Timothyj.29104's Quotes Page #135

Here's the list of quotes submitted by timothyj.29104  —  There are currently 6,274 quotes total — keep up the great work!

Blue Shirt Guy:
I can't take it anymore. Open your mouth.

[Blue Shirt Guy forcefully put pills into Shamus' mouth by becoming good and clearing all of his blackness away]

What are you doing to the boy's mouth?!

Mommy, daddy, I sorry I hurt you. I won't anymore. Can I have more pills?

Pink Shirt Woman:
Yes, have all you want, son.

Pills. You can't swallow your way to happiness. You couldn't even swallow your way out of a bus-station bathroom. What are these pills?

Blue Shirt Guy:
Fiddelin. Don't worry -- They're spiritually based drugs. Look.

[Blue Shirt Guy plays the Fiddelin commercial on TV]

Fiddelin Announcer:
Recent science has discovered that, for thousand of years, tibetan monks used gutteral prayer chants to sooth their yellow souls in the yellow face of their yellow oppressors.

Fiddelin Announcer:
But in our sophisticated world.. [pans to the next scene where a fat guy watching tv eating junk food] Who has time for that noise?

Fiddelin Announcer:
You've got enough on your plate. Let Fiddelin do the spiritual legwork for you. At transcendental medication, we sonically condense the biodharmic vibrations of over 1,000 monk chants into every pill.

Fiddelin Announcer:
Scienspritific audiologists have found that vibration from a monk's throat doesn't radiate in megaheartz but in megahearts.

Jamician Atom:

Fiddelin Announcer:
If not now, when? If not it, what? If not things, stuff? Side effects include wetmouth, plaid blood, frozen day rate, herniated monsterism, taint mishbehaving, urethral scremage, global colostomy face, wrongbody, restless lung syndrome, and sexual diarrhea. Do not wake the sleeping yellow dragon.

Fiddelin Announcer:
Who says you can't find purity in a pill? Tune in to Fiddelin with your soul.

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 6 months ago

[Shamus (Shakadingo) give the Blue Shirt Guy a warning threat after he cutted the Blue Shirt Guy's private area]

Shamus (Shakadingo):
[evil mode] If you say anything, you gonna wake up with your face in my tummy 'cause I ated it.

What were you two doing in the bathroom during intermission?

Blue Shirt Guy:
We were just talking --

Shamus (Shakadingo):
Eatin' ice cream.

Blue Shirt Guy:
I mean, talking about ice cream that we were just eating.

What but were you doing in there earlier?

Blue Shirt Guy:
I was being raped --

[Shamus (Shakadingo) stomps on Blue Shirt Guy's foot]

Blue Shirt Guy:
By flavor! He just shoved the cone right in me.

Pink Shirt Woman:
Last night, he gave me...

[Shamus (Shakadingo) stared at her deadly]

Pink Shirt Woman:
A banana split, and it hurt.

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 6 months ago

Shamus (Shakadingo):
What's that over there? A candy dolphin?

OOH! CANDY DOLPHIN?! Where is it? Maybe if I look real hard...

Shamus (Shakadingo):
[evil mode] I'm gonna do bad things to you tonight and make you suffer for my pleasure.

Blue Shirt Guy:

What? I see what's going on. You're trying to distract me to keep me from seeing a sweet land dolphin.

There's something fishy about you two. As this child's weenie-minder, I am policing you now, and I'll coupulater if you so much as yodel his scrotal or fiddle his faddle.

I have reason to believe this kid's lower back bottom was once treated like Grand Central Station. And I got four tickets to the opera. We'll get there by train. Up his...

[cuts to the next scene where a women is vocalizing in an opera]

Blue Shirt Guy:

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 6 months ago

[The Couple's final step is to save Shamus (Shakadingo) in the middle of the road]

And the last step -- To pick up where you left off with Michael so that Shakadingo can fill the place in your black heart that Michael so rudely interrup-died.

Yes, snatch him fro' the clutches whence your prior son was felleded. And yes, I glued his shoes to the road to cement a seal on the deal.

And yes, I tied his belt twixt two trees for kicks.

[The Couples managed to save Shamus (Shakadingo) when the car was about to him and instead hit the tree]

Pink Shirt Woman:
Oh, I never want to lose you again.

Blue Shirt Guy:

Frittata, family achieved. You're psycholegally adopted.

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 6 months ago

[Shamus and the couple pee in cups into Xavier's drink to vibe together]

As your brines intertwines, the co-mingling fluid familyize-ifizes you.

[Xavier drinks their pees]

Ahh, you are now one. Do you have any mouthwash? Your breath stinks. [splashes pee over his face] Ahh!

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 6 months ago

You've got black gobs of family holidays to make up for -- Four kwanzaas, three kwanzaweens, and a kweaster to kwetch up on. Kwere, bite the kwanzaa bean.

Blue Shirt Guy:
This isn't a real kwanzaa bean.

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 6 months ago

I'll make you all vibe together using ancient hopi tribe procedure rituals that will fashion family bondage. Ooh!

Shamus (Shakadingo):

We're re-creating the psychogenetic birthular attatchment. Push! Push!

Pink Shirt Woman:
But I can't push him out. He's not in.

I think I know it were I'm doing. [uses Shamus to thrust inside the woman's womb]

Blue Shirt Guy:
[in a baby outfit] I confused!

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 6 months ago

[Xavier draws black stuff on Shamus' face for the couple to remember their first son, Michael]

This is Shaka...dingo.

Blue Shirt Guy:
He looks just like our Michael right after he got hit by that car.

Shakadingo, go hug your new mommy and daddy.

Pink Shirt Woman:
We're not ready for this. I can't...

[Xavier's flashback intensifies]

Xavier's Mom:
Oh, can't pick you up, dear. Mommy's holding some raw meat.

[transitions to the next scene where Xavier's Mom gets more offensive and dirty]

Xavier's Mom:
Mommy can't kiss your boo-boo! Still holding that raw meat from years ago.

[transitions to the next scene where Xavier's Mom turns into a old hag and still keeping the rotten meat when Xavier graduated]

Xavier's Mom:

Young Xavier:
Close your legs, mother. You're embarrassing me.

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 6 months ago

[Xavier sees Shamus doing terrible things at a orphan church school]

They've got this poor child pulling a train! It's time to cease the skeet and diddling and skedaddle and get you a new mommy and daddy.

[Shamus sees Xavier coming by]

Fresh meat.

Look at this den of siniquity. Even the bibles are ribbed. But for whose pleasure? They even have a sex swing set and whoopee crayons! Just need to black you up. Flesh colored? How offensive. Oh, "Shiftless". This ought to get you black on track.

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 6 months ago

Pills are just a psychotropic band-aid on a biochemical crutch. I took a pill once, and I woke up with a booty hole the size of a wine bottle, fat end first.

But did I whine? No, I turned to the bottle. And when I woke up from that, I met up with you fine folks to warn you about pills. Just walk it off. Your child is dead, and you can never, ever replace him. [gets an idea] That's it. I can replace him.

Pink Shirt Woman:
You can?

By the end of the day, you will have forgotten all about your dead turtle -- I mean son. [gasps] See?

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 6 months ago

A dead child is like pudding. The proof is in the fact that he probably looked like pudding when he got hit by that car. And I think it's time you be "pudding" his chocolate memory to rest.

Blue Shirt Guy:
Rest -- Oh, have one of the green ones. They'll help you rest. You want the rest? Huh?

No, I don't believe in pills.

Pink Shirt Woman:
There's a pill for that, too. Here.

[Xavier's flashback intensifies]

Young Xavier:
My parakeet feeds her babies every day. How come I don't get no din-din?

Xavier's Mom:
Mommy loves only her pills. They stop my quivers!

[Xavier's Mom vomits into Young Xavier's mouth]

Young Xavier:
Thanks, mommy!

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 6 months ago

[Xavier sees the couple eating pills]

Don't fear! Help is on the right here.

Blue Shirt Guy:
No, no. No help needed. We're fine. Right, honey? Have another one, honey?

Pink Shirt Woman:
Just enjoying this beautiful weather, laying flowers where our son was killed.

And I suppose you blame yourselves for his death. I know I do.

Blue Shirt Guy:
We've just been a little depressed since he died.

Pink Shirt Woman:
[happily] I am a raging hellfire of rolling misery. That's what these pink ones are for.

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 6 months ago

[narrating] This happy place holds magic meaning, for 'twaaaas my mother's nickname. Truckers, delivery guys, men coming in and out of the house all day called her the Grand Canyon, but I never knew why. It's just a great wide gash, spread open for the enjoyment of all to come inside as he pleases and pleasures. Often there's a donkey in there.


Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 6 months ago

[after the Priest beats Xavier]

You did a good job keeping our secret. [evil mode] Just don't ever tell nobody about what I do to you, or I cut your parts off and feed them to my teddy bear, Mr. Ruffles.

Okay, just don't do those things to me bad place anymore.

I'll do what I want, got it?

Yes, Shamus.

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 6 months ago

Hail mary full of gays. Well, I say you're in, in my gaze. If you so much as think about touching that boy again, I'll so much as think about doing something about it.

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 6 months ago

[pulls up cross-chucks] Forgive me, Father, as I make this poor soul... [beats Xavier]

[Take that!]

Sweet mother mary, shut your virgin eyes, as I force his arse to...

[Taste the pain.]

You are forgiven, my child.

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 6 months ago

Where did you come across this child? My face? Ooh, nice.

This is a poor orphan boy from the parish. They say he was a virgin birth. But every boy needs love.

Well, I never got any, and I think I turned out okay. [to Shamus] Here, wear this priest-proof chastity diaper so he can't catho-lick you no more.

Well, I don't like what you're insinuatin'.

That thing is scarin' me.

[to Priest] Okay, your "hole-ness". Let me smell your fingers. Now you smell mine. Kid, you smell his nose while I check him for lies.

[Xavier finds a bug inside of Priest's hair and ate it]

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 6 months ago

Back away from the boy! Uncloven his hoove. This abuse will not stand down. You can't pope with his pooper fadre. [sniffs]

[Irish accent] I don't know what you're sayin'.

[to Shamus] I'll get to your bottom of this. Show me on me what the bad man did to you. Did he make you go down on your knees for him?

Only when he prayed with me.

Sounds like you were his prey.

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 6 months ago

I alone stride along to strive alone to unify all men in the greasy heat of my unifrier.

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 6 months ago

A mantra is a soothing sonic reverberation through the throat, but it has no meaning, no significance. It's just the empty gibberitical sound of soul serenity, vibrations devoid of implicatorial importance.

There's no issues. Don't look for meaning because there is none, okay? Meditation just calms me down.

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 6 months ago

[Chief checks with Assy to see how he's doing after getting hit by the bus]

Damn it, Assy. You should have listened to me. But I'm glad you didn't. Some sicko's been stealing old people, selling them, using them as crash test dummies. Guess they're cheaper than the real thing.

We just shut down the company. But now we got to find out who this sicko is.

Sir, visiting hours are over.

[Chief kisses Assy before he leaves]

[to Nurse] Bite me.

Assy McGee  Movie Quote

added 6 months ago

Hey, Rudolpho, we really need to --

[sees Rudolpho jacking off at a dessert magazine]


[Brenda comes by]

You did this to him. Honey, what's the matter?

It's Assy. He's in critical condition.

Critical condition? Where is he? Which hospital?

Exeter General.

Okay, I got to go.

[Sanchez leaves]


Assy McGee  Movie Quote

added 6 months ago

[Assy fires bullets at a shooting range]

Assy McGee:
You shall now walk again. Throw away your chair. Walk again!

Well, detective McGee, that's a nice grouping.

Assy McGee:
It's not a grouping. It's my calling.

A calling that could bring a lot of financially curious southern tourist to our fair city.

Assy McGee:
Not interested.

Well, then, what are gonna do?

Assy McGee:
Walk the earth healing paraplegics with the mysterious power of lead hollow points.

[Assy gets hit by a bus]

Oh, that's nasty.

Assy McGee  Movie Quote

added 6 months ago

This is great meatloaf, honey.

I want a divorce.

So, have you heard from Rudolpho?

He's upstairs.

What did you tell him?

I told him you're dead.

Well, I guess I'll go break him the good news.

Assy McGee  Movie Quote

added 6 months ago

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