The Nostalgia Critic

The Nostalgia Critic


[Jeremy Scott of "Cinema Sins" joins the Nostalgia Critic to make "Christmas Story 2" eggnog]

Jeremy Scott:
[putting a few drops of eggnog into a blender using a turkey baster] Start off by finding the most classic and beloved Christmas treat you can imagine, and pour only a drop of it into your blender. Because even though it was perfect the way it was, we need to needlessly update it despite the fact that nobody asked us to.

Nostalgia Critic:
[adding in a package of hot dogs, wrapping and all] Next, you'll want to put in a vegan hot dog, because clearly there's no meat to this product whatsoever.

Jeremy Scott:
[slapping the Critic with a chicken drumstick before adding it into the blender] After that, you'll want to find a drumstick that's been needlessly used for slapping. Renditions of classics often contain unnecessary slapstick.

[they both pause and try to think]

Nostalgia Critic:
What's that? You didn't laugh at that joke? Well then, clearly we're making the right recipe.

Jeremy Scott:
Naturally, you're gonna need stars.

[the Critic looks in the fridge and pulls out a starfruit, which he then puts in the blender]

Jeremy Scott:
Look deep in the back of your fridge for the leftover starfruit that's expired way past its prime. It hasn't aged well and you probably forgot it even existed. But it's cheap, it's available and that's all that really matters.

Nostalgia Critic:
[pouring in some water from a pitcher] Finally, water it down as much as you can so you can't recognize what it was originally trying to replicate in the first place.

Jeremy Scott:
[they then blend the ingredients together] Blend whatever charm it had left into a creamy liquid, ready to be pointlessly forced down your throat.

Nostalgia Critic:
[after blending, they pour the stuff into two mugs] Be sure it's poured into a glass that looks festive and tasteful, deceiving you into what you're about to subject yourself to.

Jeremy Scott:
[putting a lit cigarette into both mugs] Finally, garnish with a lit cigarette, and enjoy.

[the two reluctantly drink the "eggnog" from their mugs, then suddenly run to the kitchen sink where they throw up]

Jeremy Scott:
Well, what other reaction would you have expected?

Nostalgia Critic:
Seriously, what the f*** is wrong with you? Do you honestly think these actions are gonna win me over?

Hyper Fangirl:
I... I... I ju...

Nostalgia Critic:
No no no no no no. You break into my home, you kidnap me, you stalk me. I've had it up to f***ing Jupiter with you!

Hyper Fangirl:
I was just trying to get you back into the Christmas spirit by making you like A Christmas Story again.

Nostalgia Critic:
I love Christmas. I love A Christmas Story. It's YOU I can't stand. I swear, my life would be so much happier if you would just disappear from it.

Hyper Fangirl:
Wait. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. What are you trying to say?

Nostalgia Critic:
[loses his temper] I hate you! I hate everything about you! If there was a likability scale between 1 and 10, you'd be negative pi! You'd be outlawed in 28 states just so people wouldn't have to talk to you again! If there was a cologne of you, you'd be Essence of Annoying. If cancer got cancer, YOU would be the one they would name it after! Knock knock.

Hyper Fangirl:
Who's there?

Nostalgia Critic:
Nobody! Because nobody would ever want to see you! When people ask monks what the meaning of life is, they say 'stay away from your dumb ass!' You're Beethoven's lost symphony: Death to Joy. Will anyone in an orange sweater, brown hair, glasses and a likable personality please raise their hand?

[Fangirl raises her hand]

Nostalgia Critic:
You're too stupid to even get that joke! On the evolutionary scale, you're the only one who's walking backwards! You're the Surgeon General's warning on every pack of cigarettes!

[suddenly dressed as a cheerleader]

Nostalgia Critic:

Nostalgia Critic:
They finally found a replacement: Richard Roeper, a much younger and more energetic critic compared to Roger Ebert, but sadly, not quite as up to par with Gene Siskel. Roeper simply seemed too young to be talking on the same level as Ebert about a lot these films. For example, Ebert's favorite movie is Citizen Kane. Roeper's is Ferris Bueller's Day Off. Nothing wrong with that- I like the movie, also- but it does certainly show the difference between the two.

Richard Roeper:
All right, come on, I'm being punk'd, right? Now let's do your real review.

Nostalgia Critic:
Even though it's obvious Roeper really enjoys and admires movies, Siskel and Ebert practically breathed movies, from what they wrote to what they talked about. Everything was movies. Roeper was a columnist before he became a critic, and because of this, he sort of fell into the same traps that most critics on TV do: trying to slip in the one-liners.

Richard Roeper:
That's like saying the napkin's good in a bad restaurant.

Richard Roeper:
I'm a hipster who knows what's right for the kids.

Richard Roeper:
I swear, it seems like English is a second language for her.

Richard Roeper:
The obvious joke is Half Past Dead would be a documentary about Steven Segal's career.

Nostalgia Critic:
But now, to his credit, he seems like a nice enough guy. His columns are funny, he has a great respect for Ebert, and I really liked how he always promoted lesser-known actors from the films he reviewed. But, sadly, disaster struck again. Ebert was diagnosed with thyroid cancer and underwent radiation treatments on his salivary glands. An emergency operation resulted in him losing his voice. Because of this, Ebert had to leave the show to Roeper and, sadly, would never return. The show now starred Roeper and a series of guest critics. But after not being able to agree with the new direction the producers wanted to take it, Roeper left as well.

Nostalgia Critic:
It's true that their relationship was very hard to figure out. They claimed they never hung out outside of work, but the way they acted sometimes, you'd swear they were brothers fighting over a toy truck.

Gene Siskel:
It's Thriller Week on Siskel & Ebert at the Movies, and we've got three new...

Roger Ebert:
It's called AND the Movies, not AT the Movies.

Gene Siskel:
That's this week on Siskel... & Ebert... & the Movies. And the a**hole. And that's Roger.

Nostalgia Critic:
In fact, this video of them shooting a promo has gotten a ton of hits on YouTube just for that very reason.

Gene Siskel:
Roger is the only guy in the history to ever answer "Yes" to every question he's asked at McDonald's.

Nostalgia Critic:
But for as many insults each of them could take, they always dished back double the amount.

Roger Ebert:
When they saw Gene walking in with... a little kid behind the counter called for the manager and said, "Mr. Jones, can you come out here? You can understand Mr. Siskel, can't you?"

Nostalgia Critic:
But at least they could agree on one thing: they both f***ing hate Protestants.

Roger Ebert:
Goddamn Protestants. Biggest thing that happens for them on Sunday is a bake sale.

Gene Siskel:
No, they've got to decide what color yellow tie to f***in' buy.

[the Nostalgia Critic is shocked]

Roger Ebert:
That's right. The only f***ing religion that has the Reader's Digest as a prayer book.

Nostalgia Critic:
I would just like to point out that, um, not all critics are prejudiced against certain religions. I, for example, am only prejudiced against these: [the names of various religions quickly scroll by, ending with "Whatever religion the Oompa-Loompas practice"] Especially the middle one.

Nostalgia Critic:
[after the movie ends] Well, all-in-all, the more I think about it, I think they wrapped up all the questions pretty well. Except: Was that the Blair Witch behind it the whole time? Did that "Twin Peaks" girl have anything to do with it? Oh, and what about the author, was she possessed or behind it at all? Actually, whoever it was, what was the motive? Why kill all these people? Were they under a spell, or just crazy? [Shows Jeff] I mean, we know *this* guy was crazy because he was in a mental institution. In fact, what was up with that opening with the mucus pouring into his nose? They never explained THAT. Hey, how come they saw crazy images *sometimes* and didn't at *other* times? Was there ever a rhyme or reason to it, or did they just do it out of nowhere? [Shows Video footage from the final scene] For that matter, how do we know the video footage is what we're really seeing? I mean, is that what really happened, or did the ghost, or witch, or whatever it is play with that too? We saw clearly it can mess with the footage. Speaking of which, why was the footage only playable when it's being played backwards? And even then, how did they see the snippets of it when they were playing it forward? Oh yeah, and did they ever explain why the goth chick was psychic? Because that was a "thrilling" backstory, wasn't it? I'm so glad they had THAT in the movie... THAT was essential to the plot! Hey, is there any chance you can explain why you were cutting to those bits of those people being murdered out of nowhere? Did it add anything to the story? Did it build any suspense? Now that I think about it, from a storytelling point of view: What does this have to do with the f***ing Blair Witch? The connection, if there is one at all, is never made! In fact, wait a minute: WHAT THE F*** WAS THE BOOK OF SHADOWS? Did they ever mention *that* in the movie? Why the hell was that the title? They don't talk about it; we never even see it! Don't you think maybe the title of your movie should goddamn have something well f***-sh*t-damn to do with your movie? It's never explained! [beat] Hey, you know what, come to think about it: THIS MOVIE IS BUTT-ASS!

Nostalgia Critic:
[about Ophelia] So she shows all the photoshopped pictures of history she says that she's been given a gift that's been passed on through the ages, and that she has tried to prove this theory as a professor in the past, but nobody has ever believed her. Why?

Male academia.

Nostalgia Critic:
...I'm sorry, what was the reasoning again?

Male academia.

Nostalgia Critic:
...Okay. Look, lady. Um, I'm not gonna act like there isn't some double standard bullshit going on in the world. Uh, women getting paid less than men, that's bullshit. Uh, men sleeping around with women being called a player, but a woman sleeps around with men, she's called a slut, that's bullshit. But when you go around with your "theories" that there are in fact "Catwomen" who exist today and have existed years in the past because the spirits of the Egyptian gods are in these little tiny felines going around who breathe on dead women, bringing them back to life, a sort of "Catwoman zombie", if you will, who now exist and fight crime even to this day... why do you think nobody believed you again?

Male academia.

Nostalgia Critic:
[makes buzzer sound] Wrong! It's because you're f***ing crazy! Male academia? Suck my sexist, women-bashing, chauvinistic, stripper-watching, porn-loving, overly-paid dick!

[shows Patience in her Catwoman outfit]

Nostalgia Critic:
If this movie's all "women are power," how come in the next scene she's dressed like a poster a 13-year old boy would hang over his bed and jerk off to?

Yeah, it was pretty tough to sit through, but on the bright side, I didn't die in this episo...

[a gunshot is heard and Phelous falls to the side, dying]

Nostalgia Critic:
Sorry, I died like four times in this episode. I figured you deserved one. I'm the Nostalgia Critic. I remem...

[Phelous starts to speak an indecipherable language as he gets up briefly, summoning lightning before he dies. Nostalgia Critic stares at Phelous' body]

Pencil Sharpener Phelous:
Critic! I'm a pencil sharpener!

Nostalgia Critic:
Really? Y-You transferred your soul into a pencil sharpener?

Pencil Sharpener Phelous:
Yeah, my mind went blank, and all I could think of was pencil sharpener.

Nostalgia Critic:
Well, how's that working out for you?

Pencil Sharpener Phelous:
Not well, Critic! I'm a pencil sharpener!

Nostalgia Critic:
Well, I'm sure you can still get a lot of good vengeance with that.

Pencil Sharpener Phelous:
Oh, I can, Critic. I can.

Nostalgia Critic:
I'm the Nostalgia Critic. I remember it so you don't have to.

Pencil Sharpener Phelous:
You better watch your fingers around me, Critic. Because next time you sharpen a pencil, you could get a little cut. Pencil sharpener! Ha-ha-ha! And, um... uh... next time you sharpen a pencil, I'll take too much off it! Your pencil won't be the way you wanted it! Oh, I'll get you with that! And also, when you're sleeping, I'll slit your throat, 'cause I've got a blade on here. Actually, it's probably not sharp enough for that. I'll just stick with annoying you with dull pencils or... sharpen too much pencils. You can't avoid me forever, Critic. You're gonna need to come to your pencil sharpener when it's time to write your next script on the computer-Oh, damn it. Hey, uh, C-Critic? C-Can you stick your face in me just for a second? I-I just want to show you something. There's something really, uh, c-cool in here-I'M GONNA GET YOU! Aww, you're not really doing it. You can't fit your face in here, okay. Never mind.

Nostalgia Critic:
[a female sous chef is working in a kitchen during a PSA from ""] Here's a little PSA from... Canada? Nuh-uh! Nope! I've learned my lesson! Canada is f***ed up! They may all look cute and innocent, but then they're sneaking in rape whistles, and putting d*cks in your mouth, and God knows what else! Well, I'm not falling for it this time!

Female sous chef:
I'm a sous chef here. With any luck, I should be head chef by next year.

Nostalgia Critic:
Oh, well, that... sounds kinda nice.

Female sous chef:
[has a ring on her finger] I've got an amazing fiancee.

Nostalgia Critic:
Oh, well, that sounds sweet. A nice couple finally found love.

Female sous chef:
But I won't be marrying this weekend.

Nostalgia Critic:
Oh? What, did you have to change the date or something? God, that's always so hard when that happens...

Female sous chef:
Because I'm about to be in a terrible accident.

Nostalgia Critic:
[suddenly looks concerned] Eh?

Female sous chef:
[picking up a boiling pot] But really, I should've cleaned up the grease over there, and they should never put the deep fryer so close... [suddenly, she slips on some grease on the floor, causing her to fall to the ground and the water in the boiling pot to fall on her face, painfully scarring her face. The woman screams in pain as another chef comes in to try and help her, while the Critic is totally freaked out by what he just saw]

Nostalgia Critic:
OHH! OHH, GOD! OHH, GOD! [he becomes quite furious] CANADA, YOU'RE SICK! YOU'RE SICK, CANADA! WHAT THE HELL'S WRONG WITH YOU? SHE WAS GONNA BE MARRIED, AND THEN YOU F***ED UP WITH HER FACE! YOU'RE SICK! YOU'RE SICK, CANADA! [the PSA's message is displayed: "There really are no accidents"] No, no, no, no, no! I don't care what you're advertising, 'CAUSE YOU'RE SICK! YOU'RE SICK, CANADA! I AM NEVER VISITING YOU, 'CAUSE YOU'RE SCARY! YOU'RE A SCARY PLACE, CANADA! PUT IT ON YOUR FLAG! [the Canadian flag is shown, along with the message: "We're scary"] YOU'RE SCARY! WE'RE KEEPING MICHAEL J. FOX, YOU KEEP WHATEVER THE HELL WE GAVE YOU!... Which is probably nothing... 'CAUSE YOU'RE SICK! [the accident is shown one more time, freaking out the Critic even further; he quickly changes the channel]

Nostalgia Critic:
[criticizing Don Bluth's film "A Troll In Central Park"] I know what you're thinking, "Aren't I being a little too hard on an animation legend?" Well, if he has a problem with it, he can tell me himself! [the TV channel then changes to show Don Bluth himself, staring silently at the Critic, who is surprised beyond belief] Don Bluth? [Bluth remains silent while the Critic becomes overjoyed] Oh, my God! I AM THE BIGGEST FAN EVER! Oh my God! Don Bluth's looking at me right now! "Secret of NIMH" is one of my favorite all-time movies! Holy sh*t! "American Tail", where he's just like, "I'll never find my parents!" Mother right there! Look to the f***ing left! "Land Before Time", oh my God! Before George Lucas was a swear word, that was, like, the most unbelievable thing! You're like, "I want a kick-ass movie about dinosaurs!" YOU ARE AMAZING! And what are you doing right now?

Don Bluth:
Just waiting. I want to see what you're gonna do.

Nostalgia Critic:
What? [Bluth resumes being silent and looking at the Critic] Oh, I see. Because I made fun of some of your work in the past, you're giving me the silent treatment, huh? Okay, all right. I'm not gonna be intimidated by a film giant like you. You gonna give me the silent treatment? I'm gonna give you the exact same thing back. [the Critic and Bluth stare silently at each other briefly, but then the Critic becomes nervous] Knock, knock. [Bluth remains silent] Oh, come on, it's the law. You have to say "Who's there?" [Bluth remains silent] Knock, knock. Who's there? Yugo. Yugo who? Yugo BYE-BYE! [changes the channel]

[the Critic appears as having a younger sister, both appearing in a parody of a "Milk, It Does a Body Good" commercial; every time she takes a sip of milk, she grows somewhat older]

Little Sister:
[growing older as she drinks her milk:] You may think I'm a shrimp now, big brother, but I'm drinking milk! Which means I'll grow long hair, beautiful skin, and become totally self-absorbed, meaning I won't even think for myself, and instead marry a wealthy millionaire who only wants me for my body. [after taking another sip, she now holds a comb] And then I'll feel this emptiness inside that only the miracle of cocaine can cure. [holds the comb to her nose and takes a snort; becomes derelict] If that's not enough, I'll turn to heroin for an even greater high! [now looks and speaks all deranged] And then I won't know what's real anymore and I'll wonder where my life went wrong! [tosses a rope around her neck] And then I'll be so jacked up on highballs that I'll try to kill myself in my main closet! [suddenly sobers up] But then I'll discover rehab and realize it was all part of God's plan. [suddenly becomes derelict and deranged again] But then, I'll relapse and fall right down the slippery slope again! [grabs the Critic's shoulders and shakes him] OH JESUS, BROTHER, HELP ME! [suddenly becomes a bum, wearing a coat and holding a glass of milk] And then I'll die cold and alone with my only friend, the glass of milk that started it all. [the Critic looks around nervously and runs off]

Commercial Announcer:
Milk. What the f***? [Chester A. Bum walks up]

Chester A. Bum:
Hey! [he kicks her] This is my spot! [she hisses at him; he runs off scared]

Nostalgia Critic:
So why didn't they go with her? Well, maybe she wouldn't be nearly as funny being needlessly shoved down a porta-potty and climbing out covered in poo. [Happy Madison audience laugh uncontrollably] Oh, that's right. This is a Happy Madison audience where something they see come out of them every day is suddenly hilarious because it reminds them of something that was scandalous when they were 2 years old. Watch. [a pause] Poo! [Audience laughs]

Audience Member #2:
[laughing] Oh, poo! Oh, poo!

Nostalgia Critic:
Oh, look! He's freezing him to the poo! [Audience laughs]

Audience Member #2:
[laughing] Oh, frozen poo! Oh, frozen poo!

Nostalgia Critic:
Oh, look! A bunch of deer coming up to lick him out of the poo! [Audience laugh even louder] Hey, look! Abbott and Costello are misunderstanding the ballplayer's names and starting positions. [Audience falls silent] Oh, no! They have to think for that! We don't want something smart here! This is a Happy Madison audience!

Audience Member #4:
Where did I come from?

Nostalgia Critic:
Oh, no! They're growing intelligent! Show another poop scene! Show another poop scene! Look! The deer's smiling with poop in his teeth! [Audience starts laughing again] Now give them your money. They work for seconds to think of this awe-inspiring humor. [Audience laugh and start throwing money]

Audience Member #2:
[laughing while throwing money at the Critic] Take it! Take it all!

Nostalgia Critic:
[Bell rings and the caption "Feeding Time" appears] It's feeding time! Who wants White Castle Slider fruit snacks. [Audience raise their hands. Critic throws a switch. Fruit snacks begin flying at the audience and they start eating it while making seal sounds. Critic laughs] It's funny because they shouldn't live.

British Announcer:
We are live at a press conference here in Chicago, Illinois, where we hear that any minute, The Nostalgia Critic is going to make a public appearance addressing his last video. For those who are unaware, the Nostalgia Critic posted a Let's Play of "Bart's Nightmare" last week, which was considered by many to be so horrendously unfunny, that they would rather shove a needle factory up their scrotums. OH! And here is the Nostalgia Critic preparing to explain his actions.

Nostalgia Critic:
Hello everyone, I'm the Nostalgia Critic, uh, I remember it so you don't have to. Uh, they allowed me a short amount of time out of the Internet State Penitentiary. Little surprised to see that place actually existed. But apparently it's right next to the State Home for the Ugly. So, they allowed me a short time out to answer your questions addressing the video I did last week. Uh, yes?

Reporter Lady:
How does it feel to know that you made the absolute worst Let's Play ever to be put on the internet?

Nostalgia Critic:
Bad. Definitely, uh, bad! Uh, but hopefully I can make some more funny videos and move on from there. Yes?

Male Reporter:
I had a robber break into my house, kill my wife, and eat my children. Uh, he's not as bad as you.

Nostalgia Critic:
Thank you for that. And, uh, I'm very sorry for your loss

Male Reporter:
Don't give me your pity.

Nostalgia Critic:
Uh, yes?

Male Reporter #2:
Ahem. Melvin the Brother of the Joker, Emo Jones, this recent Let's Play, Nazi Germany. That is all.

Nostalgia Critic:
Ok. If we can keep these questions to actual questions, uh, that'd be fantastic! Uh, yes?

Angry Reporter:
[screaming] How do you account for this travesty among the world?

Nostalgia Critic:
Look, um, when everything is said and done, at the end of the day, I just made a bad video! [the crowd gasps]

Reporter Lady:

Nostalgia Critic:
The truth of the matter is, there is kind of an art to the chick flick. No, I'm not talking about the ones that are on the spectrum like "Is 'Hunger Games' a chick flick?", "Is 'Bridesmaids' a chick flick?" I'm talking about the ones that are ovaries-to-the-wall, estrogen-inducing, couldn't-be-mistaken-for-anything-else chick flicks. The same way an action film like "Harry Potter" is gender-neutral, but "Pacific Rim" is obviously a dick flick, which is like a chick flick, only the exact opposite. And that's also not to say men can't like chick flicks or women can't like dick flicks. But let's not kid ourselves, it's not boys who made the "Twilight" films a hit and it's not girls who made the "Transformers" films a hit. Hollywood is always going to market to repetitive demographics. When they find a pattern that keeps repeating, they're going to exploit the f*** out of it. But here's the thing: there's a lot of chick flicks out there that are really good. I don't care if it mostly stars women, "A League of Their Own" is f***ing hilarious. I don't care if there's a lot of romance and kissing, "Princess Bride" still kicks f***ing ass. As the years go on, we see more and more effort being put into what was originally thought to only be a niche market.

[shows off a poster for "Titanic"]

Nostalgia Critic:
Hell, the highest grossing film of all time for a while was a chick flick.

[shows off a poster for "Frozen"]

Nostalgia Critic:
And you could argue the highest grossing animated film right now is a chick flick. It's clear a lot more effort is being put into them, and more and more audiences are opening up. But here's what really pisses me off: when people try to use it as an excuse; when they watch something that they know is terrible for them and is absolute sh*t, but they just shrug off, "It's okay, it's a chick flick." What the f*** does that matter?

[shows off a poster for "The Hot Chick"]

Nostalgia Critic:
Calling a film a gross-out movie doesn't make Rob Schneider's work any better.

[shows off a poster for the movie version of "Super Mario Bros."]

Nostalgia Critic:
Calling a film a video game movie doesn't make "Super Mario Bros." any better. So why does laziness and insulting writing get a pass here? Well, I don't think it should! Case in point: "Mamma Mia"!

I've come to pay my bill. You made me believe you loved me! Why shouldn't I pay you?

[Nostalgia Chick is seething]

Nostalgia Chick, you okay?

Nostalgia Chick:
Fine. I'm fine.

Why can't I pay you like everyone else does?

No, Christian, there's no point.

Seriously, you don't look so good.

Nostalgia Chick:
I'm fine damn it! Fine!

This woman is yours now. I've paid my whore! And you are nothing to me.

Nostalgia Critic:
Admit it, Chick. There's something you really hate about this scene, isn't there? It isn't just silly and stupid like the other scenes. There's something you really despise!

No, there isn't.

Nostalgia Critic:
What is it about this movie that drives you absolutely insaaane?

Nostalgia Chick:
Christian is a complete twat!

Nostalgia Critic, Brentalfloss:
Christian's a twat?

Nostalgia Chick:
Yeah! Truly in love? That's such bullshit! Oh, all you need is love. Love, love, love, love... Who treated anyone they truly loved this way? Why would you slutshame her in front of an entire audience of people? Who calls that love? That's not love, that's bitterness!

Nostalgia Critic:
Well, because she lied to him, and he thought she was playing him the whole time.

Yeah, I'd think you'd be more pissed at her than him.

Nostalgia Chick:
Oh sure, her actions are abjectly stupid and she's the victim of bad, stupid writing. But him? He's just despicable! He's evil! For as many times as he sings about looove, he treats her in the most insulting, dirty, mean-spirited way that you can treat a human being. And the dwarf's over here like "Oh, she wouldn't do that!" and yet him, the one that's in love with her can't figure this out? "Oh yeah, love! I forgot about that! That's right! I'm sorr... you know what, I'm not even sorry, but we're still in love. So let's sing about it! In front of everyone and everything's okay! Oh wait, you're dead. Awww." How would you feel if your loved one had some stupid misunderstanding that sprung from bad writing and then threw out all of their negative, horrible bile in one fell swoop... In front of everybody!

Nostalgia Critic:
[very angry at Michael Bay] I'm sorry, I don't f*** around with this sh*t! I don't, okay? These are people who have lost their lives, people who have been drafted, people who volunteered, people putting their asses on the line, and many of them don't come back! You're taking it upon yourself to show that! And, I know what you're thinking. Yeah, you're thinking, "Well, I'll just make up people because they weren't really there so I can do whatever I want with them, I can make sh*t up." And granted, you don't deserve the responsibility to show real events. You don't live in the real world! But what happens is that when you take it and base it on a real event, you have to show these real people. You have to get it right, Michael Bay! You have to get it right! Because this isn't Transformers, okay? That's kid's sh*t, you can do whatever you want. It's not The Rock! It's not Sean Connery saying "Winners f*** the prom queen!" No, it's f***ing Pearl Harbor! Reality! It actually happened! And I know you're thinking, "Well, it's Hollywood, we take liberties." F*** you, it's not Hollywood! When you take it upon yourself to represent something that really happened and is still painful and hurts a lot of people, that means you have to do two things: one, you have to grow up and be an adult! Two, you have to actually represent these people as best as humanly possible, YOU SON OF A *BIIIIIITCH*!

[after screaming like that, the Critic takes a while to calm down and catch his breath]

Nostalgia Critic:
I can't be the only one who sees this. And thank god I wasn't.

Nostalgia Critic:
[referring to a commercial for Cocoa Pebbles] Okay, I'm sorry. I gotta address something with these commercials: here you got Barney, who's going to these EXTREME lengths to get Fred's cereal. Why doesn't he just go to the f***ing store? I mean, my God! It's incredible the lengths he'll go to. I mean, his face is on the f***ing box! You'd think he'd be able to get a free ones every once in a while! And for that matter, why does Fred keep feeding into his habit? Why doesn't he just crack and tell him what he really needs to do?

Fred Flintstone:

Barney Rubble:
[dressed as a rock star] Uh-oh, this rock's got to roll!

Nostalgia Critic:
[talking like Fred] Okay, Barney, before I chase you around in some comedic routine, I just want to ask you to do one thing: look at yourself. Just really look at yourself.

[Barney looks sad]

Nostalgia Critic:
I mean, my God, Barney, my God. You're a pathetic wreck. I mean...

[gestures toward a concert stage that Barney built to plan his scam]

Nostalgia Critic:
That stage alone. How much did that cost you? Hundreds, maybe thousands of dollars? You keep doing this every week. Week after week, you blow your money away when you could be spending time with your family! This is why you're defaulting on your mortgage, Barn. This is why Betty has to strip.

[takes out his wallet]

Nostalgia Critic:

[gives Barney some money]

Nostalgia Critic:
There's, uh, twenty dollars. That's good for a couple boxes. Go. Go to the store, get a few. Enjoy yourself. You have a problem, Barn. You have a real serious problem. And it needs to be addressed. I mean, seriously, Barn, what is it about my cereal that sets it apart from other cereals?

Barney Rubble:
'Cause it came from your wife's box.

Nostalgia Critic:
[taking out a gun and cocking it, still talking like Fred] Okay, Barn, you're going down!

[fires the gun at Barney, who runs off while being chased by Fred]

Fred Flintstone:
[voiceover] Post Cocoa Pebbles cereal, part of this nutritious breakfast. Yabba-dabba-delicious!

Nostalgia Critic:
[talking like Fred] I'll make you eat YOUR wife's box!

Nostalgia Critic:
Hey, Nintendo: The greatest family-friendly system ever. God, I remember when they used to make it look like it could make your house soar or it could blast you out of your seat or it could open up a world of imagination you never thought possible. God I adored those whimsical commercials. So go ahead, show us what's in store for this one.

Creepy Nintendo Guy:
[Mario Bros. theme plays as the Nintendo logo appears. Music changes to the Koopa theme as the Creepy Nintendo Guy appears] We are Nintendo. Ultimate TV game system.

Nostalgia Critic:
Who are you?

Creepy Nintendo Guy:
We challenge all players.

Nostalgia Critic:
You don't look friendly.

Creepy Nintendo Guy:
You cannot beat us and your zapper gun... [Duck Hunt Dog giggles as a 3D image of him appears on screen. Critic cringes]

Duck Hunt Dog:
You cannot beat us.

Nostalgia Critic:
Duck Hunt Dog, why are you so scary now?

Creepy Nintendo Guy:
Even with your robot partner... [Enemy from Gyromite appears]

Enemy from Gyromite:
You cannot beat us.

Creepy Nintendo Guy:
Score 1,000,000. [Lakitu appears]

You cannot beat us.

Nostalgia Critic:
[Trembling voice] Can I play some Mario now?

Creepy Nintendo Guy:
Discover new worlds... [3D image of Bowser appears]

You cannot beat us.

Nostalgia Critic:
Are you stealing my soul while I watch you?

Duck Hunt Dog:
You cannot beat us.

Enemy from Gyromite:
You cannot beat us.

You cannot beat us.

Creepy Nintendo Guy, Duck Hunt Dog, Enemy from Gyromite, Lakitu, Bowser:
We are Nintendo. We challenge all players. You cannot beat us. [Mario Bros. Game Over music plays over Nintendo title screen. Critic sits on the sofa terrified. He gets up and walks quickly to the bathroom and closes the door. Critic screams and diarrhea sounds are heard from behind the door]

Nostalgia Critic:
[on the Campbell's soup commercial] A cute concept and all but my biggest question is who the f*** left their kid outside so long that he would become a snowman? That's just horrible parenting! In any other world, I don't think this would fly over so smoothly.

[Oh, Christmas Tree music playing in background] All right, kiddo. I think that's enough playing outside. Time to come on in. [Cuts to an image of frozen Tamara standing outside] Need a little help there? Okay. [Father brings Tamara inside] Ho, ho, ho, well you look like you were having a lot of fun out there, weren't you? [a pause] Indeed. But now it's time to stop playing with your toys, [Starts tugging at Tamara's Skip-It toy] so all right now, no... no... come on, honey... come on... come on... [Successfully pulls off the Skip-It, along with Tamara's right hand. Laughs] Oh, somebody's growing up. Okay, well, why don't I make you a bowl of your favorite Campbell's soup? [Tamara's other hand falls off] I'll take that as a yes. [Picks her up and sits her at the table in front of a bowl of soup] Here you go, honey. A bowl of your favorite... [Tamara falls face-first into the bowl of soup. Father stands there for a few seconds. Awkwardly] Oh, Christ. [Picks up Tamara's head. She obviously looks dead. Father drops her head back into the soup bowl. Looks around awkwardly then runs frantically out of the room]

Nostalgia Critic:
Well, it's still classic in many people's eyes and I think it's still gonna be for quite a while longer. Just don't try at home.

Crazy Video Game Guy:
Star Wars...

Nostalgia Critic:
Speaking of a franchise that was needlessly everywhere...

Crazy Video Game Guy:
[Starts playing the game like a man possessed] Whoa! TIE-Fighters! Fireballs coming right at me! Watch the laser towers! Aim for the towers!

Nostalgia Critic:
Oh, my god, guy. Calm down. Pac-Man had more threatening graphics than this.

Crazy Video Game Guy:
The shields are gone! All right! I'M GOING IN!

Nostalgia Critic:
[Imitating Crazy Video Game Guy] I shouldn't have done that line of coke before playing this! AAAAH! [Crazy Video Game Guy's head explodes]

[Looking shocked at Crazy Video Game Guy's appearance where his hair is standing up on end] Oh, some game huh?

Crazy Video Game Guy:

Nostalgia Critic:
[Imitating Crazy Video Game Guy] I'm just gonna look at a pop-up book for a minute! [Opens pop-up book. Screams] Jesus, maybe the people in Wolf of Wall Street weren't even doing drugs. Maybe they were just doing the Star Wars Atari game the whole time.

Jack Dawson:
[Caption reads: Before the Star Wars Atari Game] I work my way from place to place. Got everything I need right here with me. [Cuts to Wolf of Wall Street clip with a drugged-out Leo crawling furiously on top of a desk trying to get Jonah Hill. Caption reads "After the Star Wars Atari Game."]

Leo in Wolf of Wall Street:
[Muttering incoherently] You f***! You f***! [Leo falls off the desk still grunting and grabbing at Jonah Hill]

Nostalgia Critic:
Star Wars: It's that... good?

Nostalgia Critic:
[completely abhorred to learn that the Grand Duke is voiced by Christopher Plummer] Oh, God, what some people will do for a paycheck! He couldn't have thought this was a good movie! Nobody could've! He MUST of been under contract or something! That's the only excuse. In fact, I can just imagine him trying to sneak out of this movie. [a clip from "The Sound of Music" plays: the Von Trapps trying to escape Austria]

Max Detweiller:
[to Captain Von Trapp] I hear they're going to announce the casting for the villain today.

Captain Von Trapp:
By the time they've made the announcement, we'll be over the border.

Herr Zeller:
Trouble with your car, Mr. Plummer?

Captain Von Trapp:
Yes, as a matter of fact, we couldn't get it started!

Herr Zeller:
Surely you've heard that the studio wants you to provide the voice for the owl in their latest family romp, "Rock-A-Doodle"?

Captain Von Trapp:
I'm... afraid that's going to be... quite... impossible.

Herr Zeller:
Now, Mr. Plummer... surely you don't think you can defend yourself against the awesome power of studio-funded lawyers? No man has ever survived their verbal slaughter. So, I take it you'll change your mind about the role?

Captain Von Trapp:

Herr Zeller:
Excellent. My men will escort you to the recording studio.

Captain Von Trapp:
No escort will be necessary.

Herr Zeller:
I insist. We wouldn't want you getting lost on your way over... would we?

Captain Von Trapp:

Herr Zeller:
Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to get Abe Vigoda for "Good Burger".

We have to go get Matt!

Don't you see that? There could be kids in there.

There's no one in there... and your kid is right here. We have to get her somewhere safe. This is so typical of you, Fin. You care more about other people than you do your own family.

Nostalgia Critic:
You know, Tara. I'm aware you're in a movie called Sharknado and you're not going to use your A-material, but can you at the very least muster up a D-minus performance?

Anthony C. Ferrante:
Now, Tara. I know you're trying to convey actual human emotion but I swear to Christ if you don't get this right I am going to replace you with a lamp.

Tara Reid:
[Blankly] I understand.

Anthony C. Ferrante:
Look. Just try to convince me that you're not an alien so we can get through this and call it a night, okay?

Tara Reid:
Got it. Let me call my acting coach to help me out.

Anthony C. Ferrante:
Whatever you need. [Walks off]

Tara Reid:
[Dials number on her iPhone and starts talking in alien voice] Commander, the humans are on to me. They do not believe I am one of them.

Kristen Stewart:
[Cuts to the outside of Kristen Stewart's dressing room, where she is also speaking in an alien voice] Do not fear, Lieutenant. [as she is reading a script for "Stephenie Meyer's Caligula: A Fisting Full of Sparkles."] Our mission to consume humanity through shitty movies is nearly at an end. If they start to suspect anything, just draw emphasis to a body part you have not drawn emphasis to yet.

Tara Reid:
[Alien voice] I am running out of those, but I will do my best. [Hangs up phone]

Anthony C. Ferrante:
All right. You ready Tara?

Tara Reid:
[Normal voice] Yes

Anthony C. Ferrante:

Tara Reid:
[Without any emotion] Oh, no! A sharknado! [Turns around and shows the back of her neck]

Anthony C. Ferrante:
Cut! [to cameraman] Well, she's awful but she has a damn good back of the neck. On with the next scene! [Tara Reid smiles as the Nostalgia Critic commercial bumper appears]

[about the "no technology" philosophy of the Baku] I'm sorry, but I'm not behind this. At least not the way these pompous jerks are flaunting it. First of all: you have machines! We saw your irrigation lines, you idiots! And those clothes look pretty damn well-tailored for a group of people that don't have the ability to manufacture them properly. Second: this movie builds this place up like it's paradise, Eden, or perfection; however, their philosophy is the exact OPPOSITE of what "Star Trek" stands for! "Star Trek," in the end, is about how advanced technology has done us so much good, how it allows us to do so many great things, and that the future will be a bright one because, partially, we want for nothing. THIS movie, however, tells us we need to get "back to nature" and be smug, hippie jackasses who reject technology and machines in favor of being so inbred that we don't believe in any other colors for our clothes except brown!

Nostalgia Critic:
Yikes, Linkara...

I'm sorry, but I really hate these people! They piss me off!

Nostalgia Critic:
What, do you hate Amish people, too?

No, THEY hate ME. But at least the Amish have religious reasons for rejecting technology. THESE guys are just dumb! WE SEE THEM USING TOOLS! And in the end, what is technology but just advanced tools?

Nostalgia Critic:
Well, on the bright side, at least we don't have to deal with them any longer...

[cuts in]... They're the focus of the movie...!

Nostalgia Critic:

Ask That Guy With The Glasses:
Hello, I'm That Guy With The Glasses, and there are many questions I'm sure you want to ask me, like what am I doing at the end of this video? Are you actually that handsome in real life? And why did the Nostalgia Critic wear mascara in his last video, anyway? Well, none of those questions are important next to the greatest question of them all: How do I get Geek Fight cards? That's right, it's a f***ing commercial. I bet you thought I was gonna say something meaningful like I usually do. But it turns out I'm an unbelievable whore. And how can you not be when you are actually featured on the cards? Look at that. Ask That Guy With The Glasses has his very own card. Isn't it beautiful? Yes. There are also other characters you can get, though, like the Nostalgia Critic, Chester A. Bum, and even Hamster Jelly has a card. How did Hamster Jelly get a card? You don't want to know. They are only $7. Isn't that fantastic? Now that we have that out of the way, we can get back to answering the important questions, like why did the Nostalgia Critic wear eyeliner in his last review, anyway?

Nostalgia Critic:
It was from a Melvin sketch, alright? I don't wear eyeliner!

Ask That Guy With The Glasses:
He's lying, of course. It's because he's an emo.

Nostalgia Critic:
No, I'm not!

Ask That Guy With The Glasses:
Yes, he is. This is That Guy With The Glasses saying, "Buy these cards today, or I'll come to your house, sodomize and kill you." [the caption "He will, too." appears below him as he nods his head while still smiling]

[the Critic finishes his review of the movie and loads it on the Internet]

Nostalgia Critic:

...said the Grump, loading his hit.

Nostalgia Critic:
They're finding right now that this movie is sh*t. They're watching right now. I know just what they'll do. Their mouths will hang open for a moment or two, and then, they'll cry "The genius of You-Know-Who." Now those are reactions that I simply must read.

He went to the comments to take a look and see. But the reactions he got didn't seem very sad. If anything, these reactions seemed rather... glad. [he then sees all the positive comments from people who genuinely like the movie] They still loved the movie from beginning to end. There was no one to anger, upset, or offend. He didn't stop the people from liking it. They loved it. Somehow or other, it was still just as beloved. [the Critic puts his hand in his cheek] And the Grump, feeling like he's been horribly conned, sat puzzling and puzzling.

Nostalgia Critic:
WHAT THE HELL'S GOING ON? They like mistletoe butt! They like b*obs being harassed! They like seeing a PERVERT KISS A DOG'S ASS!

He puzzled and he puzzled 'til his puzzler was sore. Then the Grump thought of something he hadn't before. Just because he hates something doesn't mean others should. He could share, not force, his opinion like others would. For it's all our different outlooks that makes us people grow and everyone is different like every flake of snow. For different points of view could exist for a reason: to learn about one another and to make each other decent. [the Critic thinks some more, then says:]

Nostalgia Critic:
Nah, I'm right. They're wrong. [gets up and leaves]

Well, f*** you, then!

Nostalgia Critic:
And the number 1 "Next Nostalgia Critic F*** Up" is... Nothing. I have no number 1. Haha, I guess I didn't make as many mistakes as I thought. Well, thank you for joining me an...

Elephant In The Room:

[Nostalgia Critic turns and see's the Elephant In The Room, who just stares blankly at him]

Nostalgia Critic:
Did you hear something? I-I-I totally didn't hear anything.

Elephant In The Room:
Don't try to avoid me.

Nostalgia Critic:
I'm not avoiding you, thing that I don't hear.

Elephant In The Room:
You're missing the Autism joke.

[Nostalgia Critic puts his fingers in his ears and yells "lalalala" over and over in an attempt to block out the Elephant]

Elephant In The Room:
You know damn well that you made a joke about Autism and you tried your hardest never to mention it again.

Nostalgia Critic:
Okay, you're right! In my "Ernest Saves Christmas" review I made probably the most inappropriate joke ever. It was when one of the characters is doing an unfunny puppet show for kids that are way too old to be enjoying it.

Nostalgia Critic From Earlier:
Yes, I think he entertains the autistic children.

Nostalgia Critic:
Not only was this inappropriate, it just didn't make sense. There's just as many high-functioning Autistic people as there are low-functioning Autistic people. In fact there's even more high-functioning. I know Autistic people, and to be honest this was just an unfair, un-thought out joke. I didn't even think it was that funny when I put it in. I just sort-of did on the off chance that maybe someone else would find it funny. It was a gamble, and to this day it remains to be the only joke I ever removed because I simply thought it was low and unfair. No disrespect people, it's just a really stupid mistake that I hope never to make again.

The Brain:
Pinky, are you pondering what I'm pondering?

I think so, Brain. But how can you have a Duck Dynasty if none of the people are ducks?

The Brain:
Goddamn it, Pinky! Can't you get at least one f***ing thing right?

[Peppy music starts to play them out]

The Brain:
No, no, cut the music! Cut the music!

But I...

The Brain:
I've put up with this bullshit for too long!


The Brain:
You are the syphilis to everything I've worked so hard for, you miserable, poisonous sack of disease!

But Brain...

The Brain:
Shove it, b*tch! I could have had the world years ago if you didn't keep f***ing it up!

Oh dear, I...

The Brain:
Do me a favor and just... just die! Just die for the sake of all humanity!

[sobbing] Oh Brain! I can't believe it!

The Brain:
Oh, that's right! Cry! Oh, that's all your good for isn't it, you little sh*t!


[It has to be noted that the impressions of the two mice are surprisingly accurate. Turns out, a cut away from the scene reveals Pinky and the Brain's ACTUAL voice actors, Rob Paulsen and Maurice LaMarche respectively, acting out the scene in their hotel room, with the Critic in the background urging them on]

Maurie LaMarche:
Wait a second. Hold up, Rob.

Rob Paulsen:

Maurie LaMarche:
Are you sure this is for a kids show?

Nostalgia Critic:
Just say it. People have been wanting to hear it for years.

Rob Paulsen:
Oh really? Okay.

Maurie LaMarche:

The Brain:
You are pestilence! That's right you are the pestilence of life! I don't usually believe in homicide, but if I could go back to the moment of your conception.


Uh, Critic? Film Brain says he's done scarily frolicking.

Film Brain:
Time's up, Mr. Critic. Where's my review?

Nostalgia Critic:
Well I, uh... kinda just finished it up, Film Brain.

Film Brain:
What? You failed!

Nostalgia Critic:
No, no, no, no, no! I just wanted you to finish it out with the closing thoughts.

Film Brain:
Really? What would you have me say?

Nostalgia Critic:
Well... The point of this movie is to prove one thing, that the Purge is bad. Well, since we already know that and not in a million years we would let something like this happen, it's a pretty f***ing pointless message. Maybe if it was a dark comedy, an exploitation film, or balls-to-the-wall satire, but it explains nothing about how this idea could work except that... it works! Most of it is just showing people sneaking around the house like it's trying to be a gritty real life situation. But since we know the situation is bullshit, there's no way to identify with it. The only bit of fun is that Henry character. He at least does something totally bat-sh*t crazy and memorable. But for everything else, it's just a pretentious, wannabe protest film that has nothing to protest. It's like that kid who wants attention in your writing class, so he writes what he thinks is groundbreaking commentary when really its just someone complaining about how there's nothing to complain about. It's a stupid, ridiculous mess.

Film Brain:
Well, yeah! I can say that and... Wait a minute, you already said that!

Nostalgia Critic:
Oh, yeah. Oops.

Nostalgia Critic:
Do I even need to say what's wrong with it? Not really; it's pretty obvious: Horrible acting, horrible writing, horrible directing, and horrible animation. But, here's the thing: a lot of people are saying this is the animated equivalent of The Room, one of those films so hypnotizingly bad that it's actually good. And, in some respects, they're actually kinda right. This can be very entertaining to laugh at and make fun of. Everything is so awkward and strange that you can't help but burst out into hilarity. But the problem is, it's a Christmas movie. Christmas; really think about that! This is the season where even the worst holiday specials at least try to give something either entertaining or heartfelt because they feel they owe it to such a beautiful time of year. And, what does this film end up giving us?

You always win when you are good.

Nostalgia Critic:
Yeah. This is the holiday where charities all over the world go up, and people give more than ever to those who have so little and expect nothing in return. They do it because they know it's right, and this is the time to celebrate what's good in the world. And, what does this film end up giving us?

You always win when you are good.

Nostalgia Critic:
This is the time of year that brought a war to a halt, because the message of goodwill toward men was so strong, because it was a symbol to stop hatred, stop killing, stop everything spreading anything that didn't equal love and respect for everyone in the world. This is a holiday that is that powerful. So... just to reiterate, you Christmas special that clearly understands the holiday you're representing, what then is the meaning of Christmas?

You always win when you are good.

Nostalgia Critic:
Yeah, cause that's what Chri-THAT'S what Christmas is. You got it, special. You f***ing got it. NO. NO YOU DIDN'T! And that's why this is the worst special. I'll tell you why: because Christmas is not about that. It's not about that little dumbass message you were trying to throw in at the last minute. You know what? It's not even really about giving or sharing or love or anything about that. That's a part of it, but there's something more important. You want to know what it is? I'll tell you what Christmas is. CHRISTMAS IS EFFORT. It's putting effort into that kindness. It's putting effort into that sharing. It's putting effort into that loving because anyone can just give something. Anyone can just buy something whether it costs a million bucks if you're rich or nothing if you're poor, but by God, it's the effort you put into it. If you got something someone really wanted, then that's effort or if you made something that they didn't even know they wanted, that's effort. That's loving. There's so much effort into that stuff and that is clearly something that is NOT IN this special. They just slapped it together, didn't give a sh*t, and you can't do that on Christmas, man. You have to try. You have to try to make this stuff good because that is what we are trying to do. It's about putting effort into something that is even bigger than yourself cause when somebody comes up to me and wishes me a holiday from a religion maybe I don't celebrate. If somebody said "Happy Hanukkah" to me, I'd wish "Merry Christmas" back. You know what? We'd be fine with it. You wanna know why? Because we're both sharing something that we believe is bigger than ourselves. That is putting effort into that. That is celebrating something that is wonderful and loving and unbelievable. It's putting that effort into Christmas. It's us sharing something that is so great and fantastic. Let me show you something. Follow me, Mr. Camera Man. Follow me.

Nostalgia Critic:
[Lois Lane ranks #6 on the list] Well, you know you can't have a dumbass in distress without mentioning her. A lot of this depends on what version you go to, though. If you go to the older comics, she's just a dimwit who needs rescuing. Black-and-white show: dimwit. Old cartoon: dimwit. By the time the movies hit, though, she was a little bit more developed and grew much more attitude. The same thing can be said for the animated series, where they turned her into a much more cynical and enjoyable character. But you could make the argument that this only made her worse. In the old days, it was just common for women to just be the reward for the man and, therefore, be underdeveloped. But with the movie and the cartoon, they developed her as a tough, no-nonsense person. She would do anything to get the story and was determined to put her all into it. So, really, her being kidnapped all the time doesn't make a whole lot of sense. I guess the idea is that she's way in over her head, but they established that she can be really smart, and a smart person wouldn't constantly need someone to save her. She could probably take care of herself. By doing this, she becomes less of a character and more of an annoyance. You just want to say, "Dude, don't go in there, you KNOW what's gonna happen. TAKE THE HINT!" This also makes her maybe a little bit too reliable on Superman. For someone so smart and independent, she sure is willing to just throw herself for him, isn't she? They even poke fun of how many times Superman rescues her.

Nostalgia Critic:
It doesn't matter if you show how goofy or campy or silly it was, because that's what people liked about it to begin with. It's like Ninja Turtles or He-Man or Transformers or something like that. Yeah it was stupid, but I still think fondly of it because it was my childhood escape. I didn't enjoy Power Rangers, but it wasn't meant for me. It was for a younger generation of people to look back and enjoy how preposterously over-the-top it was. Get the picture?

Rita Repulsa:
No! I will continue to show the picture to the world, tormenting everybody who watches it!

Nostalgia Critic:
How the hell am I gonna stop her from forcing everybody to watch this movie? I mean if somebody who really hated the show couldn't stop it, then... That's it. Green Ranger, go!

[the Green Ranger teleports into the cockpit and removes his helmet to reveal Linkara]

So why do they give up their Zeo Powers? There's nothing wrong with them, they just switched out from Zeo to Turbo! So everytime that Rita throws her staff down, does she just, like, magic it back up everytime or is there like a big, long fishing line and she just pulls it back up really really hard?

Rita Repulsa:
No! It's too geeky! It's too geeky!

What the hell is up with that? How is Rita an Empress of Evil if it turns out Lord Zedd is actually higher up in the food chain? And how is he an Emperor of Evil if there's actually a guy who's higher up even than him?

Rita Repulsa:

Nostalgia Critic:
Thanks, Linkara. You saved the day with your disturbed obsession.

How the hell bad is the economy of Angel Grove considering they have an abandoned warehouse district that always seems to be destroyed? It must be a huge freaking area!

[Linkara is teleported out before he can finish ranting]

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