[after Baby Cakes confesses himself for stealing all the teachers who thought they were wizards and witches]
Baby Cakes:
Yeah, but I still don't get how no one is dead when the news said they were.
[to Frank] He's not gonna get it.
Frank Smith:
No, let me try. [to Baby Cakes] You kidnapped everyone.
Baby Cakes:
Yes, I did.
Frank Smith:
You thought they were magical.
Baby Cakes:
Still could be...
Baby Cakes:
But...but I'm setting that aside for now. Go on.
Frank Smith:
Then the press jumped to the conclusion that the people whom you kidnapped were all killed by a serial killer.
Baby Cakes:
Man, I caused some trouble.
Steve Smith:
Hey, we all make mistakes. And you got to admit -- It's kind of funny.
Baby Cakes:
No, I won't admit that.
Frank Smith:
So, are we not even gonna mention that I saved the day here? Come on!
Steve Smith:
You did good, little dog.
Baby Cakes:
Wait a minute. Did you marinate?
Steve Smith:
I guess we sort of did.