Monk, Season 6

Monk redirects here. For the religious orders, see Monasticism

[pushes the button for the interrogation room speakers] Excuse me, could you fix the blinds, please?

Capt. Stottlemeyer:
I don't feel like it.

I wasn't asking you, ma'am, but I'm going to have to ask you to fix the blinds.

Helen Hubbert:
Who is that?

I'm with the FBI [pause], in Washington D.C., [pause] watching you on my computer [pause] screen.

Capt. Stottlemeyer:
Don't listen to him, ma'am, he is not in Washington...

Ma'am, I'm gonna have to ask you to fix the blinds, and while you're at it pick up the Styrofoam pieces scattered about the room.

Capt. Stottlemeyer:
He is not a federal agent.

Yes, he, I am.

Capt. Stottlemeyer:
No, he's not! He's an ex-cop who hates himself, and hates his life, and isn't happy unless EVERYBODY ELSE IS AS MISERABLE AS HE IS!

Miss Hubbert, I'm sure you wouldn't want us to inform the school board about your little drinking problem.

Helen Hubbert:
How, how?

How?! We're the FBI, that's how!

Capt. Stottlemeyer:
Oh, for God's sakes, he can see the flask in your pocket!

And I'm sure you wouldn't want the IRS to know about your second job. You have been moonlighting as a waitress, haven't you? Have you been reporting all of your tips?

Capt. Stottlemeyer:
He's looking inside your purse! He can see your wad of singles! [looks towards Monk and Natalie] Hey, hey! Mr. FBI-Man! Here. [takes a shoe and smudges it against the glass pane of the interrogation room] What do you think of that?!

Leland, you can put this woman away for the rest of her life. Linda Fusco will still be guilty.

[Monk and Natalie walk away]

Capt. Stottlemeyer:
Okay, let's go over it again, from the top.

Lt. Disher:
[reading from his notebook] OK. Husband, Robert Sherman, owns expensive rug. Intruder's shoes indicate he wiped his feet.

Why would a kid breaking and entering bother to wipe his feet?

Because he wasn't breaking and entering! They knew each other. It was a setup.

Capt. Stottlemeyer:

Lovely Rita:
[from the corner, handcuffed to a chair] Maybe the kid, the intruder, was planning on stealing the rug, and didn't want to scuff it up.

Capt. Stottlemeyer:
[wryly] Thank you.

Lovely Rita:

Capt. Stottlemeyer:
Maybe he planned on stealing the rug.

Lt. Disher:
Okay, what about this? The phone in the bedroom was unplugged.

Lovely Rita:
That doesn't mean anything. I unplug my phone all the time, if I want to sleep, when I'm going to bed...

Capt. Stottlemeyer:
She's right. Doesn't mean anything.

Lt. Disher:
Well, how about this? The wife's slippers.

Right, the husband said she went downstairs because she was cold. If she was cold, why wouldn't she put on her slippers? [pause. Everyone turns to look at Rita]

Lovely Rita:
Well, she wasn't really cold. She just said she was cold. She was really going downstairs to... get a bite of that chocolate cake in the refrigerator.

What chocolate cake?! Who are you?

Lt. Disher:
This is Rita DePasque, aka "The Lovely Rita." She's a material witness on a knife fight downtown.

Lovely Rita:
Alleged knife fight. Alleged. I love that word.

Capt. Stottlemeyer:
The Lovely Rita has a point, amazingly enough. Any hotshot lawyer could explain away that entire notebook.

That's true but if you look at the picture, the big picture, I mean, it's plain as day! He's the guy.

Capt. Stottlemeyer:
Was the wife insured?


Capt. Stottlemeyer:
So where's your motive?

Lovely Rita:
Wake up! [scoots her chair over] You've got two people, living under the same roof. One of them wants the other one dead. Believe me, I know.

He didn't love her! I was there when the M.E. wheeled out the wife. All he cared about was the rug.

Lovely Rita:
You're cute.

No, I'm not.

Lovely Rita:
You ever unbutton that top button?


Capt. Stottlemeyer:
There is one problem with your theory: they never met. We checked their records - their bank records, their emails, their phone records. We talked to their friends - There is no connection between Rob Sherman and Dewey Jordan.

Look, I know I've seen them someplace.

Capt. Stottlemeyer:

I don't know. Just somewhere. It's driving me crazy.

Capt. Stottlemeyer:
Well, they lived in different worlds. [hands them one file] Here's Dewey Jordan's rapsheet - 19 arrests, 12 convictions: bad checks, drugs; a couple of burglaries. [hands over another file] And in sharp contrast, here is Mr. Sherman's jacket - one arrest - one in his entire life: driving with a suspended license.

Capt. Stottlemeyer:
We hit a wall on that West Bay Trust robbery. I wanted to run a couple of things by you. We could have done this yesterday, but you were on your little road trip. What was that all about?

Oh I was helping Dr. Kroger's kid with his homework.

Lt. Disher:

Yeah, the kid needs a role model; somebody to look up to.

Capt. Stottlemeyer:
What, you're gonna help him find one?

Actually, Mr. Monk did a great job yesterday. He was like a big brother, you would've been proud of him. [Randy starts sipping from his 44 ounce soda cup. Stottlemeyer grabs a pen from his cupholder and pokes a hole in the side of the cup, which starts leaking]

Capt. Stottlemeyer:
Let's do this. We've got surveillance video from the bank. [takes a VHS tape out of its case and plugs it into the TV, while Randy uses his finger to plug his cup] Here we go.

[The tape starts playing]

Capt. Stottlemeyer:
[narrating the events on the screen] Wednesday, 9:18 in the morning. Two Caucasian males enter the Vinton Street branch. They pistol-whip Steven Connolly, the assistant branch manager. [As he says that, said event is shown on the tape, though a railing partially obstructs the camera's view]

Lt. Disher:
And guess who his brother is: "Happy" Jack Connolly. Remember him?

Uh-huh. [A guard comes out and fires a shot at the men]

Capt. Stottlemeyer:
9:21, it all hits the fan: the security guard gets off one round. This one - the guy in the green ski mask - gets hit, we think in the chest. [The guard is promptly killed by return fire] They kill the security guard, grab the cash. Two minutes later they're gone. Yesterday - Thursday - we find one of them in a parking lot, dead as dust. [hands them a file with a photo of the dead robber]

From the gunshot?

Capt. Stottlemeyer:
Nope, this is the other guy: Mr. Black Ski Mask. It was a heart attack; one cheeseburger too many. We found blood in the backseat, but no body, no footprints.

Lt. Disher:
And no money.

Double cross?

Capt. Stottlemeyer:
Maybe. Or somebody else found him. Could've been some kids, hanging out, skateboarding. [Randy starts slurping from his soda again] We traced the car. Mr. Black's name was Tony Gammelobo, single, 47, lived in Daly City. [Irritated by Randy's slurping, Stottlemeyer pokes another hole in his cup] Did four years in Arizona. Ring a bell? [Monk sits down, realizing something]

He was 47? [He has a flashback to Pez trying to buy beer at the minimart, saying "I'm totally 47!"] You said there were kids?

Capt. Stottlemeyer:
It's possible, we're checking it out. [Randy starts sipping again]

Lt. Disher:
Yeah, whoever it was, they cleaned him out, wallet, cell phone, everything.

What kind of cell phone?

Lt. Disher:
It was, uh, we found the charger. [takes one hand off his leaking cup to pull the charger out of his pocket] Yeah it was a Motorola.

Wha-what do they look like?

Lt. Disher:
[plugging his cup again] I've got the same model. It's in my pocket. [Natalie pulls the phone out of Randy's jacket pocket. Monk becomes disturbed]

Are you okay? [Monk has a flashback to Troy's friends using an identical phone to take a picture of the "X" at the quarry]

Uh, I-I-I-I just remembered something. I have to go.

Capt. Stottlemeyer:
You're leaving?

Yes, I-I have to talk to Troy about something. [He heads for the door]

Natalie Teeger:
I'll go with you.

No, no-no-no, this is between me and him. You stay here. I'll call you. [He rushes out of the office]

Capt. Stottlemeyer:
What was that all about?

I don't know. [Randy starts sipping loudly again. Having had enough, Stottlemeyer pokes a hole in the bottom of the cup, causing it to spill all over Randy's shoes]

Lt. Disher:
I don't care. Free refills for life. [walks out of the office, the cup still leaking heavily]

[Two kindergarten kids want to give Harold a poster of him as he is walking with Joey]

Kindergarten Teacher:
They wanted to give you this. [hands Harold and Joey a poster]

Little Girl:
It's a picture of you!

Harold Krenshaw:
That's me, huh? [Looks at the sketch of him] Well, I hope not! Look at the size of my head!

Joey Krenshaw:
I'm surprised you can stand up! [They laugh together. Harold notices a bridge]

Harold Krenshaw:
And what is that?

Little Boy:
The Golden Gate Bridge.

Harold Krenshaw:
Really? What's keeping it up? Magic? Because I don't see any suspension cables! Joey, you got a pen? [to the kids] What's the matter with you? [takes a Sharpie and draws a few suspension cables onto the kids' drawing of the Golden Gate Bridge] NOW it's a bridge.

Joey Krenshaw:
It's basic physics.

Kindergarten Teacher:
They're only six years old.

Harold Krenshaw:
They're not gonna learn any younger. That's what my Uncle Ronnie always says.

Joey Krenshaw:
[notices an unusual looking black object in the upper left corner] What's this? A bird? My God, it must be 20 feet long!

Harold Krenshaw:
Yeah! It looks like Mothra! Remember that old movie? [Harold and Joey scream and snarl like the birds in the movie in question. The kids recoil, terrified]

Kindergarten Teacher:
[nervously] You're on the school board?

Harold Krenshaw:
Yeah. [Joey's cell phone rings]

Joey Krenshaw:

Dr. Levine:
Mr. Krenshaw?

Joey Krenshaw:
' That's right.

Dr. Levine:
This is Dr. Levine calling from Reno. You wanted me to call if there was a change in your uncle's condition. I'm afraid it doesn't look good. You might want to think about coming home to say goodbye.

Joey Krenshaw:
How long does he have?

Dr. Levine:
Five days, maybe a week. I'm sorry, sir.

Joey Krenshaw:
Thank you, doctor. [He walks back over to Harold, who in this time has written all sorts of comments over the kids' poster] All right, kids, you've got your notes. Why don't you go back to school and try again? [Hands the poster over to them]

Harold Krenshaw:
That was nice. Who was that [on the phone]?

Joey Krenshaw:
Cousin, that was money calling, endorsement money. You ever heard of Neptune Energy Bars?

Harold Krenshaw:

Joey Krenshaw:
Well, they've heard of you. They want to pay you $10,000 to be in their next commercial.

Harold Krenshaw:

Joey Krenshaw:
Yeah, they're on a tight schedule. They need to shoot tomorrow morning. You think you're up for it?

[Disher tries to question a Living Statue performer with no success]

Lt. Disher:
Excuse me. Lieutenant Disher, SFPD. You've got a pretty good view of the bank from here. We're investigating a robbery that took place earlier this morning. [the Living Statue doesn't hear him] Sir? [pause. Still no response] Sir, this is official police business. It will just take a minute. [takes out his badge and flashes it] If you're not too busy. [pause. Still no response] OK, I know you can hear me. Look, I just saw you blink. You blinked. [Randy tries to startle the performer in hope that he will react; the performer doesn't move a muscle] Oh I get it! [He waves a dollar bill in front of the performer, and then drops the bill into the performer's collection box] Normally, we don't pay for information! So, what time did you arrive at the park this morning, sir? [Still no response] OK, you know what, pal? I can get a crane here in 20 minutes, lift you up and drag you downtown.

[the Living Statue's alarm goes off, and he steps off his pedestal, indicating that it's his break time]

Living Statue; It's my break, man.

Lt. Disher:
Well, thank you. That's more like it.

Living Statue:
[groans] This is my job! I mean, how would you like it if I came to your office and [screams and waves his hand in front of Randy's face] in your face, huh? [He yells in anger again] Was I here? Yes, I was here. I've been here all day. I'm here every morning. Even Sundays.

Lt. Disher:
Good. Did you see anything unusual at around 9:00?

Living Statue:
Yeah. I, I saw a guy. About 5' 10", green hoodie. He was hanging out, pacin' around. Looked kinda nervous, and then, he went inside.

Lt. Disher:
Good. Did you see his face?

Living Statue:
He had his hood up. Sorry.

Lt. Disher:
Okay. Hood up. And then what happened?

Living Statue:
Oh, about 10 minutes later, the alarm went off. And I saw...

[his break alarm goes off, signalling the end of his break. He steps back up on his pedestal and freezes in place]

Lt. Disher:
What? Whoa, whoa, whoa. What are you doing? [No response. Disher laughs for a second] No, no, no, no! No, no, no. Don't. Don't do that. [pause] Hey, we're not done here. What did you see?

[Monk, Stottlemeyer, and Disher arrive at the second Julie Teeger crime scene in a cruiser]

It's not her!

Another Julie Teeger? That's impossible!

Capt. Stotlemeyer Very nearly. [They start walking towards the body]

But this one is totally different; it was an accident. She was a graduate student, she was on her bike, and some guy just hit her and kept on going.

But her name? Her name is definitely Julie Teeger, spelled the same?

Lt. Disher:
You know, actually, these things happen all the time. I once took this course in statistics; there was this woman in Michigan. She won the lottery; the next day, she got bit by a shark.

And what does that prove?

Lt. Disher:
I don't know. I ended up dropping the class.

[While Monk looks at the body, Stottlemeyer looks at the extensive damage Natalie has put on his new car, namely the smashed-in hood]

Capt. Stottlemeyer:
What the hell happened? It was only two miles.

I took a shortcut. I... cut across the creek.

Capt. Stottlemeyer:
There's no bridge across the creek!

I know.

Capt. Stottlemeyer:
There is no bridge across the creek.

Yes, I know.

Capt. Stottlemeyer:
There's no bridge across the creek.

Captain, I am sorry. I will pay for everything.

Capt. Stottlemeyer:
It's okay. It's insured. [tries once more to get a smudge off the battered hood of the car]

Lt. Disher:
Yeah remember, sir, that you did say any parent would have done the same thing.

Capt. Stottlemeyer:
Uh-huh. I think I need to be alone.

Here. [She bangs the hood down, but it doesn't fit. She and Randy walk away to join Monk by the body]

Lt. Disher:
What is it?

Her bike. She has the all the safety features - flashers, two mirrors. She was obviously very careful.


So what was she doing on the wrong side of the road? [Monk pulls a flower petal wedged into the bike frame, and realizes that it comes from a bush in the grass a few feet away. Walking over, he finds a set of tire tracks.]

Lt. Disher:
Monk? Check this out. [Monk comes back]

What is it?

Lt. Disher:
It's a bruise. It's square.

It's from a trailer hitch. [to Natalie and Stottlemeyer] Captain, he chased her across the park. He hit her. And then he backed up to finish her off.

Capt. Stottlemeyer:
He backed up?

He ran her over. This was no random accident.

Capt. Stottlemeyer:
We've got two homicides, same name, on the same day.

Someone is killing Julie Teegers? [Natalie is now horrified]

Oh my God!

Capt. Stottlemeyer:
Any ideas?

I don't know. I don't know.... OK. Maybe a hit man was paid to kill Julie Teeger, but he doesn't know what she looks like.

Capt. Stottlemeyer:
And he's killing all of them? Monk, that doesn't track! The M.O.s are so different: the housewife was stabbed and the graduate student was run down.

Okay, okay, you're right, that doesn't make any sense... [Disher comes in]

Lt. Disher:
Captain. Monk. I've got two ideas. Which do you want first?

Capt. Stottlemeyer:
The one that will make me less pissed off. [Randy sets a file down on the desk]

Lt. Disher:
Theory A. I remember this old case - Matthew Teeger, 35 years old. The guy's been committed twice for acute schizophrenia and delusions.

Any arrests?

Lt. Disher:
Yeah, assault. Three years ago he attacked his stepfather. He said he was defending his mother. Apparently he's obsessed with her. Guess what her name is? [Stottlemeyer lifts up the page in question]

Julia Teeger.

Capt. Stottlemeyer:
A history of violence and a mother obsession.

I like it.

Capt. Stottlemeyer:
I like it, too. Let's talk to this guy.

[Monk, Stottlemeyer and Disher leave the squad room]

[to Randy] What about your other idea? You said you had two?

Lt. Disher:
Oh, yeah... well, it's a just a theory, just brainstorming.

Capt. Stottlemeyer:
[looks at the DVD in Randy's hand] The Terminator? What, you think he might be a robot assassin sent from the future?

Lt. Disher:
Well, he was killing women with the same name. Forget it.

Capt. Stottlemeyer:
[imitates Schwarzenegger] "Sarah Connor, come with me if you want to live."

Lt. Disher:
Uh, that was T-2.

Capt. Stottlemeyer:
Well, maybe we could lure him to a smelting plant on the outskirts of town. [They get on the elevator]

Lt. Disher:
Can I have that back, please?

Capt. Stottlemeyer:
[still imitating] "And things of this nature..."

[Monk walks upstairs to a bedroom in Matthew Teeger's house, and sees Julia sitting in a rocking chair with her back to him]

Mrs. Teeger? Julia? Don't be afraid. I'm with the police, ma'am. We think young Matthew may be involved in some things. Do you know where he is, ma'am? We just want to talk to him. [No answer] I... excuse me? Are-are you okay?

[He looks again, and sees the chair is rocking because of a breeze from the open window]

Are... are you dead?

[He picks up a hairbrush with a tissue and edges forward]

Please be alive... please be alive... please be alive... please don't be one of those skeleton ladies... [The camera angle reveals that it actually is a skeleton. Monk nudges the chair with the hairbrush. The figure pitches forward, and a glass eyeball plops to the floor]

Please be dead! Please be dead! [he drops the handkerchief, disgusted]

[Cuts to Monk in Dr. Kroger's office]

[grabbing a tissue] I just want to thank you again for seeing me on such short notice. Were you sleeping?

Dr. Charles Kroger:
No, no, no, happy to do it.

Your wife wasn't too happy. I could hear her in the background.

Dr. Charles Kroger:
No, Madeleine is fine. It's part of the job and she knows that.

Does she have Tourette syndrome?

Dr. Charles Kroger:
[thinking for a while] Yes! Yes she does. So, uh, a glass eyeball?

The mother died three months ago, the son never reported it.

Dr. Charles Kroger:
Now, hang on, did the son kill the mother?

Well the doctors say no. It was a heart aneurysm. Her son, Matthew, is an amateur taxidermist. He stuffed her body, carried her from room to room, like nothing happened.

Dr. Charles Kroger:
Yeah, I've heard of cases like that. You see, he couldn't function without her. And they call it radical cognitive bonding.

At least I never dug Trudy up and had her stuffed and mounted, right?

Dr. Charles Kroger:
Yes, and I've always been very proud of you for that.

[Randy has been disguised as Matthew Teeger's mother as part of a sting operation, with Monk, Stottlemeyer and a technician handling the operation from the back of a van]

Police Technician:
Tape is rolling. [sneezes] Could you hand me a Kleenex? [Monk hands him one]

Kills 99.9% of all cold and flu viruses. Only 99.9. [A scratching noise is emitted over the wire]

Capt. Stottlemeyer:
Randy, what are you doing?

[Cuts to upstairs, where Randy, dressed in drag and a gray wig and sitting in a rocking chair, is adjusting his bra]

Lt. Disher:
My bra's itching. How do they walk around in this stuff?

Police Technician:
This is a new low.

Capt. Stottlemeyer:
Actually, it's not a new low. That's the sad part.

Lt. Disher:
[through his wire] He's never gonna buy this.

Dr. Kroger thinks he will. Matthew Teeger has suffered a pure psychotic break, he's in complete denial. His mother never died, not to him.

Capt. Stottlemeyer:
The important thing is that we keep him talking.

Lt. Disher:
What if he has a knife?

Capt. Stottlemeyer:
He's right. We need a code, a phrase, in case he's in trouble.

Lt. Disher:
Uh, how about, "Mother of God, he has a knife!"?

Capt. Stottlemeyer:
No it has to be covert. It has to sound conversational, sound natural.

How about this: "I wish there were ten of them."

Capt. Stottlemeyer:
Ten of what?

Of anything.

Capt. Stottlemeyer:
Well, you see, Monk. I don't think anyone would say that.

Lt. Disher:
I've heard people say that.

Capt. Stottlemeyer:
Look, here's the phrase: "Better late than never."

Lt. Disher:
[accidentally knocks over some junk, thinking it's a booby trap] BOOBY TRAP!

Capt. Stottlemeyer:
Randy! RANDY! It's not a booby trap! It's a spider's web.

Bennie Wentworth:
What's going on? Did you break this [bike]?

Lt. Disher:

Bennie Wentworth:
You break it, you bought it. That's the rule.

It's a junkyard. How do you know if something's broken?

Bennie Wentworth:
I know. I can tell. Look. [picks up bicycle] This wheel is all bent! $40 bucks!

Lt. Disher:
$40 bucks. No way.

Capt. Stottlemeyer:
[to Bennie] Mr. Wentworth, this is Adrian Monk and Natalie Teeger. They're helping us out. I was wondering, could you go over the whole thing again, please?

Bennie Wentworth:
Go over what? The guy was on my property, he tried to rip me off. He got what was coming to him, end of story. [back to Randy] I tell you what. Give me $20 bucks, we'll forget about the whole thing.

Lt. Disher:
I'm not paying for it!

What was he doing here? Mr. Wentworth, what do you think he was after?

Bennie Wentworth:
I don't know. Maybe he needed a carburetor. People need carburetors.

He was wearing a $2,000 suit. And those are Italian shoes. I think he could afford a carburetor.

Bennie Wentworth:
Maybe he stole the suit. That's possible, isn't it? Maybe he stole the shoes! Maybe he's on a spree.

The suit, the shoes, the carburetor. What kind of spree is that?

Bennie Wentworth:
I don't know. An eclectic spree?

Do you have any enemies?

Bennie Wentworth:
None that I can think of, except for this guy the bicycle thief [points at Randy accusingly].

[Benny makes another attempt at reasoning with Randy]

Capt. Stottlemeyer:
Randy, give him five bucks.

Lt. Disher:

[He takes out his wallet and hands Bennie Wentworth five bucks]

I wonder what happened to his partner.

Capt. Stottlemeyer:
What partner?

It's a dirt road out there. Very little dust on his shoes. Somebody must have dropped him off. Maybe they took off when they heard the gunshot.

Capt. Stottlemeyer:
[to Randy] Secure the road. Tell the crime scene techs to check for tire tracks. [Randy starts to walk away] Randy! Your bike!

[Randy reluctantly picks up the broken bike and carries it with him]

[Natalie confronts Stottlemeyer in private]

It's him, isn't it? [Stottlemeyer drops his hand in defeat, no longer able to cover the story up. Natalie breaks down, sobbing] Oh, my god. Oh my god! [Natalie's sorrow quickly turns to anger and she punches Stottlemeyer in the chest]

Why didn't you tell me?!?

Capt. Stottlemeyer:
Natalie! Natalie! Natalie! Natalie! [She calms down, but still glares hatefully at him] I am so sorry.

You're sorry?!?! But how?

Capt. Stottlemeyer:
Bulletproof vest. We couldn't tell anybody. [looks at the newspaper] Leland Rodriguez, huh?

That's his name!

Capt. Stottlemeyer:
Well that's just stupid!

What's he doing in Nevada?!

Capt. Stottlemeyer:
He's supposed to be avoiding attention; staying off the radar!

He's all alone?!

Capt. Stottlemeyer:
Natalie, you can't tell anybody. You can't tell Randy; you can't even tell Julie!

Randy doesn't know?

Capt. Stottlemeyer:
No. I'm trying to protect him.

From what?!

Capt. Stottlemeyer:
I'm not sure. There's something going on here. That Sheriff Rollins, he framed Monk for shooting the six fingered man. You were there! They were gonna send Monk away forever! And it's not just Rollins: Rollins is working for somebody, may-maybe somebody in the Governor's office!

Oh my God!

Capt. Stottlemeyer:
It may go higher than that. I'm not sure. I'm still working on it! I just need a little more time!

I have to see him. [She starts to walk out, but Stottlemeyer grabs her arm]

Capt. Stottlemeyer:
Natalie, leave him alone. He's safe where he is. You have to promise me you're not going to do it. Promise me.

I promise. [Cuts to Natalie hurriedly packing a suitcase]

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