That '70s Show

That '70s Show

Set in the mood ring and polyester era of the 1970s, the programme is a retro-hip situation comedy about an eclectic group of friends on the verge of adulthood. The group live in the suburbs of Wisconsin, where they yearn for independence amid the growing pains of becoming adults.

Genre: Comedy

Steven Hyde:
Guys, can we do something besides cruise? That's the third time tonight we've driven by that house.

Michael Kelso:
I know what we could do. We could go skinny dipping. [everyone looks at him] Naked! That's the way God intended.

Jackie Burkhardt:
No way.

Michael Kelso:
Why not? It'd be fun.

Donna Pinciotti:
Sure, it's fun for you guys, 'cause you can look at us, and that's a treat. But we just look at you. And that's nasty.

So, you don't want to do it?

Donna Pinciotti:
Well... I don't care. I'll do it.

You... Okay, I'm in.

Naked is dirty. [singing] Dirty, dirty, dirty. Dirty, dirty, dirty.

Dirty, dirty, dirty. Dirty, dirty, dirty. Dirty, dirty, dirty.

Jackie Burkhardt:
[the screen flips. Everyone is in the car, naked] This was such a great idea, Michael. This was so much fun. Oh, wait, except for the part when our clothes got stolen, you idiot!

Steven Hyde:
By the way, Fez, nice tattoo, man.

Thank you. It is the Blessed Virgin of Yorba Linda. Do you want to see her dance?


Guys, we need a plan. I'm not driving up to the house with a car full of naked people. Red hates you guys when you're dressed.

Steven Hyde:
We can go to my house.

Michael Kelso:
Yeah, your mom's used of having naked guys around.

Steven Hyde:
She's not even home, you moron! [Hyde punches Kelso on the shoulder]

Put on the top forty. [Fez reaches over for the radio]

Steven Hyde:
Whoa, sit down, Fez! I see London, I see Besticle!

Well, what do you want me to do about it?

Steven Hyde:
I don't know. Tuck it in!

Michael Kelso:
You owe me money.

Jackie Burkhart:
Michael, your uncle gave you that van for free.

Michael Kelso:
Yeah? Well, I put a lot of money into that van. The... shag carpeting, uh... eight track, strobe light, black light, red light.

Jackie Burkhart:
I hate you!

Michael Kelso:
Well, I hate you more!

Jackie Burkhart:
I hate you most!

Michael Kelso:
Well, I hate you the... damn it!

Steven Hyde:
All right. All right. Let's just act like adults and treat this like what it really is - a divorce.

Oh, Jackie, you get custody of me.

Steven Hyde:
All right. Let's just figure out what you guys owe each other.

Jackie Burkhart:
Fine. I'm not afraid. I'm right, and he's a total moocher.

Michael Kelso:
I'm not afraid either. There are laws to protect a man and his van.

Steven Hyde:
For instance, the Man-Van Act of 1847.

Michael Kelso:

Steven Hyde:
[takes a notepad and starts writing] All right. All right. Jackie... in your opinion, what are the goods and services that Kelso owes you for?

Jackie Burkhart:
Everything. He was a total doofus before I met him. In fact, I bought you that belt. So hand it over. And the shirt too.

Michael Kelso:
Fine. You know, this shirt has bad memories of you buying me stuff anyway.

[Kelso takes off his shirt and gives it to Jackie]

[takes the notepad from Hyde] Here. Let me do the math. Okay. Now, Kelso... uh, Kelso owes Jackie the price for breaking her beautiful heart and stealing her innocence. Now, Kelso, what do you believe Jackie owes you?

Michael Kelso:
Well... uh... w... one time I told her that she looked pretty when really she looked pretty skanky.

[angrily, Jackie slaps Kelso on his bare chest]

Michael Kelso:
And... and... Hyde, help me out here.

Steven Hyde:
Okay. Let me think. Oh. Don't forget he burned your house.

Michael Kelso:

Steven Hyde:
Dude, you burned her house.

Michael Kelso:
Man, I wish Jackie would loosen up. She's throwing a great party down here and she's missing it.

Kelso, you don't get it, huh? This party meant the world to Jackie, and you crapped on it.

Steven Hyde:
Alright, ease up on Kelso, huh?

Michael Kelso:
Thanks, Hyde.

Steven Hyde:
[sarcastically] Yeah, so you did something horrible, but it's Jackie, so who cares?

Michael Kelso:
No wait, what are you saying?

I'm saying you burned her man, royally. Nice job.

Michael Kelso:
But no, man, I didn't want to burn her. I invited all these people to her party so it would be fun, to make it good.

She didn't want a good party, she wanted her party.

Michael Kelso:
You know what? You're right Fez. Alright, this party's over. Everybody out!

Eric Forman:
No, Kelso, what are you saying man? Think!

Michael Kelso:
You know what guys? For the first time in my life, I think I am thinking.

[Kelso throws his lit cigar in the trashcan]

Michael Kelso:
You know I'm in danger of ruining the greatest thing that's ever happened to me and I am not going to let that happen.

[Eric, Hyde and Fez bend forward to look at the trashcan erupting into flames]

Steven Hyde:

Michael Kelso:
Do not interrupt me, this is important! From now on, I'm going to put Jackie's needs first and she's going to be so proud of me!

[Hyde points to the trashcan. Kelso finally notices the fire]

Michael Kelso:

[Kelso foolishly pours his brandy on the fire in an attempt to put it out. Naturally, the alcoholic drink nourishes the fire]

Michael Kelso:
Whoa man, this is a rager! Give me your brandies!

[Kelso grabs their glasses and pours more brandy on the fire]

Michael Kelso:
Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!

Okay, guys. Road trip checklist. Car: Check. Okay. We're good.

Is there anything about Canada we need to know before we get there?

Steven Hyde:
Well, the beer is stronger, and as a result, their women look prettier.

Then let's haul ass to Canada!

Okay. Shh. Fez. If my dad finds out that we're going to Canada uh, for beer, no less, he's gonna start killing people, okay? People like us. So keep it down.

Michael Kelso:
[Runs up to the guys] All right! Canada! Whoo-hoo! Beer! [blows his horn]

Kelso, you're not going.

Michael Kelso:
What? Why not?

Steven Hyde:
Because this is a risky mission and you tend to screw these things up.

Michael Kelso:
That is a damnable lie!

Okay. Kelso, remember that time we were gonna put a flaming bag of dog poop in front of Principal Pridwell's door, and you lit it in the car on the way over?

Michael Kelso:
Yeah, I wanted to see it all flamey.

And then you panicked and stepped on it.

Michael Kelso:
Eric, it was on fire!

Okay, You're not going.

Michael Kelso:
No, no, no. Fine. I won't use the air horn, and I'll pay for the gas and the beer

I can't stay mad at you... Come on, you big lug.

[already sitting in the backseat of the car] Hey, dudes.

Steven Hyde:
Leo, man, what are you doin' here?

Sittin'. What are you doin' here?

Steven Hyde:
We're goin' to Canada to buy beer.

Canada? Cool, man. I spent some time up there during 'Nam.

Oh, conscientious objector, huh?

No. I didn't mind. Hey, a road trip sounds good, man, but I don't want nothin' to do with that beer. That stuff will mess with your mind, man.

[Hyde, Jackie and Fez are listening to Kelso]

Michael Kelso:
Okay, Jackie. There are some things I haven't been honest about that I feel like you should know.

Jackie Burkhart:
[nods] Okay.

[Jackie looks at Hyde and Fez]

Jackie Burkhart:
Why are they here?

Michael Kelso:
Well, Hyde helpfully pointed out that it's not really honesty unless your friends are allowed to watch.

[Hyde smiles]

Michael Kelso:
So, anyway, I made a list.

Steven Hyde:
[to Jackie] The list was my idea.

Michael Kelso:
Thank you for that, Hyde. Okay, so let's just get started. Um, that picture you saw of me in kindergarten? Those weren't puffy pants. It was a big boy diaper.

[Hyde and Fez chuckle. Some time later:

Michael Kelso:
...and that time you came out of the shower, and you thought you saw a flash? I did take your picture. This one time you asked me if you had anything in your teeth? And you did, but I said no, 'cause it's funnier that way.

[Hyde is enjoying. Jackie's expression becomes more and more sour. Some time later:

Michael Kelso:
...when we were about to fool around, and I said that I washed my hands? But really I just got done playing with like six dogs.

[Jackie looks at Hyde, who barely suppresses his laughter. Fez looks disgusted]

Michael Kelso:
But that's not as bad...

Jackie Burkhart:
[sharply] All right, Michael, stop! Okay, Michael, I think we need to work on selective honesty.

[disgusted] Yes, that and basic hygiene. Seriously, good God, man.

[Fez leaves]

Jackie Burkhart:
Okay, Michael, unless one of your secrets involves kissing a girl, I don't need to know about it.

[Jackie walks to the door]

Michael Kelso:
Okay. All right.

Michael Kelso:
[to Hyde] Oh, science fact. Dogs are cleaner than humans.

[Kelso and Jackie leave]

[Hyde and Jackie are sitting on the back of her car at night. Hyde takes a swallow of his pop. Jackie looks at him and smiles]

Jackie Burkhart:
This is the best date ever.

Jackie, we haven't talked in 30 minutes.

Jackie Burkhart:
That's okay. Steven, you don't have to say anything. I understand you.

[sneers] Oh, you do, do you?

Jackie Burkhart:
Sure. Ok, so you're probably sitting there thinking "I'm on this date with this girl who really, really likes me... and, and she's so beautiful that..."


[Jackie puts her finger to Hyde's lips to silence him]

Jackie Burkhart:
Shhh... and you're wondering "How can I open up to her, when everyone I have ever loved have abandoned me. Am I even worthy of love?". Well... you are, Steven. You are.

[Hyde looks at her for a moment, then covers his eyes and seems to start crying. Jackie puts her arm around him for comfort]

Jackie Burkhart:
It's OK, Steven, it's OK. You know what, let it out. Let it all out.

[in whimpering voice] OK.

Jackie Burkhart:
It's OK.

[Hyde lifts his face to reveal he wasn't really crying, and blows raspberry in her face. Jackie calmly wipes the spit off her cheek, and then jumps off the car]

Jackie Burkhart:
Let's go home!

Oh c'mon, I'm kidding! No, this is, this is alright. We can hang out here for awhile, ok? God...

[Jackie walks around the car and joins Hyde again, smiling. Hyde offers her soda]

Here, have some of my pop.

Jackie Burkhart:
[takes the soda] sure.

[Jackie smiles at Hyde, gets closer to him, takes his arm and puts it around her shoulder]


[Jackie takes a sip from the soda]

[Jackie and Kelso sit at the Hub]

Jackie Burkhart:
Michael, do you think I'm immature?

Michael Kelso:
No, you're almost fully grown.

Jackie Burkhart:
Well... Steven thinks so. Apparently, I'm immature, and that skank in the leather jacket is what? Cool? Well, I can be cool, people can change. Olivia Newton-John did it for John Travolta, and that movie was totally realistic.

[Jackie's daydream:
she and Donna enter the Hub. Jackie wears the same black tight outfit that Olivia Newton-John wore at "You're The One That I Want" song scene in the movie "Grease". The guys are playing the arcade machine. Eric, Kelso and Fez turn around]

Eric Forman:
[bites his hand] Wow!

Michael Kelso:
[shakes his hand] Yowza!

[smiles, rubbing his belly] Yummy!

[Hyde turns around. He takes off his sunglasses, astonished to see Jackie - similarly to Danny Zuko's reaction when he saw how Sandy changed]

Steven Hyde:

Jackie Burkhart:
Tell me about it, Steve.

[the music of "You're The One That I Want" plays in the background. The gang starts dancing]

Steven Hyde:
[in John Travolta's voice] I got chills, they're multiplyin', and I'm losin' control, for the power you're supplyin', it's electrifyin'...

Jackie Burkhart:
[in Olivia Newton-John's voice] You better shape up, 'cause I need a man, and my heart is set on you. You better shape up, you better understand, to my heart I must me true...

Steven Hyde:
[in John Travolta's voice] Nothin' left, nothin' left for me and you...

Jackie Burkhart, Steven Hyde:
You're the one that I want, ooh, ooh, ooh, honey. The one that I want, ooh, ooh, ooh, honey. The one that I want, ooh, ooh, ooh. The one I need. Oh, yes, indeed...

[Hyde hugs Jackie. The music fades]

Steven Hyde:
[in his normal voice] Oh, Jackie, you're so much cooler than that skank I was with before. Please take me back, 'cause we belong together like Bop-booba-loo-ba, sha-walla, sha-bang, sha-bang...

[Jackie and Hyde kiss passionately. The gang is overjoyed that the two are back together]

Michael Kelso:
Ah! The whole gang is back together again.

[Fez kisses Eric on his cheek]

Eric Forman:
Yes, they did it!

Donna Pinciotti:
This is so great for the whole...

[end of Jackie's daydream]

Kitty Forman:
[sympathetic] Oh, your dad's havin' a hard time without your mom, isn't he?

Reginald "Red" Forman:
[looks sideways from his paper] Midge was the brains of that outfit? [cackles] Oh I'm - I'm sorry, Donna.

Eric Forman:
[opens the door to the kitchen; enters] Sorry about what?

Reginald "Red" Forman:
You, uh, get Donna bread and cheese.

Eric Forman:
[confused] Okay.

Donna Pinciotti:
[strokes dress Kitty is ironing as Eric is behind her getting bread and cheese] Oh, this is a really nice dress.

Kitty Forman:
I know; isn't it fancy? [laughs] It's for the Pricemart Ball tomorrow night.

Eric Forman:
Oh, right. The Pricemart Ball.

Kitty Forman:
[sitting next to Red, who is back to reading his paper] So, who are you takin'? Who's the lucky lady?

Eric Forman:
[holding bread; waving it sometimes for emphasis] Well, I decided not to go. Personal choice.

Reginald "Red" Forman:
[not looking up from paper] You don't have a date, do ya?

Eric Forman:
[Walking over, Donna mirroring his direction] Okay. You know what? It's not about "can I get a date?" It's about this great book that I'm like, halfway through. Plus, you know, I could get a date. [Red laughs once] I got numbers, Buddy.

Kitty Forman:
Sure you do, Honey. You're number 1 with me! [laughs hysterically]

Reginald "Red" Forman:
[looking up from paper] You're goin' tomorrow night. And you'd better not go stag, Eric. There's nothing worse than an 80-pound boy dancing with his mommy all night. [Eric slightly rolls his eyes]

Donna Pinciotti:
You know what? [clears throat and takes Eric's arm to turn him to her] I'll go. I told you I would, like, months ago.

Eric Forman:
But that was before the... ugliness.

Donna Pinciotti:
[ever-so-slightly dramatic] Eric, I'm over it. [voice of realization; uppity] Hey, I'm over it! Oh, I'm - I'm over it. [Eric's eyes dart to and fro] Plus, I mean, last year, they had all-you-can-eat shrimp.

Eric Forman:
Well, I mean, [snorts] you know, I'm over it. Hey, I'm over it. Yeah, I'm over it. I was just worried that you might think it was weird, us going out on a date, so, I mean, you know, the - the concern lay with you.

Donna Pinciotti:
[amused] Eric, it's not a date!

Eric Forman:
It's not. I know. I know it's not a date. It's not a date. It's a... shrimp fest. It's a festival of shrimp, if you will.

Donna Pinciotti:
[nods, laughing] Exactly!

Eric Forman:

Donna Pinciotti:
[still amused] I'll see you tomorrow night.

Eric Forman:
[laughing] Okay. [Donna leaves out the kitchen exit and Eric looks after her]

Kitty Forman:
See, now, look. My little prince is going to the ball. [smiles at Red and then goes back to her task; cut to credits]

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