Captain's Daughter:
Hi! Can I make jokes with you?
Drinky Crow:
I doubt it, Captain's Daughter. We're both miserable alcoholics so we have more need to be funny than you.
Uncle Gabby:
And hence more ability.
Captain's Daughter:
I can make a joke. Listen. [sees Drinky's back bleeding blood] It looks like you have some trouble holing your liquor!
Drinky Crow & Uncle Gabby:
Captain's Daughter:
"Holding" (holing).
[Drinky Crow and Uncle Gabby shoot themselves]
Captain's Daughter:
You just don't like my jokes because I'm a girl!
Uncle Gabby:
Not true. Deboursay is funny and she's a girl. Deboursay!
[Mademoiselle Deboursay reveals herself while getting out of sailor disguise]
Mademoiselle Deboursay:
Nice machine, mon chers! Maybe I should get one for my bedroom!
Captain's Daughter:
[to Drinky and Gabby] You're just laughing because she's an attractive woman who talks frankly about sex!
Mademoiselle Deboursay:
I have a vagina.
Captain's Daughter:
And she's a spy! I'm telling!
[Captain's Daughter heads to his Father]
Captain's Daughter:
Daddy! There's a french spy on board! And instead of catching her, Drinky Crow and Gabby are flirting and laughing at her jokes!
Captain Maak:
Thank you. I'll have her clapped in irons immediately.
Captain's Daughter:
And they said I'm not funny.
Captain Maak:
In that they are quite correct.