Steve, you and Flip Flop approach William H. Macy from the south.
Steve Smith:
Oh, come on. Don't stick me with that asshole!
Flip Flop:
No, Steve's too old. He'll slow me down.
[Pony slaps Flip Flop]
Shut up, pink boys! When you're 200 klicks away, open fire. That will distract him.
Falgot, you and Sammy do the same with Martin Lawrence. Be careful! He's buck wild.
Dr. Falgot:
Are you just doing the thing like in the movies where you pair up the people who are mad at each other so they'll resolve their sh--
AND, Matt, you take B.C. and...who are you, again?
Aladdin...I guess.
You guys keep Tim Allen off me and Frank. We're gonna kill the Queen Travolta.
Frank Smith:
No. Maybe I should stay. You know, guard the chips.
If those three hogs are still at the entrance when Frank and I get there, we're all dead pink boys, got it?
Flip Flop:
Yo! Why we pink boys?
[out of character] It just sounds good.