Timothyj.29104's Quotes Page #157

Here's the list of quotes submitted by timothyj.29104  —  There are currently 6,984 quotes total — keep up the great work!

When I was a boy, I was a little man. My bike was a little car, my family was a little faculty, and I ruled them just like I rule all of you. My little teachers.

China, Il  Movie Quote

added 7 months ago

Donny, you're up. You got to lie to yourself here and believe that you are me. I'm inside you. Feel me grow in you until there's nothing left of you. And remember, I will f***ing kill you if you lose.

China, Il  Movie Quote

added 7 months ago

What are we doing at a math competition?

Steve Smith:
If the Dean weren't coaching, I wouldn't even be here. Math is for idiots.

Frank Smith:
Hey, watch this Williams kid work the Y-Axis.

Why do you do everything that The Dean asks?

Frank Smith:
Because he's our boss!

Steve Smith:
No, sees, The Dean is, uh, cool.

Baby Cakes:
So cool, he could kill or love anyone. And we got to have a perfect in our pack of regulars, or we'd all be lost.

China, Il  Movie Quote

added 7 months ago

[Ronald Reagan gets caught]

Ronald Reagan:
Okay, mommy, I'll eat all my pudding. Where's Punky Brewster?

Steve Smith:
Oh, he's faking Alzheimer's.

[then Steve and Ronald Reagan fight themselves to the death]

Old Jackie Lather:
What a surprise! A walk-on from the almost certainly dead Ronald Reagan. Hey, God! Where's your consistency? And it looks like our three remaining contestants are strangely all seriously wounded.

China, Il  Movie Quote

added 7 months ago

Future Steve:
Listen, I'm the future you. I'm cooler.

Steve Smith:
Screw you, hippie.

China, Il  Movie Quote

added 7 months ago

[after Steve and Ronald Reagan went back in time to change history of what could've happen in the world cultures]

Steve Smith:
No! All our good deed turned Present Day into the apocalypse.

Ronald Reagan:
We should never try to make the past into something we want.

China, Il  Movie Quote

added 7 months ago

Steve Smith:
You could have used your presidential power for good, but no! So now I'm gonna put every tooth rush you ever had on my nuts.

Ronald Reagan:
F*** you. You don't have nuts. Anyone can a be a critic.

Steve Smith:
Anyone can be a president as long as you suck! So listen up -- People with power are like lions.

[then Steve and Ronald Reagan start to have a long-time conversation on why the difference between lions and zebras representing the peoples' power while everyone is still frozen in time]

[5 years later]

Steve Smith:
All right, sure, I'm...I'm talking about deregulation here, though, the trickle-down bullsh*t. I mean, there's no way that you thought that was good for anybody.

Ronald Reagan:
A president must sacrifice most of the masses for some of the masses. Don't be so naive, son.

[50 years later]

Steve Smith:
Pictures of women do nothing for me now. It's weird. I'm beyond the stroke.

Ronald Reagan:
I used to call thatcher for no reason, just to hear her sexy voice.

Steve Smith:

[100 years later]

Ronald Reagan:
All this time to talk with you has enlightened me.

Steve Smith:
No, I'm enlightened. You thinking what I'm thinking?

Steve & Ronald Reagan:
Time Power!

China, Il  Movie Quote

added 7 months ago

[Ronald Reagan suddenly froze time when Steve starts to do his impression of him]

Ronald Reagan:
Oh, boy. Little Steve got himself frozen. Well, when a kid is bad, that kid must get a lesson. Today's lesson is Cause and Effect. I get a time machine, I get to be a time lord. A lion eats a zebra. The lion will eventually uneat that zebra. Cause and Effect, bucko. Cause [ready to take a dump in Steve's mouth] and Effect.

China, Il  Movie Quote

added 7 months ago

Special Agent Green:
The only potential hiccup is that the time-antidote device has never been used. It may or may not work.

Steve Smith:
What about the mouth crap? Wait!

[Agent Green already shoves Steve to do his act for the mission]

China, Il  Movie Quote

added 7 months ago

Ladies and gentlemen, Jackie Lather!

Old Jackie Lather:
The world is a dick. F*** you, for aging us and teasing humans with love. Okay, don't care about the first contestant. But here he is, Frankenbreaker.

China, Il  Movie Quote

added 7 months ago

[Frank returns to his old act by doing breakdancing at a Kid Show Parade]

Frank Smith:
Yeah, been upgrading my act, listening to a lot of the fresher sh*t coming out of New Orleans. [chuckles] You spin plates on sticks, right? "Gong show".

China, Il  Movie Quote

added 7 months ago

Live with no prior announcement, the return of Jackie Lather's "Kid Talent Parade"! Tune in to see a great Ronald Reagan send up! If I were Reagan, I'd be so mad, I'd just have to do something!

China, Il  Movie Quote

added 7 months ago

[while the crew are still talking about Reagan's revenge on Steve]

Frank Smith:
[to the agents] Pigs, take a back seat on this one. I'm his brother. I know how to talk to him.

[cuts to the next scene in the Teacher's Lounge]

Frank Smith:
[begs] YOU GOT TO F***ING DO THIS FOR ME!. I'll do my act. I'll win. I'll have a shot at self-esteem. Pleeeeeease!

Baby Cakes:
Steve, the clock is moving, man.

Steve Smith:
My life has been putty in his hands. I won't take his putty in my mouth.

Steve, he could be crapping in all our mouths right now and we wouldn't know it. This is lions and zebras. We need Rebel Zebra. We need the zeeb.

Steve Smith:
You're damn right, Pony. I'll be the zeeb.

Frank Smith:
Sure, we'll all be stuff.

China, Il  Movie Quote

added 7 months ago

So, what's the plan?

Special Agent Green:
Please, point your lips at Agent Lee.

[points to her mouth] How are you going to catch Reagan?

[Agent Lee got nothing]

Special Agent Green:
[speaks sign language in Agent Lee's words] "Let's hear your best guess, first."

Well, I think you'd use Steve as bait, re-create that kids' show right here, now. Steve does his act again. Reagan sees it.

Frank Smith:
And Reagan will make good on his threat. The act was what got him to hate Steve in the first place.

Special Agent Green:
[speaks sign language in Agent Lee's words] "If we make the same insult live on TV, Reagan will be so mad he'll appear for revenge. It's the only way to put him in one predictable place in space time. [to Pony] You guess our plan exactly".

Steve Smith:
[after vomiting] I'm not risking dump in my mouth.

China, Il  Movie Quote

added 7 months ago

So, a senile, dead ex-president screwing with time seems pretty bad.

Special Agent Green:
He could be freezing and changing whatever he wants. That is Jesus' great power.

China, Il  Movie Quote

added 7 months ago

So, Reagan invented a time machine just so he could sh*t in Steve's mouth?

Steve Smith:
I, uh, I...I need air. I need air. [leaves]

Frank Smith:
Let me do it to the end. It really seals the deal.

[Frank dances]

Baby Cakes:
Damn, you kick like a wicked chicken.

China, Il  Movie Quote

added 7 months ago

[one of the special agent shows pictures of where Ronald Reagan mess up Steve's memories]

Special Agent Green:
You can see that in each shot, no one seems to be aware of Reagan.

Steve Smith:
But I don't remember Reagan being there.

Special Agent Green:
There's also this note.

[Steve reads Ronald Reagan's note the special agents found from]

Ronald Reagan:
Dear feds, I have the time machine. These pictures should confirm my power to freeze time and change anything. Anyway, not sure what to do now. Might go kill important people or meet cool dead people. P.S. -- Tell Steve that if he mocks me again, I will freeze time and I will sh*t in his mouth. Signed, Dutch."

Baby Cakes:
Hey, read it out loud.

Steve Smith:
Shut your ass, Baby Cakes.

China, Il  Movie Quote

added 7 months ago

So, what's Steve got to do with Reagan now?

Special Agent Green:
In the '80s, Reagan had the FBI make a time machine. He said it was to stop homosexuality from being invented in the '60s. We now know he just said that to get us to build it so he could get back at Steve because of the show.

Special Agent Green:
[does sign language from Special Agent Lee's words] "Hey, WikiLeaks, why don't you tell them every f***ing secret we have, huh"? I know, I'm sorry. Sorry, sir.

China, Il  Movie Quote

added 7 months ago

Young Steve:
You guys like presidents?


Young Steve:
Here's Ronald Reagan. [imitating Ronald Reagan] Well, heh, I like to kiss butts, and I love to smell farts. And I'm gonna blow us all up, shut up, Nancy. I can do whatever I want.

Jackie Lather:
Forget the last contestant, Steve wins! [referring to Frank]

China, Il  Movie Quote

added 7 months ago

Frank Smith:
Sure, everyone thinks Steve's smoother than me because he knows about wine and has black friends, but if I'm alone, everyone loves me.

Baby Cakes:
I know what you're saying. I quit math class again 'cause there was a genius in there and I was afraid of him. Better versions of humans are scary.

Frank Smith:
[happily curious] Are you even a student anymore?

China, Il  Movie Quote

added 7 months ago

Steve, these government dudes think you're a terrorist.


Steve Smith:
Whoa, Dean.

China, Il  Movie Quote

added 7 months ago

Steve Smith:
So people with power are like lions. And we are like zebra. The lions could help us zebra, but, no, they don't. They eat us and crap us over and over.

[throw his beer inside the ceiling]

Steve Smith:
To conclude, we must become Rebel Zebra.

China, Il  Movie Quote

added 7 months ago

Assy McGee:

[Assy throws a molotov onto the barn house]

Lot of collateral damage here, Assy. What are we gonna tell the Chief?

Assy McGee:
We'll tell him 64 sick-bastard squirrel fighters committed mass suicide for reasons of guilt.

What a shame.

Assy McGee:
You comin'?

I'll catch up with you tomorrow, buddy. I want to make sure that we're good here.

[Sanchez dead-eyed watching the barn house burn to pieces for what the bad guys did to the squirrels]

Assy McGee:
Weird is what he is.

Assy McGee  Movie Quote

added 7 months ago

Assy McGee:
Hello, squirrel killers. Question for you -- Why do squirrels swim on their back?

Squirrel Killers:
[no response]

Assy McGee:

[laughs] That's pretty f--

[all the squirrel killers get brutally murdered by Assy's big minigun recently]

I didn't get it.

Assy McGee  Movie Quote

added 7 months ago

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