First off, super science, how did this even happen?
Professor Cakes:
Oh, well, we get pseudo-human outcomes often. We got Hair Kid, and we got the Bowl of Face, Finger Guy, and Sanford's Beard baby is due any minute.
[Sanford's beard suddenly pushes out his own baby]
So, do we burn this thing or bore its brains out with a laser?
Baby Cakes:
Hold on. We can't just kill him.
[Frank burst through the doors]
Frank Smith:
The History Channel people are dead. Do you know what they do to handsome guys like me in Debtors' Jail? That selfish baby dies!
Frank is right about this freak! Let's destroy it!
Steve Smith:
Hold on. This isn't cut and dry, like abortion. We can't just get rid of it, right?
Dr. Falgot:
Right as ritalin, Steve. It's too young to be tried for manslaughter.
It is really cute from far away.
Dr. Falgot:
I concur.
Imagine the damage it will do when it's crawling. It is a monster!
Steve Smith:
Come on.
Dr. Falgot:
That's a fool's argument.