The Thick of It

The Thick of It

The Thick of It is a British comedy television series that satirises the inner workings of modern British government. It was first broadcast for two short series on BBC Four in 2005, initially with a small cast focusing on a government minister, his advisers and their party's spin-doctor. The cast was significantly expanded for two hour-long specials to coincide with Christmas and Gordon Brown's appointment as prime minister in 2007, which saw new characters forming the opposition party added to the cast. These characters continued when the show switched channels to BBC Two for its third series in 2009. A fourth series about a coalition government was broadcast in 2012, with the last episode transmitted on 27 October 2012. In a 2012 interview, series creator Armando Iannucci said the fourth series of the programme would probably be its last. The series has been described as the 21st century's answer to Yes Minister, highlighting the struggles and conflicts between politicians, party spin doctors, advisers, civil servants and the media. As with Yes Minister, the political parties involved are never mentioned by name, although the context makes clear which is which. Iannucci describes it as "Yes Minister meets Larry Sanders". The journalist and former civil servant Martin Sixsmith is an adviser to the writing team, adding to the realism of some scenes. The series became well known for its profanity and for featuring storylines which have mirrored, or in some cases predicted real-life policies, events or scandals.A feature film spin-off, In the Loop, was released in the UK on 17 April 2009. A pilot for a U.S. remake of the show was not successful, but Iannucci was subsequently invited to create Veep for HBO, a programme with a very similar tone and political issues, with the involvement of some The Thick of It writers and production members.

Genre: Comedy

Cliff Lawton:
Malcolm, look, if you do this, it's the bollocks of a jungle out there. They're like wolves, pissed wolves.

Malcolm Tucker:
I've made the announcement, I've told the lobby you're going, Cliff.

Cliff Lawton:
You've told the lobby I'm going?

Malcolm Tucker:
Yeah, sorry, Cliff.

Cliff Lawton:

Malcolm Tucker:
Yeah, get used to Cliff. I've booked you in for the usual soapy tit-wank farewell at Number 10 in twenty minutes. Also, drafted you a letter of resignation. Gives you the chance to say that you're jumping before you're pushed, although obviously we're gonna be briefing that you WERE pushed, sorry.

Cliff Lawton:
Erm... look, you don't need to do all this. What about Tom? Everybody knows that he's f***ing up Transport.

Malcolm Tucker:
We can't sack Tom at Transport. We can't lose anyone at Transport, they're important.

Cliff Lawton:
What, and Social Affairs isn't?

Malcolm Tucker:
Ok, the Department of Social Affairs is very important, but it's not Transport! Transport's cars, busses, trucks!

Cliff Lawton:
I know what Transport f***ing entails! [Tucker looks at him frighteningly] Look, I'll look at it. [reads the resignation letter] Personal reasons?

Malcolm Tucker:
Yeah, I thought it would give you an ediquate scope.

Cliff Lawton:
Scope? What, like shooting up at the Cabinet office, or something? Stuffing a cat up my arse and having a wank, what do you mean, scope?

Malcolm Tucker:
You know, this could be agreat deal worse. You have had a good innings, you've been here for 18 months. And, you know, I've written some very nice things about you in the PM's reply to your resignation. Some very nice f***ing things indeed! I had a lump in my throat! And you know why? Because no one who matters thinks any less of you over this SO FAR, ok? Right, one more thing. The Daily Mail. David Topham has got it into his head that we are gonna sack you because of press presure.

Cliff Lawton:
I wonder why.

Malcolm Tucker:
Look, you are in no position to dish out f***ing sarcasm, that's over! You no longer have punctures in the sarcasm world! Get on the phone! Tell him that you're jumping before you're pushed, although we were going to push you, but not because of press presure but because of your deeply held f***ing personal issues, whatever they are!

Cliff Lawton:
You want me to write my own obituary.

Malcolm Tucker:
Get on the f***ing phone, do it now.

Malcolm Tucker:
I'm hacked off, mate.

Hugh Abbot:
But we killed it, it's killed.

Malcolm Tucker:
Yeah, "but once you start the fire, Malc, and we didn't start the fire, it's always burning since the world's been turning" et cetera, et cetera...

Hugh Abbot:
So... Malcolm, you're not making any sence.

Malcolm Tucker:
Prime Minister, obviously, he's on the plane in Stokholm, someone hits him with The World At One. He thinks it's the Treasury trying to stiff him one so he... he stuck with the story.

Hugh Abbot:
He liked it?

Malcolm Tucker:
Yeah, he's backing the Snooper Force.

Hugh Abbot:
Oh, right! We shouldn't really then... You shouldn't really have told us to... Should you?

Malcolm Tucker:
Don't should me, Hugh, 'cause I'll should you right back. I'll should you right through that window! None of this should be happening, should it? Should it?

Hugh Abbot:
Is that "should" in a sence of "yes"?

Malcolm Tucker:
It's "should" in a sence "you should do as you're f***ing told"!

Hugh Abbot:
So what are we gonna do now?

Malcolm Tucker:
You're gonna completely reverse your position.

Hugh Abbot:
Hang on a second... Malcolm... That's not gonna be easy. That's gonna be quite hard.

Malcolm Tucker:
Well, the announcement you didn't make today - you did.

Hugh Abbot:
No, I didn't. And there were television cameras there while I was not doing it.

Malcolm Tucker:
F*** them.

Hugh Abbot:
I'm not sure what level of reality I'm supposed to be operating on.

Malcolm Tucker:
Look, this is what they run with. I tell them that you said it, they believe that you said it. They don't REALLY believe that you said it, they know that you never said it, but it's in their interest to say that you said it, because if they don't say that you said it, they're not gonna get what you say tomorrow or the next day, when I decide to tell them what it is you're saying.

Hugh Abbot:
Yeah, I am following this, I just...

Malcolm Tucker:
I had a friend who used to indulge in extra-marital affairs, ok? He'd go off and he'd have some dalliance and every Monday he'd come back and he'd meet his wife. And he told me that all he did that is inside his head turn a little switch - the affair never happened, ok?

Malcolm Tucker:
Ok, this is what we're doing: I'm putting about through a number of cronies that Hewitt's piece was a packet of bollocks, he did it as a favor to Cliff.

Oliver Reeder:
Cliff being...

Glenn Cullen:
Cliff Lawton.

Malcolm Tucker:
Hugh's predesessor. He and Hewitt are as tight as arse cheeks.

Hugh Abbott:
[surprised] Are they now?

Malcolm Tucker:
F*** knows, but that's what we're saying, ok? It's personal, it's backslapping, it's borderline homoerotic, and you are the innocent victim of a nasty media stitch-up. I'm fixing you up with a "Me and My Media" piece with [points to Ollie] your ex Angela Heaney. But, this is a perfect opportunity to show just how clued-up you are, actually! Hughey Abbot, the in-touch guy! You're on the ball! You know the price for a pint of milk! You love HBO imports, VH1, Pixar, you dig the Streets.

Hugh Abbott:
Yeah, yeah, yeah, they're all great.

Malcolm Tucker:
You've got absolutely no f***ing idea what I'm talking about, do you?

Hugh Abbott:
Yes, I do.

Malcolm Tucker:
Who's the only gay in the village?

Hugh Abbott:
Eddie Grundy. I dunno... No, he has children. Mind you, alot of them do these days! Ben at the Foreign Office...

Malcolm Tucker:
What's a chav?

Hugh Abbott:
Ch... erm...

Malcolm Tucker:
Hugh, what is a chav?

Oliver Reeder:
Come on, you must know this!

Glenn Cullen:

Malcolm Tucker:

Hugh Abbott:
Just saying "chav" isn't really helpful!

Malcolm Tucker:
This is important stuff, Hugh! Right, we do a weekly digest for the Prime Minister, we boil down the week's television, cinema, music, so on.

Oliver Reeder:
The Zeitgeist tapes.

Malcolm Tucker:
Exactly, the Zeitgest tapes. EastEnders highlights, choice bits from all the reality shows, 10 seconds music videos, that kind of thing.

Hugh Abbott:
That's why the PM always looks so clued-up! I always thought he was jenuenly quite with it.

Malcolm Tucker:
No, no, he's as bad as you, he uses phrases like "with it" as well. Right, I'm gonna bike that over to Terri, watch it, ok? And listen, when you talk to Angela Heaney, remember to stick the boot into Hewitt. I'm putting it about that Cliff offered him two free weeks at his Toscan villa for that piece, ok?

Hugh Abbott:
Ten-four, daddy-o!

Malcolm Tucker:
Hey, hey, hey, this is serious! You've got 24 hours to sort out your policy on EastEnders, right? Or you're for the halal butchers! [Ollie does an imitation of the EastEnders opening music] Even he knows.

Where's Neil?

Malcolm Tucker:
Leicester. Poor f***er! You'd think that once you'd achieved a certain status, you might be excused to visit Leicester, wouldn't you?

Have you seen the Whip's numbers?

Malcolm Tucker:


Malcolm Tucker:
NOMFuP. N-O-M-F-P. Not My F***ing Problem. I quite like that. Did you like that? I'll use that quite a lot today. [to a passing by communications guy] Hey, well done on Fatty's profile! Very very good! I nearly liked the enormous f***er, reading it!

What if the MoD breaks tonight? What I'm hearing is, the overspend's getting more brutal by the hour. They're talking about topping at one, one and a half billion. Obviously, that's a lot of nurses.

Malcolm Tucker:
Or one fantastically enormous robotic one, yeah?


Malcolm Tucker:
And how's the Minister?

He's shitting himself! [laughs] He's practically kissing his driver goodbye. He said he felt like he's in the Twin Towers on the 9/11, just f***ing waiting.

Malcolm Tucker:
Oh, for f***'s sake. Everybody know their lines, right? IT projects, always overspend. [to Sam] D'you think you could manage me a desent cup of tea? Would that be possible? Thank you. Try not to drip in it. [Sam leaves. To Jamie] I tell you, the thing that worries me... is this dodgy?

I dunno. The kid's firm was the second lowest bid, he says they never talked, what does it matter?

Malcolm Tucker:
No, well, you know me, I'm a man of principle, I like to know whether I'm lying to save the skin of a tosser or a moron.

Probably a moron.

Malcolm Tucker:
[on the way to the Communications office] Hey Jamie! This is Ollie!

THE Ollie? The stuck-one-up-the-Opposition-for-us Ollie? Good f***ing man! Good to meet you!

Malcolm Tucker:
This is Jamie, he'll be looking after you.

Oliver Reeder:
Oh, great, another Scot, I see. Does everyone needs to be in the Caledonian Mafia to, erm...

Malcolm Tucker:
Everybody, this is Ollie! He's the guy who f***ed the Opposition for us! [everybody cheer]

Oliver Reeder:
That was quite an introduction.

Just nod when the big f***er talks, do whatever I say.

Malcolm Tucker:
Actually it's the other way around. Look, Jamie's gonna put you in touch with a guy called Paul. Paul vets all the stuff that we input into the attack. Technically, you shouldn't be doing this here, but the main frame's not here, right? So technically you're not!

Oliver Reeder:
Sorry, stuff about Emma?

Malcolm Tucker:
About Emma, yeah.

Oliver Reeder:
[dissapointed] Oh.

Malcolm Tucker:
Hey, Ollie, I know that you're dead brainy, but look, I've got brains coming out of my f***ing arse. What I need is political intelligence.

Oliver Reeder:
I just feel a bit awkward, you know...

Malcolm Tucker:
Oh, it's make-your-mind-up time, Ollie! I mean, what do you want to be? Do you want to be a prick that works here for a year, then goes away and joins a think-tank to write "oh, on one hand this and on the other hand that", or do you want to be a soldier?

Have you got your eyes on the prize?

Oliver Reeder:
I've got my eyes on the prize.

Malcolm Tucker:

Oliver Reeder:
What is the prize?

Malcolm Tucker:
I don't know, you need to ask the brainy guys. I'll settle for just keeping us in government instead of the wankers you're shagging!

Malcolm Tucker:
[Tucker's 8:30 meeting] Morning, morning, morning. Allright, I wanna have a little bit of a think about some of our presentation issues with regard to yesterday. There seemed to be a bit of a problem with Liam on Newsnight. I would like to know why did we have a Minister on last night who did not appear to know the lines?

It's not all his fault, Malcolm. We grilled him beforehand. He's got a new baby, he's not getting enough sleep.

Malcolm Tucker:
I don't care if he's got a new baby. I don't care if he's tired. He looked like he didn't know what he was f***ing talking about! No, I know he doesn't know what he's f***ing talking about, but he's got to appear as if he does, right? And that is your job! [points to everyone in turn] And your job! And yours and yours and yours and yours! With all your respective Ministers! Give them the lines, right?

Robyn Murdoch:
Give them all the lines to say.

Malcolm Tucker:
This is the delightful Robyn, she's just with us today, standing in for Terry Coverley at the Department of Social Affairs, so let's be gentle with her, please. No remarks about the Department of Stuffed Anuses, the Department of Stupid Announcements and the Department of Sod All! Right, next!

Robyn Murdoch:

Malcolm Tucker:
Yes, there is a pending reshuffle. I can see we're not gonna get anything past you! There was a young girl from DoSA, who helped herself to a samosa. No, next time I'll come up with something, just a bit of fun. Yes, the reshuffle, no, yes, definitely, we don't know anything. I don't know anything, so we can't say anything. But, you know, even if we did, we wouldn't, but we don't, so we both can't and won't. Right, next?

What about Julius Nicholson? I've got it yesterday he was looking at the MoD taking over the UK security from the Home Office?

Malcolm Tucker:
See, that was flown by one of Nicholson's mob. I'm spending half of my time now dealing with that rubbish that Nicholson's putting out there!

There's a Sunday piece in the pipeline about you and him not getting along. Just wondered if you've got a line.

Malcolm Tucker:
Yeah. 'Julius Nicholson is a hugely respected advisor. He now has a wide ranging brief and his blue-sky vision and helicopter-thinking will enable this government to go, in his own phrase, beyond delivery and beyond that'. That's the line, ok? And if he does stick his baldie head round your door and comes up with some stupid idea about policemen's helmets should be yellow or let's set up a department to count the moon, just treat him like someone with Helzheimer's disease, you know? Just say 'yes, that's lovely, that's good, we must talk about that later', ok?

Malcolm Tucker:
Alright, guys, thanks very much for staying on. Julius Nicholson, right? Blue-sky thinker? Ex-business guru? Dog rapist? He's being a nuisance to me, he's also got plans of squizzing your department so hard, you'll be lucky to be left with one bollock between the three of you. So all I'm doing here is asking you, formally, if you will join me in a little bit of a circle jerk?

Hugh Abbot:
Circle jerk?

Oliver Reeder:
Alot of guys in a circle, all, you know... Well, I assume you don't mean literally, do you? Presumably?

Malcolm Tucker:
[to Glenn] Tony Mack in the Lobby, you know him, right? Call him, now. Tell him that you're getting that Nicholson is gonna get Foreign Sec in the reshuffle.

Glenn Cullen:
[on the phone] Tony! Hi! How's it dangling, yeah? Listen, I just want to run something past you. I wonder if you're hearing what, you know, I've been hearing, that Nicholson's gonna be getting Foreign Sec.

Malcolm Tucker:
Hugh, who is your top mate in the commenteria?

Hugh Abbot:
Colin Sykes.

Malcolm Tucker:
Colin Sykes? That's your top mate? Call him up!

Hugh Abbot:
[on the phone] Hi, Colin! It's Hugh Abbot speaking, how are you? Got a decent back hand yet? Hugh, Hugh Abbot, we played tennis together. Yeah, yeah!

Glenn Cullen:
[on the phone] I know it's probably bollocks, but that's what we all thought when Jim was up for Home Secretary. Next thing we know, he's given up the Colombian marching powder and taken up the sacraments.

Hugh Abbot:
[on the phone] Foreign Secretary is exactly where he should be, he's a smart guy. I think at one point I called him a dog rapist. [Tucker's phone rings]

Malcolm Tucker:
[on the phone] Cath! I don't know where it's come from, I've been getting it as well! Stonewall them, ok? I'll talk to the boss! [hangs up] And now I'm gonna phone the Prime Minister of Great Britain. [on the phone] Allright, boss? Yeah, look, I'm really sorry to interrupt you, but we're getting hit on the blind side here! Stuff about Julius Nicholson? Cath's and I phones are both white hot. Stuff about him becoming Foreign Sec! Am I out of the loop here? Well, person that's most likely to be getting his mates to put this kind of stuff around is Julius Nicholson. You put so much hope in them, they always let you down. I think maybe Julius needs to have his wings clipped a wee bit, you know. Do you wanna do it? I think you're right, I think it's better if I just had a little chat. I'll see you in the morning. Night. [hangs up] F***ing brilliant! Eight missed messages! Sleep lightly.

Malcolm Tucker:
Little pigs... Little pigs. Let me come in. Don't worry about the hair on the chiny-chin-chin.

Nicola Murray:
So, what was your call?

Malcolm Tucker:
What was my call? You want to know what my call was?

Nicola Murray:
Was it important?

Malcolm Tucker:
I'm sorry, I didn't realise that I had to run all my calls through your bed-wetters switchboard here. I usually just dial 118.

Nicola Murray:
Malcolm, do you know?

Oliver Reeder:
Obviously he knows.

Glenn Cullen:
No, he doesn't know...

Nicola Murray:
There has been a massive irretrievable data loss. The last 7 months worth of new immigrant details have gone, apparently lost in the computer.

Malcolm Tucker:
Oh... [laughs] Do you know what's really f***ing sad here is that I don't have the energy to pretend I already knew. Which is for the best, because I'm gonna need all of my f***ing energy to f***ing rip all of your bodies to bits with my bare hands and sell off, yes, sell off your f***ing flayed skin as a sleeping bag to a f***ing normal person!

Nicola Murray:
Can I just say that getting angry isn't gonna help anything. I've done anger, I'm currently at grief, I'm working my way towards bargaining, whatever, you know, you're behind me...

Malcolm Tucker:
So, what is your great strategy for dealing with this? Come on, I'm f***ing all ears. I'm f***ing Andrew Marr here.

Nicola Murray:
So let's... Terri, let's hear what you...

Malcolm Tucker:
Let's go, let's get going. High-level technical discussion, I'm up for it.

Terri Coverley:
Right. Blaming the departmenet, minister, might be a high-risk strategy.

Malcolm Tucker:
Oh, high-risk. Saucy. Pass F.

Nicola Murray:
My pitch would be - this departement is fatally flawed. It's out of condition, it's obese, it's astmatic.

Malcolm Tucker:
That's it girl, back over the net.

Glenn Cullen:
You need to be really sure about that, Nicola.

Malcolm Tucker:
Yes, wise words from the distinguished elderly gay f***ing tennis coach here.

Oliver Reeder:
Seriously, I think we should talk about my strategy futher because I really think that's the way...

Malcolm Tucker:
Yeah, the f***ing wee boy is having a go now with his f***ing tiny shorts on. [to Robyn] What about Sue Barker's little sister here? What's she got to say? You've got something to say to add to the conversation?

Robyn Murdoch:
No, just that there was no Lemon zinger so uhm... This is coffee, is that alright?

Malcolm Tucker:
I just wanted to say to you by the way of introductory remarks that I'm extremely miffed about today's events and in my quest to try to make you understand the level of my unhappines, I'm likely to use an awful lot of - what we would call - violent sexual imagery and I just wanted to check that neither of you would be terribly offended by that.

Nicola Murray:
I could actually do without the theatrics I think, Malcolm.

Malcolm Tucker:
Enough! E-f***ing-nough. You need to learn to shut your f***ing cave. Right? Today, you have laid your first big fat egg of solid f***. You took the data loss media strategy and you ate with a lump of E.coli. And then you sprayed it our of your arse at 300 mph.

Nicola Murray:
I simply made a mistake.

Malcolm Tucker:
You got on the record and off the record f***ing mixed up! What would have happened if like George Martin would have done that? They wouldn't be no f***ing Beatles, that's what. No, I don't give a f*** about that. I'd have to f***ing sit next to Paul McCartney in f***ing checkers!

Nicola Murray:
The data loss wasn't my fault.

Malcolm Tucker:
Fine, yeah, but I tell you what. It came out f***ing pretty fast once you were in there, didn't it? Which makes me wonder - should I just go and talk to the boss, should I go and tell him "I don't think she's up to the job."

Nicola Murray:
You said yourself if he sacks me after a week that looks like HE's f***ed up.

Malcolm Tucker:
Yeah, but that was before; When your only problem was a f***ing sh*t pun in a newspaper and a face like Dot Cotton licking piss off a nettle.

Nicola Murray:
Okay I messed up. Right? I messed up, but... I will from now on listen to every bit of advice you give me. I'll go on Question Time wearing a push up bra and a fez. I'll do the hustings on stilts if that's what you tell me the strategy is because you know about that stuff, Malcolm I know that. It's just that I've got things that I want to do, alright?

Malcolm Tucker:
Of course you do, like Montessori f***ing rocking horses I suppose.

Nicola Murray:
No no no.

Malcolm Tucker:
The Mail have the motherload on this - right? So that means there's a way through this for us but it entails you, my dear, eating a complete concrete mixer full of humble pie.

Terri Coverley:
Right, what's the strategy?

Malcolm Tucker:
The Kraken awakes!

Terri Coverley:
No no - it's just that this is the first bit of the meeting that hasn't been about expletives and fezes and stilts and teabagging. I mean, this is the bit that relates to media management.

Malcolm Tucker:
I didn't say anything about teabagging. Do you even know what teabagging is?

Terri Coverley:
Not really, no. I'm told it's unpleasant. Who'd you want me to call?

Malcolm Tucker:
The Mail. Get The Mail in. Okay, come on, The Cheeky Girls, that's it, back on tour.

Malcolm Tucker:
Here's the f***ing thing. Nobody talks about f***ing dodgy donors, okay? Because it makes everybody look bad.

Stewart Pearson:
Okay, I'll go with a different angle, then. How do you think it would land with your female voters if they were to find out that Tom Rudd forced his secretary into having an abortion?

Malcolm Tucker:
That was her own personal choice and by the way, it wasn't his.

Stewart Pearson:
Wow! So him paying for that private clinic, then, was just because he's such a nice man?

Malcolm Tucker:
He IS a nice man. What about your nice man at central planning, eh? The one who got a bit carried away and f***ing slapped his kids about a little bit too much? F***ing broke the skin! But he wasn't such a nice man, was he? But I suppose that's just part of your common sense checklist, yeah. All they need is a good slap, and do please remember to leave your f***ing rings on!

Stewart Pearson:
You go check your facts, Malcolm, that was a domestic accident and nothing more.

Malcolm Tucker:
Domestic accident, yeah, 'cause he's got f***ing hands the size of f***ing doors!

Stewart Pearson:
Oh, you want to talk about hardmen, Malcolm, yeah? Now, I know you've got to be hard to be a chief whip, but really, coke dealing at university?

Malcolm Tucker:
Oh! Please, please!

Stewart Pearson:
Hey, am I right in thinking he's now godfather to one of the PM's kids, yeah?

Malcolm Tucker:
Listen, you know what I have got at the back of my f***ing filing cabinet? I have got a f***ing photograph that I've been waiting for a f***ing rainy day to show everyone, which is a photograph of your f***ing shadow chancellor at one of his f***ing parties dressed up in f***ing bra, suspenders and f***ing blackface! What's his defence going to be, hey, when I email that to the f***ing Sun? "Oh, well, I am just de shadow chancellor."

Stewart Pearson:
Malcolm, he won't have a defence because you haven't got that picture because that didn't happen.

Malcolm Tucker:
I have!

Stewart Pearson:
However, I do have a statement from a rent boy...

Malcolm Tucker:
Oh, that's very useful for you. You can claim that against your expenses, can't you?

Stewart Pearson:
Oh, yeah, funny, very funny.

Malcolm Tucker:
And you'll get that for free. Is that one of the f***ing perks of the job?

Stewart Pearson:
No, listen, his statement says he will swear that one of your prominent back-bench MPs paid him to sh*t on his chest.

Malcolm Tucker:

Stewart Pearson:
Right, look, this is out of order, okay? Here's the deal. We both, both make statements saying that our guys in there, they were not in possession of all the facts. Hmm? But we're looking into it.

Malcolm Tucker:
You'd do that? Hang your own guy out to f***ing dry?

Stewart Pearson:
What? Peter Mannion, MP? Yeah! Old guard? We're not sending him to DoSAC to fatten him up, we're putting him out to pasture, Malcolm.

Malcolm Tucker:
We should just go home.

Stewart Pearson:
We can do that. We can just seal this in. Contain the toxicity. Chernobyl FM.

Malcolm Tucker:
I mean, you carry on like this and I might not find you utterly f***ing contemptible.

Malcolm Tucker:
Here's the f***ing thing. Nobody talks about f***ing dodgy donors, okay? Because it makes everybody look bad.

Stewart Pearson:
Okay, I'll go with a different angle, then. How do you think it would land with your female voters if they were to find out that Tom Rudd forced his secretary into having an abortion?

Malcolm Tucker:
That was her own personal choice and, by the way, it wasn't his.

Stewart Pearson:
Wow! So him paying for that private clinic, then, was just because he's such a nice man?

Malcolm Tucker:
He is a nice man. What about your nice man at central planning, eh? The one who got a bit carried away and f***ing slapped his kids about a little bit too much? F***ing broke the skin! But he wasn't such a nice man, was he? But I suppose that's just part of your common sense checklist, yeah. All they need is a good slap, and do please remember to leave your f***ing rings on!

Stewart Pearson:
You go check your facts, Malcolm, that was a domestic accident and nothing more.

Malcolm Tucker:
Domestic accident, yeah, 'cause he's got f***ing hands the size of f***ing doors!

Stewart Pearson:
Oh, you want to talk about hardmen, Malcolm, yeah? Now, I know you've got to be hard to be a chief whip, but really, coke dealing at university? Hey, am I right in thinking he's now godfather to one of the PM's kids, yeah?

Malcolm Tucker:
Listen, you know what I have got at the back of my f***ing filing cabinet? I have got a f***ing photograph that I've been waiting for a f***ing rainy day to show everyone, which is a photograph of your f***ing shadow chancellor at one of his f***ing parties dressed up in f***ing bra, suspenders and f***ing blackface! What's his defence going to be, hey, when I email that to the f***ing "Sun"? [mockingly] "Oh, well, I am just de shadow chancellor."

Stewart Pearson:
Malcolm, he won't have a defence because you haven't got that picture because that didn't happen.

Malcolm Tucker:
I have!

Stewart Pearson:
However, I do have a statement from a rent boy...

Malcolm Tucker:
Oh, that's very useful for you. You can claim that against your expenses, can't you?

Stewart Pearson:
Oh, yeah, funny, very funny.

Malcolm Tucker:
And you'll get that for free. Is that one of the f***ing perks of the job?

Stewart Pearson:
No, listen, his statement says he will swear that one of your prominent back-bench MPs paid him to sh*t on his chest.

Malcolm Tucker:

Stewart Pearson:
Right, look, this is out of order, okay? Here's the deal. We both, both make statements saying that our guys in there, they were not in possession of all the facts. Hmm? But we're looking into it.

Malcolm Tucker:
You'd do that? Hang your own guy out to f***ing dry?

Stewart Pearson:
What? Peter Mannion, MP? Yeah! Old guard? We're not sending him to DoSAC to fatten him up, we're putting him out to pasture, Malcolm.

Malcolm Tucker:
We should just go home.

Stewart Pearson:
We can do that. We can just seal this in. Contain the toxicity. Chernobyl FM.

Malcolm Tucker:
I mean, you carry on like this and I might not find you utterly f***ing contemptible.

Stewart Pearson:
That's an incentive. I'll get my bag.

Malcolm Tucker:
[responding to Terri's accusations of being wrong] How f***ing dare you? Have you any idea of the amount of pressure that has been exerted on my skull, huh? It feels like my brain has been f***ing emptied into little packets, into f***ing crisp packets. Cheese and onion f***ing crisp packets that contain my living, breathing f***ing brain.

Terri Coverley:
Malcolm, I'm really sorry. I...

Malcolm Tucker:
And these crisp packets, cheese and onion, smoky bacon, have been stomped on. They've been f***ing stomped on! Ben, f***ing Nicola...

Terri Coverley:
I didn't mean to be horrid.

Malcolm Tucker:
And f***ing you!

Terri Coverley:
I'm sorry.

Malcolm Tucker:
I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

Terri Coverley:
I'm sorry.

Malcolm Tucker:
No, I'm over it, okay? Don't you apologise. Don't you f***ing apologise. You don't need to apologise. I love this place. I do. I mean, f***ing, compared to Number 10, this place is f***ing tranquil, yeah? Over there, 300 yards down the road, I mean, it's like a f***ing cancer ward. I mean, there are people in there, they're f***ing screaming at each other. They are screaming, "You gave me this f***ing disease." "You gave me this f***ing disease." And every corner that I turn there's another threat, Terri. Hacks, hacks, f***ing vampire hacks. And they're slaughtering us, Terri. They are f***ing slaughtering us and they want my face for a flannel! And you know what? I used to be the f***ing pharaoh, Terri. I used to be the f***ing pharaoh. Now I'm f***ing floundering in a f***ing Nile of sh*t. But I am going to fashion a paddle out of that sh*t. Yeah?

Terri Coverley:
Good idea.

Malcolm Tucker:
I'm not going down. I am not going down. Yeah?

Terri Coverley:

Malcolm Tucker:
How are you feeling about things?

Terri Coverley:
Well, you know, I'm just trying to do my best and, you know, make sure I can still get home by 6:00. Do you want a huggle?

Malcolm Tucker:
No, I think... That's nice of you. I really appreciate it. Terri, it's been nice to have a chat but I have to get on. Let's get back on track.

Oliver Reeder:
[after Tukcer leaves] What did he say?

Terri Coverley:
I don't know. It was all about ancient Egypt.

Malcolm Tucker:
Where's Robyn? Robyn, come here! Quick! I'm bringing Jamie over to fire-fight this Watford story, so you'll be working with Jamie for the rest of the night, you take orders from Jamie. I want you to bury this Watford arsey tonight, because tomorrow morning - from broadsheets to wank rags - I want pages one, two and three to be a profile of Tom looking like a f***ing political colossus, you know - Tom meeting the Pope, Tom in a NHS hospital chatting to little baldie kiddies. I want pages four and five to be a timeline of the last years of British politics with ME at the center, looking f***ing indispensable and f***ing benign, and I want page six to be f***ing Israel or some bullshit, not a f***ing DoSAC deepshit legacy-distracting COCKUP!

Robyn Murdoch:
It's just Jamie, I find him just a little bit frightening...

Malcolm Tucker:
Relax, he has never hit anyone! Or at least anyone he's hit has never had the bollocks to take it to a superior! It's a f***ing joke, it's a joke, ok? The man is a professional, you will be fine!

Glenn Cullen:
Actually, Malcolm, we still have no word on Dan Miller, he's gone dark, he's not answering his phone...

Malcolm Tucker:
Maybe he's in a hotel with his own huddle! Ring around, try and find him.

Glenn Cullen:
What, ring every hotel in London and ask if Dan Miller's booked in?

Malcolm Tucker:
Yeah! Although he could be using an assumed name...

Glenn Cullen:
So, you want me ring round every hotel in London and ask if anyone of any name has booked in?

Malcolm Tucker:
Keep you busy! You know, you have to keep the mind active at your age. [to Ollie] You! Walk my way. I need you to go over there for me. I need you at that hotel.

Oliver Reeder:
You wanna to have a loop.

Malcolm Tucker:
F*** you, Andy-Pandy, I AM the loop. I want you in there for reason that will not become cleat to you for about 200 years so just do it. Specifically, see if any of Dan Miller's army are mincing in fish nettings and high heels. And I want updates every five.

Oliver Reeder:

Malcolm Tucker:
Oi, and listen, get onto your ex at the Mail, allright? Tell her no f***er is standing, it all evaporated like cat's piss on a hot tin roof. Ok, twat-weasel? You got that?

Oliver Reeder:
Yes, thank you. [walking away] Malcolm Tucker, an investor in people.

Malcolm Tucker:
Yes, I heard that! F*** you!

Malcolm Tucker:
[answering his cellphone] Terri, I think you've dialled the wrong number, this is not the Samaritans.

Terri Coverley:
Yes, very very funny. Listen, I've got something for you, a bit of intelligence. Jamie has got Cliff Lawton as his stalking horse.

Malcolm Tucker:
Who told you it was Lawton? Martha Karney's gardner?

Terri Coverley:
Malcolm, it was Robyn told me. [Tucker hangs up] Malcolm? Are you there?

[cut to Jamie and Cliff] Nobody gives a sh*t if you got shuffted by Malcolm.

Cliff Lawton:
I will never ever forgive him for what he did to me.

Jesus, this isn't Eastenders! This is politics! We're all in the same playing pit, Cliff, there's no clean hands.

Cliff Lawton:

[phone rings. Jamie answers] Yeah?

Malcolm Tucker:
Jamie... What's that sort of droning noise in the background there? What, kind of boring, kind of low, sort of droning, boring, kind of miserable, whining, kind of, sort of boring noise going on?

Yeah, well you've got it wrong, yeah?

Malcolm Tucker:
Cliff f***ing Lawton. Hey, nice. Was the Cillit Bang guy not availabe?

F*** you. [hangs up]

Cliff Lawton:
[reading from his speech] "... to put it simply, I'm back!"

Oh f*** off, Cliff!

Cliff Lawton:

F*** off! You're a busted flush! You're not gonna be any Prime Minister, you're not gonna be anything, so f*** off!

Cliff Lawton:
That's your thing, isn't it? Everything has to be in absolutes, everything has to be black and white. You know, "I love you -f*** off". There are lots of shades of grey, you know!

I know that, I'm looking at fifteen of them right now!

It's show time! Can Teflon Tucker save the Nutters or will Dan Miller rip his sculp off and use it as an oven glove?

Nick Hanway:
[Ben and Nick coming down the stairs] Guys! Is he here? Dan's not arrived yet, is he?

Malcolm Tucker:
Laurel and f***ing Hardy! Glad you could join us. Did you manage to get that piano up the stairs ok, yeah?

Oh, ladies and gentlemen, put your hands together for The Right Honourable Dan Miller, MP!

Dan Miller:
Oh, the reception committee. What a turn out. And they say no one is interested in politics. Malcolm.

Malcolm Tucker:

Dan Miller:

Nick Hanway:

Dan Miller:

Ben Swain:

Dan Miller:

God, enough with the pleasensies here, let's just oil up and get f***ing, yeah?

Malcolm Tucker:
I'm looking forward to today.

Dan Miller:
Today should be very interesting.

Malcolm Tucker:
I just wonder what are you actually gonna be saying on Today.

Dan Miller:
On the Today program? Well I'll be saying that I'll be fully endorsing Tom. Tom's my guy and he always has been.

Nick Hanway:
Really? Is that it? No buts, no elephant traps?

Dan Miller:
No, no. Tom and I came to an arrangement about an hour or so ago.

Malcolm Tucker:
Well, my work here is done.

Nick Hanway:
Why wasn't I told?

[Jamie does a flying movement with his hand, complete with whistling. Nick looks at him in puzzlement] It's the sound of you flying out of the loop head first into a huge mound of shite.

Nick Hanway:
So this whole evening has just been a waste of time. [Jamie does the flying thing again] Yeah, yeah, I got it, got it.

Dan Miller:
Yes, yes, that's pretty much it. That's why I went home, had a good night's sleep. Oh, by the way, Malcolm, Tom said to liaise with you on the press and...

Malcolm Tucker:
Yes, yes, offfcourse, yeah... [Tucker recieves a message on his beeper] Oh, God. Oh, I've been summoned to the breakfast meeting, to talk to Tom about this morning, some details about Claire Ballentine maybe, Geoff Holhurst, young Benjamin here.

Nick Hanway:
F*** you very much, you unscrupulous bastard.

Malcolm Tucker:
So how's the rebrand going?

Nick Hanway:
Ok. We've booked him for a photo op on Tuesday, he's taking the family to a harvester.

Malcolm Tucker:
Oh, Jesus Christ. Really? "Have you been to a harvester before, Prime Minister?" "No, in fact I've never been actually out of the f***ing house with my family before".

Nick Hanway:
Anyway, look, do you know the name of the guy who's booked to go on Today in the morning?

Malcolm Tucker:
Sure, yeah... Do YOU know?

Nick Hanway:
Yeah, we've just found out. So, you know who it is.

Malcolm Tucker:
Offcourse I know! There's nothing that you know that I don't know. I'm Doctor f***ing Know.

Nick Hanway:
Who is it?

Malcolm Tucker:
Are you testing me now? 'Cause I could test you and we could have a big match of testostothone. I mean how do I know that you've got the f***ing name anyway?

Nick Hanway:
Because Hugo at Today told us.

Malcolm Tucker:

Nick Hanway:
So what name have you got?

Malcolm Tucker:
[long pause] Dan Miller!

Nick Hanway:
Oh, ok, so you do know...

Malcolm Tucker:
'course I f***ing do...

Nick Hanway:
Look, Tom's announcing his team in the morning and I got to to stop Dan Miller from announcing his team two hours before we announce ours, so if you wanna get on the bus...

Malcolm Tucker:
That is my mission. You, mister Nutty-Bar, have given me a task. Jesus Christ! Who the f*** does Tom think he is?

Nick Hanway:
The next Prime Minister of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Malcolm.

[Turning to leave]

Malcolm Tucker:
Nick. Tell mighty f***ing Tom that his transition will be as smooth as a Brazilian's fudd.

[Jamie comes into the office] Oh, Trinny and Susannah! I'm sorry to burst into your little f***ing boutique, but you've got a fight on your hands! That's all I'm saying, I'm backing a rival candidate, so f*** you and f*** you and your Nutter coronation 'cause it ain't happening!

Nick Hanway:
You're backing Dan Miller, are you?

No, I'm not backing Dan Miller, don't you f***ing ever ask me a question again!

Robyn Murdoch:
The Mail's got hold of a story about Ben being racist to a cleaner and saying racist things!

Terri Coverley:
Yeah, and they're gonna run with a headline "Uncle Tom's Cabinet", which is gonna be a really big problem for us, actually, because it's a very very good headline!

Ben Swain:
I'm not a racist! I'm so not a racist! One of my best friends is an Asian! No, I know that sounds...

Malcolm Tucker:
[to Jamie] You! That's it! I'm not standing for that! It's over! You're f***ing a dead man walking!

You think I leaked this?

Malcolm Tucker:
What do you think I am, seven years old?

Kiss my bollocks, this has got nothing to do with me! [to Ollie] It was you!

Oliver Reeder:
No, it wasn't f***ing me! Why would it be me? I thought we'd be working together in the new administration!

Glenn Cullen:
The new administration! Listen to the First Lady!

Oliver Reeder:
Shut up, Glenn. Shut up.

I've got it! [about Robyn] It was f***ing Johnny Mitchel here, it was her!

Robyn Murdoch:
I've leaked nothing!

What are you talking about?

Robyn Murdoch:
Other than the incidental leak, obviously.

Malcolm Tucker:
[to Jamie] I know it was you. You're a pint pot Judas.

It wasn't me!

Malcolm Tucker:
A pint pot Judas!

I'm five foot ten!

Malcolm Tucker:
Well, you don't feel that.

Glenn Cullen:
Malcolm. It wasn't him. It was me.

Oh, f*** off.

Oliver Reeder:
No way. No way.

Glenn Cullen:
I've been leaking for 27 years, I know how it's done. I leaked!

Oliver Reeder:
You don't leak! Well, not from the mouth, anyway.

Malcolm Tucker:
Just f***ing shut up. At least this is Hugh's Glenn. All you are, mate, is f***ing Ben's Glenn.

Malcolm Tucker:
You've got that bullshit Watford story covered, yeah?


Malcolm Tucker:
You and I will have a little discussion later!

I think Watford will get bumped by the fact that we're about to hand the nuclear codes to a guy who, every now and then, loses it so bad he needs SatNav to find his own nipples.

Malcolm Tucker:
What are you talking about?

I just thought it was fair to let everyone know about the Tom rumors, you know. How the guy who's about to become Prime Minister chuggs antidepressant like they're f***ing Smints. How the black dog humps his leg and shits in his duvet every four months! I think that they'll bump the Watford walkout.

Malcolm Tucker:
You gone f***ing psycho, son. F***ing psycho. Twat!

Malcolm Tucker:
[cut to Number 10, Nick and Malcolm are both on the phone] The leader of the Nutters is a nutter! Jesus , my niece is funnier than that, she just makes jokes about poo! No, I don't think that they will run with it because it's liveless. It's just as liveless as the Hugh Edwards rumor. Look, it's not my jurisdiction anyway, Nick Hanway looks after Tom, not me. Thanks, bye!

Nick Hanway:
Oh you're not dealing with this then?

Malcolm Tucker:
Yes I am dealing with it, but oficially you're dealing with it, because I don't wanna step on any toes.

Nick Hanway:
Everyone gets down now and again, don't they? Loads of people take antidepressants, millions.

Malcolm Tucker:
Yeah, your potential Prime Minister, for one.

Nick Hanway:
Oh, "your" potential Prime Minister, not "ours".

Malcolm Tucker:
Oh look, don't start with the f***ing semantics sh*t again. You know what I call "semantics"? Wank!

Nick Hanway:
So, what do you say, we bury it?

Malcolm Tucker:
Are you asking me to manage this?

Nick Hanway:
Tom's not sure about you.

Malcolm Tucker:
Yeah, Tom's enormously mental in the head, that's what we've just been discussing.

Malcolm Tucker:
You and me, Ollie, hey? I just realised that we're on the same boat, yeah? I mean, obvioulsy, I'm up on the bridge with the binoculars and the Richard Gere gear on, you're down in the engine room trying not to get bum-raped by a bunch of big lads with shovels, but, essentially, it's the same boat!

Oliver Reeder:
Sorry, what boat is... are we discussing?

Malcolm Tucker:
The thing is, people like you and I, Ollie, we need time, right?

Oliver Reeder:

Malcolm Tucker:
We need time to ease the transition from one regime to the next. And I've been hearing from a very nasty, very baldie little bug that we might not be getting the time that we need to make the alliances that we need to ease the transition.

Oliver Reeder:
Ok, so...

Malcolm Tucker:
I want the Opposition to make an announcement for me.

Oliver Reeder:
The Opposition?

Malcolm Tucker:
Yeah. I want them to announce the hiving off of immigration to a non-political executive body.

Oliver Reeder:
That's... that's the PM's legacy!

Malcolm Tucker:

Oliver Reeder:
But the Opposition... It's different party, Malcolm. I can't make them do things, even YOU can't make them do things.

Malcolm Tucker:
Where's all this education? Where does it normally go when it comes to this kind of moment?

Oliver Reeder:
I understand that it's [puts up one hand] this party and [puts up the other hand] this party and we're [indicates hands] this party and they're this party, and therefore how can I influence that?

Malcolm Tucker:
You take [puts up his hands the way Ollie did] this and this and you put it onto your bird's breasts, and you rub them and squeeze them very very gently, you get her into the sack, you bang her f***ing brains out, you make sure that she comes and you just give her the policy!

Oliver Reeder:
But I... I chucked her. In a kind of 'it's not you' it's me' sort of... but it IS you, you hideous, vacuous, slow b*tch from hell!

Malcolm Tucker:
I'm really not interested at all in your little tiff. Get round her, take your Barry White album and your lube and your f***ing policy folder!

Oliver Reeder:
Malcolm, this is really crossing the line!

Malcolm Tucker:
Don't start with the moral objections, you f***ing Blue Peter badge wearing ponce! Go and make a contribution to the f***ing Amnesty International! Go and buy a goat a whole village can f***, but you are doing this for me!

Oliver Reeder:
Malcolm! You're bullying me, and I dunno why you're bullying me...

Malcolm Tucker:
How dare you! How dare you! Don't you ever, EVER, call me a bully! I'm so much worse than that.

Malcolm Tucker:
[to Ben] I want you to announce a policy for me. And I want you take the full credit and be the face of it.

Ben Swain:
This is an overture, then, Malcolm. You coming round to the Nutter way of thinking? You bailing out on the PM?

Malcolm Tucker:
No, no, offcourse not.

Ben Swain:
What's your policy? What's your idea?

Malcolm Tucker:
Taking immigration out of political control.

Oliver Reeder:
Hang on, you're giving it to him now, are you?

Malcolm Tucker:
I'm gonna bang you on Newsnight, right? And you are gonna fly this time, my friend. You are gonna light up the sky! Where's your phone? Give us your phone.

Ben Swain:
I'm not... Newsnight? How are we gonna pay for it? They'll ask me that, how're we gonna pay for this?

Malcolm Tucker:
Ollie, where's the money coming from?

Oliver Reeder:
We can just cancel something that's already on the slate, maybe?

Ben Swain:
Brilliant, I'll say that, that'll be great, thank you, Carole Vorderman.

Oliver Reeder:
Well, why don't we say that we're wrapping up the citizenship program with this. I mean, it won't end up, but then they'll find it very hard to prove because we never actually said how much citizenship costs in the first place.

Malcolm Tucker:
That'll do. Ok. This. Is. It. This is it!

Ben Swain:
No, hold on, I've got to have a think about it! No, don't wave my phone at me, that's not gonna help!

Oliver Reeder:
He's doing the blinky thing again.

Malcolm Tucker:
Right, if you're not gonna go on, I'm gonna get [points to Ollie] this giggling streak of piss to go on to Newsnight, I don't even f***ing care! Let it be his chinless, sulky little face that everyone sees for the whole of the next week!

Ben Swain:
Oh... F*** it, I'll do it!

Malcolm Tucker:
[on the phone, talking about the "Silly Tucker" article] The story isn't me, Glenn, ok? Nobody is interested in me and I'll be pleased if you would remember that, ok?

Glenn Cullen:
You sure you don't want me and Hugh to come back, we could give you some cover?

Malcolm Tucker:
Hugh is not coming back, it will look like we're panicking and we're not panicking, but I need you back here f***ing ASAP to let them know that we're not panicking!

Glenn Cullen:
So you want me to interrupt my holiday in a panic so Hugh doesn't have to interrupt his holiday and look like he's panicking?

Malcolm Tucker:
You get back here! I wanna see you popping a bollock for me! [hangs up. Jamie comes into the office with the article]

You seen this?

Malcolm Tucker:
No, I haven't seen that. I'm the senior press guy for the government of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. No, I don't look at the newspapers, that's f***ing news to me!

Allright, allright, what are we doing?

Malcolm Tucker:
What are we doing? F*** all, we're not doing nothing, because I am not the story here!

You kind of are the story, Malcolm. They spelled your name right and everything.

Malcolm Tucker:
Look, I'm not doing nothing. Not drawing attention to it!

I'm not drawing attention to it.

Malcolm Tucker:
You're drawing MY attention to it! [Jamie looks at the article] Stop looking at it!

Allright, allright, we'll stay frozen to the f***ing phone, we'll send the media to Coventry, that will help.

Malcolm Tucker:
That WILL help, that is the way I wanna play it, ok? I'm going for a walk.

A walk?

Malcolm Tucker:
Yeah, what, I don't need your f***ing permission to go for a walk!


Malcolm Tucker:
I can go for a walk?

Yeah, I just never seen you going for a walk before.

Malcolm Tucker:
How do you think I get in here in the morning? How do I get from the front door to here, I f***ing walk, don't I?

Yeah, but you don't go FOR a walk.

Malcolm Tucker:
I'm away for a walk!

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    D Back to the Future