[as Sarah throw her Mecret book into the green ooze, the Mecret come to life]
Sarah, babe.
Sarah Doyle:
Oh, my god. Mecret? You're, like, actually speaking to me.
Ha ha, course, babes. I manifested that you would throw me into that ooze, so I could come talk to you. So, what's up?
Sarah Doyle:
Well, I've been trying so hard to visualize saving the animals, but nothing's working.
Babes, what do I always say? Manifestation isn't about visualization.
Sarah Doyle:
It's about taking action.
Did you just interrupt me?
Sarah Doyle:
Oh. I didn't mean to.
[scoffs] I guess you don't need my help 'cause your own ideas are so amazing. You don't deserve me at all.
[then Mecret became evil and tries to attack Sarah, instead she attack bamboos and wood]
Sarah Doyle:
Oh, my god. You're right. Instead of visualizing, I need to build.
Uh, yeah, that's exactly why I almost killed you -- To show you the way. [looks away for split second to see if nobody saw what she did recently]