

An interpretation of the Superman story features young Clark Kent coming to grips with his emerging superpowers. In the 10th and final season Clark continues his romance with Lois and faces his destiny as he overcomes his final trials, forging the iconic identity by which he will be known for all time.


[last lines]

Lex Luthor:
I must admit, Clark. This is a big step up from the barn.

Clark Kent:
It's not what you think, Lex. You don't understand.

Lex Luthor:
For the first time, I think I do. You see, you live among us as a mild-mannered farm boy. But secretly, you're a strange visitor from another planet, plotting our demise.

Clark Kent:
That's not what I'm doing at all.

Lex Luthor:
It's a brilliant disguise, Clark. You don't even need a mask.

Clark Kent:
I'm not your enemy, Lex. I've never done anything to hurt you.

Lex Luthor:
Yes, you did. You didn't trust me. With everything you had, with everything you could do, did you ever think about what we could have accomplished together? I would have helped you become a hero.

Clark Kent:
When have you thought of anyone else but yourself?

Lex Luthor:
Right now. I'm doing this for the world. I have to protect the human race.

Clark Kent:
This is my life. You have no right to control it.

Lex Luthor:
It's my birthright! The Luthor family has always been about power and having control over everything. After all my sacrifices, after all the pain... I finally understand. I was being prepared for a much greater destiny. Everything led me to this moment.

Clark Kent:
And we're both here. We're in that moment. And what happens next is your choice. But no one is controlling you, Lex. No one is forcing you to do this.

Lex Luthor:
Who am I to turn my back on my fellow man? Especially after you turned your back on me? I'm sorry, Clark. But you are the Traveler. You hold the future of the entire planet in your hands. I'm here to take it back into mine.

[Lex walks over to the console]

Clark Kent:

Lex Luthor:
You'll never threaten the world again... Kal-El.

Clark Kent:
Lex, don't!

[Lex plugs the Orb onto the console. The Fortress begins collapsing as Clark falls to his feet. Lex kneels down to him]

Lex Luthor:
I loved you like a brother, Clark. But it has to end this way. I'm sorry.

Clark Kent:
[Lana is reading a text message in a secluded area of the barn/wedding reception when Clark finds her] Chloe's glad you came. I could have used some warning. You weren't planning on coming back, were you?

Lana Lang:
Yeah, not until a few hours ago.

Clark Kent:
So, what changed your mind? I'm not expecting you to say it was me.

Lana Lang:
I read about the mysterious blur saving lives in Metropolis. I'm proud of you, Clark. It's who you should have been all along.

Clark Kent:
Does that mean you're happy you left?

Lana Lang:
It was the hardest decision I have ever had to make. But I'm glad that I finally had the guts to do it. [silence between the two former lovers] I would have died before I admitted this, but I used to sit on my front porch and look across the field at this barn, imagining a summer wedding here. Of course, I always thought I'd play a bigger part in it.

Clark Kent:
You probably would have if I had given you Chloe's wedding gift. I had Jor-El erase all the memories that Chloe had of the real me. I wonder if that would have made things different between us.

Lana Lang:
I understood the lies that you told me to protect your identity. But I could never forgive you for taking that away from me.

Clark Kent:
You can't mean that. Lana, it turned your life upside down.

Lana Lang:
Maybe it was exactly what it needed. I could have landed a lot of places in my life, Clark. But without you, none of them would have led me here.

Clark Kent:
So that's it. It's all over. It's that easy?

Lana Lang:
No. But where I am now, for the first time it feels right. Clark, I know neither of us could say it... But maybe Clark Kent and Lana Lang just weren't meant to end up together. [Both turn to the reception where the crowd starts cheering for Chloe and Jimmy to kiss]

Oliver Queen:
[Lois is sitting outside on the porch away from the reception drinking champagne from the bottle when Oliver finds her] Want a glass with that?

Lois Lane:
Oliver. Just the person I want to see right now.

Oliver Queen:
[laughs] So, uh, want to tell me what started this lost weekend?

Lois Lane:
Go on and enjoy the party. Trust me it will be a real buzz-kill to listen to me whine like Patsy Cline.

Oliver Queen:
Yeah, you're probably right. You know, um... I may not be at the top of your confidant list, but if you ever want to talk, I'm here.

Lois Lane:
[sighs] I'm just having all these feelings, and I don't know what they mean.

Oliver Queen:
Oh. Well, who's the lucky guy?

Lois Lane:
[sighs] Having this conversation with an ex is... bad enough without turning up the awkward dial.

Oliver Queen:
[chuckles] Right. Well, you know, there's moving on in theory, and then there's the moment that it actually happens. If you like we can start now, and I'll just be a really good friend.

Lois Lane:
Okay. It's like I was going along and it just snuck up on me. And I tried to ignore it, but then there are these moments that you can't. Maybe I was reading it wrong. And to add insult to injury, it all went down at tonight's tribute to romantic bliss. I know it sounds sappy... but I thought... just for a minute... that someone needed me.

Oliver Queen:
Well, I'm sure he needs you, Lois.

Lois Lane:
[scoffs] That's sweet of you to say, but how do you know? [scoffs]

Oliver Queen:
'Cause I know Clark. [chuckles]

Tess Mercer:
Tess Mercer: I didn't think you were gonna show.

Oliver Queen:
Oliver Queen: Well, you know, I figure it's a public place. There's only so many weapons you can throw at me.

Tess Mercer:
Tess Mercer: I'm sorry. For everything I've done that's destroyed your trust.

Oliver Queen:
Oliver Queen: I don't think there's enough stationery for that, Tess.

Tess Mercer:
Tess Mercer: I told you how to shut down The Castle's power grid. That's worth something, isn't it?

Oliver Queen:
Oliver Queen: What am I supposed to do here? You want me to do, uh, handstands because you helped solve a problem that you created?

Tess Mercer:
Tess Mercer: I never would have gone after you if I had known that you were the Green Arrow.

Oliver Queen:
Oliver Queen: So it's back on me?

Tess Mercer:
Tess Mercer: This might be the last time that I ever see you. When I joined Checkmate, I took an oath. An oath I wanna break. But there's only one way to leave Checkmate.

Oliver Queen:
Oliver Queen: [sighs] What are you gonna do?

Tess Mercer:
Tess Mercer: [Clears throat] I'm gonna go AWOL. I'm gonna go underground.

Oliver Queen:
Oliver Queen: That's good. You know, I got to ask you a question, though. Did it hurt to do something moral for once, Tess? Did it hurt you?

Tess Mercer:
Tess Mercer: Oliver, I'm taking a chance just being out here with you in the open.

Oliver Queen:
Oliver Queen: Yeah, okay, I understand that. Okay, we've gotten that far. W-what is it that you want? You're asking me for something. What is it you want? What do you want?

Tess Mercer:
Tess Mercer: Forgive me, Oliver. Oliver, I need your help. Please.

Oliver Queen:
Oliver Queen: There are times when I wish I could go back, those Santorini sunsets, your freckles and your big dreams of changing the world. Back when I could trust you. Then you betrayed me, Tess. You, of all people. And if you ever come near me or my friends ever again, I will expose you to the world. Do you understand?

Tess Mercer:
Tess Mercer: [Breathes shakily, starts crying]

Jonathan Kent:
Jason, why don't you let Martha go. She doesn't know anything about any of this.

Jason Teague:
A mother always knows her son's deep, dark secrets. Now, where does he keep the stones?

Martha Kent:
Why would Clark know about ancient stones?

Jason Teague:
All right, that's it. Come on. Let's see, when I ran into your son in Shanghai, I decided to do a little homework of my own. And the more I dug, the more Clark Kent's name just keep popping up. Sit down! Now, is it a coincidence that the symbols were burned into your field?

Martha Kent:
I don't know what you're talking about.

[c*cks shotgun]

Jonathan Kent:

Jason Teague:
What about Clark's connection to Bridgette Crosby?

Martha Kent:
I don't know. I don't know.

Jason Teague:
She had one of the artifacts. I suppose that was just a coincidence too.

Jonathan Kent:
None of that makes any difference now.

Jason Teague:
When my mother came to Smallville... she thought the Luthors would lead her to the stones. But she was wrong. It was the farm boy. The one who has no record of ever being born. He's more connected to the stones than any of us.

Jonathan Kent:
There is a meteor shower about to tear this town apart.

Martha Kent:
You need to get to your mother, get her to safety.

Jason Teague:
Don't you think I know that? I can't find her anywhere! But I'll tell you one thing. When I do find my mother, I'll finally be able to give her the one thing she's been searching for all these years.

[shoots at the ceiling]

Jason Teague:
Now, tell me where the stones are!

[Clark and Lois walk into the jewelry store while pretending to be a couple]

Lois Lane:
A smile now and then wouldn't kill you.

Clark Kent:
They're in short supply, Lois. I wouldn't want to waste one.

May I help you?

Lois Lane:
Well, we are finally out ring shopping. Who's the luckiest girl in the world?... I am!

Clark Kent:
Some friends of ours said that your store is the best place in town to find engagement rings.

Is there a certain piece that you would like to see?

Lois Lane:
Well... How about this one, Pumpkin?

Clark Kent:
Anything you want, Muffin. [to the jeweler] Must be great seeing so many happy couples come through here every day.

Certainly is. It's very fulfilling helping to solidify the bond between husband and wife. [pointing to the ring Clark is holding] Excellent craftsmanship, a perfect circle, no beginning and no end. Try it on and see how it looks.

Lois Lane:
[Lois holds out her hand, but Clark just stares at the ring] Don't get stage fright, Poodle. You're going to have to do this center stage in front of a packed house sooner than you think. [to the jeweler] He has performance anxiety.

Would you look at that! A perfect fit.

Oliver Queen:
[entering] What are you two doing here?

[Clark and Lois exchange nervous glances]

Lois Lane:
Oliver... didn't you get the invitation yet?

Oliver Queen:
Invitation to what?

Lois Lane:
[to Clark] Tell him, Cupcake.

Clark Kent:
Lois and I are... we're getting married.

Oliver Queen:
[laughs, then realizes Clark is serious] You're just full of surprises lately, aren't you, Clark?

Lois Lane:
I know, right? I mean we've been friends for so long, um, but we just had this one magical night, and we couldn't deny our feelings any longer.

Oliver Queen:
[to Clark] Is this true?

Clark Kent:
I'm afraid so.

Lois Lane:
[as Clark pushes her out the door] See you at the wedding!

Lionel Luthor:
You're not Martha Kent.

Lois Lane:
Would you have seen me if they said it was Lois Lane?

Lionel Luthor:
Lois Lane, yes. You're Chloe Sullivan's cousin. What a loss. You bite your nails; bad girl. But getting through the door doesn't mean I'll talk to you. Guard!

Lois Lane:
I don't believe that safe house explosion was an accident.

Lionel Luthor:
Of course you don't. You believe I'm responsible.

Lois Lane:
No. A stunt like that is... thuggish and obvious. It smacks of desperation. All the things you aren't.

Lionel Luthor:
All right, Miss Lane, you have my attention. What's your theory?

Lois Lane:
I don't have one.

Lionel Luthor:
[chuckles] Then why are you here?

Lois Lane:
Because I wanted to look into the face of the son of a b*tch who's responsible for my cousin's death. You may not have blown her up, but you're the reason she's gone.

Lionel Luthor:
Before you begin to anointer for sainthood, let's get some of the facts straight, all right? The simple truth is I made her an offer, she took it, I kept my end of the bargain, she didn't. She's dead as a result of her own actions. I had nothing to do with it. And next time you come at me with accusations, try to have a little more than righteous indignation. Zoo hours are over, Miss Lane. Good day.

Lois Lane:
[turning to leave ] You know, it must kill you that somebody has given you this gift. And you don't know who and you don't know why, but without Chloe's testimony, you're probably gonna walk out of here a free man. Or are you being set up?

Lex Luthor:
It wasn't an accident we were in Smallville the day the meteor shower, was it? The factory was just a cover. You were really there to meet this Traveler that Veritas wanted to protect. I remember everything, Dad.

Lionel Luthor:
Those are the memories of a small boy trying to cope with the trauma of a meteor shower.

Lex Luthor:
A trauma brought on by his own father. My life changed forever that day. You sacrificed me for the Traveler. Why? Who is it, Dad? Who is it? Who is it?

Lionel Luthor:
What if I told you now that you were the Traveler? You're right. Your life truly changed that day. I told you in the helicopter that you were destined for a great future. That's why I've been so hard on you, trained you so relentlessly. Think, Lex. Think. You have survived so many mortal injuries so many times. How else can you explain it?

Lex Luthor:
Because I was trained never to accept defeat. When I get my hands on that box in Zurich, I have a feeling all my questions will be answered.

Lionel Luthor:
Lex? I know how strong it is, the attraction of the dark power. But it will destroy you. I can't let you go down that terrible path. You must not open that box.

Lex Luthor:
I can't open it because I need a second key. Give it to me.

[brings out his gun and shoots out the window behind Lionel]

Lex Luthor:
I've swept every possible place you could've hidden it and I finally realized, there's only one person you would trust it with. Yourself.

[rips the chain around Lionel's neck with the key]

Lionel Luthor:
Lex? Lex, if you open that box, if you get hold of that secret, there will be no redemption for you, no redemption. Ever.

Lex Luthor:
I was raised in your shadow. Now, you're gonna die in mine. No one will even remember your name.

[Lex pushes Lionel out the window and Lionel plunges forty stories to his death]

Lois Lane:
[sees Oliver and Chloe] Hey guys! Come here. Sit with us.

Clark Kent:
[speaking to Chloe] Quiet weekend at home, huh?

Chloe Sullivan:
Trust me, we had no idea the two of you would be here.

Lois Lane:
And we had no idea there was even a "you two," which I think is perfect. I think fate has brought us together.

Oliver Queen:
Well it's ah... [everyone exchanges awkward looks] It's a little less fate, actually.

Chloe Sullivan:
More fame.

Oliver Queen:
[agreeing with Chloe] Fame.

Chloe Sullivan:
This is so far off the beaten path that even the society pages couldn't find Star City's most eligible bachelor here.

Lois Lane:
You mean *ex-bachelor*.

Chloe Sullivan:
Okay, enough about that. How did you guys manage to find the road less traveled?

Clark Kent:
Well, I found their brochure at the apartment. I figured Lois wanted to come here.

Lois Lane:
What brochure?

Chloe Sullivan:
That wasn't Lois' brochure, Clark. That was mine. [awkward looks are again exchanged]

Clark Kent:
How was I supposed to know that Oliver...?

Chloe Sullivan:
You weren't. That's the point.

Oliver Queen:
[Clark looks over at Oliver for help] Oh, don't look at me. I learned long ago not to assume what belongs to who in that apartment. You gotta use context clues.

Lois Lane:
Yeah, speaking of clues let's talk about Mr. Green, in the bedroom, with my cousin.

Oliver Queen:
There it is.

Clark Kent:
Lois, I think they came here for brunch.

Lois Lane:
Good point. [smiles some what threateningly at Chloe] Look Chloe, there's food.

Chloe Sullivan:
[Lois grabs Chloe by the arm and drags her outside] Woah!

Oliver Queen:
[Clark and Oliver are at a loss for words] There's little jellies.

Clark Kent:
[singing in the shower] I can't tell you, Lois. [Chloe, possessed by the Silver Banshee enters, wearing only a towel. Clark throws back the shower curtain] Chloe? [quickly wraps himself up in the shower curtain] What are you doing in here?

Chloe Sullivan:
Well, I thought I would join you. [drops her towel]

Clark Kent:
[instantly averts his eyes] Yeah, I can see that. [grabs a towel] At least, I'm trying not to see that. Um... you know, I'm done here, so the shower is yours. [grabs another towel and tries to cover Chloe up with out actually looking at her] Chloe, how much wine did you have to drink at dinner?

Chloe Sullivan:
Why? You wanna share another bottle? [moves in very close to Clark forcing him to drop his towel] Or we could just go for a moonlit walk in the woods.

Clark Kent:
I don't think that Oliver would appreciate it.

Lois Lane:
[Lois enters the bathroom dressed up like a scottish lass complete with kilt and is holding a bottle of bubble bath] Okay I just...

Clark Kent:
[shocked at Lois' attire yet completely entagled with a naked Chloe] Lois?

Lois Lane:
Oh, my God.

Clark Kent:
I can explain this, sort of. [tries to get free from Chloe but she won't let him go] Chloe?

Lois Lane:
Shh. You do that. Try to explain it over breakfast maybe next century. [looks her bubble bath] This, I won't be needing. [hands it to Chloe and as their hands touch the Silver Banshee transfers to Lois and leaves the room]

Clark Kent:

Clark Kent:
[Chloe faints and Clark catches her] Chloe. Chloe? Chloe?

Chloe Sullivan:
[Chloe wakes up and realizes they are both naked] Clark? What are you doing?

Clark Kent:
What are *you* doing?

Chloe Sullivan:
Where are my clothes?

Clark Kent:
I don't know.

Chloe Sullivan:
What's going on? [shoves the bubble bath into Clark's hands and runs out of the room]

Clark Kent:
Dad, are you sure this guy knows what he's doing?

Jonathan Kent:
Clark, Sosnick helped Jack win five elections. I'm sure he knows more about this stuff than we do.

Lois Lane:
If you ask me, I think he's trying to turn you into a Luthor.

March Sosnick:
Is there a problem?

Lois Lane:
Yeah, I was just wondering if you've ever actually met the Kents. You see, the reason somebody is gonna vote for Mr. Kent is because they relate to him. And who is gonna believe that he supports local farmers when he looks like some big business blowhard - no offense, Mr. Kent - who wants to buy them out?

March Sosnick:
Well, that's called bridging the demo gap, dear.

Lois Lane:
Oh, and does bridging the gap also include misquoting your candidate?

Jonathan Kent:
[reading the front page of a newspaper] Wait a minute, it says "Jonathan Kent is quoted as saying 'It is possible to serve corporate interests and maintain the the public welfare'"? I never said that.

March Sosnick:
I did.

Jonathan Kent:
You did?

March Sosnick:
Yes. Look, this whole "John boy" thing, don't get me wrong, you're very good at it; may win over cowpokes, but there's a healthy pull of voters out there that are more familiar with venti lattes than they are with digging post holes.

Jonathan Kent:
What I really need here is somebody who... cares about what I believe in more than they care about winning a race. I'm sorry, but you gotta go, Sosnick. You're fired.

March Sosnick:
[handing a folder to Jonathan] Pack it up, guys.

Lois Lane:
[as Sosnick and his team leave] Not that that didn't totally rock, Mr. Kent, but I have no idea how you're gonna find a replacement so quickly.

Jonathan Kent:
I do.

Lois Lane:
[Jonathan hands the folder to her] Oh, me? Um... what do I know about being a campaign manager?

Jonathan Kent:
What do I know about being a state senator?

Chloe Sullivan:
So, I know you didn't come by this late at night just to drop off this press release. What happened?

Clark Kent:
Well, how far do you want to cross this friendship boundary?

Chloe Sullivan:
[laughs] Since when did we have boundaries?

[seeing how awkward Clark feels]

Chloe Sullivan:
All right, why don't you just leave out the details?

Clark Kent:
Well... everything was fine between Lana and I when I was human. I mean, it was great.

Chloe Sullivan:
Okay, Clark...

Clark Kent:
But now that I have my abilities back, it's like our... sex life has been on hiatus.

Chloe Sullivan:
Oh! Uh... I know I'm gonna regret asking this question, but, um... why?

Clark Kent:
'Cause it just takes some time for me to adjust my abilities to new... situations.

Chloe Sullivan:
Wow. Uh... awkward factor eight. Um... so, basically what you're saying is that... you're afraid that in the heat of the moment, you might... please don't make me finish this sentence, Clark.

Clark Kent:
[nods] Well, see, that's the thing. I'm not sure what would happen. I mean, if I couldn't control myself...

Chloe Sullivan:
Okay, you know what, Clark? Right there? That's something that can never been unseen.

Clark Kent:
It's not funny.

Chloe Sullivan:
No, you're right, it's not. It's just that this conversation definitely cements me as your Krypto-hag. Look, Clark, you can shake my hand without crushing it, right? And you don't exactly incinerate everyone you look at with your heat vision thing, so... it's pretty much the same thing, right? I mean metaphorically. But you didn't need me to tell you allthis, so what gives?

Clark Kent:
I think I got used to lying to Lana when we were friends. Now it's different.

Chloe Sullivan:
Yeah. You know, Clark, I mean, I'm playing my best zone defense, but I think you're in denial territory about what Lana knows. I mean, she's studying astronomy. The meteors, the fact that the undead topic comes up daily.

Clark Kent:
Well, I can't just tell her. It's too risky.

Chloe Sullivan:
Okay, fine, Clark, then don't tell her about it. But your game needs to switch from defense to offense, because sooner or later, Lana's gonna start asking all the wrong people all the right questions.

Lionel Luthor:
[a brilliant flash of light wakes Clark and he rises from a pedestal of ice in the Fortress of Solitude and looks around, confused as to how and why he is there, until he looks up and sees Lionel standing above him in the distance] Hello Kal-El.

Clark Kent:
[Confused and amazed] Jor-El?

Lionel Luthor:
[Grasping the lapels of his overcoat] And I'm hoping the time has come when you will call me father.

Clark Kent:
[Perplexed]... I was... I was just in the hospital. How did you get me here?

Lionel Luthor:
The portal in the cave. When this body was activated it became an oracle of Kryptonian knowledge, a vessel for me to inhabit if ever you should need me. That time was now.

Clark Kent:
Am I dead?

Lionel Luthor:
Your mortal journey is over, yes, but your eminent destiny is far too important to be sacrificed. You will return with all of your natural gifts. [Steps forward] Unfortunately, this rectification does not come without a price. [Clark looks concerned] The life of someone close to you will be exchanged for yours.

Clark Kent:
[In shock] No. No I'd never ask for that.

Lionel Luthor:
You already did when you chose to relinquish your powers and disobey me. It was your choice.

Clark Kent:
[Angrily] Then just don't send me back!

Lionel Luthor:
It's too late. [Lionel steps forward to Clark to speak to him face to face] For everything in nature, there is a balance. [Stated with sorrow] The life force that has been returned to you will soon be taken from... from someone you love. [Grabs Clark's arms] You're about to face your darkest hour my son but, remember the lessons we learn from pain are the ones that make us the strongest. [He hugs Clark and a brilliant light emanates from Lionel's hand and he takes a step back] Always know that I love you. [a brilliant flash of light returns Clark to Smallville]

Clark Kent:
When will Watchtower be up and running?

Chloe Sullivan:
Well, I can't exactly call the Geek Squad, Clark. And I haven't really had much time to...

Clark Kent:
I've seen you overhaul Watchtower in one night, Chloe. What's the holdup?

Chloe Sullivan:
Watchtower's ready to go. I'm not. Clark, I found that footage of Jor-El and the Book of Rao months ago.

Clark Kent:
Why didn't you tell me?

Chloe Sullivan:
I'm sorry. You know, I got tangled in my own little world-wide web and I just lost track of what was important. Clark, when you disappeared from my life, I retracted into Watchtower. And as I became Big Brother, I... I guess more like Big Sister. It's easy to think that having all the information is the same as having all the answers. But I can't be the eye in the sky anymore, Clark. And now that I have Ollie, I... I wanna plug in to the real world. Virtual reality bites.

Clark Kent:
Chloe, what you've created here... It's bigger than both of us. It'll go on to serve future generations.

Chloe Sullivan:
I'm not the hero here.

Clark Kent:
You may not be saving people from train wrecks, Chloe, or shootouts, but you are just as much of a hero as the rest of us. We're on the brink of war, Chloe, and the world needs you. I need you. [There is a pause while Chloe looks touched and thankful for Clark's words. Then she pulls out a remote and pushes the button on it, and everything in Watchtower is back to normal]

Chloe Sullivan:
Clark, I just want you to know that even when I hurt you, I was trying to protect you.

Lois Lane:
[after Clark saves Lois from the DDS at the Planet] Nice interception, but you shouldn't be here. All the bloodhounds in the state will be sniffing you out!

Clark Kent:
It's okay, I know this sounds crazy but in a few moments this will ALL be over.

Lois Lane:
Okay, well try me, my shock threshold is pretty high right now.

Clark Kent:
Lois, I have a ring that allows me to go to any moment in time. [Lois looks a little stunned] I'm going to go back to before Linda Lake ever wrote that article. The world isn't ready to accept someone like me.

Lois Lane:
Then stay and fight back! Look! Give people a chance to see who you really are!

Clark Kent:
It's too late Lois. My whole life I've seemed different.

Lois Lane:
Some people spend their ENTIRE lives looking for a way to stand out, to be a person that ANYBODY would call special. When you first told me who you were, my thought was anyone but Clark. And not because of the alien thing, I have known enough guys to know that you can be born on terra firma and be lightyears from normal...

Clark Kent:
Lois you don't have to explain, I get it.

Lois Lane:
No... you don't. How can someone with x-ray vision be so blind? [pauses] I've been down the Hero road before, and every time I've made a giant U-turn, but this, this was different.

Clark Kent:
And this time it will be different Lois. When I do this no one's going to remember who I am.

Lois Lane:
And when you hit your reset button, you're not going to tell me your secret, are you?

Clark Kent:
[slightly shakes his head] I'm sorry.

Lois Lane:
It's okay... [trying not to cry] Why should I think I'm special? Clark. I understand.

Clark Kent:
Lois you don't understand. [steps closer to Lois] It's because you ARE special...

1st Elder:
Jor-El, you stand before the ruling council charged with treason.

The technology I created was intended to heal those afflicted by wars and disease, not to resurrect the dead through cloning.

2nd Elder:
The orb will ensure that Krypton's strongest will endure if our planet is ever destroyed.

But if we send the orb to Earth and it is opened, the clone's inside will develop extraordinary abilities under their yellow sun. The humans will be powerless against them. We cannot doom another planet's future to preserve our past.

2nd Elder:
Perhaps you should've had more faith in your own race. You leave us no choice. The punishment for treason is death.


1st Elder:
Major Zod. Your presence is an honor, but this is a closed trial.

Well, I demand to be heard. I may have driven Black Zero back into the ice, decimating his ranks, but my accomplishments pale in comparison to this man's. Jor-El... he's the truest hero I have ever known. He has dedicated his life's work not to death... or war... but to creation. When Kandor fell, many of our brightest and most promising citizens perished in an instant. Krypton lost mothers... fathers... daughters... sons. What good will come if you extinguish another life unnecessary? I implore you... let Jor-El live.

2nd Elder:
Your passion is noted major.

1st Elder:
It is agreed. Jor-El, the council will spare your life. But you are ordered to complete the orb. You must include Major Zod's DNA and your own. If that fateful day of judgment ever comes to Krypton, our survivors on Earth will be lead by two of our planet's greatest heroes.

I, Zod, am in your debt.

Never forget that, my friend.

Clark Kent:
We all know what the government was up to. But those prisons were part of much bigger threat. Hate crimes are up. People like Slade, they're getting more control. And Godfrey's anti-vigilante message - it's reaching more ears than ever before, and I don't think it's a coincidence.

Tess Mercer:
Sadly, Clark, there's no mystery to human fear and hatred.

Clark Kent:
This time, there might be. I think there's something more behind the darkness, something that hero haters like Slade don't even know is affecting them. When I sent the Kandorians away through the portal in space, I opened a door to something else to come to Earth.

Oliver Queen:
Are you serious trying to tell me that, out of all the intergalactic bad boys we've ever faced, this one's actually worse?

Clark Kent:
This is *much* worse. We can't even see it to fight it. This thing is like an evil that's spreading over the Earth. It preys upon the dark side that we already have. It feeds on our doubts, our fears, and our distrust.

Oliver Queen:
Well, I'd say, from where I'm standing, and it's already on the winning side.

Clark Kent:
I think it even affected Slade. Just before the facility exploded, I saw something on Slade's skull - the Omega symbol. It was like it was branded there. Almost like the mark...

Tess Mercer:
...of The Beast in Revelations.

Lois Lane:
Which would explain why he veered so far off his marching orders.

Oliver Queen:
I'm guessing you don' t think that Slade's the only pledge to the Alpha-Omega-Die fraternity, right?

Clark Kent:
I think the Omega is the sign of corruption. A mark of the darkness has fully taken over someone.

Lois Lane:
Didn't Kara say that a person had to be open to the darkness? That it can't infect anyone of pure heart?

Clark Kent:
And which one of us doesn't have that weakness? A hidden hatred or fear that this thing couldn't prey upon?

Oliver Queen:
So, basically this thing doesn't have to do anything.

Lois Lane:
It just waits for everybody's weaknesses, and then we destroy ourselves.

Clark Kent:
If we can't stop it, the darkness will infect every person on this planet.

Lana Luthor:
Lex, we have to talk.

Lex Luthor:
We most certainly do. But it will have to wait. I'll be back tonight.

Lana Luthor:
I won't be. Lex, I can't live like this anymore.

Lex Luthor:
Yeah, I don't blame you. Living a lie in a marriage you never wanted. Must take its toll after a while.

Lana Luthor:
You're the expert. Setting up a nursery. An heirloom crib. The tears of joy in your eyes when you saw the ultrasound. What kind of a toll does it take, Lex?

Lex Luthor:
What in God's name are you talking about?

Lana Luthor:
I'm talking about the massive amounts of hormones you injected into my veins to make me believe that I was pregnant! What kind of a monster are you?

Lex Luthor:
I don't know where you're getting your information from, Lana, but it's nothing but slander. You know I would never...

Lana Luthor:
Don't lie, Lex. It's too late for all that. This marriage is over.

Lex Luthor:
Lana, I know I'm far from perfect, but you can't deny what we have between us.

Lana Luthor:
Lex, all there is between us is lies on top of lies!

Lex Luthor:
Lana, everything I've ever done, it's because I love you.

Lana Luthor:
You aren't capable of love, Lex. You never were.

Lex Luthor:
[Lex closes the door] It's Clark, isn't it? You never could get over him... even if he is the greatest liar of them all.

Lana Luthor:
Clark means more to me than you ever will.

Lex Luthor:
[Lex hits her] Lana...

Lana Luthor:
That's the last time you'll ever touch me!

Lex Luthor:
[Lana tries to leave, but Lex grabs her arm] Do you really think I could just let you walk away?

Lana Luthor:
What are you going to do, Lex? Kill me? Because it's the only way you're going to keep me in this mansion. [Lana rips her arm out of Lex's grasp and walks out]

Lana Lang:
[Clark is sitting in his loft on a cold winter's morning rehearsing in his head what he's about to say as Lana walks up quietly] I brought gloves and a scarf like you asked.

[Clark gets up, his heart is racing] I'm glad you came.

Lana Lang:
Well to be honest, I don't think a mystery date is exactly what our relationship needs right now.

That's why I called.

Lana Lang:
[Feeling his chest] Oh my God! Your heart is racing.

That's because I'm terrified.

Lana Lang:
What's going on?

Lana, the way you've been looking at me... I already know that I'm losing you...

Lana Lang:

...and it's not your fault. There's something I should have shown you a long time ago. [Lana looks up at him with loving curiousity as they enter the Kiwatche cave together and walk into the crystal chamber]

Lana Lang:
I've never seen this part before. How did you find it?

It was left here for me.

Lana Lang:
For you?

I've gone through this in my head like a thousand times. [Pulls the key out of his jacket pocket] Lana, what I'm about to show you may change the way you feel about me.

Lana Lang:
Clark, whatever it is it's okay.

[Clark places the key into the pedestal and they are both surrounded by beams of light] It's okay. [Lana looks around in amazement as Clark reaches out to Lana] Do you trust me? [Lana grabs Clark's hand and they are instantly transported to the Fortress of Solitude]

Lana Lang:
[In complete and utter amazement of the beautiful palace of ice before her eyes] Oh my God! [She turns back to Clark staring at him with wonder]

...When you asked me if I believed in life on other planets, you had no idea how ironic that question was... I'm from a planet called Krypton.

Lana Lang:
[Lana walks up to him placing her hand on his face ever so gently]... but you're just like everyone else. [Clark looks at her and picks her up, gently and leaps into the air with amazing grace and flies hundreds of feet into the air and lands softly on an upper level of the fortress revealing a sprawling vista of ice crystals covering a nearly endless cavern of ice around them] This isn't the first time you've done that is it? How long have you kept this a secret... and no one knew.

There were so many days I wanted to tell you.

Lana Lang:
What makes today any different?

...I want you to know who I really am. [Clark pulls out a lump of coal and crushes it in his hand revealing a diamond. He pulls out a gold ring and with a burst of heat vision, seals the diamond to the gold ring. He leans down on one knee with Lana in front of him eagerly awaiting what he is about to say] Will you marry me?

Lex Luthor:
I take it you've contemplated my job offer.

Jason Teague:
It wasn't a hard decision to make

Lex Luthor:
I forgot to mention a company car is included as well as a generous expense account.

Jason Teague:
I'm not gonna work for somebody whose mission it is to break me and my girlfriend up.

Lex Luthor:
Jason, my only concern is Lana's welfare. But you're not the threat I'm worried about. It's your mother. Did you ever find it strange that every summer as a child, she took you on treks to the far reaches of the globe? Destinations where there wasn't even running water.

Jason Teague:
My mother likes to travel. She always has.

Lex Luthor:
Those weren't vacations, Jason. They were research trips. Investigating a woman who was burned at the stake four hundred years ago.

Jason Teague:
Margaret Isobel Thoreaux.

Lex Luthor:
A countess whose spirit possessed your girlfriend. And the fact that it happened soon after you and your mother came into Lana's life, well, that bothers me. That bothers me a lot.

Jason Teague:
I had nothing to do with that. I would never put Lana in jeopardy.

Lex Luthor:
And I believe you. Or I wouldn't offer you this job.

Jason Teague:
What exactly is it that you want me to do?

Lex Luthor:
I have deep pockets, Jason. Vast resources, but the one thing I don't have is access. Two women in your life are somehow intimately connected to Margaret Isobel Thoreaux. I want you to find out everything they know.

Jason Teague:
So, what, you want me to spy on them?

Lex Luthor:
How you get the information is up to you. Now, I need an answer.

Lex Luthor:
It seems like Dr. Teng has vanished without a trace.

Chloe Sullivan:
Yeah, well, it turns out that's not the only thing out of the ordinary of our friendly molecular biologist.

Lex Luthor:
What have you got?

Chloe Sullivan:
Well, it turns out it wasn't scientific research, or academic prestige, that got her into this country twelve years ago. It was wedding bells. She married a rent-a-cop from LuthorCorp.

Lex Luthor:
So my father arranged a green card marriage.

Chloe Sullivan:
Yeah. Now, I tracked down the groom so I could ask him what he knew.

Lex Luthor:
What'd the lucky guy have to say?

Chloe Sullivan:
Wasn't really what he had to say, it was more where he said it. He plays watchdog for the old Metron Pharmaceuticals building.

Lex Luthor:
That's been shut down for seven years.

Chloe Sullivan:
Yeah, that's what I thought. But while he was in the process of telling me to get lost, I swear I saw what I think was a delivery truck pulling around back.

Lex Luthor:
My father's been strangely stubborn about liquidating that property. Every market indicator says to sell, but he insists the neighborhood's about to be revitalized.

Chloe Sullivan:
The only thing being revitalized in that neighborhood is the graffiti. Now, I think I can make some headway if you'll just come along with me.

Lex Luthor:
Chloe, I think I should take it from here.

Chloe Sullivan:
Lex, I'm perfectly capable of...

Lex Luthor:
This has nothing to do with your capability. I'm worried about your safety. When my father's involved with covert research, people tend to get hurt.

Jonathan Kent:
Hey, Clark. Just in time, son. Your mom's working late again, so I thought maybe we'd have guys' night. You know, catch up on the highlights of the game we missed.

Clark Kent:
I saw something at Lex's, dad. It was a page from an old manuscript, and it had Kryptonian symbols on it.

Jonathan Kent:
Kryptonian symbols? Were you able to read 'em?

Clark Kent:
It had a message, repeated over and over: "Look deeper". I used my x-ray vision and I saw a map hidden underneath.

Jonathan Kent:
A map? A map to what?

Clark Kent:
I don't know, dad, but I think it has something to do with Jor-El, and what he sent me after when he was controlling me.

Jonathan Kent:
I want you to leave this alone, Clark.

Clark Kent:
No, dad...

Jonathan Kent:
Son, you're just telling me how you want to have a normal senior year, right? Well, how does traipsing across the globe on Jor-El's crusade fit in with that?

Clark Kent:
It doesn't. But hanging out with Bart reminded me that I'm not normal, dad. Maybe it's time I stopped from who I really am.

Jonathan Kent:
What you really are is a seventeen year old boy. Now sit down

Clark Kent:
Dad, it doesn't matter how old I am. Whatever Jor-El sent me to find, I have a feeling it's very powerful and dangerous, especially if it falls into the wrong hands, and I'm the only one who can stop that from happening.

Jonathan Kent:
How? By stealing this manuscript from Lex?

Clark Kent:
No, he has no idea what he has. All I have to do is sneak back in there and get a better look at it.

Jonathan Kent:
Clark, it's a bad idea. He could see you.

Clark Kent:
I'll be in and out before he even knows I'm there.

Clark Kent:
[Clark and Fine enter the crystal chamber and stand side by side as Clark places the key into the pedestal and an amazing pulse of light transports them into the Fortress of Solitude] I'll tear this place down piece by piece. Just tell me where to start.

Professor Milton Fine:
[Fine pulls a black crystal out of his back pocket] Here. Stab this into the console. It will trigger a self-destruct mechanism and Jor-El and his fortress will be forever gone.

Clark Kent:
[Holding the black crystal hesitantly] What is it?

Professor Milton Fine:
It was created to defeat your father, but Zod was a man of peace, he would never use it, even as a last resort. There was never a chance.

Clark Kent:
There is now.

[Clark turns and faces the crystal console as Fine looks upon him with a devious look in his eyes]

Clark Kent:
You will never hurt my family again!

[Clark jams the black crystal into the console and the Fortress begins to slowly collapse in a huge stream of massive seismic tremors. Clark suddenly feels weak and turns facing Fine holding a huge chunk of Kryptonite in his outstretched hand]

Professor Milton Fine:
I couldn't have done it without you. You were the only one that could affect the fortress. Now that you've accomplished your task, you're just a petty annoyance.

Clark Kent:
A meteor rock! You're not even Kryptonian!

Professor Milton Fine:
I was created by Kryptonians, but I'm a WHOLE LOT smarter.

[Fine pushes Clark back]

Professor Milton Fine:

Clark Kent:

Professor Milton Fine:
[Fine knocks Clark down on his back lying on a pedestal of ice] The one, TRUE Kryptonian. Now he will finally rid this fertile planet of the scourge of humans and recreate Krypton here on earth.

Clark Kent:
Everything you told me was a LIE! When you were talking about Jor-El, you were really talking about ZOD! He didn't infect my mother did he? You did!

Professor Milton Fine:
To think that you would sacrifice your Kryptonian heritage for a single homo-sapien. You are a pitiful disgrace!

Clark Kent:
[Fine places the chunk of Kryptonite right on Clark's chest] Aaaahhh!

Professor Milton Fine:
Goodbye, Kal-El!

[Fine turns his back on Clark leaving him to die as the portal to the Phantom Zone opens]

Professor Milton Fine:
Welcome to our new home... General Zod!

Chloe Sullivan:
Have you seen Pete?

[realizing what she just said]

Chloe Sullivan:
Sorry. It's, uh... we were supposed to meet this morning and... and double team on my "Daily Planet" column.

Clark Kent:
Is that the column Lionel Luthor helped you land?

Chloe Sullivan:
What's that supposed to mean?

Clark Kent:
I may have lost my sight, but things are becoming much clearer now. Exactly how long have you and Lionel been looking into my life?

Chloe Sullivan:
[reluctantly] Since last spring. The day after Lex's wedding.

Clark Kent:
When you saw me and Lana together. Is that why you did this?

[Chloe doesn't know what to say]

Clark Kent:
Your silence is deafening. What did you give him?

Chloe Sullivan:
Nothing. Nothing he didn't already know.

Clark Kent:
Well, then what is he sharing with you?

Chloe Sullivan:
Nothing. Believe it or not, Clark, I... I was just... I was trying to help you.

Clark Kent:
Oh, by spying on me?

Chloe Sullivan:
No. By... just trying to understand why he's so intrigued with you.

Clark Kent:
And if the "Torch" got a few new computers, and you made a name for yourself at the Daily Planet, that was okay, too. For all the times you accused me of keeping secrets, how could you do this to me?

Chloe Sullivan:
I was... he just... he caught me at an especially bad time, and I caved. I've been trying to get out of it ever since, but when people like Lionel Luthor have you, they don't want to let go. You know, I thought that you out of all people would understand making a stupid decision in a moment of weakness, but I guess I was wrong.

Lex Luthor:
If you walk out that door, I will make you disappear.

Roger Nixon:
What're you gunna do? You gunna have me killed?

Lex Luthor:
[laughs] No. You'll be very much alive. But there'll be no evidence of your existence.

Roger Nixon:
What are you talking about?

Lex Luthor:
Driver's license, passports, social security number, bank account, will all be erased. With one call, I can be sure that there will be no record that you actually walk this earth.

Roger Nixon:
You're bluffing.

Lex Luthor:
Call your bank, see if your account still exists. That is, if your cell phone hasn't already been disconnected.

[Roger tries his phone but notices it's not working]

Roger Nixon:
What did you do?

Lex Luthor:
Don't worry, Roger. I'm going to give you a new identity. One that's a little less upstanding. Maybe a murderer. Maybe a drug dealer. Either way, you'll lose your job, your house, and your family.

Roger Nixon:
Look, I'll give the money back. Then we'll be even.

Lex Luthor:
No, we won't. Because I also know your brother works for juvenile court. What'd you tell him? "Steal the records and you can make some quick cash"? He could do time for that.

Roger Nixon:
Leave him out of this.

Lex Luthor:
I didn't get him involved, Roger. You did. You came into my life thinking you could shake me down because I was some spoiled rich brat who needed his daddy's protection. Trust me. When I make things disappear, they stay buried.

Roger Nixon:
What do you want from me?

Lex Luthor:
Your help. My father's obsessed with the Daily Planet. But I know the Inquisitor is read by the people. They're the ones I'm interested in. I will feed you stories and you will print them. Any negative stories about me you will kill. You'll be at my disposal 24/7.

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