Timothyj.29104's Quotes Page #33

Here's the list of quotes submitted by timothyj.29104  —  There are currently 6,984 quotes total — keep up the great work!

Susie Wagner:
There's someone else behind this

Chris Monsanto:
Well, the only thing we can do is fake my death and hope that whoever's taking the Marshals' corpses takes mine, and when they bring me back to their place, then bingo, bango, blamo.

Bingo, bango, blamo? Chris, are you planning on faking your own death?

Chris Monsanto:
You know me well, sir.

Come with me.

Chris Monsanto:
Alright. [to Susie] Just talking to me.

Eagleheart  Movie Quote

added 2 months ago

Chris Monsanto:
[to Novato] What did you do with the bodies? Did you hide them? Did you burn them? Did you...pose them in tastefully erotic positions?

Gino Novato:
I can't tell you that.

Chris Monsanto:

Gino Novato:
I'm scared of this person.

Chris Monsanto:
I want a name.

Gino Novato:
This is how scared of the party in question I am!

[Gino grabs Chris' gun and kill himself]

Chris Monsanto:
Mm! And that's that.

Eagleheart  Movie Quote

added 2 months ago

[as Brett sleeps, Lulu mysteriously appears inside Brett's car]

Brett Mobley:
Hey, Lulu.

Hey, Brett.

Brett Mobley:
How's it going?

Oh, just fine.

Brett Mobley:
What are you doing in this car?

Oh, I was just gonna chloroform you with this here, rag.

Brett Mobley:
[happily] Really?


[Lulu chloroforms Brett]

Brett Mobley:
Oh. It's a sleepy rag. [sleeps]

Eagleheart  Movie Quote

added 2 months ago

Chris Monsanto:
Alright, Novato, you filthy scumbag, on your feet. I got no beef with your daughters. They can go. Ladies, why don't you go watch some HDTV or do a little scrapbooking, have a little fun.

Eagleheart  Movie Quote

added 2 months ago

Chris Monsanto:
The sparrow flies by night.

Susie Wagner:
The owl watches the mice.

Brett Mobley:
The dog sits in the car. [literally sitting inside the car]

Eagleheart  Movie Quote

added 2 months ago

Spare some change for a veteran?

Here you go, old-timer.

Well, if you can't spare any change...I can't spare you.

[as Hobo shoots the guards, the hobo takes off his mask and revealed to be Chris the whole time]

Chris Monsanto:
Sorry, guys. I didn't think you were actually gonna give me anything.

Eagleheart  Movie Quote

added 2 months ago

[after many days where Chris and Susie finds out the tire marks that killed Marshals' few days ago]

Susie Wagner:
It was the Novato gang.

Chris Monsanto:
Huh? Oh. Okay. Uh... [clears throat] well, I think it's about time we give Gino Novato a thank-you note -- Hand-delivered.

Eagleheart  Movie Quote

added 2 months ago

You wanted to see us, Carl?

Yeah. The report said they suffered gunshot wounds. We didn't find any.

Chris Monsanto:
So what did they die of, strokes?

No. A complete lack of internal organs.

Chris Monsanto:
Oh, come on. Please.

[as Chris removes the the dead body's sheets, it reveals to be a fake body]

Chris Monsanto:
You know, Chief, this isn't a body at all.

[Chief slams the fake body]

You're right. It's a rubber dummy. Well played, Carl. Prank of the week.

Eagleheart  Movie Quote

added 2 months ago

[Chief eats chili in the morgue]

Chris Monsanto:
Uh, Chief, I don't think you're supposed to eat in here.

Poppycock. Life is for the living, and this is what living's all about.

Chris Monsanto:
[tired] Okay.

Eagleheart  Movie Quote

added 2 months ago

[as Chris and his gang walked out of Lulu's bar]

Hey, Marshals. [gun cocks] Merry Christmas.

[the goon shoots one of Chris' other Marshals']

Chris Monsanto:
Wait a second. It's not Christmas.

Eagleheart  Movie Quote

added 2 months ago

Chris Monsanto:
Lulu, how about another mug of chili and a bowl of beer.

Get that off my counter. Now, you know darn well your money is no good here. [chuckles]

Brett Mobley:
What do you mean it's no good, Lulu? What is it, counterfeit? I LOOKED UP TO YOU, CHRIS!

Susie Wagner:
Calm down, you dump. She just means that Chris doesn't have to pay for his drinks.

Brett Mobley:
Oh, how come?

Oh, believe it or not, y'all, my chili wasn't always world-famous. See, one night about 15 years ago, some trigger-happy son of b*tch who fancied hisself a gourmet took issue with it.

And I'd have been a goner, too, if it hadn't been for Chris, who stepped in front of that bullet for me. And when I realized I was feeding world-class heroes, oh, I vowed to make them some world-class chili.

Chris Monsanto:
And Lulu has promised to tell me the recipe one day.

Oh, now, Chris, like I said, it's a secret, and if I tell you, I'd have to kill you. And then if I killed you, I'd have to turn you into chili.

Eagleheart  Movie Quote

added 2 months ago

Chris Monsanto:
Ah, to Delray, a good Marshal who was gunned down far too soon in front of far too many other Marshals who were standing around doing nothing to help him.

Eagleheart  Movie Quote

added 2 months ago

[Chris sees a ruby]

Chris Monsanto:
It's beautiful...in a gaudy nouveau-riche sort of way.

[Chris then sees mountain lions protecting the ruby]

Chris Monsanto:
Hi, fellas! Hi! [speak mountain lion] Friends! I am here to free you! If one is Paprike, could you please raise your paw?

Mountain Lion:
She's not here.

Chris Monsanto:
Oh, god, I hope she hasn't been eaten already. Okay, alright, you know what? Okay, alright, you know what? Let's blow this pop stand. Watch out.

[Chris gunfires the chains to save the mountain lions]

Chris Monsanto:
Good. You're free. Go, run, run.

You damn fool. That's the Ruby of Life. It power all of earth. Without it, no life exists. The mountain lions were protecting ruby/

Chris Monsanto:
Uh, protecting Ruby from what?

[suddenly rock monsters came out from the walls]

From them. Rock Jews.

[Chris flashbacks to what Brett said in the beginning of the episode]

Brett Mobley:
Next thing you're gonna tell me is that Jews aren't rock creatures that live underground.

[flashback ends]

Chris Monsanto:
Oy-oy, oy-oy-oy. [said it in a troubled manner]

Eagleheart  Movie Quote

added 2 months ago

Our mission, Chris, is to protect planet from enemy forces. Sometimes, we have to go up to the surface for provisions. We create Chinese facade so we recognize each other up there. Only select billion know real secret.

Chris Monsanto:

And so here, we have everything one might need to become Chinese. An "L-to-R" conversion kit...silly straw hats...ah, and one of my favorite, cartoon buckteeth.

Chris Monsanto:
[laughs] These are wonderful. Oh, my. [laughs] But I got to tell ya -- It's not why I came down here. I came down for one reason and one reason alone -- To find mountain lions.

I am afraid, Chris, there are some things you must never know. Me so sorry...sincerely.

Chris Monsanto:
Well, me so horny...for justice.

Eagleheart  Movie Quote

added 2 months ago

[Chris sees a machine that changed regular people into chinese and chinese people back to their regular self]

Cult Woman:
Hello, Chris. What's the matter? Don't you recognize me?

Chris Monsanto:
I don't -- I don't know did bone or something?

Cult Woman:
Perhaps this will remind you.

[as the cult woman steps into the machine, she turns to the same chinese manager that Chris met minutes ago]

Chinese Restaurant Manager:
Is there a problem with the service?

Chris Monsanto:
Hold on. I'm sorry. Are you people Chinese or what?

The question itself is flawed, Chris.

Chris Monsanto:
Okay, w-what are you babbling about, snowcap?

Perhaps I explain. Me Sebastian. Me emperor of this land. Chinese people as you know them do not exist. What you see up there on the surface is just our disguise. Down here, we look regular.

Chris Monsanto:
So what you're saying is --

Yes, Chris. We Chinese -- We play joke.

Chris Monsanto:
I knew it, I knew it, I knew it. Wow.

Eagleheart  Movie Quote

added 2 months ago

[as Chris was about to apologize to the chinese restaurant manager, she went through a wall to a different place]

Susie Wagner:
Chris, I thought you said you were apologizing.

Chris Monsanto:
Hey, that manager pal of yours just walked through that wall. Here, watch. I'm coming, Paprika.

[as Chris jumps to the wall, no portal arrived, and he managed to hurt himself]

Susie Wagner:
I guess that's chinese only.

Chris Monsanto:
Well, okay, fine. Then I'll just take the chinese express. I meant orient express.

Eagleheart  Movie Quote

added 2 months ago

[Chris and Brett head to a chinese restaurant]

Chris Monsanto:
Well, I don't see any mountain lion on the menu, unless "delight" means "mountain lion", in which case, everything is mountain lion. Uh, Garcon.

Are you waiting to order?

Chris Monsanto:
Uh-huh. Let's start with an order of um, [chinese accent] ban quai dei dan quan quan quan dei ban quai quang dei. And then, um, let's get, for the table, just one big [chinese accent] ban qua gei hey hey ba qua kong quang quang heng wan ah.

I, um -- I go get manager.

Susie Wagner:
Chris, what the hell are you doing?

Chris Monsanto:
Come on. Everybody knows that the Chinese language is just a series of made-up nonsense sounds. And now this guy knows that we're not amateurs right off the banana boat. Believe me -- This is all working according to my plan, okay.

Chinese Restaurant Manager:
Is there a problem with the service?

Susie Wagner:
Uh...we're interested in ordering...off the menu, something cooked to...purrfection.

Brett Mobley:
Mountain lions.

Chinese Restaurant Manager:
We do not serve mountain lions, sir.

Chris Monsanto:
Honey, one of those mountain lions you swiped from that den happens to be a dear old bosom mate of mine. Now, where is he?

Chinese Restaurant Manager:
Enough. For years, people say, "Chinese eat dogs". "Chinese eat cats". Now mountain lions? You know how many years we've fought these ugly stereotypes? Shame on you! [leaves]

Chris Monsanto:
[scoffs] Don't know what that was all about. [chuckles]

Susie Wagner:
You should probably go apologize to her.

Chris Monsanto:
I'm not -- I...oh, fine. I'll go sprinkle a little sugar on her ass.

Eagleheart  Movie Quote

added 2 months ago

Brett Mobley:
Chris, look. There's something written on it.

[Brett sees a chinese noodle box]

Brett Mobley:
Huh, whoever wrote this had terrible penmanship.

Chris Monsanto:
Brett, it's Chinese. [tastes the noodles inside the box] And it's Mountain Lion. It's not paprika. But it's Mountain Lion.

Eagleheart  Movie Quote

added 2 months ago

Chris Monsanto:
[yells] PAPRIKA?!

Brett Mobley:
Who's Paprika?

Chris Monsanto:
Only the bestest friend I ever had, Brett -- Or ever will have, present company included.

Brett Mobley:
But why does he live in a lion's den?

Chris Monsanto:
'Cause he's a mountain lion, Brett. I bought him many years ago at Harrod's Department Store. Later, along with my wife and our lover, we formed the Fabulous Monsantos, one of the first exotic-cat performance groups. But then he mauled my wife and lover, and I had to let him go.

Eagleheart  Movie Quote

added 2 months ago

[as the two nature guys were about to take their clothes off, a mountain lion appears]

[until the mountain lion that was scaring them was dressed up by Chris]

Chris Monsanto:
Alright, alright, alright, alright. Calm down, calm down. It's just me, Chris Monsanto, U.S. Marshal.

Nature Guy:
You really gave us quite a scare, Marshal.

Chris Monsanto:
Well, I hope you learned a lesson, too, fellas. You know this not the Ramrod West, this is Mountain-Lion Country, and that's why we at the U.S. Marshals' office urge you to have your anonymous sex at public urinals and rest stops.

Chris Monsanto:
Remember, fellas. "While you're up here cruising, mountain lions are perusing, looking to give you a bruising at a time of their choosing". You can each take one.

[suddenly another mountain lion appears and attack Chris, but Chris managed to defeat it, revealing to be another mountain lion in costume as Brett]

Chris Monsanto:
Alright. Okay. [groans] Alright, good job, Brett.

Brett Mobley:
You see, fellas, it's so dangerous up here that you shouldn't even hang around and listen to safety lectures from Marshals disguised as mountain lions. So, uh, why don't you hop in your little cloud cars and fly back home.

Nature Guy #2:
Excuse me?

Brett Mobley:
Gay people. You live in clouds and drive cloud cars. Am I talking crazy? I mean, next thing you're gonna tell me is that black people don't shape-shift and jews aren't rock creatures that live underground.

Chris Monsanto:
Brett, those are hurtful stereotypes. They have no place in mountain-lion country. Fellas, seriously, though, why don't you move along, unless you want to end up like that famous British actor Claude Balls.

Eagleheart  Movie Quote

added 2 months ago

Nature Guy:
Hey stranger. Nice day we're having here.

Nature Guy #2:
Perfect weather. Can't complain.

[two nature guys does sexy hip movements afterwards]

Eagleheart  Movie Quote

added 2 months ago

[after saving the old people from the conductor that day]

Chris Monsanto:
Wanted to see me, Chief.

Great job on the case, Monsanto. I got another one for ya. It's gruesome murder-suicide in a two-bedroom duplex on Orchard Street. Blood and brain matter all over the California-king-size bed.

Chris Monsanto:
Southern exposure?

You better believe it. You earned it.

Chris Monsanto:
You know something? You're right. [looks at the viewers] I did earn it.

[man grunts as Chris' winks]

Eagleheart  Movie Quote

added 2 months ago

[Brett watches a war with dub sounds]

[monotone] Shoot. Shoot. Aah. Explosion. Get him! Shoot!

Brett Mobley:
This sucks.

[monotone] War! Ow!

Eagleheart  Movie Quote

added 2 months ago

[as Chris defeats the conductor that conducts the old people to mimick noises on screen, Bud was dying]

Chris Monsanto (as Crisp):
Oh, hang in there, pal. Hang in there.

We sure gave them a hell of a run, didn't we, kiddo?

Chris Monsanto (as Crisp):
Yeah. Yeah, we did, Bud. We did.

See you on the top floor, Crisp. [dies]

Chris Monsanto (as Crisp):
Okay, ugh. I don't need this on me right now.

Eagleheart  Movie Quote

added 2 months ago

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