Timothyj.29104's Quotes Page #117

Here's the list of quotes submitted by timothyj.29104  —  There are currently 6,261 quotes total — keep up the great work!

Good morning, mam. I'm here to spread the important news. And his name is Jesus Christ.

[the old lady suddenly got a heart attack and then two demons rise up from the underworld tearing the old lady apart]

[sees the old lady's purse] Guys, I think we were meant to have this.

Soul Quest Overdrive  Movie Quote

added 5 months ago

[as Xavier finishes the ice cream cone of Ink Blot's defeat, he then starts the get pregnant]

I feel him kicking.

Nurse (as Xavier's Mom):
I think it's time. I'm having our incest baby.

This is disgusting. [happily] How I'm blushing with pride.

Frankie's Voice:
Push, honey, push. This is some kind of monster.

[as Xavier, Nurse (as Xavier's Mom), and the fake Xavier's Mom pushed one of their babies out, one of their babies formed into an Xavier symbol which transitions to the next scene where it shows a therapist showing the same symbol of Xavier's and all of the other stuff that happened was just inside of Xavier's head the whole time]

Interesting. I think you're ready to see yourself for the first time -- Not how you imagine yourself, but how you truly are.

Real Xavier:
Hot dong, I'm cured.

Therapist (as Xavier):
Cured? Who said their was anything wrong with you?

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 5 months ago

Why do you reverse want me to keep killing these poor people? You monster! This is my best trick yet.

Ink Blot:
Fine, just, uh, tell me what you don't not want me to do.

I want not that you should not turn into the opposite of a nice, non-big ice cream cone -- Big one.

Ink Blot:
Okay, I'll do it, I mean, no way, I won't do it.

[Ink Blot turns into an ice cream cone once again]

I got dibs.

[9 months later]

[to the burnt beach people] Oh, did you chumps want a lick? Psyche.

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 5 months ago

I know that inky stink thinker is out there. Spreading amok on his brutal havoc crackers.

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 5 months ago

I'm no longer a mama's boy. She made me a mama's man. For the first in my life, I'm gonna let my fist do the talking. [imitates his talking fist] Oh, frenchie, if I wasn't a peaceful man, I'd...

[as Xavier was about to punch the therapist for what he done to his mother, Ink Blot shows up and brutally stabs the therapist as medical snake logo]

NO! This is rubbing against my pole, my principle of nonviolence.

Ink Blot:
But you made me do it. I'm your pent-up violence unleashed.

This thing is crazy. IT'S ON A RAMPAGE. No one get near it. FEAR IT!

Ink Blot:
You're in denial. [to Nurse who is Xavier's Mom] Come on, hon, let's blow this nut stand. And don't follow me.

It wants me to follow it. It's using reverse psychology on me. Well, I'll reverse retaliate with the psychology of a thousand backwards minds. I'll just oedipal these out and knit-wit a braingea hot-thought balloon.

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 5 months ago

Say, big man. I've had every other freak in here. Let me give you the coital cure. You look like you need a little...

[the Nurse and Xavier got laid]

You should know you were my first, not counting rape. You were so huge.

Congratulations. Mother and Son in carnal embrace -- This will put me on the map.

But mother is -- She dieded.

I'm afraid you are mistaken. You see, Nurse Escher came here years ago as a patient, escaping the turmoil of her bestial child. After the lobotomy, I left the brain remains in the bio-waste room.

I was your patient?

My finest, because you're so huge. Look for yourself.

Nurse (as Xavier's Mom):
I thought that was a yogurt stain. I SLEPT WITH MY SON?!


I'll go down in history -- First scientist to prove that [uses his tape recorder in a different voice again] Lobotomy removes oedipal taboo. Go on, react.

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 5 months ago

[Xavier tries many brains to find his mother's personality]

Oh, so many. Let's try...I don't know -- This one. [uses the first brain piece]

Xavier's Mom:

Nope. [tries the second brain piece]

Xavier's Mom:
[wilhelm scream]

Nope. [tries the third brain piece]

Xavier's Mom:
[Italian accent] Hey, pa, I forgot how pizza works.

Dumb wop. Could have used a goombotomy. [tries the fourth brain piece]

Xavier's Mom:

Damn it, I had money on that game. [tries the fifth brain piece]

Xavier's Mom:
[crows like a rooster]

Oh, chicken. Yum. [eats the fifth brain piece]

[Xavier puts the sixth brain piece]

Xavier's Mom:
[McGultry's voice] I think my hallucination snuck into the --

That fella's nuttier than my pants at a coffin sale. [tries the seventh brain piece]

Xavier's Mom:
[Xavier's voice] How'd that get in there?

[Xavier sniffs the seventh brain piece]

That's better. I've got a good feeling about this one. [tries the eight brain piece]

Xavier's Mom:
Son, how'd you find me?

Mom, it worked!

Xavier's Mom:
I faked my death to get away from you. I hate you!

You can say that, mommy, but don't mean it.

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 5 months ago

Mother, I've found you. Don't you recognize me?

Don't bother. She don't talk at all, thank god. Won't even open her mouth. Believe, I tried. [laughs] Ain't said a word since that lobotomy cut out all the thingmajigs that was tormenting her. I like her jugs -- Dibs.

I've got to get that part of her brain back in her head so she remembers me. Where do they discard the medical waste?

Yeah, I don't got time to chitchat, okay? The boss says I got to give the coital cure to this whole wing before lunch. I'm coming, boss. I'm coming.

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 5 months ago

She must be around here. My mom-dar is throbbing white-hot. [sees the paramedic doing something with the old lady] Unhand that nut bag.

Hey, this is just the fringe beneflex of the job. It's no big whoop. I was just giving her the big-whoop cure, the old shock-and-awe therapy. You get it, with the an --

This is no way to cure people. I've tried curing the dead that way, and it only leads to heartbreak. [unintelligible]

Hey, don't worry. You know, if I knock her up I'll giver her a uterus lobotomy, the old brain bushing, you know? It's how we do around here.

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 5 months ago

[Xavier goes into therapy]

Look at this ink blot, and tell me what you see. Go with it. Don't hold back. Absorb yourself into it.

[Xavier imagines the Ink Blot]

Get away, you sickening inkling.

Ink Blot:
I don't have to be a evil demon. I am whatever you choose to see me as.

Oh, yeah? What if I want you to be my bike?

[Ink blot turns into a bike]

Oh, whee! What about a pony?

[Ink blot turns into a pony]

Yahoo! A bike for the pony?

[Ink Blot turns into a pony riding a bike]

I want some ice cream. Hey, pony, can I borrow a couple of bucks? No? Broke-ass pony. I want you should be a pony, only this pony has a couple of spare bucks. [Ink Blot Horse gives dollar bucks to Xavier] I'll take that. Now, where's the ice cream store?

Ink Blot:
I can just become ice cream if you want. You needn't complicate this.

I don't need your charity.

Ink Blot:
Here, just take ice cream.

Wait, is this some kind of a trap? Only one yummy way to find out.

[Xavier licks the ice cream of Ink Blot, which then ends Xavier's imagination where Xavier is licking the paper of an ink blot]

Yummy shrimp. BRAIN FREEZE! This notion nosh is gonna go right to my mental hips.

What else is happening there? Go deeper.

[Xavier starts to imagine the same ink blot monster again]

Hey, muchacho, where did you do to my ice cream, chachi?

Ink Blot:
I am your ice cream. But it's really just you.

Make up your mind. First you say I'm scream, then you'm scream. What, we all'm scream? You're not the crispiest meat hat in chican, do you?

Ink Blot:
If you're calling me stupid, you're just calling yourself stupid.

Well, I'm rubber and you're rubber cement. Anything you say sticks and stones, dumbbones.

Ink Blot:
I'm just a projection of your feelings.

yeah, put it all on me. Someone's on in denial.

Ink Blot:
Will you please JUST SHUT UP?!

[as Ink Blot shatters Xavier's imagination, it was then that the Ink Blot goes into therapy because of Xavier's delusions]

Ink Blot:
I don't know what is. He drives up me up the...I think I'm really losing it.

Maybe this will help. What do you see on this card? [shows a ink blot of Xavier winking]

Ink Blot:
[screaming in agony]

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 5 months ago

Now to sneakishly search each nook and cranny for my mammy. YOO-HOO CRANNY!

This area's for patients only. Can I help you?

I'm here to, uh, check myself in, yeah. I suspect I'm crazy, with a capital and sideways "Z" that's also flipped upside-down, interestingly.

That would make you...crany?

Damn it, he sees right through me. He can tell I'm sane. Got to hoodink this wink into thinking I'm King Crazythink. It'll take some mental elbow grease, but no pain-ity, no insanity.

Who are you talking to?

Frittata, I'm in. He's buying it, Helen. [to Therapist] No one! Why would I be talking to someone? I'm too, too -- [making clock and animal noises, while imitating noises riding a car] Hang on. Just got to pull the choke here. There we go. Yep, convertible -- Jealous?

Fascinating. [different voice to his tape recorder] Subject to begin the evaluation process.

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 5 months ago

[Nurse gives McGultry a tour inside the Luxury Mental Asylum]

Welcome. I'm not your maid, and I'm not your mom. We use only positive reinforcement here. If you don't like it, we hit you with the prod. If you refuse to eat, we insert a feeding tube. If you eat the feeding tube, we hit you with the prod. If you complain about the prod, we hit you with the prod. If you refuse to take your meds orally, you'll be fed your mouth rectally. [drinks yellow liquid inside the prod]

Here's the funhouse mirrors for the anorexic. These are the patients who think they're [bleep] They're self-blurring. The Nymph Whore, cutters, greasers, rockers, mods, dagos, wops. And this is the reverse-psychology wing. Hey, get down from there!

[Nurse hit him with the prod, but the patient starts to fell upwards]

I think my hallucination SNUCK INTO THE HOSPITAL!

Harry, fire up the lobotimizer!

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 5 months ago

They got a boy who was raised by a cricket and cricket that was raised by a tick. They got a dental tranny -- Man with the choppers of a lady -- Call him the tooth fairy. Boy, his mouth is so soft.

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 5 months ago

Yeah, of course, a furry creature back in the shimmering object. You just need some rest, okay?

[traumatized] You'll cure my brain? I never want to see those visions again.

We'll take you to a nice place. They got a man came in believing he's a horse, and they've already worked him down to thinking he's just a goose. They got a guy who thinks he's some pepper, and they pay a fella to stand next to him and sneeze. They even got a woman who thinks she gave birth to an *it* -- Strange old slut.

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 5 months ago

[after McGultry got fired]

How am I gonna tell my Mom I got fired?

Porpoiseoid! I didn't save the dolph-fish just to see a murderizer drag its poor arctic corpse through the streets. If you're going to slay an animal, you had better be prepared to eat the whole thing.

What are you?

I'm Dr. Doalotle. I live my life on fly-fingers principle. I wouldn't raise a finger to hurt a fly. But if you don't bone appetite, *THESE* fly fingers will make you go on a seafood diet.

Okay, just don't hurt me.

[McGultry eats his dolphin mascot, while going to the hard stuff by killing himself in the restroom in every kind of way]

The crushing pain of life will be over soon.

I told you, if you're going to kill something, you'd better eat it. Now chow down or break my vow of nonviolence against your face.

[As McGultry eats the glassed mirror, the mirror breaks into pieces leaving many different styles of Xaviers inside the broken glass]

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 5 months ago

[Xavier's flashback intensifies where Xavier was a little baby inside Xavier's Mom womb with the doctor checking the stomach]

Xavier's Mom:
Something feels abnormal with the baby inside me.

We can't abort it this late in the pregnancy. The most we could do is torture it a bit.

Xavier's Mom:
Let's try that.

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 5 months ago

Dolphin's best be the mind stand of the briny gulf, but you're not the sharpest pudding in the fanny pack. I'll miss you, too. Be free and be me by swimming back to your mommy.

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 5 months ago

[McGultry works at his first job by wearing a dolphin suit]

Thanks for giving me my first job, Mr. Eddie. I won't let you down. 15 cents off tuna-safe dolphin tacos!

[McGultry then gets crushed by Xavier when he was a volleyball]

Oh, no -- The waling of a dolphin! This creature's been beachered. I've got to free this wily willy and toss him off. Don't worry, everyone. I speak dying dolphin. Uh...chong, chong, dish now wah wah dong dong?

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 5 months ago

"Mom" spelled backwards is "Wow". And "Wow" spelled backwards is -- Wow is me, that I can't seem to find my Mom. But you don't see me crying about it. I won't cry. It's mind over... [sobbing] Mommy!

[9 months later]

I didn't just cry. Denial is not just an ocean of africanized tears. I swore I'd ramble and traverse a continent till I found my mother. But I've reached land's end.

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 5 months ago

Mother! Where is she? There's nothing here but primordial sludge and Freudian slop, Mother, MOTHER! She can't be dead! Just playing possum! That double D-nosaur! It's Mommy!

[reveals the Lotion Guy's Wife has turned into a golden dinosaur]

Lotion Guy's Wife:
I'm not your mother.

Mother, you look so different again. Did you do something to your hair? I'd like to do something to the hair on your bazooms? MILK ME MOMMY!

[Lotion Guy's Wife then push out a baby possum from one of her dinosaur breasts]

Baby Possum:

Lotion Guy's Wife:

CRIKEY! Silly bossom possum. [bites Xavier's snake finger and returning it back to normal] I don't play dead, I play...LIFE! The Firey, fruitless search for my mommy rages on. Hot Fruit coming through! Hot Fruit!

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 5 months ago

Lotion Guy:
The Ameribots of Lotion, New [coughs] New M-- [coughs] Excuse me. new Mexico, got so rich off --


Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 5 months ago

[the people are shooting at the Arab Dinosaurs]

Citizen #11:
It's working! The "Arabasauruses" are turning back into oil!

Citizen #12:
The Arab assault is metaphorical.

[Australian accent] Oi! Oi! Oi! We're rich!

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 5 months ago

Lotion Guy:
My wife! Where is she?!

You're a reporter! Stay objective. She would've wanted to be objectified.

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 5 months ago

[Xavier help the gold plated people by turning them into Arabs]

Repeat again. Meka Leka Hi Ala Shineyho Alla!

[chanting] Meka Leka Hi Ala Shineyho Alla!

I even gold-plated the Koran.

Citizen #10:
Can't polish a turd.

Xavier: Renegade Angel  Movie Quote

added 5 months ago

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I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.
A Charles Dickens
B Albert Einstein
C Joseph Stalin
D Oppenheimer