

"Scrubs" is an American television sitcom that aired from 2001 to 2010. The show follows the personal and professional lives of a group of doctors and nurses at the fictional Sacred Heart Hospital, primarily through the eyes of the protagonist, Dr. John "J.D." Dorian (played by Zach Braff). The show is known for its unique blend of humor and heart, as well as its creative use of fantasy sequences and surreal humor to explore the inner thoughts and feelings of the characters. Each episode typically focuses on a different patient and medical case, while also delving into the personal lives of the characters and the challenges they face both in and out of the hospital. "Scrubs" features a diverse ensemble cast of characters, including J.D.'s best friend and surgical intern, Chris Turk (Donald Faison), his love interest and fellow intern, Elliot Reid (Sarah Chalke), and the gruff and sarcastic Dr. Perry Cox (John C. McGinley). The show also features a number of memorable supporting characters, including the hospital's janitor (Neil Flynn), who has a recurring role throughout the series. Throughout its nine seasons, "Scrubs" earned critical acclaim and a loyal fanbase for its unique blend of comedy and drama, as well as its willingness to tackle serious issues such as death, illness, and mental health. The show remains a beloved classic of the television sitcom genre.

Genre: Comedy

Dr. Cox:
Carla you devil I can't help but notice you love telling jokes. What was it you were saying about your coffee?

I said 'It's so good it's like crack'. [nurses stare]

Dr. Cox:
Normally you would hear crickets but they were uncomfortable about just how unfunny that was.

So what I'm not funny?

Dr. Cox:
I think your very funny when your up on your high horse, you know when you stay right in your wheelhouse. Everyone is funny for something. Barbie is an emotional trainwreck, your husband sells with a cocky attitude...

Well you know I do what I do when I do what I do

Dr. Cox:
Alice here sells it with a lost stare, and now that I've said Alice your picturing me as the maid from the Brady Bunch. [flash to Cox as the maid] Am I right? [cut back] Then there are people with funny names... Dr. Beardface, Dr. Mickhead, Col. Doctor, Snoop Dogg Intern...

Snoop Dogg Intern:

Dr. Cox:
Sorry Snoop Dogg Resident. Laverne believes in God which is hilarious to me and Ted is the hospital sad sack.

I am?

Dr. Cox:


Dr. Cox:
And me well, I'm funny cause I commit. C-O-M-M-I-T-T-T-T-T-T-T... T [points pinky and makes sipping motion] . To tell you the truth there is only one person here who is funny no matter what he says.

Dr. Kelso:
Are my new boxers made of wool? Cause my weasel's gettin heat stroke.

Dr. Cox:
The point is *PLEASE* don't tell anymore jokes.

I'm not really a sad sack?

Ted your pen exploded.

[looks at shirt] Awww! [realizes ink got on his hand and now is wiped on his head] AWWWW MAN!

J.D., this is an intervention. First off, I just want to say everyone here loves you, this is a safe space. But you're such a committ-a-phobe! Every time you date a girl with potential you wind up ruining it over some trivial reason. Let's think about some of the great girls you let slip through your fingers: Kylie, Jaime, Gift Shop Girl, Minnie McSkinny, Mole Butt, Tina Two-Kids, Rumplefugly... I'm forgetting someone...

[narrating] Oh, my God, Turk... if you forget Elliot she's gonna cry. [out loud, while nodding towards Elliot who's starting to moan] Turk, aren't you forgetting the greatest girl of them all?...

[snapping his fingers] Heidi Horse-Face!

[almost crying] Me, Turk... she's talking about me, OK?

Relax, Elliot... you're Mole Butt.

[moved] Really? Sorry, Turk...

J.D., there's somebody else here who wants to say something...

Billy Dee Williams:
Don't mess this up, man... be smooth.

Lando's right.

Billy Dee Williams:
Billy Dee!

[mouthing] Lando...

Dr. Cox:
Joanna, now I'm not much for this sensitive crap... but, darn it all, you've found someone who's willing to let you annoy them instead of me.

Don't screw this up, J.D., or you'll just gonna end up where you always do: lying on that couch in a fetal position wishing you hadn't driven another one away.

Dr. Cox:
If Jordan were conscious, she'd... she'd agree [Jordan sits unconscious on the couch; she has a fake arrow through her head] Oh, now, who put that fake arrow through her head? Eh? Which one of you?... It was me... I did it...

Dr. John "J.D." Dorian:
Why ostriches?

Mr. Sutton:
They're such majestic creatures, don't you think? And, you know, they're kinda like my children. Plus, I make belts out of their necks.

Dr. John "J.D." Dorian:
OK... look, Mr Sutton, I'm sure you're wondering why I'm here [Turk gets thrown in through the window, screaming]

Mr. Sutton:
There is a door!

Dr. Christopher Turk:

Dr. John "J.D." Dorian:
Are you OK? Did you try and escape?

Dr. Christopher Turk:
I did escape... there was one waiting in the car.

Dr. John "J.D." Dorian:

Mr. Sutton:
That's Leon. Loves the car rides. Likes to stick his head out the window... I tell him it's a little too dangerous but he doesn't listen to me.

Dr. John "J.D." Dorian:
Mr Sutton, I cured you and you never thanked me.

Mr. Sutton:
Why would I thank you for doing your job? I'm a garbage man: how many times a day do you think I get thanked?

Dr. Christopher Turk:

Mr. Sutton:
You're off by about six.

Dr. Christopher Turk:

Mr. Sutton:
I'm starting to see why Leon outfoxed you...

Dr. Christopher Turk:
Stupid bird stole my hat! [Sutton leaves the room]

Dr. John "J.D." Dorian:
I just don't see why it's such a big deal for you to say "Hey, doc...". Why'd he just walk away like that?

Dr. Christopher Turk:
[mumbling] I don't know. [Leon enters the room; he sports Turk's hat; J.D. And Turk slowly turn around]

Dr. John "J.D." Dorian:

Dr. Christopher Turk:
Don't move...

Dr. John "J.D." Dorian:
I gotta admit he look pretty phat in your Kangol...

Dr. Cox:
[as Kelso sits next to him on the couch] What is it, Bob?

Dr. Kelso:
When the hell did patients stop respecting us? I really tried to help that young woman and she rolled over me like Enid's wheelchair over Baxter's tail.

Dr. Cox:

Dr. Kelso:
Enid was recently paralyzed. I haven't told anyone.

Dr. Cox:

Dr. Kelso:
Anyway, I couldn't handle the patients; so go ahead, take your shots.

Dr. Cox:
I want to, Bob, I really do; but my first patient today was a snot-nosed little punk who wouldn't let me give him a rectal exam unless I said "pretty please" first, and... I'm not just big on begging strangers to stick my hand up their butt, not even in my private time.

Dr. Kelso:
Remember when being a doctor meant that people would look up to you?

Dr. Cox:

Dr. Kelso:
Ah... when I first started out, I could take this old white coat out, get a free haircut or a nice table at the restaurant... and hell, I never once got a speeding ticket.

Dr. Cox:
People used to give me cards and gifts and sometimes even a pie just for doing my job.

Dr. Kelso:
Every mother wanted me to marry their daughter because I was a doctor... and I used that to sleep with all those mothers, because that's what "house call" used to mean.

Dr. Cox:
Those were the good old, incredibly disturbing, days, Bob. Today people think of us as drug-dispensing walking lawsuits who are in fact less informed than their Internet phones.

Dr. Kelso:
So that's what that damn thing was...

Dr. Cox:
I will tell you one thing, though: if you even want to have an outside chance of reaching someone nowadays you damn sure better speak from your heart.

Dr. Kelso:
Thank you, Perry.

Dr. Cox:
Blow it out your ass, Bob.

[as Dr. Cox leaves at the end of his shift, J.D.'s brother Dan is waiting for him outside the hospital entrance] Hey, Dr. Cox.

Dr. Cox:
Oh, here I'd been told you left. It made me happy.

You don't like me. People don't like me. You know why? I'm a screw-up. Always have been.


Ever since we were kids, my mom always made me walk Johnny to school first day every year, and every year, I'd walk him to the wrong school...


...just 'cause.

Dr. Cox:
Boy, that's a great story, really. And I'm sure you're just a horrible big brother...

[smiles in mock humility] Well...

Dr. Cox:
...but I'm afraid you have me confused with somebody who gives a crap. And it's okay, you don't need to be embarrassed. Turns out it happens all the time. For instance, my father actually made the same mistake on his deathbed.

Hey, listen, Dr. Cox, no offense, I'm a big fan of the tough guy act, but let me tell you what I really think. I think you LOVE the fact that these kids idolize you. Johnny does! Johnny was always the one in the family we KNEW was going someplace. Sweet kid. Smart kid. Becoming a doctor? This is ALL he ever wanted, and yet, somehow, you've found a way to beat that out of him, haven't you? Turn him into some kind of cynical guy who seems to despise what he does. Dr. Cox, Johnny is never gonna look up to me. Ever. But he hangs on your every word. So I'm askin' - I'm tellin' you: take that responsibility seriously, stop being such a hard-ass. Otherwise, you're gonna have to answer to me.

Dr. John 'J.D.' Dorian:
[narrating] Love can give you strength you never knew you had.

[holds out his hand to Cox] It's good seeing you, Dr. Cox.

Dr. Cox:
[takes Dan's hand and shakes it] Good to see you, Dan. All the best. [walks away]

Dr. Bob Kelso:
Why are you here?

Dr. Elliot Reid:
My boyfriend is in New Zealand for six months; if I don't moonlight, I'm never gonna have enough money to see him.

Nurse Carla Espinosa:
My wedding's costing twice as much as I thought, and would I need the extra cash.

Ted Buckland:
Baxter won't get out of my chair!

Nurse Carla Espinosa:
Dr Kelso, even though we're understaffed and underpaid I've been working here for ten years. I mean, all day long all I hear is "Carla, Carla, Carla, Carla, Carla, Carla, Carla, Carla, Carla, Carla, Carla, Carla, Carla, Carla, Carla, Carla... Carla... Carla...".

Dr. Elliot Reid:
Sir, what... w-w-what Carla is saying, and not in any kind of crazy or rambling sort of way, is that we work hard here in the hospital, but it's not the only thing in our lives.

Nurse Carla Espinosa:
Surely you must know what it's like to love someone so much that you'd do anything you had to?

Dr. Bob Kelso:
[breaths heavily] I'll see you two in the morning... Now get out of my office before I change my mind. [Carla and Elliot leave; Ted remains. Kelso picks up the phone and makes a call] Darling, I wanna say something. For the past 25 years we've been going through the motions; once every couple of weeks we have sex and then we have breakfast without saying a word... Well, tonight I want you to put on a nice dress because I'm gonna take you to dinner and I'm gonna start telling you all the things I haven't taken the time to say all these years. I love you too... [hangs up]

Ted Buckland:
That was beautiful, sir...

Dr. Bob Kelso:
Thanks Ted. Call my wife, tell her I won't be home tonight.

Jordan Sullivan:
[entering the hospital with Cox] Have a great day, honey!

Dr. Perry Cox:
[kissing her] You have even a better one, you! You do it! Yeah, yeah! You have even a better one... [starts banging his own head against the counter]

Dr. Kelso:
Perry, I get the feeling something is bothering you...

Dr. Perry Cox:
Bob, people have a private life and people have a professional life, and usually those two hells are kept pretty separate; for instance I don't know that much about your home life, other than the fact that you treat your wife like a dog, your dog like a wife and your son like an androgynous ne'er-do-well who drains your retirement to open up a shop in Minneapolis.

Dr. Kelso:
Harrison posted his first profit this quarter.

Dr. Perry Cox:
Aces. And I'm guessing that's because his significant other...

Dr. Kelso:

Dr. Perry Cox:
...Terrence doesn't follow him around the shop all day telling him just exactly what color is in this season, or showing all of the other employees that he is not in fact the boss of his own life. You see, the woman in everywhere! She's there when I work out in the morning, when I work out in the car on the way to work, and when I work out when I get to work. I can't seem to get away from her, and that used to be fine when she came around for five minutes every month or so to feed on my dignity; but now I'd honestly kill myself, Bob, if I wasn't convinced that Jordan wouldn't already be there waiting for me in the afterlife. You see, typical of her, she went ahead and signed us up for an eternal tandem bike ride all along the banks of the River Styx.

Dr. Kelso:
I'm so glad you shared...

You know, Dr. Cox, we've known each other for over two years. Let me in, okay? Help me help you, help me help you, help me help you...

Dr. Cox:
[interrupting] Stop it!

Help me help you.

Dr. Cox:
Fine, Newbie. Let me, let me tell you a little story. It starts every day at 5 in the morning which is just about the time that you're setting your hair for work when I am awakened by a sound. Is that a cat being gutted by a fishing knife? No, that's my son. He's hungry and he's got a load in his pants so big that I'm actually considering hiring a stable boy but I go ahead and dig in because I do love the lad and gosh, you know me. I'm a giver and [whistles] I'm off to the hospital where my cup runneth over with both quality colleagues such as yourself and a proverbial clown car full of sick people. But, what the hey, my pay is about the same as guys who break rocks with other rocks and I only have to work three or four hundred hours a week so, so far I'm a pretty happy camper. And then I head back home where I am greeted by the faint musk of baby vomit in a house that used to smell like, well... nothing. Nothing. Nothing. I-I-In fact, it used to smell like nothing at all and all I want to do before I restart this whole glorious cycle is, you know... maybe lay on the couch and have a beer, watch some Sports Center and, if I'm not too sweaty for the day's labors stick my hand right down my pants buuut apparently that's not in Jordan's definition of pulling your weight. So, uh... there you are, superstar. Fix that.

Dr. Perry Cox:
[whistles] All right, everybody... gather round here, circle it up, will ya? Bring it in nice and tight. Look... I know I'm pretty quick to point out other people's mistakes, but... I have a son, now, and I also realize that it's important to recognize when someone does something right. Mr Blake, down in bed 3, came in here with what seemed like a basic heart block, but someone took the time to find out that recently he'd been camping and correctly diagnosed him with Lyme carditis. Now, I'm sure some of you are gonna think this is a silly exercise, but I'd like that someone to step forward and stick your hand up to the air so that the group can recognize your great good work. This... this is no time to be modest. Come now. [turns around and raises his own hand] Oh, my God! It was me! I did it, I'm a genius. I'm a huge brain in a ripped-up body. I am Jesus H. Cox, M.D. Still, I probably couldn't have done it by myself so I'd like to go ahead and recognize some of the other players who were involved. There was the intern who originally misdiagnosed the patient...

[raises his hand] That's me, daddy.

Dr. John 'J.D.' Dorian:
Put your hand down, Lonnie.

Dr. Perry Cox:
...and then there was the resident who confirmed that misdiagnosis...

Dr. John 'J.D.' Dorian:
In my defense I was up late watching a "Designing Women" marathon.

Dr. Perry Cox:
...and last but not least, there was the surgeon who wanted to crack open Mr Blake's chest like a walnut and put in a pacemaker that he didn't ever need. Now, he's too modest to introduce himself to the group, so I'll do the honors. He is so black, so bald, and he can't eat cupcakes because he's got diabetes; ladies and gentlemen, Chris Turk!

Dr. Christopher Turk:
Can you just get out of here so we can get back to work?

Dr. Perry Cox:
Not until people start chanting my name, so that I can exit the room with my hands held high above my head in a victorious gesture. Because, you see, this diagnosing machine, this fabulous thing, well, it runs on props, so I'm going to need to hear it. Come now. [everybody starts and chants Cox's name] Me... me... me... oh, so me!

Dr. Elliot Reid:
Hey, Jake... so, you're probably rushing home to wipe the old person smell off before your trip, uh?

Excuse me?

Dr. Elliot Reid:
[scoffs] No, I'm just kidding, I love old people. Still, there's no denying they have a distinctive smell. I mean, it's nothing bad. It's like a... general mustiness... like... you know when... you get your cast... taken off and... skin mold...

Nurse Carla Espinosa:

Well, I have a flight to catch... you guys need me to sign anything?

Dr. Perry Cox:

Nurse Carla Espinosa:
No, you're good.

OK, then. [walks away]

Dr. Perry Cox:
Hats off there, Barbie... that was one potent combination of verbal diarrhea and stunned silence...

Nurse Carla Espinosa:
You should have just asked him out. Men love that.

Dr. Perry Cox:
No, Carla, men don't love that. It turns out we don't love picnics, foreplay, candles, baths, photo albums, or when you drive so we can relax; and, as always, we're not that big on Hugh Jackman. Look there... the only thing men care about as far as dating is concerned is the chase; if you want that guy to look your way, listen me carefully... ignore the living hell out of him.

Nurse Carla Espinosa:
That's the worst advice I've ever heard!

Dr. Perry Cox:
Good point, Carla. Say, you don't happen to have any other gems before you run off to couples therapy to sift through the wreckage that is the first year of your marriage, do ya?

Dr. Elliot Reid:
Look, Dr Cox, I'm sure that you are fantastic at picking up men, really...

Nurse Carla Espinosa:
Ah ah!

Dr. Elliot Reid:
...but I can handle this one on my own. Thank you.

Dr. Perry Cox:
[Carla tells bad joke] You would hear crickets chirping, but they were too uncomfortable at just how unfunny that actually was.

Nurse Carla Espinosa:
So what, I'm not funny?

Dr. Perry Cox:
Why I think you're very funny... WHEN you're being sarcastic or you're up on your high horse. You know, as long as you stay right in you wheel house. [Dr. Cox begins walking through the room] Barbie is funniest when she's an anal retentive train wreck; your husband does it when he's sarcastic.

Dr. Christopher Turk:
Ya know, I do what I do when I do what I do.

Dr. Perry Cox:
The Janitor is amusing because quite frankly he's insane

The Janitor:
[walks by with tiny boots that look like they are for a baby on his hands] I made shoes for my bunny.

Dr. Perry Cox:
[walks over the J.D] And Alice here, well she can turn a phrase. and I'm assuming because I called you Alice you're thinking of me as the maid from the Brady Bunch. [Dr. Cox appears as Alice from the Brady Bunch then looks at J.D] Aren't ya?

Dr. John 'J.D.' Dorian:
He was.

Dr. Perry Cox:
Now some people just have funny names, for instance, Dr. Beardface, Dr. McHead, Colonel Doctor, and of course Snoop Dogg intern.

Snoop Dogg Intern:
[grabs his white coat] Hey, Hey.

Dr. Perry Cox:
My bad, Snoop Dogg resident. The Todd is a sexual deviant, Laverne believes in God, which is hilarious to me, and Ted is the Hospital Sad sack.

Ted Buckland:
I am?

Dr. Perry Cox:
Yes Ted.

Ted Buckland:

Dr. Perry Cox:
And me I'm just funny because I commit C-O-M-M-I-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T... [makes the notion of sipping tea] -TEA. And I also do silly rants. But there is just one man who is funny, no matter what he says.

Dr. Bob Kelso:
[Kelso enters] Are my undergarments made of wool because my WEASLES getting heat stroke?

Dr. Perry Cox:
The point is please don't tell anymore jokes.

Ted Buckland:
I'm not a sadsack am I?

Nurse Carla Espinosa:
Ted, your pen exploded!

Ted Buckland:
[looks at his shirt with a large blue stain on it] Awwwwww [looks at is blue hand on his head] AWWWWWWWWW!

Dr. John 'J.D.' Dorian:
[narrating] After Elliot told us that she had attempted suicide, I had to ask the question that was on everybody's mind. [out loud] Was it because I broke up with you?

Dr. Elliot Reid:
No, J.D.

Dr. John 'J.D.' Dorian:
Oh, good, good, good, good.

Dr. Elliot Reid:
I'm not even sure why I did it. I guess things just catch up with you, you know... you get lonely, you're not happy with what's happening in your life and...

Dr. John 'J.D.' Dorian: amazing guy breaks up with you...

Dr. Elliot Reid:
J.D., this is not about you! I was 16!

Private Brian Dancer:
So, how'd you try it?

Nurse Carla Espinosa:

Dr. Christopher Turk:
Please, you're dying to know...

Nurse Carla Espinosa:
No, I am not! When Elliot...

Dr. Elliot Reid:
Carla... it's fine. I was all into poetry back then, you know... Sylvia Plath and Virginia Woolf... I know, shocker. Well, they both killed themselves. Plath stuck her head in the oven, but that was not an option for me because every time my head gets hot I need to pee, and I was not about to be found lying in a puddle of my own urine. Not again... not after the prom fiasco...

Dr. Perry Cox:
If you're still not sure why you tried to off yourself, I'm starting to get a pretty clear picture over here...

Dr. Elliot Reid:
So, I decided to do it like Virginia Woolf: I walked into a lake and tried to drown myself. Got up early on a Saturday, put on my bikini...

Private Brian Dancer:
Whoa... why would you wear a bikini?

Dr. Elliot Reid:
Oh, my one-piece was in the back of Coach Pongetti's car. That story informs this one, but I'm not going to tell it... Anyhow, I swam out to the middle of the lake and I couldn't bring myself to go under, so I just started, you know, floating around, waiting to get tired and then... Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! I got hit in the head by four oars as our school's rowing team passed by and then they just picked me out of the lake and took me home.

Nurse Carla Espinosa:
[realizing Turk's gonna fart] Oh no... Turk, I know that look... don't you dare toot while Elliot is baring her soul.

Dr. Christopher Turk:
But baby, the pressure's building. No one on Earth is this uncomfortable.

Dr. John 'J.D.' Dorian:
Maybe you not being able to have sex tonight is karmic payback for having sex with Stacy.

Dr. Christopher Turk:
J.D., drop it.

Dr. Elliot Reid:
What happened that night?

Dr. John 'J.D.' Dorian:
This is how I remember it. [J.D.'s flashback starts; as he speaks, events take place in a sort of footage] I was coming back from class and outside our room I heard...

Stacy Blue:
[flashback, in J.D.'s high-pitched voice] Oh, my God, it's true what they say about black guys!

Dr. John 'J.D.' Dorian:
[flashback] So, I opened the door and I see you and Stacy. So I said "Get off my girl before I kick your ass so deep you're gonna be crapping out Keds for a week!". Then you said...

Dr. Christopher Turk:
[flashback, in J.D.'s mocking voice] Chill out, dawg! You know you're my boyeeeee! This ain't be what it looks like... a'ight? [J.D.'s flashback ends]

Dr. John 'J.D.' Dorian:
But it wasn't "a'ight", was it, Turk?

Dr. Christopher Turk:
This is what really happened. [Turk's flashback starts; as he speaks, events take place in a sort of footage] Stacy and I were waiting for you to come back from class, and she said...

Stacy Blue:
[flashback, in Turk's high-pitched voice] Hey, we should have a water-balloon fight!

Dr. Christopher Turk:
[flashback] We got all wet from the water balloons and Stacy was like...

Stacy Blue:
[flashback, in Turk's high-pitched voice] Uh, I'm cold... let's take off all our clothes and get under the covers and warm up.

Dr. Christopher Turk:
[flashback] Then you came back from your class and you heard Stacy say...

Stacy Blue:
[flashback, in Turk's high-pitched voice, as Turk makes a basketball spin around on his finger] Oh, my God, it's true what they say about black guys!

Dr. Christopher Turk:
[flashback] Then you came in and said...

Dr. John 'J.D.' Dorian:
[flashback, in Turk's mocking voice] Ah... hey guys...

Dr. Christopher Turk:
[flashback] "Calm down, J.D.: this isn't what it looks like". Then I said "All right?" [Turk's flashback ends] Nothing happened. So drop it.

Dr. John 'J.D.' Dorian:
No balloons! And we didn't even have a basketball!

Jordan Sullivan:
So... you have postpartum depression.

Nurse Carla Espinosa:
No, I have the weepies.

Dr. Christopher Turk:
No, baby, you got...

Jordan Sullivan:
You have no lines in this play.

Dr. Christopher Turk:

Nurse Carla Espinosa:
Jordan, I can handle it.

Jordan Sullivan:
Really? What do you got there in your hand?

Nurse Carla Espinosa:
A job application for The Gap... [starts to cry]

Jordan Sullivan:
Oh, that's a good career move...

Nurse Carla Espinosa:
[crying and sobbing] Look, all I ever wanted was to be a mother, and now that I am one I feel like I'm not cut out for it.

Jordan Sullivan:
And you're ashamed of that?

Nurse Carla Espinosa:
Well, wouldn't you be?

Jordan Sullivan:
Yeah, I was. What's the worst feeling you've had since you've had the baby?

Nurse Carla Espinosa:
I don't know.

Jordan Sullivan:
When Jack wouldn't stop crying I wanted to throw that bastard out the window.

Nurse Carla Espinosa:
Really? I wanted to throw Isabella out the window... yeah. But we just had our apartment repainted and all the window were sealed shut; so I just wanted t drop her off the roof! [starts to cry again]

Dr. Christopher Turk:
[whispering] Oh, my God!

Jordan Sullivan:
Listen, you can't get rid of it by sheer force of will or positive thinking or taking advice from a big Hollywood movie star and the dead science fiction writer he worships; you need to get some help.

Nurse Carla Espinosa:
Ah... OK.

Dr. Christopher Turk:
That's what I've been trying...

Jordan Sullivan:
If you talk again I'm going to eat you!

Dr. Perry Cox:
[to Jordan, who came back home pregnant] Jordan, please tell me you ate a raccoon and it's slowly making its way through your digestive system...

Jordan Sullivan:
Oh, don't worry. It's not your baby. Though not for lack of trying; see [to Julie] , we have sex a lot.

Julie Keaton:
Who are you?

Jordan Sullivan:
Who do you think I am?

Julie Keaton:
Well, you have keys to the apartment, so I'm gonna say... the maid!

Dr. Perry Cox:
Julie, this is my ex-wife, Jordan. Jordan, this is my girlfriend, Julie. OK, that was a treat, wasn't it? [to Jordan] Now, would you like me to call you a cab or should I just whistle and have the flying monkeys bring the broom around?

Jordan Sullivan:
[to Julie while sitting on the sofa] Oh no. He called you his girlfriend... If I were you, I'd start gathering your tiny panties up because... I thing you're done.

Julie Keaton:
I'm already bored by you. Perry, I will be in the bedroom; come join me when Tubby leaves. [she leaves]

Jordan Sullivan:

Dr. Perry Cox:
Oh, who did that to you?

Jordan Sullivan:
Well, I was at this fabulous hotel in Greece, chock full of available, wealthy men...

Dr. Perry Cox:
[interrupting her] So it was the bellboy?

Jordan Sullivan:
Or busboy, or pool-boy... something "boy", I don't know. Anyway, when I first found out I was panicked; and then I thought I've kind of been drifting through life all these years... and I need to look into my heart and see what really matters to me. Anyway, I decided to keep the stupid kid.

Dr. Perry Cox:
You should cut out the middle man and just have a therapist deliver him. I mean, honestly, Jordan, why are you telling me this?

Jordan Sullivan:
Oh! Because I've also decided that I want you back.

Dr. John 'J.D.' Dorian:
[narrating] OK, not answering Kim's "I love you" was awkward, but at least it was over.

Dr. Kim Briggs:
So, do you think you could ever be in love with me?

Dr. John 'J.D.' Dorian:
[to himself] Let it go, woman! [out loud] Kim, let's focus on having the baby.

Dr. Kim Briggs:
Answer the question.

Dr. John 'J.D.' Dorian:
[to himself] Lie to her.

Dr. Kim Briggs:
And don't lie to me

Dr. John 'J.D.' Dorian:
Look, I think you're amazing, right? I've mentioned that. And... and even though I'm not, you know, in love with you right now, I really hope that one day I wake up feeling what you said you feel... even though I kinda asked you not to say it.

Dr. Kim Briggs:
Do you really hope that?

Dr. John 'J.D.' Dorian:
With all my heart.

Dr. Kim Briggs:
[sarcastically] Because I always dreamed of finding a guy who hoped he could fall in love with me someday.

Dr. John 'J.D.' Dorian:
Really? That's kind of weird.

Dr. Kim Briggs:
No! J.D., do you actually think that's enough for me? There are a lot of guys out there who think I'm a good catch; the words "cute as a button" have been thrown around on more than one occasion!

Dr. John 'J.D.' Dorian:
I know that, Kim... you're amazing.

Dr. Kim Briggs:
Stop calling me amazing, OK? Would you even be with me if I wasn't dropping this kid?

Dr. John 'J.D.' Dorian:
I don't know how to answer that...

Dr. Kim Briggs:
I think you just did... You know what? We're done.

Dr. John 'J.D.' Dorian:
Oh, what are you talking about? We're having a baby.

Dr. Kim Briggs:
Yeah, we are, but I deserve to be with somebody who doesn't need to cross his fingers and hope that he falls in love with me, maybe someday. It's over, J.D. [Kim's labor starts] Aaaaaargh!

Dr. John 'J.D.' Dorian:

Dr. Kim Briggs:
Get in here with the epidural!

Dr. Elliot Reid:
Carla, I'm so bummed. I can't go see the Chamber Orchestra tonight, I totally forgot I have my Cantonese class. And I would totally call and cancel but the only thing I know how to say is "I'm allergic to peanuts."

Nurse Carla Espinosa:
Oh, Elliot, I was really looking forward to this.

The Janitor:
Really? About five seconds ago you were all giddy about going home and taking a bath tonight.

Nurse Carla Espinosa:
Why would you do that to me?

The Janitor:
New thing. I'm busting chops.

Nurse Carla Espinosa:
[laughs defensively]

Dr. Elliot Reid:
So, you just forgot we even had plans?

Nurse Carla Espinosa:
What's the big deal? You were flaking on them anyway.

Dr. Elliot Reid:
I wasn't. I have my Cantonese class.

The Janitor:
But do you? Do you really? [Elliot makes a "What are you doing" face - Janitor shrugs] Busting chops.

Dr. Elliot Reid:
Fine! Well at least I remembered the plans well enough to flake on them! [storms off down a corridor]

Nurse Carla Espinosa:
[shouting after her] Oh yeah? Well if I knew you were gonna flake on them, I would never have made plans to forget in the first place, because you...

Dr. Perry Cox:
[has just walked in from the corridor Elliot left down] She's gone, Carla. It's over.

Nurse Carla Espinosa:
Where the hell have you been for the last few days?

Dr. Perry Cox:
Deep sea fishing.

Nurse Carla Espinosa:
You hate fishing.

Dr. Perry Cox:
Went with my buddies.

Nurse Carla Espinosa:
You don't have any buddies.

Dr. Perry Cox:
Oh yeah? Well we landed a 200 pound white marlin off the coast of San Diego.

The Janitor:
Interesting, because that's about 3,000 miles from the natural habitat of the white marlin. Hmm, well perhaps it hopped a train from Cape Cod!

Dr. Perry Cox:

The Janitor:
I'm busting chops today. You can ask anybody.

Nurse Carla Espinosa:
It's true.

The Janitor:

[Dr.Cox unknowingly transplanted donor organs infected with rabies into three people. Despite the team's best efforts to combat the infection, two of the recipients have recently died. Dr.Cox is sitting despondently on a couch when J.D. walks in. Narrating] I knew that Dr.Cox needed me the exact same way I'd needed him earlier.

[Presenting a bag of take-away food] Hey! Hungry?

Dr. Cox:

Guess that lunch waskind of a one-time thing, huh?

There's no way you could've seen that coming. I mean *rabies*? C'mon, there's like three reported cases a year. In fact, testing for it would've been irresponsible. You would've been wasting time those people didn't have.

Dr. Cox:
I was *obsessed* with getting those organs.

You had to be. The fact is those people were gonna die in a number of hours and you had to make the call! I would've made the same call.

Dr. Cox:

Yes! Anyway, I got us lunch and I think we should eat it. [J.D. produces two burgers from the bag]

[Narrating] Right then I knew I was gonna pull him out of this. But unfortunately, sometimes the hospital picks a day when it's just gonna pile it on.

Dr. Cox:
[Both J.D. and Dr.Cox's pagers go off. Dr.Cox looks at his and despairs] Oh God, C'mon!

Dr. Cox:
[Dr.Cox is shown passionately trying to revive the last patient who recieved an infected organ with a defibrilator, but the patient dies anyway. Dr.Cox shouts and turns over a table in frustration. After he calms down, J.D. enters the room] He wasn't about to die, was he? He... could've waited another month for a kidney.

[as Dr.Cox walks away] Where you going? Your shift's not over! Hey! Remember what you told me: Once you start blaming yourself for peoples' deaths, there's no going back.

Dr. Cox:
Yeah, you're right! [Dr.Cox walks out of the ward and closes the door behind him as J.D. looks on]

Dr. Bob Kelso:
Dr Reid, why are you using standard macrolides to treat your patient instead of Clo-Veritol?

Dr. Elliot Reid:
Uhm... ehm...

Dr. Perry Cox:
Oh! Clo-Veritol is a drug? No, honestly, Bob, here I was under the impression that it was a travel agency, what with all the free golf trips they've gone ahead and sent you on.

Dr. Bob Kelso:
I'll have you note that I do not authorize any drug for this hospital that I haven't personally researched.

Dr. Elliot Reid:
What did the research for Clo-Veritol say, sir?

Dr. Bob Kelso:
..."When life's not fair... at all... use Clo-Veritol". [leaves. Elliot smiles satisfied]

Dr. Perry Cox:
Check out Barbie boo-hottie slamming Big Bob... that a girl!

Dr. Elliot Reid:
I have spent the last three years in this hospital getting pushed around because I'm little Barbie from Connecticut. But there's a new toy in town and her name is B*tch-Slap Barbie... from... Connecticut...

Dr. Perry Cox:
Still, let's remember that you can't even drive the doctor-car without big daddy sitting right there besides you, because you went ahead and accidentally gave the patient over in bed 4 macrolides and opiates, two medications that, I guarantee you, are gonna make her nauseous.

Dr. Elliot Reid:
[scoffs] My patient is fine, and I don't need you... [sound of the patient vomiting]

Dr. Perry Cox:
I roughly think that would be the faint sound of your patient vomiting; you may be having trouble hearing it over the much louder sound of me being right yet again. Ooooh... [Elliot leaves; Cox looks over himself and sighs] God! My brilliance is now becoming a bit of a burden. Get back to me.

[narrating to himself] You never expect a cliche to be an actual conversation starter.

Dr. Christopher Turk:
Women... huh?

Dr. Cox:
Tell me about it...

It's like they're from another planet!

Dr. Cox:
OK... I'm going to engage you two in a conversation you will speak of it to no one. Agreed?


Dr. Cox:
It has gotten to the point where I'm starting to go back in my head over all my old relationships. I mean, don't get me wrong; I'm not like I'm going to sit here and count up all the women I've ever slept with...

Dr. Christopher Turk:


Dr. Cox:
...18. But not one of them ever really understood me.

Dr. Christopher Turk:
I'm feeling you, man. I consider myself a really romantic guy who's a little stressed out; and I thought the one person who'd understand that would be Carla.

Dr. Cox:
The weird thing is that I'm actually trying this time.

Dr. Christopher Turk:
I just wonder if I'm what she really wants...

Dr. Cox:
I just wonder if I'll ever be able to make it work out with anyone...

My peep's on the fritz...

Dr. Christopher Turk:
Dude! [laughs]

Dr. Cox:
[loughs too] Poor Newbie...

Dr. Christopher Turk:
[continuing to laugh] Oh, oh, oh...

[Embarassed] No, no, no, no, no, no! No! I'm talking about you, guys! Y... You guys... you guys are, like, my peeps, my dogs... and... you're on the fritz, so... that's where I get "peeps"... "fritz" came from...

Dr. Cox:
God love you, Newbie...

Dr. Christopher Turk:

Dr. Cox:
Thank you for... giving me some prospective.

Dr. Cox:
OK. As you all know Sacred Heart is dealing with a mountain of malpractice lawsuits courtesy of bumbling interns, clueless doctors and hack surgeons, or as I like to refer to them, you people. Now, since Sweaty Teddy here backs up his infinitesimal knowledge of the law with absolutely zero knowledge of medicine, one of you is going to have to help him go through the claims, decipher medical stuff and somehow relay all of that into his tiny peanut brain. Ted, how many times did I insult you during that speech? I was shooting for five.

Ted Buckland:
Only three, unless you count "Sweaty Teddy" as an insult; but my mom calls me that, and she loves me, right?

Dr. Cox:
No Ted. She hates you. Four. Now, since Ted has no life, and that's five, I'm going and let him select his very own victim. Ted...

Ted Buckland:
I'll take Claire!

Oh God...

Ted Buckland:
You turned me down 14 times for drinks! Well, who's the creepy loser now, huh?

Dr. John 'J.D.' Dorian:
[narrating] And just like that I had the chance to comfort Claire. [out loud] You look like you need to be rescued... [Claire nods; J.D. Narrates again] Life was good... but then came a surprise visit from my brother and a round of the game he likes to call Watch Her Leave. [J.D. comforts Claire; Dan arrives at their back, holding a bunch of flowers]

Dan Dorian:
There's no easy way to say this... we got the crabs. [Claire runs away] Wow, she was cute...

Dr. John 'J.D.' Dorian:
Yes, she was, Dan... thank you.

Dan Dorian:
Welcome. [J.D. looks into the camera]

Dr. John 'J.D.' Dorian:
We'll be right back [leaves with Dan]

Patient #1:
Was he talking to us?

Nurse Carla Espinosa:
Don't know, don't care.

Dr. Cox:
Everyone, we can all relax now. The planets have been realigned and order shall be returned to the people. [to Elliot] Hey, you!

Dr. Elliot Reid:
Just... give me two seconds, gotta finish e-mailing Jill.

Dr. Cox:
I have right here your little friend's test results. Shall we have some fun and take a look? [opens the chart and read it] Hmm, interesting! EKG negative; Tilt Table negative; Echo negative. Nyet, nada, zilch, nothing in fact is wrong with her but little stress and exhaustion, brought on mostly by... oh, let it come... being her!

Dr. Elliot Reid:
Yeah, but if you don't...

Dr. Cox:
No no, no no, no no, no no, no no, no no no... No! There's no time for "Yeah, buts". I want her out of here in the next five minutes or you'll be personally responsible for covering every missed shift during this year's flu season. Now go! Now go! Now go! [Elliot goes, J.D. arrives; Cox whistles at him] Hey you! For what it's worth I don't care if your beeper plays "Who let the dogs out? Hoof, hoof!" as many times as you like.

Dr. John 'J.D.' Dorian:
Actually, sir, it's "who, who"... but thank you, that... that's great.

Dr. Cox:
Sure. Oh, and Ginger, by the way... just a real smooth move running to your mommy...

Dr. John 'J.D.' Dorian:
Excuse me?

Dr. Cox:
Yeah, your mommy c-rushed me. She did. I'd like to issue a warning to everybody, and I'm dead serious. FYI: J.D.'s mommy has made it perfectly clear that she doesn't want her daughter picked on any more. Nothing mean. She's a precious flower and we should all be super nice to her...

Dr. John "J.D." Dorian:
First off, I want to thank you all for agreeing to talk.

Nurse Carla Espinosa:
Bambi, you paged us here.

Dr. John "J.D." Dorian:
Be that as it may, I think there are some simple solutions. Dr. Cox, you're angry with me.

Dr. Perry Cox:
No, I'm not.

Dr. John "J.D." Dorian:
And you won't admit this, but you're in love with Carla.

Nurse Carla Espinosa:
No, he's not.

Dr. Perry Cox:
Actually, I am.

Nurse Carla Espinosa:
You're starting again!

Dr. John "J.D." Dorian:
Carla, you're mad Turk didn't trust you enough to tell you.

Dr. Christopher Turk:
See, trust, woman, trust!

Dr. John "J.D." Dorian:
Whatever, the point is that Turk is sorry.

Dr. Christopher Turk:
Not anymore.

Nurse Carla Espinosa:
I can't believe you thought he was a threat!

Dr. Perry Cox:
I'm a threat.

Nurse Carla Espinosa:
You're not in love with me, you idolioze me.

Dr. John "J.D." Dorian:
If we could just try to stay focused...

Dr. Christopher Turk:
You're mad because I'm scared of losing you?

Nurse Carla Espinosa:
Yes, because we're stronger than that!

Dr. Perry Cox:
[singing] Apparently not!

Dr. Christopher Turk:
You should be glad I never took our relationship for granted, you silly woman!

Dr. John "J.D." Dorian:
If we could just refrain from name-calling...

Dr. Perry Cox:
Oprah's right!

Dr. Christopher Turk:
Lay off of him!

Nurse Carla Espinosa:
You're just pissed because you're still in love with your ex!

Dr. Perry Cox:
[slams his fist down on the table] Okay, that's it! Now, I have killed for so much less than that, and I'll damn sure do it again unless you all shut the hell up right now, and I MEAN NOW! [they all disperse]

Dr. John 'J.D.' Dorian:
[narrating] A local magazine named Dr Cox the best doctor in the city. Dr Cox felt this was big news. [Cox walks in front of doctors, paramedics and patients all arranged in a row]

Dr. Perry Cox:
All right! Here's how it's going to work, people. I'm going to ask each and everyone of you just exactly WHO is the very finest physician in this city, to which you will respond: "You are!". If you do not reply in a timely and exuberant fashion , my associate here will take his mop and, these are his words, not mine, "Popsicle you". [poses a hand over Janitor's shoulder; he makes a rapid and threatening move with his mop] Now, my lovely ex-wife will demonstrate. Darling, just exactly who is the very best physician in our fair city?

Jordan Sullivan:
You are! And now, as agreed, you owe me a night on the town and some "me actually getting to finish" sex.

Dr. Perry Cox:
Well done. Now, down the line we go!

Person in Line #2:
You are!

Person in Line:
You are!

Asian Nurse:
You are!

Black Nurse:
You are!

Y'are! [the Janitor pokes him with the mop] God! Why?

The Janitor:
You combined "You" and "Are", and you said "Yar". Made no sense.

Dr. Perry Cox:
It's true, Lonnie. Everybody heard it. Poke him again. [the Janitor pokes Lonnie again, he squeaks in pain. Cox notices Kelso in line] Bob Kelso... will you be joining us?

Dr. Bob Kelso:
Mh? Uh... there was a line... I assumed it had something to do with cupcakes.

Dr. Perry Cox:
Bob, obviously you read the article...

Dr. Bob Kelso:
Perry, the last publication I read was the issue of Out my son left by the crapper when he was home this weekend asking for money. You'll never get my validation, hotshot. [walks away, not poked by the Janitor]

Dr. Perry Cox:
And just exactly where was the poke?

The Janitor:
I froze. Gimme 20 bucks, I will crack him over the head.

Dr. Perry Cox:
[gives Janitor the money] Only kill him if you have to.

Dr. Cox:
[J.D. and Turk are dancing in costumes. Dr. Cox stares interested. When they stop] Please tell me this is just an intermission, 'cause I don't want this show to ever end.

Why are you here, Perry?

Dr. Cox:
To laugh, to cry, to cry from laughing, but mostly to laugh at two desperate guys on an iceslide to an irralivant middle age.

Well, not only have we been lettin' them know... [turns to turk] Is that the right expression?

[mumbling to J.D] Yeah that's right, lettin' them know.

[to dr. Cox again] we've been lettin' them know, by doing the cabbage patch, the running man and the capoera.

That's right, that's brazzilian dance fight! In your face.

Dr. Cox:
[looking around] Where's the jackass? [whissles for attention] Jackass! Come!

Cole Aaronson:
What up?

Dr. Cox:
Now you are the host of this party and to some extend the voice of your generation and while I sadly acknowledge that heralds the coming apocalypse I do value your opinion on one thing in particular.

Cole Aaronson:
Woaw... You're like shakespear, jo.

Dr. Cox:
I am. I am like shakespear, jo. Now look around the room really quick and tell me the five lamest people that you see. Feel free to start with me.

Cole Aaronson:
[points at dr. Cox] One: old. [points at Ted] two: bald and shiney. [points at Kelso] three: Superold. [points at security guard] four: checked out my jug at the urinal. and... [points at unknown guy] five: as weird junk, number four told me.

We didn't make the list.

Nope, we didn't.

You've just been served.

Yeah and you know what? We're going to rub it in your face a little bit by doing some brazilian fight dancing. Five, six, seven, eight [start dancing and J.D. kicks Turk accidentically in the face and Turk falls down]

Dr. Cox:
That was outstanding!

[voice over] Sometimes reality takes the form of a kick to the head...

Cole Aaronson:
SOrry bros. You've just been brougt to the numbers one and two of my lame-list.

Why I think Turk should be numer one cause he appears to be bleeding. [while Dr. Cox makes a photo of Turk lying there you hear J.D. his voice]... Other times it gets right up in your grill.

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