempisRate it:

He has never written a single book, so you can imagine how much he knows.

– Oscar Wilde, The Importance of Being EarnestRate it:

He has no hope who never had a fear.

– William CowperRate it:

He has not learned the lesson of life who does not every day surmount a fear.

– Gaius Julius CaesarRate it:

He has nothing, for whom nothing is enough.

– Vikrant ParsaiRate it:

He has only half learned the art of reading who has not added to it the more refined art of skipping and skimming.

– Arthur BalfourRate it:

He has the deed half done who has made a beginning.

– HoraceRate it:

He has the greatest light who has the greatest love.

– Matshona DhliwayoRate it:

He has the greatest love who forgives his greatest enemies.

– Matshona DhliwayoRate it:

He has the right to criticize who has the heart to help.

– Abraham LincolnRate it:

He hasn't an enemy in the world - but all his friends hate him.

– Eddie CantorRate it:

He hath eaten me out of house and home.

– William ShakespeareRate it:

He held her hand because he wanted her heart; then gazed into her empty eyes and realized nothing was there. Often, the emotions of someone we love are dismissed in a continual effort to remain.

– RJ Intindola – (Gandolfo)Rate it:

He helps others most, who shows them how to help themselves.

– A. P. GoutheyRate it:

He hit a worm burner

– Rex HudlerRate it:

He hits from both sides of the plate. He's amphibious.

– Lawrence Peter BerraRate it:

He hoped and prayed that there wasn't an afterlife. Then he realized there was a contradiction involved here and merely hoped that there wasn't an afterlife.

– Douglas AdamsRate it:

He is a benefactor of mankind who contracts the great rules of life into short sentences, that may be easily impressed on the memory, and so recur habitually to the mind.

– Samuel JohnsonRate it:

He is a certified fool who gives flowers after five years of his married life to his wife to express own love for her.

– Anuj SomanyRate it:

He is a drunkard who takes more than three glasses though he be not drunk.

– EpictetusRate it:

He is a fool that cannot conceal his wisdom.

– Benjamin FranklinRate it:

He is a fool that makes his doctor his heir. #CVirusisfake

– ProverbRate it:

He is a fool who boasts of four things: that he has good wine, a good horse, a nice wife, and plenty of money.

– ProverbRate it:

He is a fool who thinks that another does not think.

– Vikrant ParsaiRate it:

He is a great simpleton who imagines that the chief power of wealth is to supply wants. In ninety-nine cases out of a hundred it creates more wants than it supplies.

– W. WirtRate it:

He is a hard man who is only just, and a sad one who is only wise.

– VoltaireRate it:

He is a self-made man, very much in love with his creator.

– Benjamin DisraeliRate it:

He is a teenager, after all-a strange agent with holes in his jeans, studs in his ear, a tail down his neck, a cap on his head (backward).

– Ellen KarshRate it:

He is a true King who has the Freedom to do anything!- RVM

– RVMRate it:

He is able who thinks he is able.

– BuddhaRate it:

He is actually brave who is not slave to his wife, but such courage in husband is seen extremely rare in life.

– Anuj SomanyRate it:

He is actually free finds enough time to take selfie with the people and seems glee in the crowd often around himself.

– Anuj SomanyRate it:

He is all to all and The Philosophy is all to all.

– CometanRate it:

He is already discriminating by saying "What do you lack?" You, We. He calls us "you", the ones that are not Turks. Actually we all are people living in our motherlands. How can you call natives of this land as "you", with which identity? .. Thank God we have everything and we expect nothing from you(Tayyip Erdogan), we have even more than you, not anything less. (On the quote of State President Tayyip Erdogan "What Kurdish problem, what do you lack?")

– Selahattin DemirtasRate it:

He is as mad as a March hare.

– Miguel de CervantesRate it:

He is every other inch a gentleman.

– Rebecca WestRate it:

He is free who knows how to keep in his own hand the power to decide, at each step, the course of his life, and who lives in a society which does not block the exercise of that power.

– Salvador De MadriagaRate it:

He is free who lives as he wishes to live; who is neither subject to compulsion nor to hindrance, nor to force; whose movements to action are not impeded, whose desires attain their purpose, and who does not fall into that which he would avoid.

– EpictetusRate it:

He is great enough that is his own master.

– Joseph HallRate it:

He is great who confers the most benefits.

– Ralph Waldo EmersonRate it:

He is happiest of whom the world says least, good or bad.

– Thomas JeffersonRate it:

He is happiest who hath power to gather wisdom from a flower.

– Mary HowittRate it:

He is happiest, be he king or peasant, who finds peace in his home.

– Johann von GoetheRate it:

He is happy whom circumstances suit his temper; but he Is more excellent who suits his temper to any circumstance.

– David HumeRate it:

He is here to show the worlds of The Cosmos the philosophy of the stars.

– CometanRate it:

He is ill clothed that is bare of virtue.

– Benjamin FranklinRate it:

He is in charge of the decision, I am in charge of the action.

– Ted RingasRate it:

He is indebted to his memory for his jests and to his imagination for his facts.

– Richard Brinsley SheridanRate it:

He is more myself than I am, whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are same.

– Emily Bronte, Wuthering HeightsRate it:

He is most cheated who cheats himself.

– Danish ProverbRate it:

He is neither a strategist nor is he schooled in the operational arts, nor is he a tactician, nor is he a general. Other than that he's a great military man. (describing Saddam Hussein of Iraq, 1991)

– Gen. H. Norman SchwarzkopfRate it:

He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose.

– Jim ElliotRate it:

He is no longer the prince moon; he is the one of the stars. (Il n'est plus le prince lune ; il est celui des étoiles)

– Charles de LEUSSERate it:

He is not a leader, he is just a Liberal (on Josh Frydenberg)

– Daniel AndrewsRate it:

He is not a true believer who eats his fill while his nighbor is hungry

– Prophet MuhammadRate it:

He is not an honest man who has burned his tongue and does not tell the company that the soup is hot.

– ProverbRate it:

He is not dead who departs from life with a high and noble fame; but he is dead, even while living, whose brow is branded with infamy.

– TieckRate it:

He is not dead who departs this life with high fame; dead is he, though living, whose brow is branded with infamy.

– TieckRate it:

He is not deemed to give consent who is under a mistake.

– UnknownRate it:

He is not drowning His sheep when He washeth them, nor killing them when He is shearing them. But by this He showeth that they are His own and the newshorn sheep do most visibly bear His name or mark, when it is almost worn out and scarce discernible on them that have the longest fleece.

– Richard BaxterRate it:

He is not great who is not greatly good.

– William ShakespeareRate it:

He is not laughed at who laughs at himself first.

– Thomas FullerRate it:

He is not of us who is not affectionate to the little ones, and does not respect the old; and he is not of us, who does not order which is lawful, and prohibits that which is unlawful.

– Prophet Mohammed, ibn abbasRate it:

He is not only dull himself, but the cause of dullness in others.

– Samuel FooteRate it:

He is one of those people who would be enormously improved by death.

– Hector Hugh MunroRate it:

He is one of those peple who would be enormously improved by death

– H.H. Munro (Saki)Rate it:

He is one of those wise philanthropists who, in a time of famine, would vote for nothing, but a supply of toothpicks.

– Douglas William JerroldRate it:

He is rich enough that wants nothing.

– Polish ProverbRate it:

He is rich who owes nothing.

– French ProverbRate it:

He is rich who owns the day, and no one owns the day who allows it to be invated by worry, fret and anxiety.

– Ralph Waldo EmersonRate it:

He is richest who is content with the least, for content is the wealth of nature.

– SocratesRate it:

He is richest who is content with the least.

– SocratesRate it:

he is so confused, he doesn't know his head from his feet.

– Assyrian ProverbRate it:

He is super excited to see a big bunch of bootlickers going to bow before him and beg undue business favour from him and a lot of prepaid people will be brought to stand on both sides of road to wave and do slogan for him.

– Awakening BeaconingRate it:

He is the best friend you would ever have.

– CometanRate it:

He is the better equipped for life. As for swimming, who has the less to carry.

– ApuleiusRate it:

He is the purest figure in history. -- About George Washington

– William Ewart GladstoneRate it:

He is the very pineapple of politeness!

– Richard Brinsley SheridanRate it:

He is the world's master who despises it, its slave who prizes it.

– ProverbRate it:

he is very awesome.

– Oscar Vandy-ConnorRate it:

He is winding the watch of his wit by and by it will strike.

– William ShakespeareRate it:

He is winding the watch of his wit; by and by it will strike.

– William Shakespeare, The Tempest, Act II scene 1Rate it:

He knew the things that were and the things that would be and the things that had been before.

– HomerRate it:

He knows all about art, but he doesn't know what he likes.

– James ThurberRate it:

He knows not his own strength that hath not met adversity.

– Ben JonsonRate it:

He knows nothing and he thinks he knows everything. That points clearly to a political career.

– George Bernard ShawRate it:

He knows nothing; and he thinks he knows everything. That points clearly to a political career.

– George Bernard Shaw, Major Barbara (1907) act 3Rate it:

He laughs, in the way that I have come to admire–as if there are no fences holding him back, as if pure glee could paint all the walls of the world in a single coat.

– Jodi PicoultRate it:

He liked to go from A to B without inventing letters between.

– John McPheeRate it:

He listens well who takes notes.

– Dante AlighieriRate it:

He lives not long who battles with the immortals, nor do his children prattle about his knees when he has come back from battle and the dread fray.

– HomerRate it:

He looked about as inconspicuous as a tarantula on a slice of angel food.

– Raymond ChandlerRate it:

He looked at her the way all women want to be looked at by a man.

– unknownRate it:

He loved florid verbiage and jaw-jaw until he cuts himself on Occam's razor.

– Ilze FalbRate it:

He loved her in his mind; She hated him in her being! What's more authentic?”

– Ramana PemmarajuRate it:

He loved humankind dearly and with all his heart, but he disliked most human beings.

– David Guterson, Snow Falling on CedarsRate it:

He made the city [Athens], great as it was when he took it, the greatest and richest of all cities, and grew to be superior in power to kings and tyrants. Some of these actually appointed him guardian of their sons, but he did not make his estate a single drachma greater than it was when his father left it to him.

– PlutarchRate it:

He marries best who puts it off until it is too late.

– H. L. MenckenRate it:

He means well" is useless unless he does well.

– PlautusRate it:

He might never really do what he said, but at least he had it in mind. He had somewhere to go.

– Louis L'AmourRate it:

He mobilized the English language and sent it into battle to steady his fellow countrymen and hearten those Europeans upon whom the long dark night of tyranny had descended.

– Edward R. Murrow, On Winston Churchill, 1954Rate it:

He must be very ignorant for he answers every question he is asked.

– VoltaireRate it:

He must have killed a lot of men to have made so much money.

– MolièreRate it:

He must have known me if he had seen me as he was wont to see me, for he was in the habit of flogging me constantly. Perhaps he did not recognize me by my face.

– Anthony TrollopeRate it:

He must not laugh at his own wheeze. A snuff box has no right to sneeze.

– Dave PrestonRate it:

He must pull out his own eyes, and see no creature, before he can say, he sees no God; He must be no man, and quench his reasonable soul, before he can say to himself, there is no God.

– John DonneRate it:

He never is alone that is accompanied with noble thoughts.

– FletcherRate it:

He not busy being born is busy dying.

– Bob DylanRate it:

He not only overflowed with learning, he stood in the slop.

– Sydney SmithRate it:

He of whom many are afraid ought to fear many.

– Francis BaconRate it:

He only does not live in vain Who all the means within his reach Employs?his wealth, his thought, his speech? T?advance the weal of other men.

– Sanskrit ProverbRate it:

He only employs his passion who can make no use of his reason.

– CiceroRate it:

He only is exempt from failures who makes no efforts.

– Richard WhatelyRate it:

He only profits from praise who values criticism.

– Heinrich HeineRate it:

He or she that ignored wisdom and knowledge, ignored his or her deliverances

– Nwiue lucky peterRate it:

He performed great miracles, like turning water into wine, thus making people to become spiritually drunken.

– Mwanandeke KindemboRate it:

He plants trees to benefit another generation.

– Caecilius StatiusRate it:

He played the king as if afraid someone else would play the ace.

– John Mason BrownRate it:

He prayeth best who loveth best All things both great and small For the dear God who loveth us, He made and loveth all.

– Samuel Taylor ColeridgeRate it:

He preaches well that lives well.

– Miguel de CervantesRate it:

He profits most who serves best.

– Arthur F. SheldonRate it:

He promised us that everything would be okay. I was a child, but I knew that everything would not be okay. That did not make my father a liar. It made him my father.

– Jonathan Safran FoerRate it:

He ran over a few people, nothing major. Mess runs over people. Sometimes, people don't get up. That's life.

– Grant fuhrRate it:

He realized he was sick and things sucked and people sucked and life sucked, but … did it all HAVE to? If there was a way to get his stuff together, could he make things matter, find life with some meaning? Maybe Sartre was wrong; he suddenly wanted to know.

– Scott C. HolstadRate it:

He removes the greatest ornament of friendship, who takes away from it respect.

– CiceroRate it:

He restored the Bible to its people, he restored the people to the Bible.

– Shimon PeresRate it:

He said 'I'm going to eat your profits to make a point nobody understands, please vote for me.' And there's a lot of trained seals that listen to him and they clap.

– Flavio VolpeRate it:

he said chipot is guc

– Lebron JamesRate it:

he said lebron chames

– Jimmie Lee JacksonRate it:

He said not 'Thou shalt not be tempested, thou shalt not be travailed, thou shalt not be dis-eased' but he said, 'Thou shalt not be overcome.'

– Juliana of NorwichRate it:

He said that there was one only good, namely, knowledge and one only evil, namely, ignorance.

– Laertius DiogenesRate it:

He said true things, but called them by wrong names.

– Elizabeth Barrett BrowningRate it:

He saw a beautiful lady in red dancing wildly with everyone in the party. Yet, after their dance of passion was over, no one wanted to show any sign of recognition to her. He asked her the reason behind that mystery, and the lady replied with a smile. “Everyone needs me, from Yogi to Bhogi and Upabhogi alike. They all come back to me, again and again. Look at me carefully. I am that most misunderstood and infamous Lust.

– Deodatta V. Shenai-KhatkhateRate it:

He saw a beautiful stranger speaking to him in her strange language. He asked her. “Who are you?” She smiled at him, and said. “I am Love. I am also known with various other names like Amor, Ishq, Liebe, Mohobbat, Preeti, Prema, Pyaar, and Tresna.”

– Deodatta V. Shenai-KhatkhateRate it:

He saw a lawyer killing a viper On a dunghill hard, by his own stable And the devil smiled, for it put him in mind Of Cain and his brother, Abel.

– Samuel Taylor ColeridgeRate it:

He saw that it was an ironical thing for him to be running thus toward that which he had been at such pains to avoid. But he said, in substance, to himself that if the earth and the moon were about to clash, many people would doubtless plan to get upon the roofs to witness the collision.

– Stephen Crane, The Red Badge of Courage, chapter 8Rate it:

He says gods like to see an atheist around. Gives them something to aim at.

– Terry Pratchett, Small GodsRate it:

He says: “The markets are simply information-processing machines, quickly incorporating all available news and expectations.

– Dejan IlijevskiRate it:

He shall separate himself from wine and strong drink, and shall drink no vinegar of wine, or vinegar of strong drink, neither shall he drink any liquor of grapes, nor eat moist grapes, or dried.

– Numbers 63 Bible HebrewRate it:

He should not vow to walk in the dark, who has not seen the nightfall.

– J. R. R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring, spoken by ElrondRate it:

He speaks to Me as if I was a public meeting.

– Queen VictoriaRate it:

He spends his life explaining from his pulpit that the glory of Christianity consists in the fact that though it is not true it has been found necessary to invent it.

– SakiRate it:

He stands erect by bending over the fallen. He rises by lifting others.

– Robert G. IngersollRate it:

He stirred my soul in the most subtle way and the story between us wrote itself.

– unknownRate it:

He talked with more claret than clarity.

– Susan ErtzRate it:

He that always gives way to others will end in having no principles of his own.

– AesopRate it:

He that blows the coals in quarrels that he has nothing to do with, has no right to complain if the sparks fly in his face

– Benjamin FranklinRate it:

He that boasts of his own knowledge proclaims his ignorance

– Author UnknownRate it:

He that breaks a thing to find out what it is has left the path of wisdom.

– J. R.R. Tolkien, Spoken by GandalfRate it:

He that can have patience can have what he will.

– Benjamin FranklinRate it:

He that can heroically endure adversity will bear prosperity with equal greatest of the soul; for the mind that cannot be dejected by the former is not likely to be transported without the latter.

– Henry FieldingRate it:

He that can heroically endure adversity will bear prosperity with equal greatness of the soul; for the mind that cannot be dejected by the former is not likely to be transported without the latter.

– Henry FieldingRate it:

He that can live alone resembles the brute beast in nothing, the sage in much, and God in everything.

– Baltasar GracianRate it:

He that can't endure the bad, will not live to see the good.

– Jewish ProverbRate it:

He that cannot decidedly say, "No," when tempted to evil, is on the highway to ruin. He loses the respect even of those who would tempt him, and becomes but the pliant tool and victim of their evil designs.

– J. HawesRate it:

He that cannot forgive others, breaks the bridge over which he himself must pass if he would ever reach heaven; for everyone has need to be forgiven.

– Lord HerbertRate it:

He that cannot reason is a fool. He that will not is a bigot. He that dare not is a slave.

– Andrew CarnegieRate it:

He that climbs the tall tree has won right to the fruit.

– Sir Walter ScottRate it:

He that commends me to mine own content Commends me to the thing I cannot get.

– William Shakespeare, A Comedy of ErrorsRate it:

He that complies against his will, is of his own opinion still.

– Samuel ButlerRate it:

He that dies a martyr proves that he was not a knave, but by no means that he was not a fool.

– Charles Caleb ColtonRate it:

He that dies pays all debts.

– William Shakespeare, "The Tempest", Act 3 scene 2Rate it:

He that does not ask will never get a bargain.

– French ProverbRate it:

He that embarks on the voyage of life will always wish to advance rather by the impulse of the wind than the strokes of the oar; and many foulder in their passage; while they lie waiting for the gale.

– JohnsonRate it:

He that fails in his endeavors after wealth or power will not long retain either honesty or courage.

– Samuel JohnsonRate it:

He that falls by himself never cries.

– Turkish ProverbRate it:

He that falls in love with himself will have no rivals.

– Benjamin FranklinRate it:

He that falls into sin is a man; that grieves at it, is a saint; that boasteth of it, is a devil.

– Thomas FullerRate it:

He that fears your presence will hate you absence.

– Thomas FullerRate it:

He that feeds upon charity has a cold dinner and no supper.

– ProverbRate it:

He that first cries out stop thief, is often he that has stolen the treasure.

– William CongreveRate it:

He that gives should never remember, he that receives should never forget.

– The TalmudRate it:

He that has acquired learning and nor practised what he has learnt, is like a man who ploughs but sows no seed.

– Saadi, On the Duties of SocietyRate it:

He that has done you a kindness will be more ready to do you another, than he whom you yourself have obliged.

– Benjamin FranklinRate it:

He that has given today may, if he so please, take away tomorrow.

– HoraceRate it:

He that has no charity deserves no mercy.

– English ProverbRate it:

He that has not religion to govern his morality, is not a dram better than my mastiff-dog; so long as you stroke him, and please him, and do not pinch him, he will play with you as finely as may be, he is a very good moral mastiff; but if you hurt him, he will fly in your face, and tear out your throat.

– John SeldenRate it:

He that has one eye is a prince among those that have none.

– Thomas FullerRate it:

He that holds fast the golden mean, And lives contentedly between The little and the great, Feels not the want that pinch the poor, Nor plagues that haunt the rich man's door.

– William CowperRate it:

He that holds fast the golden mean, And lives contentedly between The little and the great, Feels not the wants that pinch the poor, Nor plagues that haunt the rich man?s door, Embittering all his state.

– HoraceRate it:

He that is afraid of the devil does not grow rich.

– Famous ProverbRate it:

He that is ambitious of fame destroys it. He that increaseth not his knowledge diminishes it. He that uses the crown of learning as an instrument of gain will pass away.

– The TalmudRate it:

He that is busy is tempted by but one devil; he that is idle, by a legion.

– Thomas Fuller, Gnomologia, 1732Rate it:

He that is cruel to his own will not be cruel to others.

– Vikrant ParsaiRate it:

He that is down can fall no lower.

– Samuel ButlerRate it:

He that is giddy thinks the world turns round.

– William Shakespeare, Taming of the ShrewRate it:

He that is good at making excuses is seldom good at anything else.

– Benjamin FranklinRate it:

He that is good for making excuses is seldom good for anything else.

– Benjamin FranklinRate it:

He that is kind is free, though he is a slave; he that is evil is a slave, though he be a king.

– Augustine of HippoRate it:

He that is not open to conviction, is not qualified for discussion.

– Richard WhatelyRate it:

He that is of a merry heart hasth a continual feast.

– Biblical ProverbRate it:

He that is of the opinion money will do everything may well be suspected of doing everything for money.

– Benjamin FranklinRate it:

He that is proud of riches is a fool. For if he is exalted above his neighbors because he has more gold, how much inferior is he to a gold mine.

– Jeremy TaylorRate it:

He that is rich will not be called a fool.

– Vikrant ParsaiRate it:

He that is robb'd, not wanting what is stolen, Let him not know 't, and he's not robb'd at all.

– William ShakespeareRate it:

He that is slow to anger is better than the mighty and he that ruleth his spirit than he that taketh a city.

– Book of ProverbsRate it:

He that is soon angry dealeth foolishly...

– Book of ProverbsRate it:

He that jokes confesses.

– Italian ProverbRate it:

He that knows himself, knows others; and he that is ignorant of himself, could not write a very profound lecture on other men's heads.

– Charles Caleb ColtonRate it:

He that lies down with dogs, shall rise up with fleas.

– Benjamin FranklinRate it:

He that lives in a glass house must not throw stones.

– English ProverbRate it:

He that lives on hope will die fasting.

– American ProverbRate it:

He that lives upon hope will die fasting.

– Benjamin FranklinRate it:

He that loves the law will get his fill of it.

– Scottish ProverbRate it:

He that loveth a book will never want a faithful friend, a wholesome counsellor, a cheerful companion, an effectual comforter.

– Dr. Isaac BarrowRate it:

He that maketh haste to be rich shall not be innocent.

– Biblical ProverbRate it:

He that never changes his opinions, never corrects his mistakes, will never be wiser on the morrow than he is today.

– Tryon EdwardsRate it:

He that plants trees loves others beside himself.

– Thomas FullerRate it:

He that plants trees loves others besides himself.

– English ProverbRate it:

He that promises most will perform least.

– Gaelic ProverbRate it:

He that rectifies a crooked stick bends it the contrary way, so must he that would reform a vice learn to affect its mere contrary, and in time he shall see the springing blossoms of a happy restoration.

– R ChamberlainRate it:

He that respects himself is safe from others. He wears a coat of mail that none can pierce.

– Henry Wadsworth LongfellowRate it:

He that seeks trouble never misses.

– French ProverbRate it:

He that speaketh against his own reason speaks against his own conscience, and therefore it is certain that no man serves God with a good conscience who serves him against his reason.

– Jeremy TaylorRate it:

He that thinks himself the wisest is generally the least so.

– Charles Caleb ColtonRate it:

He that troubleth his own household shall inherit the wind ..... etc.

– bibleRate it:

He that visits the sick in hopes of a legacy, but is never so friendly in all other cases, I look upon him as being no better than a raven that watches a weak sheep only to peck out its eyes.

– Lucius Annaeus SenecaRate it:

He that will be angry for anything will be angry for nothing.

– SallustRate it:

He that will believe only what he can fully comprehend must have a long head or a very short creed.

– C. C. ColtonRate it:

He that will give himself to all manner of ways to get money may be rich; so he that lets fly all he knows or thinks may by chance be satirically witty. Honesty sometimes keeps a man from growing rich, and civility from being witty.

– John SeldenRate it:

He that will learn to pray, let him go to sea.

– George HerbertRate it:

He that will not apply new remedies must expect new evils for time is the greatest innovator.

– Francis BaconRate it:

He that will not apply new remedies must expect new evils; for time is the greatest innovator.

– Sir Francis BaconRate it:

He that will not sail till all dangers are over must never put to sea.

– Thomas FullerRate it:

He that would be a leader must be a bridge.

– Welsh ProverbRate it:

He that would build lastingly must lay his foundation low. The proud man, like the early shoots of a new-felled coppice, thrusts out full of sap, green in leaves, and fresh in colour, but bruises and breaks with every wind, is nipped with every little cold, and, being top-heavy, is wholly unfit for use. Whereas the humble man retains it in the root, can abide the winter?s killing blast, the ruffling concussions of the wind, and can endure far more than that which appears so flourishing.

– FelthamRate it:

He that would live in peace and at ease, must not speak all he knows nor judge all he sees.

– Benjamin FranklinRate it:

He that would make his own liberty secure must guard even his enemy from oppression; for if he violates this duty he establishes a precedent that will reach to himself.

– Thomas PaineRate it:

He that wrestles with us strengthens our nerves and sharpens our skill. Our antagonist in our helper.

– Edmund BurkeRate it:

He the best

– Chris StoutRate it:

He then learns that in going down into the secrets of his own mind he has descended into the secrets of all minds.

– Ralph Waldo EmersonRate it:

He thought others were small; that was his greatness.

– Dejan StojanovicRate it:

He told his side of the story, and she told hers. Truth was somewhere in between

– Deodatta V. Shenai-KhatkhateRate it:

He told the Washington Post that “We’ve reduced our exposure and we’ve significantly reduced our casualties,” he said. “I just don’t think the investment of 3,000 troops is too much to keep what we’ve gained in 20 years.”

– Mick MulroyRate it:

He took his key. It turned in the lock to the sounds of Aeolian music. A door opened upon slow hinges, and disclosed a winding stair within. The key vanished from his fingers. Tangle went up. Mossy followed. The door closed behind them. They climbed out of the earth; and, still climbing, rose above it. They were in the rainbow. Far abroad, over ocean and land, they could see through ours transparent walls the earth beneath their get. Stairs beside stairs wound up together, and beautiful beings of all ages climbed along with them. They knew that they were going up to the country whence the shadows fall And by this time I think they must have got there.

– George Mac DonaldRate it:

He took the word in his pocket, and the gift in his heart. Then he closed the door. Christmas was starting. (Il prit le mot dans sa poche, et le cadeau dans son cœur. Puis il ferma la porte. Noël commençait.)”

– Charles de LEUSSERate it:

He travels safe and not unpleasantly who is guarded by poverty and guided by love.

– Sir P SidneyRate it:

He tries to find the exit from himself but there is no door.

– Dejan StojanovicRate it:

He truly was my gift from God.

– CometanRate it:

He turned towards his companion and said: How did you find him? The other said : He is the richest who is content with the least !!

– Prof.Salam Al ShereidaRate it:

He turns all of his injuries into strengths, that which does not kill him makes him stronger, he is superman.

– Friedrich Wilhelm NietzscheRate it:

He types his labored column -- weary drudge! Senile fudge and solemn: spare, editor, to condemn these dry leaves of his autumn.

– Robertson DaviesRate it:

He understood that being of service to others takes you out of the smallness of your own issues and into the bigger realm of the heart.

– Lisa HaishaRate it:

He used to say that it was better to have one friend of great value than many friends who were good for nothing.

– Laertius DiogenesRate it:

He uses statistics as a drunken man uses lampposts -- for support rather than for illumination.

– Andrew LangRate it:

He waited for the mask to drop off, but at the same time he did not question her right to wear it.

– F. Scott FitzgeraldRate it:

He was a bold man that first ate an oyster.

– Jonathan SwiftRate it:

He was a genius - that is to say, a man who does superlatively and without obvious effort something that most people cannot do by the uttermost exertion of their abilities.

– Robertson DaviesRate it:

He was a man, take him for all in all, I shall not look upon his like again.

– William Shakespeare, "Hamlet", Act 1 scene 2Rate it:

He was a true friend, he stabbed me in the front.

– UnknownRate it:

He was a wise man who invented God.

– PlatoRate it:

He was a wise man who originated the idea of God.

– EuripidesRate it:

He was an old sock and she was a glass slipper

– William ParsonsRate it:

He was as fresh as is the month of May.

– ChaucerRate it:

He was born an Englishman and remained one for years.

– Brendan BehanRate it:

He was born with a gift of laughter and a sense that the world was mad,

– Rafael SabatiniRate it:

He was burned, so he ran into the bamboo grove, but the grove caught fire.

– Punjabi proverb, Translated by Gurinder Singh MannRate it:

He was guilty of nothing, except that he earned his own fortune and never forgot that it was his.

– Ayn Rand, Atlas ShruggedRate it:

He was my friend, faithful, and just to me, but Brutus says, he was ambitious, and Brutus is an honorable man. He hath brought many captives home to Rome, whose ransoms did the general coffers fill. Did this in Caesar seem ambitious. When the poor have cried, Caesar hath wept. Ambition should me made of sterner stuff, yet Brutus says, he was ambitious and Brutus is an honorable man.

– William ShakespeareRate it:

He was one of those men who possess almost every gift, except the gift of the power to use them.

– Charles KingsleyRate it:

He was so benevolent, so merciful a man that, in his mistaken passion, he would have held an umbrella over a duck in a shower of rain.

– Douglas William JerroldRate it:

He was so learned that he could name a horse in nine languages so ignorant that he bought a cow to ride on.

– Benjamin FranklinRate it:

He was so narrow-minded he could see through a keyhole with two eyes.

– Black ElkRate it:

He was so poor that he couldn’t afford a funeral that’s why he is still alive.

– Vikrant ParsaiRate it:

He was then in his fifty-fourth year, when even in the case of poets reason and passion begin to discuss a peace treaty and usually conclude it not very long afterwards.

– G. C. LichtenbergRate it:

he was way too low

– Gilbert DolwickRate it:

He was, first and last, the born fighter, to whom the consciousness of being matched against a great adversary suffices and who can dispense with success. Life for him was an adventure, perilous indeed, but men are not made for safe havens. The fullness of life is in the hazards of life. And, at the worst, there is that in us which can turn defeat into victory.

– Edith HamiltonRate it:

He wears his faith but as the fashion of his hat.

– William ShakespeareRate it:

He who actually works at home like a donkey at the behest of his spouse does basically his job like an ass as an employee in the business house. He could neither be creative like imaginative/ inventive/ innovative nor ever effective like positive/proactive/productive, but can easily endure every humiliation in the private organization and so often stays for over ten years at the single workplace. He spends time with a single objective to make merely money in the company only for his wife throughout his life.

– Anuj SomanyRate it:

He who adores his mother-in-law is perhaps bigger fool than a man who is admired by his mother-in-law.

– Anuj SomanyRate it:

He who allows himself to be insulted, deserves to be.

– Pierre CorneilleRate it:

He who angers you conquers you.

– Elizabeth KennyRate it:

He who ashamed of his poverty would be equally proud of his wealth.

– Author UnknownRate it:

He who asks a question is a fool for five minutes he who does not ask a question remains a fool forever.

– Chinese ProverbRate it:

He who asks a question may be a fool for five minutes, but he who never asks a question remains a fool forever.

– Tom J. ConnellyRate it:

He who asks is a fool for five minutes, but he who does not ask remains a fool forever.

– Chinese proverbRate it:

He who awaits much can expect little.

– Gabriel García MárquezRate it:

He who awakens is conscious in Dreamland.

– Luke SimmonsRate it:

He who begins by loving Christianity better than truth will proceed by loving his own sect or church better than Christianity, and end in loving himself better than all.

– Samuel Taylor ColeridgeRate it:

He who begins many things finishes but few.

– Italian ProverbRate it:

He who believes himself wiser than God has barely embarked on the journey to understand the virtue of Wisdom. The fool, in his arrogance, deems himself too clever, and yet God maintains a silent laughter at the folly of such conceit. True wisdom lies in humble acknowledgment, for in humility, one opens the door to the profound lessons that God's silent laughter imparts.

– Christen KuikouaRate it:

He who believes in the fate accepts the collar in his neck!

– Mehmet Murat ildanRate it:

He who believes in the words of a dictator is the king of the fools!

– Mehmet Murat ildanRate it:

He who bestows his goods upon the poor shall have as much again, and ten times more.

– John BunyanRate it:

He who binds to himself a joy Does the winged life destroy But he who kisses the joy as it flies Lives in eternity's sun rise.

– William BlakeRate it:

He who blinded by ambition, raises himself to a position whence he cannot mount higher, must thereafter fall with the greatest loss.

– Niccolo MachiavelliRate it:

He who boasts of his ancestry is praising the deeds of another.

– SenecaRate it:

He who boasts of his ancestry praises the merits of another.

– Lucius Annaeus SenecaRate it:

He who borrows will have to pay again with shame or loss.

– Vikrant ParsaiRate it:

He who builds a better mousetrap these days runs into material shortages, patent-infringement suits, work stoppages, collusive bidding, discount discrimination--and taxes.

– H. E. MartzRate it:

He who builds a better mousetrap these days runs into material shortages, patent-infringement suits, work stoppages, collusive bidding, discount discrimination--and taxes."

– H. E. MartzRate it:

He who can feel ashamed will not readily do wrong.

– The TalmudRate it:

He who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead his eyes are closed.

– Albert EinsteinRate it:

He who can relate to all is he who will go further than any other.

– CometanRate it:

He who can say SORRY often for others’ mistake and feels no shame to be in Slavery is fit to marry to spend long time with his wife in the personal life & on the professional front could have a lengthy journey in a private sector company.

– Anuj SomanyRate it:

He who can suppress a moment's anger may prevent a day of sorrow.

– Tryon EdwardsRate it:

He who can't endure the bad will not live to see the good.

– Yiddish ProverbRate it:

He who can, does. He who cannot teaches.

– George Bernard ShawRate it:

He who can, does. He who cannot, teaches.

– George Bernard ShawRate it:

He who cannot agree with his enemies is controlled by them.

– Chinese ProverbRate it:

He who cannot be a good follower cannot be a good leader.

– AristotleRate it:

He who cannot forgive breaks the bridge over which he himself must pass.

– George HerbertRate it:

He who cannot forgive others breaks the bridge over which he must pass himself.

– George HerbertRate it:

He who cannot limit himself will never know how to write.

– Nicolas Boileau-DespréauxRate it:

He who cannot rest, cannot work he who cannot let go, cannot hold on he who cannot find footing, cannot go forward.

– Richard Willard ArmourRate it:

He who carries out one good deed acquires one advocate in his own behalf, and he who commits one transgression acquires one accuser against himself. Repentance and good works are like a shield against calamity.

– The TalmudRate it:

He who carries the word “no” with him will never be poor even when he is old.

– Vikrant ParsaiRate it:

He who ceases to learn cannot adequately teach.

– UnknownRate it:

He who challenges me, praises me!

– john barry weberRate it:

He who challenges the God in his dying bed is indisputably the most courageous man, but not the cleverest one!

– Mehmet Murat ildanRate it:

He who cherishes the values of culture cannot fail to be a pacifist.

– Albert EinsteinRate it:

He who chooses the beginning of a road chooses the place it leads to. It is the means that determine the end.

– Harry Emerson FosdickRate it:

He who chooses the beginning of the road chooses the place it leads to. It is the means that determines the end.

– Harry Emerson FosdickRate it:

He who comes first, eats first. Familiar as First come first served.

– Eike von RepkowRate it:

He who comes first, eats first. [Familiar as: First come first served.]

– Eike von RepkowRate it:

He who comes to a conclusion when the other side is unheard, may have been just in his conclusion, but yet has not been just in his conduct.

– Lucius Annaeus SenecaRate it:

He who confers a favor should at once forget it, if he is not to show a sordid ungenerous spirit. To remind a man of a kindness conferred and to talk of it, is little different from reproach.

– DemosthenesRate it:

He who conquers others is strong; He who conquers himself is mighty.

– Lao TzuRate it:

He who consistently plans each day will journey successfully through all of life's years.

– Drew Eric WhitmanRate it:

He who controls the past commands the future. He who commands the future conquers the past.

– George OrwellRate it:

He who controls the past controls the future.

– George Orwell, "Nineteen Eighty-Four"Rate it:

He who controls the present, controls the pen that records the past and thus is the owner of the brush that paints the future.

– Terpsichore LindemanRate it:

He who could actually see would believe only that which is seen through his soul and not that which is shown through mass campaign by media like newspaper, portal and tv.

– Anuj SomanyRate it:

He who dances on his wedding day has lost all his senses.

– Anuj SomanyRate it:

He who demands mercy and shows none burns the bridges over which he himself must later pass.

– Thomas AdamsRate it:

He who desires is always poor.

– ClaudianusRate it:

He who desires less has less worries; he who desires more has more worries.

– Matshona DhliwayoRate it:

He who desires nothing, hopes for nothing, and is afraid of nothing, cannot be an artist.

– Anton Pavlovich ChekhovRate it:

He who desires to make something does not announce his intentions, just turns them into actions.

– ProverbRate it:

He who desires, but acts not, breeds pestilence.

– William BlakeRate it:

He who despairs over an event is a coward, but he who holds hope for the human condition is a fool.

– Albert CamusRate it:

He who despises himself esteems himself as a self-despiser.

– Friedrich NietzscheRate it:

He who devises evil for another falls at last into his own pit, and the most cunning finds himself caught by what he had prepared for another. But virtue without guile, erect like the lofty palm, rises with greater vigour when it is oppressed.

– MetastasioRate it:

He who did for the first time to go down on own knees to please a woman might be one of the most lecherous and treacherous persons of that time.

– Anuj SomanyRate it:

He who dies a thousand deaths meets the final hour with the calmness of one who approaches a well remembered door.

– Heywood BrownRate it:

He who dies with no friends cannot make friends after death.

– AnonymousRate it:

He who dies with the most toys is, nonetheless, still dead.

– AnonymousRate it:

He who displays publicly his love or praise often for his girlfriend or wife is either mentally sick or playing the trick to befool the spectators and most probably cheating her only.

– Anuj SomanyRate it:

He who divides and shares is left with the best share.

– Mexican ProverbRate it:

He who does good and throw it in the Nile will be rewarded by God in the desert.

– Vikrant ParsaiRate it:

He who does not attempt to make peace When small discords arise, Is like the bee's hive which leaks drops of honey Soon, the whole hive collapses.

– Siddha NagarjunaRate it:

He who does not bellow the truth when he knows the truth makes himself the accomplice of liars and forgers.

– Charles PeguyRate it:

He who does not care for Heaven but is contented where he is, is already in Heaven.

– H Hahn BlavatskyRate it:

He who does not desire power is fit to hold it.

– PlatoRate it:

He who does not have the church as his mother does not have God as his Father.

– Saint AugustineRate it:

He who does not have the courage to speak up for his rights cannot earn the respect of others.

– Ren G. TorresRate it:

He who does not hope to win has already lost.

– Jose Joaquin de OlmedoRate it:

He who does not know how to be silent will not know how to speak.

– AusoniusRate it:

He who does not know how to walk cannot climb a ladder.

– Vikrant ParsaiRate it:

He who does not know wisdom thinks that ignorance is knowledge.”

– Wesley D'Amico Rate it:

He who does not think too much of himself is much more esteemed than he imagines.

– GoetheRate it:

He who does not understand your silence will probably not understand your words.

– Elbert HubbardRate it:

He who does not venture has no luck.

– Mexican ProverbRate it:

He who does not walk against the arrows cannot talk about the strength of his shield!

– Mehmet Murat ildanRate it:

He who does not want to ruin own married life should disconnect, from the very first day of their wedding, all communication lines that make his wife to converse with her mother regularly.

– Anuj SomanyRate it:

He who does without the praise of the crowd will not deny himself an opportunity to be his own adherent.

– Karl KrausRate it:

He who doesn't go to temple in bad weather will go to hell when it is fair.

– Vikrant ParsaiRate it:

He who doesn't know and doesn"t know that he doesn't know doesn"t know that he is a fool the man who never makes a single mistake is the man who never tries

– itsekor damilolaRate it:

He who doesn't risk never gets to drink champagne.

– Assyrian ProverbRate it:

He who doesn't see self-respect in life goes down on his knee to propose girl to be her boyfriend or life partner and such guys can perhaps never be trustworthy

– Anuj SomanyRate it:

He who doesn’t know what life is knows nothing.

– Vikrant ParsaiRate it:

He who endeavors to serve, to benefit, and improve the world, is like a swimmer, who struggles against a rapid current, in a river lashed into angry waves by the winds. Often they roar over his head, often they beat him back and baffle him. Most men yield to the stress of the current... Only here and there the stout, strong heart and vigorous arms struggle on toward ultimate success.

– Albert PikeRate it:

He who escaped death must have a missed call from heaven.

– Mwanandeke KindemboRate it:

He who establishes his argument by noise and command shows that his reason is weak.

– Michel de MontaigneRate it:

He who esteems trifles for themselves is a trifler; he who esteems them for the conclusions to be drawn from them, or the advantage to which they can be put, is a philosopher.

– Edward Bulwer-LyttonRate it:

He who every morning plans the transaction of the day and follows out that plan, carries a thread that will guide him through the maze of the most busy life. But where no plan is laid, where the disposal of time is surrendered merely to the chance of incidence, chaos will soon reign.

– Victor HugoRate it:

He who exercises government by means of his virtue may be compared to the north polar star, which keeps its place and all the stars turn towards it.

– ConfuciusRate it:

He who expects the respect from others for himself could neither get along well with any woman especially his wife nor can stay for a long period in a job of any organization in his life.

– Anuj SomanyRate it:

He who explains things to an intelligent person need not tire himself out talking.

– Vikrant ParsaiRate it:

He who fails to question is asking for trouble.

– Paul AubuchonRate it:

He who falls in love with himself will have no rivals Himself.

– Ben FranklinRate it:

He who fears being conquered is sure of defeat.

– NapoleonRate it:

He who fears he will suffer, already suffers because of his fear.

– Michel Eyquem de MontaigneRate it:

He who fears something gives it power over him.

– Moorish ProverbRate it:

He who fears the Lord, has nothing to fear.

– Jacqueline JobRate it:

He who feels no compassion will become insane.

– Hasidic SayingRate it:

He who fights monsters should look into it that he himself does not become a monster. When you gaze long into the Abyss, the Abyss also gazes into you.

– Friedrich NeitzscheRate it:

He who fights too long against dragons becomes a dragon himself; and if you gaze too long into the abyss, the abyss will gaze into you.

– Friedrich NietzscheRate it:

He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.

– Friedrich NietzscheRate it:

He who finds Fortune on his side should go briskly ahead, for she is wont to favor the bold.

– Baltasar GracianRate it:

He who flees will fight again...

– TertullianRate it:

He who formerly was reckless and afterwards became sober brightens up this world like the moon when freed from clouds.

– The DhammapadaRate it:

He who frees a bird from its cage is surely a holy person!

– Mehmet Murat ildanRate it:

He who gives charity anonymously is greater than moses.

– ProverbRate it:

He who gives what he would as readily throw away, gives without generosity; for the essence of generosity is in self sacrifice.

– Henry TaylorRate it:

He who goes down on his knee before a lady to propose own love for her is either a crook & crafty or has his mind completely empty. She who enjoys such man's activity is highly selfish & self-centered who just takes pride of her facial beauty. Remember, such men and women are plenty in numbers in our society. but the reality is that none of them is actually trustworthy.

– Anuj SomanyRate it:

He who goes down on own knees before a woman to either please or propose his love to her, hardly sees as how many people tease him only through their support to this picture on his social media post.

– Anuj SomanyRate it:

He who goes unenvied shall not be admired.

– AeschylusRate it:

He who has a pretty looking wife has to keep a hawk eye also on the watchman of his house.

– Anuj SomanyRate it:

He who has a thousand friends has not a friend to spare, And he who has one enemy will meet him everywhere.

– Ali ibn-Abi-TalibRate it:

He who has a thousand friends has not a friend to spare,And he who has one enemy will meet him everywhere.

– Ali ibn-Abi-Talib, A Hundred SayingsRate it:

He who has a thousand friendsHas not a friend to spare,While he who has one enemyShall meet him everywhere.

– Ralph Waldo EmersonRate it:

He who has a vehement desire for posthumous fame does not consider that every one of those who remember him will himself also die very soon.

– Marcus AureliusRate it:

He who has achieved success has worked well, laughed often and loved much.

– Elbert HubbardRate it:

He who has actually suffered humiliation in own life despite being nice to others is a lexicon of wise words.

– Anuj SomanyRate it:

He who has actually worked sincerely and diligently in a private company can tell quite well how the hell on earth look like.

– Anuj SomanyRate it:

He who has an opinion of his own, but depends on the opinion and tastes of others is a slave.

– KlopstockRate it:

He who has been bitten by a snake fears a piece of string.

– Persian ProverbRate it:

He who has been denied any increment or promotion in spite of his spending three years or more in the private organization, is most likely to be not indulging in any such activities like office politics,idle gossiping, back- biting colleagues, buttering seniors/boss and might be just doing work diligently and sincerely in the interest of the company.

– Anuj SomanyRate it:

He who has begun has half done. Dare to be wise begin

– HoraceRate it:

He who has begun has half done. Dare to be wise; begin!

– Horace, EpistlesRate it:

He who has done evil, expects evil.

– ProverbRate it:

He who has done his best for his own time has lived for all times.

– Johann von SchillerRate it:

He who has given satisfaction to the best of his time has lived for ages.

– SchillerRate it:

He who has gone, so we but cherish his memory, abides with us, more potent, nay, more present than the living man.

– Antoine De Saint-ExuperyRate it:

He who has got rid of the disease ‘Tomorrow’ has the possibility to attain what he is here for.

– George GurdjieffRate it:

He who has great power should use it lightly.

– Lucius Annaeus SenecaRate it:

He who has health has hope and he who has hope, has everything.

– Arabic ProverbRate it:

He who has his purse full preaches to the poor man.

– ProverbRate it:

He who has imagination without learning has feet but no wings.

– Joseph JoubertRate it:

He who has injured thee was either stronger or weaker than thee. If weaker, spare him if stronger, spare thyself.

– William ShakespeareRate it:

He who has injured thee was either stronger or weaker than thee. If weaker, spare him; if stronger, spare thyself.

– William ShakespeareRate it:

He who has injured thee was stronger or weaker than thee. If weaker, spare him if stronger, spare thyself.

– Lucius Annaeus SenecaRate it:

He who has left a rogue behind him, has made a good day's journey.

– ProverbRate it:

He who has lost honor can lose nothing more.

– Publilius SyrusRate it:

He who has many friends has many foes flourishing under his own nose and they punch big blows on his face only during the phase of his life's lows.

– Anuj SomanyRate it:

He who has more learning than goodness is like a tree with many branches and few roots, which the first wind throws down; whilst he whose works are greater than his knowledge is like a tree with many roots and fewer branches, which all the winds of heaven cannot uproot.

– The TalmudRate it:

He who has never envied the vegetable has missed the human drama.

– E.M. CioranRate it:

He who has never failed somewhere. . . that man can not be great.

– Herman MelvilleRate it:

He who has never hoped can never despair.

– George Bernard ShawRate it:

He who has no house of his own is everywhere at home.

– Vikrant ParsaiRate it:

He who has no shame before the world has no fear before God.

– Vikrant ParsaiRate it:

He who has not a good memory should never take upon himself the trade of lying.

– Michel de MontaigneRate it:

He who has not Christmas in his heart will never meet an angel.

– Sir Kristian Goldmund AumannRate it:

He who has not first laid his foundations may be able with great ability to lay them afterwards, but they will be laid with trouble to the architect and danger to the building.

– Niccolo MachiavelliRate it:

He who has not looked on Sorrow will never see Joy.

– Kahlil GibranRate it:

He who has nothing and wants something is less frustrated than he who has something and wants more.

– Eric Hoffer, True Believer or Theory of leisure classRate it:

He who has nothing to die for has nothing to live for.

– Moroccan ProverbRate it:

He who has nothing to do, scatters and gathers.

– ProverbRate it:

He who has one foot in a brothel, has the other in a hospital.

– ProverbRate it:

He who has spent billions on churches, on mosques and on every kind of sanctuaries is guilty of not giving that money to the science! The path of sanctuary does not lead to God; the path of the faith does not lead to God; only the path of science leads to God! The bridge between man and the unknown God is not worshipping but it is science, only the science!

– Mehmet Murat ildanRate it:

He who has the pepper may season as he lists.

– George HerbertRate it:

He who has wealth has friends; he who has wealth has relations; he who has wealth is a hero among the people; he who has wealth is even a sage.

– The HitopadesaRate it:

He who hasn't hacked assemply language as a youth has no heart. He who does as an adult has no brain.

– John MooreRate it:

He who hastens to be rich will not be without fault.

– ProverbRate it:

He who hates he will suffer,already suffers because he hates.

– Prof.Salam Al ShereidaRate it:

He who hesitates is a damned fool.

– Mae WestRate it:

He who hesitates is not only lost, but miles from the next exit.

– UnknownRate it:

He who hesitates is sometimes saved.

– James ThurberRate it:

He who hits and runs away, lives to fight another day.

– Muhammad AliRate it:

He who hurries can not walk with dignity.

– Chinese ProverbRate it:

He who ignores discipline despises himself, but whoever heeds correction gains understanding.

– Book of ProverbsRate it:

He who influences the thought of his times influences the times that follow.

– Elbert HubbardRate it:

He who is a slave to his stomach seldom worships God.

– SaadiRate it:

He who is able to lift heavy weights is strong; he who is able to carry heavy burdens is great.

– Matshona DhliwayoRate it:

He who is accustomed to evil is offended by good.

– Vikrant ParsaiRate it:

He who is afraid to ask is ashamed of learning.

– Danish proverbRate it:

He who is afraid to die, has already died.

– Vikrant ParsaiRate it:

He who is always his own counselor will often have a fool for his client.

– HunterRate it:

He who is calm disturbs neither himself nor others.

– EpicurusRate it:

He who is caught in a lie is not believed when he tells the truth.

– Spanish ProverbRate it:

He who is decade-old, blissfully married/salaried employee with a single employer may use deftly his hand in work but not usually own brain/head.

– Anuj SomanyRate it:

He who is drowned is not troubled by the rain.

– Chinese ProverbRate it:

He who is dying of hunger must be fed rather than taught.

– Saint Thomas AquinasRate it:

He who is everybody’s friend is either very poor or very rich.

– Vikrant ParsaiRate it:

He who is everywhere is nowhere except God.

– Vikrant ParsaiRate it:

He who is foolish finds disaster

– Chinese ProverbRate it:

He who is full of faith and modesty, who shrinks from sin, and is full of learning, who is diligent, unremiss, and full of understanding?he, being replete with these seven things, is esteemed a wise man.

– Burmese ProverbRate it:

He who is full of joy is full of great riches; he who is full of love is full of endless riches.

– Matshona DhliwayoRate it:

He who is greedy is disgraced; he who discloses his hardship will always be humiliated; he who has no control over his tongue will often have to face discomfort.

– Hazrat Ali Ibn-e- Abi Talib, Nahj-ul-Balagha (Sermon and sayings compilation)Rate it:

He who is honest rarely trusts anybody but who is not, trusts everybody.

– Vikrant ParsaiRate it:

He who is in love is wise and is becoming wiser, sees newly every time he looks at the object beloved, drawing from it with his eyes and his mind those virtues which it possesses.

– Ralph Waldo EmersonRate it:

He who is in love with himself has at least this advantage he won't encounter many rivals.

– G. C. LichtenbergRate it:

He who is in the habit of sitting in the shade will not take an axe to the tree.

– Vikrant ParsaiRate it:

He who is loyal to his wife lives own life like a true royal and intelligent, but she loves to rule the house like a queen so obviously likes only a king as her husband who is fool and dormant.

– Anuj SomanyRate it:

He who is near the Church is often far from God.

– French ProverbRate it:

He who is neither afraid of the wolves nor hurts the lambs, He is called a great man!

– Mehmet Murat ildanRate it:

He who is not aware of his ignorance will only be misled by his knowledge.

– Richard WhatleyRate it:

He who is not contented with what he has, would not be contented with what he would like to have.

– SocratesRate it:

He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life.

– Muhammad AliRate it:

He who is not everyday conquering some fear has not learned the secret of life.

– Ralph Waldo EmersonRate it:

He who is not grateful for the good things he has won’t be happy with the things he wishes he had.

– Vikrant ParsaiRate it:

He who is not impatient is not in love.

– Italian ProverbRate it:

He who is not very strong in memory should not meddle with lying.

– Michel de MontaigneRate it:

He who is of a calm and happy nature will hardly feel the pressure of age, but to him who is of an opposite disposition youth and age are equally a burden.

– PlatoRate it:

He who is often happy with his spouse might be enjoying outside own house; She who is mostly happy with her spouse must have got a timid mouse quality in him.

– Anuj SomanyRate it:

He who is only just is cruel. Who on earth could live were all judged justly

– George Gordon ByronRate it:

He who is outside his door already has a hard part of his journey behind him.

– Dutch ProverbRate it:

He who is slave to his spouse spends often a long tenure as an employee in the private corporate house because in both the places the servitude is only considered the right attitude.

– Anuj SomanyRate it:

He who is slave to his wife starts digging own grave from the first wedding night itself and it gets deeper by each passing day of his married life.

– Anuj SomanyRate it:

He who is slowest in making a promise is most faithful in its performance.

– Jean Jacques RousseauRate it:

He who is sorrowful can force himself to smile, but he who is glad cannot weep.

– Selma LagerloefRate it:

He who is strong does not need the right protection,he who is strong needs the right direction.


He who is strung doesn’t need a tongue.

– Volodymyr KnyrRate it:

He who is taught to live upon little owes more to his father's wisdom than he who has a great deal left him does to his father's care.

– William PennRate it:

He who is unable to live in society, or who has no need because he is sufficient for himself, must be either a beast or a god.

– AristotleRate it:

He who is void of love is void of power.

– Matshona DhliwayoRate it:

He who is wise is steps away from riches. He who is loving is steps away from God.

– Matshona DhliwayoRate it:

He who joyfully marches in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would suffice.

– Albert EinsteinRate it:

He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would fully suffice. This disgrace to civilization should be done away with at once. Heroism at command, senseless brutality, and all the loathsome nonsense that goes by the name of patriotism, how violently I hate all this, how despicable and ignoble war is I would rather be torn to shreds than be part of so base an action It is my conviction that killing under the cloak of war is nothing but an act of murder.

– Albert EinsteinRate it:

He who joyfully marches to music rank and file, has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice. This disgrace to civilization should be done away with at once. Heroism at command, how violently I hate all this, how despicable and ignoble war is; I would rather be torn to shreds than be a part of so base an action. It is my conviction that killing under the cloak of war is nothing but an act of murder.

– Albert EinsteinRate it:

He who kills a man kills a reasonable creature, but he who destroys a good book kills reason itself.

– John MiltonRate it:

He who kneels before woman to propose his love or present rose to her feels no shame to play dirty game in others life to even claim their work credits in his name.

– Anuj SomanyRate it:

He who knoweth the precepts by heart, but faileth to practice them, Is like unto one who lighteth a lamp and then shutteth his eyes.

– Siddha NagarjunaRate it:

He who knows does not speak. He who speaks does not know.

– Lao TzuRate it:

He who knows does not speak.He who speaks does not know.

– Lao-tzu, The Way of Lao-tzuRate it:

He who knows enough is enough will always have enough.

– Lao TzuRate it:

He who knows he is a fool is not the biggest fool He who knows he is confused is not in the worst confusion.

– Chuang-tzuRate it:

He who knows how to beg can always leave his money at home.

– Vikrant ParsaiRate it:

He who knows how to live, knows more than enough.

– Vikrant ParsaiRate it:

He who knows little quickly tells it.

– Italian ProverbRate it:

He who knows more is more responsible.

– Alireza Salehi NejadRate it:

He who knows no hardships will know no hardihood. He who faces no calamity will need no courage. Mysterious though it is, the characteristics in human nature which we love best grow in a soil with a strong mixture of troubles.

– Harry Emerson FosdickRate it:

He who knows not when he has enough, is poor.

– Vikrant ParsaiRate it:

He who knows nothing doubts nothing.

– Italian ProverbRate it:

He who knows nothing is as blind as him who cannot see.

– Vikrant ParsaiRate it:

He who knows only his own side of the case knows little of that. His reasons may be good, and no one may have been able to refute them. But if he is equally unable to refute the reasons on the opposite side, if he does not so much as know what they are, he has no ground for preferring either opinion.

– John Stewart MillRate it:

He who knows other men is discerning; he who knows himself is intelligent...

– LaoziRate it:

He who knows others is wise.He who knows himself is enlightened.

– Lao TzuRate it:

He who knows others is wise;He who know himself is enlightened.

– Lao-tzu, The Way of Lao-tzuRate it:

He who knows quotations can overcome any type of difficulty in life.

– Vikrant ParsaiRate it:

He who knows that enough is enough will always have enough.

– Lao-TzuRate it:

He who knows that he doesn't know, knows what he needs to know.

– Vikrant ParsaiRate it:

He who knows the surface of the earth and the topography of a country only through the examination of like a man who learns the opera of Meyerbeer or Rossini by reading only reviews in the newspapers. The brush of landscape artists Lorrain, Ruysdael, or Calame can reproduce on canvas the sun's ray, the coolness of the heavens, the green of the fields, the majesty of the mountains...but what can never be stolen from Nature is that vivid impression that she alone can and knows how to impart--the music of the birds, the movement of the trees, the aroma peculiar to the place--the inexplicable something the traveller feels that cannot be defined and which seems to awaken in him distant memories of happy days, sorrows and joys gone by, never to return!

– Dr. Jose P. RizalRate it:

He who knows, knows. He who doesn’t know, learns.

– Vikrant ParsaiRate it:

He who labors diligently need never despair for all things are accomplished by diligence and labor.

– MenanderRate it:

He who labors diligently need never despair; for all things are accomplished by diligence and labor.

– MenanderRate it:

He who labours diligently need never despair. We can accomplish every thing by diligence and labour.

– MenanderRate it:

He who laughs and loves is always rich; he who sulks and hates is always poor!

– Mehmet Murat ildanRate it:

He who laughs has not yet heard the bad news.

– Bertolt BrechtRate it:

He who laughs last is generally the last to get the joke.

– Terry CohenRate it:

He who laughs, lasts

– Mary Pettibone PooleRate it:

He who laughs, lasts!

– Mary Pettibone PooleRate it:

He who learns but does not think, is lost He who thinks but does not learn is in great danger.

– ConfuciusRate it:

He who learns but does not think, is lost! He who thinks but does not learn is in great danger.

– ConfuciusRate it:

He who learns must suffer. And even in our sleep pain that cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart, and in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom to us by the awful grace of God.

– AeschylusRate it:

He who leaves a good name does not die poor.

– Vikrant ParsaiRate it:

He who leaves and then returns will have a good trip.

– Vikrant ParsaiRate it:

He who lets the world, or his own portion of it, choose his plan of life for him, has no need of any other faculty than the ape-like one of imitation. He who chooses his plan for himself, employs all his faculties. He must use observation to see, reasoning and judgment to foresee, activity to gather materials for decision, discrimination to decide, and when he has decided, firmness and self-control to hold to his deliberate decision.

– John Stuart Mill, On Liberty, 1859Rate it:

He who lets WWW i.e Women, Wine, Wealth to occupy his mind-space loses own common sense. We can find such man's reference in the history in abundance.

– Anuj SomanyRate it:

He who limps -still walks.

– Do not rememberRate it:

He who limps is still walking.

– Stanislaw LecRate it:

He who limps still walks.

– Stanislaw LecRate it:

He who listens and knows all will always guide me in my passions.

– CometanRate it:

He who listens to the advice of a woman is a fool.

– ProverbRate it:

He who lives by the sword, will eventually be wiped out by some bastard with a sawn off shotgun

– Steady EddyRate it:

He who lives in harmony with himself lives in harmony with the universe.

– Marcus AureliusRate it:

He who lives in solitude may make his own laws.

– Publilius SyrusRate it:

He who lives on hand to mouth situation should stay away from financial share market .Only high heeled make money.

– ProbarbRate it:

He who lives with heart can only read through own head between the lines about the hidden message conveyed via headlines and top news.

– Anuj SomanyRate it:

He who lives with hope is the one who makes the memory.

– Prof.Salam Al ShereidaRate it:

He who lives without folly is not so wise as he imagines.

– Francois De La RochefoucauldRate it:

He who lives without folly isn't so wise as he thinks.

– Francois de La RochefoucauldRate it:

He who loses faith, loses all.

– UnknownRate it:

He who loses money losses much. He who loses a friend loses more. But he who loses faith loses all.

– Henry H. HaskinsRate it:

He who loves 50 people has 50 woes, he who loves no one has no woes.

– BuddhaRate it:

He who loves a dictator is much more dangerous than the dictator himself.

– Mehmet Murat ildanRate it:

He who loves God cannot endeavor that God should love him in return.

– Baruch Spinoza, The EthicsRate it:

He who loves the world as his body may be entrusted with the empire.

– Lao TzuRate it:

He who loves, lives longer.

– Debasish Mridha, M.D.Rate it:

He who makes a beast of himself relieves himself the pain of being a man.

– Hunter S. ThompsonRate it:

He who merely knows right principles is not equal to him who loves them.

– ConfuciusRate it:

He who mixes with unclean things becomes unclean himself; he whose associations are pure becomes purer each day.

– The TalmudRate it:

He who multiplies riches multiplies cares.

– Benjamin FranklinRate it:

He who must die, must die in the dark, even though he sells candles.

– Colombian ProverbRate it:

He who never goes to your house doesn’t want you in his house.

– Vikrant ParsaiRate it:

He who never has enough, never has anything.

– Vikrant ParsaiRate it:

He who never made a mistake never made a discovery.

– Samuel SmilesRate it:

He who obeys his wife's advice often cries privately in life.

– Anuj SomanyRate it:

He who observes etiquette but objects to lying is like someone who dresses fashionably but wears no vest.

– Walter BenjaminRate it:

He who observes the infinite horizons will see the dangers before others.

– Mehmet Murat ildanRate it:

He who often kneels down before his wife can only stay long in his married life.

– Anuj SomanyRate it:

He who often praises highly and publicly about the women power can be usually seen to have at own house only daughters or himself being a stalker.

– Anuj SomanyRate it:

He who opens a school door, closes a prison.

– Victor HugoRate it:

He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps to perpetuate it.

– Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.Rate it:

He who plants a garden plants happiness.

– ProverbRate it:

He who pledges or promises runs in debt.

– ProbaerbRate it:

He who possesses the source of Enthusiasm Will achieve great things. Doubt not. You will gather friends around you As a hair clasp gathers the hair.

– I ChingRate it:

He who postpones the hour of living rightly is like the rustic who waits for the river to run out before he crosses.

– HoraceRate it:

He who praises everybody, praises nobody.

– Samuel JohnsonRate it:

He who praises you for what you lack wishes to take from you what you have.

– Don Juan ManuelRate it:

He who pursues fame at the risk of losing his self is not a scholar.

– Chuang-tzuRate it:

He who puts up with insult invites injury.

– Jewish ProverbRate it:

He who receives a benefit should never forget it he who bestow should never remember it.

– Pierre CharronRate it:

He who receives a benefit should never forget it; he who bestow should never remember it.

– Pierre CharronRate it:

He who receives a favour must retain a recollection of it for all time to come; but he who confers should at once forget it, if he is not to show a sordid and ungenerous spirit. To remind a man of a kindness conferred on him, and to talk of it, is little different from a reproach.

– DemosthenesRate it:

He who refuses to embrace a unique opportunity loses the prize as surely as if he had failed.

– William JamesRate it:

He who refuses to obey cannot command.

– Kenyan ProverbRate it:

He who reigns within himself and rules his passions, desires and fears is more than a King.

– John MiltonRate it:

He who reigns within himself and rules his passions, desires, and fears is more than a king.

– John MiltonRate it:

He who rejects change is the architect of decay. The only human institution which rejects progress is the cemetery.

– Harold WilsonRate it:

He who requires urging to do a noble act will never accomplish it.

– Kahlil GibranRate it:

He who runs from challenges walks away from success.

– Matshona DhliwayoRate it:

He who says he is happy in the desert means he knows where the well is.

– Vikrant ParsaiRate it:

He who searches for inward things sees not with the eyes of the body, but with the eyes of the soul.

– Brandon Garic NotchRate it:

He who seeks wealth sacrifices his own pleasure, and, like him who carries burdens for others, bears the load of anxiety.

– The HitopadesaRate it:

He who sees the truth, let him proclaim it, without asking who is for it or who is against it.

– Henry GeorgeRate it:

He who seizes the right moment is the right man.

– Johann von GoetheRate it:

He who seldom speaks, and with one calm well-timed word can strike dumb the loquacious, is a genius or a hero.

– Johann Kaspar LavaterRate it:

He who shall introduce into public affairs the principles of primitive Christianity will change the face of the world.

– Benjamin FranklinRate it:

He who shares the meat is always left with the bone.

– Vikrant ParsaiRate it:

He who sleeps half a day has won half a life.

– Karl KrausRate it:

He who sows the ground with care and diligence acquires greater stock of religious merit than he would gain by the repetition of 10,000 prayers. Zen Zoroaster

– ZoroasterRate it:

He who spares the wicked injures the good.

– SenecaRate it:

He who speaks on behalf of people he leads, is a great leader.

– Sipho P NkosiRate it:

He who speaks the truth must have one foot in the stirrup.

– American ProverbRate it:

He who speaks the truth often has no ruth.

– Volodymyr KnyrRate it:

He who speaks without modesty will find it difficult to make his words good.

– ConfuciusRate it:

He who stands by thee at your lowest is he who stands by thee at your highest and he who stands by thee at thy end is he who created thee.

– CometanRate it:

He who stands on his tiptoes does not stand firm...

– LaoziRate it:

He who steals in order to give to God can only get advice from the devil.

– Vikrant ParsaiRate it:

He who stops being better stops being good.

– Oliver CromwellRate it:

He who studies MA in English Literature but fears the name Shakespeare is one who studies shadow but afraid of its statue.

– Vikrant ParsaiRate it:

He who survives will see the outcome.

– French ProverbRate it:

He who takes his academic books seriously often fails miserably in the private corporate world.

– Anuj SomanyRate it:

He who teaches children learns more than they do.

– German ProverbRate it:

He who tells a lie is not sensible of how great a task he undertakes for he must be forced to invent twenty more to maintain that one.

– Alexander PopeRate it:

He who tells a lie is not sensible of how great a task he undertakes; for he must be forced to invent twenty more to maintain that one.

– Alexander PopeRate it:

He who tells his own secret will hardly keep another’s.

– Vikrant ParsaiRate it:

He who tells the truth will lose friends. A Wise Man

– A Wise Man RJIRate it:

He who thinks by not talking to his wife or girlfriend can make her realize and apologize for her mistakes only, is in a fool’s paradise.

– Anuj SomanyRate it:

He who thinks by the inch and talks by the yard deserves to be kicked by the foot.

– UnknownRate it:

He who thinks less about himself leads a comfortable life.

– Mariana FulgerRate it:

He who thinks to deceive God has already deceived himself.

– Vikrant ParsaiRate it:

He who throws away a friend is as bad as he who throws away his life.

– SophoclesRate it:

He who tip-toes cannot stand he who strides cannot walk.

– Lao TzuRate it:

He who toils with pain will eat with pleasure.

– ChineseRate it:

He who tries little of everything accomplishes much of nothing.

– Vikrant ParsaiRate it:

He who trims himself to suit everyone will soon whittle himself away.

– Raymond HullRate it:

He who trusts a woman and leads an ass will never be free from plague. #InternationalWomensDay

– ProverbRate it:

He who trusts a woman and leads an ass will never be free from plague.

– Famous ProverbRate it:

He who undertakes too much seldom succeeds.

– Dutch ProverbRate it:

He who used to create fake news is talking on Anti-Hindus topic and the fools are applauding him.

– Raneshwar Sing KishanRate it:

He who waits for a chance may wait for a long time.

– Nigerian ProverbRate it:

He who walks in another's tracks leaves no footprints.

– Joan BrannonRate it:

He who wants a rose must respect the thorn.

– Persian ProverbRate it:

He who wants everything every time will lose everything any time.

– Vikrant ParsaiRate it:

He who wants to make his friend his enemy should lend him some money.

– Vikrant ParsaiRate it:

He who wears a smile instead of worrying is always the strongest.

– Vikrant ParsaiRate it:

He who wears the emotional and physical scars of life should do so with honor and integrity.

– RJ IntindolaRate it:

He who will not economize will have to agonize.

– ConfuciusRate it:

He who will not freely and sadly confess that he is much a fool is all a fool.

– FullerRate it:

He who will not reason is a bigot he who cannot is a fool and he who dares not is a slave.

– Sir William DrummondRate it:

He who will not reason is a bigot; he who cannot is a fool; and he who dares not is a slave.

– Sir William DrummondRate it:

He who wins an argument with the woman through his logical statement loses her.

– Anuj SomanyRate it:

He who wishes to exert a useful influence must be careful to insult nothing. Let him not be troubled by what seems absurd, but concentrate his energies to the creation of what is good. He must not demolish, but build. He must raise temples where mankind may come and partake of the purest pleasure.

– Johann von GoetheRate it:

He who wishes to fight, must first count the cost.”

– Sun Tzu, The Art of WarRate it:

He who wishes to secure the good of others has already secured his own.

– ConfuciusRate it:

He who wonders discovers that this in itself is wonder.

– M. C. EscherRate it:

He who works before dawn will soon be his own master.

– Vikrant ParsaiRate it:

He who works like a mule for his spouse does the job like a fool in the company or the business house. That's the rule number 1 of the slavery

– Anuj SomanyRate it:

He who works like a mule under the rule & whip of his wife and does not feel ashamed of himself and rather grins or laughs on being ridiculed by the people calling him a henpecked husband, is a validated FOOL.

– Anuj SomanyRate it:

He who would accomplish little must sacrifice little; he who would achieve much must sacrifice much; he who would attain highly must sacrifice greatly.

– James AllenRate it:

He who would be serene and pure needs but one thing, detachment.

– Meister EckhartRate it:

He who would leap high must take a long run.

– Danish proverbRate it:

He who would love much has also much to suffer.

– Dr. Jose P. RizalRate it:

He who would not go to hell, must not go to court. #Satyamevjayate

– ProverbRate it:

He who would not go to hell, must not go to court.

– ProverbRate it:

He who would pass his declining years with honor and comfort, should, when young, consider that he may one day become old, and remember when he is old, that he has once been young.

– Joseph AddisonRate it:

He who would rule must hear and be deaf, see and be blind.

– German proverbRate it:

He who would teach men to die would at the same time teach them to live.

– Michel Eyquem de MontaigneRate it:

He who would travel happily must travel light.

– Antoine De Saint-ExuperyRate it:

He who, having lost one ideal, refuses to give his heart and soul to another and nobler, is like a man who declines to build a house on rock because the wind and rain ruined his house on the sand.

– Constance NadenRate it:

He whom God has touched will always be a being apart: he is, whatever he may do, a stranger among men; he is marked by a sign.

– Ernest RenanRate it:

He whom the Gods love dies young, while he is in health, has his senses and his judgments sound.

– PlautusRate it:

He whose in-laws are happy with him is sleepy for not even knowing as how his wife controls his life.

– Anuj SomanyRate it:

He whose needs are the least will always be the nearest to God.

– Vikrant ParsaiRate it:

He whose wife is often very happy with him is most likely to be in more marital trouble, perhaps triple in size, than that of those men whose spouses regularly quarrel with them.

– Anuj SomanyRate it:

He will always be a slave who does not know how to live upon a little.

– HoraceRate it:

He will be there when I be not.

– CometanRate it:

He will come to those who believe they need him least.

– CometanRate it:

He will live ill who does not know how to die well.

– SenecaRate it:

He will understand when it is too late that it is easier to love.

– Dejan StojanovicRate it:

He wins every hand who mingles profit with pleasure.

– HoraceRate it:

He wipes tears off my face and then snot. He uses his hands. He loves me that much.

– Nina LaCourRate it:

He with whom neither slander that gradually soaks into the mind, nor statements that startle like a wound in the flesh, are successful may be called intelligent indeed.

– ConfuciusRate it:

He without benefit of scruples His fun and money soon quadruples.

– Ogden NashRate it:

He works like a mule for his spouse does the job like a fool in the company or the business house. That's the rule number 1 of the slavery.

– Anuj SomanyRate it:

He would come in and say he changed his mind -- which was a gilded figure of speech, because he didn't have any.

– Mark TwainRate it:

He wrapped himself in quotations- as a beggar would enfold himself in the purple of Emperors.

– Rudyard KiplingRate it:

He [King George III] has erected a multitude of New Offices and sent hither swarms of Officers to harass our people, and eat out their substance.

– Thomas JeffersonRate it:

He [Oliver Cromwell] in a furious manner, bid the Speaker leave his chair; told the house That they had sat long enough, unless they had done more good; and that it was not fit they should sit as a parliament any longer, and desired them to go away.

– Oliver CromwellRate it:

He'd hesitated in sharing them (his life struggles), telling me that they far from measured up against what I'd dealt with, but I'd assured him that to each of us, our challenges are struggles, real to us without comparison to what anyone else is going through...that through our own lenses, life looks shitty sometimes and we think we'll bend under the weight of it...

– CJ ThomasRate it:

He's a blockhead who wants a proof of what he can't perceive, and he's a fool who tries to make such a blockhead believe.

– William BlakeRate it:

He's a strange bird

– ???Rate it:

He's so optimistic that he would buy a burial suit with a change of pants!

– FabriceRate it:

He'd talk the leg off a wooden indian.

– Dick BryceRate it:

He's a fool that marries, but he's a greater that does not marry a fool; what is wit in a wife good for, but to make a man a cuckold?

– William WycherleyRate it:

He's a real loser. He moved into a new neighborhood and got run over by the Welcome Wagon.

– Red ButtonsRate it:

He's got to go!

– Rex HudlerRate it:

He's happy who, far away from business, like the races of men of old, tills his ancestral fields with his own oxen, unbound by any interest to pay.

– HoraceRate it:

He's no failure. He's not dead yet.

– William Lloyd GeorgeRate it:

He's not the finest character that ever lived. But he's a human being, and a terrible thing is happening to him. So attention must be paid.

– Arthur MillerRate it:

He's simply got the instinct for being unhappy highly developed.

– Hector Hugh MunroRate it:

He's so slow that he takes an hour and a half to watch 60 Minutes.

– Edwin W. EdwardsRate it:

He's the greatest man who ever came out of Plymouth, Vermont. -- On Calvin Coolidge

– Clarence DarrowRate it:

He's the kind of a guy who lights up a room just by flicking a switch.

– UnknownRate it:

He's turned his life around. He used to be depressed and miserable. Now he's miserable and depressed.

– David FrostRate it:

He, in a few minutes ravished this fair creature, or at least would have ravished her, if she had not, by a timely compliance, prevented him.

– Henry Fielding, "Jonathan Wild"Rate it:

He, sent by a mysterious force, gave me my place in this world.

– CometanRate it:

Heads and hearts are connected.

– Jeremy CorbynRate it:

Heads held high.....

– Kapil ChaulagainRate it:

Heads of state are notoriously ill prepared for their mature careers; think of Adolf Hitler (landscape painter), Ho Chi Minh (seaman), and our own Ronald Reagan.

– Barbara EhrenreichRate it:

Heal another's heart and in the process you will heal your own.

– Dan KellyRate it:

Heal not close to the ones who broke your heart.

– Sipho P NkosiRate it:

Heal the past, Live the present, Dream the future.

– UnknownRate it:

Heal with flowers and colors, let nature be maximized, get MickeyMized!

– Mickey MehtaRate it:

Heal yourself with self love. When you have abundance of self love, you will pass on that love to people around you and you will help their souls to heal!

– Purvi RanigaRate it:

Healing is a matter of time, but it is sometimes also a mater of opportunity.

– HippocratesRate it:

Healing is a matter of time, but it is sometimes also a matter of opportunity.

– Hippocrates, PreceptsRate it:

Healing of the physical without the change in the mental and spiritual aspects brings little real help to the individual in the end. How true, because the mind and the body imprint and imitate each other. What we think, we become. What we become, we think. It's an insidious process that can predispose us to illness or it can lead us to health.

– Edgar CayceRate it:

Health and strength is above all gold.

– Oscar Auliq-IceRate it:

Health consists of having the same diseases as one's neighbors.

– Quentin CrispRate it:

Health disparities like poverty feed off established social and economic structures that determine the distribution of power and resources. What’s worse, inequality turns diversity into disparity. For someone who belongs to multiple communities that experience health disparities, these disparities do not simply add up: They multiply.

– Kellan BakerRate it:

Health food makes me sick.

– Calvin TrillinRate it:

Health gives satisfaction, but not so much with pleasure in the sense of indulging oneself.

– Mwanandeke KindemboRate it:

Health is a person's true clock; their only way to keep track of the time they have.

– Link StarbureiyRate it:

Health is happiness.

– Oscar Auliq-IceRate it:

Health is my expected heaven.

– John KeatsRate it:

Health is not simply the absence of sickness.

– Hannah GreenRate it:

Health is not valued till sickness comes.

– Thomas FullerRate it:

Health is the art of balance, balance is the art of relaxation, and relaxation is the art of meditation

– H.W. MannRate it:

Health is the art of balance. Good mental and physical health require balance. Balance of diet, exercise, sleep, and stress. Imbalance creates stress on the body and mind. Poor health and disease are states of imbalance. Relaxation restores balance. Relaxation is the ideal state for good health. Relaxation is the ideal state for healing. Meditation is the art of consciously relaxing body and mind.

– H.W. MannRate it:

Health is the greatest gift, contentedness the best riches.

– The DhammapadaRate it:

Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship

– The BuddhaRate it:

Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.

– BuddhaRate it:

Health is the greatest possession. Contentment is the greatest treasure. Confidence is the greatest friend. Non-being is the greatest joy.

– The DhammapadaRate it:

Health is worth more than learning.

– Thomas JeffersonRate it:

Health like character, can't be judged from appearances. Proper examination is needed in both cases.

– Mwanandeke KindemboRate it:

Health nuts are going to feel stupid someday, lying in hospitals dying of nothing.

– Redd FoxxRate it:

Healthy habits lead to a healthier life, and a healthier life leads to success.

– Branden CondyRate it:

Healthy people are solely wealthy, a lot of money just makes a person appear only affluent.

– Anuj SomanyRate it:

Healthy, lusty sex is wonderful

– John WayneRate it:

Hear me, four quarters of the world - a relative I am Give me the strength to walk the soft earth, a relative to all that is Give me the eyes to see and the strength to understand, that I may be like you. With your power only can I face the winds.

– Black ElkRate it:

Hear me, my chiefs I am tired. My heart is sick and sad. From where the sun now stands, I will fight no more forever.

– Chief JosephRate it:

Hear me, my chiefs! I am tired. My heart is sick and sad. From where the sun now stands, I will fight no more forever.

– Chief Joseph, on his surrender to Gen. Howard, October 5, 1877Rate it:

Hear one side and you will be in the dark. Hear both and all will be clear.

– Thomas Chandler HaliburtonRate it:

Hear the other side.

– Saint AugustineRate it:

Hear the other side. (Audi Partem Alteram)

– Saint AugustineRate it:

Heard melodies are sweet, but those unheard are sweeter.

– John KeatsRate it:

Hearing the voice of your beloved is worth more than the speeches of the king and queen combined together.

– Mwanandeke KindemboRate it:

Hearing voices no one else can hear isn't a good sign, even in the wizarding world.

– J. K. RowlingRate it:

Heart is probably the strongest organ in a human body, because it gets stolen, broken, and even stabbed countless times, and yet it goes on and on.

– Deodatta V. Shenai-KhatkhateRate it:

Heart is the only thing which cannot be stolen without consent.

– Mehmet Murat ildanRate it:

Heartache and heartbreak are two paths that most of us must cross at some point in our lives. It is inevitable.”

– Andreas SimicRate it:

Heartache can be a flow of consciousness flying on the wings of love.

– Darren HustonRate it:

Hearts are like tapers, which at beauteous eyes Kindle a flame of love that never dies; And beauty is a flame, where hearts, like moths, Offer themselves a burning sacrifice.

– Omar KhayyamRate it:

Hearts dance once again when the canvas of ice is painted with the brush of skates

– Shah Asad RizviRate it:

Heartthrobs are a dime a dozen

– Brad PittRate it:

Hearty laughter is a good way to jog internally without having to go outdoors.

– Norman CousinsRate it:

Heat and animosity, contest and conflict, may sharpen the wits, although they rarely do; they never strengthen the understanding, clear the perspicacity, guide the judgment, or improve the heart.

– Walter Savage LandorRate it:

Heat cannot be separated from fire, or beauty from The Eternal.

– Alighieri DanteRate it:

Heated debate, lengthy discussion and blame game between two groups by only raising name in the public domain, but not taking any punitive action against the same erring person are just a part of the drama whose script was prepared jointly to misguide onlookers by them.

– Anuj SomanyRate it:

Heaven always bears some proportion to earth. The god of the cannibal will be a cannibal, of the crusades a crusader, and of the merchants a merchant.

– Ralph Waldo EmersonRate it:

Heaven called . . . we're a match!

– Tom ZeganRate it:

Heaven cannot brook two suns, nor carth two masters.

– Alexander The GreatRate it:

Heaven does not tell stories of oppressed peoples.

– Haimer abdouRate it:

Heaven endures and the earth last a long time because they do not live for themselves.

– Lao Tzu, Tao Te ChingRate it:

Heaven exists because of you and all living things in the universe.

– Mwanandeke KindemboRate it:

Heaven for climate, Hell for company.

– J. M. BarrieRate it:

Heaven gives mysteriously protection to a worthy man by keeping him often away from women even through breakup, divorce or separation

– Anuj SomanyRate it:

Heaven goes by favour. If it went by merit, you would stay out and your dog would go in.

– Mark TwainRate it:

Heaven grant that the burden you carry may have as easy an exit as it had an entrance. -- Prayer To A Pregnant Woman

– Desiderius ErasmusRate it:

Heaven has no rage like love to hatred turned, Nor hell a fury like a woman scorned.

– William Congreve, The Mourning Bride, 1697, act III scene 8Rate it:

Heaven is also on earth because it is the Garden of Eden.

– Mitchell KogerRate it:

Heaven is being in the land of the living. Hell is when you die and you are in a hole in the ground. No one gets a pass on death.”

– Jamela DunbarRate it:

Heaven is empty and hell is full, wait for me I am also coming there.

– Vikrant ParsaiRate it:

Heaven is exactly where you are, hell is exactly where you are, now tell me exactly where you are.

– Vikrant ParsaiRate it:

Heaven is filled with only unimaginable pleasures and promises the absence of miseries.

– Mwanandeke KindemboRate it:

Heaven is full of answers to prayer for which no one bothered to ask.

– Billy GrahamRate it:

Heaven is here when Time is not. To live without Time means to live without friction, with no wear and tear. That is the space of non-engagement, non-interference.

– Tilak FernandoRate it:

Heaven is Just and Infectious Disease Knocking At Your Door.

– Darren HustonRate it:

Heaven is not the wide blue sky but the place where corporeality is begotten in the house of the Creative.

– Lu YenRate it:

Heaven is such that all who have lived well, of whatever religion, have a place there.

– Emanuel Swedenborg, From the book "Divine Providence" #330Rate it:

Heaven is where the reasonable people are!

– Mehmet Murat ildanRate it:

Heaven means to be one with God.

– ConfuciusRate it:

Heaven might have made woman at the time of world creation because invisible God there knew that the earth someone would need someone more powerful than wicked men to cheat them with her beauty and punish demon.

– Anuj SomanyRate it:

Heaven or hell, same regime just different Dictator.

– T. R. SamuelRate it:

Heaven will be no heaven to me if I do not meet my wife there.

– Andrew JacksonRate it:

Heaven without love : what a hell.

– Charles de LEUSSERate it:

Heaven without love : what a hell. (Paradis sans amour : voilà ce qu'est l'enfer)

– Charles de LEUSSERate it:

Heaven-born, the soul a heavenward course must hold beyond the world she soars the wise man, I affirm, can find no rest in that which perishes, nor will he lend his heart to ought that doth time depend.

– Michelangelo BuonarrotiRate it:

Heaven?s gate is narrow and minute,* It cannot be perceived by foolish men, Blinded by vain illusions of the world. E?en the clear-sighted, who discern the way And seek to enter, find the portal barred And hard to be unlocked. Its massive bolts Are pride and passion, avarice and lust.

– MahabharataRate it:

Heavenly bodies are nests of invisible birds.

– Dejan StojanovicRate it:

Heavier-than-air flying machines are impossible.

– Lord KelvinRate it:

Heavy exposure to media alters the viewer's perception of social reality in a way that matches the media world.

– Diane Levin & Jean KilbourneRate it:

Heed not the flatterer?s fulsome talk, He from thee hopes some trifle to obtain; Thou wilt, shouldst thou his wishes baulk, Ten hundred times as much of censure gain.

– Saadi ShiraziRate it:

Hegel remarks somewhere that all great world-historic facts and personages appear, so to speak, twice. He forgot to add: the first time as tragedy, the second time as farce.

– Karl MarxRate it:

Hegel was right when he said that we learn from history that man can never learn anything from history.

– George Bernard ShawRate it:

Heidi Well, do you want me to be honest or do you want me to tell you this is the first time

– Old SchoolRate it:

Heights: For all of you who are afraid of heights, think of it like this: The greater the altitude, the more intense the fear may be, but the farther you are from splattering.

– Ryan PackRate it:

Heirlooms we don't have in our family. But stories we've got.

– Rose CherinRate it:

Hell has a sign over the exit door, and it reads awareness

– H.W. MannRate it:

Hell has no benefits, only torture.

– John Milton, Paradise LostRate it:

Hell hath no fury like a bureaucrat scorned.

– Milton FriedmanRate it:

Hell hath no fury like a liberal scorned.

– Dick GregoryRate it:

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned!

– UnknownRate it:

Hell hath no limits, nor is circumscrib'd one self place; for where we are is Hell, and where Hell is, there must we ever be.

– Christopher MarloweRate it:

Hell is a half-filled auditorium.

– Robert FrostRate it:

Hell is a hell of a lie! God is not a torturer!

– Mehmet Murat ildanRate it:

Hell is a place forged in the mind and is fueled by fear.

– Ahmed KorayemRate it:

Hell is empty and all the devils are here.

– William ShakespeareRate it:

Hell is full of musical amateurs music is the brandy of the damned.

– George Bernard ShawRate it:

Hell is full of musical amateurs: music is the brandy of the damned.

– George Bernard Shaw, Man and Superman (1903) act 3Rate it:

Hell is God's great compliment to the reality of human freedom and the dignity of human choice.

– Gilbert Keith ChestertonRate it:

Hell is of this world and there are men who are unhappy escapees from hell, escapees destined ETERNALLY to reenact their escape.

– Antonin ArtaudRate it:

Hell is other people.

– Jean-Paul SartreRate it:

Hell is out of fashion -- institutional hells at any rate. The populated infernos of the 20th century are more private affairs, the gaps between the bars are the sutures of one's own skull. A valid hell is one from which there is a possibility of redemption, even if this is never achieved, the dungeons of an architecture of grace whose spires point to some kind of heaven. The institutional hells of the present century are reached with one-way tickets, marked Nagasaki and Buchenwald, worlds of terminal horror even more final than the grave.

– J. G. BallardRate it:

Hell is paved with good Samaritans.

– William M. HoldenRate it:

Hell is paved with great granite blocks hewn from the hearts of those who said, I can do no other.

– Heywood BrounRate it:

Hell is truth seen too lateduty neglected in its season.

– Tryon EdwardsRate it:

Hell means torture; torture means badness. Goodness cannot create or produce badness. Hell does not belong to God; it has been invented by the horrific and sick minded people.

– Mehmet Murat ildanRate it:

Hell must be isothermal; for otherwise the resident engineers and physical chemists (of which there must be some) could set up a heat engine to run a refrigerator to cool off a portion of their surroundings to any desired temperature.

– Henry Albert Ben, _The Second Law_Rate it:

Hell's afloat in lover's tears.

– Dorothy Rothschild ParkerRate it:

Hell, Madame, is to love no longer.

– Georges BernanosRate it:

Hell, there are no rules here, we are trying to accomplish something.

– Thomas EdisonRate it:

Hell, there are no rules here-- we're trying to accomplish something.

– Thomas Alva EdisonRate it:

Hell, they almost broke me. I worked in the back with people whose names were Gomez and Garcia and who could barely understand me. I unloaded sofas, washing machines, a cast iron stove for God’s sake. Nearly broke me. I looked forward to a cigarette break with a madman’s glee, and I was joined by the others, the cigarette the communal language. When I finally finished my community service, they gave me my paperwork to take back to court and on it they wrote great worker, thanks and I felt more satisfaction out of that than nearly all of my poemsies I’ve ever had published.

– Scott C. HolstadRate it:

Hell, we spent $200 Billion to get a scared guy who needed a shave out of a fox-hole! And he may even die of prostate cancer before we even get a chance to try him, dammit!

– Ted Turner, A speech to the McCallie School in Chattanooga, TNRate it:

hello all

– muhsin tokelRate it:

Hello Love... this is Ron Lundy from the Greatest City in the World!

– Ron LundyRate it:

Hello my little sunny it is money that begets money.

– Vikrant ParsaiRate it:

Hello seeker Now don't feel alone here in the New Age, because there's a seeker born every minute.

– Firesign TheatreRate it:

hello world

– momosRate it:

Hello, everybody. Welcome to Kiner's Corner. This is....uh. I'm...uh

– Ralph KinerRate it:

Hello, I Must Be Going

– Groucho MarxRate it:

Hello, My name is Briana and I like to eat cheese,

– Briana SimsRate it:

Hello, My name is Kaci. Welcome to South African Airways. To man named Aidan Five!

– Kaci Kullman FiveRate it:

Hello," he lied.

– Don Carpenter quoting a Hollywood agentRate it:

Hello. I am looking for finance assignment help right now. Please let me know if you provide this service at your stop. I came across your website long ago and I have been wanting to seek your services since then. I have heard that your finance assignment help is also affordable. Kindly let me know about the process of hiring your tutors urgently for best practices. I will be glad for your help and guidance. Thank you so much.

– Finance assignment helpRate it:

HELP Help Enhance Life's Potential

– Avinash ShirsathRate it:

Help a man against his will and you do the same as murder him.

– HoraceRate it:

Help from a stranger is better than sympathy from a relative.

– Matshona DhliwayoRate it:

Help is not in the sky, help is within you, in your mind; help is your reason! Turn your face to your reason not to the sky!

– Mehmet Murat ildanRate it:

Help others get ahead. You will always stand taller with someone else on your shoulders.

– Bob MoawadRate it:

Help People Even When You Know They Can’t Help You Back. Hovsep kazezian -

– Hovsep kazezian - the masterRate it:

Help thyself, and God will help thee.

– Jean de La FontaineRate it:

Help your brother; and as regards helping, everyone is your brother!

– Mehmet Murat ildanRate it:

Helped are those who create anything at all, for they shall relive the thrill of their own conception.

– Alice WalkerRate it:

Helping professionals, Therapists, Life Coaches, Healers can greatly assist you in changing your life for the better, but they pale in comparison to the power that’s gained from you developing a relationship with yourself. It’s you that holds the power for change.”

– Renae A. SauterRate it:

Hemp and marijuana should be regulated like onions. No difference. If you can grow onion in your backyard, you can grow hemp or weed in your backyard. If you can grow onions in your farm, your family farm, you can grow help or marijuana in your family farm.

– Larry SharpeRate it:

Hence it is clear how much more cruel the pen is than the sword.

– Robert BurtonRate it:

Hence it is clear how much more cruel the pen is than the sword. (Hinc Gham Sit Calmus Saevior Ense Patet)

– Robert BurtonRate it:

Hence that general is skilful in attack whose opponent does not know what to defend; and he is skilful in defense whose opponent does not know what to attack.

– Sun TzuRate it:

Hence, a devout Christian must avoid astrologers and all impious soothsayers, especially when they tell the truth, for fear of leading his soul into error by consorting with demons and entangling himself with the bonds of such association.

– Saint AugustineRate it:

Henotheism, which consists of choosing one god among several, is the appropriate word to describe today's so-called monotheistic religions.

– Mwanandeke KindemboRate it:

Henry glanced hastily at the mirror. Yes, he did look rather old. He must have overdone some of the lines on his forehead. He looked something between a youngish centenarian and a nonagenarian who had seen a good deal of trouble.

– P. G. WodehouseRate it:

Henry James chews more than he bites off.

– Mrs Henry Adams (c. 1880)Rate it:

Henry James created more convincing women than Iris Murdoch put together.

– Wilfred SheedRate it:

Henry James was one of the nicest old ladies I ever met.

– William FaulknerRate it:

Henry James would have been vastly improved as a novelist by a few whiffs of the Chicago stockyard.

– H. L. MenckenRate it:

Henry James writes fiction as if it were a painful duty.

– Oscar WildeRate it:

Henry Kissinger may have wished I had presented him as a combination of Charles DeGaulle and Disraeli, but I didn't. . .out of respect for DeGaulle and Disraeli. I described him as a cowboy because thats how he described himself. If I were a cowboy I would be offended.

– Oriana FallaciRate it:

Her children arise up, and call her blessed.

– Book of ProverbsRate it:

Her eyes are homes of silent prayers.

– Alfred Lord TennysonRate it:

Her eyes look heavy, but her smile is light enough to raise an entire army off their feet.

– unknownRate it:

Her eyes look heavy, but her smile is light enough to raise an entire army off their feet.

– S.A. QuinoxRate it:

Her grandmother, as she gets older, is not fading but rather becoming more concentrated.

– Paulette Bates AldenRate it:

Her Love cuts through my heart so fats that its pain is also enjoyable, that's how sharp her love is for me (Tshegofatso Mosuwe)

– Benjamin MqxekwaRate it:

Her love is fire in an aquatic world. By Sandy Sinn

– Sandy SinnRate it:

Her only flair is in her nostrils.

– Pauline KaelRate it:

Her own mother lived the latter years of her life in the horrible suspicion that electricity was dripping invisibly all over the house.

– James ThurberRate it:

Her soul returned often but the conscience was habitually absent. And together; dangerous.

– RJ Intindola – (Gandolfo)Rate it:

Her style betrays a self-satisfied exaggeration of her aptitudes.” (In reference to Vice President Harris)

– George F. WillRate it:

Her virtue was that she said what she thought, her vice that what she thought didn't amount to much.

– Peter UstinovRate it:

Her voice is full of money.

– F. Scott FitzgeraldRate it:

Her voice resonates with countless tales, each note bearing testament to her journey and strength of spirit.

– Inas XRate it:

Heraclitus says you cannot step into the same river twice. We can also say that the same river cannot touch us twice!

– Mehmet Murat ildanRate it:

Here are the seven signs of Narcissism, which you can use to identify the Narcissists that may be around you in the society.: (1) Shamelessness: Shame is the feeling that lurks beneath all unhealthy narcissism, and the inability to process shame in healthy ways. (2) Magical thinking: Narcissists view themselves as perfect at all times, using distortion and illusion known as “magical thinking“. They also use projection to dump shame onto others. (3) Arrogance: A narcissist who is feeling deflated may re-inflate by diminishing, debasing, or degrading somebody else. (4) Envy: A narcissist may secure a sense of superiority in the face of another person’s ability by using contempt to minimize the other person. (5) Entitlement: Narcissists hold unreasonable expectations of particularly favorable treatment and automatic compliance because they consider themselves special. Failure to comply is considered an attack on their superiority, and the perpetrator is considered an “awkward” or “difficult” person. Defiance of their will is a narcissistic injury that can trigger narcissistic rage. (6) Exploitation: Can take many forms but always involves the exploitation of others without regard for their feelings or interests. Often the other is in a subservient position where resistance would be difficult or even impossible. Sometimes the subservience is not so much real as assumed. (7) Bad boundaries: Narcissists do not recognize that they have boundaries and that others are separate and are not extensions of themselves. Others either exist to meet their needs or may as well not exist at all. Those who provide narcissistic supply to the narcissist are treated as if they are part of the narcissist and are expected to live up to those expectations. In the mind of a narcissist there is no boundary between self and other.

– Deodatta V. Shenai-KhatkhateRate it:

Here are the Ten Commandments for a writer: Create, Create, Create, Create, Create, Create...

– Mehmet Murat ildanRate it:

Here at lastWe shall be freethe Almighty hath not builtHere for his envy, will not drive us henceHere we may reign secure, and in my choiceTo reign is worth ambition though in HellBetter to reign in Hell, than serve in Heaven.

– John MiltonRate it:

Here comes the rain again. It’s a blessing.

– Eddy M ReyesRate it:

Here Greek and Roman find themselves alive along these crowded shelves; and Shakespeare treads again his stage, and Chaucer paints anew his age.

– John Greenleaf WhittierRate it:

Here in America we are descended in blood and in spirit from revolutionists and rebels - men and women who dare to dissent from accepted doctrine. As their heirs, may we never confuse honest dissent with disloyal subversion.

– Dwight D EisenhowerRate it:

Here in America we are descended in blood and in spirit from revolutionists and rebels - men and women who dare to dissent from accepted doctrine. As their heirs, we may never confuse honest dissent with disloyal subversion.

– Dwight D. EisenhowerRate it:

Here in America, government began as a tool to assure freedom. It gradually turned into a hideously expensive political toy designed to redistribute your wealth and control most aspects of your business and private life.

– Mark SkousenRate it:

Here is a good principle: If need be, give up your principles!

– Mehmet Murat ildanRate it:

Here is a good reply of a clever horse to the man who tries to ride and control it: Throwing him into the air!

– Mehmet Murat ildanRate it:

Here is a good revolution in conscious and a good salvation formula for mankind: Get rid of religion, keep the God!

– Mehmet Murat ildanRate it:

Here is a great body of our Jewish citizens from whom have sprung men of genius in every walk of our varied life; men who have conceived of its ideals with singular clearness; and led enterprises with sprit & sagacity... They are not Jews in America, they are American citizens.

– Woodrow WilsonRate it:

Here is a rule to remember in future, when anything tempts you to feel bitter: not “This is misfortune,” but “To bear this worthily is good fortune”.

– Marcus AureliusRate it:

Here is a test to find whether your mission on earth is finished: If you are alive, it isn't.

– Richard BachRate it:

Here is an artificial city which has been pumped up under forced draught, inflated like a balloon, stuffed with rural humanity like a goose with corn...endeavoring to eat up this too rapid avalanche of anthropoids, the sunshine metropolis heaves and strains, sweats and becomes pop-eyed, like a young boa constrictor trying to swallow a goat. It has never imparted an urban character to its incoming population for the simple reason that it has never had any character to impart. On the other hand, the place has the manners, culture and general outlook of a huge country village.

– Morrow MayoRate it:

Here is the answer which I will give to President Roosevelt... We shall not fail or falter we shall not weaken or tire. Neither the sudden shock of battle nor the long-drawn trials of vigilance and exertion will wear us down. Give us the tools and we will finish the job.

– Winston ChurchillRate it:

Here is the answer which I will give to President Roosevelt... We shall not fail or falter; we shall not weaken or tire. Neither the sudden shock of battle nor the long-drawn trials of vigilance and exertion will wear us down. Give us the tools and we will finish the job.

– Sir Winston Churchill, Radio speech, 1941Rate it:

Here is the basic rule for winning success. Let's mark it in the mind and remember it. The rule is: Success depends on the support of other people. The only hurdle between you and what you want to be in is the support of other people.

– David J. SchwartzRate it:

Here is the best wish for the new year: Let there be more freedom of thought throughout the world! Fields need rain; truths need freedom of thought!

– Mehmet Murat ildanRate it:

Here is the biggest truth about the Universal Order: There is no order!

– Mehmet Murat ildanRate it:

Here is the fate of the man: To appear and to disappear!

– Mehmet Murat ildanRate it:

Here is the Golden Rule of sound citizenship, the first and greatest lesson in the study of politics: You get the same order of criminality from any State to which you give power to exercise it; and whatever power you give the State to do things FOR you carries with it the equivalent power to do things TO you.

– Albert Jay NockRate it:

Here is the secret of inspiration: Tell yourself that thousands and tens of thousands of people, not very intelligent and certainly no more intelligent than the rest of us, have mastered problems as difficult as those that now baffle you.

– William FeatherRate it:

Here is the world, sound as a nut, perfect, not the smallest piece of chaos left, never a stitch nor an end, not a mark of haste, or botching, or second thought; but the theory of the world is a thing of shreds and patches.

– Ralph Waldo EmersonRate it:

Here lies poet Goldsmith, for shortness called Noll, Who wrote like an Angel, but talked like poor Poll

– David GarrickRate it:

Here or henceforward it is all the same to me, I accept Time absolutely.

– Walt WhitmanRate it:

Here stand I. I can do no other.

– Martin LutherRate it:

Here the great art lies, to discern in what the law is to be to restraint and punishment, and in what things persuasion only is to work.

– John MiltonRate it:

Here too, we can see that not being open to learning something new does not automatically make someone a narcissist. In fact, a narcissist is required to be more knowledgeable in many fields; mostly in psychology.

– Mwanandeke KindemboRate it:

Here we go round the prickly pear Prickly pear prickly pear Here we go round the prickly pear At five o'clock in the morning.

– T.S. EliotRate it:

here with you and it just doesn't seem real sometimes and wanting to know you what you look like when I'm not with you what you think when you're in bed at night what made you cry the other day wanting to bury myself inside you and burrow into you can't get out never get out and become you live you be you

– Scott C. HolstadRate it:

Here's a guy who can use his arms and legs at the same time.

– John MaddenRate it:

Here's a rule I recommend Never practice two vices at once.

– Tallulah BankheadRate it:

Here's something to think about How come you never see a headline like 'Psychic Wins Lottery'

– Jay LenoRate it:

Here's the interesting conversation between the Police Officer and one Indian Engineer who had gone to the police station to report his missing wife.: 'Officer, looks like I have lost my wife. She had gone to the mall yesterday for shopping and has not come home yet.' Okay, what's her height?' 'I've never noticed...maybe 4 to 5 feet?' 'Is she thin?' 'Not thin...may be healthy' 'Color of her eyes?' 'Not sure....maybe black?' 'Color of her hair?' 'Not sure. It keeps on changing.' 'What was she wearing?' 'Maybe Saree or Jeans....or Salwar Kameez?' 'Was she driving a car?' 'Yes!' 'Good! Then tell me the details like plate number, make, model and color of your car.' 'Officer, she has taken my favorite The BMW M135i, which is the top-of-the-range version of the BMW 1 Series. Color is Steel Grey and Plate number SRI 420. My beautiful BMW...she is such a distinctively dynamic vehicle produced by the BMW M GmbH. She's positioned between the most powerful BMW series production models and thoroughbred BMW M vehicles with noticeably higher performance than the previously most powerful engines of any BMW series and have M-specific characteristics in terms of suspension setting and visual appearance, though without any limitations in terms of suitability for everyday use. The heart of my new BMW M135i is her straight six-cylinder gasoline engine with Twin Scroll Turbo technology, Valvetronic, Double VANOS and High Precision Injection. She delivers 235 kW/320 hp and a maximum torque of 450 Nm, power transfer being enabled by her six-speed manual transmission fitted as standard. I know that my BMW M135i sprints from 0 to 100 km/h in just 5.1 seconds (and when automatic, it's 4.9 seconds) to reach a top speed of 250 km/h – that's because that's the top limit permitted by the vehicle's electronic speed control system. Her average fuel consumption in the EU test cycle was found to be 8.0 liters/100 km, and the CO2 emissions level was 188 grams per kilometer. The exclusive power train also features a customized cooling system, M performance control and engine sound tuning, plus a newly developed six-speed manual transmission with dry sump lubrication. She also has a dynamic eight-speed automatic sports transmission with gearshift paddles integrated in the steering wheel included as an option. Please find her as soon as you can. I miss her so much.' ' Wow! That really helps. Your details are awesome, and your memory is absolutely amazing. Please stop crying. We'll search for your car right away, and find her asap.... and maybe we'll find your wife as well.' The End.

– Deodatta V. Shenai-KhatkhateRate it:

Here's the rule for bargains: Do other men, for they would do you. That's the true business precept.

– Charles DickensRate it:

Here's the shit, now where's the fan?

– Tom ZeganRate it:

Here's the thing about time: If you can't make the most out of any given moment, then you don't deserve a single extra second.

– EkkoRate it:

Here's to you ,as good as you are, And here's to me, as bad as I am But as good as you are, and as bad as I am, I am as good as you are, as bad as I am.

– Scottish ProverbRate it:

Here's what I think the truth is: We are all addicts of fossil fuels in a state of denial, about to face cold turkey.

– Kurt Vonnegut, Cold TurkeyRate it:

Here, the churches seemed to shrink away into eroding corners. They seem to have ceased to be essential parts of American life. They no longer give life. It is the huge buildings of commerce and trade which now align the people to attention. These in their massive manner of steel and stone say, Come unto me all ye who labor, and we will give you work.

– Seán O'CaseyRate it:

Here, with whitened hair, desires failing, strength ebbing out of him, with the sun gone down and with only the serenity and the calm warning of the evening star left to him, he drank to Life, to all it had been, to what it was, to what it would be. Hurrah!

– Seán O'CaseyRate it:

Hereafter, in a better world than this, I shall desire more love and knowledge of you.

– William ShakespeareRate it:

Hereditary honors are a noble and a splendid treasure to descendants.

– PlatoRate it:

Heredity is a strong factor, even in architecture. Necessity first mothered invention. Now invention has little ones of her own, and they look just like grandma.

– E. B. WhiteRate it:

Heretics have been hated from the beginning of recorded time; they have been ostracized, exiled, tortured, maimed and butchered; but it has generally proved impossible to smother them; and when it has not, the society that has succeeded has always declined.

– Leonard HandRate it:

Here’s a little secret: ironically, people with dominant Seductor Imposters might seem to crave intimacy—they certainly draw people into their orbit with the promise of it—but what actually animates them behind the scenes is fear of it.

– Lisa HaishaRate it:

Here’s the thing: this planet’s not a place that kids will inherit at some point, far off in the distant future. We live here right now, and we share this planet already.”

– Milo CressRate it:

Hero-cults complicate everything in a Sacred Band.

– Chris MorrisRate it:

Heroes are often the most ordinary of men.

– Henry David ThoreauRate it:

Héroes del siglo 21, en mi opinión honesta, son los que van a luchar contra la injusticia, la pobreza y el racismo, mejorar la calidad de vida de los seres humanos y animales por igual, y lo más importante, incorporar una mayor sostenibilidad en nuestra vida diaria cotidiana.

– Deodatta V. Shenai-KhatkhateRate it:

Heroes may not be braver than anyone else. They're just braver five minutes longer.

– unknownRate it:

Heroes of 21st Century, in my honest view, are those who will fight injustice, poverty and racism, improve the quality of life for humans and animals alike, and most importantly, incorporate more sustainability in our daily lives everyday.

– Deodatta V. Shenai-KhatkhateRate it:

Heroes who shed their blood and lost their lives! You are now lying in the soil of a friendly country. Therefore rest in peace. There is no difference between the Johnnies and Mehmets to us where they lie side by side here in this country of ours. You, the mothers, who sent their sons from far away countries wipe away your tears; your sons are now lying in our bosom and are in peace. After having lost their lives on this land they have become our sons as well.

– M.K. AtaturkRate it:

Heroing is one of the shortest-lived professions there is.

– Will RogersRate it:

Heroism on command, senseless violence, and all the loathsome nonsense that goes by the name of patriotism - how passionately I hate them!

– Albert EinsteinRate it:

Hesitation is a disease that cannot be praised.

– Mwanandeke KindemboRate it:

Hesitation is such a dilemma of feeling that loses all available opportunities

– Ehsan SehgalRate it:

Hesitation must be put to death in order to conquer failure.

– Mwanandeke KindemboRate it:

Het is beter om een ​​dag te leven onbaatzuchtig helpen van de wereld dan levend te veel jaren van het leven zelfzuchtig helpen niemand anders dan zichzelf. Het leven is niet alleen over het aantal ademhalingen we nemen - maar over het aantal momenten en onze acties die de adem benemen en vooraf de mensheid.

– Deodatta V. Shenai-KhatkhateRate it:

Heterosexual prefixes dissimilar and adopts a natural conception, not as gay who adapts unnatural perception, as since perfume and odor cannot be the same; indeed, I spray perfume.

– Ehsan SehgalRate it:

Heterosexual prefixes dissimilar, and adopts a natural conception, not as gay, who adapts unnatural perception, as since perfume and odour cannot be the same; indeed, I spray perfume.

– Ehsan SehgalRate it:

Hey babyI only got one thing to say to you, you know what that is? I don't like the tone of your voice!

– Tom EverettRate it:

Hey budding entrepreneurs, here is what you can do - Jump right in & make every mistake that everyone made before you when they jumped right in. Or, read up/study from those who have made the leap or work first for those currently leaping…

– Chase LeblancRate it:

hey hey hey it's Fat Albert

– fat albertRate it:

hey Mario tusze provinio spacseem

– Bob GrantRate it:

Hey pals We need the love.

– NiliflashRate it:

Hey Pilgrim, you forgot your pop-gun

– John WayneRate it:

hey sisters oh heys sisters listen to me I said hey sisters ok.

– James CharlesRate it:

Hey what`re ya doin` in that drawer?!? Stealin` cigarettes?

– Jordan SmithRate it:

Hey you! Look down. Your stupid is showing.

– Ingrid WeirRate it:

Hey! To those who can still see and think clearly for themselves. You all better quit letting disapproving ordinary individuals tell you that you have to be a certain age to make wealth by creating your own music. -MillYentei

– Deshawn YeldellRate it:

Hey, Aidan! I have been going on the last couple years.

– Kaci Kullman FiveRate it:

Hey, what do you think drives all this grey matter up here Electricity. It's brain waves surfing on synaptic junctions. If your radio can go out because of sun spots, why can't your cerebellum It's all a matter of reception and it seems to me these signals are going to get crossed somehow. It's all logical.

– Andrew SchneiderRate it:

Hey, you know what your grandpa told me? Said, Always have a love song for your woman. This way, when they get to fussin'... You just sing that song to yourself. When you're through, she'll be done and you can get back to what you want, the lovin'. 'Cause that's all that fussing is anyway. Whole lotta lovin'.

– Montrose FreemanRate it:

Hey…Pilgrim, You're Gonna Need A Couple Of Stitches

– John WayneRate it:

He’d sit on a bald man’s hat!

– Mike LangeRate it:

He’ll always be living in a timeless warp, endlessly morphing into what anyone needs him to be.

– CometanRate it:

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    A Abraham Lincoln
    B Carol Burnett
    C C. S. Lewis
    D Tobias Wolff