

Psych is an American detective comedy-drama television series created by Steve Franks and broadcast on USA Network with syndicated reruns on ION Television. The series stars James Roday as Shawn Spencer, a young crime consultant for the Santa Barbara Police Department whose "heightened observational skills" and impressive eidetic memory allow him to convince people that he solves cases with psychic abilities. The program also stars Dulé Hill as Shawn's intelligent best friend and reluctant partner Burton "Gus" Guster, as well as Corbin Bernsen as Shawn's father, Henry, a former officer of the Santa Barbara Police Department. Psych debuted on Friday, July 7, 2006, immediately following the fifth-season premiere of Monk, and continued to be paired with the series until Monk's conclusion on December 4, 2009. During the second season, an animated segment titled "The Big Adventures of Little Shawn and Gus" was added to the series. Psych was the highest-rated US basic cable television premiere of 2006. USA Network renewed the series for an eighth season on December 19, 2012, to include eight episodes, and ordered two more episodes on June 25, 2013, bringing the episode order to ten. On February 5, 2014, USA Network confirmed that the eighth season of Psych would be its last, with the series finale airing on March 26, 2014. The show has developed a cult following, especially in the years since going off air, with fans of the show being called "Psych-O's". Psych: The Movie, a two-hour TV movie, aired on USA Network on December 7, 2017. Franks' hope is to make five more Psych movies, following Psych: The Movie. On July 3, 2018, TVLine confirmed that a sequel to Psych: The Movie was in early stages of development, but is currently put on hold due to scheduling conflicts relating to series stars Roday and Hill.


Shawn Spencer:
[Waiting in the dark when Raj and Juliet come home] Well, well, well. It's 11:20. Look who finally decided to come home.

Juliet O'Hara:
[laughing] Oh, I'm sorry, Shawn. Are you upset about something?

Shawn Spencer:
As a matter of fact I am... Raj.

What did I do?

Shawn Spencer:
Look, I didn't like this idea to begin with. You've been on four dates now. It's been a complete and total failure.

Juliet O'Hara:
No, Shawn, we've been on three dates.

Shawn Spencer:
No. There was the carnival where Raj won you a big, fat, stuffed octopus. There was the long walk on the pier where he kept brushing your hair gently out of your face. Then there was dinner tonight where there was an awful lot of hand holding, and who could forget the coffee at the police department where you blushed and squealed and giggled like a school girl?

Juliet O'Hara:
That was not a date. He was there to sign some papers. You were watching us?

Shawn Spencer:
It's called surveillance. I surveillate things. I'm a prevailer of surveillarism. Let's not get caught up in word play. The point is, we've been at this little charade for three weeks and it's yielded a grand total of nada.

Juliet O'Hara:
You're right.

Shawn Spencer:
Course I am. You see that?

Look, it's clear that the killer doesn't think that Detective O'Hara is my girlfriend or maybe they still know I'm in love with Mina. We can keep at this for six months, we're still not going to get anywhere.

Juliet O'Hara:
Unless we did something to remove all doubt, something big. I mean you said it yourself, the attacks only happen when Raj gets serious.

Shawn Spencer:

Juliet O'Hara:
[to Raj] Your entire family's going to the Holy Festival this weekend?


Juliet O'Hara:
I have another idea. Raj... you wanna get married?

Juliet O'Hara:
Shawn, I need to ask you something, and I'm sure this is just me overthinking things, but, um... yesterday you were at the hotel. You saw the hallways. You know the layout.

Shawn Spencer:
Guilty as charged.

Juliet O'Hara:
Well, you said that you had this spectacular vision that Marlowe was covered in garbage. But couldn't you have just remembered that there was a trash chute on every floor and then taken a guess?

Shawn Spencer:
[nervous] Uh, yeah, I... I suppose so. But that would've been a pretty wild guess, don't you think?

Juliet O'Hara:
Absolutely, and you know, I probably wouldn't have given it a second thought, but then there was this.

[holds up a concert ticket receipt from Shawn's jacket pocket]

Juliet O'Hara:
And I am sure there's an explanation, but you know me. I won't be able to stop thinking about it, and I certainly won't be able to Wang Chung until we clear it up. Lassiter said you had a vision of Herb with Michael Damian, but you had this receipt, so you knew Herb would be there, right?

[flashbacks of Shawn's relationship with Juliet begin to play]

Juliet O'Hara:
Shawn, are you listening to me?

Shawn Spencer:
Falling in love with you was never part of the plan, okay? This whole thing started because my ass was on the line. Self-preservation, Jules - you got to understand that. I didn't have a choice. And then we sort of found a groove, and by the time you showed up, it was so much fun. I put away, like, over a hundred criminals. Most of them were murderers. I'm good at what I do. And what I do, it's good, isn't it?

Juliet O'Hara:
What are you talking about? Are you telling me this is all a lie?

Shawn Spencer:
[quietly, desperate] Please don't make me answer that.

Juliet O'Hara:
Oh, my God!

[Shawn has to re-enter the scene before he can remove the real nails from the "prop" nail gun]

Quintessa Gabriel:
[Spanish] Oh, there you are, my dear. Here, hand me the nail gun.

Shawn Spencer:
[English with heavy Spanish accent] Okay, here you go. But do not point this at me because is mucho dangerioso.

Quintessa Gabriel:
[Spanish] I know that, my darling.

Shawn Spencer:
[English, Spanish accent] Yo se that you know, but seriously, be very carefulio. You could muerteme with this thing because it is realio!

Quintessa Gabriel:
[Quintessa wrestles the nail gun out of his hands. In English:] I love the improv, the passion. [Points the gun at him. In Spanish:] Of course it's real! As real as you cheating on me with my sister Serena, and getting her pregnant!

Burton 'Gus' Guster:
[Watching from beside the camera] Shawn's the father of Serena's baby!

Shawn Spencer:
[Normal accent, whisper] Please put that down, woman, it's loaded with *real* nails!

Quintessa Gabriel:
[In Spanish] And it's you that killed Vincente!

Burton 'Gus' Guster:
Shawn, watch out! Watch out!

[Shawn ducks behind a chair, Quintessa fires and misses, Shawn sees the real murderer and figures it out]

Shawn Spencer:
[English, Spanish accent] No! You are wrong! I am not a murderero! But I know who iso! Yes: your twin sister.

Quintessa Gabriel:
[Spanish] I don't have a twin sister.

Shawn Spencer:
[English, Spanish accent] Yes, what I mean is, someone who wants to be your twin sister. Someone who wants to be you!

[Watching on TV in jail] I definitely did not write this.

Quintessa Gabriel:
[English] Okay, I don't get it.

Shawn Spencer:
[English with accent] No, it's like, uh [Spanish] beautiful girls... drinking... beer on the beach...

My God, he's improvising!

Shawn Spencer:
[Still Spanish] with homicide... uh... [English with accent] Uh, can't do this... you make a translation for me, yeah? [Whispers in Quintessa's ear]

Henry Spencer:
[Watching on TV at home] Ah, high school Spanish comes back to haunt him.

Quintessa Gabriel:
[In English, pointing at Kelly] She did it!

Pan over! Pan over! [Pan to shot of Kelly by the crafty table]

Shawn Spencer:
[Normal accent] After all that you just point at the murderer? Don't you have any sense of dramatic tension or build? Come on, what are we, on "Blossom"? No, you start by saying she was your biggest fan, you know? That she practically worships you, and that she read all the scripts. I got this, I got this. [Back to Spanish accent] You! Yes you! You hated it whenever Corrin was put into jeopardy! So you took it upon yourself to avenge her!

I had to! She cares too much! Her heart is too big for her chest!

[Shawn glances at Quintessa's chest and shakes his head]

[Continuing her confession/explanation] When Ernesto cheated on her she was too weak to stand up for herself. I needed to help her. She was like my best friend.

Quintessa Gabriel:
I barely spoke to her.

Shawn Spencer:
[Normal accent] Really? [Spanish accent] So it was you who replaced the retractable prop knife with the real one!

And he deserved it!

Shawn Spencer:
[Spanish accent] And it was also you who poisoned poor Vincente after it was written that he betrayed Corrin!

Quintessa Gabriel:
But how?

Shawn Spencer:
[Spanish accent] With a meatball.

[Flashback to earlier conversation] Usually I hunger for her meatballs the way a jackal salivates for an injured opossum.

Quintessa Gabriel:
But he wrote the suicide note!

Shawn Spencer:
[Spanish accent] No, he didn't! You should have a degree in being wrong all the time! And she almost got away with it, if it was not for the hairs!

Quintessa Gabriel:

Shawn Spencer:
[Spanish accent] Yes, the hairs from the cheap imitation wig that you put on to emulate Corrin when you committed these murders!

Yes, I did it! And now it's your turn to die!

Shawn Spencer:
[Normal accent] Say what?

For sleeping with Serena when all Corrin did was love you!

Burton 'Gus' Guster:
She's right about that.

[Kelly grabs the nail gun from Quintessa, shoots at Shawn]

Shawn Spencer:
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

[Lassiter and O'Hara grab the gun from Kelly and cuff her, then realize they're live on TV]

Carlton Lassiter:
Uh... hola! Me llamo... Inspector Carleton Lassiter. Me gusta queso.

Juliet O'Hara:
Really, that's what you choose to say?

Carlton Lassiter:
Well, I only took two years in junior high... [They escort Kelly off the set]

Shawn Spencer:
Excuse me, I'm here for a class.

This class?

Shawn Spencer:
Yeah, I believe it starts in...

Five minutes.

Shawn Spencer:
Right, five minutes from now. I'm usually 10 minutes early, so I'm already feeling behind.

This class is for five- to eight-year-olds.

Shawn Spencer:
Yes. Yes, it is. And, uh, that's what I call...

Burton 'Gus' Guster:

[points at the clerk triumphantly]


Burton 'Gus' Guster:
Yes, and ageism.

Who are you?

[gestures vacantly to buy himself time]

Burton 'Gus' Guster:
I'm his lawyer.

Shawn Spencer:
That's right.

You brought a lawyer?

Shawn Spencer:
I keep a lawyer on retainer at all times. There is so much injustice in the world that you practically can't leave home without one. And apparently, today it paid off.

Right, okay. Well, I will see you in court, then. Now...

Burton 'Gus' Guster:
Perfect. Now I need a statement from you. And as we plan to try this in both civil and criminal court, I'll need the police here as well. Can I use your phone, or do you only let the white people use that?

Who said anything about white people?

Burton 'Gus' Guster:
You just did.

The words "white people" did not come out of my mouth.

Burton 'Gus' Guster:
There they are again. Luckily, I had my hand recorder on for that one. By the way, I am now disclosing that this conversation is being recorded.

Recorded? Okay, this is crazy.

Burton 'Gus' Guster:
Crazy? You wanna know crazy? I sued 300 businesses last year alone. I sued a hot dog cart and got everything but the wheels and the buns, which I won in the civil case two months later. Now, if you don't mind, before I start snapping evidence photos, I'm a little parched, so can you tell me which one of these fountains I'm allowed to use?

Shawn Spencer:
What if I do the talking for both of us?

Juliet O'Hara:
Have at it! Do you mind if I read the paper and stare aimlessly out the window while you two talk?

Shawn Spencer:
[laughs] No. Can I get a name to work with?

Juliet O'Hara:

Shawn Spencer:
Well, it's very nice to meet you, Juliet.

Shawn Spencer:
[high-pitched voice] It's nice to meet you too, Shawn, and I'm sorry about your seat, so lunch is on me. So what do you do for a living?

Shawn Spencer:
[own voice] Oh, I do a little bit of everything.

Shawn Spencer:
[high-pitched voice] Oh, that sounds interesting, and maybe a little bit dangerous. Ooh, I like your jacket! I like it a...

Juliet O'Hara:
Okay, can I stop you there? First off, in your portrayal of me, I sound like I'm in eighth grade.

Shawn Spencer:
Well, in my portrayal of you, you only have an eighth grade education.

Juliet O'Hara:
[laughs] Ha.

Shawn Spencer:
All right, I'll smarten you up. Uh... college, yeah? Top of your class, graduated early? Got it.

Shawn Spencer:
[mature female voice] I'm new to town and I don't know many people.

[Shawn Vision of cat hairs on Juliet's shoe]

Shawn Spencer:
[mature female voice] But I do know my cats. Two of them. The gray one's very affectionate. The white one makes me work much, much harder for the attention.

Shawn Spencer:
[own voice] And what about your family?

[Shawn Vision of family photo in Juliet's purse]

Shawn Spencer:
[mature female voice] My family's amazing. My parents have been together for... what is it, thirty years now?

Juliet O'Hara:
[startled] Okay... do we know each other?

Shawn Spencer:
Yes. You're the girl who stole my seat.

Shawn Spencer:
[Addressing a group of fishermen to find someone to take them out to sea] I'm a psychic, Jack. Check your papers - not the front, page five and further back, sometimes the personals, but believe me, it's all there. We remember Shabby, don't we? Shabby, the sea lion. Well, I tracked him to the sea, found out where the poor fellow was murdered, in the entire ocean, the exact spot. Tell 'em, Gus.

Burton 'Gus' Guster:
I'd rather not.

Shawn Spencer:
Know what else? I found an abandoned boat, at sea, at night. I have keen senses, my senses are very keen. You know what, I'm gonna lay out my history for you people and by the end of it, you're all gonna be begging for my services, okay? Four months ago, a man walks into our offices, says "Help me, I'm a Lycan." Gus is like "You're made out of seaweed?" I said, "No, no, Gus, he's a werewolf." [Time passes] We dressed up like civil war people and Gus looked like Denzel Washington in "Glory" and some guy built a tunnel... [Time passes] Some chick got hit in the head with a tennis trophy - you know what, screw that case... [Time passes] I looked at my partner, it was like looking at a child lost in a shopping mall. Luckily, I'd solved the case. The football players were protecting their bonuses and that is why they left the disembodied foot on the path in the forest.

Burton 'Gus' Guster:
That's not why they did it.

Shawn Spencer:
Yeah, well that one still confuses me. The point is, that is but twenty of my many, many cases that I have solved. You can read the book when I learn how to type. [There is one man left in the audience] Sir, the fact that you haven't left tells me you're not afraid of my gift and are ready to use it to catch this shark. Think we have ourselves a boat.

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