Timothyj.29104's Quotes Page #157

Here's the list of quotes submitted by timothyj.29104  —  There are currently 6,915 quotes total — keep up the great work!

Assy McGee:
Let the doctor go.

Baby Steps:
You killed my only son.

Assy McGee:
You should've had twins.

Assy McGee  Movie Quote

added 7 months ago

Really? I have Blind Anthony's vocal cords, daddy?

Baby Steps:
That's right, baby. You can sing now!

But what if it doesn't work?

Baby Steps:
Then turn around and wait for a loud bang. [while pointing the gun at the doctor]

Assy McGee  Movie Quote

added 7 months ago

Fake Officer:
Hey, assbag, how about another drink? Come on, assbag! I'm talking to you! Let's go!

Choir Member:
Did you just say "Assbag"?

Fake Officer:
I said it! Over here! So what?! Assbag, assbag, assbag! Got a problem?

Choir Member:
[to Sanchez] Hey, that's what the guy said just before he kidnapped Blind Anthony. He called our driver an assbag.

Is that right? Assbag?

Fake Officer:
No, it ain't right. You must be confused, blind man.

[Assy points the gun at the fake officer]

Assy McGee:
And you must feel my gun against your head. Who you working for?

Fake Officer:
Come on, man, I was just the delivery guy. I don't know anything.

[Assy brutally tackles the fake officer]

Assy McGee:

Fake Officer:
I swear! Come on, the guy was a freak! Took like 10 minutes just to the door.

Assy McGee:
Because he walks so damn slow.

Fake Officer:
He took like these little stubby little --

Assy and Sanchez:

Fake Officer:
Yeah, those.

[Assy shoots the fake officer]


Assy McGee:
I got three left, Sanchez. Let's go be heroes.

Assy McGee  Movie Quote

added 7 months ago

[Assy and Sanchez sees a blind choir member walking around the bar]

Assy McGee:
Looks like someone needs a new hobby. Drinking ain't working out for him.

He's not drunk, he's blind.

Assy McGee:
Well, I'm both, but I'm not complaining.

Assy McGee  Movie Quote

added 7 months ago

My, my, my. Pretty freakin' scenic, huh, douche bags? [laughing] Hey, you guys working the choir case?

Assy McGee:
What's it to you, "DiRetardo"?

Patrol car found those blinds over there bouncing around the civic center. [laughs] "Hey, where am I? Where am I?" I'm not that-that's funny. Absolutely not. Bless their hearts, you know?

[Assy and Sanchez suddenly stole his patrol car for their evidence]

Hey, come on! That was my freakin' clue! HEY, THAT'S MY CAR! Friggin' jerks.

Assy McGee  Movie Quote

added 7 months ago

I guess you could call this his last stop, huh?

Assy McGee:
Good one, Sanchez. Try using that toy radio for something practical.

I'm trying, partner. I got no prints here, I got no tracks. I got no nothing. Where does it all lead?

Assy McGee:
To dead end city, Sanchez. Population -- Us.

Assy McGee  Movie Quote

added 7 months ago

[Sanchez mistakenly bumps over a dead person while driving]

What the hell was that?!

Assy McGee:
Possum. Pull over. You can eat them if they're not too brown.

[Assy and Sanchez gets out of the car to see who they bump over]

Wow! That's no possum. What do you make of that, Assy?

Assy McGee:
Roadkill. [farts]

Assy McGee  Movie Quote

added 7 months ago

So what do you want to do? I'm pretty much free tonight.

Assy McGee:
You bore the hell out of me. Drop me at the bar.

Oh. Alright. Which bar do you want to go?

Assy McGee:

Assy McGee  Movie Quote

added 7 months ago

Big concert like that and the singers don't show up? Kind of unprofessional, if you ask me. Eh, Prima Donnas.


Assy McGee  Movie Quote

added 7 months ago

Baby Steps:
Peeble! Happy Birthday.

Thank you, daddy.

Baby Steps:
How about a hug for daddy?

[Peeble getting ready to hug his father]

Baby Steps:
Stop. It's your day. Let daddy bring the sugar to you.

[Baby Steps slowly walks up to his son to hug him which took him bunch of minutes to get there]

Baby Steps:
Are you ready for your gift?

Is it singing lessons?

Baby Steps:
No. No more lessons.

But I want to be a great singer! You promised!

Baby Steps:
And you will. Please don't whine. You will.


Baby Steps:
As soon as your gift arrives. It could have been me, Peeble. I could have had the fame and glory you desire. The spotlight was elusive for those with disabilities such as mine. Let me tell you a story.

No, I-I know.

Baby Steps:

Baby Steps:
It was 10th grade. We ran track together. High hurdles, discus. We were best friends, he and I. But it was the javelin -- That damn javelin! SON OF A BITCH DIDN'T LOOK AND RUINED MY LIFE! HE WAS ALWAYS CARELESS!

And that's why you walk so slowly?

Baby Steps:
WHAT?! No, that's why I can't sing. [hoarsely] A La la la.

Assy McGee  Movie Quote

added 7 months ago

Ticket Person:
Who needs two? I got two on the balcony. Who needs two?

Assy McGee:
[whistles] Two on the balcony! I'll take 'em.

[as the the ticket person was bout to hand Assy the tickets, Assy suddenly pulls out the gun on him]

Ticket Person:
Oh [bleep] me. Come on.

Assy McGee:
Congratulations. You've been pinched for sclaping.

Ticket Person:
I ain't hurting nobody.

Assy McGee:
How about you're costing the american taxpayer an arm... [shoots the Ticket Person's arm]


Assy McGee:
...and a leg. [shoots the Ticket Person's leg]

Take it easy. He don't deserve that.

Assy McGee:
AND AN ANKLE! [shoots the Ticket Person's ankle] You can thank my fat partner for that one.

You shouldn't abuse your badge like that, Assy. I wouldn't have come if I'd known you didn't have tickets.

Assy McGee:
I got two on the balcony.

Ticket Person:
[gets up] Asshole.

Assy McGee:
HERE'S TWO FOR YOUR BALCONY! [shoots the Ticket Person]

Assy McGee  Movie Quote

added 7 months ago

Look, I don't want to sound ungrateful. To be honest with you, I don't have too much familiarity with Blind Athony.

Assy McGee:
They say that God ran out of eyes, so he gave Blind Anthony an extra special voice.

Assy McGee  Movie Quote

added 7 months ago

Assy McGee:
What'd you get?

Oh, just a hot dog.

Assy McGee:

No, just a regular one. I got chili on it, little bit of onions. I can't have bacon.

Assy McGee:

Assy McGee  Movie Quote

added 7 months ago

Fake Officer:
Okay, assbag, you're free to go.


Fake Officer:
To heaven. [shoots the driver's arm]

Ohh! What the --

Fake Officer:
Damn! To heaven! [gunshot]


Fake Officer:
To heaven. [gunshot]


Fake Officer:
Mother -- Damn.


Fake Officer:
To heaven! [kills the driver] There we go! That's the stuff.

Assy McGee  Movie Quote

added 7 months ago

What is all this? A test? Reveal your intentions! Show either your face or your body, ooh!

Unknown Female Voice:

I don't have to stand here and take lip from the lipless. I'm leaving, like a tree makes. [struggles the light blue doorknob]

You can consume my dust. [struggles the silver doorknob]

Don't let my anus mudcake your door on my way out. [struggles the green doorknob]

You can flush me fromst the toilette of your mind, because I'm pissed-tory. [struggles the black door]

You can kiss and lick and caress and coddle and swallow my sweet ass goodbye. [struggles the orange door] And take your time. I'll be here all day. Fine. I'll rub it myself.

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 7 months ago

[Xavier goes to the light yellow door]

Bingo doodle attainment of more enlightened level of being! I have graduated to this advanced realm. It feels so right. I've never felt more -- OH!

[Xavier then gets eaten by a big lizard]

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 7 months ago

[while Xavier is in jail writing soul glimpses on the wall, he sees the same citizen that shotted the donkey mayor]

And as your new Mayor, I declare the concerns of this township shall no longer be donkey concerns but shall be human concerns. And I vow to protect the children of this town from our local human-baby rapist...and gas-tax holiday! Thank you!

[the Citizen then transforms into a van then grabs a kid by tricking him by giving him a free ice cream]

I haven't forgotten you. I know what your butt did to that boy!

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 7 months ago

[Xavier gets sent to the court]

I swear, I didn't shoot the mayor.

The Judge:
You are not on trial for mayor for shooting the Mayor. You are on trial for being on trial.

But I'm innocent..

The Judge:
By proclaiming your innocence, it proves you're on trial. What say you, jury?

Angry Mentals:
[all babbling]

The Judge:
It's a jury of your mental peers.

What sort of of law is this?

The Judge:
Laws? Laws are illegal here! GUILTY! I sentence thee to three glimpses into your own soul.

[scoffs] I could that with my third eye tied behind my back.

The Judge:
Very well. Seven glimpses!


Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 7 months ago

[Xavier tries the blue door]

Hurry! Take the gun, man!


Come on! Did you forget everything?! We went over this! You're in charge of security for the Mayor!

No compadre your speeky-spaniol. English?

This town elected a donkey mayor as a scathing indictment of our jackass political system, but the powers that be want him dead! 'Member? You've got to protect him.

[the Donkey Mayor recently has been shot]

[holding the gun while pointing to Xavier] It was him! I saw him do it! Why else would he have a gun?!


Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 7 months ago

Unknown Female Voice:

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 7 months ago

I scared the ghosts away. I got the chumps on the run. OH, LOOK! It's the cuddlecrumbs! The cuddlecrumbs are here? I don't remember any of this happening. [goes back to the same remembering expression as always until another thought bubble shows up where Xavier grow old in at an apocalyptic surface]

Old Xavier:

Kid Xavier:
Grandpapapapa, are you done reminiscing yet?

[pans out the scene where this scene transitions into a book where the all of the cuddlecrumbs were listening to in another dimension]

And that is the legend of our messiah.

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 7 months ago

Big Papa Dick:
No, come back! Keep spendin'! My lady dream is slippin' through my womanly man-fingers. Dream slipping away...future child dying. [to Xavier] DON'T JUST STAND THERE! DO SOMETHIN'!

I have pre-foresworn to bounce these ghosts. How do you make something flee?

Everyone flees when they are scared.

What scares people?

Everyone around here is scared of ghosts.

I'll make the ghosts think this place is haunted. But how do you dress up like a ghost?

Why are you asking me?

Some help you are, lady. If you wanna dress up like a ghost, you need to throw a piece of fabric over your head.

[to the viewers] Where can YOU get your hands on some fabric quick? The Fabric of Time Gone By.

[Xavier rips a piece of Fabric of Time Gone By to become a ghost, which also reveals a bunch of cuddlecrumb monsters he drew becoming real in real life when he was younger]

Boo-hoo, ghosts! I'm scaring you! Get oot! There's a ghoost in the hoose! Get oot of the hoose! Oooost! Oooooooost!

Xavier's Dad:
Fire! Honey, get out of the house! Get out! Get out of the house!

[then Xavier's fabric cloth suddenly gets caught on fire inside his childhood making the whole bar also getting caught on fire]

Xavier's Mom:
These flames aren't real. Everything is just in my mind.

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 7 months ago

Random Cowboy:
The Strip Club is hain-ed! Hey, Ned, this place is haunted!


Random Cowboy:
I said, "this place is hain-ed!"


Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 7 months ago

[Kid Xavier finally becomes a guardian angel]

You've absorbed all of my knowledge, and thus you have earned my soul. [releases his mutated Xavier soul, pluses the squirrel's soul as well] Go on, boy -- Hop in!

Kid Xavier:
You've put your manhood in me. Fromst this henceforth, my vowluation is towardst protectorize mine mommy.

Xavier's Mom:
Who are you talking to?

Kid Xavier:
This visitor -- Right here.

Xavier's Mom:
You see someone? Is this place haunted?! You bring evil spirit, boy! I need a -- I haven't had a drink since the night you were conceived. Go get me some whiskey and some PILLS!

[to Kid Xavier] Say "Yes", then just give her apple juice and sugar pills. Protect her always.

Kid Xavier:
Yes, mama.

Xavier's Mom:
[eat pills and drinks apple juice] Sweet nectar! ARGH! I HATE YOU! I WISH YOU WERE NEVER BORN! You scare me.

[to Kid Xavier] Don't worry -- She's not really intoxicated. It's all in her mind.

Kid Xavier:
Will this save mommy?

I think it worked out well. I remember time went by.

[Xavier remembers how it worked out a few years later with his idea showing a total pigsty]

Xavier's Mom:
[to Teen Xavier] Lady, get me more of these pills and whiskey, and I'll suck -- YOU'RE ADDICTED! I wish I wasn't addicted.

[to Teen Xavier] Go on-- Break her the good news about your decade of deception, your bout of epocock and bull, your wormhole whopper. Tell her about your period!

Teen Xavier:
Mother, you haven't taken any inebriants at all. I've been feeding you apple juice and sugar pills all these years. Aren't you proud of me, mother?

Xavier's Mom:
So it's all in my head? I don't know what's real! I can't trust anything! I'M LOSING MY MIND!

[cuts to the next scene where Xavier is talking to his younger-self but actually talking to a random table in the bar while being hallucinated the entire time when he met his younger-self in the first place]

Tell her, "Don't worry". It's all in her mind.

Big Papa Dick:
Who are you talking to?

I'm talking to this child here.

Pregnant Stripper #3:
He sees The Phantom Child!

Redneck #1:
The Phantom Child has returned to haunt us!

Random Pregnant Stripper:

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 7 months ago

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