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SpongeBob SquarePants, Season Two

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SpongeBob SquarePants, Season 2

Yahoo! Masked luchador wrestling!

[blows raspberry] How juvenile. [SpongeBob sits in the stands, between his parents.] Well, I guess this is all right. It shouldn't be too wild, just sitting here, watching.

[gives him the peanut bag] Uh, we're not here to watch.

[stands up] We're here to wrestle.

Wrestling Announcer:
It's tag team time! [buzzer sounds] Los Diablos vs. Madre y Padre! [Harold and Margaret put on wrestling uniforms and jump into the ring. SpongeBob is worried.]

Mommy, Daddy, no!

[The opening bell rings, and wrestlers pound their fists together. Margaret does stretches. Harold runs in place, winds up a punch, and runs. The wrestler bounces him into the ground. Margaret tags him and gets tripped by another wrestler. She bounces off the ropes and into Harold. One Diablo grab Harold and play him like an accordion, and the other spins Margaret around and smashes her into the floor. SpongeBob tries to eat peanuts but reaches his hand through the bag and chews on his hand. One Diablo kicks Harold into the air and another bounces Margaret into the ropes. SpongeBob chews the bag and rocks back and forth in his seat. Los Diablos run into each other and smash Harold and Margaret together.]

Mom, Dad! I'm coming! [puts the bag over his head and jumps into the ring, only to see everything empty] Uh, Mom? Dad? [Harold and Margaret are in the stands, cheering him on.]

'Atta boy, SpongeBob!

We're rooting for you, kiddo!

Wrestling Announcer:
For our next bout, it's El Muerte vs. Señor Peanuts Bag!

Oh, wait, what?

[Pounding footsteps are heard. A wrestler in a skeleton outfit roars and pounds the ground, then runs forward.]

[screams like a woman] Whoa![screams in regular and gets chased around] Mommy, Daddy!

[El Muerte stops and catches SpongeBob as he runs around, making him spin. El Muerte stomps on Patrick and bends his legs.]

No más! No más! [gets grabbed by Harold] Yay! Whoa!

Now, wasn't that fun? [An injured SpongeBob walks off. Harold, Margaret, and SpongeBob drive away.]

Whoo-hoo! [El Muerte gets up and takes his helmet off, revealing him to be Patrick.]

[grunts] Where'd that peanut bag guy go? [stomach grumbles] I'm hungry. [A hot dog-themed wrestler approaches Patrick.]

Hot Dog Wrestler (Master Udon):
How 'bout a hot dog?

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SpongeBob SquarePants, Season 13

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SpongeBob SquarePants, Season 12

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Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Season 6

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SpongeBob SquarePants, Season 5

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SpongeBob SquarePants, Season Three

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SpongeBob SquarePants, Season one

Mermaid Man:
[slaps forehead] The story. Yes. [a new flashback begins, very similar to the first one] I was a young, handsome muscular lad, soaking up the sun's rays on the beach, when suddenly I became drowsy. [Mermaid Man in the flashback falls asleep instantly] A wave came ashore and drew me back into the ocean!

Young Mermaid Man:
Help! [coughing]

Mermaid Man:
[narrating] Suddenly, I realized I was being sucked under by a violent whirlpool! I was running out of oxygen fast. [sinks to the bottom of the sea and gives up trying the struggle] But before I drowned, I was rescued by mermaids. [carried through the ocean by 2 mermaids] They took me to the ocean floor, where they gave me a magic sea star that allowed me to breathe underwater. [Mermaid Man in the past inhales and exhales deeply, then falls asleep, the present Mermaid Man falls asleep also]

Barnacle Boy:
Wake up, you old coot.

Mermaid Man:
[wakes up after being nudged by Barnacle Boy] Huh?

Barnacle Boy:
Finish the story.

[excitedly] Yeah, Mermaid Man. What about Barnacle Boy?

Yeah, how'd you 2 meet?

Mermaid Man:
[slapping his temples] Oh. Sorry, boys. There I was in the ocean, the only human who could breathe underwater. [flashback resumes] Alas, such a life got lonely real fast, I had no other humans to talk to. What was a man to do? Then my question was answered. [the bottom of a boat is seen in the flashback, then the port side of the boat is shown, where a very young Barnacle Boy is scraping barnacles off the wood. The captain of the boat appears]

Hey, Barnacle Boy. Make sure you scrape the barnacles underneath, too.

Young Barnacle Boy:
Aye, aye. [takes a deep breath and lowers himself underwater to get the barnacles under the surface]

Young Mermaid Man:
A boy in trouble! I've got to act fast or he'll drown. [he swims to Barnacle Boy] Fear not, young man, I'll take care of this.

Mermaid Man:
[narrating once again] I used my new telekinetic powers to draw barnacles into Barnacle Boy's body, where they took the place of his lungs so he could breathe underwater, too. [Young Barnacle Boy inhales] It was at that moment when we decided to team up.

[the flashback has ended] Ohhh, so that's how you guys got together.

Barnacle Boy:
No, no, no. [shaking head and crossing arms] The reason I teamed up with this joker is because... I was stuck breathing underwater for the rest of my life.

Mermaid Man:
Oh... yeah.

Barnacle Boy:
[to SpongeBob and Patrick] Anyway, from that day forward, we became…

...Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy, superhero crime fighters!

Young Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy:
[new flashback begins, an alarm is clanging while people are shouting] A crime in progress! [A bank robber laughs maniacally as he is stealing bags of cash from the First Nautical Bank]

Stop, thief!

Young Barnacle Boy:
See if you think this is funny, evildoer. [He rapidly spits barnacles at the robber, knocking him down] Who's laughing now, thieving scum?

[shaking Mermaid Man's hand] Thank you, sir and to whom do I owe this debt of gratitude?

Young Mermaid Man:
You can thank me, Mermaid Man. [Barnacle Boy's seen shaking in indignity in the background]

Man Ray:
[new flashback begins, Man Ray has the upper hand in a duel against Barnacle Boy. He laughs] You're mine!

Young Barnacle Boy:
[shoots web a web of cheese-like material that binds and gags Man Ray] How'd you like to taste my tentacle zapper, Man Ray?

Young Mermaid Man:
[dialing a pay phone] Hello? [indistinct response] So, what are you wearing? [indistinct response] Oh. In that case, can I get a large pepperoni pizza, extra cheese? Thanks. [Barnacle Boy slaps his head in disgust]

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SpongeBob SquarePants, Season 8

Mermaid Men:

[running out of the time machine along with the second Barnacle Boy, Spongebob and Patrick] Keep your tongue out of my tarter sauce!


Who are you calling imposter, imposter? I must prevent our tarter sauce from being eaten by that... [pans to Patrick] ...That fool!

If I want to get near my tarter sauce, I gotta go through me first!

I’m gonna make you eat those words!

Bring It! [gets "slapped"] Take this! ["punches" himself's hair] I’ll never let you win!

Oh, yes I will!

What do you make of this, Barnacle Boy?

Young Barnacle Boy:
Tangled Timeline, Mermaid Man. I...

Man Ray:
[laughs wickedly] You old coots provided me the perfect distraction. Now prepare to be disappeared!

Young Mermaid Man:
Sounds good on paper, you purveyor of pure evil, but, fortunately, we all know what happens to paper underwater. [takes out a paper and it dissolves] Barnacle Boy, the tartar sauce. [pours tartar sauce on the Man Ray, but two Patricks fall off the can]

Patrick 2:
Wow! I've never eaten that much tartar sauce.

Patrick 1:
Yes, you have.

Patrick 2:
Well, it sure ain't sittin' right.

Man Ray:
[laughs wickedly] Foolish mools. Once again, your buffoonery has given me victory! [blows up the tartar sauce can and laughs wickedly] Oh, I'm going to savor this. It's not every day I get to defeat Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy three times over! [is about to shoot two SpongeBobs, Patrick, two Old Mermaid Mans and Barnacle Boys but another time machine comes]

SpongeBob 2:
[He along with the second Patrick comes out of the machine] Patrick, don’t eat the tartar sauce!

Man Ray:
You’re too late! Your fat friend beat you to it. Now, prepare to taste laser! [another time machine comes, which it opens, and the third SpongeBob and Patrick are falling, screaming] So how...

SpongeBob 4:
[the time machine door with the fourth SpongeBob and Patrick] I told you we had to go back farther!

Man Ray:
Uh... [tries to think but another time machine comes]

Mermaid Man 3:
Up, up, and away! [the third Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy jump out and fall to the ground]

SpongeBob 5:
[another time machine opens with the fifth Patrick also] Now, Patrick! [he along with the fifth Patrick pour tartar sauce on the third Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy and drop the can on them]

Man Ray:
I can't get my head around this. Where are they all coming from? [Man Ray 2's machine comes] Another machine? [Man Ray 2 comes out]

Man Ray 2:
[shoots his own whole time machine and laughs wickedly] I took care of your blasted time machine! [laughs again and flies away]

Man Ray:
Uh! I got to sit down and think this through.

Young Mermaid Man:
[chains Man Ray] Gotta! You've got plenty of time for thinking in the stony lonesome.

Man Ray:
I'm sorry, did you say something? I'm still trying to comprehend what just happened here.

Young Mermaid Man:
It's pretty simple, really. You were defeated by a convoy of continuum-cruising crime stoppers. Thank you, SpongeBob and Patrick.

Four SpongeBobs and Two Patricks:
You're welcome!

SpongeBob 6 and Patrick 6:
[another time machine which holds seven SpongeBobs and six Patricks comes] Oh, hi there! Hello! Hello! Hello!

One Other Patrick:
Hey! Oh, I can't believe it!

One Other SpongeBob:
We just wanted to come back and revisit the day that evil was defeated forever.

SpongeBob 7:
[another time machine appears] Hey, how you doing?

Patrick 7:
We're here.

Eighth and Ninth SpongeBobs and Patricks:
[two time machines appear] Oh, hi there! How you doing?

Tenth SpongeBob and Patrick:
Hello! Hello!

Even More SpongeBobs and Patricks:
[more appear] Oh hi there! [More and more appear while the episode pans into outer space] Hello! Hello!

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SpongeBob SquarePants, Season 7

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SpongeBob SquarePants, Season 5

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SpongeBob SquarePants, Season 1

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SpongeBob SquarePants, Season Five (2007)

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SpongeBob SquarePants, Season 4

Mr. Krabs:
Ah-ha! [picks up the patty with SpongeBob] You're gettin' sloppy, Plankton. Squidward almost squashed ya. [laughs and opens the door] Back to the bucket with ya!

No! No, Mr. Krabs! It's meeee! [gets kicked out and sent flying to the doors of the Chum Bucket] Whoa-ho! [lands safely on the floor]

[Karen scans SpongeBob.]

Ooh! [giggles] That tickles.

Well, SpongeBob SquarePants, it looks like you lost a little weight.

Oh, hi, Karen. Where's Plankton?

You landed on him.

[SpongeBob looks down and sees that he is sitting directly on Plankton.]

Hi, Plankton! [gets off]

SpongeBoob? Why are you so small? Is this a trick?

Calm down. He's clean. I frisked him.

I didn't mean to get small like you, Plankton. It was a freak accident.

Huh? Who are you callin' a freak?! Wait a second. [giggles and takes out a tape measure] Hold this. [measures SpongeBob while he holds the tape; gasps] You're not small like me, Shorty! I am a towering half-a-millimeter taller than you! [laughs] I win! [laughs evilly]

Hooray! [lets go of the tape and Plankton gets himself tangled in it] I'll get that.

Don't touch that! [gets sliced up by the tape]


[falls into pieces] Get him outta here, Karen!

Way ahead of ya, Chief.

[Karen flicks SpongeBob out of the Chum Bucket and sends him flying into the windows of the Krusty Krab. SpongeBob slides down the window just as a purple kid comes by.]

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SpongeBob SquarePants, Season 10

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SpongeBob SquarePants, Season 4

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SpongeBob SquarePants, Season 5

Mr. Krabs:
Barnacles! I'll never find-- [sees the tombstone and it shows his real name, Smitty Werben Man Jensen] The grave! Am I really going to defile this grave for money? Of course I am! [digs and hits something] Jackpot! [opens up the coffin] Ooh. It's beautiful. Come to papa. [takes the head off with the hat on] Hey, come on, Smitty, let go! [takes his head off] Rest in pieces, Smitty. [jumps out of the hole] I got the million dollar hat.

[lightning and thunder booms. Smitty stands up from his grave with his head in one hand]

Hey, man, that's my hat. Give it back.

Mr. Krabs:
What? No way. Just crawl back into your hole, bone boy. Go ahead, play dead.

I guess I'm gonna have to take it from you.

Mr. Krabs:
Yeah, right. You and what army? [But then, the skeleton zombie army came with an eerie moaning]

Only the army of the living dead. [all the other dead bodies are walking towards Mr. Krabs]

Mr. Krabs:
[scared] Oh, no! I've seen this on the late show! You ghoulish fiends hold me down and take turns nibbling on my innards, then you eat my brain and leave my body for the buzzards!

That's disgusting. We just want the hat back.

Mr. Krabs:
No flipping way! [takes the head of a swordfish and uses it as a sword] Back off! Back off, I say!

Attack. [the skeleton zombies ready to draw their weapons]

Mr. Krabs:
Tallyho! [sword fights a few zombies] Look at me, I'm Errol Fin! [chops up more bodies] You're falling apart, marrow brain! You must be kidding. [sword fights them] Back to oblivion! [jumps over a group of zombies] Oh, ho! How's your sister? All right, boneheads. Playtime's over. Yee-hoo! Ha-ha! [twirls around and destroys more of the skeleton zombies in the morning Mr. Krabs finishes destroying all the skeleton zombies and runs out of the cemetery] Wa-ha! A million dollars. I've got a million dollars! [runs back to his curio stand where the fish are talking altogether at once] Oh, there you are. Well, I got it. The rare novelty soda drinking hat. Let's start the bidding at one million dollars! [all of the fish look at each other and then laugh]

Yeah, you want that all at once?

Fish #3:
One million dollars. You gotta be kidding!

Hey! The poor sap's not kidding. Didn't you hear? They found a whole warehouse full of them. THEY'RE WORTHLESS! [the camera goes to a bunch of soda drinking hats are in the dumpster. The fish crack up laughing. SpongeBob walks by with a hat that has clapping hands on the top of it]

Let's give Mr. Krabs a big hand. [laughs]

Now that's worth a million dollars. [SpongeBob laughs again and he leaves the background. Nat runs after him and the other fish follow] Hey, kid, wait up!

Fish #2:
I saw him first!

Fish #3:
I'll give you one billion dollars!

[Fred rows his row-boat along the ground to chase SpongeBob]

Mr. Krabs:
Well, that's a spirit breaker. [throws the soda drinking hat away and breaks down sobbing]

[walks by with flowers in hand] What a baby. [walks off and the episode ends]

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SpongeBob SquarePants, Season 3

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SpongeBob SquarePants, Season Three

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SpongeBob SquarePants, Season 3

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SpongeBob SquarePants, Season 9

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SpongeBob SquarePants, Season 13

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SpongeBob SquarePants, Season 6

Mr. Krabs:
Hey, Carl, what have ya done with me restaurant?! Processed Krabby Patties? Computerized registers?!

Look around you. Our customers are quite content with the contrived, and the mediocre. [customer falls asleep, snoring]

Mr. Krabs:
That's because they don't know what they're eating. [grabs a pile of the gray sludge from the Krabby Patty making machine in the kitchen, then walks up to a customer] 'Scuse me, ma'am. Do you know what's in that Krabby Patty you're eatin'?

Incidental 63:

[Mr. Krabs shows her a pile of the gray sludge to emphasize his point. The customer gasps, screams at the sight of it and runs out]

Mr. Krabs:
See that? Without all your smoke and mirrors, no one would stomach this garbage!

Incidental 42:
What'd he say? Garbage?

[Customers notice what's in the Krabby Patties and everyone runs out. Mr. Krabs laughs as Carl takes out a book of rules, appears angry.]

[annoyed] Eugene, you're in violation of your contract.

Mr. Krabs:
Rules! Here's a rule for ya: people can't eat stain glass barstools! [throws barstool into the big screen TV out of rage and takes the cash register to the kitchen] I'll show you automated! [runs off to the kitchen]

[calls on his walkie-talkie] Mr. Blandy? Code red! Free thinker!

[Mr. Krabs shoves the cash register in the Krabby Patty making machine]

Howard Blandy:
Mr. Krabs, is there a problem here?

Mr. Krabs:
You better believe there's a problem! I used to kiss the ground ya walked on, Blandy! But after seein' this, I wouldn't even spit in your direction! Krabby Patties are supposed to be made by hand, one at a time!

[Cut to the kitchen, where the Krabby Patty machine inflates and about to blow up. Cut back to Mr. Krabs.]

Mr. Krabs:
Not on a conveyor belt!

[Krabby O'Monday's begins to shake and make sirens, as Mr. Krabs suddenly notices. Howard and his team suddenly stop, eyes blank. Gray sludge begins to leak out of the kitchen into the main room.]

Oh my...

[The garbage blows up from the kitchen and blows everybody away off the Krabby O'Monday's including the employees. The restaurant blows up and got destroyed. Carl was seen floating away.]

Does this mean I won't get that raise, sir?

Howard Blandy:
[he looks at the restaurant which is destroyed by the gray meat] It's ruined!

We'll have to sell it. We'll be lucky if we get a fraction of what we paid for it. [Mr. Krabs drives up with boat full of suitcases]

Mr. Krabs:
I'll buy it for full price!

Sold. We won't need your contract anymore. [rips off the contract] Nice doing business with you.

Mr. Krabs:
Pleasure's all mine. Now get out of me restaurant. [laughs while Howard Blandy and his friends walk away sadly in humiliation, leaving SpongeBob and Squidward] Well, we did it, boys. [puts the hats on them] The Krusty Krab is ours again. Ya know, in that fit of maniacal rage, I may have destroyed the restaurant, scared away all our customers, and forced us into bankruptcy because I returned nearly every penny I sold this stink heap for, but it was all worth it. And, I got back the love of me dear friends.

Really, Mr. Krabs?

Mr. Krabs:
No, not really. Get back to work! [he hands them Spatula and the Mop. SpongeBob was glad while Squidward was annoyed, leaving Mr. Krabs, who now pushes the key to open the register and ends with dollar signs, ending the episode]

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SpongeBob SquarePants, Season 4

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