Found 2,306 movies starting with L:


L!fe Happens (2011)L'accompagnatrice (1992)
L'âge atomique (2012)L'âge d'or (1930)
L'aile ou la cuisse (1976)L'alcova (1985)
L'alpagueur (1976)L'altro inferno (1981)
L'amant (1992)L'amico di famiglia (2006)
L'amore nascosto (2007)L'Amour the Merrier (1957)
L'année dernière à Marienbad (1961)L'anticristo (1974)
L'app (1995)L'appartement (1996)
L'arciere di fuoco (1971)L'argent (1983)
L'argent de poche (1976)L'armée des ombres (1969)
L'arnacoeur (2010)L'artist della notte (2009)
L'assassinat du Père Noël (1941)L'assassino è costretto ad uccidere ancora (…
L'auberge espagnole (2002)L'audition (2005)
L'aveu (1970)L'avocat de la terreur (2007)
L'avventura (1960)L'eclisse (1962)
L'école de la chair (1998)L'écume des jours (2013)
L'enfant (2005)L'enfant sauvage (1970)
L'enfant secret (1979)L'enfant secret (1982)
L'enfer (1994)L'ennemi public n°1 (2008)
L'ennui (1998)L'eroe di Babilonia (1963)
L'essayeuse (1976)L'heure d'été (2008)
L'histoire d'Adèle H. (1975)L'homme de nulle part (1937)
L'homme de sa vie (2006)L'homme du train (2002)
L'homme qui aimait les femmes (1977)L'homme qui danse (2007)
L'homme qui voulait vivre sa vie (2010)L'hôtel de la plage (1978)
L'image manquante (2013)L'important c'est d'aimer (1975)
L'impossible Monsieur Pipelet (1955)L'inconnu du lac (2013)
L'innocente (1976)L'insoumis (1964)
L'intouchable (2006)L'invincibile cavaliere mascherato (1963)
L'isola dei famosi (2003)L'occhio nel labirinto (1972)
L'ombre du doute (1993)L'ours (1988)
L'outremangeur (2003)L'uccello dalle piume di cristallo (1970)
L'ultimo dei Vikinghi (1961)L'ultimo gladiatore (1964)
L'ultimo treno della notte (1975)L'umanoide (1979)
L'uomo delle stelle (1995)L'uomo puma (1980)
L.627 (1992)L.A. 7 (2000)
L.A. Bounty (1989)L.A. Confidential (1997)
L.A. Doctors (1998)L.A. Goddess (1993)
L.A. Knights (2003)L.A. Law (1986)
L.A. Noire (2011)L.A. Proper (2007)
L.A. Story (1991)L.A. Twister (2004)
L.A. Vice (1989)L.I.E. (2001)
L33t Haxxors (2007)L: Change the World (2008)
La ardilla roja (1993)La Bamba (1987)
La banda J. & S. - Cronaca criminale del Far…La bandera (1935)
La bataille de San Sebastian (1968)La batalla de Chile: La lucha de un pueblo s…
La batalla de Chile: La lucha de un pueblo s…La batalla de Chile: La lucha de un pueblo s…
La battaglia di Algeri (1966)La belle captive (1983)
La belle endormie (2010)La belle et la bête (1946)
La belle et la bête (2014)La belle personne (2008)
La belva col mitra (1977)La bergère et le ramoneur (1952)
La bestia in calore (1977)La bête humaine (1938)
La Bohème (1926)La boulangère de Monceau (1963)
La caduta degli dei (Götterdämmerung) (1969)La cage aux folles (1978)
La calda vita (1964)La campana del infierno (1973)
La captive (2000)La cárcel de Bernarda Alba (2009)
La casa 3 (1988)La casa 4 (Witchcraft) (1988)
La casa con la scala nel buio (1983)La casa de Bernarda Alba (1987)
La casa de las sombras (1976)La casa del piacere (1994)
La casa del sorriso (1991)La casa sfuggita (2003)
La casa sperduta nel parco (1980)La cérémonie (1995)
La chasse à l'homme (1964)La chatte à deux têtes (2002)
La chèvre (1981)La chiave (1983)
La chica del Molino Rojo (1973)La chiesa (1989)
La chinoise (1967)La cicatrice intérieure (1972)
La Ciénaga (2001)La cigüeña distraída (1966)
La ciociara (1960)La cité des enfants perdus (1995)
La città delle donne (1980)La ciudad y los perros (1985)
La classe operaia va in paradiso (1971)La coda dello scorpione (1971)
La collectionneuse (1967)La collina degli stivali (1969)
La comtesse noire (1975)La comunidad (2000)
La concejala antropófaga (2009)La confiance règne (2004)
La congiura dei dieci (1962)La corte de Faraón (1985)
La cortigiana di Babilonia (1954)La course du lièvre à travers les champs (19…
La cripta e l'incubo (1964)La crise (1992)
La danza de la realidad (2013)La décade prodigieuse (1971)
La decima vittima (1965)La délicatesse (2011)
La dérade (2011)La diagonale du fou (1984)
La dialectique peut-elle casser des briques?…La distancia más larga (2013)
La Dolce Vita (1960)La double vie de Véronique (1991)
La doublure (2006)La escopeta nacional (1978)
La estrategia del caracol (1993)La Experiencia Barriga (2012)
La famille Passiflore (2001)La faute à Fidel! (2006)
La femme d'à côté (1981)La Femme Nikita (1997)
La Fiesta de Santa Barbara (1935)La figlia di Frankenstein (1971)
La fille coupée en deux (2007)La fin du jour (1939)
La fleur du mal (2003)La flûte à six schtroumpfs (1976)
La frusta e il corpo (1963)La fuerza cuatro (2013)
La gammick (1975)La gloire de mon père (1990)
La graine et le mulet (2007)La gran aventura de Mortadelo y Filemón (200…
La gran final (2006)La grande bellezza (2013)
La grande bouffe (1973)La Grande Illusion (1937)
La grande vadrouille (1966)La guerra del ferro: Ironmaster (1983)
La guerre du feu (1981)La Habanera (1937)
La habitación de Fermat (2007)La Haine (1995)
La historia del baúl rosado (2005)La historia oficial (1985)
La horripilante bestia humana (1969)La jet (1962)
La jetée (1962)La La Land (2016)
La leggenda del pianista sull'oceano (1998)La leggenda del Titanic (1999)
La leggenda di Al, John e Jack (2002)La leggenda di Kaspar Hauser (2012)
La legione dei dannati (1969)La lengua asesina (1996)
La ley de Herodes (1999)La ley del deseo (1987)
La linea (2009)La llamada (1965)
La luna (1979)La lune dans le caniveau (1983)
La mala Educación - Schlechte Erziehung (200…La maldición de Frankenstein (1973)
La maman et la putain (1973)La marche de l'empereur (2005)
La mariée était en noir (1968)La maschera del demonio (1960)
La matriarca (1968)La meglio giovent? (2003)
La Mia Mantia (2011)La migliore offerta (2013)
La misma luna (2007)La mission (2009)
La moitié d'un frère (2015)La Môme (2007)
La monja (2005)La mort en direct (1980)
La morte negli occhi del gatto (1973)La muerte viviente (1971)
La mujer de mi hermano (2005)La mujer murcielago (1968)
La niña del desierto (2010)La noche del 10 (2005)
La Notte (1961)La notte della Repubblica (1989)
La nuit américaine (1973)La nuit de Varennes (1982)
La nuit des étoiles filantes (1973)La otra conquista (1998)
La pasión turca (1994)La passion de Jeanne d'Arc (1928)
La perla (1947)La peste (1992)
La petite vie (1993)La pianiste (2001)
La piel que habito (2011)La piovra (1984)
La piovra 2 (1985)La piovra 3 (1987)
La piovra 4 (1989)La piovra 5 - Il cuore del problema (1990)
La pista bulgara (1994)La planète sauvage (1973)
La posesión de Emma Evans (2010)La presentadora (2009)
La princesse insensible (1983)La putain du roi (1990)
La que se avecina (2007)La ragazza che sapeva troppo (1963)
La raison du plus faible (2006)La regina degli elefanti (1997)
La regina delle Amazzoni (1960)La règle du jeu (1939)
La Regola del Piombo (2014)La Reina Soy Yo (2014)
La reine Margot (1994)La resa dei conti (1966)
La revanche d'Emmanuelle (1993)La révolution des crabes (2004)
La Révolution française (1989)La rivolta degli schiavi (1960)
La rivolta dei pretoriani (1964)La rose de fer (1973)
La rupture (1970)La Sagrada Solución (2015)
La salamandre (1971)La salvación (2008)
La sceneggiatura (2006)La science des rêves (2006)
La scimitarra del saraceno (1959)La scorta (1993)
La sfida dei giganti (1965)La sfida dei MacKenna (1970)
La signora senza camelie (1953)La Sirène du Mississipi (1969)
La sirène rouge (2002)La sonrisa de la Virgen (1958)
La sorella di Ursula (1978)La Soufrière - Warten auf eine unausweichlic…
La Strada (1954)La strada dei giganti (1960)
La strada per Forte Alamo (1964)La strana voglia (1991)
La stratégie de l'échec (2001)La svastica nel ventre (1977)
La symphonie pastorale (1946)La terra trema (1948)
La terza madre (2007)La tête d'un homme (1933)
La tête en friche (2010)La Tierra de la Madre (1994)
La tigre e la neve (2005)La tivù di Fellini (2003)
La tour montparnasse infernale (2001)La tregua (1997)
La tumba de los muertos vivientes (1982)La Valentina (1966)
La vall (1972)La vaquilla (1985)
La vendedora de rosas (1998)La vendetta dei gladiatori (1964)
La vendetta di Ercole (1960)La vendetta di Ursus (1961)
La venganza del sexo (1969)La Vénus à la fourrure (2013)
La vera storia della monaca di Monza (1980)La verdad en el espejo (2013)
La verdad oculta (2006)La veritaaaà (1982)
La vérité (1960)La victoire en chantant (1976)
La vie d'Adèle: Chapitre 1 et 2 (2013)La vie d'un honnête homme (1953)
La vie du Christ (1906)La vie et rien d'autre (1989)
La vie rêvée des anges (1998)La vie sexuelle des Belges 1950-1978 (1994)
La virgen de los sicarios (2000)La vita è bella (1997)
La voie lact (1969)La vuelta al mundo de Willy Fog (1981)
La vulka (2004)Laadla (1994)
Lab Rats (2008)Lab Rats (2012)
Laberinto de pasiones (1982)Labor Day (2013)
Labor Pains (2009)Labou (2008)
Labour of Love (2000)Labyrinth (1986)
Labyrinth (1999)Lace (1984)
Lace II (1985)Lackawanna Blues (2005)
Lacombe Lucien (1974)Ladder 49 (2004)
Ladies and Gentlemen, the Fabulous Stains (1…Ladies and the Champ (2001)
Ladies Courageous (1944)Ladies in Lavender (2004)
Ladies in Retirement (1941)Ladies Man (2000/I)
Ladies Night (2014)Ladies of Leisure (1930)
Ladies of the Chorus (1948)Ladies of the Jury (1932)
Ladies Please! (1995)Ladies Room (1990)
Ladies Room (1999/II)Ladies They Talk About (1933)
Ladies vs. Ricky Bahl (2011)Ladri di biciclette (1948)
Ladri di niente (2014)Ladri di saponette (1989)
Ladrón que roba a ladrón (2007)Ladrones a Domicilio (2008)
Lads Army (2002)Lady and Bread (2015)
Lady and the Tramp (1955)Lady and the Tramp II: Scamp's Adventure (20…
Lady Avenger (1988)Lady Behave! (1937)
Lady Bird (2017)Lady Blues (1996)
Lady by Choice (1934)Lady Caroline Lamb (1972)
Lady Chatterley (1993)Lady Chatterley's Lover (2015)
Lady Dragon 2 (1993)Lady Eve (1941)
Lady Fishbourne's Complete Guide to Better T…Lady for a Day (1933)
Lady from Shanghai (1947)Lady Gaga Presents: The Monster Ball Tour at…
Lady Gaga: Telephone (2010)Lady Gangster (1942)
Lady Godiva of Coventry (1955)Lady in a Cage (1964)
Lady in Cement (1968)Lady in Question (1999)
Lady in Red (1979)Lady in the Dark (1944)
Lady in the Death House (1944)Lady in the Lake (1947)
Lady in the Water (2006)Lady in White (1988)
Lady Jane (1986)Lady Killer (1933)
Lady Killers (2003)Lady Magdalene's (2008)
Lady of Burlesque (1943)Lady of the Night (1925)
Lady of the Tropics (1939)Lady Peacock (2014)
Lady Scarface (1941)Lady Scarface (2007)
Lady Sings the Blues (1972)Lady Susan: Missing Masterpiece by Jane Aust…
Lady Vanishes (1938)Lady Windermere's Fan (1925)
Lady with a Past (1932)Lady with Red Hair (1940)
Lady, Play Your Mandolin! (1931)Ladybird Ladybird (1994)
Ladybug Ladybug (1963)Ladybugs (1992)
Ladyhawke (1985)Ladykiller (1996)
Ladykillers (1955)Ladykillers (2004)
Lafayette Escadrille (1958)Lagaan: Once Upon a Time in India (2001)
Lage Raho Munna Bhai (2006)Lager SSadis Kastrat Kommandantur (1976)
Lagerfeld Confidential (2007)Laggies (2014)
Lágrimas de sangre (2009)Laguna Beach: The Real Orange County (2004)
Lai wong (1991)Laid (2011)
Laid Off (2010/I)Laid to Rest (2009)
LAID: Life as It's Dealt (2013)Laila (1929)
Lain ulkopuolella (1987)Lair of the White Worm (1988)
Laitakaupungin valot (2006)Lajanje na zvezde (1998)
Lake (1998)Lake Consequence (1993)
Lake Effects (2012)Lake Mungo (2008)
Lake Noir (2011)Lake of Fire (2006)
Lake Placid (1999)Lake Placid 2 (2007)
Lake Placid vs. Anaconda (2015)Lake Placid: The Final Chapter (2012)
Lake Without Words (2010)Lakeboat (2000)
Lakes (1997)Lakeshore Drive (2006)
Lakeview Terrace (2008)Lakewood Church (1999)
Lakomyy kusochek (2003)Lakota Girls (2015)
Lakota Woman: Siege at Wounded Knee (1994)Lakposhtha parvaz mikonand (2004)
Lakshmi (2006)Lakshya (2004)
Lal Baadshah (1999)Lalola (2007)
Lamb (2015/I)Lamb Chop's Play-Along (1992)
LambdaLambert & Stamp (2014)
Lambert the Sheepish Lion (1952)Lamerica (1994)
Lan tou He (1976)Lana's Rain (2002)
Lance McGrudder Directs the Bubbles Crew (20…Lancelot and Guinevere (1963)
Lancelot Link: Secret Chimp (1970)Lancer (1968)
Land and Freedom (1995)Land Before Time (1988)
Land Before Time II: The Great Valley Advent…Land Before Time III: The Time of the Great …
Land Before Time X: The Great Longneck Migra…Land Beyond the Law (1937)
Land Girls (1998)Land of Indians: A Story Before Vishwavijay …
Land of Plenty (2004)Land of the Blind (2006)
Land of the Dead (2005)Land of the Dead: A Day with the Living Dead…
Land of the Free: The Real Story (2016)Land of the Giants (1968)
Land of the Lost (1974)Land of the Lost (1991)
Land of the Lost (2009)Land of the Mayas (1946)
Land of the Open Range (1942)Land of the Pharaohs (1955)
Land of the Taj Mahal (1952)Land of the Zuider Zee (1951)
Land That Time Forgot (1975)Land Unknown (1957)
Landlady (1998)Landru (1963)
Lands of Lore: Guardians of Destiny (1997)Landspeed: CKY (1999)
Lange flate ball (2006)Langoliers (1995)
Langt fra Las Vegas (2001)Lano & Woodley: Goodbye (2006)
Lano & Woodley: The Island (2005)Lantana (2001)
Lao pao er (2015)Lap Dancing (1995)
Lapse (2012/I)Lapsia ja aikuisia - Kuinka niitä tehdään? (…
Lapwing (2015)Lara Croft Tomb Raider: Anniversary (2007)
Lara Croft Tomb Raider: Legend (2006)Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darknes…
Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Life (…Lara Croft: Tomb Raider (2001)
Laramie (1959)Laramie Project (2002)
Larceny (1948)Larceny (2004)
Larceny in Her Heart (1946)Larceny, Inc. (1942)
Laredo (1965)Larger Than Life (1996)
Largo Winch (2001)Largo Winch (2008)
Lark Rise to Candleford (2008)Larry & Steve (1996)
Larry and Vivien: The Oliviers in Love (2001)Larry Boy: The Cartoon Adventures (2002)
Larry Crowne (2011)Larry David: Curb Your Enthusiasm (1999)
Larry Flynt: The Right to Be Left Alone (200…Larry Keel: Beautiful Thing (2004)
Larry the Cable Guy's Christmas Spectacular …Larry the Cable Guy: Git-R-Done (2004)
Larry the Cable Guy: Health Inspector (2006)Larry the Cable Guy: Morning Constitutions (…
Larry-Boy and the Rumor Weed (1999)Larry-Boy! And the Fib from Outer Space! (19…
Lars and the Real Girl (2007)Las 4 bodas de Marisol (1967)
Las Bestias (2015)Las edades de Lul? (1990)
Las flores del vicio (1979)Las malas intenciones (2011)
Las Vega's (2013)Las Vegas (2003)
Las Vegas, 500 millones (1968)Laser Mission (1990)
Laser Moon (1992)Lashou shentan (1992)
Lasisyd (1959)Lásky jedné plavovlásky (1965)
LasseMajas detektivbyr (2006)Lassie (1994)
Lassie Come Home (1943)Lassiter (1984)
Last Action Hero (1993)Last Alchemist, or How Wynn Albright Got His…
Last American Virgin (1982)Last Best Sunday (1999)
Last Big Thing (1996)Last Boy Scout (1991)
Last Breath (2010/II)Last Brickmaker in America (2001)
Last Call (2002)Last Call (2009/VII)
Last Call (2010/I)Last Call (2010/III)
Last Castle (2001)Last Challenge (1967)
Last Chance Detectives: Mystery Lights of Na…Last Chance Harvey (2008)
Last Clear Chance (1959)Last Comic Standing (2003)
Last Conversation (2003)Last Dance (2012)
Last Day (1975)Last Days (2005)
Last Days of Chez Nous (1992)Last Days of Disco (1998)
Last Days of Frank and Jesse James (1986)Last Days of Frankie the Fly (1997)
Last Days of Pompeii (1935)Last Detail (1973)
Last Dinosaur (1977)Last Dragon (1985)
Last Embrace (1979)Last Emperor (1987)
Last Episode (1999)Last Exile (2003)
Last Exit (2003)Last Fling (1987)
Last Frontier (1955)Last Gasp (1995)
Last Gentleman (1934)Last Half of Darkness: Society of the Serpen…
Last Hard Men (1976)Last Holiday (1950)
Last Holiday (2006)Last Horror Film (1982)
Last Horror Movie (2003)Last Hours in Suburbia (2012)
Last House on the Left (1972)Last Hunt (1956)
Last Innocent Man (1987)Last Knights (2015)
Last Light (1993)Last Man on Earth (1964)
Last Man Standing (1996)Last Man Standing (1996/II)
Last Mile (1959)Last Minute (2001)
Last Movie (1971)Last Night (1998/I)
Last Night at the Alamo (1983)Last Night I Fell Again (2007)
Last Night of the Proms (2001)Last of Mrs. Cheyney (1929)
Last of Our Kind (2012)Last of the Blonde Bombshells (2000)
Last of the Comanches (1953)Last of the Dogmen (1995)
Last of the Fast Guns (1958)Last of the High Kings (1996)
Last of the Mohicans (1977)Last of the Mohicans (1992)
Last of the Red Hot Lovers (1972)Last of the Red-Hot Dragons (1980)
Last of the Ryans (1997)Last of the Summer Wine (1973)
Last of the Warrens (1936)Last Party 2000 (2001)
Last Passenger (2013)Last Picture Show (1971)
Last Place On Earth (2002)Last Race (2002)
Last Real Cowboys (2000)Last Remake of Beau Geste (1977)
Last Resort (2000)Last Ride (2004/I)
Last Ride of the Dalton Gang (1979)Last Rites (1999)
Last Rites (2006)Last Rites of the Dead (2006)
Last Run (1971)Last Samurai (2003)
Last Seduction (1994)Last Seen (2013/II)
Last Shot (2004)Last Stand (2000)
Last Stand at Saber River (1997)Last Star (2016)
Last Starfighter (1984)Last Stop (2000)
Last Summer (1969)Last Summer (2013)
Last Summer in the Hamptons (1995)Last Supper (1995)
Last Tango in Halifax (2012)Last Temptation of Christ (1988)
Last Thoughts (2006)Last Time I Committed Suicide (1997)
Last Time I Saw Paris (1954)Last Train from Gun Hill (1959)
Last Train to Freo (2006)Last Tycoon (1976)
Last Unicorn (1982)Last Vegas (2013)
Last Voyage (1960)Last Wagon (1956)
Last Waltz (1978)Last Warning (1939)
Last Way Out (1997)Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (2014)
Last Winter (1984)Last Woman on Earth (1960)
Last Word (2002)Last Words (2010)
Lat sau san taam (1992)Late Bloomers (1996)
Late for Dinner (1991)Late George Apley (1947)
Late Great Planet Earth (1979)Late Last Night (1999)
Late Lunch (1998)Late Night Poker (1999)
Late Night Shopping (2001)Late Night with Conan O'Brien (1993)
Late Night with Conan O'Brien: The Best of T…Late Night with David Letterman (1982)
Late Night with Jimmy Fallon (2009)Late Night with Seth Meyers (2014)
Late Phases (2014)Late Shift (1996)
Late Show (1977)Late Show with David Letterman (1993)
LateLine (1998)Later with Jools Holland (1992)
Latham Entertainment Presents (2003)Lathe of Heaven (1980)
Latin Lovers (1953)Latter Days (2003)
Lauderdale (1989)Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage (2005)
Laugh, Clown, Laugh (1928)Laugh-In (1967)
Laugh-In (1977)Laughing at Life (1933)
Laughing Boy (2000)Laughing Dead (1989)
Laughing Gravy (1931)Laughing Out Loud (2012)
Laughing Sinners (1931)Laughter in Paradise (1951)
Laughter on the 23rd Floor (2001)Laulu tulipunaisesta kukasta (1938)
Laura (1944)Laura Bow 2: The Dagger of Amon Ra (1991)
Laura's Happy Adventures (1998)Laura's Star (2004)
Lauras Stern (2004)Laure (1976)
Laurel Canyon (2002)Laurel-Hardy Murder Case (1930)
Lauren (2012)Laurence Anyways (2012)
Lavalantula (2015)Lavender Hill Mob (1951)
Laverne & Shirley (1976)Laverne & Shirley (1976)
Law & Order (1990)Law & Order: Criminal Intent (2001)
Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (1999)Law & Order: Trial by Jury (2005)
Law & Order: UK (2009)Law & Order (1990)
Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (1999)Law Abiding Citizen (2009)
Law and Disorder (1974)Law and Jake Wade (1958)
Law and Order (1953)Law and the Lady (1951)
Law Men (1944)Law of the Badlands (1945)
Law of the Canyon (1947)Law of the Lash (1947)
Law of the Pampas (1939)Law of the Plainsman (1959)
Law of the Tropics (1941)Law of the West (1932)
Lawless (2012)Lawless Breed (1953)
Lawless Frontier (1934)Lawman (1971)
Lawman of Simpsonville (2015)Lawn Dogs (1997)
Lawn Justice (2013)Lawnmower Man (1992)
Lawnmower Man 2: Beyond Cyberspace (1996)Lawrence of Arabia (1962)
Laws of Attraction (2004)Lay the Favorite (2012)
Layer Cake (2004)Layover (2001)
Lazarus (2018)Lazer Ghosts 2: Return to Laser Cove (2008)
Lazer Team (2015)Lazybones (1925)
LazyTown (2004)Le 7 fatiche di Alì Babà (1962)
Le ballon rouge (1956)Le battement d'ailes du papillon (2000)
Le big-Bang (1987)Le bison (et sa voisine Dorine) (2003)
Le bon fils (2001)Le bonheur (1965)
Le Bossu (1997)Le boucher (1970)
Le bourreau des innocents (2006)Le carrosse d'or (1952)
Le cas Pinochet (2001)Le Cercle Rouge (1970)
Le chagrin et la piti (1969)Le chagrin et la pitié (1969)
Le charme discret de la bourgeoisie (1972)Le château de ma mère (1990)
Le chevalier Tempête (1967)Le ciel sur la tête (2006)
Le clan des Siciliens (1969)Le coeur sur la main (1948)
Le colonel Chabert (1943)Le colt cantarono la morte e fu... tempo di …
Le comiche (1990)Le conseguenze dell'amore (2004)
Le corbeau (1943)Le corniaud (1965)
Le corps de mon ennemi (1976)Le coup du parapluie (1980)
Le couperet (2005)Le couteau dans la plaie (1962)
Le Déclic (1985)Le démantèlement (2013)
Le deportate della sezione speciale SS (1976)Le Dernier Combat (1983)
Le dernier métro (1980)Le diable probablement (1977)
Le dîner de cons (1998)Le divorce (2003)
Le fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain (2001)Le fantôme d'Henri Langlois (2004)
Le fantôme de la liberté (1974)Le fate ignoranti (2001)
Le fatiche di Ercole (1958)Le feu follet (1963)
Le gamin au vélo (2011)Le genou de Claire (1970)
Le grand appartement (2006)Le grand bleu (1988)
Le grand blond avec une chaussure noire (197…Le grand pardon (1982)
Le Grand Pardon II (1992)Le grand serpent du monde (1999)
Le grand tout (2015)Le Grand Voyage (2004)
Le Havre (2011)Le hérisson (2009)
Le huitième jour (1996)Le hussard sur le toit (1995)
Le joli mai (1963)Le jour se lève (1939)
Le journal d'une femme de chambre (1964)Le jugement de Dieu (1952)
Le lac des morts vivants (1981)Le locataire (1976)
Le magnifique (1973)Le maître de musique (1988)
Le Mans (1971)Le mari de la coiffeuse (1990)
Le mépris (1963)Le meraviglie (2014)
Le monde selon Bush (2004)Le monde selon Monsanto (2008)
Le notti del terrore (1981)Le notti di Cabiria (1957)
Le pacha (1968)Le pacte des loups (2001)
Le pacte du silence (2003)Le Pan prima della Pan (2015)
Le pass (2013)Le père Noël est une ordure (1982)
Le petit lieutenant (2005)Le Petit Soldat (1963)
Le Petomane (1979)Le peuple migrateur (2001)
Le placard (2001)Le plaisir (1952)
Le pont (2005)Le pornographe (2001)
Le proc (1962)Le procès (1962)
Le procès de Bobigny (2006)Le quai des brumes (1938)
Le rayon vert (1986)Le règne de la beauté (2014)
Le retour du grand blond (1974)Le salaire de la peur (1953)
Le samoura (1967)Le samouraï (1967)
Le scaphandre et le papillon (2007)Le secret des sélénites (1984)
Le Séducteur: un animal en voie de dispariti…Le sexe des étoiles (1993)
Le show (1999)Le soleil au-dessus des nuages (2001)
Le souffle au coeur (1971)Le spie vengono dal semifreddo (1966)
Le Squatch: Master Criminal (2011)Le Squatch: Master Criminal 2.0 (2014)
Le streghe (1967)Le survenant (2005)
Le temps de l'aventure (2013)Le temps qui reste (2005)
Le testament d'Orphée, ou ne me demandez pas…Le testament du Dr. Mabuse (1933)
Le vie del Signore sono finite (1987)Le viol du vampire (1968)
Le violon de Rothschild (1996)Le violon rouge (1998)
Le visiteur du futur (2009)Le voleur (1967)
Lead Balloon (2006)Leading Ladies (2010/I)
Leading to War (2008)League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (2003)
League of Gentlemen (1959)League of Gentlemen: Live at Drury Lane (200…
Leah (2011)Lean on Me (1989)
Leap of Faith (1992)Leap Year (1924)
Leap Year (2010)LeapFrog: A Tad of Christmas Cheer (2007)
Leapfrog: Adventures in Shapeville Park (201…LeapFrog: Learn to Read at the Storybook Fac…
LeapFrog: Let's Go to School (2009)Lear (1982)
Learning to Drive (2014)Leatherface: Texas Chainsaw Massacre III (19…
Leatherheads (2008)Leave (2011)
Leave Her to Heaven (1945)Leave It to Beaver (1997)
Leave It to Dad (2014)Leave It! (2002)
Leaves of Grass (2009)Leaving Eden (2012)
Leaving Las Vegas (1995)Leaving Metropolis (2002)
Leaving Normal (1992)Leben ausser Kontrolle (2004)
Lebensborn (1997)Lebenszeichen (1968)
Led Zeppelin: Celebration Day (2012)Lee Evans Live: The Different Planet Tour (1…
Lee Evans: Big Live at the O2 (2008)Lee Evans: Live from the West End (1995)
Lee Evans: Wired and Wonderful - Live at Wem…Lee Evans: XL Tour Live 2005 (2005)
Leech Woman (1960)Leeches! (2003)
Left 4 Dead (2008)Left 4 Dead 2 (2009)
Left Behind (2000)Left Behind II: Tribulation Force (2002)
Left Behind: World at War (2005)Left by the Ship (2010)
Left for Dead (2007/I)Left for Dead (2010)
Left in Darkness (2006)Left Luggage (1998)
Left Right Left (2013)Left to Blossom (2008)
Left Turn Yield (2007)Left Unspoken (2009)
Lefty-Right (2002)Legacy (1978)
Legacy of Kain: Defiance (2003)Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver (1999)
Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver II (2001)Legal Eagles (1986)
Legal Tender (1991)Legalese (1998)
Legally Blonde (2001)Legally Blonde (2007)
Legally Blonde 2: Red, White & Blonde (2003)Legally Blonde 2: Red, White & Blonde (2…
Legally Blonde 2: Red, White and Blonde (200…Legally Blonde: The Musical (2007)
Legally Blondes (2009)Legend (1985)
Legend Movie 2 (2011)Legend of Bagger Vance (2000)
Legend of Billie Jean (1985)Legend of Dragoon (1999)
Legend of Hell House (1973)Legend of Johnny Lingo (2003)
Legend of Lemnear: Kyokuguro no tsubasa baru…Legend of Lizzie Borden (1975)
Legend of the Bog (2009)Legend of the Boneknapper Dragon (2010)
Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hool…Legend of the Lone Ranger (1981)
Legend of the Lost (1957)Legend of the Lost Tribe (2002)
Legend of the Pearly Ivories (2008)Legend of the Sandsquatch (2006)
Legend of the Seeker (2008)Legend of the Werewolf (1975)
Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (1991)Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask (2000)
Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (1998)Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker (2002)
Legendary (2010)Legendary Nights (2003)
Legends (2006)Legends (2014)
Legends of Oz: Dorothy's Return (2013)Legends of the Fall (1994)
Legends of the Hidden Temple (1993)Legends of the Superheroes (1979)
Legends of the West (1992)Legends of Tomorrow (2016)
Leghorn Swoggled (1951)Legion (2010)
Legion and the Watcher (2005)Legion of Fire: Killer Ants! (1998)
Legion of Iron (1990)Legion of Super Heroes (2006)
Legion of the Dead (2005)Legionnaire (1998)
Legit (2013)Legless (2011)
Legmen (1984)Lego Act of Valor: Town of Defense (2014)
Lego Ahab and Jezebel (2010)Lego Batman 2: DC Super Heroes (2012)
Lego Batman 3: Beyond Gotham (2014)LEGO Batman: The Movie - DC Super Heroes Uni…
Lego Bionicle Online Animations (2014)Lego Dimensions (2015)
Lego Island (1997)Lego Jurassic World (2015)
Lego Marvel Super Heroes (2013)Lego Marvel Super Heroes: Avengers Reassembl…
Lego Marvel Super Heroes: Maximum Overload (…Lego Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Out (2012)
Lego Star Wars: The Video Game (2005)Lego: El Chavo (2010)
Lei e l'altra (2012)Leif (1987)
Leila (1996)Leisure Suit Larry 4: The Case of the Missin…
Leisure Suit Larry 6: Shape Up or Slip Out! …Leisure Suit Larry 7: Love for Sail (1996)
Leisure Suit Larry 7: Love for Sail! (1996)Leisure Suit Larry Goes Looking for Love (In…
Leisure Suit Larry: Magna Cum Laude (2004)Lejo (2008)
Lektionen in Finsternis (1992)lelo and stitch (2002)
Lemmy (2010)Lemon Drop Kid (1951)
Lemon Sisters (1990)Lemonade Joe (1964)
Lemonade Mouth (2011)Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Eve…
Lemora: A Child's Tale of the Supernatural (…Lend a Paw (1941)
Lenin v 1918 godu (1939)Leningrad Cowboys Go America (1989)
Leningrad Cowboys Meet Moses (1994)Lenny (1974)
Lenny the Raccoon Slayer (2008)Lentil Soup (2016)
Leo Little's Big Show (2009)Leo, the Surveyor (2013)
Léolo (1992)Léon (1994)
Leon's Broken Mind (2011)Léon: The Professional (1994)
Leona Helmsley: The Queen of Mean (1990)Leonard Cohen: I'm Your Man (2005)
Leonard Nimoy Demonstrates the Magnavision V…Leonard Part 6 (1987)
Leonora (1984)Leopard Son (1996)
Lepke (1975)Leprechaun (1993)
Leprechaun 2 (1994)Leprechaun 3 (1995)
Leprechaun 4: In Space (1997)Leprechaun in the Hood (2000)
Leprechaun's Revenge (2012)Leprechaun: Back 2 tha Hood (2003)
Leprechaun: Origins (2014)Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Leroy & Stitch (2006)Leroy & Stitch (2006)
Leroy (2007)Les 1001 nuits (1990)
Les 12 travaux d'Astérix (1976)Les adieux à la reine (2012)
Les aiguilles rouges (2006)Les amants du Pont-Neuf (1991)
Les amours imaginaires (2010)Les aventures d'Arsène Lupin (1957)
Les aventures de Rabbi Jacob (1973)Les bas-fonds (1936)
Les beaux jours (2013)Les biches (1968)
Les bijoutiers du clair de lune (1958)Les blessures assassines (2000)
Les Boys (1997)Les bronzés 3: amis pour la vie (2006)
Les carabiniers (1963)Les chansons d'amour (2007)
Les Choristes (2004)Les choses de la vie (1970)
Les compagnons de l'aventure (1989)Les couloirs du temps: Les visiteurs II (199…
Les Dames du Bois de Boulogne (1945)Les demoiselles de Rochefort (1967)
Les deux Anglaises et le continent (1971)Les deux orphelines vampires (1997)
Les diaboliques (1955)Les dossiers secrets de l'inspecteur Lavardi…
Les Douze travaux d'Astérix (1976)Les émotifs anonymes (2010)
Les enfants (2005)Les enfants du marais (1999)
Les enfants du paradis (1945)Les enfants du siècle (1999)
Les enfants terribles (1950)Les ennemis (1962)
Les fantômes du chapelier (1982)Les Girls (1957)
Les invasions barbares (2003)Les jolies choses (2001)
Les jumeaux du bout du monde (1991)Les lèvres rouges (1971)
Les maîtres du temps (1982)Les Misérables (1934)
Les Misérables (1935)Les Miserables (1952)
Les Misérables (1958)Les Miserables (1978)
Les Misérables (1998)Les Misérables (2012)
Les Misérables in Concert (1995)Les Misérables in Concert: The 25th Annivers…
Les mistons (1957)Les mondes engloutis (1985)
Les nuits fauves (1992)Les parapluies de Cherbourg (1964)
Les Patterson Saves the World (1987)Les Pee-Wee 3D: L'hiver qui a changé ma vie …
Les petites vacances (2006)Les poupées russes (2005)
Les quatre cents coups (1959)Les rivières pourpres (2000)
Les rivières pourpres 2 - Les anges de l'apo…Les roseaux sauvages (1994)
Les routes du sud (1978)Les soeurs Bront (1979)
Les soeurs fâchées (2004)Les statues meurent aussi (1953)
Les triplettes de Belleville (2003)Les trois couronnes du matelot (1983)
Les trois frères (1995)Les vacances de Monsieur Hulot (1953)
Les vampires (1915)Les visiteurs (1993)
Les voleurs (1996)Les yeux sans visage (1960)
Lesbian Vampire Killers (2009)Leslie Nielsen's Bad Golf Made Easier (1993)
Less Than Perfect (2002)Less Than Zero (1987)
Lesser of Two Evils (2013)Lesson Plan (2011)
Lessons (2012)Lessons in Forgetting (2011)
Leste Oeste (2016)Let Freedom Ring (1939)
Let Go (2011/I)Let Go (2014/I)
Let Him Have It (1991)Let It Be (1970)
Let It Out! (2013)Let It Ride (1989)
Let Me Be Frank (2011)Let Me Down Slowly (2012)
Let Me In (2010)Let the Devil Wear Black (1999)
Let Them Eat Cake (1999)Let There Be Light (1946)
Let Us Be Gay (1930)Let Us Prey (2014)
Let's Be Cops (2014)Let's Be Happy (1957)
Let's Bowl (2001)Let's Dance (1933)
Let's Do It Again (1975)Let's Get Skase (2001)
Let's Get Tough! (1942)Let's Go Native (1930)
Let's Go to Prison (2006)Let's Imagine (1961)
Let's Join Joanie (1950)Let's Make a Deal (1963)
Let's Make a Movie (2012)Let's Make It Legal (1951)
Let's Make Love (1960)Let's Make Money (2008)
Let's Paint TV (2001)Let's Play Naked (1997)
Let's Scare Jessica to Death (1971)Let's Shoot Dirty (2011)
Let's Sing a Song About the Moonlight (1948)Let's Stick Together (1952)
Let's Try Again (1934)Lethal Force (2002/I)
Lethal Seduction (1997)Lethal Tender (1997)
Lethal Weapon (1987)Lethal Weapon 2 (1989)
Lethal Weapon 3 (1992)Lethal Weapon 4 (1998)
Letter (1940)Letter from an Unknown Woman (1948)
Letter from Korlai (2015)Letter of Introduction (1938)
Letter to Brezhnev (1985)Letter to Loretta (1953)
Letterman's Nailin' Palin (2009)Letters from Iwo Jima (2006)
Letters to God (2010)Letters to Juliet (2010)
Letting Go (2011/II)Letting Go of God (2008)
Letty Lynton (1932)Letyat zhuravli (1957)
Leui ting jin ging (2000)Level 9 (2000)
Level Playing Field (2009)Levels (2008)
Levenslied (2011)Leverage (2008)
Leviafan (2014)Leviat (1984)
Leviathan (1989)Levity (2003)
Levity: Xero Error Minus1 (2010)Levottomat 3 - kun mikään ei riitä (2004)
Lewis & Clark & George (1997)Lewis (2006)
Lewis Black: Black on Broadway (2004)Lewis Black: Old Yeller - Live at the Borgat…
Lewis Black: Red, White and Screwed (2006)Lewis Black: Taxed Beyond Belief (2002)
Lexi (2012)Lexx (1997)
Lexx: The Dark Zone (1996)LFO (2013)
Li'l Abner (1959)Li'l The Cure (2002)
Liane, das Mädchen aus dem Urwald (1956)Lianna (1983)
Liar Liar (1997)Liar's Dice (2009)
Liar, Liar (1993)Libeled Lady (1936)
Liberal Arts (2012)Libertarias (1996)
Liberté, la nuit (1984)Libertine (2004)
Liberty & Bash (1990)Liberty Bound (2004)
Liberty Heights (1999)Liberty in Restraint (2005)
Liberty or Death (2007)Liberty Stands Still (2002)
Liberty's Kids: Est. 1776 (2002)Liberty's Kids: Est. 1776 (2002)
Librarian's Dream (2001)Librarian: Quest for the Spear (2004)
Licence to Kill (1989)License to Drive (1988)
License to Reproduce (2011)License to Wed (2007)
Licorice Pizza (2021)Lidia's Italy (2007)
Lie Down with Lions (1994)Lie ri kuang feng (1973)
Lie Still (2005)Lie to Me (2009)
Lie with Me (2005)Liebesleben (2007)
Liebestraum (1991)Lieder der vier Jahreszeiten (1971)
Lies & Illusions (2009)Lies Inc. (2004)
Lies My Father Told Me (1975)Lies My Mother Told Me (2005)
Lies of the Heart: The Story of Laurie Kello…Lies of the Twins (1991)
Life (1999)Life 101 (1995)
Life After Beth (2014)Life After People (2008)
Life After the Apocalypse (2011)Life Among the Cannibals (1996)
Life and Death of Colonel Blimp (1943)Life and Death of Peter Sellers (2004)
Life and Debt (2001)Life and Nothing But (1989)
Life and Times of Judge Roy Bean (1972)Life and Times of Rosie the Riveter (1980)
Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou (2004)Life as a House (2001)
Life As We Know It (2004)Life as We Know It (2010)
Life Begins (2004)Life Begins for Andy Hardy (1941)
Life Beyond the Box: Norman Stanley Fletcher…Life Blood (2009)
Life by the Drop (2004)Life During Wartime (2009)
Life Goes On (1989)Life in a Day (2000)
Life in a Day (2011)Life in Bed (2003)
Life in the Freezer (1993)Life in the Undergrowth (2005)
Life in Your Social Network Presented by Hea…Life Is a Circus, Charlie Brown (1980)
Life Is a Dream in Cinema: Pola Negri (2006)Life is All You Get (1997)
Life Is Beautiful (1997)Life is But a Dream (2013)
Life Is Hot in Cracktown (2009)Life Is Ruff (2005)
Life Is Short (2006)Life Is Strange (2015)
Life Is Sweet (1990)Life Itself (2014)
Life Learns LikeLife of a King (2013)
Life of Brian (1979)Life of Crime (2013)
Life of David Gale (2003)Life of Emile Zola (1937)
Life of Larry (1995)Life of Pi (2012)
Life of the Party (2013/II)Life on a Stick (2005)
Life on Earth (1979)Life on Earth (2009/II)
Life on Mar's the Home Makeover Show (2015)Life on Mars (2006)
Life on Mars (2007)Life on Mars (2008)
Life on the Mississippi (1980)Life on Top (2009)
Life or Something Like It (2002)Life Partners (2014)
Life Returns (1935)Life Room (2009)
Life Sentence: The Unaired Episode (Rosebud)…Life Stinks (1991)
Life Story (1987)Life Unexpected (2010)
Life with Bonnie (2002)Life with Derek (2005)
Life with Elizabeth (1952)Life with Father (1947)
Life with Feathers (1945)Life with Judy Garland: Me and My Shadows (2…
Life with Louie (1995)Life with Louie: A Christmas Surprise for Mr…
Life with Lucy (1986)Life with Mikey (1993)
Life with the Lyons (1955)Life Without Dick (2002)
Life Without Green (2009)Life's a Twitch! (2002)
Life's Checklist (2015)Life's Too Short (2011)
Life's Work (1996)Life-Size (2000)
Lifeboat (1944)Lifeforce (1985)
Lifeguard (1976/I)Lifepod (1993)
Lift (2000)Lift Girl (2015)
Light and the Sufferer (2007)Light Coming Out of Ear!!! (2005)
Light in the Piazza (1962)Light It Up (1999)
Light of Day (1987)Light of Mine (2011)
Light Sleeper (1992)Light That Failed (1939)
Light Touch (1952)Lighter Than Hare (1960)
Lighthorsemen (1987)Lighthouse (1999)
Lighthouse Keeping (1946)Lightnin' in the Forest (1948)
Lightning Bug (2004)Lightning in a Bottle (2004)
Lightning Over Braddock: A Rustbowl Fantasy …Lightning Range (1933)
Lightning Strikes Twice (1951)Lights Camera Blood! (2015)
Lights of New York (1928)Lights of Old Santa Fe (1944)
Lights Out (1946)Lights, Camera... Interview (2012)
Lights, Camera... Kill! (2004)Lightspeed (2006)
Lihaksia ja luoteja (1996)Liian iso keikka (1986)
Lik wong (1991)Like Crazy (2011)
Like Dandelion Dust (2009)Like Father Like Son (1987)
Like It Is (1998)Like It or Lump It (1997)
Like Mike (2002)Like Minds (2006)
Like Normal People (1979)Like Someone in Love (2012)
Like Sunday, Like Rain (2014)Likely Lads (1976)
Likely Stories, Vol. 3 (1983)Lil' Bush: Resident of the United States (20…
Lila & Eve (2015)Lila dit ça (2004)
Lili (1953)Lilies - Les feluettes (1996)
Lilies of the Field (1963)Liliom (1934)
Lilith (1964)Lilith (2012/I)
Lilja 4-ever (2002)Lille Lise (2005)
Lillie (1978)Lilo & Stitch (2002)
Lilo & Stitch 2: Stitch Has a Glitch (2005)Lilo & Stitch: The Series (2003)
Lilo & Stitch (2002)Lilo & Stitch (2002)
Lilo & Stitch 2: Stitch Has a Glitch (20…Lilovyy shar (1987)
Lilting (2014)Lily & Kat (2015)
Lily and Jim (1997)Lily of the Feast (2010)
Lily Polanski (2015)Lilyhammer (2012)
Lim jing dai yat gik (1994)Limbo (1999)
Limehouse Blues (1934)Limelight (1952)
Limestone BurningLimey (1999)
Limitless (2011/I)Limitless (2015)
Limmy's Show! (2009)Limo (2009)
Limonádový Joe aneb Konská opera (1964)Lincoln (2012)
Lincoln Heights (2006)Linda McCartney Story (2000)
Line King: The Al Hirschfeld Story (1996)Line of Fire (2003)
Line, the Cross & the Curve (1993)Lines of Glory (2009)
Lines of Tribe (2011)Lineup for Today: Ted Williams and Friend (1…
Ling huan tong zi (1986)Lingerie (2009)
Lingo (2002)Linguini Incident (1991)
Linhas de Wellington (2012)Link (1986)
Link: The Faces of Evil (1993)Linkin Park: Frat Party at the Pankake Festi…
Linkin Park: Live in Texas (2003)Lion (2016)
Lion in Winter (1968)Lion King II: Simba's Pride (1998)
Lion King II: Simba's Pride (1998)Lion King II: Simbaa's Pride Activity Center…
Lion of the Desert (1981)Lion, the Witch, & the Wardrobe (1988)
Lionheart (1990)Lions for Lambs (2007)
Lip Service (1988)Lip Sync Battle (2015)
Lipstick (1976)Lipstick Jungle (2008)
Lipstick on Your Collar (1993)Liquid Dreams (1991)
Liquid Lips (1976)Liquid Sky (1982)
Lisa and the Devil (1973)Lisa e il diavolo (1973)
Lisa Lampanelli: Take It Like a Man (2005)Lisa, Lisa (1977)
Lisbon (1956)Lisbon Story (1994)
Listen (1996)Listen (2013/III)
Listen to Me (1989)Listen to Your Heart (2010)
Listen Up (2004)Listen Up Philip (2014)
Listen, Darling (1938)Listening to You: The Who at the Isle of Wig…
Lisztomania (1975)Little Accidents (2014)
Little American (1917)Little Amy (1962)
Little Annie Rooney (1925)Little Ashes (2008)
Little Athens (2005)Little Bear (1995)
Little Beau Pep (1952)Little Beau Pepé (1952)
Little Big Horn (1951)Little Big League (1994)
Little Big Man (1970)Little Big Shot (1935)
Little Birds (2011)Little Black Book (2004)
Little Black Boot (2004)Little Black Sambo (1935)
Little Boy (2015)Little Boy Blues (1999)
Little Boy Boo (1954)Little Britain (2003)
Little Britain: Live (2006)Little Buddha (1993)
Little Caesar (1930)Little Caesar (1931)
Little Children (2006)Little City (1997)
Little Criminals (1995)Little Darlin's (1981)
Little Darlings (1980)Little Dieter Needs to Fly (1997)
Little Dorrit (2008)Little Drummer Boy Book II (1976)
Little Drummer Girl (1984)Little Ears: The Velveteen Rabbit (1984)
Little Erin Merryweather (2003)Little Fauss and Big Halsy (1970)
Little Fish (2005)Little Fish, Strange Pond (2009)
Little Fockers (2010)Little Foxes (1941)
Little Giant (1946)Little Giants (1994)
Little Girl Lost (1988)Little House on the Prairie (1974)
Little House: Bless All the Dear Children (1…Little House: Look Back to Yesterday (1983)
Little House: The Last Farewell (1984)Little Howard's Big Question (2009)
Little Joe, the Wrangler (1942)Little Johnny Jet (1953)
Little Kidnappers (1990)Little Lamby (1937)
Little Larry (2011)Little Lord Fauntleroy (1936)
Little Man Tate (1991)Little Manhattan (2005)
Little Men (2005)Little Mermaid (1989)
Little Miss Broadway (1938)Little Miss Jocelyn (2006)
Little Miss Magic (1998)Little Miss Marker (1934)
Little Miss Marker (1980)Little Miss Purrfection Show the Tryout (201…
Little Miss Sunshine (2006)Little Monsters (1989)
Little Mosque on the Prairie (2007)Little Murders (1971)
Little Nellie Kelly (1940)Little Nemo: Adventures in Slumberland (1992)
Little Nicky (2000)Little Nikita (1988)
Little Odessa (1994)Little Ol' Bosko in Bagdad (1938)
Little Old New York (1940)Little Orphan Sammy (1976)
Little People, Big World (2006)Little People: Big Discoveries (2002)
Little Prince (1974)Little Rascals (1994)
Little Red Hood (1990)Little Red Riding Hood (1988)
Little Red Riding Hood (1997)Little Red Riding Hood (2009/I)
Little Red Riding Rabbit (1944)Little Red Wagon (2012)
Little Richard (2000)Little Rural Riding Hood (1949)
Little Secrets (2001)Little Shop of Horrors (1960)
Little Shop of Horrors (1986)Little Sister (1992)
Little Swee' Pea (1936)Little Sweetheart (1989)
Little Things (2014/I)Little Unicorn (1998)
Little Vampire (2000)Little Voice (1998)
Little White Lie (2009)Little Witches (1996)
Little Women (1994)Little Women: LA (2014)
LittleBigPlanet (2008)Littleman (2006)
Littlerock (2010)Littlest Pet Shop (2012)
Liv & Ingmar (2012)Liv and Maddie (2013)
Live a Little, Love a Little (1968)Live Aid (1985)
Live and Let Die (1973)Live and Let Live (2013)
Live and Swingin': The Ultimate Rat Pack Col…Live at the Electric (2012)
Live by the Fist (1993)Live Fast, Die Young (1958)
Live Feed (2006)Live for Today (2015)
Live Forever (2003)Live Freaky Die Freaky (2006)
Live Free or Die (2006)Live Free or Die Hard (2007)
Live From Baghdad (2002)Live from Lincoln Center (1976)
Live from Washington D.C.: They Shoot HBO Sp…Live Ghost (1934)
Live Nude Shakespeare (1997)Live Once, Die Twice (2006)
Live Shot (1995)Live Wednesday (1978)
Live Wire (1992)Live with Regis and Kathie Lee (1988)
Lives of a Bengal Lancer (1935)Livet är en schlager (2000)
LivicatedLivin' for Love: The Natalie Cole Story (200…
Living 'til the End (2005)Living (2022)
Living a Zombie Dream (1996)Living Buddha (1994)
Living Dangerously (1993)Living Daylights (1987)
Living Dead Lock Up (2005)Living Death (2006)
Living Death: A Day in the Life of Dracula (…Living Dolls (2013)
Living Dolls: The Making of a Child Beauty Q…Living in a Big Way (1947)
Living in Fear (2001)Living in Oblivion (1995)
Living in Your Car (2010)Living It Up (1954)
Living on Love (1937)Living on Tokyo Time (1987)
Living Out Loud (1998)Living Single (1993)
Living the Life (2000)Living with Ana
Living with Fran (2005)Living with Lydia (2002)
Living with Michael Jackson: A Tonight Speci…Living with the Dead (2015)
Livvakterna (2001)Liz & Dick (2012)
Liz Smith's Summer Cruise (2009)Liz: The Elizabeth Taylor Story (1995)
Liza with a Z (1972)Lizard Lick Towing (2011)
Lizzie McGuire (2001)Lizzie McGuire Movie (2003)
Ljuset håller mig sällskap (2000)Llama Cop (2014)
Llamas with Hats (2009)Lllaks
Lloyd (2001)Lloyd the Conqueror (2011)
Lo (2009)Lo chiamavano Bulldozer (1978)
Lo chiamavano Trinità... (1970)Lo chiamavano Trinità... (1971)
Lo foo chut gang (1988)Lo imposible (2012)
Lo Kolel Sherut (1990)Lo sbarco di Anzio (1968)
Lo sceicco bianco (1952)Lo squartatore di New York (1982)
Lo strano vizio della Signora Wardh (1971)Loaded (2004)
Loaded Pistols (1948)Loaded Weapon 1 (1993)
Lobo (2013)Lobo Paramilitary Christmas Special (2002)
Lobster Man from Mars (1989)LOC Kargil (2003)
LOC: Kargil (2003)Local Boy Makes Good (1931)
Local Boys (2002)Local Color (2006)
Local Habitation (2000)Local Hauntings (2016)
Local Hero (1983)Local Stigmatic (1990)
Locals (2003)Loch Ness (1996)
Lock 'N Load with R. Lee Ermey (2009)Lock Up (1989)
Lock Up Your Daughters! (1969)Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels (1998)
Lockdown (1990)Locke (2013)
Locked in Silence (1999)Locked in You (2015)
Lockout (2012)Loco Boy Makes Good (1942)
Locus of Control (2010)Locusts (2005)
Locusts: The 8th Plague (2005)Lodger (1927)
Lodger (1944)Lodoss to Senki: Eiyuu kishi den (1998)
Logan (2010)Logan (2017)
Logan's Run (1976)Logan's War: Bound by Honor (1998)
Logg Time (2011)Logorama (2009)
Logos (2013)Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman…
Lokalvardaren (2014)Lokh pobeditel vody (1991)
LOL (2012)Lola (1981)
Lola rennt (1998)Lola Versus (2012)
Lolita (1962)Lolita (1997)
Lolita: Slave to Entertainment (2003)LolliLove (2004)
Lollipop Chainsaw (2012)Lolly-Madonna XXX (1973)
Loma (1976)London (1994)
London After Midnight (1927)London Belongs to Me (1948)
London Blackout Murders (1943)London Boulevard (2010)
London Can Take It! (1940)London Conspiracy (1974)
London Spy (2015)London Town (1946)
Lone Hero (2002)Lone Prairie (1942)
Lone Rider (2008)Lone Star (1952)
Lone Star (1996)Lone Star State of Mind (2002)
Lone Survivor (2013)Lone Wolf McQuade (1983)
Lone Wolf Returns (1935)Lone Wolves (2015)
Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner (1962)Lonely Are the Brave (1962)
Lonely Dragon (2006)Lonely Face (2003)
Lonely Hearts (1991)Lonely Hearts (2006)
Lonely Joe (2009)Lonely Lady (1983)
Lonely Man (1957)Lonely Street (2009)
Lonely Wives (1931)Lonelygirl15 (2006)
Lonelyhearts (1958)Lonesome Dove (1989)
Lonesome Dove: The Outlaw Years (1995)Lonesome Dove: The Series (1994)
Lonesome Ghosts (1937)Lonesome Jim (2005)
Lonesome Lenny (1946)Lonesome Trail (1955)
Long Day's Journey Into Night (1962)Long Gone (1987)
Long Good Friday (1980)Long Goodbye (1973)
Long hang tian xia (1992)Long hu feng yun (1987)
Long John Silver (1954)Long Kiss Goodnight (1996)
Long Lost Father (1934)Long Pig (2008)
Long Riders (1980)Long Ships (1963)
Long Strange Trip, or The Writer, the Naked …Long Time Dead (2002)
Long Time Gone (1986)Long Wait (1954)
Long Way Down (2007)Long Way Round (2004)
Long Way to the Top (2001)Long Weekend (1978)
Long xiong hu di (1986)Long zai tian ya (1989)
Long, Hot Summer (1958)Long, Long Trailer (1954)
Long-Haired Hare (1949)Longest Day (1962)
Longest Day of the Century (1994)Longest Journey (1999)
Longest Yard (1974)Longest Yard (2005)
Longford (2006)Longhorns (2011)
Longinus (2004)Longitude (2000)
Longmire (2012)Longshot (2000)
Longstreet (1971)Longtime Companion (1989)
Longxiong hudi (1986)Look (2009/I)
Look Around You (2002)Look Back in Anger (1958/I)
Look Both Ways (2005)Look in Any Window (1961)
Look It Up (2013)Look Up and Laugh (1935)
Look What's Happened to Rosemary's Baby (197…Look Who's Laughing (1941)
Look Who's Talking (1989)Look Who's Talking Now (1993)
Look Who's Talking Too (1990)Look, Up in the Sky! The Amazing Story of Su…
Looker (1981)Looking (2014)
Looking at London (1946)Looking for Alibrandi (2000)
Looking for Comedy in the Muslim World (2005)Looking for Eric (2009)
Looking for Leonard (1999)Looking for Lola (1998)
Looking for Love (1964)Looking for Miracles (1989)
Looking for Mr. Goodbar (1977)Looking for Oscar (2000)
Looking for Richard (1996)Looking for These? (2010)
Looking Through Lillian (2002)Lookwell (1991)
Loom (1990)Loonatics Unleashed (2005)
Looney Tunes (1961)Looney Tunes: Back in Action (2003)
Looney Tunes: Duck Amuck (2007)Looney Tunes: Reality Check (2003)
Looney Tunes: Stranger Than Fiction (2003)Looney, Looney, Looney Bugs Bunny Movie (198…
Loop (2007/II)Looper (2012)
Loose Ankles (1930)Loose Cannons (1990)
Loose Change: Final Cut (2007)Loose Change: Second Edition (2005)
Loose Ends (2006)Loose Shoes (1978)
Loose Women (1999)Loosies (2011)
Loot (2012/I)Lootera (2013/I)
Lopez Tonight (2009)lord (1980)
Lord Arthur Savile's Crime (2011)Lord Jim (1965)
Lord Love a Duck (1966)Lord of Illusions (1995)
Lord of Misrule (1996)Lord of the Dead (2000)
Lord of the Flies (1963)Lord of the Flies (1990)
Lord of the G-Strings: The Femaleship of the…Lord of the Manor (1933)
Lord of the Onion Rings (2012)Lord of the Piercing (2002)
Lord of the Rings (1978)lord of the rings the two towers (2002)
Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Rin…Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2…
Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2…Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002)
Lord of War (2005)Lord Peter Wimsey (1987)
Lord Zedd's Monster Heads: The Greatest Vill…Lord's of Flatbush (1974)
Lords of Dogtown (2005)Lore (2012)
Lorenzo's Oil (1992)Lorna (1964)
Lorna Doone (2000)Los abrazos rotos (2009)
Los amantes del Círculo Polar (1998)Los amigos (1973)
Los Angeles Streetfighter (1985)Los Bandoleros (2009)
Los cronocrímenes (2007)Los derechos de los hijos (1963)
Los exiliados de Kratos (2013)Los Fruittis (1989)
Los gringos (1999)Los lunes al sol (2002)
Los novios búlgaros (2003)Los nuevos extraterrestres (1983)
Los olvidados (1950)Los Personajes de Paola (2014)
Los que tocan el piano (1968)Los reyes magos (2003)
Los simuladores (2002)Los sin nombre (1999)
loser (1992)Loser (2000)
Losers Take All (2011)Losin' It (1983)
Losing Ground: The New Face of Homelessness …Losing Isaiah (1995)
Losing It (2006)Losing Lois Lane (2004)
Loss of Faith (1998)Lost & Found (1999/I)
Lost (2004)Lost (2004/I)
Lost - Epilogue: The New Man in Charge (2010)Lost After Dark (2015)
Lost and Crazy (2008)Lost and Delirious (2001)
Lost and Found (2011)Lost Angel (1943)
Lost Angels (1989)Lost Angels: Skid Row Is My Home (2010)
Lost Battalion (2001)Lost Birds (2015)
Lost Boys (1987)Lost Boys: The Thirst (2010)
Lost Boys: The Tribe (2008)Lost City (1935/II)
Lost City Raiders (2008)Lost Command (1966)
Lost Continent (1951)Lost Dream (2009)
Lost Empires (1986)Lost Flight (1969)
Lost for Words (1999)Lost Girl (2010)
Lost Hearts (1973)Lost Highway (1997)
Lost Honeymoon (1947)Lost Horizon (1937)
Lost Horizon (1973)Lost in a Harem (1944)
Lost in America (1985)Lost in Austen (2008)
Lost In La Mancha (2002)Lost in La$ Vega$
Lost in Limehouse (1933)Lost in Oz (2002)
Lost in Space (1965)Lost in Space (1965)
Lost in Space (1998)Lost in the Bermuda Triangle (1998)
Lost in the Pershing Point Hotel (2000)Lost in the Sun (2015)
Lost in Translation (2003)Lost in Vienna, Austria (2013)
Lost in Yonkers (1993)Lost Lagoon (1958)
Lost Mail (2010)Lost Mission (2008)
Lost on the B Side (2006)Lost Planet: Extreme Condition (2006)
Lost Reality (2004)Lost River (2014)
Lost Skeleton of Cadavra (2001)Lost Souls (2000)
Lost Tape: Andy's Terrifying Last Days Revea…Lost Things (2003)
Lost Voyage (2001)Lost Weekend (1945)
Lost World (1960)Lost World: Jurassic Park (1997)
Lost: Via Domus (2008)Lottery Bride (1930)
Lottery Ticket (2010/I)Lotto Land (1995)
Lou and Lou: Safety Patrol (2006)Lou Grant (1977)
Louder Than Bombs (2015)Loudmouth Soup (2005)
Louie (2010)Louie in Wonderland (2015)
Louis and the Nazis (2003)Louis C.K.: Chewed Up (2008)
Louis C.K.: Hilarious (2010)Louis Theroux's Weird Weekends (1998)
Louis Theroux: America's Medicated Kids (201…Louise and Myra (2013)
Louisiana Cookin' (1982)Louisiana Purchase (1941)
Lounge Act (2006)Louvre Come Back to Me! (1962)
Love & Basketball (2000)Love & Human Remains (1993)
Love & Mercy (2014)Love & Other Drugs (2010)
Love & Plutonium (2005)Love & Rage (1999)
Love & Sex (2000)Love & Suicide (2006)
Love & War (1992)Love & Basketball (2000)
Love & Mercy (2014)Love 'Em and Leave 'Em (1926)
Love 'Em and Weep (1927)Love (1919)
Love (2005)Love (2011/I)
Love (2015/II)Love (2016)
Love Actually (2003)Love Affair (1994)
Love Always (1996)Love American Style (1999)
Love Among the Ruins (1975)Love and a .45 (1994)
Love and a Bullet (2002)Love and a Shovel (2015)
Love and Betrayal: The Mia Farrow Story (199…Love and Bullets (1979)
Love and Death (1975)Love and Death on Long Island (1997)
Love and Hate: The Story of Colin and Joanne…Love and Hisses (1934)
Love and Hostages (2016)Love and Other Catastrophes (1996)
Love and Other Disasters (2006)Love and Pain and the Whole Damn Thing (1973)
Love at First Bite (1979)Love at Large (1990)
Love at Stake (1987)Love Beat the Hell Outta Me (2000)
Love Before Breakfast (1936)Love Bites (1992)
Love Bites (1993)Love Bites (2011)
Love Boccaccio Style (1971)Love Bug (1968)
Love Business (1931)Love Camp 7 (1969)
Love Come Down (2000)Love Comes Softly (2003)
Love Comes to the Executioner (2006)Love Crazy (1941)
Love Crimes (1992)Love Disease (2000)
Love Don't Cost a Thing (2003)Love Eterne (2011)
Love Exiled (2010)Love Field (1992)
Love Finds Andy Hardy (1938)Love for Rent (2005)
Love Games: Bad Girls Need Love Too (2010)Love God? (1969)
Love Happens (2009)Love Happy (1949)
Love Has Many Faces (1965)Love Hate (2009)
Love Hina Again (2002)Love Hurts (2009/II)
Love in Bloom (1935)Love in Paris (1997)
Love in the 21st Century (1999)Love in the Afternoon (1957)
Love in the Present Tense (1982)Love in the Rough (1930)
Love in the Time of Cholera (2007)Love in the Time of Money (2002)
Love Is a Four Letter Word (1966)Love Is a Many-Splendored Thing (1955)
Love Is a Racket (1932)Love Is a... Dangerous Game (2011)
Love Is Better Than Ever (1952)Love Is Evol (2009)
Love Is Forever (1983)Love Is News (1937)
Love Is Strange (1999)Love Is Strange (2014)
Love Is the Devil: Study for a Portrait of F…Love It or List It (2008)
Love Jones (1997)Love Laughs at Andy Hardy (1946)
Love Leads the Way: A True Story (1984)Love Letter (1995)
Love Letter (1999)Love Letters (1945)
Love Lie Leave (2002)Love Lies Bleeding (2008)
Love Life (2001)Love Like Milk (2011)
Love Like You've Never Been Hurt (2009)Love Liza (2002)
Love Me Deadly (1973)Love Me Do: The Beatles '62 (2012)
Love Me If You Dare (2003)Love Me or Leave Me (1955)
Love Me Tender (1956)Love Me Tonight (1932)
Love Memo (2010)Love My Guts (2000)
Love My Way (2004)Love Nest (1923)
Love Never Dies (2012/II)Love Object (2003)
Love of Life (1951)Love on a Ladder (1934)
Love on a Rooftop (1966)Love on Tap (1939)
Love on the Dole (1941)Love on the Hershe Highway (1989)
Love on the Run (1936)Love on the Side (2004)
Love Parade (1929)Love Potion No. 9 (1992)
Love Ranch (2010)Love Serenade (1996)
Love Sick: Secrets of a Sex Addict (2008)Love Song of Henry Milk (2001)
Love Soup (2005)Love Steaks (2013)
Love Stinks (1999)Love Story (1970)
Love Streams (1984)Love Takes Wing (2009)
Love the Beast (2009)Love the Coopers (2015)
Love the Hard Way (2001)Love Thy Neighbor (1940)
Love Thy Neighbour (1972)Love with the Proper Stranger (1963)
Love Wrecked (2005)Love You More (2008)
Love! Valour! Compassion! (1997)Love's Enduring Promise (2004)
Love's Labour's Lost (2000)Love's Long Journey (2005)
Love, Cheat & Steal (1993)Love, Honour and Obey (2000)
Love, Ludlow (2005)Love, Rosie (2014)
Love, Wedding, Marriage (2011)Love, Where Are You? (2015) (2002)Love/Hate (2010)
Love/Juice (2000)Love: The Movie (2004)
LovecraCked! The Movie (2006)Loved (1997)
LoveFinder (2011)Lovejoy (1986)
Lovelace (2013)Loveless (2005)
Lovelife (1997)Lovelorn Leghorn (1951)
Lovely & Amazing (2001)Lovely & Amazing (2001)
Lovely by Surprise (2007)Lovely Lies (2012)
Lover Come Back (1961)Loverboy (1989)
Loverboy (2005)Lovers and Other Strangers (1970)
Lovers Courageous (1932)Lovers Lane (2000)
Lovesick (1983)Lovespell (1981)
Lovin' Molly (1974)Loving (1970)
Loving (1983)Loving Annabelle (2006)
Loving You (1957)Low (2008)
Low Blow (1986)Low Down (2014)
Low Life (1995)Low Winter Sun (2013)
Lower Learning (2008)Lowlife (2012)
Lt. Robin Crusoe, U.S.N. (1966)Lu-Lu (2012)
Luau (1982)Luca (2021)
Lucan (1977)Lucan (2013)
Lucas (1986)Lucas, the Ear of Corn (1977)
Luci del variet (1950)Lucía y el sexo (2001)
Lucid (2013/II)Lucid Dark (2015)
Lucifer (2016)Lucifer and the Magus (2012)
Lucifer's Unholy Desire (2012)Lucinda's Spell (1998)
Luck (2011)Luck by Chance (2009)
Luck of the Irish (2001)Lucker (1986)
Lucky (2003)Lucky (2011/III)
Lucky 7 (2003)Lucky Bastard (2009)
Lucky Bastard (2014)Lucky Break (2001)
Lucky Day (2002)Lucky Ducky (1948)
Lucky Jordan (1942)Lucky Lady (1975)
Lucky Losers (1950)Lucky Louie (2006)
Lucky Me (1954)Lucky Miles (2007)
Lucky Number 21 (2006)Lucky Number Slevin (2006)
Lucky Numbers (2000)Lucky Partners (1940)
Lucky Star (1929)Lucky Stiff (1988)
Lucky Them (2013)Lucky You (2007)
Luckytown (2000)Lucretia Lombard (1923)
Lucy (2003)Lucy Gallant (1955)
Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds (2015)Lucy Is the Sunshine (2010)
Lucy Moves to NBC (1980)Lucy Sullivan Is Getting Married (1999)
Lucy's Cannon-The Moon (2012)Lucy's Law (2011)
Lucy, the Daughter of the Devil (2005)Lucy: The Daughter of the Devil (2005)
Luen oi hang sing (2002)Lugares comunes (2002)
Luigi0730 (2011)Luis (2003)
Luis, Él y Luci (2006)Luke and the Tenderfoot (1955)
Lula, o Filho do Brasil (2009)Lullaby
Lullaby for Pi (2010)Lullaby of Bareland (1964)
Lullaby of Broadway (1951)Lulu on the Bridge (1998)
Lumaban ka, Satanas (1983)Lumber Jack-Rabbit (1954)
Lumber Jerks (1955)Lumet: Film Maker (1975)
Lumumba (2000)Luna & Gabriel and the Children's Place
Luna de Avellaneda (2004)Luna de miel en R (1940)
Luna: Spirit of the Whale (2007)Lunar: Eternal Blue (1994)
Lunar: The Silver Star (1992)Lunarcop (1995)
Lunatic, Maniac and the Psycho's Parking Lot…Lunch Break (2013)
Lunch Hour (1961)Luncheon at Twelve (1933)
Lunchtime Confidential (2010)Lung foo fong wan (1987)
Lung Fu Moon (2006)Lupin III (2015)
Lupin the IIIrd: Jigen Daisuke no Bohyo (201…Lupin the Third: A Woman Called Fujiko Mine …
Lured (1947)Lurkers (1988)
Lurking Fear (1994)Lush Life (1996)
Lusitania: Murder on the Atlantic (2007)Lussuria (1986)
Lust Connection (2005)Lust for Freedom (1987)
Lust for Glorious (1997)Lust for Gold (1949)
Lust for Life (1956)Lust in the Dust (1985)
Lust Inferno (1982)Luther (2003)
Luther (2010)Luxury Liner (1933)
Luzhin Defence (2000)Lycanthrope (1999)
Lying Eyes (1996)Lying in Wake (2008)
Lying Right Here (2010)Lying to Be Perfect (2010)
Lymelife (2008)Lynch Mob (2009)
Lynda Carter Special (1980)Lyubov i golubi (1985)
Lyubovnik (2002)Lyutyy (1974)
Låt den rätte komma in (2008)Lønsj (2008)

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