Timothyj.29104's Quotes Page #152

Here's the list of quotes submitted by timothyj.29104  —  There are currently 6,280 quotes total — keep up the great work!

Kids, I swear I'm gonna love all of you, and equally. I'll be dividing my love into seven equal sections, or love quadrants. Each quadrant will be worth 15 love units represented by these small brass marbles. You may use these marbles as currency amongst yourselves. Collect 35 units, you can trade those in for a beach towel with my face on it. Collect more than three towe--

Where are my babies!

What is that racket?

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 7 months ago

Young Xavier:
Chief Master Guru, I found these abandoned birdlings.

Chief Master Guru:
Your rescue is noble, young one, but now you are to put them to the fire. Allow them to be rebirthed like the phoenix from the flame. While you're doing, I got to grab a bite. Me need-um eat-um.

[CMG turns into a firestack]

Young Xavier:
Really? To the flame? Okay.

[Young Xavier puts the birds to the flame, that rebirth them into an egg that grows out a KKK citizen]

KKK Citizen:
Your destiny is demise!

[KKK reveals himself to be CMG all along and ate one of birds as chicken wings]

Young Xavier:

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 7 months ago

I'll have to be both mother and father to you kids, which means, I'm gonna be doing some things to myself you're not gonna want to see. And one day, you're gonna walk in on me doing it.

[the snake says]

Snake Hand:
Oh, brother. The things he makes me rub.

[jets laugh]

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 7 months ago

Welcome home, kids. It doesn't look like much, but these sewer walls were built with love. You can taste it. [tastes the sewer walls with disgust]

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 7 months ago

Each of my little pumpkins gonna get a turn with Mommy on the slide, starting with my most favorite.

[Mom picks out his most favorite baby of all to play in the park while Xavier runs in]

My god. What brand of monster would abandon a childling?

[Xavier's flashback intensifies]

Xavier's Dad:
Go on, son. Your brand-new bike is just behind that tree. Go on.

Young Xavier:

Xavier's Dad:
So long, weirdo!

Young Xavier:

[Xavier's Dad got hit by a corn on a cob van]

Young Xavier:
NOOOOOOO! [sees the bike after the vore transition] Hey. He was telling the truth.

[the corn start to pop as popcorn from the corn van]

Young Xavier:
Yummy! Popcorn!

[while Young Xavier is riding on his new bike, he crashed and exploded from a dog]

[Xavier's flashback ends]

If that kind of thing had actually happened to me, I don't know what I do.

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 7 months ago

Mayhaps this strange town shall house my rebirthening, and I'll finally find the sad soul I'm fatestinated to salve.

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 7 months ago

Snake Hand:

[the snake has just insulted Xavier]

Snake Hand, you don't know your ass from your elbow.

Snake Hand:

[the snake just said]

Snake Hand:
But my ass is your elbow.

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 7 months ago

Snake Hand, this sign -- It's some sort of...sign.

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 7 months ago

I know my purpose is righting wrongs. I'm the wrong-righter, but I don't need you to call me that. I have special needs.

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 7 months ago

Always tough to kill your Dad, but you made the right choice, kid. I guess your brain isn't as dumb as your legs.

Just don't go entering your legs in any spelling bees. Might get stung.

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 7 months ago

Police Officer:
What just happened here?

Uh, nothing. [sniff] I mean, [sniff] I just ate the heart of an explosion.


Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 7 months ago

[as Robby was about to hug his Dad as an everlasting explosion]

Come here and give me a hug, Dad -- Me and belief. [pulls out his knife as a cross to kill Dad]


Sorry I had to do this, Dad, but I can't let the army get a hold of a weapon as powerful as you. I promised Mom I wouldn't be another Einstein.

[the everlasting explosion got killed and turned into an angel]

At least he died with God in his heart. [eats Robby Dad's heart] You can taste it. Could use a little coconut.

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 7 months ago

Enough. Listen. I created you. You're my mistake.

[the explosion whimpers]


Your father cursed God. He abandoned all he believes in. Don't trust him. He wants to explode us all.

Listen, Dad. As your son and your creator, I realize I was wrong to disrespect your religion. Now that I created life, I now believe in God, 'cause I believe in me. It'll be okay if you just surrender your heart to God. We can start over.

You know, this is pretty good for cake. It actually works.

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 7 months ago

Can you tell me how to get to the lake?

Arrows Guy:
How are you going to get there? By car?

I'm driving right now.

Arrows Guy:
Okay, first, you're going to want to get in your car. The, you're gonna want to start your car.

Arrows Guy:
A lot of people halfway to the lake, and they realize they forgot to start their car.


Arrows Guy:
I'm just joshing you. That's just lake humor.

Oh, I'll find it myself.

[Xavier leaves]

Arrows Guy:
Man, I'll never sell these arrows.

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 7 months ago

[Xavier rides on the rollercoaster while using the car]

Oh, no, I'm headed right towards the cyclone.

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 7 months ago

[The Reverend sniffs the Mystery Man]

The Reverend:
This guy smells like a real creep.

The Heart, She Holler  Movie Quote

added 7 months ago

What the hell happened out there?

It's pretty amazing, Chief. Assy figured it all out by hisself.

Talk to me.

Assy McGee:
Psychotic Deli owner loses his mind and starts poisoning the customers with radioactive polonium.


Assy McGee:


Assy McGee:
Since the half-life of polonium never wears out... [mumbling]

Shut up for a second. What the hell does this have to do with boxing?

Nothing, Chief. It's just a coincidence. The dead boxers all just happened to enjoy food from the psycho sandwich maker who runs the deli near the gym. You believe that?

It all sounds a little far-fetched. Who gives a [bleep] as long as it's over?

You know, there's still some, uh, radioactive corpses running around or whatever.

Who knows about these corpses?

Just me and this guy.

Assy McGee:

Good. Well, as far as I'm concerned, this case is closed. What now?

Assy McGee:
Now...let's dance.

[Assy dances]

Oh, man, look at this guy, huh? He's kicking it old school. [laughs] Look at you! I didn't know you could do that.

Take that [bleep] outside.

Go, Assy! Go, Assy! Has this guy got the moves or what? This is fun. This is the most fun I've had in so long.


Assy McGee  Movie Quote

added 7 months ago

[on phone] Yeah. No. Well, I know they're toys, but the Mayor says we can't be too careful. Just arrest everyone and shut down the river in case of a submarine attack.

Assy McGee  Movie Quote

added 7 months ago

Assy McGee:
You look tired. Why don't you take a knee? [shoots the Delivery Guy's knee] Thanks for the sandwich. Keep the change...

[shoots the Delivery Guy]

Assy McGee:
In hell.

Assy McGee  Movie Quote

added 7 months ago

[knocking on door]

Assy McGee:
Who is it?


Assy McGee:

[the worker comes in]

Assy McGee:
Thanks for coming. I forgot to tell you -- Hold the polonium.

[the worker then pulls out a rifle]

Assy McGee:
This is all so insincere.

Assy McGee  Movie Quote

added 7 months ago

[Assy and Sanchez waits out in the hotel for the worker to respond]

The guy said 30 minutes or less. How long's it been?

Assy McGee:
29 minutes.

Assy McGee  Movie Quote

added 7 months ago

[Assy calls Suspicious Deli]

Yeah? Suspicious Deli. How can I help you?

Assy McGee:
I'm an up-and-coming pugilist. Do you deliver?

Assy McGee  Movie Quote

added 7 months ago

[Assy founds a food flyer ad on their car]

What is that, Assy?

Assy McGee:
Fee, fi, fo, fum. Something smells like it.

Assy McGee  Movie Quote

added 7 months ago

Assy McGee:
I need to get into the fight tonight, Charlie.

Sorry, Assy, sold out.

Assy McGee:
Forget it, Sanchez. This place is colder than a Siberian ball sack. Let's go back to my house and play Cranium.

Assy McGee  Movie Quote

added 7 months ago

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