YOLO is an adult animated television series created by Michael Cusack for Cartoon Network's nighttime programming block Adult Swim, and streaming in Australia on Stan as an exclusive. The series is loosely adapted from Cusack's web series of the same name. The first season, entitled YOLO: Crystal Fantasy premiered on August 10, 2020; the pilot was aired on April 1, 2020 as a part of Adult Swim's annual April Fools' Day event alongside another project of Cusack's, Smiling Friends. A second season titled YOLO: Silver Destiny was slated to air on January 16, 2023 on Adult Swim but was delayed to January 23, 2023. On October 12, 2023, it was announced that the series was renewed for a third season titled YOLO: Rainbow Trinity.

Director(s): Michael Cusack

[after Rachel steers the car over to the Bush Doof sign where they got in an bumpy accident, they met a strange orange creature]

Peleeken Mischief Maker:
Welcome to the Doof! I am Peleeken Mischief Maker. And, yes, it is OK to park your car here. Welcome! Have a dreamcatcher. Have two, have three! Just kidding. Maybe just two.

Sarah Doyle:
Oh, thank you!

[Rachel throws the dreamcatcher at a rock]

Peleeken Mischief Maker:
Ooh! Positive vibes ONLY, everybody! [chuckles] Anyhoo, I must summon our transport. Bligdip.

[when PMM summons their transport by screaming in a extreme moment, the scene cuts to Sarah and Rachel riding on a Bush Bus with PMM]

Peleeken Mischief Maker:
[singing] Riding on the Bush Bus, riding on the Bush Bus. All day long, all day long.

[they finally arrived at Bush Doof]

Peleeken Mischief Maker:
This is the main area of the Bush Doof. There's the drum cube. Dreamy vibes and genuinely good acoustics.

Peleeken Mischief Maker:
OH! And there's the silent disco. Aesthetic vibes as fudge and headed by the Blue Bush Wizard himself!

Blue Bush Wizard:

Peleeken Mischief Maker:
SENSATIONAL! And over there, my friends. They're my BEST friends!

Cap Person:
We're not you're friends, Peleeken! You--We f***ing hate you, man. You come off way too strong.

Ponytail Girl:
Go away.

Peleeken Mischief Maker:
They're just kidding around. We're besties. Roar! Roar! I'm a dinosaur. Roar. [giggles] Anyhoo. Have fun Have fun at the Bush Doof! Love you, love you, love you! Love you! [leaves while crab walking]

Sarah, I just, uh, I have to tell you something, just so I can get it off my chest. Um, one day I'm going to kill Peleeken Mischief Maker.

There's my nest. Pwease put me back in. Oh, pwease.

Sarah Doyle:
Here you are. Home, sweet home.

[then the possum turned out to be another bush wizard of himself]

Red Bush Wizard:
[laughs] Fool! You have unleashed the Red Bush Wizard!

[Red Bush Wizard magically turns the old castle into a battle castle]

Red Bush Wizard:
Oi! Blue Bush Wizard!

Blue Bush Wizard:
Oh, for f***ing sake. Who took the f***ing possum out of the cage and put it in the nest?

Red Bush Wizard:
I'm gonna f***ing get ya, [bleep].

Blue Bush Wizard:
Yeah, yeah. Whatever, you f***head!

Red Bush Wizard:
Nah, you shouldn't have locked me away, man. That was f***ed up.

Blue Bush Wizard:
Dude, I locked you away 'cause you were using dark ancient magic, man. You're not supposed to be f***ing around with that.

Red Bush Wizard:
Gonna f***in' get ya!

Blue Bush Wizard:
Oh, yeah? You and what army f***wit?

Red Bush Wizard:
This one. [uses his magic book] Bindi people, rise!

[Red Bush Wizard magically summoned an army of Bindi Zombie people]

Blue Bush Wizard:
Oh, sh*t. Bindi People.

Blue Bush Wizard:
[to the people who are dancing for their own risk] Ok, forget the dancing. Stop dancing. So here's the deal. I left my magic book in the same bag I left my vinyl's in. You need to pretend you're brainwashed by my magic, right? You need to be my army. Now! Be my army! Fight those Bindi People or you're all getting sniped!

Blue Bush Wizard:
Sorry, I'm not usually this mean and bossy. I'm just mad 'cause I left all my f***ing sh*t at home.

Daddy, Daddy! These two stepped on out baby mountain.

Daddy Termite:
You destroyed one of my baby mountains? I guess you could say...I'll never get my baby back, baby back, baby back, yeah!

Ant #2:
I hate-- I hate when he does that.

[to Rachel & Old Naked Guy] Oh, sorry, Daddy Termite's been getting really into stand-up comedy lately. Just...just go along with the bit. It's ju-- It's just easier that way.

Daddy Termite:
Before I kill youse, I just wanna do a quick 5-minute set. I've just got some stuff in my head that's been floating around. I just wanna get it out to see if it makes sense, you know?

Mommy Termite:
I can't listen to this again, David! The house is a mess. Why don't you just get on with job and kill these people?

Daddy Termite:
Judy, you don't understand. If this stand-up thing actually gets going, I could be-- I could actually get pretty big. This is my passion. This could actually feed the family.

Mommy Termite:
Your family should be your passion, David.

Kid Termite:
Mummy, Daddy, stop fighting! [cries]

Daddy Termite:
Oh, son, we're not fighting. We're just doing what a husband and wife always does. Getting a divorce! Ha, yeah! Ya d*ckhead!

Mommy Termite:
David! That's not funny! Don't joke about getting a divorce in front of the kids.

Old Naked Guy:
Uh. excuse me, if I may interject for a moment, Mr. Daddy Termite Mound, I can see you have some potential in comedy, but it's creating a rift between you and your family. Have you ever thought even if you achieve your greatest dreams that you might not have a family to come home to?

Daddy Termite:
Oh, wow, I've never thought about that before. I don't wanna lose you, babe.

Mommy Termite:
Oh, I don't wanna lose you either. I do wanna support your passions, David, but we need you at home.

Daddy Termite:
Oh, f***, I love you so much, Judy. Let's never fight again!

[Rachel heads to Chickengong to get a schnitzel burger]

Sorry. We're closed.

Look, I've had the worst night of my life. I just want one f***ing chicken schnitzel burger! [throws the employee]

Gimme one chicken schnitzel burger and a large chips.

Employee #2:
Sorry. We're closing. The-The till's already been counted.

Employee #3:
We're shut.

Just gimme f***ing one schnitty burger!

Oi! Excuse me, love. We're closed! How about you stop being so bloody rude to my employees?

I just want --

Never met anyone so rude and disrespectful in my life. You're a disGRACE!

[Rachel sadly leaves]

Old Naked Guy:
Oh, sorry for bothering you.

Wait a second. Hey, you!

Old Naked Guy:
Huh? Me?

Yeah. You. Come here for a sec.

[Manger sees Old Naked Guy's hands]

Bloody hell. Never thought I'd see the day. You've got chicken schnitzel hands, mate.

Old Naked Guy:
Oh, what do you mean?

These hands are perfect to craft my chicken schnitzel burger. How'd you like to come work for me? You'll make me a mint!

Old Naked Guy:
You know what? I think I could see myself working here. [gasps] Maybe this is what I was meant to find on this journey. You know, I was working on my own for too long. I became isolated in a shell of paranoia and ego. I need a work family so I can play my part as a team member. Yes, that's it! Oh, enlightenment achieved. Perfect Painter Evolution! Ohh! [turns blue]

Employee #3:
Did that c*** just turn blue?

[to Rachel] You're telling me you didn't appreciate this talented young gentleman? That's it. Get the f*** out of here.

Step away from her this instant! I'm the one that deserves Sarah! I've been wooing her for ages!

Winged Bat Guy:
Oh, I know. I did it to hurt you like you once hurt me. As soon as I saw you were attending this event, I know it was my time to strike.

Huh? What do you mean? I've never met you.

Winged Bat Guy:
Don't you remember me from high school, Lucas? Don't you remember our...little games?

[flashback intensifies where Teen Lucas and Winged Bat Guy plays a Dungeons and Dragons like game]

Teen Winged Bat Guy:
Lucas, you're drowning. What do you want to do?

Teen Lucas:
Hmm. Is there any driftwood?

Teen Winged Bat Guy:
You see a door floating nearby.

Teen Lucas:
I reach out for it.

Teen Winged Bat Guy:
I allow you a strength check to see if you pull yourself up.

Teen Lucas:
[rolls the dice] Success.

Teen Winged Bat Guy:
You've done it. You seize the door, you clamber on, and it's keeping you afloat. Now you notice that Fiona, my lady love, is within arm's reach. She's drowning too. What do you do?

Teen Lucas:
Hmm. Is there room on the door for two people?

Teen Winged Bat Guy:
Yes. Yes, there is.

Teen Lucas:
Hmm. How much does Fiona weigh?

Teen Winged Bat Guy:
What? S-She is of average weight. Average weight for a girl.

Teen Lucas:
Hmm. What is she wearing?

Teen Winged Bat Guy:
[irritated] A dress, man. She's a woman.

Teen Lucas:
You said she was a girl. A woman is heavier than a girl. And dresses get rather weighty when wet.

Teen Winged Bat Guy:
Uh, Fiona is only three feet away, Lucas. She splutters and coughs and reaches for you. You can save her!

Teen Lucas:
Hmm. Sorry. It's too risky. I watch Fiona slip beneath the waves. [thunder crack intensifies]

[flashback ends]

Winged Bat Guy:
Everyone knows it's always story over rules. Just like you didn't care about Fiona, I don't care about Sarah. I care about... [close up serious face] revenge.

Sarah Doyle:

Touche, old friend. But what you didn't anticipate is that I've learned some judo tricks on YouTube over the years!

[Lucas and Winged Bat Guy get into a fight while being rotoscoped]

[as Lucas and Sarah getting ready to fight the Bee Boss in turn-based style]

What are we waiting for? Let's kill him.

Rachel, please! You must wait for him to take his turn.

Bee Boss:
Sorry, I was just afk for a bit. Um, is it my turn?


Bee Boss:
Okay, um, okay, I just haven't -- Just haven't battled in a long time, so --

Oh, my god, hurry up!

Now, now, Rachel, we must not rush a turn-based battle. Strategy is key in this type of combat. Take your time, Mr. Bee Boss.


Bee Boss:
I've just got too many spells. I-I don't know which one to use.

That's okay, just -- Yeah, just choose any, it's okay.

Bee Boss:
I-I can't do this! [crying] I-I CAN'T DO THIS! I CAN'T! [vomits, wails]

Whoa, whoa, whoa, it's okay. What's wrong?

Bee Boss:
F***ing love her, man. I love her!

Wait, who?

Bee Boss:
Olivia. She's just -- She's just perfect, man.

Wait, wait, wait, start from the beginning. What happened?

Bee Boss:
[sniffs] We were talking, and then, well, she -- I-I just don't know if she likes me as much as I like her.

Well, just ask her, man. You -- You're an attractive guy. Just -- Why don't you just ask her?

Bee Boss:
Oh, okay.

[Bee Boss calls Olivia on phone]


Bee Boss:
[normal voice] Hey, Olivia, it's -- It's John-o. Um, I-I was just wondering if you -- If you wanted to go out tonight. Like, I-I'm free, so...if you wanted to do something.

Oh, yeah, I guess I'm not doing much.

Bee Boss:
Oh, sweet. I can pick you up one the way, like...yeah, I don't know, like, 8:00 or something?

Oh, yeah, sure, okay. I-I'll get ready then.

Bee Boss:
Oh, okay. Yeah, awesome. Uh, yeah, I-I'll see you then, I guess.

Okay. Yeah.

[Bee Boss hangs up]

Bee Boss:
[exhales deeply] Oh, my god! Oh, my god, she said yes, she said yes.

See? That wasn't so hard.

Bee Boss:
You're right, man, yeah. I think I just built it up too much in my head, hey. Anyway, I'll sees ya later. I've got a hot date. [chuckles then leaves]

What the f*** just happened?

I don't know, but I related to that Bee Boss. And interesting enough, I could help him, but not myself. There's a moral here somewhere.

No, there isn't.

Peleeken Mischief Maker:
Hello, Rachel. It's me, your good friend, Peleeken Mischief Maker.


Peleeken Mischief Maker:
Rachel, what's up with you?

[imitating Megabilby as a skull] Rachel's actually very sensitive right now and doesn't need any fake friends coming to harass her.

Peleeken Mischief Maker:
Um, okay. Uh, who am I talking to now?

[imitating Megabilby] I'm Megabilby.

Peleeken Mischief Maker:
Um, hello, Mr. Megabilby, sir. Nice to meet you. But, um, can I maybe speak to Rachel alone for a moment?


[imitating Megabilby] Yeah. Sorry, she's, uh, just not really in the mood to talk, hey.

Peleeken Mischief Maker:
But, Rachel, I just wanted to check in on you to make sure you're okay.


Peleeken Mischief Maker:
No reason. Uh, say, Mr. Megabilby, sir, would it be alright if I took my friend, Rachel out for a little walkie?


Peleeken Mischief Maker:
Come on, just for a minute. Don't you want Rachel, come outside and get a nice breath of fresh air and some sunlight?

Peleeken Mischief Maker:
[singing] Rachel. Why don't you see? There's a whole wide world out there, just waiting for you to see. There's mountains and trees and clouds and so much more, I just wish you understood how much there is. So, Rachel, just come outside, 'cause there are so many friends to see! I just want you to be happy, Rachel, don't you understand that there's a whole wide world to see, YES THERE IS, there's the whole wide world to se. WHY DON'T YOU UNDEESTAND. There's a whole wide world to SEEE!

Alright, that was really sh*t. I'm going back inside.

Peleeken Mischief Maker:
I-I spent a long time writing that song, but alright.

Questers, to escape this chamber in my dungeon, you must find the correct key to her heart. Yeah.

Aah! We'll be impaled by that wall of spikes unless we pick the right key to unlock the door. But, but, but, but which key? This is the key to Jennifer's heart, for it is golden like her glimmering blonde locks.

No, 'tis this key, for it contains the green emerald stone, and my darling Cynthia loves the green emerald stone. Therefore, this is the key to her beautiful, big, beating heart.

[picks a key] Shiny, shiny, shiny. I like potatoes. I like potatoes. Brr! [wiggles his arms]

Daniel, Daniel, Daniel, you and your random stuff you say -- I f***ing love it.

Hurry, Lucas, which one is the key to unlock the door?

I don't know which one suits Sarah the most, but more importantly, how can four different keys open one door? That doesn't make any sense for god's sakes.

Pick one or else we're doomed.

First, let's see what kind of keyhole is on the lock.

We're doomed.

[pulls the lock showing it's already opened] Wait, it...it's already unlocked.

[Lucas, and the 3 guys escape from the First Chamber]

Correct. There is no physical key, for you are already the key to her heart. [laughs] That challenge was a little metaphorical one. Hee-hee-hee.

Hmph. Good work, I guess. Cynthia, hear my words. I will get you soon.

Yes, good work indeed. By thinking outside the box, we are one chamber closer to winning our lady loves.

[repeated babbling] I love you.

Gosh, these boys are blinded by their foolish infatuation with their lady love. [positive voice] Good thing I'm not like them. [singing] La-da-da, la-da-dee, da-da-da, da-da-da.

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