Timothyj.29104's Quotes Page #47

Here's the list of quotes submitted by timothyj.29104  —  There are currently 6,838 quotes total — keep up the great work!

Chase Fontaine:
How many more mountains are we going to crash into today?

Joseph Bigsby:
Only three more.

Chase Fontaine:
Ok, well that's not so bad.

Joseph Bigsby:
Then the ship explodes.

Chase Fontaine:
Well, then change course, you douchebag.

Jack Taggart:
Hey! Nobody's doing anything until we get new orders.

Chase Fontaine:
New whats

Jack Taggart:
Orders, from our beloved leader, Awesome-X.

Chase Fontaine:
Dude! That guy is in outer space. It's all over the news. Besides, he hasn't been here in like a year.

Jack Taggart:
Awesome-X is our leader, and until we get new orders, we will follow his old orders.

Joseph Bigsby:
But, what were his old orders?

Jack Taggart:
To *wait* for more orders.

Joseph Bigsby:
Oh...yeah. [pauses for a couple seconds]

Jack Taggart:
Also, brace for impact.

The Xtacles  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

Warning. Proximity alert.

Jack Taggart:
Brace for impact! Here comes the glory.

Joseph Bigsby:
Permission to be scared, sir.

Jack Taggart:
Permission denied.

Joseph Bigsby:

The Xtacles  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

Aaron Burr:
Knock, knock. Knock, knock. Who's there? Knock, knock. Ooh, knock, knock. Hee hee! Who's there? Knock, knock. I like...dog on the pizza. Yeah. I like...dog on the pizza.

[Thomas Jefferson shoots Arron Burr]

Thomas Jefferson:
I couldn't take another second of that.

Alexander Hamilton:
You killed the Vice President. [said it calmly while eating pizza]

Thomas Jefferson:
No, no, no. It was a duel. [picks up Aaron Burr while imitating him] No, Aaron Burr!

[Thomas Jefferson shoots Alexander Hamilton]

Thomas Jefferson:
Oh, look. That Aaron Burr killed Alexander Hamilton in a duel.

Young Person's Guide to History  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

[as Benjamin's kite was in the pot, a sudden thunderstruck of lightning shoots the kite, then turns the vice president creation inside the pot into a weird turn.

Thomas Jefferson:
Oh, my god.

Benjamin Franklin:
Don't say that word. God is gone from this room.

[as the smokes clears out, the vice president turns out to be a dirty naked creature wearing his undies]

Benjamin Franklin:
What are we gonna name him?

Thomas Jefferson:
Thomeg Jeffersoff.

Benjamin Franklin:
No. That's a terrible name. How 'bout Casper Hutchinson?

Thomas Jefferson:

Benjamin Franklin:
What was that?

Thomas Jefferson:

Benjamin Franklin:

Thomas Jefferson:

Benjamin Franklin:

Thomas Jefferson:

Benjamin Franklin:
I know, I know.

Thomas Jefferson:
Oh, damn. Look how big he got!

Aaron Burr:

Thomas Jefferson:
[to Burr] Look how pretty you are. Look how beautiful you are. Look how smart and beautiful you are. You're so smart. [sees Burr about to pull his wet hair] No, no, no, don't touch it, motherf***er.

Thomas Jefferson:
I love you so much. it's gonna be you and me, the President and the Vice President, okay? And no one else. We're together like a team. You're a vice presidential thing of beauty. [sees Burr running happily] You want to be Vice President? You want to be Vice President? YOU WANNA BE VICE PRESIDENT?! Look at him being Vice President, Beej! That's him being Vice Pr-- I'M COMING WITH YOU! I'M RUNNING AFTER YOU! [leaves]

Benjamin Franklin:
[hand gesturing his "What have I've done" expression]

Young Person's Guide to History  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

[as Thomas Jefferson is making a vice president with Benjamin's pot]

Benjamin Franklin:

Thomas Jefferson:
[annoyed] What? What?!

Benjamin Franklin:
You're stirring it wrong, that's all. You're stirring it wrong.

Thomas Jefferson:
Ohhh, I'm stirring it wrong?!

Benjamin Franklin:
Yes. Yes.

Thomas Jefferson:
Oh, I'm stirring it wrong!

[Benjamin Franklin puts his kite to the pot]

Benjamin Franklin:
This...is how its done.

Thomas Jefferson:
You take this kite [bleep] too far, man.

Young Person's Guide to History  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

Thomas Jefferson:
I need a vice president, Beej.

Benjamin Franklin:
Well, I'd love to be a vice president. Absolutely. Of cour-- Yes!

Thomas Jefferson:
No. I do not want you to be my vice president, I want you to make me a vice president, okay, Barbara? Let's go.

Young Person's Guide to History  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

[as Benjamin opens the door, Thomas sees Benjamin's hair all wasted-looking]

Thomas Jefferson:
Oh, my god. What happened to you hair?

Benjamin Franklin:

Thomas Jefferson:
It looks terrible.

Benjamin Franklin:
What do you mean?

Thomas Jefferson:
Everyone can see you're bald. You look like a woman.

Young Person's Guide to History  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

Benjamin Franklin:
The Government will purchase Mr. Jefferson's entire collection of colonial erotica and detective novels for the sum of $10,000, which will cover his debt owed to the firm of Greeley and Kornhaber.

[as Benjamin Franklin got done with his speech, Alexander starts next]

Alexander Hamilton:
Words are--

[until Thomas Jefferson shoves Hamilton out of the way]

Thomas Jefferson:
[before he was about to say something] What are you looking at, you piece of [bleep]?

[Thomas then psychically explodes the Congressmans' heads]

Young Person's Guide to History  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

[as Tim Heidecker passes out from eating onions in his sandwich, the crew reshoot the scene with again with different bill collectors]

Thomas Jefferson:

Bill Collector #3:
Hold it right there, Jefferson. Pay us the $10,000, or we will be forced to take possession of your home.

[Thomas Jefferson thinks for a sec, then presses a button behind his desk, releasing a big whale eating the bill collectors]

Thomas Jefferson:
[speaking Spanish]

Thomas Jefferson:
Okay, I don't know how long we're gonna get with that, so why don't we pack up every single thing in this house and go?

Young Person's Guide to History  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

Thomas Jefferson:

Eric the Bill Collector #1:
Hello, Mr. Jefferson.

Tim the Bill Collector #2:
[woozy] It was very clever of you to take your home and place it on the bottom of the ocean floor.

Eric the Bill Collector #1:
You must pay us $10,000 or we take possession of your fish tank.

Thomas Jefferson:
[randomly screams]

Eric the Bill Collector #1:
[to the crew] Did you guys have onions in those sandwiches?

Tim the Bill Collector #2:
Could we take a sec, please?

Eric the Bill Collector #1:
Are you okay?

Tim the Bill Collector #2:

Eric the Bill Collector #1:
He's getting red.

Tim the Bill Collector #2:
I'm fine.

Eric the Bill Collector #1:
Matt, we need your help for real.

Benjamin Franklin:
Is he alright?

Let's get through the scene. You guys can--

[Tim Heidecker passes out]

Eric the Bill Collector #1:
HELP! Who put onions in his sandwich?

Young Person's Guide to History  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

Thomas Jefferson:
I call it the Swivel Chair.

Benjamin Franklin:
Yes, but to completely rebuilt Monticello at the bottom of the ocean!

Thomas Jefferson:
As long as there are those to whom I owe money and who expect that money to be repaid, I shall remain here at the bottom of the ocean...in Aquacello.

Young Person's Guide to History  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

[Thomas gives Franklin and Alexander a wild ride, where Thomas has been doing this whole in the bottom of the ocean while becoming a sea monster]

Thomas Jefferson:
I can communicate with sea creatures. [thinking] Donde esta la biblioteca?

Fish #1:
Uh, no habla, buddy. Get out of my face.

Thomas Jefferson:
[thinking] Donde esta la biblioteca?

Fish #2:

Benjamin Franklin:
That's wonderful.

Thomas Jefferson:
I can also explode them. [explodes many sea creatures]

Benjamin Franklin:
Oh, my god!

Thomas Jefferson:
I probably do that one too much.

Benjamin Franklin:
But you understand I'm drowning, right?

Alexander Hamilton:
I can't breathe.

Young Person's Guide to History  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

Alexander Hamilton:
FISH AWAY! [throws his rod in the ocean]

Benjamin Franklin:
HAMILTON! What the--

[Alexander flinches that he was about to get punched]

Benjamin Franklin:
It's alright! I'm not going to hit you. Without Thomas, there will be no violence this Christmas. Even if it seems like...no Christmas at all.

Young Person's Guide to History  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

Benjamin Franklin:
It's...it's an online networking...forum. Everyone -- You sign up. You get your own account and then your friends sign up and you can talk to them through the online.

Alexander Hamilton:
It's a...it's a...it's a funny...timely...

Benjamin Franklin:

Alexander Hamilton:
It's timely.

Benjamin Franklin:
What's...what's it about? Summarize that.

Alexander Hamilton:
It's a...it's a joke.

Benjamin Franklin:
[mumbles himself] Alright, let's just...I don't know why I still go out with you.

Alexander Hamilton:
Funny story.

Young Person's Guide to History  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

[in about millions of years, Thomas Jefferson finally opens up Benjamin Franklin's case]

Future Franklin:
Greetings! I am Future Franklin! Here is today's invention. That's shampoo...travel size.

Young Person's Guide to History  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

Alexander Hamilton:
This is delicious Garlon.

Thomas Jefferson:
Mmm! So good.

Monsieur Bouffant:
I have been all around this world...and I have never, ever come in contact with such a delicious creature as the Garlon.

Benjamin Franklin:
[pronounces] The Eagle.

Thomas Jefferson:

Benjamin Franklin:
I mean, do you think its funny to act like--

Thomas Jefferson:
To the Garlon, huh?

Alexander Hamilton:
To the Garlon.

Monsieur Bouffant:
To the Garlon.

To the Garlon.

Thomas Jefferson:
To the obvious Garlon.

Benjamin Franklin:
I'm sorry! It's an Eagle! There's no such thing as a Garlon!

Monsieur Bouffant:
Great Garlon.

Benjamin Franklin:
French idiot! I'll be in my carriage! Idiots. [leaves]

Young Person's Guide to History  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

[as Thomas and Monsieur keep fighting, they saw the Garlon]

Thomas Jefferson:
It's the Garlon.

[Thomas shoots the Garlon]

Thomas Jefferson:

Young Person's Guide to History  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

[as Monsieur fights Thomas Jefferson, his animal instincts came out]

Monsieur Bouffant:
I'm a cock.

Young Person's Guide to History  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

[as Thomas saw the full moon, his animal instincts came out]

Thomas Jefferson:
I'm a wolf.

Young Person's Guide to History  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

Thomas Jefferson:
A land teeming with symbols of America! [sees his map] Terracultus.

Young Person's Guide to History  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

Benjamin Franklin:
Monsieur Bouffant, allow me to introduce Thomas Jefferson.

Monsieur Bouffant:
Thomas Jefferson? But you're the lunatic who keeps sending me moose carcasses in the mail? You made our children cry.

Thomas Jefferson:
I'm gonna keep making them cry till you admit American Superiority. In the cate-- In a term of --

Benjamin Franklin:

Thomas Jefferson:
An animals...

Benjamin Franklin:
Animal species and size.

Thomas Jefferson:
And size.

Monsieur Bouffant:
Oh, no, NO! Elaine.


Monsieur Bouffant:
Le Coq, S'il Vous Plait.

[Elaine brings a rooster]

A Le Coq.

Monsieur Bouffant:
So, may I ask, Mr. Jefferson...what animal represents America?

Thomas Jefferson:
[babbling] The Bear.

Monsieur Bouffant:

Thomas Jefferson:
They already got the bear?

Monsieur Bouffant:
Yes. Yes.

Benjamin Franklin:
[whispering to Jefferson] Turkey.

Thomas Jefferson:
I'm not saying, turkey.

Benjamin Franklin:
[whispering] Say, "Lion".

Thomas Jefferson:
Alright, shut up.

Thomas Jefferson:
The...tiger. The most powerful--

Monsieur Bouffant:

Thomas Jefferson:
Huh? What?

Monsieur Bouffant:

Thomas Jefferson:
...THE GARLON! [grumpy voice] He's like a big old building with fur and anger, and he fliiiiiies tall and he got a big mouth and he's a got a face full of buildings which he will beat you up with 'cause he's got a building in his bucket.

Monsieur Bouffant:
I would love to see this Garlon.

Thomas Jefferson:
And you will, 'cause I'm gonna bring a Garlon back here, and he's gonna swallow your wife's coq. [to Elaine] You're pretty as a picture.

Young Person's Guide to History  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

[Benjamin Franklin wakes up drunk and sees General Washington]

George Washington:
Good god!

Benjamin Franklin:
Oh, hey, General Washington.

George Washington:
You smell like whiskey and sperm.

Benjamin Franklin:

[Thomas Jefferson shows up brushing his teeth]

George Washington:

Thomas Jefferson:

George Washington:
You are the one who killed this man, weren't you?

Thomas Jefferson:

George Washington:
Do you know who he is?

Thomas Jefferson:
[annoyed] No, I don't know who he is.

George Washington:
Take a look.

[George touches King George and turns out to be a robot the entire time]

George Washington:
God job, men. Not only did you defeat King George, but you also won the Revolutionary War.

[Thomas and Benjamin were both confused and not amused after what they did, and then Benjamin spits on Robot King George]

Young Person's Guide to History  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

[Alexander Hamilton joins a threesome with Thomas' nurse lady]

Thomas Jefferson:
Hamilton, Hamilton, get out of here! Hamilton!

Alexander Hamilton:
I misjudged the situation.

Young Person's Guide to History  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

Thomas Jefferson:
[singing] I'm gonna bang some nurses, America.

Young Person's Guide to History  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

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A Franklin Delano Roosevelt
B Mao Tse-Tung
C Donald Trump
D Tony Blair