Timothyj.29104's Quotes Page #45

Here's the list of quotes submitted by timothyj.29104  —  There are currently 6,826 quotes total — keep up the great work!

Joe Yunger:
Hey! How about payin' a little bit more attention to your regulars, you stupid unemployed actor?

[roars] I hear they're remaking the sequel to Terms of Endearment...

Joe Yunger:
[angrily tired] This place is goin' to hell.

Mary Shelley's Frankenhole  Movie Quote

added 2 months ago

Victor Frankenstein:
Alright, we have a scary monster contest to win, so let's start from the top.

Frankenstein's Creation:
Scary Monster Contest? You know, I'm a--

Victor Frankenstein:
Yes -- A janitor, so sweep up and quit interrupting!

So, what should stick out of the monster's skull? Horns? Penises? Puppies?

Frankenstein's Creation:

Victor & Polidori:
[both laugh]

Victor Frankenstein:
You couldn't scare anybody.

You're afraid of fire.

Frankenstein's Creation:
I'll show you GEUINE TERROR! [rips both Polidori's arms off]

Victor Frankenstein:

[Creation throws Polidori's arms out of the window]

Victor Frankenstein:
Oh, yeah, that was real mature.

Mary Shelley's Frankenhole  Movie Quote

added 2 months ago

Wow! Dr. Frankenstein! Can you sign my brain?

Victor Frankenstein:
Would you get lost, kid? I'm drinking here!

Ohh, but you're my favorite mad scientist ever, Dr. Frankenstein.

Dr. Moreau:
Hmph! I think you mean "Mister".

Victor Frankenstein:
[tired] Oh, great.

Oh, great. Wow! Dr. Moreau! Will you sign my brain?

Dr. Moreau:
Of course. I'd be delighted. You know, young man, the scary monster contest is sponsored by the society of ill-advised experimentation, and we don't allow "Misters" to enter -- Doctors only, I'm afraid.

Victor Frankenstein:
Yeah, you're afraid -- Afraid I'll walk away with first prize!

Dr. Moreau:
Tell you what, Frankenstein. We'll give you a chance to prove it. This year, we'll allow you to enter the contest. [singsong] That'll be really hilarious!

Victor Frankenstein:
You're on. I'll be there, and then we'll see who's laughing. [laughs evilly]

[Dr. Moreau and his crew leaves]

Victor Frankenstein:
I'll show those hacks. This will be my opportunity to prove once and for all that I AM THE GREATEST SCIENTIST THAT EVER LIVED!

Joe Yunger:
Man, you ain't even a doctor?

Victor Frankenstein:

Mary Shelley's Frankenhole  Movie Quote

added 2 months ago

Random Vampire:
Hey, who do I have to suck on the neck until they die to get a drink around here?

[suddenly the Random Vampire gets killed by Joe Yunger]

Joe Yunger:
You're in my seat, you fancy-pants mosquiter.

Blanket Jackson:
Aw, dude! He was getting me my long island iced tea. [gets pointed with a shotgun from Joe] My bad.

Mary Shelley's Frankenhole  Movie Quote

added 2 months ago

And yet we know that when a butterfly flaps its wing in Sheboygan, it can set into motion a chain of escalating gusts that eventually results in a hurricane in Bali.

The Shivering Truth  Movie Quote

added 2 months ago

[as Jack commands the Xtacles to blow up another mountain, one of the Xtacles gets crushed by mountain parts]

Joseph Bigsby:
OH, NO! Why is this happening? Nature hates us!

Well done, sir. Why don't you go celebrate with your friends?

Jack Taggart:
Friends? A leader can't afford to have friends.

Of course, you can't.

Jack Taggart:
What do you know about friendship, you're a damn hologram.

Well, that's hurtful.

Jack Taggart:
You're probably friends with a broken toaster or a point and shoot camera. Am I right? Is that how you roll?

Yeah, those things don't talk.

The Xtacles  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

Evil President Stan:
Ladies and gentlemen. It is now safe to unveil my new Stanument, which I've been assured is 100% rape-proof.

In the ass.

Evil President Stan:
Yes I know!

[as Stan grabs the sheet out of the way, the statue then revealed to be Stan riding a horse on the back while his mouth been brutally raped leaving a big hole on it]

Evil President Stan:
Oh, for f***ing sake!

Rape Ape:
What? Look what he's wearing, he practically wanted it.

The Xtacles  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

Jack Taggart:
So, Rapier Ape. We meet again.

Rapier Ape:
I don't even know who you people are!

Jack Taggart:
Surrender now or die.

Rapier Ape:
I surrender, that's a no-brainer.

Jack Taggart:
Too late!

[Jack punches Rapier Ape's stomach]

Rapier Ape:
Please, you don't understand!

Jack Taggart:
These fists do all the understanding I need, and guess what -- They get it.

[Jack finishes off Rapier Ape with his last punch]

Police Officer:
Hi! We got a report from a man threatening to rape someone?

Jack Taggart:
Just in time, officers. This statue-raping piece of garbage was about to confess.

[Rapier Ape spits out one of his teeth after getting punched]

Rapier Ape:
[bruised] There they go. [spits] There they go.

Police Officer:
Sounds guilty to me.

Chase Fontaine:
He'll be going to prison for a long time. Where he'll never be able to rape again.

[squawks] Its a living.

Jack Taggart:
Rapier Ape. Consider yourself retired!

Rapier Ape:

Jack Taggart:
Xtacle style. [punches Rapier Ape]

Chase Fontaine:
Anti-rape boosh.

Police Officer:
Hey, uh, you mind if I get a couple in there?

Jack Taggart:
Sure. Many and Moe here could use a little break. [talking about his fists]

Police Officer:

Rapier Ape:
No, please.

Police Officer:
[punches Rapier Ape several times] TAKE IT! TAKE IT! TAKE IT!

Camera Reporter Man:
Smile for me, Rapier Ape! I'm gonna put you in the papers! [takes a photo] You sick son of a b*tch.

Joseph Bigsby:
This show doesn't make any sense. Where did all those other pirates get laser guns from?

Mr. Ford:
You mean the Xtacles?

Joseph Bigsby:
Those are the Xtacles? Geez. I gotta go! [leaves]

Mr. Ford:
Good thing I got drunk for this. [drinks from his binoculars]

The Xtacles  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

Chase Fontaine:
[to Pirate Leader] Eat lasers, you scurvy b*tches!

Pirate Leader:
Wait, don't! Don't! [out of character] I have a wife and kids, man.

[Chase shoots Pirate Leader]

Chase Fontaine:
Save it for the judge.

[squawks] I like you.

The Xtacles  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

[one of the pirates fires a t-shirt cannon to an Xtacle]

Xtacle #8:

The Xtacles  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

[as the pirate play kept on going, the Xtacles arrived]

Xtacle #6:

It's those raping robots!

Pirate Actor:
But you guys aren't suppose to be up here.

Xtacle #7:
F U, dickbeard!

[Xtacle #7 kicked the pirate actor]

Pirate Actor:
Aah, my face!

The Xtacles  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

Pirate Leader:
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Funbeard's! You there, ready the rum-colored liquid and man the t-shirt cannons!

[a pirate henchman fires t-shirt with a cannon onto the girl's face, hardly]

Pirate Leader:
We shall christen this voyage with a song!

[singing] We know a pirate who plunders for fun, serving you liquid colored like rum. Slashes at boredom, skewers the humdrum. Bring the kid to Funbeards!

Pirate Leader:
[singing] I'm gonna stab a smile on your face, sink my hook in your tender place. Pillage your butthole --

[singing] What a disgrace.

[singing] LOOKOUT!

Pirate Leader:
Here comes Funbeard!

[shows a woman who's half-naked while wrapped around in some white cloth]

[singing] Way-hey, escape to Funbeards. Way-hey, get raped at Funbeards.

Mr. Ford:
Damn. I didn't know pirates sand so much...and so poorly.

Joseph Bigsby:
I was hoping there'd be more dancing.

Pirate Leader:
Let us see if your feet dance as swiftly as your sword!

Joseph Bigsby:

Mr. Ford:
Uh-huh, yar...whatever.

The Xtacles  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

Mr. Ford:
40 bucks for a plastic sword?! That ain't right.

Joseph Bigsby:
It's a cutlass.

Mr. Ford:
I've been in 8 car crashes. One was with a cutlass, and let me tell ya, it's a terrible car to crash into.

Joseph Bigsby:
No, a cutlass.

Mr. Ford:
Just don't do it.

Joseph Bigsby:
It's a sword used in swashbuckling.

Mr. Ford:
What you talking about?

Joseph Bigsby:
That's what it says on the label.

Mr. Ford:
It should say that a cutlass is built like a damn tank. Now an MG, that's a car you *wanna* crash into.

Mr. Ford:
Because it's a tiny car for tiny british peoples.

The Xtacles  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

Jack Taggart:
Any words from Recon Squad?

Chase Fontaine:
No, sir. They missed their last check in.

Jack Taggart:
My god. They've been compromised!


Guys, come on, now. Let's not attempt any murderous conclusions.

Jack Taggart:
This is it boys -- Commence Operation: Murderous Conclusions.

The Xtacles  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

Chase Fontaine:
Hey, baby. All I'm sayin' is you're hot. I'm obviously hot. When are we gonna get together and have some double hot sex?

Chase, I'm programmed to look like this.

Chase Fontaine:
Yeah? Well, baby I'm programmed to be turned on by you.

It doesn't even matter what I look like.

Chase Fontaine:
[laughs] it matters.

Really? [changes its face to Chase's face] How about now?

Chase Fontaine:
Oh, my god. You've been reading my jackoff fantasy blog.

[Jack Taggart arrives]

Jack Taggart:
Chase, what's are sta-- Oh, my god. Two Chases. One of you will have to be destroyed. [pulls up his gun]

Chase Fontaine:
Wait, wait, wait!

Wait! Wait! [goes back to its original face]

Chase Fontaine:

Sorry, sir. I was trying to prove a point.

Jack Taggart:
Don't ever do that again. If we have to have a damn hologram on this ship, you're definitely not gonna look like some -- Dude.

Ugh. But it doesn't even matter what I look like.


Chase Fontaine:
Besides that's what fat chicks say. [sexually] And you're not fat.

The Xtacles  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

[Sculptor creates a small statue of Stan being a naked spartan]

Evil President Stan:
I asked for this statue to be 100% breakproof and this is what you gave me? Look at what I'm wearing! I practically want it.

It looks ridiculous.

Well, I could sculpt you seated, in a stately recline.

Evil President Stan:
So I can look lazy like that pussy Lincoln? Forget it.

Hey, hey, now take it easy on that, Mr. Lincoln.

Evil President Stan:
Would you shut up.

This is hopeless.

Evil President Stan:
Just take all my vague and contradictory directions and turn them into something the world has never seen before. What's so hard about that?

The Xtacles  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

[Joseph Bigsby sees a car with Rapier Ape inside]

Joseph Bigsby:
Hold up. Silver Celica, that's out guy. [pulls up a telescope] It looks like he's got a change of clothes. [gasps] He must be planning some kind of overnight raping. Look, he's luring that lady inside to get raped!

Mr. Ford:
You gonna do som'n or what?

Joseph Bigsby:


Joseph Bigsby:


Joseph Bigsby:

Oh my goodness.

Joseph Bigsby:

Rapier Ape:
Do you wish me to call the police, Miss Jessica.

Joseph Bigsby:

Let's just get inside!

Rapier Ape:
Post haste!

Joseph Bigsby:
You're gonna get raped!

[Rapier Ape and Jessica already went inside]

Joseph Bigsby:
Damn it! We lost her. She's as good as raped.

Mr. Ford:
Don't blame yourself, you did everything you could...from inside this car.

Joseph Bigsby:
Oh, hey. I think our table is ready.

Mr. Ford:
'Bout damn time.

The Xtacles  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

[Joseph Bigsby sees a newspaper of Rapier Ape]

Joseph Bigsby:
Well this is crazy.

Mr. Ford:

Joseph Bigsby:
Well, there's another ape with a sword. Only this guy volunteers at a homeless shelter. Why can't our ape with a sword be like that guy?

Mr. Ford:
That's nature vs nature for ya.

Joseph Bigsby:
Well, I say nature.

Mr. Ford:
Well, I say f*** you.

The Xtacles  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

Rapier Ape:
I shall plunge my sword deep into my heart...of artichokes. You can also use lamb. I love banana peppers for taste and color. But obviously, use whatever you can scrounge out of the dumpster.

The Xtacles  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

Jack. [tired chuckle] I've got no record of villain named Rape Ape.

Jack Taggart:
Of course there's a Rape Ape. He's that guy who is going around raping these statues. Just put that in the file, access it, and read it back to me.

Ok, uh...here it is.

Jack Taggart:
Well, what does it say?

"Rape Ape -- That guy who is going around raping these statues".

Jack Taggart:
Case closed!

Chase Fontaine:

Xtacle #3:
Good job.

Xtacle #4:
That was easy.

No, Jack! Case not closed.

Jack Taggart:

If Rape Ape existed, which to reiterate -- He doesn't, you'd still have to catch him.

Jack Taggart:
Ok fine, then what about this guy below Rape Ape.

Rapier Ape?

Jack Taggart:
Yeah and look at his name, Rapier Ape. He's obviously taken raping to a whole new level.

Rapier Ape is retired --

Joseph Bigsby:
Oh, my god! Tell me there isn't a Rapi-est ape!

Chase Fontaine:
Oh, my god!

Rapier Ape is retired, and he's called that because he wields a rapier.

Joseph Bigsby:
He...wields another rapist?

No, a rapier. It's a sword used in fencing.

Chase Fontaine:
That is just sick! He rapes people with a sword?!

Xtacle #4:
Man, that's gross.

Xtacle #3:
That is sick.

Joseph Bigsby:
Gosh, I'd rather be raped with a penis.

Jack Taggart:
[to Joseph] And you just may get your wish.

Joseph Bigsby:

Jack Taggart:
[to A.L.E.X.] Where is he now?

Joseph Bigsby:
No. It's not a wish.

God. Rapier Ape, retried from his life of crime, is currently employed at the theme restaurant, Funbeard's

Xtacle #5:
Ooh, Funbeards!

He makes use of his swashbuckling as one of their dinner theater actors.

Jack Taggart:
Alright people, this is serious. We've got hostages.

Those are tourists.

Jack Taggart:
A heavily fortified pirate ship...

That's actually a retrofitted sizzler.

Jack Taggart:
And an ape who is even rapier than Rape Ape.

Is my volume even on?

The Xtacles  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

Jack Taggart:
What kind of sick bastard would rape a cast bronze statue?

Joseph Bigsby:
I've run some numbers, sir. According to math, a man's junk could never have done this kind of damage.

Jack Taggart:
What then? I want some answers, damn it!

Joseph Bigsby:
A gorilla, sir. A gorilla's junk would be big enough.

Jack Taggart:
Some sort of raping gorilla? GOOD LORD! IT MUST HAVE BEEN RAPE APE!

The Xtacles  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

Jack Taggart:
Chase, round up any eye witnesses. I want this defilement erased from their memories.

Chase Fontaine:
I'm on it.

[Chase grabs a civilian]

Wait, I know who did it...

[Chase head smashes the civilian]

Chase Fontaine:
Hey, what about you, eyeballs? What did you see?

Black Guy:
Not a damn thing.

The Xtacles  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

Jack Taggart:
Get this statue covered up. The President's ass has suffered enough humiliation.

The Xtacles  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

Evil President Stan:
Today is a great day for me, and therefore by default, also a great day for americans.

Reporter Woman:
Is it true that you spent 200 million of the tax payers' dollars to build this statue?

Evil President Stan:
Why that's ridiculous as the rumor my press secretary and his aides feed on human flesh!

Stan Clones:
Hurumph! Hurumph! Hurumph!

Reporter Woman:
Hi, guys.

Evil President Stan:
Ladies and gentlemen...I give the Stanument!

[as the workers reveals the Stanument]

Evil President Stan:
Oh my god! My ass!

[then the Stanument falls down hurting the reporter woman and Stan clones]

Evil President Stan:

In the ass.

Evil President Stan:

Imagine if that had been your real ass, the sheer brutality of it.

Evil President Stan:
I want whoever did this to pay! Get me Mechaconstable.

Uh sir, about that, his firmware got bricked when I tried to install some, uh, third party programs.

Evil President Stan:
What! Why can't you ever be happy with factory settings?

Cause I'm not a lame-ass noob. Sir.

Evil President Stan:
Fine, get me those damned Xtacles.

The Xtacles  Movie Quote

added 3 months ago

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A Star Wars
B Toy Story
C Rocky
D E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial